lie Weekly Sribtmr TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1901. lRAL B A RE, Editor and Phoprirtor 8UUB0HIPTION HATEB. On Year, cash In advance,,,,, Six Month, cash In advance M Oenta' ntrdiHhNortbPlatte(Nbrka)potofflcaa. itoond-eU.amattar. A San Juan lawyer lias been admitted to practice before the United States supreme court. The constitution follows the flag in this instance. Tiiky arc now talking- Minis ter Conger as the republican candidate for governor of Iowa. That would be a proper recog nition of his excellent record at Peking. Thu receipts .of the govern ment in April were $5,800,000 greater than the expenpiturcs, which shows that Uncle Sam is still laying aside a little for a rainy day. Tim secretary of war has de cided that after June 30th forty thousand men shall comprise the American army in the Phili pinne' archipelago, and immedi ate steps will be taken for the withdrawal of about ten thou sand soldiers. Acting under orders of Mayor Moore all the saloons in Omaha were closed Sunday, and as a re sult the soda water fountains were well patronized. For a great many people, however, the soda water was a poor substitute for the Real Thing. Latest reports show that the United States now leads all the nations of the earth in the matter of exports. Compared with Great Britian the showing is as follows for nine months ending March 31: United States $1,120, 580,672: Great Britian 1,050, 346,214. This has been brought about under republican economic and industrial policies. Thomas R. Hinds, who acted for five days as receiver of the Boston and'Montana Mining com pany at Butte, Mont., about a year ago has been awarded $200,000 for personal compensa tion and $31,000 for counsel fees and other expenses. This is almost good enough to cause an editor to seriously consider throwing up his job and learning the receiver trade. Custer County Chief. Tine beautiful city of Jackson ville, Fla., was swept by fire last Friday, one hundred and forty eight blocks being laid waste, en tailing a loss of ten million dol- ars, rendering ten thousand peo pie homeless, and resulting in a nu nber of deaths. The desti tute people arc being cared for at nearby towns and by moans ot a rcnei tuna which was quickly raised. Thu indemnity which the powers win exact irom uinna is now placed at three hundred and nitccn minion dollars, this is the price of the folly of the Buddhist priests who were re sponsible for the Boxer uprising. The eye tooth which the powers has cut for China is an expensive one, but will in tlje end prove profitable it will teach her to more promptly suppress her in surrectionists. The chief burden of the Nc braska popocratic papers just now is, first, thai the outgoing governor allowed the approprta tions to exceed the revenues by nearly b250,000, and, second, that he struck certain state in stitutions some fearful blows by vetoing unnecessary appropria tion bill items. Our popocratic friends should try to reconcile Jhcjr complaints with one another. If the governor had not used his veto power the ex cess of the appropriotions would have been still greater. lice. Tun list made up by the New York Herald of "3,828 million aires out of a population a little in excess of of 76,000,000 who own $16,000,000,000 out of the $81,750,000,000 at which our en tire property has been fairly valued" has been received with scoffing in all parts of the coun try. Kach city has looked over the list with which it is credited, and in most cases the errors out number the correct classifica tions. The millionaires arc not so plentiful in real life as they arc in hastily compiled news paper tables. And now the scnsationlists arc threatening us with a whisky famine. Some unprincipled ruffian of an octopus has cor nered the crop and refuses to sell a barrel for love or money until the intense thirst of his fellow citizens shall drive them to offer its weight in gold for the inspiring fluid. Here isa chance for Mr. Bryan and ex-Attorney General Smith to do some tall talking. In the meantime some people will doubtless be better off besides the man with the corner, if there is a genuine whisky famine. It ought to warm the cockles of Mrs. Carrie Nation's heart. State Journal. Pkksidknt McKinmsy at Huntsville, Ala: "We are not a military people. We arc not dedicated to arms. We love peace, and the United States never goes to war except lor peace, and only where we can lave it no other way. We have never gone to war for conquest, or exploitation or for territory, but always for liberty and hu manity; and in our recent war with Spain the people of the whole United States as one man marched with the Hag for the lonorof the nation to relieve the oppressed people in Cuba. The United States has never acquired a foot of 'territory that has not )cen forever dedicated to iberty." use Is hard enough ns it is. It is to her that we owe our world, and everything should bo nindc ns ca3y ns possible tor her nt the time of childbirth. This is just what MOTHER'S Friend will do. It will make baby's comine casv and painless, and that without tak ing dangerous drugs into the ays teui. It Is simply to 1hj applied to tho muscles of the abdomen. It penetrates through the skin carry ing strength and elasticity with it. Tf fif r1lrrtlintic Mm ..t.n1 I prevents all of the discomforts of J pregnancy, Tt to mother of a. nluml Imlio n Panama, Mo., says: "Ihnvoused Aiotuers friend am and can praise it highly." Got Mother's Tricm! ot tlio Drug Store, SI per bottlo. Tho Brndfleld Regulator Co., ATLANTA, GA. Writo for our free illustrated book, 'lioforo liaby is Horn." CALL ON I. 7. PORT foi: U.F.Ii.H.miil oilier Lari -100,000 acres of U. P. R. R. and other lauds for sale.. . BARGAINS IN RANCHES AND PASTURE LANDS. Offlco in Ottemtelu Block. NORTH PbflTTB, NEB. A Critical Man is exacting as to his attire its material, cut, pattern, fit and finish. We beg to advise that we cater to the man critical as to his tailoring. Certain of gratify ing his taste for things sartorial, his praise will redound to our credit. We take equal pains with all and will suit you, not counting the trouble of succcsivc 'try ons when necessary. F. J. Broekei-. FOR SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, And all kinds of Farm JVlachinery. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK 5 SALISBURY NORTH PLATTE. HUMPHREYS' No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 Cures Fever. 2 " Worms. 0 " Infants' Diseases 4 " Diarrhea. 8 " Neuralgia. O Cures Headache. 10 " Dyspepsia. 1 1 " Delayed Periods No. 12 " Leuchorroo. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. IB Cures Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. Wo. 00 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or Kent tirormiil on recoiiitof price, 25o., orfi fur SI. Dn. IIu.MiMinEVH' Homeopathic Maniuj. Of DlRKAHUM JJ.UI.KI) Fiike. Humphreys' Med. Co., Ill Willlatr St., N. Y. TO- IVITII DIUECT CONNKCTIONS VOM All Principal Eastern Cities sfl- -VIA THU ft UNION PACIFIC AND CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN LINES. Passenger Jstlneil lor prominent cities east of the Missouri lllver Mioultl patronize ttila route. Thu through train are K)dly Vestl "tiled, elegantly equipped with Double Drawing ltnoni and I'alacc sleepers. Dining Cars, meals a ja Carte, free Uecllntni' Chair Cam wvwv For ticket and full Information call on JAS. B. SCANLAN, Agont REVIVO truaUJ RESTORES VITALITY Made a ml'V-MKr L wen Man produce tho above results In 30 dan. It seta ixnrerf Ully lUd aulcklv. Cured whim ill othan (alL Vouna men will regain their lost manhood, sod olfl men wilt rocovor thoir youthful visor tr using ItllVlVO. It quickly and surely restore Narrou- oesa, Lott Tlttlltr, Impotenoy. Nlgbtlr EralutOBf. loaiuionj, bmuaaLtnil law i-oner, aiiinir womory, wutlna Dl U effect ot lelf-abuM or excess and, lndbxrelm, Which unlit ono for etuJr. builneaa or muritn. It not only cure by e Urtlng t the ret of dUewt, bnt Isagrett nervotonlo and blood builder, brlor log bck tbo pink glow to vale chMkiftcdrm (torlcg tbo flro of youth, ft wuds off Insult and Consumption. Inaint on hnlng UK VIVO, no outer. 11 cin do earned in vet pocket, uy qui, ei.uu per picjiRe, or tlx tor ca.uu, witn m tlvo tvrltten miarantM to enra or m tbo money. Hook and nrtvlso froo. Addrea I0YAT. MFDICINR CO.. ,6?.P'y"0U.t! w r-v.i-, 7 ILU For ua)a ill North Plattts by A v, orreira, nKST SERVICE Jest equipment I EST TItAUK L'EST ROUTE 1 ''ofS" $1 Davis, the Hardware Man. f iV ' 1 1 Wc sell Maaury's Paint, if your house looks like a fright, raint it, or now win it look by y To keep hot or cold, purchase Of the Hardware Man whom nobodv owes. t If you like sport wc have Guns, Fish Hook and Lines, Bicycles and Hammocks to help you kill time. & Bring in your repair work and old gasoline stoves, They will promptly be repaired where nobody owes, 5 1, i'or JxaKcs, noes ana csiioveis, iNozzies, tjpnniucrs, nose, f Go to the Hardware Man whom nobody owes. Ot Knives, Razors and Scissors, wc still have a few, g, Can give you a sole or heel for yonr shoe. & Our Pots, Pans and Kettles and Aluminum Ware, ! Will open your eyes and cause you to stare, Wire Netting for Poultry, Screen Wire for flies, And for a plumber wc have captured a genuine prize. JvJt, THE Ci'va Tntif Cittir m 1 ITW BEST j&JT SCHMALZRIBD'S. BLACKLEG A fresh stock of EfKSvSySr! lust r e c c i v c d. This firm is the largest producers of Vaccine a in the U. S. We loan you the outfit for Vac- inn f inn- KRKR OF PHAWfili! S X NORTH PLATTE PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 0. V. BEDELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OIHcob: North Plutto Nntional Bnnk Building, North Plntto, Neb. P. F. DENNIS, M. D., HOMOEOPATHIST, Over First National Usnk, NOHTIJ PLATTE. - KE1IKABKA. J. S. HOAQLAND. V. V. IIOAOL,ND Hoagland& Hoagland, ATTORNEYS AMD COUNSELORS Office over HoUonsld' Ilsnk. NOHTU PLATTK. NEB. ILCOX & IIALLIOAN, ATTORNE T8-AT-LA W. pTOUTil PLATTE, - - HEUKA8KA Offlco oyer North Piatt National Dank, H. S. RIDQELY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . Oflloo MoDoDnld Block, Dewoy street. NORTH PLATTE. - NEBRASKA D R. Q. B. DENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Oflice over Post Office. Telephone 115. North Platte, ... Nobrnnka. A. II. DAVIS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. NORTH PLATTE,, - NEBRASKA Grndy Block Rooms 1 & 2. p C. PATTERSON, ' KTTORNPY-KT-LKM, Oftloe over Yellow Front Shoe Store NORTH PLATTE. NEB. J F. ROCHE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, IIlNMAN BlXJCK, DEWEV StIIEET, Nourii Piarrt;, Neijiiaska. GAUNT t Blacksmiths and Wagotimnkers. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Horse SJjaejng S3 per Team. Also reductions in the prcp of all other work. Work truarnntiied ar money refunded. Give un a call. Locust street south of Yost's harness store. pNE FARE roB run ROUND TRIP - VIA THE UNION PACIFIC Aiiunal .Mcotlnt; Ucriunu Upflufij (DUNKARDS) Lincoln. Neb., May From jwlntn of Denver, Chtyertiie, oiul In Kansas and Nebraska. In order to rIvo thine attendlnK this meeting an opportunity to vlsllt polntH of Interest, an open rate of one 1 are, for the round trip, will be made to all iiolnta in Nebraska from Lincoln k'or lurther Information call on Af. SCAfflAff, AVtnt. the new electric light? a Refrigerator, Range or l&ai -ftw TOWlf IN CATTLE. PHARMACY A: LEO AX, NOTICES. HHKllIFF'O HALF. I)y virtue of an order of salo lwuied from tlin dlatrlct court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, upon a decreo of foreclotura rendered In enld court wherein The County of Lincoln, s corporation, la plaintiff and 1). K. Challdlor, trustee, et al., aro defendant", and to me directed. I will on tho 28th day ot May, 1001, ot 1 o'clock p. m .at the euai, irom urair oi in a court nousn in North Platto. Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell nt publlo Huciitiu ii iue uiuuesi uiuaer lor cnrn, 10 sausry said decree. Interests and costs, the following unwriuvu iinipvny, io-wii: lag Kouilieani quarter of soctiou twf ntj-one. townshlo ton. ranirn thlrtr. one, went Sixth principal meridian, Lincoln county, nuiirum Uatfd North I'latt. Nob. April 25. 1W1. nMi TIM T. Kkliiikr, Sheriff, SHEKIPK'S SALE lly virtue of an order of salo Issued from the district court of Lincoln countv. w. braska, upon a decree of foreclosure render- cuinsaiu court wnercinTbe uountyof Lln coin, a corporation, is plaintiff, and John W. wood, ft. ai.. are (ictcuuants, and to mc directed, I will on the 1st day of June, 1101. at I o"clock, p. m., at the past front door of the court house. In North Platte, r.lnrnln county, Nebraska, sell at imbue auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interests and costs, the fdllowliiR de Kcribed propprtv to:wlt: The northwest iiu.iricr oi section six, inwnsnip twelve, range thirty, west Sixth principal meridian Dated North IMatte. Nel). April 20, 1001. a30- TIM T. KEHHEK. Sheriff SIIERIPP'S SALK. lly virtue of an order of sale Issued from the district court of Lincoln county. Ne braska, upon a decree of foreclosure render ed in sain court wherein The County of Lin coin, a corporation, is plaintiff and Sarrv J llallard, ct. al., are defendants, and to me directed, I will on the 1st day of June, 1W1, ill . V ilit, al luc tani liuilk IIUUI Ul the court bouse in North IMatte. Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interests and costs, the following de scribed property, to-wit: The northeast quarter of section six, township twelve, range thirty, west Sixth principal meridian, ijincoui county. senrasKa. r Dated North Platte. Neb., April 29 1001 . ' TI TIM T. KKLIIIKR. Sheriff. Tt. 7 gflEniFF'3BALE. My rlrtue of an ordpr of anie Issued from the dlatrlct court nt Llnooln county, Kcbraskrt, 'upon decreo uf foreclosure rendered fn said fcnti'H wherein Tho County of Uncolu, a corporation, Is piainun anu janus u. inii, et. ai., aro no. fondants and to me directed, I will on the 28th day ot May, 1901, at 1 o'olock, p m at the east '(loot door of the court tiouae In North Platto, mucoid couQiy, eDraBin, pen ai puonc auction to the blahpfit bidder for cueh. to sntlafy said deorfo, tptoreata and coats,' the following do- aoriueu prupeny, uj-wh: fj bouibhi quarter ot section twsiity-one. towprblp nine, rang twenty-sevta, west Sixth principal raorjdlan, Dated North Platte, Neb., April 25, 1001. , aW-5 Tim T. Kxuuxn, Sheriff. SUEltlFF'A HALE. Iy virtue of on order of aalo Uaued from thu district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree ot foreclosure rendered In raid court wherein Tho County of Lincoln, a corporation, is plaintiff nod Claronco K. Lssbelle, et. al nro de fendants and to me directed, I will on the 38,h diiy' St "Titff, tMl, ut 1 o'clock, p. in., at tbo eiut front'doilr'of thgcourt house In Nnrlb Platto, I,l)iool))c6tiuly. eUraaka.sellHtpublloauctlnn to i hlHBMt'Wddi'r for cAsh' to satisfy StflU decreo, nroiwrtv to.wlti The northwest nriarter (If voc- tiou nvi'. towiublp klxtcou. run lis thirty, at Hlxth principal meridian, Llnodln county, Na- urnHsn. Untfd North Platto, Neb. April 2.U0O1. n20-.'i Tim T. Kkuiiek, Sheriff. SIIEIUPP'S SALE Uy virtue of an order of sale Issued from III? niHinci cnuri oi Ltincoin county, tie bt'aiifiC.'ulidn a decree of foreclosure render nil In uald IfldH hercln .The County of Lin coln, u cnriMiratlon,' is i)lantlt, and Andrew McKowen. et. al , are lelenilailts.Diitl to; mc (llrirtcil. I will on the t!Stb il.iv of Slav. 1001, at o'clock, p. m., at the cast front door of the court house In North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, pell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, the following de scribed property, to-wit: The southeast quarter of southwest quarter and north east quarter of southeast quarter of section nine, township sixteen, range twenty-seven, Xfft of Sixth principal meridian, Lincoln county. Kcbrnska. uaieu nrm niuc, r.tu.. Aiirn . ivui. 'I'tM.V. Kkliheiii Sheriff ' i SHERIFP'B HALE. lly virtue of an order ot salo Issued from tho district court ot Llooolu cmuty, Nebraska, upon adecre of forecloturo rendered lu uld court Lirjli) Jatue E, 8oley, l plalutlff, aud Amy p. dvfendauta. arid Votaw. et, al are tq n)o dlrocted, I will on Hay, TOOL bt 1 o'clock, p. m., Mr nf thecourt boute In North the 28lh day ot May, at thn Ait front (tfmr nf thil nnlirt bouse ll Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, spll at riubllg auction to the highest Idildvr for cash, to iithfy ajd decreo, luterekta aud oiwts, the following d icrlbed proierty, to-wit: The couth halt of Die y iutlii'Mt niiattor and south half nf the southwest quarter of suction tnenly.tliree, township ton, range thirty, west Sixth principal meridian, I.i. colli oounty, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Nub, April 15. 1901. i'SSS Trv T. Kruura, Bbttlff. HHEiurra balk. . lly vlttuo of nn order of mle lnud from tlin district court of Lincoln county, Nebrnxl.n, upon n decreo ot fnreclosuro ronilnrnd Id xald curt wherein Abby II. Fitch, .1 plain. plnlnllfT und I.nrn Cli. IUnaen. ft al., nro defeudnnla und to mo dlrotcd. I will on tho 28th dnyof May, 1901. nt 1 o'clock, p. ni., at tuo eaai rroni iinor or urn court nnune in worm Plntio, Lincoln county, ubrni-kn. hnll at Dublin suction to tho highest bidder for rnrh, to tnllefy said decreo, Inloregl nnd cohIk, tho following do scribed property, to.wlt: The noulhweat qunrlor of ruction ten, twnehlp nine, raimo twenty-oluht, wen oi yum principui meridian, Lincoln county, Ncbrnokn. Dated North Platte, Neb., April 25, 1WI n2t)-r, Tim T. Kiliiieb, ShorllT. OltUEll OF HUAUINO. Tho Hlntu ot Nebraska, Lincoln enmity, ks. AtirlllUd. liml In tho matter of tho cdnto uf Joseph Law, doccasod. On readlnnnnd Allnirtbo nctltlon of Joconb 1). Law. administrator nratlnir n aetllement and al lowunce of his final account, filed on thu 23d day of April. lUOl, and for bis ulacnargo. Ordered, That May SBd. A,D,, 1WI, ot 9 o'clock, a. ta Is aaalKncd for hearing said petition, wbeu all persons Intereatcd in said matter may appear at n county court to be held In and for said county, and rhotr causo why the praor of peti tioner should not bo gruntnd. lAiruecopyj A, 8. DALDWIN, n2.1 County Judge. OHDEIl OF UEAUINO. Tho Btato of Nehraaka. Lincoln cnuntv. m. In the matter ot tho estato of Martin It. Myers, ueveaai u, On readloir and nilntr Ilia ixitllloii nf llminn It. Mrers. admluUtratm. tiraTlnir a (Inn I uititimniit and allowance of hor dual ucuonnt as such ud mlnlalratrlx. Urdu- ed. That May ISth, 1001, At 0 o'clock, a. m., Is aslgned for hoiirluw iid nctltlon. when all porsoun In said matter may appear at ii county court to be held In and for said county. And show causo why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo grautod. Dated April Z3d, 1901. A truo copyj A. 8. HALDWIN, s231 County Judge. NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. Land OUlco at North Platte, Neb., April 10, IWl. Notice Is hereby Riven that the followlnu-namoil settler baa filed notice of her Intontlon to make Dual proof In support of hor claim, aud that said proof will be made before Ueulater and Itecelrer it North Platte, Neb., on May lilst, 1901, viz: MAhY II. mi.dkii. formerly Mary II. Clark, who made hnmentead entry No. 17110 for the eat half of northweat quarter and east half of soulbneat quarter ot On ... I'l nn .. - Hbe names the followluu wltlieMxea to prove her continuous reoldenco tipou und cultivation ot said laud, viz: John M. O. Wood and HuBan Wood ot Sutborland, Neb.; Owen Joues aud Jaiue Crovr, of North Plntie, Neb. ali4). EO. li. FHti.NUH, Kegltter. NOTICE FOK P01JLICATION. Laud (jlllco at North Platto, Nob,, April It), 1901. Notice Is hereby alvcn tbat tho followlm named settler has filed notice of his Intention to mako final proof la eupport of hi claim, and hat said proof will be mailo beforo register and receiver at norm riutto. mo., on May Zitn, uiui, viz; OEOHOE E KNOX, who madu homestead entry No. 17.518. for the south bnlf ot northweat quarter of section 2, town 16 north, rango 30, no names tno loiiowiLg wiincfsos to prove Ills continuous residence upon uud cultivation of said laud, viz: llufud iichus, Enoch Cummlllga, Horace Austin una Fred Ilrcmor. all of North Platte, Neb. RiOu uxonoe E. Fbemou, Register. NOTICE FOK i'UIII.ICATIO.S. Land Office at North Platto, Neb., ) May ?, 1901. J Notice Is boroby given that tho lollowlag-nanio6 settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of bla claim, ond that wild proof will be made before Iteglsterfcud ltecehor at North Platto, Neb., on June 17th, 1101, viz: CUAltLES Q. OOtlOHKY. who mnilo Homestead Entry No. lbC07 for lols 11, 12, 13 nnd 14, Hoctlon l. Town 12, north, Itange 24 wett. Ue names the following witnesses to piove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation nf raid land viz: W. D. Lyle, llrariy, Neb.; 1). E. Eilcrsnu, Fred Ericsson and August Johnson. Maxwell, Neb. mW (IIOIK.U K. ltKLll. hmlHer. TIMBEU CULTURE, FINAL PROOT NOTICE FOR l'UULIOATIOh. Iiud Olllce at North Platte, Neb. May 0th, 1901. Notice la boreby given that James A, Roberts has filed notice of Intention to make final proof before register and receiver ut their olllce In North Plaits, Nob., un ir.inilny the 2lh day ot June, 19U1, on timber culture appli cation No. 12.07s, foi the southeast quarter 1 of section No.iT, in towntblp No.' 10, tiortb'rangA No. 27 wost. Ho names as wltnenes: J. V. Johnson, of Iugbam, feb.; Jlnrlon CheMcr, pt UrAdy Island, Neb,; Gporgo Clluoand psenr 1. Ilradloy, of Moorelleld, Neb. ra'rt onrftnn K. Fbrnoii, Hi-sHer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATI IN' Land Oftlco at North Plntto, Xcb, ) May 4lb. 1901. f Notice Is hereby given Ibot the following, named cottier has filed notice of bin Intention to make final proof In fUport of bis claim and (hat said proof will bo mado before reglstor and re colvor ot the U. tt. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., on Juno 22. 1901, JOIIN EHLERS, who made homestead application No, 17,191 fur ibe south halt of the northwest quarter and west halt ot southwest quarter of ruction 21, town 10, north range 2'J v.ct. Ho namrs the following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz: Chan. J. Ocikln, of Echo, Neb.; Frnnk Gjgar, Henry Llnnemoyer and Henry Eblors, of Uuchanuu, Neb, m'tl Geo. E. Fbenoii, Reglater. NOTICE Ft III PUHLIOATfOtf. Xnnil OlBco at .North Platte, Neb. ' MayO. 19U1. Notlco is hereby glrfia tbrtt tho followlng-namei) rcttler has filed notice of hl$ 'll)tent)on to makn final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be mado boforo register and receive ot tho U. B. land olUco at North Platte, Neb.', oil Juno 19th, 1901, viz: Mn.vng J. conN, who mado houie.-.load ontry No. 17.837 for thft louthwtbt qijurtuf Hfctjon 1), tonrndilp 12, north ranup 28 west Qli V M. Ho names lh folloiylng rlnc03 to provu tjts conttnuoui residence upau and cultivation PI aid land: W. l). Lylo. and T. L. O'Rotirko, nt Ilrady, eb.; Joseph Uersboy and Luke F, Haley, of North Platto Nub. in70 Geo. E. FnsNoit, Roglstor. The Reason Wiry tO, 000,000 ACUKft ot tk I. EST GK VI OlIOWI.NIl and UUA.. I.NU LANDS on the run. tlant are bain- uRVrrd l'HEE It th'ftf .Htlrmiul rthrsi'vattnrrat KVll jl)lrvi) by (he "orcili trntortba Uomlnfuirpl Canada. Location naar 1 1 lies nl railroad already built m under construction In fUMlolli, 1S8ISIBIU1, itlUKTi sad SlSKtT. CIIEWiX, moat farored districts In Weatern Canada Thontandt of Amarlcant hart taken advantaa of tba oiler mailt $ecart Free Homes. Dun sail. tUrft.f 1 a...t.'Al. IrVI L.I. .l 1 In proportion. CMtlothrWt " w wh uaiii 1 none, rutiarjunaaot.cMmatebwilthiPfl In tha world, loolal rnnrUHnnntha lw. till I iwni auTaniBKen uo v II I eqaalled Ta i at Ion uoralnal, Ku i j . m-lof Itjhteen etn of ace, anil 1, .. -,1 S .. J ...41. LW tWI 1 1 Ik JJ v 'IJ louiain iiiuiu 'l UI7 Y('JL I'J mLcu I Hallro.vl and UoTernment Iint1 f.vTfJ.M I for At ,ow price. For fnller fw rwl Information aDnlr to F. Ptxller. uoprintnatni or iroraiBraiioo, fit (- nn. artA' V. BENNETT, . . oi is. i , Biac, utnana, au. poll low axourolon rntos during F)Druryt Maroh and April. W. V. Bennett, 801 New York mm I a.. m I ML ' J A 1 w. I Bid ir. Oninlia. Iet). WANTi:i)--Tni!8TWOlTliy men" Afjn wqr. nieu to travel and adyerllso fpr old etabllsliq,t Iiouko of solid fttmnclal tanllii. , UaUry 1780 a yearund uxpuntws, all payable Iq cash. No caq. vaktliiK required, Ulve ruferoues aud enolo self-addressed stamped envulopu. AddieMan. nyvr, tm OaUin) Mdo, OUoav. f i, t