Ittf erol- WffMy Eribuuf FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1901. 1RAL BARE, Editor and PnoPiuiTOit SUBSCRIPTION KATJE8. On Year, cash In advance, M-5 Bis Months, eth In advance v n A. 13. IIuiititi,rtoii nml son George returned to Sidney Hits morning'. Mrs. Justina Wicst of St. Loim js the guest ol her sister Mrs. Jos. Otttnati. A fine, registered Polled Angus bull for sale very cheap. Thos. 10. Poomttm:, Kob Dick bad an eye badly nUr.Jth.NorihPUU.(K.btu)pottofflot.. burned by fireworks yesterday and oond-cUMtnatUr. at this time it is not known whether lie will lose llic niflil ol It FASTKKN anu SOUUiuni Ne- I 1 f 11... i iJuiJuiuriy Kiiuwn .its un; tuwuuv RockaBye Baby These are sweet words, but how much pain and suffering they used to mean. It's different now. Slnco Mother's Friend has become known expectant mothers have been spared much ol the anguish of child birth. Mother's friend Is a liniment to be applied externally. It Is rubbed thoroughly into the muscles of the abdomen. It gives elasticity and strength, and when the final great strain comes they respond quickly and easily without pain. Mother's Friend Is never taken Internally. Internal remedies at this time do more harm than rood. If a braska was visited by i ! rv,,n.,Ar. it Tliov ncavy rama x u .j . nrcachcr comm,ttcii BU:citl(: y came just in the nick of tunc to I scdinir a bulletin save an corn, cliarirc made by a Grand Island . I lunmul 4tmf 1 1 rrt-p n t t n n 41ia f i I lint ... t. A. MfiUif tfl 111 I vaifc "vunvi ?nr tnw uuibi it naa ua yiwuj . . . .... t , . . i, i ui ii u i v. in in. Aim xi.iu (.utility western Nebraska for tlic past .....,, . ' i.3ia.ih i , i sheriff called at tile house to arrest twowecks, but when one reads of the many ucatna irom ncai ... to ook fof a rd Urookcrcom ... . 1 1 . t f Fah- I incciucs ne i-uiiaiuv;i hii.ipv.. nmiPd tlic deed. lie had at- tnnatc that he lives on the bulla- tempted to take poison a day or lo grass prairies. two before. At Grand Island yesterday while It is figured that the wheat t it- . ..,4-., 4ti!u vnnr 2,300 people were i tt the .Gentry crop of this country tli . . year 9, 1 a will aggregate seven hundred Uic tM million bushels, which is mote ..... n hnv linm. Rtnvttnann i rr n hnv iniiniiasKYKi uu.v.vuvv - injuring several oilier pcrsoiiB The banner crop was mat ui T1C excitement for a time was in- 1898 when the total was 675,000,- tense, and it is really a miracle that 000 bushels. more people were not killed and in " -t-- - I n r nA n' It o Inco 4 r 4lio nmtlrn A si'KCiAt. election will be hcl( l,10W b deBlroycd property and in nau tuumj u.. ub..v- f . . . con.nnn which a proposition 10 issue one nunurcu uiouauu .w..a.o ... . . non , , B,rnw,,nt.rlno . . . 1 i 1. 1 bonus to uuuu a new tuu. i ..u daJ, dlr, u rcccnt bcf ...Ml l. MMin till 111- . J win uu vuiviu i'wu. boh, iost 01 the ocrrtcs were ing is badly needed and the shipped to Omaha. I.nntln ttill rlr1otl1l. r'HTV. I " " " uuii.l0n..MMuuU.; j Wlilto Man Ttirnml VMlou, Tnr nnnitliul ulnln hmdnuaf- Oront constornntion wnB full by tho 1 hk populist state ncauqu.u . , . A TI()I,lirtv ... Tiv',,,m. tcrs in Kansas have been closed, Ky,, whon thoy hhw ho was turninir vel- nnf nnnimli nf tlm fiillifiil hoinir Mow' fis eltin Blowly chtingod color, also not enough ot tlic laitimu being h,H oyoBf nm, jo BUfforod Ktorrlbly HlH 1CU to Keep tlic wiiccis luoricaieu uininuy wns ioiiow .inunillco. llo wns with the necessary contribu- T ,,w.,",,!"t tions. This is practically the Eloctrlo LlIttorB, tho wondorful Stomnoh ,j f nnn..iiom in K-anwo. Mr-hnd Llvor Homoily nnd ho writes: ...... Ul .....o... ... "Aftor tn t nff two liottlnn T ivnn vvlmllv Kinlcy prosperity has brought cured." A trinl provoB its mntohloHB ho nnnnln in ihor onP. uiont ior uii owmiicil, ijivor mill JUUnoy r-i-.v irouu os. Unv rOo. Ho hi bv A. I T.. Alnltnmn rtAHll.lllHmilnl I 1 X 111. iiiiiuuiua wiiniHuuumu i convention is considering two plans to disfranchise the negro; one is an outright disfranchise ment as a race, the other is to hedge him with property and educational qualifications. Either woman Is supplied with this splendid lini ment she need never ear rising or swelling breasts, mornlnr sickness, or any ot the discomforts which usually accompany preg nancy. The proprietor of a larce hotel In Tampa, Fla., writes: "My wife had an awful time with her first child. During her second oreirnancy. Mother's Friend was used and the baby was born easily before the doctor arrived. It s certainly great. Oct Mother's Prlcnd at tht druK store. 91 per bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ua. Write (or our free llluitratcd book. " litfoi lUb It Horn." STEBBINS' STABLE. Livery, Feed, Boarding and Sale. NOW RIGS, Accommodations Good. Additional Local. Ralston & Fonda Live Stock Commission Merchants Union Stock Yards, South Oinnlm. scheme Will have the same result Uy cod rntoa nnd courtcoiiB trontmont the "nigger" will not be per- oustomora hayo bocomo our best . . . , . . BohoitorB. Wo nro fully oquippod to 11111.VUU iu vuit. nanuio nil uuBinoss oniruslou to our onro nnd onn oiror unoijunlod eorvleo nnd ubeoluto snfoty. Qtvo us n trinl nnn wo win convlnco you. Alnrkot ro ports rurniBiiod on nnpiicution. Wo ro for by norm bb on to First National Mrs. W. E. McKccn, Jr., left 1JnnU ot Nortl1 1,,llUo- for Chovcnnc Wednesday. Mrs. W. M. Cunningham, Mrs. 1 & VOVeiltlOll II. M. Unmcs and son Iwcc, and Cincinnati. Ohio. f, in in. Trj AVlinltilrttF nt IfVnmmtt n 1 sister b Mrs. Grimes, leave Tho OiTciZ liuuto. nnvi Plirto1fiT frit TJr.i4-1n n.1 frn I - I 'IMlft InllniKIIUl 1..U1IJ ll l,k linnll , , iuiiuiiiii iiiiv..-) niivi; IIUVJIl rive or six cars oi tins sea- cIiohqh nw t in ol c. nl i-mtlo In I i son's crop ol Hay arc being ship- above convention. tied dailv from this noint. The price on track at the present is Union Pacific to Omaha, six dollars per ton. C. & N, W, to Chicaco, W. C. Chisscll, manager of Pennsylvania Lines to Cincinnati, tnc western lands (lcnartnicnt ot I . . .... . 41in flnn P Tlnmio tJonl lutno bpCCUll Cal'S Will lCllVC OllUlll Co. of Omaha, was in town Tuc8- 1!SS1,'nivJ"Jy nrnvinjjr at day looking over Lincoln county """ 7 o' I"g lands with a vicwof locating sev- Cincinnati the following morning, One Fare Pius $2.00 for Round Trip, Full information clicerfull furnished upon application. JAS. B. SCANLAN, Agont cral eastern farmers and stock men in this section of the coun try this fall and winter. Davis Getslhe' Prize, A. L. Davis was awarded the prize for having the best float in the parade yesterday, with the Maccabees a close second. Mr. Davis' float displayed much orig inality in mauc-up and repre sented his business m a very striking manner, Notice to Students and Teachers. o i ! o r o..t. triT r I octiiun on, oi ohu-uiv. vn, ui kx1, ami t;ixcH palil UIC 8CI1001 law provides tlial tlic laxu nwuruncc county Hupcrintcndcnt shall, on Total the th rd Siiturdav of Julv. con- i.iaiuutiks. duct an examination of appli- i'Xmli.'::.":: STATEMENT Of tliu comlllloti of the Mutual HiillillliL' aim i.cian AHNociaiiun oi iMoriu ri.uio, i iir;iHka,on tlic imu iiav ot June, luui. ASSISTS. First iiuirtuacu loann M'.'I.IKK) Stock loatm l.K'O Ileal estate n.iiin (Janli ,KbH DclliKiucut Interest, lueinuiniM ami mien ,, iw 7IHI 'AW i:,0U ...till, KID cants for admission to the State H.",Uv,!,Vl! V"!'!1" M'w mal School at Peru. loaim !. ... Normal In accordance with this law. otucriiawiiticH. I will hold an examination Julv Total. 20th, iyoi. IJlCKTlIA TllOHI.KCKI l.fflM) IMIV ilSlMti lfi:t'HIITH ANI ISXIMSN'DITUIIHS KOIt TIIK Vl.AU I'JNUINU JUN1J UU, 1WI IIKCIKU'lH. Cotintv Sunt, Hidaiicu on haml July I. M)l $ A J 1 ' IIIU'H SI, WIT intcrerii, ireimuuiN ana iineri ..iwi iw , L'ltt WHI The North Platte Junior ball !;' rui..ui.. . . ., '"try "'t,H' team wciu to oznu ycHieniuy aim neni.. were ucicatcu iii a yamc wiui uic Total ai.i;u clubot that nlace bv a Bcore of thlr- km-enduuiuw ... ' ... Loans tlO.nt teen' to two. rue aecisions oi tue lsxpenscs uu umpire were very favorable to the &lr? S Corad team, otherwise the score twm ami murauce sjh wnulHI liavft hften difftsrisnt. A rn. Total t3l,45 fl) .... . . . ... I St. -tin of NetiraaVa Lincoln cnuntv. rs, turn game will ue piayeu in tills i.samuci tinoxcu, wcrotary of the abov namvil association, do nilemnly nwear tli the lori-L-oliiL' statement of the condition tiald aHHoclatlon. Ih true nml correct to the Blow! Blow! Blow! f f f It is natural for some people in business to BLOW. It is not our object to BLOW, give glowing descriptions, or make risky assertions in prices. This is no circus bill and we have no red lemonade for sale. Plain facts go farther than fiction which will not bear investigation Our goods speak for themselves. No flowery figures of price are necessary. A. L. DAVIS, THE HARDWARE MAN. Five Cent Cigar to .A.T SOHMALZRIBD'S. ASK ANY PAINTER ABOUT HEATH & MILLIGAN PAINTS The North Platte Pharmacy, Exclusive Agents. Free Sample Shade Cards. Summer Suits arc now to be considered, and at Brockcr's you will find the very atcst patterns in all the choicest abnes for Summer wear, with a great variety of exclusive de signs to select from. We make up these goods in corrccr stvlcs and faultless lit, perfectly tailored in every way. F. J. Bfoekef. .ccd per team to hay, 35 cents a night; noon feed 15 cents. L, C. StebbhiSt Phono 101. North Platte, - Nebraska. You Will OliT YOUK Money's Worth when you have your shoes fixed At NEWMAN'S, The Cobbler. Everybody knows he can hx them.; Corner of Sixth and I.ocunt StreetH. FOE SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, And all kinds of Farm Jflachinepy. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices, LOCK & SALISBURY NORTH PLATTE. When You Buy Paint Buy Good Paint.... And that means SHERWIN. & WILLIAMS PAINT. We have been handling this make for many years and have found that it gives excel lent satisfaction in every instance. It may cos a trifle more per gallon than inferior paints, but ,.1 A. ' i-l. ,1 Tt ,1 Ulr, Xt-c ib a uucapcot in tin: mm. xt dbiuns twiu iiuiud lto color longer than other paint. We can furnish you any color or quantity. A. F. Streitz, Druggist. mm PROFESSIONAL CARDS. If. B. MuOAW, PHYSICIAN ANU KlIUOKON OUIUO OVOr HulTmilll'a Mlllinnrv Htnrn x n. I '"Villi, - INKIIHASKA. : orth f latte fTlocir : lylaafactafeoL by If ottt Platte olief iTJilis Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska. fl Trial Sack uJill Cofjvirjcc yoix of its fljerit North Platte Roller Mills C F. IDDINCS c. V. BEDELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oillcen: North Plntto Nntionnl Bnnk HuildiiiK, North Plntte, Neb. p Y. DENNIS, M. D., IIOMOEOPATHIST, NKIIltABKA. Over Flrnt National Dank, NOIITII I'LATTE, . . J, S. llOAOLANl). W. V. IIOAOIJIND Hoagland& Hoagland, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS Olll oo nvr McDonaia. Dank. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. VILCOX it HALLIOAN, ATTOmsrs-AT'LAW, (OUTH 1'I.ATTK, . . . N El) HAH K A Omc over North l'latt. National Ilank, Wm. Gaiat, Blacksmith and Wagotimaker. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. liorse bhoeinjj $4 per Team. Also reductions m the price of all other work. Work guaranteed or money refunded. Give ub a call. Locust street south of Yost's harness store. II. S. UIDQELY, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW. IF GOING EAST or south of Chicago ask your lo cal ticket agent to route you be tween Omaha and Chicago1 via the OIIIoh iMolioniild Ulook, Dewoy strtml. NOKT1I PLA'lTE, - - NEBRASKA D It. Q. U. DENT 'iMlLWAUKEEL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, umce over I'ost Olhce. Telephone 115. North Plntto, - - Nobrnekn. A. 11. DAVIS, .ATTORNEY AT-LAW. NOHTI1 PLATTE,, Grnily Block - NEBRASKA Rooms 1 k 2. city ill the near future. Mutton and Studley were the u-Htof my knowiiMico nml iciir . .1 UAMttll, nnnl'i; Ki-rilnrv name oi u coupie oi yuuuji pcopic Kutworlbcd ami nworii to bctorc tnc this 1st married at Grand Island, surest- w or jui Vicdokam.. Notary Public H nil unrla rt nirrwliuunn II 1 n rt I AllliroVPIl ! V llTTtlll VOnllUrTTZ. J I bad a little lauib." J, l' UliAUAUait. the shortest line between the two cities. Trains via this popular road depart from the Union de pot, Omaha, dailv, connecting with trains from the west. Mag nificently equipped trains, pal ace sleepers and free reclinincr chair cars. Dining cars and buf fet, library and smoking cars.' All trains lighted by electricity. For full information about rates, etc., address, P. A. NASH, General Western Agent, ATTORNBY.AT.IjAW, 1504 Fariiam St., OMAJIA. Uinman Illicit, - Dr.wEv Stheet, H, W. Howell, Trav. V rt. and North Platte, Neuhabka. I Pass. Agt. T. a r ATTERSON, KTTO R N BY-HT-LTTW. OIUob ovor Yellow Front Shoo Storo NOItTII PLATTE, NEB. L. I! E. ROCHE, County, Precinct andDIitrict Xievies North Platte, Neb., June S5, 1001. The countv cominlKHloncrn. Hlttlnc ax boanl of eiuallzation. proceeded to make and did make the levies following an pro vided by law for the several funds of the countv. bonded nreclnctn and school i s trlcu ot the countv for the comtnir vcar County general fund nine mills on the dollar valuation. County road fund, four mills on thti dollar V.UU4UUI1. County brldce fund, one and eight. tenth mills on the dollar valuation. County soldiers relief fund, two-tenths of oi one mm on ineuoiiar valuation. bonds Nos Jail bond Interest, two-tenths of a mill miiKine. inrec-ienins oi a nun. County f undine bonds Interest, live-tenth mm, ano iwo mins levy to nay w ft, 0, 7 and 8 falling due July 10, ltttt. North Platte bridge bonds, Interest three ntnsoi a mm: sn mill tenths of a mill mi. PlIKCINCTllONDH nklng, live-tenths of SlNKimi INTKHKKT llrady Island bridge bonds..! mills 4 mills Kureka bridge bonds 3 mills 0 mills Nichols bridge bonds ...2 mills 4 mills O'Pallons bridge bonds, . .'mills s mills nirnwoou urmge ionus ft mills ft mill bouth Side int. Imp, bonds, .7 mills 10 mills Mcl'berson Int. Imp. bonds. 13 mills 6 mills jtieuicinc roaa oonus,.,.,, ft mills ft mill 1IONDEU BCHOOl, UlHTIllCTS. Ulsttrlct No Sinking Interest 7 mills III mills 1ft mills fl mills ft mills to mills lft mills 10 mills in mills lis mills ft mills ft mills it mills 13 87 III ID 1.11 -8 :i 73 m l V1 t7 101 CI W 3J ft.1) fit 102 City No Jatte mills ll nil ' 0) mil U 3 mills 6 mills 0 mills ll) mills I mills 4 mills 5 mills ft mills 3 mills 4 mills 0 mills 3 mills 3 mills 1 mills ft mills I ml Is ii mills i mllia 1 mills 3 mills 2 HO mills Special levy on piatrlct No, ;'l to way Wortbly Judgment, six ms. ' tf M 1 y OTHBU J.EVIKS, City of North piatU), reypnus purpoBo ten mills. ' city of North Platte, Mrcet llBbts, tlv mills. City of North Platte, water fund, ecven mills. City of North Platte, Judgment fund, nlno Vlllauc of Wallace, ten mills. A. I.. McNiEt,, I.. CAiipr.Mini, M. L. MoCULLOL'oii. Commlsaloncrs. 0 W" IDvuGVvaxoNn imChampa8! PENVtRCOLO. notice ron ruuLicArioN. Lnnd Olllco nt North Plattp, Neb., June , 11HI1. Notlco Is hereby olvon Hint tliefollowiriD-nniiitiil dottier bis riled notice ot bis Intention to niako fillet proof In support of his claim, nml that mid prooi win oo maue uororo riRioier mm receiver st North Plntte, Neb., on July lft. 1901, viz: THKOIIOIIE HMITII, who mnile bomestvnd entry No. 17.T.23, for the southwest qunrtcr of vectlon 20, town 10 north, raoge west. Ilenames the following wllnoi-i-es to tirovo his coutlnuous rcMdcnco upon and cultivation nf said land, viz: leo Hmlin, Dlckena, M'U.j waller Gartrell, Gilbert Bmllh and JArthur Qartrell, of Bomenct, Nob. jii) oionoK k. FnKMcn, itegltler. NOTICE FOH rUllLIOATION. Land Ofllco at North Platte. Neb., June .1, 1W1. Notice la hereby clven that the followlnc-nnmed settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of bis claim, and that aald Sroof will be made before realtor and receiver at orth Platto. Nub., on July 1.1. 1001, viz: LEE BMITH, who made timber culture entry No. 13,701, for tho norinoaat quarter oi acvllon Si, town 1U north, range 31 west. Ue names the following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon nnd cultivation nt said land, viz: Theodore Hmlth. of Dickens, Nub.j Walter Oartrell. Gilbert Hmlth and Arthur Qartrell, of Bomerset, Nob, JIB ueobcik E. Fhkncii. Hegleter. NOTIOT FOH PDHLIOATION. Land olllce at North PlatU, Neb. June a, 11 01. Notice la hereby Riven that the folio In i-nanmd settler has filed notice ot Ida Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, nnd that raid proof will be made before reglator and receiver at North Flatte, Neb., on July 15th, 1001, viz: LEE BMITU, who made hon.estead entry No. 17,ft28, for the northwest quarter of section lit), town 10 north, range 32 west. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land, viz: Theodore Smith, ot Dickens, Neb.; Walter Oartrell, Gilbert Hmlth and Arthur Gar trell, ot Bomerset, Neb. j III Gcoiuie E. r bcncii, lleglster. LEGAL NOTICE. To Mrs. Altnedn Orum, formorly Mrs. Altni'dn Leonard, arum, husband of Mrs. Almodn Orum, first and true namo unknown, Katie Leon ard, George Leonard Clark Leonard, nnd Mabol Leonard, minor children and heirs at law of Albert G. Leonard, deceased. You and ench ot you will take notlco that on the llth day ot June 1001, Chnrlos E. Gibson filed his petition In the district court ot Lincoln county, Nebraska, the object and prayer ot which is to forocloso a certain inortagage, oxocutod by William II. MInney on the southeast quarter nt section twenty-nine C.M), township ten (10), rango thlrty.two (32) Lincoln county, Npbraeka, to securu the payment nf n promissory note for tho sum ot (WO. and Intprpsbnt thp rate of ten por cent per annum from the first day of April, mi, and upon which Is now due thuurn of WM. Plaintiff prajH that said mortgage may bo fqro closed and said premises bo snd to satisfy tho amount due on said nolo and raortgago. You are rpqulrod to answer said petition on or before- Monday, July 20th, 1001. Ciuiilxs E. GinsoN, Plaintiff, JJy 0. A. Itoblnnon, bis Atty, Know all men by theso present: That we, W. II. Plumer, E. V, Murphy, G. L. Bwancutt, It. C. Burko, W. B. Oowgill, William Dolan, J. II. Glffln and O. II. Kuhns, of Lincoln county, atate ot Nebraska, have on the tut day of May, 1001, asHo:lnted themselves together for Ibe purpose of forming n corporntlnn under tho laws of thostato nf Nebraska, and for that pur pose havo adopted the following Articles of In corporation: Aiiiiclk I. Tho name of this corporation Is the Maxwell and llrady Telephone Company. Abt. II. Tho principal placo of business nr tbls corporation la and shall bo llrady Island, Lincoln county, Nebraska. AnT. Ill, The general nature of the business to be conducted by said corporation, is and shall be tho construction nnd operating telephone lines, tho renting ot telephones to subscribe! s at a monthly rental, the acquiring and ownlog the npcessary. real estato. tho erecting and malntim ancn of npcesaary buildings for coinpsny oil) cos, switchboards, apd telepbonp exchange, and fo perform Mich ants as aro ppepssary to conduct n complete telephone system, Art, IV. Tho nmount of the capital stock of said corporation shall bo :','XXI divided Into aw shares of the par vnlue of HQ each. Bald stock shal I bo non-asfcosaabl c , Abt. 5. The date of the commencement of this corporation la and shall bo the 1st day of Mar, 1001, and shall oontlmie IW years unless dlssolvud by mutual consent or act of Inw, Abt. VI. Tho corporntlon shall hnvo the power to sue and be sued. t grant and receive grants, to do all acta which it may do at all, In Incor porate name. To have a common seal which It can mako, alter or destroy at lt pleasure. To buy and sell real catnte and other property, and transmit Ihosamo In succession. Abt. VII. The business of this corporation shall be conducled by n board of five directors. These officers as well as the president, seorotary and treasurer, shall bo elected by the stockhold ers atlbe annual meeting and shnll serve for the term of oun year, or until their succeasors aro elected and qualified. i,..ffT,i '"( 'fhejnorlloq shall not subject lUolf to an fndoblediioHs to succood in amount one-fourth of tho paid up capital stock. Abt. IX. The capital slock of thle corporation SSJn1. 'J10"""""1 tnnyllmo by n vole of he paTd flip 'rre-entlng n majority of shares of n.i".Ti,Xi"..ThU c,,)r"oratlon hns tho K)wer to lawa shall not conflict with these Articles of In. MMele. may to .mended or ln"Si ,u"Jor"T voto of ,u P''l tock. n' n urtUMI:" E. I). Uunruv, o. It. BvriNcvrr o ll, Kunws. S Coyoiix. William Doxan, " Pw'. . O.UOR". nnM. imki 'brsfka, Lincoln county, sa. ?P a d"Jr ot JuneilOOl. personally op- Kwf K . re.J"e' j06nh J! O'ftnur11". notary Jmplle p for the state nnd c ounty nfpresald. the abovp-nampd W U. Plumer, rE. p MuVphy, d. t. Hwaucuu, ji. J. i,llrkt) W:S CowkIII, WlH am ixlan, j. il.oimn apdO, II. Kuhns? to ri Z aonally kunWn to be tbo Identical persons wbwii namos arp afilxpd to the nboyo Instrument, nnd sevorully nckuowlp.lgol the piecutlve of thu tamo to bp their voluntary not and dcd for Die puriosu therein expressed, i In wltns whereof, I benunlo guhrcrilHid toy namo ond nnlxcd my oftlclul A;nl at land. IBeal JosmhJ. O'ltowufK, NoUry Public, ily commission expires iioc. 19, ltKJO, &