The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 13, 1901, Image 6

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i .- ,' num.?: , .'rauu j jjl1
So Find Lost Ships.
Finding lost ships nt sea Is n tedious
plcco of work, oven whon tho position
of the vessel is partially known, and
our Illustration shows a dovlce Intend
ed to facilitate tho search as much as
possible. With its aid tho search can
bo thoroughly mndo ovor tho ocean
bed, cither ono ship or two being used
for tho work. If only ono ship Is at
hand tho cable Is anchored nt ono end
and tho ship sweeps around tho buoy
nbovo tho anchor with tho frco end of
tho cable; or If two ships aro In uso
tho cablo Is swept across tho ocean bed
In parnllol lines. Near tho wreck In
tho picture tho cablo Is shown divided
for tho Insertion of a reel, on which
a portion of tho cablo Is wound. Tho
tension of tho cablo Is not sufficient
to unwind tho portion on tho rcol
whon dragging frcoly along, but ns
soon ns an obstruction Is mot tho un
winding of tho cablo from tho reel pre
vents tho sudden alteration of tho ves
sel's course until tho source of tlm
obstruction can bo determined. If It
Is other than tho lost Hhlp tho vos
sols can contlnuo In their linn of
search without neglecting any of the
ground, ns might bo tho caso If tho
course was suddenly altered by tho
ugntoning of a single longth of cablo.
Electric Farming.
Tho up-to-date fnrmors with a lnrgo
ncrcago finds It slow work to plow his
floldH with tho old single plows of tho
past, and so ho utilizes tho electric
current and multiplies tho number of
lowshnrca to suit' himself. In tho
West thin Is practically a necessity, on
nccounfof tho largo slzo of tho fields
and tho cost o. labor and teams. Our
Illustration hIiowb a convenient form
of motor plow which how boon de
Rlgnod by an invontor in Frlodrlchs
burg, aormun, It consists of two
oloctrlo motors operating winding
drums on soparato carriages, , which
may bo ptacod at any required dlstnnco
apnrt, only ono motor bolng connect
ed with tho main food wire. To sup
ply power to tho second motor a feud
cablo lying pnrallol with tho traction
cablo Is readjusted at every trip of
tho plow to follow tho lattor down tho
Hold. Tho mcchnntRin Is bo adjusted
that when onco sot in motion tho ap
paratus practically oporatos ltsolf,
moving tho carriages forward at tho
beginning of ench trip to bring tho
plowshares in position for tho noxt
row of filrrowB.
Combined "Belt and "Bracts.
From' far-off Now Zealand comt-s
tho combination shown In tho Illustra
tion, that a pair of Bimpondors which
can bo quickly altored to a bolt whon
thtf woaror desires to change from ono
to tho other. Tho lnvontora stnto that
.tho dovlco is
particular I y
adapted for
uso by nth
lotos, crlck
otors, bont-
Ing men and
football play
ers, and also
for worklng
in o a who
uso a bolt
w h 1 1 o a t
work. Any
of thoso per
sons w h o
prof or tho
b u b n o ndor
for ordinary wear and tho bolt for spe
cial work will apprcclatotho morltaof a
combination which will supply both
At n cost of llttlo inoro than that of
cither artlclo nlono. A glanco at tho
Illustration shows tho mamor of mak
ing tho change, tho braces being pivot
ed, at tut' back' to allow ullgnmcnt.
Adjustable Curtain Support,
Two views aro shown In tho Illua
tratlon of n neat curtain support re
contiy pat
ented. The
o r d 1 n a r y
manner of
a ttachlng
the laco cur
tain docs not
permit them
to bo adjust
ed readily
when It be
comes ncc
o s s a r y to
clocn the
window or
to push tho curtains back to al
low moro light to enter tho
room. Then, too, they soon bo
como soiled from frequent handling
whllo being adjusted, which also tends
10 wear them out moro ran d v. All
theso objections Boom to bo ovcreomn
by tho lazy-tongs nrrnngemont In this
invention, the framo being shown In
tlln llntlnt NnrHnn lt Mm nlit r,.l
w I'wiiuii u bilU bUl U11U kllU
mounted curtain below. Tho disc car
rying each framo Is mounted on tho
vortlclo shank of a bracket, which Is
scrowed to tho window framo, allow
ing tho curtnln to ho swung out from
tho window or around against tho wall
whon desired. A pull on ono of tho
cords concealed behind tho curtain
opens or closes tho framo to adjust
tho curtain across" tho window or fold
It bnck ngalnst tho flldo, it being un
necessary to touch tho curtnln with
tho hand to movo It In cither direc
tion. JVb "Dry "Dock ffeeded.
Tho oxponso of docking shins In or
der to removo foreign growths from
tho nulls is considerable, besides tho
tlmo necessary to ko from a. stntlnn in
tho dock and back again, and to ro
movo tho barnnclca and otimr hhIi.
Btnnccs without tho necessity of dock
ing la tho purposo of tho acrnplng ap
paratus lllustratod In tho cut, It has
beon patented by MaJor A. and Asa L.
Stump, of Normantown, W. Vn. Tho
apparatus conalata of Boveral scrapors
of tho pattern nhown. Biisnondod on
cables from the rail of tho vossol by
moans of rolling hnngors. Provision
Is made for tnklns im tlm ulnck nt
tho suspension cablo ns tho lcanors nro
pulled longthwlso of tho hull by tho
main cablo, which Is wound up on a
drum locntod on tho dock of thn vrH.
Bel. Tho scrnnorn conmrlso heaw
wooden blocks, with stool nbrudlng
UintlCB at tho roni". and thn lnvontora
claim that those blades will removo
tho burnaolca as well whon tho ship
Is afloat an can bo dono In dry dock,
without tho lass of tlmo nocossnry by
tho lattor method, tho hIiId nir.lntntn-
ing hop courso throughout tho opera
Improved Fruit Jar.
This invention Is Intondod to nro-
vido a fruit Jnr which can bo sealed bo
tightly that
tho dangor
of fomenta
tion is re
duced to n
mlnlmu m
and nt tho
a u m o tlmo
mnko it a
co.m nnrn.
tlvoly onsy
task to open
tho Jar whon tho contents aro
wanted. It is a womnn's Inven
tion, tho patent having lately booti
granted. Tho Jar propor 1b Blmllar
to thoso now In ubo, oxcopt that It has
a Borles of studs or projections, nr-
rangca around tho edge of tho top,
and tho outer odco of tho fnstonini?
ring la provided with a similar row
of Btuds. Two wrenches of band
Bieei, or Binull coat, aro nlsn rn.
Life Sain Huoy,
A novel and oxtromnlv Hlmnln iir.
saving dovlco has boon Invented by
M. Goorgo Rroussol. It la a sort of
automntlo folding buoj', and Is
formed moroly of two boards of wood,
which nro Joined together In tho cen
ter. In ordinary weather it enn lo
used as a seat on board n vessel, and
when thoro is dnmror of Khlmvrnck 1
can bo instnntnneously turned Into a
mo-saving buoy. Many oxporlmonts
hnvo already boon mndo with It und
they bIisc thnt It can do 4ffoctlvo woric
ns well 'm a storm aa in a calm sea.
8 -. . aw i
11 i .
i 1
Uhe Colombo Affair,
That tho German government will
In any way resent tho arrest of Abel
Murlllo on board tho German steamer
Allogheny at Cirtagona, Colombia, Is
extremely improbable. The Colom
bians may hnvo erred In refusing tho
Alleghany clearance mernlv hrcntim
her captain rofusod voluntarily to do
liver Murlllo to thorn. But tholr right
to removo Murlllo from tho shin is un
questionable Tho German consul's
reported protest agalnnt his removal
had no legal basis. Murlllo'a theat
rical norformanco In wmnnlnc thn
German flag about his body In no wav
altered tho situation.
Tho Alleghany was In a Colombian
port and whllo there was subject to
thnt country s laws. A merchant ves
scl no situated cannot afford a refugo
persons of her own nntlnnnlltv.
much less to subjects of tho country In
WhOSO. Waters film la. firnnt Tlrllnln
has sometimes attompted to establish
tno principle that British ships aro
British territory whorovor thnv nro.
but tho United States settled that
point with her in tho war of 1812. Tho
united States has always maintained
tho right to do precisely what tho Co
lombians did. American pollco have
orton searched Enul sh nnd other for
olgn shins In our norts nnd arrested
porsons thereon, nnd havo always been
sustained by Washington.
Tho Uproar about Mlirllln'fl nrrnRt
proceeds from his fellow passengers
Ono of thoso. nnd nnnnrontlv thn wrl
tor or tho statomont they gave to tho
press Is nn Englishman. His animus U
disclosed by tho last sentoilcn of thn
Btatomcnt, declaring It "safer to tako
a steamship covered bv thn nvcr-rn
spooled union Jack." Anxiety to mako
a point against Germany and In favor
of England appears to hnvn Insnlrod
this Briton's effort to convlnco tho
public that tho Oormnn flair was "in
suited" by Mur II o's arrest.
Tho Murlllo Incident would nrobabl
navo attracted no spoclal attention
wero not tho lmnresslon somnwhnt
general that Gormnny greatly desires
to obtain somo political foothold in
South America, and hence is likely to
seize Upon nlmost nnv small nrnfnxt in
mnko such an attempt. Whatever may
uo tho German govornmont'B desires In
thnt direction Is not material. Thn
Monroo doctrine is n barrior to any
such alms, and both tho interests and
tho safety of tho United States
that tho Monroo doctrlno bo Btrlctly
oniorced. It will be enforced, ncalnst
uormany or any other power attempt
ing to violate It.
Dantltr in Stockinds.
It has boon dectdod by hlch medical
authority that there la dangor In wear
ing somo of tho beautiful tinted silk
stockings ono scoa la tho shop win
dows, and this Is tho reason:
In producing certain delicate cnlnm
In silk chlorldo of tin Is used ns n
mordaunt, and It is said that unless
great caro is taken a largo proportion
oi it remains In tho comDlotod fab-
rlc. In tho cnao of Btocklnga or nny
garment noxt tho skin tho perspiration
may dlssolvo tho tin and It in thnn
nbaorbod by tho skin. A caBo Is re
ported from Vienna of a woman who
suffered from attacks of nnmlvaln in
tho lower oxtromltlcs, with numbness,
a sonBo of coldness, and n peculiar
Jorklncss of tho legs In walking. Sho
noticed thnt whonovor theso symptoma
woro tno worst her feet wero colored
yollow, nnd it was found thnt thin
staining wns caused hv llcht vniinw
Bill: stockings which sho wore. They
wero nnalyzed and considerable quan
tities ot tin found.
Ejeiled Ladvbtidj.
All bugland Is un In arms nvnr thn
announcement thnt 20,000 ladybugs are
to uo captured In tho Borkshlro hills,
placed In cases, nnd clvon firBt-einHs
passage to Capo Colony, whoro thoy
will do patrol duty In driving out some
other bugs nnd Insects which urn nnf
so desirable. William Beutonmuller
or tho MUBoum of Natural History de
clared that it was a shamo to tako tho
1- .
jnuyuuga away, uecauso wo cannot
spnro 20,000' of them. Boshlpq. hn
thinks tho trip will provo too long for
mom, anu tnat uoforo thoy arrlvo
thero tho greater part will havo died.
Tho Boers havo great faith in tho lady
bugs, and think If thoy oncn cat ntnrf.
od thoro thoy will end tho Boor war,
oust uecu uiiouca, and probably dotor-
inino vuo struck Billy Pnttorson. Mr.
iioutonmuiior saya tho Unltod States
borrowed a bunch of them from AU8
tralla a few yours ago, which woro
turnod Ioobo In California, and woro
largoiy responsible for tho develop
ment of that glorious state. Chicago
Union of Christendom.
l'ror. Charloa A. Brlgga of Union
Somlnnry, ono of tho American dele
gates at tho ninth Jublloo of tho Uni
versity of -Glasgow, preached In Bel
mont Establish! church In Scotland
on a recent Sunday afternoon to a
fairly largo congreKntlon. His nub.
Ject wob "The Unity ot tho Christian
Church." Dr. Brlgga said that ho had
worshiped rocontly at St. Pctor's in
Romo, nnd mors recently still I n r)iir.
ham cathodral, nnd that day ho wor
shiped in a Scotch Presbytorlnn
church. In all throo tho worship was
wholo-hearted and slncoro. All tho
types of tho church presupposed unity,
Tho wonderful s thing to nn Amorlcnn
was that tho Scottish churches could
kcop from rusulng Into each other's
Evelyn B. Baldwin, the American
oxplorer, has sailed from Christiana
and hopes to plnnt tho flag of our
country at tho north Doln hnfnro thu
tlmo next year.
Tho explorer exiirciunil pnnn,innc
that tho Amorlcn 11 DlinrcV ntl1 rtnn.
enlisted in tho enterprise and thn
novel methods brought to Its aid
WOllld bring SUCCeH in Mm nffn
himself nnd his nssoclates. Three ves
sels, well provisioned, a largo com
pany of scientists nnd overythlng In
tho way of cnulnmont thnt hiufIoi
could suggest mnko up the expedition,
nnd nil aro now on tho seas bound
Mr. Bnldwl
ica, tho flngshli). will co first t
nngel, whero ho will tnlfn nn ios
fifteen Siberian ponies nnd six Siberian
ug trainers. Forty-two men In nil
nccompany him on tho Amorlca. This
Olio Of tho greatest frnaka nt nntiirn
has recently boon discovered closo to
mo immenso tunnel that is nearlng
completion on tho lino of thn Smith-
em Pacific running along tho bound
ary lino of Los Angeles and Ventura
counties, says tho San Francisco Call.
Somo workmen employed by tho com
pany discovered an Immenso rock that
la a perfect imago of a man's head. A
photograph wa3 taken if this frnnk nf
nature by ono of thn wnrir
hnd a camera In his nossnnsinn nn,i
it was sont to Chief Enclnenr Hnn,i
of tho Southern Pacific. A ronroduc-
tlon of tho plcturq nccompnnlea this
article Tho photograph haa been
ahown to numbcra of sclnntlat nn.i
globo-trottora, and thoy all claim that
uioro is no other rock in existence
that is such a perfect ronresnntntlnn nf
a man's hoad. The rock will no doubt
bo looked upon In tho futuro as ono of
End of the World May Restilt from Heat.
This summer's oxecsaivn hnnt i . nii . . .
plained by n Chicago scientist in a
wny calculated to glvo both chills and
fever to that Dart of humanltv which
accopta his explanation. Ho asserts
that tho earth in Its annual revolution
nbout tho sun Is approaching noaror
and nearer to that orb ovorv anmmnr
and getting fnrthor nnd farther away
ovory wintor. Tho uUlmnto result, ho
avers. Will bo that thn lnhnhltnntn nt
this Bphoro will bo alternately bakod
nnu rrozen until no Hying bolng Is" left.
rrorcssor uidwlg J, Mnrlonburger,
Ph. D., a graduate of tho University of
i V 5 C
1b tho first tlmo that Siberian ponies
havo been used In arctic exploration,
tho points of interest In California
Americana can now proudly claim that
laurornia lias a sphinx that Is Just as
Imposing as that In fnr-awnv Ecvnt.
nnd that tho sphinx of California took
a long tlmo to bo discovered, but that
u is older than tho Egyptian sphinx
anu was not mado by man.
Principle of National Churcho.
Tho civil war in tho Southern stntna
resulted In a Northern and n Southern
orgnnlzutlon of each one of Boveral re
ngioua denomination, notably tho
Knptlsts and tho Preabyterlans. By
rights the Methodist division ought to
bo accounted for in tho samo wny,
though It long antedates tho war, for
It grew out ot tho samo old difference
of opinion on tho Blavery question,
whllo tho Southern Presbyterian or
ganization was tho result of a clear-
cut protest against nn alleged dlsposl
Berlin, who spoaks ton lninrnnern u
tho exponent of this startling thoory.
Somo scientists havo argued that
ovontually this earth would bocomo
a frozen mass; others that It would In
tho courso' of a few thousand years,
bo transformed Into an orbicular fur
nnco, which In tlmo would consume
ltsolf. Professor Mnrlenburger Bays
both of these contingencies aro quite
probable. 1
Tho professor's Idea Is that this
globo, In Its orbital rovolutlona, haa
"slipped a cog," and that It will con
tlnuo to slip Into over changing orbltt.
and tho voyagers expect important ro
sults from tho experiment
Tho America was preceded north
ward by tho two other vessols of tho
expedition, tho Frlthjof and tho Bol
glca. Tho America and Frlthjof,
which Balled togother from Christiana,
parted company at Honlngsvnag, tho
Frlthjof sailing direct for Franz Jo
soph Land. Tho Bclglca sailed for tho
cast coast of Greenland to establish
supply stations.
From Archangel Mr. Baldwin ex
pects to skirt the northern coast of
Norwny to Vardoo, from whoro ho will
start within a few days to begin In
earnest his dash for a now farthest
Chcklb Bey, tho now Turkish min
ister to this country, is a keen-going t
sportsman nnd extenslvo breeder of I
thoroughbred horses, In which ho-
takes a great interest.
tlon of tho Northern Presbyterians to
go into war politics ns n denomination.
Forty years havo elapsed slnco tho
war broko out, and at last tho North
ern and Southern Presbyterians are
beginning only beginning to get to
gether. They are consolidating their
denominational colleges and theo
logical seminarleB in Kentucky, which
was ono of tho border states of tho
secession struggle
Religious dissensions based on dif
ferences of opinion nbout abstract doc
trines, or about onco practical ques
tions which havo ccaBed to bo prac
tical nnd so becomo purely historic
nnd speculative,' nro In a fair way to
bo healed when thoso who havo been
so divided begin to come together and
stand Bhoulder to shouldor Jn somo
work that continues to bo practical.
Education is always a practical ques
tion by rights, and tho union of North
ern and Southern Preabyterlans, In tb,o
management of educational Interests is
llkoly to bo permanent enough to ylold
that better acquaintance and mutual
liking and respect which nro certain
In tlmo to bring about a moro com--pleto
and varied form of co-operation.
Although tho famous Father Ryan
sang many Confedorato war lyrics
thero was no Northorn and Southern
division of tho Roman Catholic church
in America. Indeed, thero could hard
ly havo "boon any such thing in any
country since tho Council of Trent.
when tho national church idoal, un
der tho leadership of tho French bish
ops, was overshadowed by Ultramon-
tanism under Spanish and Italian lead
ership. In tho Episcopal church tho
Bishop of Louisiana became a Con
fedorato lieutenant general; General
Leo's chlof of artillery was General
William N. Pendleton, a nromlncnt
Virginia rector, and BIsIiods Wllmer
nnd Wingfleld suffered various things
nt tho hands of stalwart Union gen
erals for refusing to nrnv for tho
President of tho United States. But
tho Southern Episcopal church novor
had any real and effective separate
organization, and the Confederate
blshopa wero wolcomod to tho house of
bishops In the first gonoral conven
tion thnt met after tho closo of the
Tho oldest person in Lohich countv.
Pa., and tho oldest practicing physi
cian in tho stato arfd probably In tho
United States, is Dr. Henry Helfrlch,
who colobrated his ninety-eighth birth
day recently. Ho prescribed for aovoral
patients on that day who called at his
office. Ho no longer makes profes
sional calls, but haa considerable prac
Ho is of tho opinion that tho earth la
approaching old ago, becoming somq
whnt decrepit nnd "wobbly," nnd has
not tho amount of inherent magnetism
to maintain ltaelf In its proper chan
nel. Solstices and tho other dembnstra
tlons showing that nearness to tho sun
does not mako this mundano sphoro
hottor or colder do not bother Profes
sor Mnrlenburger. Sun spots and sim
ilar phenomenn aro only incldontal
and can havo llttlo effect.
A Chicago University professor ridi
cules tho theory o! Prof. Marlenburgor.