The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 02, 1901, Image 2

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IRA 11A11K, I'roprletor.
Mnjor Frank L. Dodds, Judgo advo
cate, linis been ordered to Oranhn for
duty qb judgo ndvocato of tho depart
ment of tho Missouri.
A tornado paused n mllo north ot
Now Ulm, Minn., from west to east.
Several buildings were blown down
and two men Injured.
A Naples dlBpatch says that Slgnor
Francesco Crlspl, who has Ween dan
gcrously 111 for several days, seems to
bo weakening gradually.
Tho fourth series of new silver ccr
tlflcatcs, comprising f 10 bills, art
nbout to bo issued nnd nro already
christened tho "Buffalo bill," because
it has an engraving of a gigantic
Slgnor Francesco Crlspl, tho former
prlmo minister of Italy, Is now in a
state of exhaustion. Tho members of
his family and some of his best frlenuS
have been summoned, as it is feared
he will die.
United States Senator Clark of Mon
tana Is at Sau Francisco in connection
with tho construction of the Salt Lake,
San Pedro & Los Angolcs railroad,
which ho says will bo completed as
rapidly nu possible,
At tho final meeting In London o(
tho congress on tuberculosis, under tho
presidency of Iml Derby, resolutions
were adopted in favor of legislation
toward tho suppression of expectora
tion In public places.
A Kansas City packing houso Is
shipping export cattle from Chicago to
bo slaughtered thorc. Local supplies
ot fat cattlo havo been small, not
withstanding that tho week's total Is
tho heaviest, on record.
Civil servlco examination will bo
held on August -1 nt Decorah, Iowa
City and Atlantic, In. Kearney, No
braska City and Omaha, Neb., for po
sitions of clcrkf) nna letter carriers In
tho postofQcca nt those places.
Tho prollmlnaiy repoit of tho com
missioner of Internal revenue for tho
llscnl year Just ended shows receipts
for Nebraska district wcro $3,407,808;
third Iowa district, 1820,311, and
fourth Iowa district, $083,029.
At Indlnpapolls, F. M. Smallwood,
clerk in tho railway mall service, was
arrested at tho union station charged
with taking money from tho malls.
Smallwood ran between 'that plnco and
Pittsburg on tho Pennsylvania line.
In tho course nt an address deliv
ered beforo n health congress hold at
Eastbourne, Dr, Robert Koch of Bor
lln spoko of tho treatment of malaria.
Ho roltcratcd his dictum that malaria
did not omnnnto from swamps, but
wan caused by tho inoculation of mos
quitoes and gnats.
Tho treasury employes who plnco tho
seals nnd numbers on notes ot tho
United Stutos Monday reached tho
numbor 100,000,000 on the $1 silver
certificates ot the scries of 1899. Tho
numbers will not go any higher, ub tho
printers have been Instructed to turn
back to No, 1 or letter A.
Tho Interior department has fixed a
hearing for Soplembor 10 next, on a
motion for a revlow of tho decision
rendered by tho department ml verso to
tho defendant in tho cases ot tho Kern
Oil company nnd tho Qrny Eaglo Mln
ing company, ngalnBt C. W. Clark,
known ns tho California scrip cases
A band ot Sioux Indians, under tho
leadership of Stinking Rear, passed
through Nowcnstlo, Wyo., a week ago
en .routo to Dnndor on a visit to tho
Shoshoncs. It Is reported tho Italians
havo been slaughtering wild gamo in
old tlmo fashion. Qamo wnrdens aro
on tho trail ot tho poachers nnd arrests
nro expected.
uov. S. Gundorson, pastor of tho
Lutheran church church at Mt. Horob,
Wis., was ovcrcomo by boat Sunday
whllo preaching n sermon on "The
Fires of Hell."
Hamilton Ulunt, formerly cnptuln In
tho Forty-ninth Infantry (colored),
who was dismissed from tho army last
January, left San Francisco for Wash'
Ington to seek reinstatement. Ho ns
Herts that ho has proof that his ills
missal wbb duo to u conspiracy on tho
part of other ofllccrs who wished to
concal their own irregularities.
Fifteen counties In Nebraska re
port good showers on July 25 and 20.
Tho govcrnmont oftlclulH who havo
assumed Jurisdiction over Lako Man
awa, Iowa, huvo notified tho owners
of boats on tho lake that all boats will
bo required to carry lights at night.
Bond for Lulu Prlnco Kennedy of
Kansas City, under sentence of ton
years for tho murder of her husband,
was refused by Judgo Wofford In tho
criminal court. Tho bond had been
set at $10,000, and two business men
offered to nesumo it.
At Providence, R. I., Will StenBon
broke tho world's record for tho pneed
mllo on a Blx-lap track at tho Coll
soum last Friday, riding the din-
tanco in 1:24 1-C. The previous roc
ord wns 1:27, mado nt Baltimore by
Archie McEucheru last season.
Names of Lucky Applicants Como from
tho Foitano Wheel.
Ii Second Only to Jtmci II. Wood In the
I.atrton Dlitrlct Great KnthUilaira
Daring Mia Drawing The Grint Crowd
Worn Out Waiting.
EL RENO, Okl., July 30. Tho great
land lottery began nt 9:45 o'clock yes
terday morning. Twenty thousand
excltod, expectant pcoplo jammed and
crowded about tho platform on which,
from tho wheels ot fortune, tho gov
ernment officials superintended tho
drawing of tho lucky numbors to
thoso of tho 107,000 applicants who
will rccelvo a homestead among tho
13,000 in the Kiowa-Comnncho coun
try. Tho approach to tho stand of tho
commissioners guarding tho precious
bundles of envelopes containing the
thousands of applications was the sig
nal for a great demonstration that wns
rcnowed with fervor from time to time
during tho progress of tho arrange
ments. It was 11 o'clock when finally ten
boys, five lor the El Reno district nnd
flvo for tho Lawton district, wcro lined
up beforo tho two wheels and awaited
tho word to draw out the first enve
lopes from the receptacle. A mighty
chcor arose, repeated again nnd ngnln,
mid tho multitude pushed closer to tho
platform. Eager, drawn faces watch
ed every movement of thoso nbout the
wheels nnd necks wcro craned to hear
tho nnmo ot the firut winner. A mo
ment later when 11 deputy marshal
called loudly for tho order the crowd
was stilled Instantly.
At 0:33 Colonel Dyer, ono of tho
thrco commissioners, jend tho presi
dent's proclamation relating to tho
drawing. Thin finished, tho envelopes
wcro placed in tho wheels, each was
turned repeatedly to Insure n generous
mixing up, nnd then in nnothor mo
mont tho drawing wan on.
Tho first envelopo taken from tho
wheels contained tho nnmo ot James
R. Wood of Wcathcrford, Okl., who
hnd registered for n homestead in the
Lavton district.
Muttlo II. Bonis of Wichita, Kan.,
whoso blrthplnco Is In Missouri, drow
No. 2 in tho Lawton district. Tho
crowd went frantic over tho announce
ment, but becamo quiet Instantly und
listened Intently to henr tho names
ot tho othor fortunaten. Without
doubt Woods und Miss Bonis, who
havo tho right to make tho first filings,
will select tho two quarter sections
adjoining tho Lawton town slto dis
trict and which aro believed to bo
worth $40,000 each.
When Colonol Dyer, tho commis
sioner, In thunderous tones announced
tho woman's ago nn 23, her height
tho samo ao that of Mr. Wood, 20,000
persons uhnuted In chorus: "They
miiBt got muirlcd."
No. 1 In tho El Reno district is
Stophon A. llolcomb of Pauls Valley,
I. T., and No. 2 la Leonard Ijnub ot
Augusta, Okl.
Each succeeding winning for a tlmo
wn3 met with shouts ot applause and
merriment. All wns pleasnntry.
Every man, though ho did not draw ti
prize from tho whcols today, had
atoadfast faith that tomorrow or tho
next day would suroly nee him tho
possessor ot u slip rending him a title
clear to 100 ncrca ot Oklnhomo land.
So in tho microns of friends or rela
tives, unfortunato ones today Instead
ot bewailing their lot chcorcd lustily
as familiar names wcro called out.
Tho crowd fairly exhnuBtod thorn-
solves and when the closo ot tho draw-
lug tor tho day was announced at ft
o'clock hundreds who had nolthor
eaten nor drank during tho day nnk
to tho ground where they stood from
sheer fntlguo, or dragged thcmsolvcs
to hotter places of rest or to refresh
ment boolhB uptown. Tho day was re
mnrknbly freo from quorrolB nnd gen
ojnl satisfaction with tho govern
ment's method ot disposing of the
land was felt.
It hna boon found that mnny hun
dred applicants havo "repentdd" nnd
that others aro so Incllglblo that they
will bo thrown out. Over this much
discord has resulted nnd tho outcome
may bo an appeal to tho courts.
Ri-itnry Hnye llomt.,
WASHINGTON, July 30. Tho sec
rotary of tho teasury today purchased
short term bonds ns follows: Twenty
flvo thousand dollar 3s nt $109,118;
flvo thousand dollar 3s at $109,118:
$5,000 Cb ut $109.28S; $1,500 4u ut
Tronpi at Shanghai tn Stay.
LONDON, July 30. Tho Shanghai
correspondent ot tho Globe, cabling to
day ays: Tho assurances glvon In tho
Houso ot Commons (July 23) by Lord
Cranborn, tho under foreign Hocretury,
that tho Gorman and 1' reach troops
nro only temporarily hero, aro refuted
by tho fuct that both nationalities nro
erecting massive, permanent barrncks,
which will tako two years to complete,
indicating that mnny yenrs' occupa
tion Is contemplated.
Orflclal Ilureau lUporti Confirm the
Weather Nem.
1 WASHINGTON, July 30. Official
advices to tho weather bureau arc con
firmative ot tho press reports ot tho
provnlenco of rains over the corn belt
Inst night with cooler weather than
yesterday. During the past twenty
four hours rain has fallen generally
over that section, with some few ex
ceptions, notably southern Ohio, Ken
tucky and southwestern Nebraska.
Whllo not heavy In amount tho rains
nro described officially ns pretty fair
for summer time. At Kansas City
thcro was over an Inch of precipita
tion; from one-fourth to almost two
Inches in various parts of Iowa; in
Nobrnska tho rainfall wns fair; in
eastern nnd northern Oklahoma thcro
wcro some showers; in Missouri they
wcro protty fair.
Showers nro predicted for tomorrow
coat of tho Mississippi river and fnlr
weather west. Temperatures in tho
corn hjalt wcro generally abovo 00
degrees, but in som localities they did
not get so high. For the next day or
two tho temperature will bo reason
ably modcrnto as compared with thoso
of the heated period.
In many sections ot the middle At
lantic states there havo been high
temperatures todny, but in northern
New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New
York thoy wcro reduced by showers.
In Washington the weather has been
exceedingly oppressive todny, tho
thermometer registering a maximum
of 07 degrees, with nn unusual degree
of humidity In tho atmosphere.
These Alan Am Winner In lite Oklahoma
Urn wine.
EL RENO, Okl., July 30. Nebraska
winners in the Oklahoma lund draw
ing arc:
John E. Long, Omahn, No. 49G,
Lawton district.
Jacob Rldlnger, Sutton, No. 147; El
Reno district.
James H. Davcy, Hebron, No. 100;
El Reno district.
Joseph Shultz, jr., Schuyler, No. CI;
El Reno district,
Alien Tlngley, Verdon No. 273; El
Reno district.
Alex Hamilton, Wymorc, No. 3C2;
El Reno district.
Adolph Lutes, Columbus, Ncb No.
147; Lawton district.
Guy J. Stownrt, Hclvey, Neb., No.
112; El Reno dlstilct.
Iowa winners include:
Pom Roberts, Council Bluffs, No.
323; Lawton district.
tlooil Italui Mara Fallen Throughout the
TOPEKA, Kan., July 30. In tho
place of dry weather reports, ruined
ci ops nnd hot winds in Kansas, now
comes news of good rains, unfordnblc
streams nnd n restoration of confl-
tit nee.
Most of the rains have como to tho
eastern 'and ccntrnl parts of tho state,
but tonight tho reports from tho west
lndlcnto that tho rain has oxtend'nl
clear through to the Colorado line. In
Saltnn this afternoon tho heaviest in
weeks fell. Concordia reports that It
has been raining there for tho past
forty-eight hours at Intervals, and
that tho situation la much Improved.
During a thunder storm In Concordia
Carl Hnmmersbcck, tho son of a farm
er, wn killed by lightning. At Ells
worth a flno rain fell.
l'uli a Qulctin nn lolp.
WASHINGTON, July 30. Secretary
1mg this morning Issued tho follow
ing general order:
"All persons In the naval servlco aro
strictly enjoined to refrain from any
public statement concerning tho sub
ject matter concerning tho court of
Inquiry requested by Rear Admiral W.
S. Schloy.
"JOHN D. LONG, Secrctuy."
Hoxcrt Have Xft.OOO .Men.
LONDON, July 29. Tho so-called
"allied villagers," according to nntlvc
reports, Include 25,000 well armed
troops In southwestern Chi LI, says
tho Pekln correspondent of tho Stand
ard. Most of thorn nro old Boxers or
dlBbandcd soldler3. They hn'vo cap
tured all the Imperial supplies bent
overland from Pekln.
Closing flrern Itlvrr Nhop.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., July 30. Tho
Union Pacific shops at Green River
will bo closed down on August 1.
Fifty men nro employed there nnd
these will bo given work in tho shops
at Evanston, Rawlins or Chcyonno,
I.nug l.ntvet Thursday.
WASHINGTON, July 30. Secretary
Long will loave hero Thursday for hit'
annual vacation, tho major portion ot
which will be Bpent at his homo at
Hlnghaiu, 'Mass. Ho probnbly will re
turn to Washington during tho early
part of September, prior to tho dato
whon tho Schloy court of Inquiry
meets. Assistant Secretary Haskett,
who has been spending several weeks
nt his country homo In Newcastle, N
II., will act ns secretary.
lfany Thousands Are in El Beno to Wit-
nets tie Great Land Lottery.
Everone Confident of llelng a Share
holder of the I.ncky Fen Not at Kx
citing ai a "iluu" Applicant Have Hut
One Chance Iu Thirteen to Get a l'rlze
EL RENO, Okl., July 29. All Is ex
pectancy tonight among the thousands
of homcscekcrs here over tho grand
lottery that begins tomorrow morning.
Thero nro 13,000 claims to bo distrib
uted, and so each of the 105,805 per
sons who havo registered during tho
Inst flrtcen days has about ono chance
in thirteen of winning. It is a long
shot, but every ono apparently feels
confident ot being numbered nmong
the lucky, and in consequenco the best
of good nature prevails.
Whllo tho sceno lacks tho great ex
citement of the "run" which hns here
tofore been a part of other land open
ings In this part of tho country, tho
last act In tho throwing open to settle
ment of tho Klown-Comancho reserva
tions will not be without llfo nnd ani
mation. Tito drawing will tako placo
in tho center of tho city and will be
witnessed by thousands of people. It
will be accomplished on a largo plat
form In tho open air, around which
the eloping hillsides form a natural
A commission appointed last week
by Secretary Hitchcock and composed
of W. A. Richards, assistant commis
sioner of tho general land office, and
who hns had charge of tho registra
tion, D. P. Dyer of St. Louis, former
United Stntes district attorney, and
Frnnk Dale, cx-chlef justice of Okla
homa, will have the drawing in charge.
Tho actual drawing will bo both
novel and extremely Interesting. On
tho platform will bo two oblong box
wheels, each fifteen feet In length, one
to hold tho names of tho applicants
for homesteads In the El Itcno dis
trict, nnd the other for thoso of tho
Lawton district. Into theso wheels
will bo placed envelopes containing
nnmcs of all tho registered applicants.
Tho envelopes will havo first been
brought to tho platform in packages
consecutively numbered.
A corresponding series of numbers
upon slips will bo placed In nnothcr
receptacle, from which they will bo
drawn out at random. Tho package of
envelopes bearing the first number
drawn will bo tho first to bo placed in
the drawing box and well distributed,
when nnother number will bo drnwn
nnd nnothor pnekugo of envelopes dis
tributed, and this courso will bo con
tinued until all of the envelopes have
been placed In tho box wheels, after
which tho wheels will bo revolved for
a sufficient length ot time to Insure a
thorough mixing of tho envelopes.
In onch whocl thcro aro five aper
tures from which tho cnevlopes will
finally bo drawn. Ten men for each
aperture will perform tho actual draw
ing. Tho order In which they will be
gin nt each wheel will bo determined
by lot.
Tho first envelopo drnwn will be No.
1, which will be nt onco opened and
the identification slips which it con
tains will be given a corresponding
numbor, nnd tho nnmo and resldenco
which appear upon tho slip will be
publicly announced. This courso will
bo pursued, numbering each envelope
nnd Its contents consecutively, until
twonty-fivo numbors huvo been drawn
from ono box, when nn equal number
will bo drawn from the other box In
n similar manner. This courso will bo
pursued until COO names havo been
drawn from ench box, when, If tho
committee deem Is best to do so, ar
rangements will bo made for drawing
simultaneously from ench box.
After tho names havo been drawn
nnd announced thoy will bo recorded
and a notlco prepared to bo made to
tho one whose name Is drawn. Tho
drawing will proceed In this manner
until every envelope In both boxes hns
bocn drawn out.
The Kxpimltlon I faying.
BUFFALO, July 29. President John
G. MUlbum of tho Pnn-Amerlcan ex
position Issued a statement todny
which In part says: "Tho exposition
has been moro than paying Its ex
penses since tho beginning of June and
has already accumulated a consider
nblo surplus. An attendance during
August, September and October of tho
total nttondanco at Chicago lu Octo
ber alono will pay all tho obligations
of tho exposition and will leave n sur
May Came Complication!.
DENVER, July 29, William Rad
cllffe, owner of tho lease on tho Grand
Mesa lakes In Delta county, hns been
summoned to Washington, for consult
ntlon with tho stnto department. This
gives an international aspect to tho re
cent shooting ot two men by n deputy
gamo warden, tho burning of Rad-
cllffo's hotel nnd tho threatened lynch
ing ot tho proprietor by n mob of Delta
county citizens. Rndcllffo claims to
bo n subject ot King Edward.
Kaln Having Fallin It Dellem the Core
. licit Will Oct More.
weather bureau's advices from tho
great corn bolt Saturday wcro moro
encouraging than any that havo como
to hand for forty days, showing in
tho opinion of tho forecasters that the
drouth has been broken by general
showers in mnny portions of that sec
tion and with n prospect of their con
tinuation today. Coincident with tho
fnll ot rain havo como reduced tem
peratures. With few exceptions tho
temperatures reported were not ob
normnlly high, no maximums of 100
degrees being reached. West ot tho
Mississippi river they were generally
in tho neighborhood ot 90 degrees.
Tho forecasters, whllo not making
nny specific predictions as to the ef
fect of tho rain on tho crops, express
tho opinion that all thoso crops which
havo not been irreparably ruined will
bo bcnofltcd by tho breaking of tho
drouth. The Into crops naturally would
bo helped tho most.
Tho reports show that during tho
past twenty-four hours showers were
qulto general In ho corn belt and wcro
heavy over much of tho stato ot Iowa
nnd over part of tho corn belt not
hitherto vlBlted by rains, including
western Nebraska, southern Missouri
and Oklahoma.
Find a Meam of Holding Land In the
OKLAHOMA CITY. O. T.. July 29.
Kco Tuck, nn Indlnn, has given notlco
at. tho land office at El Reno of his lu
ttntlon to fllo upon the quarter sec
tion of land adjoining the town slto
of Lawton, which will bo tho principal
town In tho now country of tho Kiowa
and Comancho reservation. This is
probably tho most valuablo tract ot tho
ntlro 13,000 to bo oponcd.
Tho application is mado " under a
3octlon of tho United Stntes statutes
passed in 1887, which gives to every
homeless Indian tho right to go to any
part of tho public domain and to make
entry for any tract of land that Is not
In tho possession of a homesteader.
Tho section has never been repealed
and tho right of the Indiana who havo
no allotments or who were omitted
from tho tribal rolls is ono that they
can oxorclso at any time, it is stated.
Sack of Money Disappear from a Chi-
rago National Hunk.
CHICAGO, July 29. A sack of 1.000
silver dollars ha3 mysteriously disap
peared from the Commercial National
bank and all of tho detectives have
been put on tho case, but their ef
forts so far havo been futile. The
packago wns left outside of tho vault
.y mistake when the bank closed for
tho night nnd slnco then no trace of
it can bo found.
This is tho second strange disap
pearance of a package of money be
longing to tho Commercial National
bank within a year. Detectives nro
still looking for a $20,000 bundlo of
bills shipped by tho bank with tho
Adnms Express company to tho Na
tional Stato bank of Burlington, la.,
August 17 last. When tho packago
was opened at Burlington It contain
ed only sllpplngs of papers.
Dr. Foiter. Chairman of Nehraika Com
mittee, to lie at Land Drawing,
EL RENO, Okl., July 29. Governor
Richards, chairman of tho commltteo
appointed by tho president to conduct
tho drawing ot tho now lands to bo
opened for settlement, suggested that
each state select a commltteo to be
present at the drawing to sco It was
fairly and honestly conducted.
Acting upon his suggestion tho Ne
braskans met and selected the follow
ing committee: Dr. II. A. Foster of
Omaha, chairman; J, E. Jones of Hast
ings, George Hess of Omana, F. A.
Sweczy ot Blue Hill and Amos Qulnn
of Beatrice. Their headquarters aro
at tho low office of Crow & Jones,
room 4, Wurren block.
Kama Thoroughly Hoakrd.
ATCHISON, Kan., July 29. Tho
dvouth In northern Kansas, which had
Inhti'd without Interruption slnco Apill
II., was broken Saturday nljsht and
Sunday morning. Tho Missouri Pacific
railroad has received reports from all
Ita stations which extend 300 miles
westward from tho Missouri river nnd
nci tli ward into Nebraska, and nil ex
cept two or three report a downpour
of from ono-fourth of an Inch to two
I in lies. Tho rain was a steady, dr'z
r.ling one.
ArUnna'a Total Acreage,
WASHINGTON, July 29. According
to n bulletin issued by tho consus bu
rcau thcro are 5,809 farms In Arizona,
with a total acreage ot 1,935,327 acres,
ot which 254,521 nro Improved. Of
theso farms 1,709 aro owned by In-
Crlipl (Irnwlng Wane.
NAPLES, July 29. Tho bulletin Is
sued Into tonight regarding tho con
dltlon of Slgnor Francesco Crlspl snys
tho heart trouble is Increasing.
Orosoous Establishes New World's Record
Qlenvillo Track.
Ooei In 2!02 a -I Over Coarte that 8eem
a Trifle Hcary Takee the Itunnlng
Matei Flnt naif Mllo In 1:01 and the
Next In 1101 3-4.
CLEVELAND, 0., July 27. Amid
tho enthusiastic cheers of nearly 10.-
000 pcoplo Crcsceus, tho world's cham
pion trotting otnllion, again demon
strated that he Is tho peer of all trot-
tera by trotting a mllo this afternoon
over the Glenvlllo track In 3:02.
This establishes a new world's record
for both sexes, replacing tho former
world's record of 2:03, held by Tho
Owing to the heavy rains of Inst
night tho track wns not in tho best
of condition todny nnd it was about
C:30 p. m. before it was deemed to bo
in safe condition to warrant making
tho attempt. At times tho sun's heat
had been replaced by cool breezes.
Even then thero were few horsemen
who looked for a mllo better than
:05. After having been given several
preliminary miles, Gcorgo Kotcham
camo out with tho stallion to attempt
what seemed an Impossible feat.
Kctcham nodded for tho word on tho
third score, tho horBO trotting llko n
Accompanied by a runner, tho chest
nut stallion fairly flew to tho quarter,
the timers' watches registering Just
thirty seconds.
As Crcsceus swung into tho back
stretch ho was Joined by a second
runner, nnd although many predicted
that the footing wns such as would
retard his speed ho reached tho halt
In 1:01. As the tlmo was hung out
tho Immense crowd broke out in
cheers. The three-quarters polo was
reached in 1:21, nnd as the great
stallion trotted Into tho stretch, a run
ner on either sldo, his machlnc-llko
stride was fairly eating up tho dis
tance. Never once faltering, notwlthstnnd
ing the torrlflc clip, he fairly flow to
the wlro being sustained only by his
Indomitable courago not being touch
ed onco by the whip, his solo urging
being the driver's voice nnd tho thun
dering hoof beats of tho accompanying
As the tlmo for tho mllo was an
nounced 2:02 and tho immenco
crowd realized that a new world's
record had been established, Kotcham
and his favorlto stallion received nn
ovation such ns has been but seldom
witnessed on a race track. Thoucands
of pcoplo rushed out on the track and
Kctcham was lifted from tho sulky
nnd carried to tho grand stand on tho
shoulders of admirers. Cncer after
cheer rent the air nnd tho namo ot
Crcsceus was upon tho lips of every
one present.
"Ketchnm," "Ketehnm," yelled tho
crowd, and the owner of tho sturdy
son of Robert McGregor was almost
carried to tho Judges' stand, where ho
delivered a brief address.
Crcsceus now not only holds tho
world's trotting record for both sexes,
but last week at tho Detroit grand
circuit meeting, by trotting in 2:00
nnd 2:05 in his raco against Charley
Hcrr, secured the world's record for
tho two fastest heats over trotted in
a race, his second mllo in 2:05 nlso
bolng a new world's record for tho
fastest mllo ever trotted In a raco,
and nlso the fastest second heat ever
Intimated 230 Huvo Ileen Killed In
South Dakota County.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., July 27. It
la estimated that tho intense heat lias
killed fully 250 horses In this, Minne
haha county.
William Parkinson, a woll known
farmer living near Bon Clnre, was in
stantly killed by lightning whllo har
vesting. Four horses ho was driving
wore killed by tho samo stroke. Par
kinson was nged 27 nnd leaves a wlfo
nnd child. His father and other rela
tives live In Sioux Falls.
Total Honda Furc'lineed.
WASHINGTON, July 27. Tho sec
retary of tho treasury today purchased
Bhort term bonds ns follows: Two
thousand dollars 4s at $1.13.C04 $1,500
Cs at $1.09.2130, und $800 3b nt $1.09.128.
ho total amount purchased for the
sinking fund today is $15,954,100 at a
cost ot $18,020,563.
Union 1'arinc liny a Hrannh,
LEAVENWORTH, Knn., July 27.
Tho Leavenworth & Lawrence branch
of tho Union Pacific, which ban been
in a receiver's hands for aovornl yoarn,
was sold, tho purchaso prlco being
$900,000. Thero was but ono bidder
nnd tho road was knocked down to
Judgo W. R. Kolly of Omaha for tho
Union Pacific railway. Judgo Kelly
stated that tho receiver would bo dis
charged at pneo and tho road oporatod
as part of thojjnlon Pacific system.