The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 10, 1901, Image 10

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5 Local News in Brief,
Spalding's Bats for Sc, 10c, 15c,
25c, 50c, 75c and $1.25 at Doolittle's.
There will be work in the second
degree at the K, P. hall this
Major Woodharst has been con
fined to the house by sickness for
several days,
Wanted. A girl for general
house work. Inquire ol Mrs. C. S
I Alex. Stewart has rented the W.
L. Park house in the southeast
part of town.
A, 13. Hoagland and P, A. White
contemplate making a trip to St,
Louis about two weeks hence.
John Bratt & Co. report the Bale
of two lots in the west end addition
to a party who will build a resi
dence. Sec Clinton for bargains on
Bicycles, lie is closing out all his
George MclOvov is confined to the
house by a recurrence of the bowel
trouble with which he has been
afllictcd for ecycral months.
The Jensen brothers, who hare
disposed of their ranch to W. M.
Baskin. will shortly leave for Swe
den to visit relatives, They will be
absent sixty days.
K. A, Douglas has received word
to the effect that his brother Frank
lost his home and stock ol goods in
the fire which Bwept over Jackson
ville, Fla., last week.
Wanted A girl for general
housework. Inquire of
Mrs. Fkei Marti.
Carpenters arc now at work en
larging the Lutheran parsonage and
will add porches on the front and
sideB. The improvements will cost
about six hundred dollars.
Company li will hold a meeting
Monday evening next for the pur
pose of electing a first lieuteuant
to fill a vacancy'creatcd by the pro
motion of Chas. IJendy, Jr.
Wanted A girl for general
housework. Apply to Mrs. W. V,
Up to this morning no official no
tice of the transfer of Alex. Stew
art to tliis point had been an
nounced, but it is said that Mr.
Stewart is making preparations to
moyc here.
Only two prisoners are confined
in the county jail at present, the
fellow who robbed P. W. Bryant at
flic Pacific hotel, and the one con
victed of holding up the two young
men at Hershey.
Patterson & Buchauan have sold
for Mrs. C. R. Osgood fourteen'
hundred acres of pasture land in
ths hills southwest of town to Dr.
McCaw for $2,800. We understand
the Doctor will place a number of
cattle on the land.
Doolittle will sell what wall
paper he has left for 50 per cent
ITo the regular price.
A gentleman asks us to call the
attention of the council to the gen
eral dilapidated condition of side
walks in the city. Such, however, is
not necessary, as thecouucil is well
aware of. the condition of the walks;
but the course to pursue in getting
them repaired is the perplexing
Sugar beet raisers in the vicinity
of Hershey are now planting their
seed, it is said that in most in.
stances the boiI is in excellent
shape. Over one hundred acres will
be planted to beets in and around
Hershey, and with an average
yield of ten or twelve tons to the
acre ought to net the raisers a
handsome profit.
Spalding's Mitts and Gloves for
10c, 25c. 50c, 75c, $1.00, 1.50, 2.00,
2.50, 3.00, and 3.50 at Doolittle's.
North Platte had two marshals
Wednesday and yesterday fore
noon, Dave Scott who was ap.
pointed to fill the vacancy caused
by the death of II, T. Kice, and C.
L. Patterou who was annoiuted
Tuesday evening by Mayor Walker
mil tailed to be confirmed by the
council. Yesterday at noon, how
oyer, Mr. Scott handed in his reHig
nation to Mayor Walker. In hit
letter of resignation Mr. Scott
ilenled the riirht of the mavor to re
move him without a jdst cause, and
ueuiea the existence of a just
cause. However, in the interest of
harmony in the republican party
ana penevjng Hut personal am
bition and gain Bbould be subserv
ient to party, Mr Scott was
prompted to tendur hm resignation,
It's The Talk
display of medium and
light weight garments
ever shown in North
Platte. The fabrics
are all woven for this
season, and the gar-
1 M
ifj ments made up to suit the taste of the
(j most fashionable man. Every garment
(f has an air of individuality about it that is
often sought and so seldom found in ready
(fV made clothes.
jjy Our prices for Men's Clothes arc as follows:
and VESTS S9
FANCY TROUSERS ' - - S2 to S4.50
f(j And when you sec them
to these prices arc very low.
W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor.
Mell Karth has purchased a hall
nterest in the Hotel Neville bar
and will give that business his at
tention after May 15th.
A lunre number of soldiers of the
Thirty-ninth volunteer regiment,
which was discharged in Sati Fran
cisco a lew days ago, passed east
tli ib morning.
Have you seen thcCoon Pictures?
If not, stop at Doolittle's Window
and look at them. Change everv
day, Only 25c each,
Guy Worthington, the youiiL' man
who met with an accident Monday
and had both legs amputated, in
reported to be getting along excep-
tioually well. He seems to posses
the necessary " nerve" to pull him
It has been found that the joist
under the county jail are badly
rotted, and it will be necessary to
have them replaced at once. The
rotting of the timber ib largely due
to lack of ventilation under the
Thirty applications for member
ship in the Macabces were received
and considered at the meeting of
the lodge Wednesday eveninir.
This is a pretty good start towards
tlie htty new members which the
lodge propo&cs to secure by July
Man's favorite Summer Shoe for general wear,
is the Shoe of Tan Color. The favorite color
because of the greater comfort -Tan Leather
lets the air through lo the foot, and attracts less
heat than black. We've a number of styles of
the season's most popular shapes and shades,
splendidly made, comfortably and neatly styled,
Russia Calf, Aztec Calf, Vici Kid Leathers
Welted and Sewed Soles. Money worth values
:it S3. 50 and
Yellow Front Shoe Store,
J aooM wroth 1. Q.
of the Town.
The Display of
Fine Suits for Men,
Youths, big and little
Boys which we
Opened Last Week.
If you arc not among those who have
nlrcady called, we want you to come in
at once and sec what we have before
the choicest have been sold. It is not
too much to say that it is the finest
S5 to S15 -S4toS10
$10 to $18 '
you will understand that
A union temperance meeting will
be held at the oppra house next
Sunday evening, and a special in
vitation is extended to men.
Ladies interested should remem
ber that a domestic science and
mothers' meeting will be held at
the Baptist parsonage tomorrow
afternoon at three o'clock.
Athletic and Sporting Goods are
a specialty with Doolittle, not a
side line. Best and largest line
ever kept iti North Platte.
Baptist church, Rev. J. D. Pulis,
pastor. Services May 12th, at 10:
30 a. in. audS p.m. riSubjects: Morn
ing, "Christian As6urauce"; even
ing, W. C. T.U. at opera house.
You are invited.
A committee rcpresting the Grand
Lodge A. O. U. W. is inspecting
sites offered by cities of the state
ambitious to secure the permanent
headquarters of the order. The
matter will be decided the 14th inst
at the meeting at Nebraska City,
The ladies of St. Patrick's Altar
j Society will hold an ice cream
.social and "swap party" at the
'storeroom in the Odd Fellow's
' building Friday eveninir, May i7th.
An invitation is extended the pub
lic, and the ladies will endeavor to
make the evening a pleasant one
for all.
' North PUtt. N.b.
2 People You Know.
II. S, Kidtrcly transacted busi
ness in Kearney yesterday.
13.A. Cary was a visitor in Pax-
ton Wednesday.
Mrs. Wnt. Ford came down from
Cheyenne yesterday morning.
II. Schlesingcr transacted busi
ness in Omaha several dava this
Deputy Sheriff Frauk Lcirerwood
has cone to his farm near Maxwell
and will put in a crop.
Mrs. C. W. Home, who had been
n town for a short time, returned
to Maxwell yesterday morning.
Mrs. W. L. Park and children
will go to Cheyenne next Wednes
day to make their future home.
Dr. F. W. Miller has been in
Ogalalla for a day or two looking
iter the wants of the people iu the
dental line.
O. II. P.Buchanan and Mrs. W.
M. Baskin returned yesterday from
a brief stay at the new Baskiu
. . ,
rancu 111 M)gan county.
W. R. Lesser, special agent of
the general land office, whb had
been in town for. a few days, left
for the east yesterday.
W. II. McDotiald went to Grand
Island Wednesday to attend a mcet-
ng of the bankers of the central
and western portions of the state.
Mrs. Wclton, state oreauizer and
Mrs. Walker, state president ol the
W. C. T. U., arrived in town today
and will organize a cluh at tin
Methodist church Hub atternoon.
John Worthley, Jr., who has been
living on his father's ranch north
east of town, will leave next week
with his family for Salt Lake City,
where he expects to permanently
Mrs. Isaac Dillon, Mrs. J. H.
Hershey, ISlmer Coats and wife,
Win. Brown and wife, Mrs. C. L.
Adams, Misses Maud and Etfiel
Dillon, Sidney DiHon and several
others attended the Crosby-Hunter
wedding near Sutherland Wednes
day evening,
H. C. Laugdou will improve the
appearance of his property by re
painting it and re-arranging the
Mrs. Thos. Haley, who was so
critically ill for a week or so, is
now reported to have passed the
danger line.
Spalding's Base Ball Masks.
Tennis Rackets, Foot Balls, Box
ing Gloves, Punching Bags and
other Athletic Goods at Doolittle's.
G. W. Brown and Dick Pickett
ot Hershey moved H. K. Stone and
tamily trom that place to this city
on Thursday.
It is probable that the high
school commencement excrcines
will be held at the opera house on
the evening of June 4th. At the
present time there are fourteen iu
the graduating class.
Lectures under the auspices of
the W. C. T. U. will be given at the
court house this evening and to
morrow evening. Stereopticon
views ol scenes in this and foreign
countries will be given.
Stkayi'd From the Thoelecke
Ranche, a pair of i.young light
colored greyhonhds. Reward will
be paid for their recovery.
L. D. Thoelkcku.
T. P. Owens, of York, is sagging
his brain in an effort to invent a
binder that will bind grain with
straw instead of twine. If he suc
ceeds he will strike a fatal blow to
the twine trust.
A water closet and hydrant has
been placed in the steel cage at the
countv jail, an improvement that
will prove a great convenience as
well as a safeguard against the
possible escape of prisoners, as it
obviates the tieccssity of frequent
open ing of the cell doors.
Fun Sam: A cow, bevcii-cighta
Jersey. AdresH pohtofficc box 143,
Thompson, the man who raffied
off the Saiid Beach rauch aud man
aged to hold fust to the lucky num
ber, is now willing to make restitu
tion by oiferincr to return tin
money to those who took a chance.
The people who held tickets in the
drawing are not Inclined to let him
go at that, and will insist that he
be tried lor obtaining money under
talse pretences. Quite a number
of tickets for the drawing were
Bold in thin city.
men to travel and advortUe for old citaulUhod
bouve ot Mill J fluanclal ttandlntr. Hilary 7W) a
year aud entente, all nauht in
"VlnK,rngulrtl. OWo refsroocw and oooloo
The largest line ever shown
in the eity
Prices far Below
Last Year.
Make your selections early.
You will find just what
you want at
Furniture Store
On account ol the rapid increase
in Calilornia fruit shipments, five
men were added to the icing gang
Wednesday morning.
Foreman Frees' gang has just
completed framing about forty tool
houses which will be shipped to the
Third and Fourth districts and put
F. W. Milner,night operator in
the dispatchers' office, was called
to Montreal Wednesday night by a
telegram announcing the serious
illness of a sister.
The Mutual Building and Loan
Asociation has for sale lots 5 and
G, block G. Periston's addition.
Residence and barn. This is a
good opportunity to get a home
cheap. See T. C. Patterson or S.
A s ummer school for teachers aud
prospective teachers will be held
at North Platte. Term, six weeks,
beginning July 1st. Tuition, $5.
Instructors, E. Lance Jones and
O. W. Neal.
All branches required for a sec
ond grade county certificate will
be taught,
Further information will be
cheerfully furnished upon request.
Bertha Tiioelecke
Co. Supt.
Homes For Sale.
By Joseph Hershey, Locust
street, North Platte, Neb.
Are Small Things but wc
can save you money on them
J. & P. Coates Thmad per
apooi 04
50yd Gorticelli Sewing Silk
per spool 04
100yd Gorticellt Sewing- Silk
per spool 08
Table Oilcloth per yd 15
Slate Pencils 6 for 01
Lead Pencils, nickel cap,rtib-
ber top 01
Autograph Lead Pencils 2 lor .05
Faber Lead Pencils each 05
Envelopes per bunch 03
C1' Envelopes per bunch 05
36 Sheets Writing Paper 05
12 Sheets Fools Cap Paper. . .05
12 Sheets Legal Cap Paper.. .05
Square Envelopes per bunch. .05
Linen Tape per roll 03
Cotton Tape per roll 01
Full Count Pins per paper.. .02
Invisible Hair Pins per box.. .02
Mourning Pins per box 02
144 Agate Buttons 05
Curling Irons, all sizes 04
7-inch Metal Back Horn Comb .08
3 pair Good Tubular Shoe
Laces 05
Picot Edge Baby Ribbon per
yard 01
Satin Baby Ribbon per yard .1J4
No. 40 Fancy Ribbon per yd .15
Corset Laces per dozen 05
.Linen Corset Laces, 3 yards
each 02
Adjustable Embroidery
Hoops . .10
8 Store open evenings until
eight o'clock.
htm i ' '1 1 a 1
Seasonable Poetry,
Written especially for Tub Tri
bune by Arthur McNamara.
Beat the carpet gently, papa,
Do not strike it quite so hard,
For you know we can't replace it
Short of 80 cents a yard.
'When does a window blush7''
asked Jim Scanlan yesterday as he
solicited a bite ol O. P. tobacco.
'Don't know, eh? Why when it
sees the weatherstrip." A friend
hastily led Scanlan away from the
man who grasped a club,
On getting home from a ride last
evening a young lady living on east
Fourth street found a ten dollar
bill sticking to her bicycle tire.
This shows plentiful money is 111
North Platte and how easily it can
be picked up.
Morey Alexander, who was down
from Garfield Wednesday, said the
farmers in that section are putting
iu an unusually large acreage of
corn. Considerable wheat was
sown iu that precinct and it is look
ing exceptionally fine.
Warm Weather
Demands ....
Screen Doors,
Spring Hinges,
Screen Wire,
Ice Cream Freezers,
Lawn Sprinklers,
Rubber Hose,
Milk Cans,
Post Hole Diggers,
Wire Stretchers,
Barb Wire,
Poultry Netting,
Single Trees,
Double Trees, Ironed.
Double Tree Woods,
are the most comfortable, commod
ious means of travel for large
parties, intending settlers, home
seekers, and hunting parties
These cars are run on the Union
Pacific daily from Nebraska and
Kansas points to California and
Oregon points, and are fitted up
complete with mattresses, curtains,
blankets, pillows, etc , requiring
nothing to be furnished by the
passengers. Uniformed porters in
charge of the cars, are required to
keep them in good order, and look
after the wants and comforts of all
passengers. The cars are new, of
modern pattern, and are almost as
convenient and comfortable as first
class Palace Sleepers. For full in
formation call on or address
Jas. B. Scanlan,
or south of Chicago ask your lo
cal ticket agent to route rou be
tween Omaha and Chicago via the
the shortest line between the two
cities. Trains via this popular
road depart from the Union de
pot, Omaha, daily, connecting
with trains from the west. Mag
nificently equipped trains, pal
ace sleepers and free reclining
chair cars. Dining cars and buf
fet, library and smoking cars.
All trains lighted by electricity.
For full information about rates,
etc., address,
General Western Agent,
1504 Farnam St., OMAHA.
H. W. Howell, Trav. Frt. and
Pass. Agt.
General Repuirer.
Special attention given to
bicycle mo.