The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 28, 1901, Image 5

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$ A fine line of Black and g
$ Colored Silks from $3 J
to $10. g
$ Something line in Fans g
ft just the thing- to pre- g
$ sent to young- ladies. &
Also a very pretty line of g
S Cut Class and Silvorwnrr.
W f
suitable for wedding prcs- g
lit Jfarat-Wctkty tribune.
FRIDAY, JUNIC 28, 1901.
Sidney Dillon spent several days
in Omaha this week.
Judge Davis goes to Omaha to
night on legal business,
Komcyn Dillard went to Lexing
ton this morning to spend a few
days with friends.
Lew Mullen returned yesterday
from a two weeks' visit with rela
tires in the east part of the state.
Billy Dymoud, the famous aquatic
wonder, will make his celebrated
high dive at Lamplugh's lake next
Received at Schlesinger's Louvre,
Mixed carload of Imported German
Ucer Culmbachcr and Wald
schloeschen. Five hundred men and boys are
wanted to take part in Fourth of
July exercises. Apply at once to
P. II Sullivan.
Will Bloom, living east of old Ft.
McPhcrson, brought in stalks of
rye yesterday measuring over five
leet in height and containing well
filled heads from five to seven
inches in length.
North Platte is to have a Fourth
of July celebration and it will be a
hummer. Doolitlle furnishes the
Fireworks and they will be better
than ever this year.
R. J. O'Hanlou, general organ
izer of tha American Humane
Association, writes this office that
at the request of the Nebraska
Humane Society he will visit North
Platte on July 8th to assist in
organizing a local society if our
citizens desire such an organiza
tion. i
m mmajka uuinino Ann mm nuuit,
Today wo inaugurate tho Grandest Sale of Summer Suits. Wo 3
SE roach everything in tho storo in liht weight goods. No moruy shown rS
ZZ to quality. Men's, Boys' and Children's Departments. Every light ZS
suit in the house must go. Hro is a full description ot tho goods wo
5E offor on snle:
ZZ Twenty-two styles of Mon's Summor Suits in light chocks and 15
stripes, men's all-wool serges in finest ot navy bluo, men's all wool black
fc: and grey clay worsteds, men's all wool Tibet and Scotch goods, all of zS
ZZ tho highest of quality and tho best of tailoring, and not a garment ZS
f sold less than 812.00 and some as high as $15.00, your choico of any 3!
tz and all styles for v
$7.50 Per Suit.
1k.-5 Fittoon stylos of Boys' Long Pants Suits in black Tibet, striped
Y Scotch Tweeds, and all wool clay worsteds all ot the beBt ot tailoring
ZZ and trimmings with singlo or double broastod vosts, not a garment in IIS
f tho lot worth loss than 87,50 and some as high as 810, ages 12 to 20 S
SC? yoars, your choico on this ealo for
S5.00 Per Suit. I
Hoys' Kmo Pants SuItB with and without vosts, all of Scotch
5 woolen goods and fancy worstods, not a garment sold loss than $1.00, 5
j: ages from 4 to 11, your choico of any in tho lot for Z2
I $2.50 Per Suit. I
Sj Don't forgot that wo handlo
ZZ tho latest stylos in MEN'S AND HOVS' HATS iu light and dark ZZ
shades from 50 cents up.
This is an opportunity never boforo presented to tho pooplo of r2S
ZZ North Platto and vicinity and whon you see Nebraska's clothing ad- ZZ
ST vortisod at such prices you may bo assured that quality is above all. S
S Evory garment in the store is of this season's product and all right, 31
ZZ and you can't well afford to stay homo. Mothors bring vou boys nlong ZZ
S as this salo moans an extraordinary saving on pricos and tho elioico of :3S
tho best qualities.
ZZ CD'MuBt received, a full lino of Keystone Pants nnd Ovoralls. ZZ
J j Nebraska Clothing and Shoe House, 1
t, L SAM H. ROSENDI3KG, Manager.
l ront Street, two doors west of Carter's. ZT,
m uiuimi. miunuDoiuui
32 AND 38,
30 and 35 cents
Store open evenings until 8
Wilco Departments Store,
Mrs. S. F. Dikemau returned
last evening from a visit at Solo
man, Kas.
Miss Sara Ncary lias accepted a
position as cashier in The Leader
and will also have charge ot the
millinery department.
A special meeting of S. A. Doug
las Post will be held at the K. P.
hall tomorrow evening to consider
matters pertaining to the Fourth
of July.
One hundred and lire persons
from the city attended the dance
held at Lamplugh's lake Tuesday
evening, and a very pleasant and
orderly time is reported.
The Fourth of July committee
announce that they have everything
in apple-pic order and promise the
citizens one of the best celebrations
they have ever had. There will be
a number of amusing features con
nected with the celebration.
No old style goods at full prices
at Doolittle's. Everything fresh
and up to date. If anything gets
out of date we reduce the price and
let it go.
Twenty-eight men were initiated
into the Maccabees last Wednesday
evening and at a meeting
tomorrow evening about twenty
more will straddle the festive goat.
About fifty applications have been
receiyed by this order within the
past six weeks,
Received at Schlesinger's Louvre,
Mixed carload of Imported German
Beer Culmbachcr and Wald
schlocschen. A gang of men in charge of Char
ley Kuhns have started in to con
struct the telephone from this city
to Maxwell, work commencing at
this end. There has been consid
erable delay owing to the delay
of material", bnt now that it has
arrived, the work will be rapidly
pushed, and by July 15th North
Platte people can "hello" to inhabi
tants of both Maxwell and Brady.
This line will prove a great conven
ience to the people of those villages
as well as to those of this city and
the gentlemen forming the com
pauy are entitled to commendation
for their enterprise
SHOES and tho bent for tho least 3
Roceptlon to Merchants.
The Retail Clerks' Union gayc a
reception last evening to the mer
chants who acquiesced to the re
quests ot the union for early clos
ing hours. The ladica of the
merchants and clerks were present,
making a gathering that comfort
ably filled the First National bank
August Uazcncamp, president of
the union, delivered the address of
welcome and made very neat and
appropriate remarks, which were
responded to on behalf of the
guests by 15. IJ. Warner.
Entertaining features were selec
tions by the mandolin club and
vocal solos by Miss Blanche Wcid
meycr and Phil Grady. The former
did so well that she responded to
an encore. The selection by Mr.
Grady was of a descriptive and
humorous nature, describing the
experiences of a clerk who did not
have a union card. Rev. "Wnnbcrly
also made an address. Following
the program ice cream and cake
was -served and an hour or more
devoted to having a general good
time. The reception was as pleas
ant as it was successful and will
do much toward increasing the bond
of good-will between employer and
Why Pay Rent?
We can sell you a house and lot
on easy terms so it will be better
and cheaper than paying rent.
Property at various prices. Call
and learn particulars.
John Bkatt & Co.
Upon invitation of Mr. and Mrs.
II. J. Hansen, living on the ranch
north of the river, the Ladies' Aid
Society of the Lutheran church
spent yesterday as the guests ol
that estimable couple. There
were thirty present, and that the
day was passed in a' delightful
manner is the expression of every
one present. Not the least attrac
tive feature ot the day was the
bountiful lunch served by the host
and hostess, which included turkey,
ham, tongue, pickles, bread, cake
and ice cream. This was so well
prepared and nicely served that one
lady reports that it wa with some
difficulty that the Rev. Mr. Seibett
could be persuaded to come home
he wanted to "camp" continuously
where such good things were found
in such abundance. Those present
feel greatly indebted to Mr. and
Mrs. Hansen for pleasures of the
day and for the genuine hospitality
shown them.
We will close our Store at 9 S
a. m. j my mi, ana win not
open until 7:30 A. At. July 5tli. 2
The social held at the Doolittle
residence last evening was attended
by nearly two hundred members of
the Episcopal parish and the sffair
proved a very pleasant one. The
lawn was illuminated with Chinese
lanterns, and Hart's orchestra fur
nished excellent music. An infor
mal program consisting of a violin
solo by Alvin Pool, a vocal solo by
Miss Schmalzried and recitations
by Miss Murphy and several child
ren, was well rendered. Cake and
lemonade was served. The obiect
ot the gathering was to promote
greater sociability among the mem-
oers ot the parish, and this end
was certainly attained.
Another invoice iust received of
the very latest things in stationery,
box paper, invitation cards, envel
opes, etc., at Doolittle's. They
are exquisite. Come and see.
We have many cheap hill ranches
and grazing land. If you want a
good ranch location now is the
tunc to get it.
John Bkatt & Co.
Your Yard
Will Look Better
If you use our
ri??uStorc open eveninys until
8 o'clock.
Wilcox Department Store.
A few Points ol Interest
that should not be lost sight of.
ROPE Stacker Rope, Hard
Twist Kopc, Manila Rope in all
sizes, and the price you know is
rigni. ;B-incn anu -incn
Stacker Rope, 10c per pound.
Machine Oil, Eldorado Castor
Oil, the best on the market, goes
farthest, at 35c per gallon.
Mica, Castor Oil and Frazicrs.
COFFEE In your hay camp
you want the best for your
money. There is no eoltec sold
in North Platte that is equal to
our 2li cent bulk coffee. Two
pounds of it is equal to any pack
age coffee sold and vou get
coffee. Come in and buy two
pounds of it and you will never
use package coffee again.
FLOUR Use Sundance, good
as any ?1. 10 flour, for $1.00 per
sack. Snowilakc, good' as any
Minneapolis Hour retailed at
$1.25, for $1.10 per sack. Oct
our prices on 500 pound lots.
Swift and Co.'s Bacon, Hams,
Salt Pork, Cooked Ham, Bone
less Ham and Bologna, arc the
best, and they cost no more than
others. Wc handle them exclu
sively. Hammond Packing Co., of
Cheyenne, put up only absolutely
pure lard; wc have it in 3, 5 and
10 pound pails and it costs no
more than others.
Feed your chickens ground
oyster shell and make them a
paying investment. Worth 2l
cents per pound.
OATMEAL Wc lead in
prices as well, as quality. Wc
will sell you 9 pounds of the best
bulk oatmeal for 25 cents.
We will sell you a 5 pound
package of Banner Oats, with a
fancy decorated china bowl for
30 cents.
Bulk Gloss Starch- for 5 cents
per pound.
PRODUCE We-arc receiving
enormous quantities of butter
because we pay more for it than
any firm in town. Bring it to us
and receive the highest price,
w r
Wc Lead hi Price and Quality,
W. F. McGlone.
Residents of the First ward hove
been wrought up considerably dur
ing the past week over the actions
of a peeping Tom. One young
lady had the courage to discharge
a fire-arm at the prowler, but unfot
tu nately the leaden missiles tlcw
wide of the mark. A liberal dose
of lead would have a wholesome
effect upon the individual who has
been annoying the people.
Statement of Foroolosuro Cases.
Clerk of the District Court Elder
has rendered a statement of the
cases in which Lincoln county be
gan foreclosure proceedings for the
collection of delinquent taxes, and
trom tne statement the following
is taken:
Number of cases filed. ,
Satisfied and dismissed.
Sold at sheriff's sale. . . .
.. 48
Bouirht in by 'county
Bouirht in by individuals
Pendincr settlement 31
CaseH held on stay 35
unsettiea and belore the court
awaiting service 73
Received on settlement of cases
without trial $12,561.46.
K'eccived on sales, $2,721.51.
Total receipts, $15,483.97.
The forty-eight tracts of land
bouirht in bv the countv will no
doubt meet with a ready sale, in
tact several tracts nave already
been sold. This land will be sold
at low figures, and parties desiring
any portion ot it should examine
the list, which will probably be
published next week.
Cheap Lots.
Just listed with us for sale at
$75.00 for comers and $67.50 for
inside lots. These lots will sell
quickly as they are bargains.
John Bratt &. Co.
Tom O'Neal yesterday shipped a
fine pointer dog to a -party in
South Dakota.
The high wind Wednesday even
ing blew down several trees in the
west end and twisted large
branches otf of others. It was a
pretty still breeze.
A Torriblo Explosion.
"Of a Kneolinu ntovo bnrnod a lndy
hero friKhtfully," writoB N. E. Pnlmor,
of Kirkmnn, In. "Tho host doctors
couldn't heal tho running sorn that fol
lowed, but Hncklon's Amiun Salvo en
tirely cured hor." Infnlhblo for Cute,
Corns, Soros, Hoils, Uruises, Skin Dis.
oases and Piles. 25o at A. V, Stroitz's
Driif,' Storo.
Horses For Salo.
By Joseph Hershey,
street, North Platte, Neb.
suneres, at
Men's Blue all-wool Scrg-e
Men's Crash Coats
Men's Crash Pants
We have a few odd things which we offer you at odd
figures. We don't expect to come out even on them,
just want to get them out of the way.
Terrific Price Cutting in Boys' Clothing.
Odds and ends in Boys' Vcstee Suits, ages ff QC
3, 4, 5 and 6, $3 and $4 values, at ... Pi"J
Boys' Knee Pants, 25 and
Yes, we give the money back, but nobody ever
0 wains me money uacK.
W ... 1 I.
Max Kirschbaum 9 Prop.
' Exclusive agent for the Celebrated Carhart Overalls.
nam uau nuiwo t
Ninety cars of Calitornin fruit
were iced last night and early this
forenoon .
J. P. Ganson, foreman of the ice
gang', has sent in hm resignation
to be effective July 1st.
The railroadR estimate that 50,
000 persons will take advantage of
the Epworth League convention
rates to San Francisco.
Several extra engine crews will
probably be put on the early part
ot next week to meet the require
ments ot the change iu running the
engines through to Cheyenne and,
which makes repooling necessary.
Complaints come from up the
road that the dagoes employed on
the Union Pacific ballast gangs are
killing all the prairie chickens
that they can find. Each evening
a gang Btarts out and generally
brings in from six to a dozen old
It is announced that beginning
next Monday the passenger en
gines and :rcws will run through
to Cheyenne. The freight engines
will also run through to Cheyenne,
but the crews will stop at Sidney.
This will make a number of changes
in the assigned passenger runs and
will result in the pooling of engines.
Wash Goods.
Wc have just received
ah invoice of entirely
Conslstfng- of
The patterns in these arc
very rich and the cloths are
15 and 18 Cts
B Store open cveinngs until
8 o'clock.
Wilcox Department Store.
Clothing House,
Max Kirschbaum, Prop,
Great Summer
Clothing Sale.
Men's Blue Serge Suits ff 0 CA
all wool, $io value, at p0JU
Men's $io and $12 all
wool suits, consisiing of
Black Cheviots, Unfinished
Worsteds and Fancy Cas-
Pants, $3 values, at $2.00
50c values, at
mmv rim
No. 11 MisBos' Hoso ir pair lOo
No. -1 10 MiHBOfl' IIouo norpiiir 10c
No. 10 iMibsoh' Hoso por pair t!3o
No 15 Hoys' l.oathor Stockings
por pair 2oo
No. 11. MiBBoa' White Foot lloso
pi'r pair 200
No. .') Mi'phob' Laco Stripo Hobo .
por pair 20o
No. 09 Ladiea' Hobo, 2 pair .. ,2f5u
No. 07 Ladies' JIoho por pair loo
No. t!) Lndtoa' Hobo por pair 25o
No. 210 Ladios' t.aeo Stripo Hobo
por pair 50o
No. (520 LcdioB Knnoy Hobo por pair. .fiOo
Thoro 1110 other inakoH ot Stocking
but tow woar iih woll and 110110 boltor
than UbACK OATS.
Storo opon ovoningn until 8 o'clock.
A Bad Give Away
it always is for a man to wear
ready-made clothing-. It rellccts
upon his breeding' and g-ood
taste. Men of cleyance and
refinement always depend upon
their tailor for the stamp of
style that only an artist can give
to your clothing-,, and wc are
acknowledged to be the leaders
in this line iu the city. Exam
ine our new line of Summer
F. J. Broekcr. ;