The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 21, 1901, Image 2

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IHA J.. ItAIlK, Proprietor.
At Fort Wayne, Intl., ono hundred
and twenty-flvo machinists and ap
prentices In the Wabash railway shops
Count von Huelow, the chancellor,
haa sent a lcttor to the rolchutag ask
ing that body to adjourn until No
vember 2C.
Mrs. Gage, wife of Secretary of the
Treasury Gage, who han been 111 for
some time, Ib reported to bo in a seri
ous condition.
Tucket Woodson Taylor, aged 40,
'was found dead in his rooms at
Oiecncastlo, Wyo. It Is bollcved to bo
n caso of suicide.
A young woman at Walllngford,
Conn., has been awarded damages of
$700 against a man who nearly scared
her to death for a Joko.
According to the return of this
year's census tho total population of
England and Wales Is 32,5215,710, an
incrcaso of 3,523, 191 over 1891.
Vlco Prcsldont lloosovelt has accept
ed an invitation to mako an address
at Minneapolis during tho stnto fair.
Tho address will bo mado Scptombor
Tho supremo court of Massachusetts
has rendered a decision upholding
tho constitutionality of tho law which
proscribes execution by electricity In
capital cases.
Mrs. Mattlo Ilorgcr1, tho school tcuch
rr who disappeared from Peublo, Col.,
on April 25, and who, it was feared,
had been murdered, hns boon located
at San Jose, Cal.
A general strike Involving directly
150,000 machinists and Indirectly 600,
000 mon In tho metal working trades, is
expected to tako ploco May 20, unless
somo arrangement Is effected in tho
Tho secretary of tho treasury has
purchased $90,000 short 4s bonds at
J113.0392. Tho secretary of tho treas
ury has also purchased $112,050 short
4s at $113.01.
Mrs. Mary Leonard, bolter known as
F"ronch Mary," a vlvandloro of tho
civil war and ono of tho most plctur
esquo figures produced during tho re
bellion, committed sulcldo nt Pittsburg
Pa., by taking poison.
Chaplain Daloy, lato of tho First regi
ment, South Dakota voluntoors, who
accompanied tho regiment on Ub Phil
ippine campaign, has consented to do
llvor tho Momorlal day address at
Carthage, South Dakota.
Already enough men havo boon en
listed at Ft. Moado, S. D for ono
troop of tho Thirteenth United States
cavalry and consequently troop A Is
bolng organized. Captain R. C. Wil
liams, recently promoted from first
lloutonnnt of tho First cavalry, Is In
Chlof Justico Fuller, of tho United
States supremo court, announced tho
afllrmatlvo of tho decision of tho
Unltod States circuit court for tho dis
trict of Washington In tho caso of
NnrdBtrom, undor sontenco of death for
murder, refusing to grant a writ of
habeas corpus.
Quartermaster General Luddlngton
hns arranged for tho removal ot tho
remains of tho confodorato dead In tho
Soldiers' ' Homo comotory and in tho
Arlington cemetery to another section
of tho last named comotory, which has
been sot asldo by tho secretary of war
for tholr rolntormont.
Reports reaching tho Interior de
partment show that smallpox Is wldo
sproad among tho Indians of tho west
ern reservations. A roport from tho
Choyonno resorvatlon nnd tho Sioux
agency In South Dakota, says small
pox Is provulont throughout, and that
many dcatlm havo occurred.
Tho war secretary, Mr. Brodcrlck, in
thi! hoiiBo of commons, moved his army
schomo, providing for six corps, with
50,000 militia aa a roservo, and In
creasing tho yeomanry from 12,000 to
5,000 mon.
A civil sorvlco examination will bo
hold on June 18th, at Des Moines, for
position of meat Inspector In tho bu
reau of anlmol Industry; snlnry from
51,200 to 1,400 per annum. On Juno
Sd an oxnmlnatlon will bo hold for tho
position of editorial clerk In tho saino
department, paying a salary of $1,400.
Howard L. Burkot, ono of tho vet
eran business mon of Omaha, droppod
dead In tho ynrd of his rcsldonco.
All tho wholesale liquor mon In
Omaha havo organized undor tho name
of tho Wholcsalo Liquor Dealers' as
sociation. Alexander Martz, an old Iowa edu
cator, died a fow days ago.
At Zanotu, Iowa, May 14, Postmaster
J. Marsh was run down by a posuon
gcr train on tho Iowa, Minnesota &
Northwestern railroad and fatally in
jured. Tho sccrotary of the treasury has
purchased $4,600 moro of short term
bonds at $113. CO,
King Edward, according to tho pa
pers, will nrrlvo in Hamburg towardB
tho end of May and will remain thoro
for a fow wcokB to tako tho waters.
Militiamen on tbo Street Gars Shoot Into
Surrounding Crowd,
One of Them U Ilrml I'rom Effect! of
Injuries Itccolved Victims Aro Promi
nent limine. Sir n Strikers Kscnpe
llut Are Wildly An cry.
ALBANY, N. Y., May 17. Fivo
hourB of confcrcnco tonight, with all
tho warring elements represented,
failed to sottlo tho Albany strlko of
strcot railway employes.
Tho strikers waived all the demands
for tho removal of the uon-unlon mon.
Tho executive- committee of the Uni
ted Traction company will consider
tho proposition in the morning and
may accept It and scttlo tho strike.
Meantime Major General Roo intends
to tako every precaution and nt mid
night ordered out tho Ninth regiment
of New York. It will arrive hero to
morrow afternoon, 800 Btrong, nnd If
tho strlko Is not settled, will assist
In opening up tho other lines of tin
traction company in this city.
William Walsh, ono of tho men
wounded by a bullet from a member
of tho Twenty-third regiment, died
at 10:15 tonight.
Lcroy Smith, shot In tho samo me
lee, was slightly Improved at mid
night. Tho Bhooting of Smith and
Walsh had a very depressing effect
upon tho members of tho Twenty
third regiment and tonight when
stones wcro hurled nt tho picket men
around Quail Street barn they did not
llro in tho dark. Two privates woro
hit and hurt, but they did not caro to
take a chnnco by firing. It was hold
by tho olllcers and mon generally
that tho order to lire was entirely
Justified, but thore waa gonornl regret
at tho consequences of tho volley.
With iho nddltlon of tho Ninth reg
iment tomorrow thcro will bo over
3,000 guardsmen In Albany.
Ono man dead two others fatally
shot, hundreds of persons with broken
bonds and cut faces, cars running
merely aa nrsennlB with no patrons,
tho city under mnrtlal rule, with Its
citizens In a frenzy of excitement ahd
tho city authorities and leadors of
tho Btrikors trying to get tho railway
company to como to an amlcablo set
tlement wub tho situation when dark
I'css put an end to tho strlfo grow
ing out of tho strcot car Btrlko to
night. Tho dead:
WILLIAM WALSH, head of a
plumbing compnny.
Thoso fatnlly wounded nro:
Loroy Smith, merchant, both Bhot
by national guardsmen.
William Marshall, a non-union mo
torman, skull fractured.
Othors most sorlously Injured nro:
Georgo Boozo, citizen, check ripped
open by bayonet.
William Roonoy, citizen, shot by na
tional guard.
Gilbert Hall, non-union motormnn,
shot by mob.
Tho bloodshed enmo after a day of
peace. From early morning tho
crowds hnd molted away before tho
bayonets and shotguns, cars had been
opornted undor honvy guards and
thoro wan an Impression that tho
spirit of turbulonco wns waning.
Thoro had boon somo minor demon
strations, particularly In North Al
bnny, but not a shot hnd been fired
and as tho day passed tho running of
cars attracted but Uttlo attention.
Tho volley flrod on Broadway by a
squad of Twenty-third infantrymen,
In which Lcroy Smith and William
Walsh, well known citizens, foil mor
tally wounded, chnnged nil that. It
stirred anew tho feelings of hatred
as tho exciting tidings swept through
tho city and tho guardsmen wero
bitterly denounced. Neither of tho
mon hnd beon guilty of an offense,
but wero caught in a crowd, some
member of which had btonod the
guardsmen and, by mlschanco, woro
hit. Tho disturbance was not a Borl
oub ono and "murder" is tho title
nppllod by inflamed public sentiment
to tho shooting. Tho guardsmen
seem hut to havo followed tholr duty
as soldiers, for thoy wcro undors to
shoot If assaulted.
Tho bright prospect of a settlement
of tho stdko hns not served to allay
tho growth of vindictive feeling and
if tho present Hltuntlon continues, acts
of bitter vovengo and violo'nco may
bo oxpeetod. It was on tho last run
of tho soldlerB on tho cars that tho
trngedy of tho day occurred.
Hprclnl Wire fur 1IU Use.
SAN FRANCISCO. Mny 17. A spo
clal Western Union wlro was stretch
ed Into tho Scott houso yestordny and
dlroct telegraphic communication es
tablished botween tho president and
nnttonnl capital. Secrotnry Cortolyou
Is thus enabled to notify Washington
of Mrs. McKlnloy's condition without
entrusting his messages to outsldo
bunds and a considerable saving ol
tlmo In tholr transmission will bo cf
fectcd by tho now arrangement.
A Chnnge Hint Indicated Moro Ilopn for
President's Wife.
night's instructions from tho bcdsldo
of Mrs. McKlnlcy gives more encour
aging indications. Lato yesterday
afternoon she rallied a bit nnd called
for nourishment. To tho anxious
watchers about her this was consid
ered as a favorablo sign. The symp
toms wero sufficiently Improved dur
ing tho Into afternoon to permit the
president to tnke a short walk In
tho open air, but his anxiety was so
manifest that ho speedily returned to
his wlfo's bedside. Tho most pow
erful stimulants known to tho medi
cal profession havo been resorted to,
In tho hope of effecting a rally, and
they woro so effcctlvo that towards
midnight tho physicians expressed
much satisfaction nnd Issued a de
cidedly encouraging statement.
SAN FRANCISCO, Mny 16. 10 p.
m. Dr. Hlrshfclder and II. T. Scott
havo Just loft tho Scott residence. Dr.
Hirschfcldcr has gono homo for tho
Ho said that ho felt that Mrs. Mc
Klnlcy wns dccldodly Improved. Mr.
Scott was much pleased over her con
dition. Secretary Cortolyou an
nounced that no further bulletins
would bo given out tonight unless
unexpected developments should take
At this hour tho lights In tho
building nro out with tho exception
of ono In tho tolcgrnph room.
Hnvcnly Thousand Itehrl llccomlnc IIIrIi
Iliimlctl. VANCOUVER, B. C, May 17. Ac
cording to Shanghai papers brought
by tho steamship Empress of India,
Wang Lu Hslnn, Chi LI province,
whero Miss Stonchouso wnB killed,
has recently been tho sccno of bloody
convictB with tho convorts. Twelve
hundred boxers nro said to havo at
tacked tho converts and slaughtered
tho natlvo Christians by scores.
Tho Mercury says that pcaco reigns
only within rango of tho rlllcs of tho
allies, foreign hatred being as strong
us over. Thcro is a report from Tien
Tsln that 70,000 Insurgents havo as
sembled at Yang Liu Tslng and that
thoy are Indulging In all kinds of ex
cesses, nssaultlng -women, robbing
houses, plundering tax collectors and
declaring their Intention of sotting up
n now omplro. Thcso insurgents are
said to Include pcoplo who havo lost
tholr homes and possessions In the
course of tho mllltnry operations in
Chi LI.
BERLIN, Mny 1C Tho war office
has received tho following from tho
German hcndqtiartors nt Pckln: "Gen
eral Litis' troops attacked nnd scat
tered 1.000 boxers forty-flvo kilo
meters south ot Pao Ting Fu."
Decides It I u New Industry.
DES MOINES, Mny 17. Judge Mc
PhorBon, In federal court, decided that
the manufneturo of women's gloves Is
n now Industry In tho United States.
Tho caso was that against J. W. Mor
rison, a glovo manufacturer of Grln
noll, who wns arrested for violation
of tho contract labor law by employ
ing Bklllod glovcmakors to como from
Europo to mako gloves. Tho court
holds that there woro no women's
gloves mado In tho United States
prior to 1887 and unless tho prosecu
tion enn show that Morrison's busi
ness wnB established boforo tho con
tract labor law was passed ho will go
Suffers So Severely Unit IIo Cnuiiot Leave
inn IIihI.
piogroms for tho entertainment of
Governor Nash nnd tho Ohio visitors
wero declnred off on account of tho
Illness of Governor Nash. While at
tending tho chrlstonlng of ono ot tbo
big trees In his honor, near Santa
Cruz, Monday last, ho wob poisoned
with polBon oak. Ho was partially
blinded nnd suffered much while ad
dressing tho Union Ix;nguo club. To
day ho has not been out of bed and
Is attended constantly by a physician
and nurses. Whllo his ntlllctlon is
not serious It provents blra from, par
ticipating In nny of tho functions that
had beon arranged In his honor.
Coniter CliHti With IIIII.
WASHINGTON, May 17. Mr. Con
gor, United States minister to China,
paid a Hying visit to Assistant Secre
tary Hill yeatuMny prior to his return
to Iowa by way of Now York. Ho will
roturn to Washington to consult with
tho president beforo leaving for his
post In China.
Crushed hy l'lilllnc Haute.
ROME, Mny 17. Most of tho houses
of tho village of Acorenzo, nenr Pc
tonza, havo been swept away by tho
fall of an Immonso rock. Troops havo
been dispatched to tho sccno of tho
disaster. Thus far fifteen bodies have
been reeovored.
(Ion. HofTiiiHii Droit Drml,
ALBANY, N. Y May 17. Adjutant
General Hoffman of tho National guard
dropped dead yestorday whllo In con
Btiltatlou with Major General Roe.
Complaining and Defending Pactions
Each havo a Delegate on tho Way.
X'otltlon AdkliiR Ilmviillnu Oovernor'i
Jtemoynl In to He Postponed Ileptih
llcnus Send nn Endorsement Contra
dicting Homo Killer's Chnrccs.
HONOLULU, May 8. Via San
Francisco, Mny 15. By tho Btcamer
Maripoea today Homs Rule Repre
sentative F. W. Beckley, Hon. Samuel
Parker, Dolegntc R. W. Wilcox leave
for San Francisco. Beckley goes to
lay boforo President McKlnley a
homo rulo resolution passed in tho
houso and senate asking for tho re
moval of Governor Dole. Parker has
a memorial unanimously Indorsed by
tho republican members of both
houses and by tho territorial repub
lican central commlttco replying to
tho homo rule charges against Dole.
Wilcox Is on his way back to Wash
ington and says he haa nothing to do
with tho fight.
In tho houso this morning, Repre
sentative Emmcluth, home rule, made
a sensational speech against tho gov
ernor. Tho legislature had been call
ed In special session for appropriation
bills and had Just completed its or
ganization when Emmcluth Introduc
ed a resolution to provide for the
sending of Berkley to San Francisco.
In support of It ho declared that tho
conditions that had led to the revolt
In 1893 had devolopcd again, with
Dolo now the usurper of power in
stead of tho ex-queen. It was intend
ed by the homo rulers to havo tho
resolution to send Beckley concur
rent, but tho senate adjourned for tho
day too early, and, ns tho steamer -was
leaving this afternoon, tho houso
passed It as a houso resolution. Both
houses organized for business nnd
re-elected most of their former organ
izations. Tho republican members of tbo leg
islature and tho members of tho cen
tral committee and tho Joint caucus
havo endorsed tho nctlon of Governor
Dolo In refusing to extend tho ses
sion of tho legislature, and nfter tho
adoption of tho homo rulo resolution
of last week making charges against
tho governor, asking for his removal
and declaring that ho was responsible
for tho failure ot tho legislature to
do any considerable amount of busi
ness, tho republicans prepared a state
ment In reply which Samuel Parker
takes with him.
Tho reply states that tho homo rulo
pnrty, having control of tho leglsln
turo, blocked cvory effort nt substan
tial legislation; that bills wero so 11
loglcally put together that It was im
possible to do anything with thorn;
that tho homo rulo party wns con
stantly hampered with potty Jealous
ies, and thnt these party bickerings
caused tho president of tho senate,
himself a member of tho homo rulo
party, to resign In disgust. The reply
states further thnt ono of tho causes
of tho failure of tho members of tho
homo rulo rarty to attain their ob
jects, nnd which prevented tho legis
lature from accomplishing more, was
tho Insistence of tho homo rulo mem
bers upon tho use of the Hawaiian
Inngungo in tho legislative proceed
ings, notwithstanding the organic act
provides that "All legislative proceed
ings shall be conducted In the English
language." Thoy elected interpreters
nr.d required interpretation of nil
bills, resolutions, motions and de
bates. Mrs. Nntlnn Denies Inutility.
TOPI2KA, Kan., May 1C Mrs. Na
tion will nppoal from tho verdict ren
dered against her and deelnres sho will
arguo her own enses hereafter and de
mand women Jurors. "I hnd two things
to contend with," sho said; "my law
yers bungled tho enso and thcro wera
nnarchlsts on tho Jury. I am not In
sano and bogged my lawyers not to en
tor such a plea."
First I'liyment Next Venr.
BERLIN, May 10. A dispatch re
ceived hero from Pckln snys tho note
of tho Chlneso peace plenipotentiaries,
nccoptlng tho amount of Indemnity de
manded by tho powers, propose to pay
tho first of tho thirty annual Install
ments of 15,000,000 tnols In July, 1002.
Hns Not Sold Northern l'ncinc.
BERLIN, May 1C It is authorita
tively confirmed that tho Deutscho
bank has not sold Its holdings of
Northern Pacific to Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
Mm. Illou- I Hnrnute. Home.
CHICAGO, May 10. Mrs. Jcnnlo
Goodoll Blow, who originated tho hos
pltnl ship Idea for the British in South
Africa, arrived hero last night, en
routo from Europo to her homo in Colo
rado. While In England Mrs. Blow
was tho recipient of high honors, both
from Queen Victoria and King Edward
VII. When sho returned from South
Africa King Edward appointed her
Lady of Graco of tho Order of SU Johu
of Jerusalem.
SaTcrelgti Coinmnndcr, Woodmen of the
World, OItoh Yenr'a It en tune.
COLUMBUS, O., May 15 -Tho fourth
biennial encampment of tho Sovereign
camp Woodmen of tho World, con
vened hero today, with Sovereign Com
mander Root of Omaha presiding. Del
egates representing twenty-ono Btatcs
nro present. Tho sesslona will con
tlnuo for a week.
After tho delegates had been called
to order addresses of wolcomo wcro
mado by Secretary of Stato Laylln,
who represented Governor Nash, now
in California; Mayor Hlnklo and Sec
rotnry of Board of Trado Basscll. Re
sponses woro mado by Sovereign Bank
er Shcppard of Texarkana, Tex., and
Sov. Advocato T. A. Fallcnbark of
Denver. Following tho open Besslon
secret work was taken up.
Tho roport of Sov. Commander J.
C. Root of Omaha showed that tho
order now has a membership of about
250,000 in nearly 4,500 camps In tho
United StateB and Canada. Tho rec
ommendations In tho roport will not
bo mado public until It goes to tho
committee on officers' reports and has
been acted upon.
Tho supremo forest, Woodmen Cir
cle, nn auxiliary organization, also
convened hero today, Mrs. Emma B.
Manchester of Omnha, supremo guard
Ian, presiding. Tho repor: of tho su
premo clorK, J. G. Kuhn of Omaha,
showed tho membership of tho Circle
had Increased from 5,200 to nearly 15,
000 In two years.
Tills Stnto Una Complete Representa
tion nt West l'olnt.
OMAHA, May 10. A number of ap
plications havo been filed with Sen
ator Millard by young Nebraskans
who havo an ambition to become of
ficers In tho regular army. Tho West
Point cadctshlps aro filled, however,
with no chanco of lmedlato vacancy
and Senator Millard can glvo tho as
pirants no encouragement. Tho ca
dets appointed by Senatoru Thurston
and Allen will not graduate until 1901
and 1905 and until theso years no other
nppolntment can bo made. From
present reports tho Nebraska cadets
nro doing good work nnd thcro Is Uttlo
prospect that they will fall In their
examination or for any other reason
leavo tho military school beforo tho
completion of their course.
In a recent letter on tho subject Ad
jutant General Corbln said: "Thcro
will bo no vacancies for the admission
of senatorial candidates from Nebras
ka until tho cadets now representing
that stato at largo shall havo left the
military academy. Ono of theso will
not grnduato until Juno, 1904, and tho
other In June, 1905."
Mnnlln I'ollco Til It o Lender of Itiwid of
CunnlnK Murderers.
MANILA, May 15. Detectives and
the police have broken up a band of
American brigands who havo been
operating In tho province of Pampan
ga, north of and not far from Ma
nila. Georgo Raymond, Ulrlch Rog
ers and Oscar Mushmlllcr havo been
captured, and Androw Martin, Peter
Helso, George Mulm and two others
nro still being pursued.
Tho band committed murders and
other outrages at Baoolor, Pampanga
province, and in that vicinity on Sun
day last thoy killed Henry Dow, an
American. Tho band sometimes rep
resented thcmBolvos as American de
serters nnd at others as American sol
diers. Georgo Raymond woro tho uni
form of a captain. Raymond and
Martin wero formely policemen at Ma
nila. T.nlior Troubles nt Allmny.
ALBANY, N. Y., May 15. A thou
sand Natlonnl Guardsmen and 100
mounted men will occupy Albany
streets today and attompt to force a
riotous crowd to lot tho cars of tho
United Traction company run with
non-union men. Tho Twenty-third
regiment of Brooklyn, tho Tenth bat
talion of Albany and tho Third Sig
nal corps will mako up tho complo
mont of men. Thoy will be rolnforced
by 200 special deputies, 300 policemen
nnd over 100 Plnkerton detectives.
Mrs. Nntlou Found Hullty.
TOPEKA, Kan., May 15. Tho Jury
in tho caso of Mrs. Carrio Nation,
charged with Joint smashing, this
ovonlng returned a verdict of guilty.
Tho trial was boforo tho district court
and sentenced will bo pronounced to
morrow morning. It 1b tho general Im
pression that sho will bo released on
tho payment of a lino and costs.
Order Three Worships Home.
WASHINGTON, May 15. Tho navy
dopnrtment sent orders to Roar Ad
miral Kompff, acting commander of
tho Asiatic station, to send homo tho
ships Concord, Marlotta and Castino
during tho latter part of tho summer.
This Is In pursuance of tho policy an
nounced somo tlmo ngo of teduclng
tho naval strength In tho cast. Tho
Bennington, Petrol, Oregon, Newnrk
and Brutus already havo been ordered
Assumes Supplicating Attitude In An
swering Demands for Iderauity,
Limit Is 1C, OOO, OOO Tnels Annunlly for
tho Next Thirty Yenrs Ministers Aro
Silent nnd Decllno to Commit Them
selves nt l'reseut.
PEKIN, May 15. Tho answer of
China to tho statement of tho foreign
powers as to tho losses sustained by
nations and Individuals in China has
been received.
Tho answer commences with an np
peal to mercy, naylng that tho coun
try is impoverished. Tho answer ex
plains that tho utmost China can of
fer is 15,000,000 taels annually for tho
next thirty years. This amount will
bo derived as follows: From salt,
10,000,000 taels; from tho llkln tax,
2,000,000 taels, and from natlvo cus
toms, 3,000,000 taels. Tho communica
tion further asserts that wcro this
dono It would leave tho country un
ablo to meet tho expenses ot govern
ment without assistance. It Is re
quested that tho foreign customs bo
increased one-third, tho receipts
therefrom to bo given to China for tho
purposes of government. Tho minis
ters refuse to discuss this nnswer un
til It has been considered by them In
WASHINGTON, Mny 15. A cable
gram from Mr. Rockhlll, special
United States commissioner at Pckln,
received at tho stato department, men
tions tho receipt by tho ministers of
tho response of tho Chlneso envoys to
tho ministers' demands for Indemnity.
Tho dispatch Indicates brlofly that tho
Chlneso represent that an annunl pay
ment of 15,000,000 taels is tho full ex
tent of their power to pay on In
demnity account. It will tako thirty
years to discharge tho debt at tkat
rato without Interest.
Mr. Rockhlll makes no mention of
tho subject of Interest, nor does ho
touch upon tho means by which tho
money is to be raised by China, or say
who is to guaranty a loan noccssary
to bo made. It appears that tho Chl
neso feel themselves obliged to sub
mit to tho powers In this question of
Indemnity, ns In all other things, and
though realizing their own Inability to
nssumo this Indebtedness of 450,000,
000 taels, thoy feel obliged to mako
tho effort. Mr. Rockhlll has been In
structed to continue his efforts to se
curo an nbatemcnt of tho total in
demnity, but in tho present disposi
tion of the powers Uttlo hope of suc
cess Is entertained.
LONDON, May 15. Dr. Morrison,
wiring to the Times from Pekin, says:
"Tho Chlneso reply to tho ministers
of tho powers is not acceptable. For
tbo first tlmo In the history of diplo
matic relations with tho Chinese, a
French translation accompanied tho
Receivership of l.lvo Stock Compnny
Will Not Tie Up Firm.
KANSAS CITY, May 15. Uttley
Wedge, who was yesterday appointed
receiver of tho Slegel-Sanders Llvo
Stock company on an application filed
by Frank Rockefeller, tho principal
stockholder In tho firm, took chargo
today. Mr. Wcdgo states that tho bus
iness will bo continued without Inter
ruption nnd that tho naming of a re
ceiver will not bo pcrmlted to lnter
foro In any way with tho firm's branch
es In Chicago. What action, If any,
will bo taken against Frank Slegol,
president and general mnnngcr of tho
stock company, who Is accused lu Mr.
Rockefeller's petition with mismanage
ment, Is not apparent and neither Re
ceiver Wadgo nor tho officials of tho
company will at this tlmo vouchsafo
any information on tho subject. Mr.
Rockefeller has promised to mako a
statement during tho day.
Asylum Inspector Appointed.
DES MOINES, May 15. Tho Stato
Board of Control has apolnted Dr. N.
M. Voldeng of this city to act as In
spector of Insano asylums In tho dis
trict which Is under tho caro of Dr.
Frank C. Hoyt, superintendent of tho
stato hospital at Mount Pleasant. Tito
stnto Is divided into districts and the
superintendent of each of tho throo
stato Insano hospitals Is assigned a
district In which to make Inspections
of tho county and private insano hos
pitals. Owing to tho continued sick
ness of Superintendent Hoyt, who haft
been 111 in Texas for several months,
another was appointed to do his work.
Mrs. McKlnley Is Hotter.
McKlnloy's physician reports his pa
tient somewhat Improved this morn
ing. Prenldent McKlnley has decided
not to go to Palo Alto today to greet
tho Stanford university students.
Knd of Mnrtlnl I.uw.
MADRID, May 15. Tho cabinet haa
decided to end tho stnto of slego In
Barcelona and to restore the constitu
tional guaranties there,