ftfce Jtoth fistic SEVENTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER 20, 1901. NO. 70 1 i i; f iAatUlUAAliMIUMatU AAA AAA AAA Others... $ May have I But We... ! Carpets, Furniture, Etc. 1 C. A. HOWE 3 uiiuiuiumiumiiiiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuuiiuuiuiiuium JOSEPH HERSHEY, WINDMILLS i PUMPS SPIPES AND. FITTINGS, BARB WIRE ROUND AND HALF ROUND STOCK TANKS .LOCUST STREET, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. 7ix JOHN BR ATT. JOHN BR ATT & CO., Real Estate, Loans Insorance A: NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X 19 Jt-l.ofor'oM.ooi-.A-xvy nanli lxx XikTotoraaXjca. Five- Cent Cigar to is ASK ANY PAINTER ABOUT HEATH & MILLIGAN PAINTS The North Platte Pharmacy, Exclusive Agents. Free Sample Shade Cards. When You Buy Paint Buy Good Paint,.. And that means SHERWIN & WILLIAMS' PAINT. We have been handling this make for many years and have found that it gives excel lent satisfaction in every instance. It may cost a trifle more per gallon than inferior paints, but it's cheapest in the end. It sticks and holds its color longer than other paint. We can furnish (you any color or quantity. A. F. Streitz, Druggist. AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA Led in times past, Are in the race now and getting to the front in a way to cause a panic It will pay you to see our goods and get our prices before buying DEALER IN Farm Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Windmills, Pumps, E R. GOODMAN. Attempt to Blackmail. John Howard Hunt and Rufua Edwin Bellamy were arraigned be fore Judge Baldwin yesterday morning on the charge of attempt ing to blackmail M. R. Magnusscn and the case was continued until this afternoon. The story is as follows; Mag nusscn, who lives southwest of town, managed to ratse and ell about three hundred dollars worth of watermelons and Hunt and Bellamy, who were temporarily working for him, became possesed of socialistic ideas and laid a scheme which they hoped would re suit in a distribution of MagnuB sen's wealth. They adopted the plan which Pat Crowe is supposed to have successfully worked on 15d Cudahv but in this instance it didn't pan out. Tuesday morning Magnusscn re ceived a letter demanding that he deposit the sum of three hundred dollars at a certain spot not later than Tncsday evening, and that if he failed to do so the services of an undertaker would be needed at the Magnusscn home. This demand and threat did not seem to frighten Aiagnussen; lie regarded it as a bluff and he called , it by having Hunt and Bellamy arrested as the authors of the letter, The cbarec under which the two men were arrested is a serious one and the statutes proyide a penalty of from one to three years impris onment. DICKENS DOINGS. Mrs. Julia JolliiF of Somerset, but formerly ot Dickens, is visiting her son Daniel and other relatives this week. She is contemplating a trip to California soon. Rcy. Prank Johnson took a load of eggs to North Platte for Cecil .Tiiell this, week,-. Engine No. 45 set fire in the grass Saturday which was discov ered by W H. Seeleye and wife before it got fairly started and iought it out or it would undoubt edly have burned up many tons of teed. George Rhodes is building a neat little house by the Griffith school house. John Huhlitz, a cattle man from over north, came down to church Sunday evening. The deep bass voice of Cecil Tuell was misBed in the choir Sun day. Three tenths of an inch of rain fell Wednesday evening, Fireman Bushnell of Cheyenne returned to Cheyenne today after visiting friends in town for a cou ple of days. Joe Schwaiger, who was 6ent to the KansaB division several weeks ago, haB returned and will resume work today, Pall Hardware Baker Painted Barbed Wire per cwt 3.80 Baker Galvanized Barbed Wire per cwt 4.10 Best 6-inch Steel Stove Pipe per joint ii 6-in. Common Elbow 10 6-in Adjustable Elbow IS 6-in Dam phcr 10 6-4 Oil Cioth Binding- 15 8-4 Oilcloth Binding- 20 HU JNails, per lb 04 b ence staples, per lb 04 Maydolc Hammer.! 55 26-in Hand Saw. . ... 6q (jood Brace 45 Good Ratchet Brace 85 Vt box All Copper Rivets 18 No. 8 Galvanized Boiler.... 95 12-qt Galvanized Pail 20 Shot. 3 lbs 25 Gunpowder, per lb 30 22 Cartridges, per box 15 12-ijauge loaded bhclls, per box 45 10 Gauge Loaded Shells, per box 50 12 Gauge New Rival Empty bhclls, per hundred .... 75 10 Gauge New Rival Empty bhclls, per hundred.... 80 Store open evenings until 8 o'clock. Wilcox Department Store. Theodore Xooitvelt. Born October 27, 1858, in New York City, Graduated from Harvard univer sity, 1880. Member of the legislature 1882-4. Defeated candidate tor mayor of New York, 1886. Natioual civil service commission 1889-95. President New York police board 1895-97. Assistant secretary of the United Slates navy, 1897-98, Resigned to organize First United States volunteer cavalry (Roosevelt rough riders) to engage in war with Spain. Was lieuten ant colonel of the regiment. Promoted for gallantry at the battle of La Quasina. Elected governor of New York, November. 1897. Nominated an vice president with William McKinley as presi dent, by the republican convention of 1900 and elected. President of the United States, taking oath of office September 14, sccceeding William McKinley who was shot by an assassin. Author of Winning of the West, Life of Gouverneur Morris, Naval War of 1812. and works on hunting and western ranch life. STATE NEWS. Leo May, a youth of Louisville, who has been reading Nick Carter's novels, broke into a farm house and carried off two empty pocket books, a revolver and $11 in pen nies belonging to a Sunday-school treasurer. He is in jail. The peach and plum crop in Ne braska is larger this year than has been known for a quarter of cen tury. Csolgosz has been hung in effigy in a score ot Nebraska towns, and there will be no rest until Czolgosz himself is hung. A great many people who had never before watched the little rub ber ball pas from one shell to an other, laid down their good money at the Fairbury fair last week and became wise. C. L. Patterson, a merchant of Superior, crawled in behind some boxes in the cellar of his store and blew his brains out with a revolycr. Ill health is said to be the cause of his rash act. The Fremont Tribune thinks that when live hogs bring 6 cent a pound on the market they are valuable enough to vote. Well many of them have been voting for years. York county postponed its fair until the first week in October on account of the heavy rains that were sent in September but which were due in July and August. O. J Olson, a Lincoln dealer in wall paper, suddenly dropped out of sight. He left an anxious string of creditors who arc looking for what he owed them. The stock he left won't pay for invoicing, hardly. Chris Jacobs of Lincoln called Francis R. Clifton "spitsboob" and had to pay $1 and costs for using the word. 'Spitsboob" is German and means something like squeeze penny, signifying the fellow it was applied to was close fisted. Pat Ford, jr., of Omaha haB ar rived in that city from Samoa, where he was stationed in the navy, He was on the Maine when it was blown up at Havana and after wards distinguished himself at Cienfuegos by going in a bmall boat under a galling (ire to help splice a cable, Members ot the Grand Army Post are entitled to credit for their work in draping the opera house tor the Mclvinlcy memorial services yesterday. Stood Death Off. E. H, Mumliiy, a liiwyor of llonriottn, Tex., otico foolud u Kriive-dkfKor,. j0 Buys: "My brother wub vory low with ninlnrin' fovor nnd jnundlco. I porsuudod him to try Elootrio Bittoro. nnd ho wns soon much bettor, but continuod tlioir uso until ho wis wholly cured. I nm euro Electric Bitters saved his lifo." Thin rouiedy expels mnlnrin, kills dlsoiiso Korms nnd piirifleB tho blood; nida diKostion, rcHiilnteB llvor, kidneys nnd bowolfl. euros constipation, dyspepsia, nervous disensee, kidnay troubles, fotnnlo coinplnintsj kIvob perfect honlth. Only ui) cenie ut nireiiz o drug store. BXTWBXX TXX XXVXKB. Winter attire has been donned to a considerable extent within the past few days. , Wm. Ware we arc told is still in a critical cotidition with but faint hopes of recovery. The McConnell boys recently sold Scebcrgcr & Co. 1200 bushels of wheat delivered on the cars at Hershey at 55 cents per bushel. Several parties in Hershey and vicinity will indulge in a Bocial dance in the hall at that place this evening, Owing to the numerous rains during the past six weeks, farmers in general are behind with their work so far this fall. Several farmers in this locality will erect new residences and barns the coming season among them are Louis Toillion and his brother John, The prospects now arc that there will be double the amount of milk delivered at the Nichols creamery the coming year as there was dur the past. Miss Jennie Ware losflicr pocket book between Hershey and Wm. Ware's farm one evening the last ot last week containing better than $12.00. A reward will be paid to the Gndcr by leaving the same at I. E. Ware & Co's store in Hershey. The recent frosts in thta section of the country did some damage to garden truck and late corn but otherwise the damage w.ib light. A daughter from Mo., nnd one from Minn., ate the guests of their father Samuel Harris and also of their sisters, Mesdames Cole, Weir and McLaughlin. They arrived at the county scat Wednesday, MrB. O. H. Eyerly and son Roy ot Hershey were thrown from their buggy while returning from the county scat 'not long ago, by the horse becoming frightened. The buggy was somewhat damaged and Mrs. Eyerly waB bruised to some extent. Another ralu visited this locality Wednesday night which Btoppcd haying and sowing fall grain for a short time. Coal dealer hayc been having a picnic lately in their line of busi ness. Chas. Toillion is selling al falfa hay to to different parties at the county Beat for seven dollars per ton, Richard Spurrier of Iowa is the gueBt of his brother N. B and family at Nichols. If he can se cure a ranch that suits him he will locate here. Mrs J. W. Prickett and mother Mrs. S, L. Funkhouscr were down to the county Beat the first of the week. J. C. Gyger of the Nichols crefm- cry delivered butter to parties at North Platte and also shipped some west from thare recently. J. W. Liies of Nichols delivered some fine home grown grapes to private houses at North Platte on Monday. L. C. Bowen of North Platte who has charge of the Farmers & Merr chants canal haB made several trips to the hcadgatcs of the same lately to gauge the water since the river commenced to raise. Fred Pierson the iusiou nominee for Bheriff was talking what he con siders businesB to some of the electors in tins vicinity recently. J, K. EBhleman sold and deliver- Soft Harness You can make rour hnr tirna m (oft at a muvo and fti tounh m wlro by (Ming BIJltUHA Ilnr no Oil. You run lenstbrn Hi llfe-mro It luit twice as long m It ordlnaru would. EUREKA Harness nuke a poor looklnc har nm Ilka nw. Mmlo of pura. litTy bodied oil, neclallv nrrnurrd to with. eiaud ibo wruturr. Bold everywhere In cane all alive. Ml bj STANDARD OIL CO, cd two wagon loads of new oats to North Platte parties recently at forty-five cents per bushel. Mr, and Mrs. Steve Albro are re joicing over the advent of a new daughter at their home. Surprised? a A . . a a a 4 t At the size ot last month s grocery bill were you? - Bet' ter pay cash and be surprised at the saving made. Every month opens the eyes of a few more. Arc you next? We Sell. Tomatoes, per can 10c Snidcr'a Catsup, pints 23c Snidcr'a Catsup, 1-2 pint. . . . 14 Searchlight Matches per box 04 uojd lJust, 4-lb pKg 18 Pcarlinc per pkg 04 Sapolio per pkg 'Jc. 3 for .... 25 Lewis' Lye per can . . , 08 Merry War Lvc per can .... 07 Schilling's Best Soda, per plcg 08 Arm & Hammer Soda, per pltgT .08 Dwight's Soda, per pkg, .... 08 A lb can of Chipped Beef. . . 10 Walter Bakers' Cocoa lb cans 25 Veal Loaf lb can 20 Lemons per doz, 25 Silver Gloss Starch 08 Kmgsford's Corn Starch.... 08 Yeast Foam 2 pkgs 05 On Time Yeast 2 pkgs 05 Granulated Sugar 15 lbs for 1.00 Kerosene Oil per gal 15 Sage, lb pkg 04 Hops, lb pkg 04 Vinegar, per gal 20 Arbucklc's Coffee 2 pkgs... 25 Lion Coffee 2 pkgs 25 XXXX Coffee 2 pkgs...... '25 Rock Salt per hundred . . . . 80 Salt 140-lb Sack U5 Table balt.2 sacks,,.., 05 Gothenburg Best " Patent Flour per sack . ..$1.10 Snow Flake Patent Flour per sack $1.00 Red Seal Patent Flour per sack 1,10 Jewel Patent Flou'r per sack 1.00 Corn Meal, 25 lb sack 35 6&f"Storc open eyenings until 8 o'clock. Wilcox Department Store T HERE ARE OTHERS i i who can make and repair Shoes, but there are lew who can equal and none that can surpass us. C. NEWMAN. Wm. Gauivt, Blacksmith atid Wagoiimaker. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Horse bhocini! S4 ner Team. Also reductions in the price of all other work. Work cruarantced or money refunded. Give us a call, Locust street south of Yobvs harness store. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics euro by acting directly upon tho illsoasc, without exciting disorder in my otkor part of tho By stem. 'jo. ctjbbi. men. 1 Farnrii Congestion!, Inflammation. .23 Si Wornu, Worm Kovcr.Vorra Colic... .US a-Teetlilri,Collo,Crylntf,Wakefulnel ,i3 d Diarrhea, o( Children or AdulU lift 7 Oougln, Coldl, Uronchltli 2ft 8 Neuralgia, Yootbacho, Faocaclio It 3 b-lleudnchc, Blck Headache, Vertigo., .lift 10 D y p c i la , ndlgci tlon ,Weak Btomacb.'i 3 1 lHtipiirci.ed or Painful 1'crlodi MS 1 V?-VliUe, Too Trofuio Perlodi !ift 13 (-'roup, LaryngllU, Hoorioneu 'J 3 1-1 Hall Illieum, KrjrilMljEruptloiu.. .'J 3 15 It h e u ni n 1 1 im , Illicit tnaila l'alm 'J 3 10 Malaria, Chlllt, Fever and Aguo -J 3 10-C'alarrh, Inliucnxa, Gold In the Head .US UO-Wliooplng.C'migli..,, , 'J 3 !i7-Kldney Dlienic. ,U5 SH-Nervoua'Deblllly l.o ,'10-lIrlnary Weakneia.WetUoglJed US 77-rlp, HsyVover ,,.... ,1iS Dr. Ilumiilirey; Manual of all Dhcaien at your UruKKtuti or Mailed Free. Hold uy UruKKliU. or Minion receiptor price.