The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 24, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 71
May have Led in times past,
1 But We..
& Are in the race now and getting to
g the front in a -way to cause a panic 3
g It will pay you to see ourgoodB 3
jg and get our prices before buying
1 Carpets. Furniture, Etc. j
Farm Implements,
Buggies, Wagons,
Windmills, Pumps,
Real Estate, Loans Ins ranee
L Five Cent Cigar JZ
Colorado Springs Wins.
In the game of ball yesterday
between the Colorado Springs
league team and the Union Pacifies
resulted In a score of five to ten in
favor of the former. The cyclone
occurred In the first luntng when
the locals made three costly crrorB
and. the visitors pranced around the
diamond bIx times. But for this
unfortunate inning the game would
have been an excellent exhibition
of faBt ball.
The game was somewhat of a
"lugging match, the visitors mak-
ing nine nits, two ot which were
three baggers, off of Pendergraft
and the locals ten off of Gaston.ouc
one of which was a two bagger and
two three-bagger. Gaslon'struck out
six and Pendergraft five. The
Coloradoans were chargeable with
four errors and the locals with four.
The feature of the game were
fly catches by Maryott, Blaine
Kitzmlller and Cope, Burman be
hind the bat for the locals played
a great game.
Some in the audience were in
clined to think that the visitors'
errors were Mioss" plays, but in
this they were mistaken; league
nlavers make errors as well as
ft j
The score by innings:
Colorado Spriugs-G 04000000
North Platte 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Official information has been re
ceived of the report that a new
company is to be organized for the
nurnoae of consolidating all the
Vandcrbilt lines under one finan
cial head and under one manage
ment. It may be some time, how
ever, before the plan is worked out
in all its details and made ready for
submission to W. K. Vandcrbilt,
who has given the matter consider
able study. A name has not been
selected for the new concern, but it
Ib understood that the "New York
Central company1' is the name at
present most favored. Probably
the plan adopted by the Pennsyl
vania company in April, 1870,
whereby all the lines west of Pitts
burg were placed -under onecontrol,
Will be followed by the Vanderbilt
A S. Gregg, who was down
from Willard Saturday, says the
corn crop in that section will be
very light. There is plenty of hay,
however, and cattlemen will have
feed for stock in case of an extreme
Meil Karth returned Sunday
night from a weeks visit in Omaha.
The work of setting the poles for
the electric light system began
"Blaine Kitzmiller has accepted a
permanent position in Warner's
furniture store.
Mrs. Ida Lucas of Springfield,
III., is the guest of Mrs. A. B.
Yates and Mrs. Oscar Lock.
J. W. Abbot, formerly of Jules-
burg, is the new day agent at Ilcr-
The highways are getting in very
fair condition again for travel in
the vallcv.
James Wilson sold a fine team ot
mules last week to parties at the
county capital who were purchasing
horses for the St. Louis market.
The democratic county conven
tion held at the county 6cat laBt
Saturday was not attended by any
from up this way. There arc a
number of antt-fuslonists in the
populist and democrat parties in
this section who will not support
the fusion ticket now in the field.
Mrs. Dora Goodwin of Belvldere,
Neb., visited relatives and friends
at Hershey last week enroute to
Washington where her husband is
at present located,
J. H. McConncll and wife and
Mrs. G. W. Brown of Hershey were
shopping and transacting other
business at the county Beat Satur
J, II. Hershey Is having lumber
Bhipped from Omaha with which to
construct out buildings that were
consumed by fire about two months
since on his ranch near Hershey
He Is also erecting a large addition
to tho residence on his ranch occu
pied by J. K. ISshelman and tamily
Miss Kate Sullivan of Nichols
who hadbecn visiting relatives nnd
old time friends in southern Wis
consin for the past year, returned
home recently. She reports a
pleasant, visit at the scenes of her
childhood days. Her numerous
friends welcome her back to her
home in this locality.
Mrs. Mickelsen and daughter
Garnett, who had teen visiting
relatives and friends at Rock
Island, 111., during the past sum
mer.aye returned to their home
at ''llerBhey. Mr. ftfickclsen met
them at Omaha and accompanied
them home.
Roy Robinson has returned home
from a short visit in Geneva.
Miss Auna Schwaiirer, who is
teaching in the Hershey schools,
spent Saturday nnd Sunday at her
home in North Platte.
The dance given by Mr. and Mrs.
C. S. Trovillo in the ISllison rest-
laying the flying squadron off Clen
(5) Why was the retrograde
movement from Santiago ordered?
(6) Was the blockade ot Santi
ago liarbcr made by sen icy auc-
(7) Regarding the famous loop
made by the Brooklyn during the
battle ol Santiago Was this loop
a proper movement?
(8) Was Schley's controversy
with Lieutenant llobaon regard
ing this loop proper?
(9) What was the propriety of
the ensuing correspondence regard
ing the subject?
(10) Why was so much time
consumed In coiner from Cicnfueiros Sapoho per plur 9c. 3 for. . . .
to Santiago? Lewis' M'c per cm
(II) What was the condition of icrry war i-O'c per can . . .
the squadron In regard to the coal ocmiunff a .uesi ouuu, pui
supply, was there any reason for .1 b o (i ' ' V".
goiug to Key West for coal, and . 1
did Schley afterward make accu- nwi.rhf' u Rniln. nomku
rate reports cqnecrning this sub- ji, cau 0f Chipped Ucef
At the size of last month's
grocery bill were you? Bet
tcr pay cask and be surprised
at the saving made. Every
month opens the eyes ot a
few more. Are you next?
We Sell
Tomatoes, per can. 10c .
Snider 's Catsup, pints 23c
Snidcr's Catsup, 1-2 pint. . . .. 14
Searchlight Matches per box 0,4 ,
Gold Dust, 4-lh pkff 18
Pcarlinc per pkg 04
r. , ' i - f t n F
Walter Bakers' Cocoa
rnnu. -in
WH3XBRN NEBRASKA NEWS. r rt.,f , 1K ' ' nn
Lemons per doz 4 25
at Bayard today. Silver Gloss Starch .08',
Bayard has just completed a new Kingsford's Corn Starch .... .08
school building 44x52, two stories Yeast 1 o am 2 pkga OS
high, and the people are iustly gffiU 1.8;
Prou1 of Kerosene Oil per gal
The Burlington railroad has re- Sage, i lb 0B.
opened the station at Lowell, Hops, lb pk 04 '
which lmrl limn pinned for Hcveral Vincirar. per gal 24
montliH. rucrcase of business in ArbucUlc's Coffee 2 plcga...
that locality is assigned as the
A barber at ScottB Bluffa named
Miller expressed delight at the
Lion Coffee 2 pkgs
XXXX Coffee 2 pkgs
Rock Salt per hundred 80
Salt 140-lb Sack 95
Table Salt 2 sacks 05
news of McKinley's death. He was Gothenburg1 Best Patent
promptly railroaded out of that vil
lage and upon reaching Alliance
iound a reception committee Of two
hundred who had fifty feet of rope.
Miller at once took to his IiccIb and
is supposed to be still running.
. stats nwi,
According to late reports the Ne
braska corn crop report for this
year is estimated at $25,400,000.
The first white settlement In Ne
braska was made at Bellevue. The
town received its name from a
The stockholders of the Farmer's
Telephone company at Srlbuer find
Flour per sack ...SI. 10'
Snow Flake Patent Flour
per sack $1.00
Red Seal Patent Flour per
sack 1.10
Jewel Patent Flour per sack 1.00
Corn Meal, 25 lb sack '35
S6Storc opvn , evenings until
8 o'clock.
Wilcox Department Store
it necessary to borrow $700 before
deuce on Friday night last was well they can complete their hue.
attended and all those in attend- FamcrB in Cherry county are
ance report a jolly time from Btart ,naiing large cisterns In which to
to finish. It was a regular oiu
fashioned affair accompanied by
lots of fun for all.
W. T. Wilcox and H. S. Rldgley
store water in case of another dry
season like thejonc this year.
A small boy at O'Neill define a
lie as being "an abomination in the
a s
who can make and repair,
Shoes, but there arc few
who can equal and none
that can surpass us.
Iwn able attorney, oi Hi. county oflhe Lord Mi a cvct
1. - 1 .t rtr fl rlUfLf I .. ..
HI! 111. WC C UU II1IO TUT VI Mtawn
Pall Hardware
The North Platte Pharmacy,
Free Sample Shade Cards.
Exclusive Agents.
Baker Painted Barbed Wire
per cwt 3.80
Baker Galvanized Barbed
Wire per cwt 4.10
Best (i-inch Steel Stove Pipe
per joint 15
6-in. Common Elbow 10
6-in Adjustable Elbow 15
6-in Dampher 10
6-4 Oil Cioth Binding 15
8-4 Oilcloth Binding 20
8d Nails, per lb 04
Fence Stuplos, per lb 04
Maydolc Hammer 55
26-in Hand Saw 0o
Good Brace ; 45
Good Ratchet Brace 85
Jlb box All Copper Rivets 18
No. 8 Galvanized Boiler. . . . 95
12-qt Galvnnized Pail 20
Shot, 3 lbs 25
Gunpowder, per lb 30
aj ani?.RWTM &. WTF.TJAArS' 22 Cartridges, per box 15
jxum u.uu u.uuua - l2.Gaugc Loaded Shells, per
pahmt Wo linvo. hfip.n handlincr this make for box 45
,10 Gauge Loaded Shells, per
manv vears and have found that it gives excel- box so
" m n . "NT... u: ....1 l.".4..
It may cost S1lnu nor iimidro,i ' . .
hunt the latter part of last week.
Mrs. Fanny Brooks will haye a
new trame stable for burses erected
this tall on her farm at Nichols.
Miss Jennie Ware, who Is teach-
ing in me worm tr iaii; acuuuio,
sncnt Saturday and Sunday with
her parents west of Heraney.
Owing to a shortage of seed there
will not be as large an acreage of
fall irrain sown In the valley as
. . . n
was at first anticipated.
A number of corn binders are
being used in the valley thlB sea
roh for cuttinir up that article for
for teed. It makes the best ot
coarse leeu wncn nanuicuuu me
proper way,
When You Buy Paint
MMBM1Mlllii mum
Buy Good Paint.,,
lent satisfaction m every instance, it may
a trifle more per gallon than inferior paints, but w G-9N-n;irP
it's cheapest in the end. It sticks and holds its
color longer than otner paint.
We can furnish you any color or quantity.
A. F. Streitz, Druggist.
open evenings until 8
Wilcox Department Store.
The SoUloy Hoard of Inquiry.
To manv the real question to be
decided bv the navy board of in
quiry appointed by Secretary Long
on the request of Rear Admiral
Schley, are not known, or they arc
not fully understood. A brief sum
mary ot the important features of
the case at this time may not be
amiss, lirictiy stated me ques
tions which the court faces are as
(1) What was the conduct of
Hear Admiral bcliley during the
Santiago campaign?
(2) When the Colon was sighted
in the entrance to Santiago liar
bor, did Schley make a proper
effort to capture or destroy her?
(3) Were the ships under Schley
at proper ranges when the attack
on the batteries at the entrance of
the harbor and the Spanish vessels
lying inside was made?
() What was the reason tor dc
Bent help in time of tro uble."
When a ball game is pulled off at
Bancroft every business house in
the town 1b closed and a sigu out
the postofiice reads; 'Closed until
after the ball game."
Coyotes killed sixty chickens in
one uencoop near waiawen, in
ScottB Bluffs county, Ihe other
night, aud some of the local preach
ers arc talking of having a wolf
hunt soon.
During the temporary absence ot
the Tamora postmaster a few days
ago, a sneak thief entered the office
and stole over $1000 in caBh, negoti
able notes and certificatea of
Magcie Bird, a twelve year old
girl, who was working in the Ne
braska City canning laciory,
caught her hair on one of the re
volving shatts.anu was nearly uuieu
before she was rescued.
Wm. Gaunt,
Blacksmith and
Horse Shoeing a Specialty;
Horse Shoeing $4 per Team.
Also reductions in the price of all
other work. Work guaranteed or
money refunded. Give us a call.
Locust street Bouth of YoBt's
harness store.
Shoe Repairing
A Specialty.
Always carry a select quality
of sole leather to please our
patrons and our aim is to
please as near as we can.
Colored Laces.
(jQt your colored laces at the
Yellow Front Shoe Hospital.
horndp)orlook?? mil il
".U"0'0- fe53SL 1 E Ell I I AM W
Plumber, Fiiiwurkcr
)eutljerottnndilUblo,putHlncon. 1111 1 , , III
IIIMA dlrtMlon'SV General Kopairer.
MmEXlUll, M ,wkH ! cmi-411 ) III Ull
1 1, iii. tiM, kr M il lull
I iks. oil co. jMMm Special attention given to
Horse a