SEVENTEENTH YEAB. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, JULY 2, 1901. NO. 40. 3 KEEP COOL. SHIRT WAISTS AND WASHABLE SKIRTS ON SALE AT THE LEADER Our entire line ol Shirt Waists, all sizes, former price $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00, have nil been put on one table and will sold at 98c White Pique and Linen Shirts, worth up to $2.00, all put in one Jot and will be sold at Boys' Shirt Waists, all sizes, at 35 cents. Ladies' Wrappers, 500 of them worth up to $4.50 each, your choice. $2.35 and as cheap as 75 cents. MILLINERY. Ladies and Children's Trimmed Hats, 43c, 68c, 99c, $1.50, $2?00 and $2,75, worth three times the money. IP' m Housecleaning Time is here, and you will prob ably find that some pieces of j'our furniture looks shabby; that they need to be replaced by new. Wc arc here to supply your needs, and we arc confi dent we can suit you. Something here to please every taste; something here to suit every pocket book. BLUE FLAME WICKLESS OIL STOVES for cooking. Uses coal jpil for fuel. REFRIGERATORS in several sizes. WE ARE STILL SELLING MAJESTIC RANGES. Ginn & Weingand. JOHN BR ATT. E. It. GOODMAN. JOHN BRATT & CO,, Real Estate, Loans m Insurance X NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X JOSEPH HERSHEY, DEALER IN I m I WINDMILLS PIPES AND FITTINGS BARB WIRE Farm Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Windmills, Pumps, t PUMPS UNTY PRECINCT NEWS. E BRADY NOTES. Dan Fowlcs of Gandy came down from that place Monday and took the train for Michigan. Andrew Gustatsou and wife were thrown from a wagon by a run away team but fortunately escaped "jury. Fred St. Marie of this place will open a pool hall at Maxwell. Fred Ouimettc of North Platte will run it for htm. Sard Parsons has rcslgdcd his position as track walker at Max well aud will work here until fall. Fred and George Carlson were up from Gothenburg Saturday. 15. T. Sullivan returned Friday from Grand Island. , Chris Parsons lost a valuable horse Thursday from eating pois onous weeds. On the name day the saddle horse ofA.V. Mathew sou died from abscess on the liver. George Parsons made a 'trip to North Platte on his wheel Satur day. Clyde Drown returned Monday from Greeley, Col., where he had been employed for some time. Annie Johnson of the south side left Tuesday for Iowa, where she expects to keep house for an uncle who lost his wife some time ago. Ben Huttou moved from Gothen bur? to Drady last Saturday. He owns a half interest in the meat market at this place. Jerome aud tlulton moved a house from Gothenburg to Drady last Friday. Cy Carson Is loading his house hold goods snd will leave for his ranch north of North Platte. Cy has lived in this vicinity for four teen years and we lose a good and upright citizen. BETWEEN THE SUVERS. A. D. Goodwin of Ilershey sold J. M. Dwyer last Saturday forty- live beau ot mixed cattle tor a con sideration of $1,007.50, vj. K. Kipiey som J as. ware on the Pawnee ranch last week four teen nead ot cattle at irl.Zb per head. A few from this section will spend the 4th of July at Deer's grove over on l tie soutu side. Mr. and Mrs. L. 1$. Jones were combining business with, pleasure at the county metropolis Saturday. Several from this part of the valley took in the trained animal show at North Platte on Monday. A man from the ea&t has been holding a series of meetings at the school house in Hcrshey lately. J. O. Gygsr of the Nichols cream ery-returned the other day from a business trip to his former home at ulesburg. Mrs. C. C. Wetzel of Ilershey at tended church at North Platte Sun day. Several tanners arc irriiratinir tljeir crops in the valley to moisten the top of the earth, which in very dry aud hard. A majority ot the tall grain in the valley will be ready for the liar. vester the coming week, It is fine crop in every way. Clarence Redmond of North Platte was up this way one day ROUND AND HALF ROUND STOCK TANKS '' LOCUST STREET, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. 7i Paint is Cheap only when you buy the right kind, Wc handle that kind. Pcvoe's Nixed Paint. Carriage Paint, Wagon Paint, 1 Murphy's Varnish, Linseed Oil per Gallon, 75c. We have a full line of Brushes from the cheapest to the best. 6?Storc open evenings 8 o'clock. unti Wilcox Department Store last week on business. O. H. Kyerly aud the Scharmanti boys are delivering milk at the Nichols creamery. Henry Abshirc, a large ranchman of the valley, waB at the county seat on business Saturday. W. T. Miller iutormed us" the other day that he had about twenty acres ot fall wheat that could not be discounted in the connty and that it will be ready to harvest this week. J- II. Ilershey will rebuild the barn and tool house that were re cently burned on his ranch in the valley. The loss on the buildings was several hundred dollars over the insurance. W. R. Brooks and wife went to North Platte Sunday where they re mained until alter the show on Monday. Miss Linda Layton, who accom panied by her mother aud sister Mary, took a .trip to Boulder, Col., for her health sometime since, have all returned, that country seem ingly being of no benefit to her physically. Her histcr Manda of Wisconsin, is now with her. A large number from this vicinity will celebrate the coming Fourth of July at the county capital, where there will be plenty to be seen and heard. The Hcrshey schools will have nine months school in both rooms the coming school year, instead ot eighth mouths as was previously stated, This is a raise of one month while at Nichols they cut the number of months down from nine to eight. J. D. Strait of New Albany, Ohio, is the guest of his old friend Grant Bare at Nichols. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS June 2G, 1901. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present Carpenter, McCul louch arid county clerk. Election expense corrected and allowed to ru nifty persons as judges aud clerks of election of 1900. County treasurer is directed to refund to Anna Redmond for taxes paid un d;r protest the sum of $2.75. Ad journed until tomorrow. June 27, 1901. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present Carpenter, McCul ouirh and county clerk. Bills were allowed on roud fund as follows Win. Bailey appraising road 210 and 250. $2,ti0: A. Abercromble and team, $5.00 The following bills were allowed on general fund lor jury services John Johnson $ 4.50 J. D. Kellher 39.80 Geo. Duflicld 47.00 V. A. Vroman 43,40 JohnToilliou 43.20 Adam Kunkle 49.60 Fred George 40.50 L. Sturges 40.60 Gub Meyer 3.00 John Anderson 44.00 A. M. Lock 38.10 C. P Baker talesman 18.00 Floyd W. Jones 6.00 Wm. Mills 32.00 M. N. Holcomb , 8.00 Louis Nati ma n 14.00 Elmer McDonald 18.00 Wm. Rose 4.00 M. Murrin 10.00 G. M. Baker.' 4.00 John Talmage 10.00 Kd. Garrison 10.00 Jacob Scott 4.00 OttiB Moss 49.60 C. A. Sibley 33.50 J. M. Mooney 22.10 Fred Tobas 40.10 Sum Reynolds 26.00 A. D. Orr 36.30 P. L. Harper 32.50 Jas. A. Kerr 40.50 Jno. W. Alexander 38.10 S. C. Wills 49.00 Chas. Toillion 45.00 J. V. Martin talesman 6,00 Clay Robinson 24.00 Jno. A. HayeB 4.00 D. W. Baker 14,00 Greeley Bundy 8.00 W. M. Holtry 8.00 15. W. Simmonds 18.00 W.C.Rose 2.00 A. 13. Huntington 4.00 Wiley Mathews 6.00 4.00 WE ARE STILL IN TOWN While our competitors figure on whether it is the time they close tip, or the fact that they get long prices for their goods on time, that's the matter with their business, we go right ahead. There's nothing bothers us about our business except to get our deliveries out on time. We Sell Snow Flake Patent Flour, per sack $i.oo Gothenburg 13est Patent Flour, per sack i. io 1 2 -pound Sack Corn Meal 15c 25-pound Sack Corn Meal 30c One-pound Package Dwight's Soda 08c One-pound Package Church's Soda 08c Ten-ounce Can K. C. Baking Powder 08c Twenty-five-ounce Can K. C. Baking Powder.. 20c Kingsf orcl's Corn Starch, per package 08c Kingsford's Silver Gloss Starch, per package.. 08c Yeast Foam, 2 packages, 05c On Time Yeast, 2 packages 05c One-pint Bottle Snider's Catsup 23c Dr, Price's Vanilla, per bottle 15c Ammonia, per bottle 09c One-half pound can Rex Dried Beef.... 10c Search Light Matches, per box 04c Walter Baker's Cocoa, J-lb can 25c Vinegar, per gallon 20c White Wine Vinegar, per gallon 25c Kerosene Oil, per gallon 15c Pearlinc, per package 04c 140-pound Sack Salt Si. 05 Arbucklc's Coffee, 2 packages 25c Lion Coffee, 2 packages 25c XXXX Coffee, 2 packages 25c 1 -pound package Duke's Mixture Tobacco 35c 1 -pound package Old Style Tobacco 30c Horse Shoe Tobacco per plug 45c Star Tobacco per plug .... 45c Standard Navy Tobacco per plug ;. 35c Battle Ax Tobacco, per plug .... 35c Store open evenings until 8 o'clock. 4 Wilcox Department Store. C. P. Ross 4.00 John Remus talesman 4.00 V. II. Gould talesman 4.00 13. J. Petty talesman 6.00 Kd. Dickey talesman 6,00 CliaB. Brown talesman 6,00 John Ketcher talesman 10.00 Ed. Jackson talesman 6,00 Lyman Gardener talesman... 6.00 Geo. Baker talesman 6,00 Guy Boyer bailiff 8 days 16.00 A. S. Baldwin fees as judge. . 21.90 J. R. Cameron sheriff ot Furnas Co. tecs 4.00 VV. C. ISIder fees in sundry state cases, expenses, etc... 91.82 Dorscy M. Lcypoldt judge ment and interest on appeal 46.05 Greeley Bundy judgement and interest on appeal 30.25 Ashley Peters judgement and interest 011 appeal 17.00 Sophia Anderson care of Annie John Baggatt Requires Stacker Rope, Wood Pulley Whceln, llay Forks, Grind Stones, Carriage Bolts, Machine Bolts, Leather Fly Nets, Fly Sheets, Cotton Fly Nets, Sweat Pads, Housing's, Clevises, Double Trees, Single Trees, Oil Cans, Machine Oil. Wc have these and every thing' else in the tool line that you will need . Store open evening's un til 8 o'clock. AnderBOii for six months $162,09, Becler & Muldiou legal services in cases of State ya Shcpard, McCunn and Du franc 85.000. W. C. rcww fees in cases Lsypoldt, Peters and Bundy against Lincoln county 22.89, Win. Woodhursl witness fees in same case 2.10, A. L. McNcal same 9. 10 A T. On.- n in Sheriff of York county fees 3 00. I. - 1 L. Bare printing and publishing 129.03, ChaH J Kennedy and Tim T Keliher sheriff fees in case of State vs McCann one dollar each. Tim T Keliher, Geo Fulton, John Crockett H. Rchlcsiiigcr and Tim T. Keli her witnetn fees in caBc of State vs Dufranc one dollar each, Adjourned until tomorrow. W. C. May has been appointed receiver of the Lloyd bank ot Goth enburg which recently 'closed its doors. Si Hngadone living near Lexing ton hod a good part of his scalp torn loose the other day by a colt pawing him. The rainfall at Lexington last month aggregated seven and onc lourth inches. Crops in Dawson county arc in good shape, but some fears arc cxprcBscd that they may be injured by grasshoppers and cinch bugs. FANCY WORK. Wilcox; Department tofe, c A full lino of HiiiIoaM.., Ctll. I .....I. L a wuuiuiuciy Jim, LIlllUI 7 tiouis, soia Pillows, I StniiiJ) Linens of nil kinds Stump- Inir t'utturiiB. Embroltlorv Noo(llu. . nml hoops. t ftT'Aiiyono ImyttiK II M worth of Will Silk or l.lnuiiH receive one free Mrs. II. J. CLARK. At Mia. Scharniauii'M, opposite M. 13. Church.