The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 16, 1901, Image 5

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Fresh Cut Glass
and Hand
Decorated China
We liave a handsome line
of tbc above pieces suit
able for Wddding aud
Dirthdar Presents. Sou
venir Spoons, ndveltica in
Silver, Secret Lockets and
Chains. A fine lot of
Watches, Umbrellag and
Canes, and in fact any
thing you can wish for in
our line. Would be
pleased to have you call.
She rai - Wftirti, tannine.
( FRIDAY, AUGUST 1G, 1901.
G. T. Field and W. M. Cunning-
. ham transacted business in Suthcr
land latt evening.
.C. L. Patterson will begin. grad-
inir county roads in about a week.
The first work will be on the Dike
man road in Roscdale precinct.
Owing to the fact that the audi
torium is undergoing repairs there
will be no preaching at the Mctho
dist church next Sabbath. Sun
dav-BChool, however, will be held
as usual.
The owners ot the proposed elec
tric light system were in town the
early part of the week completing
preliminary arrangements. Lester
Walker returned to Denver with the
gentlemen Wednesday evening.
Arthur Plumer is in town today
with a bunch of cattle which he is
driving from the Birdwood to the
home ranch at Maxwell. He will
ship them to market in about two
Yesterday the county commis
sioners instructed the county attor
ney to dismiss, upon the payment
of $200, the suit now pending be
fore the supreme court againBt
John II. Clark and bis bondsmen.
Doolittle has a few desirable
Hammocks. left a prices that cannot
be duplicated.
f What are the five most popular
novels of the day? Here they are:
The Crisis, by Winston Churchill;
The Helmit of Navarre, by Bertha
Runkle, The Octopus, by Frank
Norm; The Puppet Crown, by
Harold McGrath; Alice of Old
Vincennes, by Maurice Thompson.
Doolittle has them all and a
hundred others.
The county commissioners will
receive bids up to Sept. 2nd for the
building of six jetties fifty feet
long extending into the river from
ilie south bank ot4the main channel
of the North Platte river near
Brady Island. The jetties arc to
be built of willows and dirt, twenty
feet wide on the top and one toot
above the level ot the bank of the
Preceediug the lecturd at the
opera house last evening a brief
musical program was rendered.
The first number consisted of a
selection by the summer school
ladies octette which so pleased the
audience that the ladies were re
called. Alvin Pool rendered a
violin solo in such an excellent
manner as to win an encore and
Miss Jessie Bratt gave a piano
selection which was heartily ap
plauded and resulted in her recall,
Our Shoes
Gain in popularity every day.
Wc give you good Shoes for
the same money .. that you
pay for unsatisfactory ones.
Baby Shoes' from 25 cents up.
Children's Shoes from 85 cents
Misses' Shoes from $1.10 up.
Ladies' Shoes from SI. 50 up.
Boys' Shoes from Sl.25 up.
Men's Shoes from $1.25 up.
Try Them.
6tf-Store open eveniVigs until
8 oc'clock.
Wilcox Department Store
The social club of the D. of II.
meets with Mrs. Lowe Tuesday
Mr. aud Mrs. John Corbett ot
Wallace are in town and expect to
locate here permanently.
Miss Irma Cody leaves Monday
in company with Mrs. Boal lor
Buffalo aud other eastern points.
George Scharmann. who is era-
plowed as engineer at the Kearney
waterworks, is yisitlng relatives in
George Carter has returned from
a trip down -the road and will ac
company the ball team to Cheyenne
this evening,
County Clerk Holtry has re
turned from his ranch where he
had been for nearly a month
putting up hay.
Harry Dixon left at noon today
on the pay car special for a, watch
inspecting trip on the Third and
possibly on the Fourth districts.
Mrs. u I'. Hoy ot uarheld was
in town yesterday for the purpose
of taking home her daughter Bcrta
who had bacu attending summer
Oakley Swarthnut, Henry Eier-
dam, John Sawyer and Pierce,
late of the ice gang, will go to Sid
uey Monday to work with the
fence gang.
Last evening a child of Paul
Meyer was struck in the eve by a
a missile thrown bv a bov and
fears arc entertained that the in
jury may result in the permanent
loss of the sight of the eye.
Prof. Ott has bcin spending the
day in town and tins forenoon
gave a reading at the teachers' in
stitute. The Professor goes Irom
here to Lexingion, where he will
deliver his lecture.
Chicago forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Generally fair tonight
and Saturday. The maximum
temperature yesterday was 89, one
year ago it was 85. The minimum
temperature this morning was 60;
one year ago it was CO.
There am 3,924 m.iles of irriga
tion ditcheb ln Nebraska which cost
$4,773,684. The land covered by
these ditcnes is 1,698,831 acres, and
the estimated increase in the value
of the land is placed at sixteen
million dollars. Lincoln county
has 385 miles of ditches and 210,000
acres of land are covered by the
A famous cook once began a
recipe for making rabbit pot pie as
follows: First catch the rabbit."
The way to be sure that you have
value received for your money is' to:
"First buy your goods at Doolit
tle's." The goods.will do the rest.
Through a misunderstanding of
dates a statement is made on our
last page that the teachers will be
entertained this evening at the
Burke residence. The fact is this
reception was held at the Burke
home last Saturday evening, hence
it is a "horse" on the local editor.
This reception was attended by
seventy-fiye or eighty teachers who
were pleasantly entertained by
music by the Mandolin Club and
selection on the piano bv Miss
Burke. Refrenlunents were served
and a general good time prevailed.
The lecture delivered at the opera
louse last evening by 13d. Amherst
Ott ot Drake university was heard
by an audience of several hundred;
it was deserving ot four-fold that
number. It was a decided treat, in
fact the general verdict is that
nothing quite so good had before
been heard in North Platte. The
subject, "Sour Grapes," centered on
heredity that like begets like.
The acorn from the oak tree.
produces an oak tree; the
physical aud moral character of the
parent is transmitted to the off
spring. Numerous cases werecited
to prove the latter proposition.
Mrs. Siddons came from a family
of actors, Bach from a familv of
musicians, Napoleon was born with
inherent desire for war and con
quest, and so on through the list of
those who were great. The appli
cations made by the speaker were
to the poiut, they were suggestive,
they awakened thought and inter
est in the lecturer's appeal for
greater social purity. Prof. Ott is
a dramatic speaker, his flights of
oratory are superb, the word-paint
ing grand. He spoke for an hour
and a quarter, he could have doubled
his time and yet held the most in
tense interest of his auditors. In
securing Prof. Ott for a lecture Co.
Supt. Thoelecke is entitled to the
thanks of the entire audience pres
Joined n Wedlock,
A verj pretty wedding occurred
at the residence ot Mr. and Mrs.
John Brait, on west Fourth street,
last Wednesday evening at 8:30.
Miss Elizabeth Margherita Bratt,
one of North Platte's most brilliant
and estimable daughters was
united in marriage to Mr. William
Arthur Baldwin of Omaha.
The wedding was, a very quiet
one, only the relatives and a few of
the most intimate friends of the
family being present. The spacious
compartments of the bride's home
were brilliantly lighted and deco
rated for the occasion.
When the inspiring strains of
Lohengrin's wedding march
sounded forth under the cheerful
touch of Miss Nellie, the youngest
sister of the bride who presided at
the piano, the bridal party, consist
ing of the bride-elect leaning on the
arm of her father, followed by Miss
Jessie Bratt as maid ot honor, and
the bridegroom with Charles Hcndy
as best man, proceeded from the
main hall through the space rib
boned off by Mabel aiid Lulu, the
little daughters of Mr. and Mrs,
John Burke, to tbc large arch in
the cast window of the south parlor
which was lavishly trimmed with
cut flowers and sinila.v. It was
beneath this arch of blossoms that
the bridal couple stood while the
solemn words of the Episcopal
marriage service were Batd by the
Rev. George A. Bccchcr.
After the wedding ceremony and
the usual greetings an elegant re
past was served.
Mr, and Mrs. Baldwin were the
recipients of a large number of
costly gifts.
The bride was born in this
county and reared in North Platte.
After her graduation from the pub
lic schools she pursued her studies
in an Omaha business college from
which she graduated with honor,
and for the past two years has been
acting dean in the university ot
South Dakota. The groom is an
enterprising young business man
ot Omaha. Their many friends in
North Platte extend to them
hearty congratulations for a long
and happy wedded life.
Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin left the
same night on a wedding trip to
Colorado points and will be at
home alter Sept. 5th at the Her
Grand Hotel, Omaha. G. A. B.
Mrs. Wm. Neville came in from
from the cast yesterday morning.
Mrs. N. Klein returned today
from her visit at Sheridan, Wyo.
Read Prof. Ott's character novel,
Philip Gerard. At Doolittle's Book
A dozen or more rooters" will
go to Cheyenne on No. 5 tomorrow
morning to witness the ball games.
Received at Schlesinger's Louvre,
Mixed carload of Imported German
Beer Culmbacher and YVald
schlocschen. Rod Smith, who is in town today,
says Kearney robbed Shelton of
the ball game last Wednesday.
The Kearney team Bcems to be
getting quite a reputation as
For Sale
One of the best small residence
properties in the most desirable
part of the city. Good three room
house and shed kitchen, barn,
chicken house and other outbuild
ings. City water in house and
yard, nice shade aud fruit trcee.
A bargain in this. Sec
John Bratt- & Co.
We have made just four
prices on the Waists we
have left .
40 to 50c Waists now 25c
75 to 90c Waists now 50c
$1.00 to $1.25 Waists now . 75c,
S1.50 to S2.00 Waists now. . .$1.00
There are not many ot them,
come earl' before your size is
Bg)uStore open evenings until
8 o'clock.
Wilcox Department Store.
These are trying times to find
something to cat. But if
you trade at
W. F. McGlone's
you will have no trouble in
finding something to cat.
New and up-to-date grocer
ies coming in all the time and
here arc some of them.
. Monarch Spinach In two
pound cans equal to two-thirds
of a peck of fresh Spinach and
very much finer. Only
15 cents per can.
Monarch Clam Chowder Large
can, the finest put up and only
25 cents per can.
Monarch, Grated and Sliced Pine
appleOwing to the fact that
many fnmilicsare too small to use
the large cans, we have Monarch
in cans just half the size. You
know tht quality and the price is
15 cents per can,
Salmon we have Figaro Brand
Columbia River Salmon in small
cans, just right for small families
and only
10 cents per can,
Oriole Rolled Oats Superior to
any Rolled Oats on the market.
In order to introduce them we
give one of those elegant Plat
inum Finished Pictures free.
They cost you
Two packages 25 cents.
Oriole Wheat Wafers Some
thing new. Pwo packages f r 35
uuuis anu a picture irec.
Centrevillc Kippered Herri ae-
"The Best," two cans for 35
cents. You want them.
William's Bros, and Charbcne au's
Preserves In big bottles; the b est
oi us Kinu.
Two Large Bottles for 25 cent! .
We receive practically all of
II. Otten's home grown frui'ts
and vegetables. Leave us yoi ur
orders for Tomatoes, genuh ic
Sweet Corn, Crab Apples. Pluira s,
Cabbage, Cucumbers, Wata -
melons, etc., and you will get ch c
ireshest and best.
Remember that
Yale Coffees,
Lipton's Teas,
Monarch Canned Goods.
Schuyler Snowflake Flour,
Arc absolutely the best and! you
can only get them here.
Y. M. O. A. Notea.
Mr. 12. E. Kneedy the gentleman
that addressed the menM me Jting
two week ago sn ably, will speak'
again nxt Sunday, August 8th at
3:30 p.m. Topic: Success. 'Young
be profited by Thearing
Mr. M.
the Y. M.
A. Wolfe, secrel
C. A. at Grand
ary of
spent a few hours with the
tary on Thursday
Second Ward Primary.
The republicans of the 5
ward ol the city of North I
Neb , ate hereby called to bm
the court house on ThurBdaw,,
et at
22d, at 8 o'clock p, m. to hoIH. ajpri
mary meeting for the puiqpj 3c of
selecting fourteen delegate
attend the county convenficoi
nominate precinct officers
transact such other busia9v
, to
may come before tbem.
Gko. 13. Vitamin,
Precinct Commitfeeaiai 1.
Tor Sale,
House and one, two or ftfc rce
blocks of land in Lindsay' ou ib
divisiou ot lot 4. A bargaiin it
taken nooii: For particulars 3 n
qnire of M. C. Lindsay.
Pay checks lor the shop emp loye b
were received today.
Mrs. Henry Hebout ot Walk ice is
the guest of friends in town.
For Sale Household C loodB. h
Apply to Mrs. F. H. Simpson 1
There has been a scan ;itf ot
potatoes in the local mark tttora
lew dayH pa6t.
For sale or rent a good J
Gert2 piauo. Apply to Alice
3uut) &
: Bcath,
Found, on the street, a purse
containing a snui of money , -Owner
can have same by callit? f;atthis
office, proving property ar id paying
for this notice.
What A Talolt To 1J,,
If that mirror of yours j,)0T
wrotchod, siillow com pi ox 1 on, n
;h n
illuod Iook, moth pntchoH u nd blot
on tho skin, its llvor troi jbloj bm
King's Now Lifo Pills rojr ujnt0 u,0 (
purify tho blood, ivo c) our nUa, i
chookH. rioh cotnpbxlon, Oulv
BWelUVi drug' etorb. r T9
S Railroad Notes. $
George Ell will act as night bag
gageman during me temporary
absence of Harry Vernon
The interior walls of the Union
Pacific shops are being treated to
the annual coat of whitewash.
W. h. Connelly, clerk in Road
master Hauler's office, will spend
Sunday with his mother in Omaha.
Frank Smith is actine as mes-
1ir tolpcrmnli office while
the regular messenger is taking a
Kd Kclihcr, stenographer iri Div.
Foreman StubbB office, left yester
day for a two weeks' visit at Poca
tcllo, Idaho.
Roy and Harry Vernon leave Sun
day for Tie Siding and Cherokee
Park, where they will devote a few
duya to trout fishing.
John Langtrcc, of the U. P.
building department, was m town
yesterday looking fdr six men
whom he wanted for fence work.
Grant Applcgate has been down
from Cheyenne this week taking
the time card examination ncces-
Bary to his advancement to tnc
position of engineer.
The bridge gang
is at work
putting in an cighty-ton car scale
in the yards, the old scales being
too light to properly weigh
tonnage of the big cars.
John Redmond, pitcher for the
ball team, has passed the necessary
time card aud phyoical examinations
and entered the service of the com
nanv as brakeman on the Third
O. K. Peck has taken a thirty
day lay-off and returned to Bcggs,
Indian Territory. to more
thoroughly investigate a business
nronoaitlon which he thinks of
The Union Pacific blacksmith
shot) is closed down today while
the whitewash gang is at work.
The machine shop may possibly be
io.i .
A stationery special is oeing run
over the system this month dealing
out stationery supplies at all sta-
tione, and taking up any overplus
stock that may exist. This special
reached here last uurht and left for
u ,.,
1. .1.1..
csupt. ioriy, 01 mc u. 1.
g.-aph lines, spent Tuesday in the
cit ascertaining the number ot arc
and incandescent light the compa-
.. ill rnniiirn for the offices, ho-
tel. bI ops, rounu House anu -yarn,
and alt o the location ot the lights
Electric Hphts around the depot
and yard s will be an improvement
that will prove of great convenience
to employes.
To Savo Hor Child.
Kmm Ifrluhtfu! dlBtlffuromont, Mrs.
Nunulo Gnllo,wr, of La amngo,Gii., un
piled Buoklon'e Arnion Snlvo to grcnt
sores on hor hiiul nnd facet, nnd writes
Its nulok oure oxceo'Jod nil hor hopes.
It works wondotB lu Soros, UrulBos, Skin
Eruptions, Cuts, BurnB.ScmUlfl nod PIIoh.
25o. Cure yunrnutood by A, F- Stroltz,
Sealod Bids.
Sealed bids will be received at
the office of the county le.rJc up
noon of the 2d day of
-i i .
nn.1 t - it. . ...:a: f-! intttot
i901, for the building of,JX jetties
50 feet long, extending into the
river Irom the south bauk of the
mam channel ot the North Platte
river near Brady Island. Said
ipttles lo be built of willows and
dirt, twenty feet wide on the top
and one foot above the level of the
hnuk ol the river. The willows
standing near by can be bad with
nnr 4nt to the bidder, and dirt can
iu hrul off the bauk near Haul
jetlit h.
Iliel.H to be by the lineal foot and
work to be done under supervision
ot the c ounty commissioners.
The commissioners reserve the
right to reject any and all bids.
Dated ,Aug. 15, 1901.
W. M. Howry,
County Clerk.
150-Ib B.a&s
lOO-lb Baijs
50-lb Bags
. 05c w'v-
-I OD1, . r- ,
This Is the beat Stock
Salt in the market.
W. F. McGlone
rc something you buy often
For that reason small amounts
saved on them count up into
Tn Qnll 1
1 1 Vi
Walter Bakers' Cocoa 'A
cans 25
Sage, tflb pkg 04
Hons, Yx lb pkir
f 04
Chinned Beef, Rex brand,
Chipped Bco.f, Libby Sc Mc-
JNcilrc, S lb can 13c, 2 cans 25
Veal Loaf, xx lb can..-. 10
Veal Loaf 1 lb can.. .. k 20
Kippered Herring per can ... 20
Lard, 3 lb pail ; . . 35
r e ii. eg
mona per doi! 25
K c Bak:nir pomicr. in.,,.
can , 08
K. C. Baking Powder, 25-oz
can..... -:u
" iiaiting rowucr, ou-oz
. Ml "
.uaitiiig rowuor, ou-os
cnn 55
Snidcr's Catsup, 1-2 pint bot-
tie..... 14
oniucr s catsup, 1 pint uot-
tic . . . . . . . . .... . . 4 . .... . . 3
nffHioni s ouver uioss .
Kinffaf0sd's Corn Starch
lCvV Lye per can .. ..
oiarcii uo
Merry War Lye per cam . . .
Yeast l'oam 2 plfgs
On Time Yeast 2. pkgs
Arbucklc's ColTcq 2 pkgs...
Lion Uollcc 2 pkgH.
XXXX Coffee 2 pkgs
Searchlight Matches per box
Pcarlinc per plcg
Sanolio per pkg 'Jc. 3 for
Soda, Schilling's Best
Soda, Arm & Hammer
Soda, Dwight's, per pkg
(iold Dust, 4-lb pkg....
Potatoes per peck 25
Granulated Sugar per htm- .
dred $6.25
Granulated Sugar 15 lbs for 1.00:
Rock bait per hundred 80
Salt 140-lb Sack J5
Table Salt 2 sacks 05
Cheese best full cream ner
pound 15
Kerosene Oil per gal 15
Horse bhoc Tobacco per
' plug , ib
otar '1 oDacco per plug 45
ouinuaiu sivy xouuicu yur .
I -.l . . . 1 z
I JJlbVtV lift . VLfc V4I JJ
j. T. Tobacco per plug 25
Duke's Mixture per lb 35
Gothenburg licst l'atent
1' lour per sack fcl.10
btlOW .1 lake lJatCllt l'lOUr
per sacic ,$i.uu
Red Seal Patent Flour per
sack ; 1.10
Jewel Patent Flour per
sack 1.00'?
Corn .Mcalf 05 lb sack. . . '. 1 . ' 35
until. 8.
Wilcox Department Store.
Tbn Hlnttt ot Nobrnnkn, Lincoln county,
In tht) Cnuulr Court. Auuiut III. 1001
In U10 mutter of thu entntu (( Thomas If. Dawson,
iloccntteii. 1
(On roitillliff Mid flllna thn iiclltlon ot K. H.
MAWMon nrnilnu that KilmlnlHtrstlna of
. I oBtnto mny )u Krnutud to lilih n mlmlnlatmtor.
tO Onlitrml, Thnt Hopt, II, A.U., 11)01, lit I) o'clock,
in. 111.
u .lUr.nnii ititorotol In wild mutter mny npjieur
lit niHiKllOil or iionriiiK ntuu pouuon, wram ,
t a county court to iio uoiu in ana lor Hia
C0UlUyi BIf ,hnw. cnUbU why thu nmyor of poti-
Honor ituoiiiu noi no urninnu.
A. H,
County Jiulge.
A Competence
It Miurcd the Indus
trlou Mttler on tho
INQ LANDS of We.tern
Canada. Should you
havo a friend settled In '
Manitoba, Attlnlbola,
Saskatchewan or At
berta. write to hlhi and
ascertain wlmt aro III
views of tho country.
Thousands of Americans Iisto
soUlod thora nlthtn tho past four
years and the vordlct
Is that all aro woll satttllod. Tho
adjoin lands that mar he pur
chasud from tho (lorernmunt or
railway. Ia a tow years they nlU
ylatd the palns-taklnu fanner a
compntenco for hloiMl! and furu
lly. The climate healthful, fuol
plnntlful. taxes nominal, jloldof
wheat and other (trains phunomn.
psl, prices for produce excellent.
Uallwayi. schools, churches,
etc., convenient.
Write for full particular, maps,
pamphlets, letters from nottlor.
etc., to V. l'odloy, Rupurlntandvnl
otlmtnlirrutlon, Ottawa, Canada,
or to
"Kilfo Bldir.. Omahn, Neb.
" s T"t cmr-.
0 w' tOvMj CVwsxoX
65c 1