The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 30, 1901, Image 1

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    m-WitMv infante.
NO. 53.
Wat Jtortft flatty
af Mr""
i:Blow! Blow!
It is natural for some people in business to
BLOW. It is not our object to BLOW,
give glowing descriptions, or make risky
assertions in prices.
This is no circus bill and we have no red
lemonade for sale. Plain facts go farther
than fiction which will not bear investigation
Our goods speak for themselves. No
llowery figures of price are necessary.
A. 1 - DAVIS,
t of
Having sojd out
offering our stock
Ginn &
Real Estate, Loans Insurance
0TXloforoiioo:-ikxiy 33
The North Platte Pharmacy,
Exclusive Agents.
Free Sample Shade Cards.
our business, we are
at greatly reduced
are Is lax 3KTo'fcxa0lK.a.
Five Cent Cigar JS,
Farm Implements,
Buggies, Wagons,
Windmills, Pumps,
One of tbc heaviest rains in a
year or more bit this country
Thursday, followed by a lighter
one the next day. The ground is
thoroughly soaked. Corn, sugar
beets, pastures and the third crop
of alialfa, where the second crop
had been cut and taken off the
ground, arc doing nicely at the
present time,
Mrs. Vm. Eves of Hershey has
been the guest ot her son, George
and family, near North Platte
Wm. II. Sullivan, the breeder of
thoroughbred stock at Nichols, was
a county scat visitor on business
There is a bright outlook for
crops in the valley at present as
there is plenty of water with which
to irrigate besides the recent heavy
J. M. Dwyer one of the stockmen
in the valley, was down to North
Plattii the latter part of the week
on business.
E. F. Seeberger of Hershey, and
Tohn Keith of the south side, tran
sacted bnsincBs at the county
metropolis the other day.
Foreman Erickson of the Nichols
section, and James Clemmons one
of the section men at that place,
were at the county seat the latter
part of the week.
Clias. Toillion and his two soiib,
Clarence and Raymond, were shop
ping at North Platte the other day.
Mr. Toillion says that he bad aB
fine a crop ot rye this season as he
ever raised.
W. L. Brownheld who resides on
the Max Beer ranch, took in the
sights and done business at the
county capital two or three days
Seven dollars per ton tor loose
hay is rather expensive for $30
cows which are quite numerous in
the county at the present tirhe.
Leyle Cumberland ot Geneva, is
tbc guest of his old friends, J' V.
Robins and family, just east of
Prairie chickens and other wild
game are quite numerous up here,
but game warden Carter of North
Platte is looking after their wel
fare, He has already brought sev
eral transgressors to grief. He is
always where you least expect him
D. B. White who expects to de
part the first of the coming month
for a visit with his brother J. R.
White in Illinois, and in company
with him will take a trip into Ar
kansas with a view of locating
there if all is well.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Robinson'B
little baby is quite sick. Dr. F. F.
Dennis of North Platte is attending
A. B. Goodwin who is a candi
date for the office of sheriff subject
to the will of the Republican county
convention to be held in North
Platte on August 24th, was at the
county seat Saturday.
h. 10. Jones one of the many
prosperous farmers in the valley,
was at the county capital on busi
ness Saturday.
The ice cream social given by the
Loyal Mystic Legion of HerBhey in
the hall at that place on Saturday
evening, was well attended and a
pleasant time is reported by those
N. B. Spurrier and wife were at
North Platte on business the last
of the week.
M. R. Magnusen over south of
Spuds, has about twenty acres o
broom corn that is a fine crop, and
the recent showers have been bene
ficial to it. It is quoted at about
$125 a ton on the market.
Mrs. J. K. Eshleman and
daughter Bessie, were visiting
mends and shopping at North
Platte one day last week.
David White who planted a num
ber of acres of corn on Chas. Mc
Allister's farm near Hershey on
sharca, has sold out his share to
W. F. McGlonc, one of North
Platte's enterprising grocerymen,
is at this time handling the Nichols
creamery butter which always finds
a ready market either at home or
Miss Louise Seeberger of Her-
shcy, is visiting her many friends
at the county scat.
A. F. Bcclcr ot Hershey. who is
aspiring for the fusion nomination
for county superintendent of ttiis
county, was looking over the situa
tion at North Platte Saturday.
Postmaster Burkland of Suther
land, was transacting busintBS in
the city on Monday.
July 25, 1901
Board met pursuant to. adjourn
ment. Present full board and
county clerk.
Board continued checking county
treasurer's books.
Adjourned until tomorrow.
July 26, 1901
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present full board and
county clerk.
Claims against the county were
allowed as follows on the general
Robt. Pealc, material and labor
on court house trees 3.75, N. M.
SwaiiBon assessing Sunshine pre
cinct 48.10. The board continued
checking county treasurer's bookB.
Adjourned until tomorrow.
ST ATjTlfi WsT
Farmers in several localities arc
being swindled out of their hard
earned cash at a rate ot $50 per bite.
The swindler takes the farmer's
order tor a suit of clothes, his witc
a dress and his daughter a beautiful
hat; and just to make things con
genial in the family he throws in a
suit of clothcB for tbc son. The
goods will be delivered at the near
est depot. The farmer gives his
note, as usual, but the goods never
Auburn citizens have thrown
their lanterns in the wood house
and will go home by the light of an
electric plant.
Someone has stolen the big flag
generally ueied at city demon
strations in Fremontand the Herald
suggests that the constitution be
kept under lock arid key.
While Cry us Bell, a Beatrice
farmer, labored in the hot harvest
field a tramp ransacked his house
and stole all his loose money. This
almost discourages one from work
ing. The farmer at Wood RiVer who
has just harvested 4,000 bushels of
wheat isn't worrying over the fail
ure ot com.
William Betts, a farmer living
near Avoca, was about to get
tangled up in the legal clutches of
two lightning rod swindlers, when
he gave one of them a trouncing,
took the contract papers from him
and then drove the fakirs off the
place at the muzzle of a shotgun.
The ice men have gone on a
strike in Columbus. Advertise
ments in the Columbus papers in
dicate a fine large opening for a
number of persons who would like
to be the iceman. '
Someone kidnapped a dozen fat
pigs from Dennis McNeill's pens at
Norfolk the other night. Blood
hounds have been Ret on the trail
Stacker Rope,
Wood Pulley Wheels,
Hay Forks,
Grind Stones,
Carriage Bolts,
Machine Bolts,
Leather Fly Nets,
Fly Sheets,
Cotton Fly Nets,
Sweat Pads,
Double Trees,
Single Trees, ,
Oil Cans,
Machine Oil.
Wc have these and everything-
else in the tool line
that you will need.
Store open evenings un
til 8 o'clock.
Wilcox Department $fcoie,
of the'kiduappers but as yet they
have not' reached the Melrose
John Quincy Adams of Bassctt,
a direct descendant of the original
John Quincy, waB buncoed out of
bis farm the other day by a Btnooth
little woman who met him on the
train and agreed to marry him as
soon as he bad deeded his farm to
her. He bit. She skipped.
Five steam threshing machines
arc running full blast near Olive
and the farmers don't care a rap
whether it rains or not. They
will have plenty of them, anyway.
It is reported that an insect
enemy to the grasshopper has been
discovered. A little red insect fas
tens itself upon the grasshopper at
the root of the wing and cats off
the wing, after which it cats into
the body and the grasshopper dies.
Wm. Hill of Triumph, G. W. Bar
nard and others report finding
numerous dead grasshoppers bo
treated, Lexington Clipper-Citizen.
Tha Cardiff Giant Again.
Coincident with tho success of a pop
ular book In which tho story of tho
mammoth fnko, tho Cardiff Giant, Is
told with what purports to bo accurncy
for tho first tlmo, thcro comes tho an
nouncement In a dispatch from Albany
that a company ot Uuffalo in on has
bcon Incorporated with a capital ot
$10,000 to exhibit tho object which
fooled so many thousands of people
on both sides of tho Atlantic Ocean
hack In tho CO's, For years past tho
big, ungainly stono Imago that was
planted and dug up at Cardiff has
been reposing unsought, uncarcd for
and unsung up In Onondaga county,
Whon it was brought out for exhibi
tion a fow years ago thero was but
languid Interest In It up thoro and It
was laid away again. Now once moro
it Is to bo put aboard tho wagon to
travol back toward tho West whonco
it originally camo to tho tuno of "Put
mo off at Buffalo." l4ow York Sun.
Consumption of Ten.
Tho British people consume nearly
six pounds of tea per head ot tho pop
ulation, or an Increase of ono pound
per capita In sixteen years. Thcro Is
no other country which, In any way,
approaches this. Holland Is tho only
country In Europo whero tho con
sumption of tea exceeds ono pound per
head. In Russia and In tho United
States also, which arc tho other two
largo tea consumers, tho consumption
amounts to under ono pound per head,
Curail Stubborn Mulo.
A mulo In a pack train which wnn
usually loaded with salt discovered
mat by lying1 down whon fording n
certain stream and allowlntr tho sail
to dlssolvo ho could llirhton his bur-
don. Tho mulotoor onco loaded him
with sponges Instead, which abnorhnd
water whon ho lay down in tho stream
and made his burden fourfold haavlap
Tho mulo was cured of his smartness
A Kaaord for Had Tap.
According to a Vienna corrcspondont,
a flro recently broke out at Hormanns-
reuth, an Austrian villago near tho Ba
varian frontier. A Bavarian flro bri
gade, which was stationed only throo
miles away, hastened to tho rescue, but
the Austrian custom houso authorities
refused to allow tho flro engines to
Psbs the frontlor boforo tho usual tax
on Imported machinery was paid. Tho
Bavarian flromon naturally turnod
back, and half tho village was burnt
down before tho nearest Austrian flro
brigade was on tho scouo.
Wellington' Distinction.
A citizen of this town, says tho Wei-
llngton (Kan.) Mail, has lived to bo
52 yoars old without over having takon
a soat in a harbor chair. But this
doesn't win tho championship bolt. Ot
tawa has a citizen 114 years old who
has novcr taken n seat In a harbor
chair. Sho had no reason to, you
know. Kansas City Journal.
Hlmrk Flailing I Frodlubln.
In all tho equatorial Islauds of tho
North and South Pacific shark-flshlng
Is a very profitable Industry to tho
natives, and ovory trading steamer and
sailing vcssol coming Into tho parts of
Sydney or Auckland from tho Islauds
of tho mld-Paclflc brings nomo tons of
fins, tails and skins of sharks.
Grlatllnc Organ at I.niulon,
At tho beginning ot Junu In each
year about 300 organ grinders Icavo
Italy for London. They return to tholr
natlvo land In Octobor and llvo well for
tho noxt eight months, when they,
ugain start on their pilgrimage,
Tall Mon In tlio Bool Oimnli.
Thero are ninety men in tho Scots
guards averaging C foot 2 Inches In
height. Not ono Is under G feet and
twelve aro 6 feot 4 Inches. '
New York' Hiiro Tax I.rrjr,
New York collects In taxss oach
year almost as much an tho elty'ji total
Wealth of fifty years asa amounted to.
An Irrigation Pump that will
throw between 30,000 and 40,000
gallons per hour, 20 horse power
engine and 24 horse power boiler
to operate same. All complete
and in good order. Apply to
Buchanan $ Patterson.
Liycry, Feed, Boarding- and Sale.
Accommodations Good.
Feed per team to hay, 35 cents a
night; noon feed IS cents.
L. C. Stebbins,
'Phono 101.
North Plnttc, - Nebraska.
Tho Rooky Mountain regions of Cor.o
ltADo roochod best via tho Union Pncillo
provldo lavishly for tho health of tho
invalid and tho ploasuro of tho tourist.
Amid thoso rugged steopB nro to bo
found somo of tho most charming and
rostflll snntfl mi mirth. TTnlrv Inlmn
nestled amid sunny poakB, and olimato
iiiutouoors unit extiiinrntos. Tho
Bummer Excursion Rates
nilt in Olfoot 1)V tlll TTnlnn Pnnlfln nn.
nolo you to roach thoao favored localitioH
without unnecessary oxponthturo of timo
or monoy.
Ono Faro for tho Round Trip
plus 82.00 from Missouri lllvor, in offoot
Juno 18th to 30th: Julv 10th to Amour.
31st Inolusivo.
Tho Union Pnolllo will also noil tlokota
on July lBt to 0th inolusivo, September
1st, mj mm ino'ustvo, nt 810.00 Tor tho
round trip from Missouri River points.
Roturn limit October 31, 1001.
Proportionately low rates from inter
raodiato points.
Full Information ohoorfully furnished
upon application.
Summer Suits
such as wc arc now making- to
order you cannot afford to be
without. You need light weight
serges and flannels, anyway, and
the fit, style and comfort that we
offer you at such a small cost
leaves you no excuse for neglecting-
to replenish your summer
wardrobe 'with a variety of up-to-date
suits. Correct dress in
summer gives you a great many
advantages besides comfort.
F. J. Bfockcf.
We have what you want in this
Team Harness,
Concord Harness,
Horse Collars,
Work Bridle's, 1
Heavy Traces',
Trace Chains.
Hame Straps,
Clip Haines,
Hook Hamcs,
Burlap Fly Sheets,
Leather Fly Nets,
CViHnn lriv "Wnfu.
v a. v w a a av j w
Store open evenings until 8
o'clock. .
Wilcox; DepBrtmeqls ftotfe.