Jfcmi- WM ftrUmtu FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1901. 1RAL BARE,EDiTonAWDPnopmrron an SUBSCRIPTION BATES. One tear, caiih In advance, L3 Six Monthi, cash In advance TS OtnU lrdttthNoHbPUtU(MbrMX)po)toffla(M ieeond-olasimaltar. 15. D. OwiiNft of Cozad and J. li. Mcintosh of Sidney have been se lected as members of the republi can state central committee from this senatorial district. Western Neiikaska was recog nized and honored by the republic can Btatc convention by the rcnom- ination of H. L. Goold of Ogalalla, for regent of the state university. The state convention recognized the past services of an excellent executive officer bv re-electing II. C. Lindsay chairman of the republican state central committee. Mr. Lindsay's work in last fall's cam- paign proved him to be an excellent man for the position. Reports from the com belt states agree that corn haB made a wonderful imorovemeut during the oast two weeks, and the estimates of the vicld have accordingly been raised. Of course the crop will be " ' I . short, but not so short by many millions Of bushels as was pre- dieted a month ago. There is no reason why the re- publicans of Lincoln county should not support inc. county ticKct as 1 solidly tins lall w tlicy uiu tuc presidential ticket last fall, ills just as Important that county uiiuiib ut wen iiiauuirtu ui mv; i ..... ... . .. I nanuB ot tuc rcpuu can party as it is that national affairs be handled not a man on thc republican county Inct that In nnr (iitit1icl tn thc support of every republican voter, The way to keep republican priuci- pies at the mast head is for rcpubli- cans to vote the ticket from precinct officers up. Bon FiTzaiMMONH, who lett the prize ring for the lecture platform, i trllflnn nnlnr nlnvna litnwa fnr I r moral tv nnrl fAmnnrnno Tn n r. cent lecture he used thc lollowlng language: "i never see n young i man 'dissipating but I feel like tak- ing him aside and telling him he is wasting his strength and squander- iijij hio uiaiu uuwci, uiiuuiuiiuK up for himself a legacy of dissappoint- mcnt ana suitcriug. it, is not a question of morals. It Is a ques- ttnn of nelf intirot. I.ifi !u lllrn n moi n . . . . ...... , be In thc finest possible condition td have anv chance of vlctnrv." , j. one of the plankB of the plat- form adopted by the republican state convention at Lincoln Wed- nesday reads ub follows: The right of every man to eniov the fruit of his labor should be insured by everr known safeiruard. It invn. I ion. either bv the blacklist or bv a ' t.- Kt i. mhIko m. ,vvn . wuttair iu tuc own ll ot Americau institutions, vtc rec- of uUe the right of wage workers to organize lor mutual protection and the promotion of mutual interests, ana we uemanu ior tliem most ample protection against coercion In any form. But we draw the line at violence and lawlessness, winch must be suppressed lor the maintain mice of Jaw uud order and thc preservation ol the liberties guar anteed to all, Upon the demand ol the republi can state convention that thc pa role ol Joe Dartly be at once re- ti i t- a .1 called, Bartley was at once taken tw wuoivwv UI1U IJiUCeU 1U IIIC I penitentiary Sncnlttmrnr tl,n ... . bpcaklngof the mat- r Savage said: The tcr Gpvcruor convention uttered the command audi have obeyed, i stiu think that when those who favored thia act on return to their homes and ,u, wwimi iu uicir iiomcs nnu, free from thc excitement o the calmlvand dlBDasalonntclv miv K i " nn un'jn""ltu eeat caimiy ana aiBpass onatcij, many nir impoo l yof fourteen at tho dintnii if not all of them will conclude aud tnblos, Tho parlor coinpartmont is agrree with me that It would be better for the taxpayers to have a Shortage of hundreds of thousands made good than to have Bartley i,, prison. One thing Is certain, and that is that Bartjey would have fHlBllcd the condltlona w,i,h imuiica me conuitions, wUIcli re- quired thc rcimburseiilcnt to the Ute, or he would have R0e back io tue penitentiary September 13 thc date on which his parole terml Mated. My one object waa to relUvr the taxpayers, That and Hon. s. h. sedowick, of otk, on the fourth ballot by the republi can state convention at Lincoln Wednesday. Judge Sedgwick 1b abie juriBt, a man wjti, a cican character and record, and is con ceded by all to be a strong candi date. The officers of the St. Louis world's fair expect to expend twelve million dollars on the build ings and about twenty-five millions on the wuoic iair, wuicu is a greater amount than was expended oil the world's fair at Chicago. Thc St, Louis exposition will no doubt exceed anything of the kind that has ever been attempted Over in Iowa the Methodist brethren arc passing resolutions denouncing Cummings, the rcpubli can candidate for governor aB the tool ot tne liquor ucaiers, anu promise to fight him to the finish. Cummins was not in favor of the prohibition amendment to tuc state constitution when it waa adopted hence the uprising of the Methodist oreturcn. im; umaua ucc says uiai braska's new game law is coming " r us snare oi attention irom eastern sportsmen just now. The features most commented on are uiose which piacc restriction!-, on .. 4 1 I f c uuiucr ana atioru real protcc 1! i 11. l - J 11 f ..!! 1 1 n tu mc onus, h is ucncvcu uy those who Have the interest ot true snort at heart that the Nebraska law wlu be found one of thc wiBe8t cvcr irame( for the preservation of wild game. mmv acquaintance with Coloncl Copper of thc Era wil ,,. ,.,.. n,.i i. .vni v iiiuu any unc iiiili jju i me f , . . , ., , , . ., nf M A wli4 1 rt ntnM 1mm ..ti1 .. pose bonc m 1,,s vcst Pockct U "at I1C IS 51 political SCCr IS proven, he alleges, by the fore cast he made of the republican ticket prior to the convention Like other forecasters if he chances to make one hit in a hun drcd guesses he thinks he is entitled to great credit a rs i t. r ".v.umu IU UIU UW Ul W1U loca fuaionists "great dissrtis v.aioio muuu lujmu licans over thc ticket nominated last Saturday. This, of course is a fusion lairy talc, it is one o tneir mctiious ot nronninu- tin their failing courage. Lincoln rmmtv ron.,i,li,.nnu m m L d ft fa ' f fc . ; I a . . , , ,. iv wuhvuiiuuh ami iusi, taKC incir lcfcat wlth S00(1 Kracc and hav no SOrc spots the catltcsts ...... were iainy conducted and with out bitterness. To Save Her Child. From frightful diallgurotnont, Mrs Bonnie Qollogor, ot ha arniiBo.Gn., nt nlil1 Uuoklon's Arnica Snlvo to ront om on hor bond imd fnco, nnd wrltoa if t i ... w 1U,0K uuro oxooouea nn nor hopes, " wor.k8 wondorfl.in Soros, UruisoB, Skin KfUntlOnB. UlltB. Ilnrnn Hna ila nn.l Pllnc pwo. uuro gunrantuod by A. F- StreitK -"ruggw. Illinois Centra AN INNOVATION. Elegant Now Dinin-Parlor OaraBotwoon Chicago and Omaha on the Fast Mall. Those combination cars, which havo vuiiiwiiiiiiiuii utiiD. Wilicil Iinvn boon especially llttcd up for Borvico bo- P,ny shops, nro run went bound from bliioiiuo on Past Mull, train No. fi, and enet bouml from Onnilnf V"UWJ tt uuu uuhhiu ut 1110 com tmm? 011 11,0 u,,i"ttH kI'bh, train No desl;:;,1:r;;ss,stim, 4.,ly ,mvo n th0 fwturoa of a regular ,n'Konrntr a l'ullman parlor car, the twoboinirin Heparato oomimrtmontH and entirely ImloiwmlonL ono from t m otlior. Ihedininir uompnrtmont htm a T' i.L".?r"Ts'!aa B01upH arnlohahs 'Se M""?, ;oinfortablo, boini: of a now and J E1 , "r Iowa for tho moet part by dnylluht. this "novation In enr ciuipiiiculf In mldttlon 0 Ua ."vonlonco for through pnuson k-ore, la ospocmlly ndvunlnuouus for 9nm,!R uml CIiIcuko imsaencors to or " Hff Z artiuu lira na tn thlo nmi ntt... ri iiuum vvoiurai trttitiBorvioo botweon Chi enffo and Dubiiiiuo, Sioux City, Sioux ? R'Ib. Council DIulTs nnd Omnha of your local tioUot BKent. or by addrosalnif the nearest .of th followln: J. P. Merry, Brill, D, I, A., Omshn, Nob. - . . ...... uvitui I If a Woman I it wants to put out a fire she dsesn't O hun nn oil and wood. She throws V fican nn oil and wood. She throws ;! on water.knawlnethat waterquenches O fire. When a woman wants to get li JJ well from diseases peculiar to her sex, I? hm tintiM not add fuel to the fire already burning her life away. She KhmiM not take worthless drups and I potions composed of harmful narcot- r f i i . irL J . I ics ana opiates, incuujiui cnccit the disease they do not cure It they simply add fuel to the fire. uraaueias remaie Regulator should be taken by every woman or girl who has the slightest suspicion of any ot me an menu which af flict women. They will limply bo wailing time until they take It. The Kesulatori a purify InR, itrengthenlnK .tonic, which gets ;at thorootiof the ddeaieandcurei thecauie. It does not dru? tho pain, It eradicates It. It itops falling of the womb, leucorrhea. Inflammation and periodical luflerinir, ir regular, icanty or painful menitruatlon; nnd by doing all thin drives away the hundred and one aches and pains which drain health and beauty, happiness and good temper from many a woman's fife. It Is the one remedy above all others which every woman should know about and uie. 1X0 per bottle at any drug itor. Send fornnr frr. Illustrated book. The Brdftetd eguhtor Co. 4 AtUnU, Gi, Progressive People require their garments to be progressive also. They want the latest ideas and styles in fabric, pattern, cut and fit That is why they get their cloth ing made to or.dcr at Brockcr's The latest fall patterns are now ready. Wc arc ready for your order. F. J. Btoekei-. Wm. Gauit, Blacksmith and Wagonmaker. Horse Shoeing a Specialty Horse Shocinc S4 ocr Team. Also reductions in the price of al otner worn. worK r'uaranteed, or money refunded. Give ub a call LocuBt. street south of Yost harness store. STEBBINS' STABLE. Liycry, Feed, Boarding and Sale NEW RIGS, Accommodations Good. Feed per team to hay, 35 cents night; noon feed 15 cents. L 'Phono 101. North I'lnttc, Stebbins, Nebraska. Two Years You ware adtlied. IF A HENTER, Farmer' ion luniDie, owing to high vilutt ol land.to tecura a larm near jour old homo), or firmer bun denid ih tiutlon, hein mort igei. Impottrlihtd toll or lillum ol crop, to teeuro FREE IGO Acre Homestead Ln.M?.NIT0M A58INIB0IA. 8AS. SSIfHEWAN 0B ALBERT, the GRAIN and 6RAZINQ DISTRICTS fcl FERTILE WESTERN CANADA. )!tf.i .Jt'f l nu7 wwaud. am) the oSar of free farm to 9nti male QT.t elghta.n mn ot ua aa 'i Sim maT. 1,m4 0f a faiiUy la maKl wllir.v,,..""k,u'. SrJfl'i ,l.v,ftt onBlnt. cil- W. V. BENNETT, 101 N. r. I.IfeDldr, Omaha, U iu.ii ww rnawM I SBlow! Blow! It is natural for some people in business to BLOW. It is not our object to BLOW, give glowing descriptions, or make risky assertions in prices. This is no circus bill and we have no red lemonade for sale. Plain, facts go farther than fiction which will not bear investigation Our goods speak for themselves. No llowery figures of price are necessary. A. L. DAVIS, 4r THE : Torth f latte ftlocir : Mi.................... JylafjLifactUfed by NfofU? Platte poller fljiiis Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska. p. Ti'iai Sack urjill Covlf)cc yoii of its fljeit North Platte Roller Mills C F. I DD1NCS r This mountain is i, 100 feet high, and between Laramie and Rawlins, for 117 miles, it is constantly in sight. This is in the Medicine Bow Mountains, one of the historical ranges of the west,n over which roamed at one time great herds of Elk, from which the mountain was named. Other famous landmarks are also seen all along this line. B. H. U Shoe Repairing A Specialty. Always carry a select quality of sole leather to please our patrons and our aim is to please as near as we can. Colored Laces. Get your colored laces at the Yellow Front Shoe Hospital. GEO TEKULVE Ralston & Fonda Livo Stook Commission Merchants, Union Stock Yards, South Omaha. Uy i;ood Bales nnd courteous treatment our customers navo ooconio our uesi solicitors. Wo nro fully equipped to lianUlo nil biiBlnosu entrusted to our unro and can olTor unoiualod servlco nnd nbsolute snfoty. Givo ub a trial nnd we will convince you. Murlcot ro ports furnished on nppliontion. Wo ro for by permission to First Nntionnl Bank of North Pintle. FOR SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, And all kinds of Farm Machinery. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK 8 SALISBURY NORTH PLATTE. Blow! HARDWARE MAN ELK MOUNTAIN WYOMING. GENGE, Agent PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. E. MoCAW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Huffman's Millinery Store WORTH 1 LATTE. - - PlEUItASKA. 0. V. BEDELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offices: North Platte National Bank Building North Platte, Neb. Jl V. DENNIS, M. D., HOMOEOPATHIST, Over rirat MaUonal Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ' J, S. HOAOLAND. W, V. HOAOLAND HoaglandA, Hoagland. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS Offlc titer Mr. IliifTmall'a Millinery Htnrn. NORTH PLATTK, - - N15UHAHKA w ILCOX Sc HALLIGAN, ATT0RNEY8-AT.LAW. fOHTII PLATTE, - - - NEBRA8KA Offloa oyer North Platu National Bank, H. S. RIDGELY, ATTORNH Y- AT-LA W . Otllce Mo Don u Id Block, Dewey street. NORTH i'LiATTJS, - - NEBRASKA JJR.G, B. DENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, omce over Tost Office. Telephone 115. North Plntto, - - - Nebrnskn. A. " DAVIS, 1 ATTO RNE Y-AT.LA W. NORTH PLATTE,, - - NEBRASKA Urndy Uloek Rsbms 12. p C. PATTERSON, Worn by-ht- lk, Office over Yellow Front Shoo Store NORTH PLATTE. NEB. L. E. ROCHE, ATTORNBY.AT-LAW, Hinman Block, . Dkwev Street, North Platte, Nebraska. wiriaaViii. VuvaPi . IM4CMAMM81 Nvtiicaig. Cheap K VIA Illinois Central Railroad PROH OflArlA. St. Paul nnd roturn, Aug. 11th vj oi.ni , ., , ,gl2 (J,, Minneapolis nnd roturn, Aug. 11th to 31st jo (j5 Duluth and return. Ava. mi. to 31st 10 95 Waseca nnd roturn, Aug. 11th to 31st Waterville nnd return, Aug. 11th to3lBt , 10 C8 Madison Lake nnd roturn, Aug. 11th to 31st 10 08 Now York nnd return, nvnrv lnv . t nrt Clovoland.Ohio nnd return, Sept. 7th to 11th 21.00 Buffalo nnd return, nvnrv .tn nr. m Circuit toura vln tho Great Lnkna to Bnffnlo nnd Intermedlnte points. Stnto rooms resorved In mlvnn n.,n ru., Ticket Ofllco, 1402 Prnm St fo pa- A., I. C. K. R., Omnhn, Nob. LSOAI. NOTICES TIMBEU CULTUItr, FINAI. I'ltOOF-NOTlOK FOK 1'OULIOATION Lund Offlct North Vlalte. Neb. .. . , , AOtfjit ,Ji, 1001. Notice In bereby Rlren thnt Fetor (1 i iM.tflld nol,c ' Inteotloa to make floal proof before real.ter i.n.1 receive? uVSJand SSJ. '".Kft.' Monday the YfSSr iVopMMw culture appli cation No. ia,6l, for the enst half of north west quarter nnd ols 1 and 2 of aecUon B. in township No. 0, lOwnilllln Wn O nnK . :. . ' ' ui oniu r. si. weit natnea aa wltnoMes: n1 neebout, all of Wallace, Nub. OEOBOBE. FlIKHOn. Hefflnt.r. Notice for publication. Land Olllct) at North Platte, Nob. ) ,,,., Aujrust 13th, 1001. f Notice la hernbr aivn iw ih ,.u,.,i!.... named eottler haa nloH nniln. nr 1.1. ?i'il,.rr.1?fJn ,uPPort of hlH claim and that VLEt0?f.'ll. atfo fre reenter nnd re SSASSPW."" N"" Platte. WILLIAM H. MOOHEUOOBE, SnSElrL', homejtoad Entrr No. 18,482 for .HTn,.T.wq?rt0.lo,.,he northeast quarter S5?.?P. .half PJ ?thc' quarter aud southwest ? Suf outh,eat quarter of aectlon 4, town 18, north ranse SS ot. He names the followlriK wltnensesto prove his f.i ,n.nous "'dcncoupon and cnlUvatloti of said land, U: Wlliard O. Benewa. John M!llr. T.. Hrii and Bnraotta J, Wllion all of Paxton. Neb. -"" u"o. iJ. FnKKOJi, RcRlatBr. NOTI0K FOIt PUBLICATION. Land Omce at North riatle. Neb., ) ,, , . , , AUKUst 11. 1901. f Notice la hyreby Riven that the lollowlng-named rettler haa nied notion nf hi. in.nii . JZ" final Proof; In aupnort of hla claim, and that, wild proof will be made bdfnrK nni.i.l. . n.i ti JNorth Platte, Neb., on Heptombcraird, 1001, LOUIR 1IIIBLITZ I!,i!2Kma.d.0 H9P'J Entry No. 16711 for Uio north half aoatheaat quarter, aouthen?t quarter northeast naarter. niirthi n..n. .... Jt Jtan flectlonll. Town 0, north, Uan8e 28 west He names the following witnesses to prove hla oontlnuone reeldense upon and cultivation of said puIV lrDickcD N,b- Wlle' Mtbewa ot North Platte, Neb., and B. P. Baker ot North Platte. Neo. ' B OKORQK K. TKRNOH. Relter. OHDEU OF HEARING. . . uTll2 8,a.,e ot Nebraska, Lincoln county, mi. In Iho County Court, AuRUst 10, 1WI1 In the matter of tho estate of Thomas M. Dawson, deceased. On reading nnd filing tho poUUon of JJ. 8. Dawson praying that admlnlatratlon ot said estate may bo granted to him as administrator. Ordered, That Hept. 14, A, V., 11101, at U o'clock, a. m la assigned for hearing anld pcUtlon, when oil persona Interested In wild matter may appear at a county court to bo held In and for said county, and show causo why the prayer of petl tlonor should not bo granted. A. H. ali!( BALDWIN. County Judge. IF GOING EAST or south of Chicago ask your lo cal ticket agent to route you be tween Omaha and Chicago via thc 'Milwaukee the shortest line between the two cities. Trains via this popular road depart from the Union de pot, Omaha, daily, connecting with trains from the west. Mag nificently equipped trains, pal ace sleepers and free reclining chair cars. Dining curs and buf fet, library and smoking cars. All trains lighted by electricity. For full information about rates, etc., address, F. A. NASH, General Western Agent, 1504 Farnani St., OMAHA. II.JW. Ilowpxt., Trav. Frt, and Pass. Agt. Sealed Bid's, Sealed bids will be received at the office of the county clerk up io noon of the 2d day of September, i901, for the building of six jetties 50 feet lotijf, extending into the river .Irom the south bank of the main channel ol the North Platte river near Brady Island. Said jetties to be built of willows and dirt, twenty feet wide on the top and one foot above the level of the bank ot the river. The willows standing near by can. be had with out coat to the bidder, and dirt can be had off the batik near said jetties, Bids to be by the lineal foot and work to be done under supervision ot the county commissioners, The commissioners reserve the right to reject, any and, all bids. uateu Aug. io, ivui. W. M. Howry, County Clerk. Summer