The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 02, 1901, Image 6

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    15 he meeKJv
Current Topics, i
.. . . . . . i
A vigorous protest ngnlnst tho ten
dency of young women to loavo tho
imrontnl roof ant! embark In tho pur
fiiiitfl hcrctoforo followed In civilized
countries exclusively by men Is con
tributed lo tho current number of tho
dndopondent by Henry T. Finck, tho
woll known sociologist and author.
Against tho woman who Is compelled
(by misfortune or poverty to earn hor
living In Bomo form of Industrial ac
tivity Mr. Finck has no complaint. It
Is for this class, In fact, that ho pleads
when ho protests against what ho calls
a "foolish and criminal warfaro on
homo llfo." For overy woman who
Joaves tho roflnlng atmosphere of homo
llfo to engage In a gainful occupation
moroly from cholco and ndt of neccs
oity diminishes tho opportunities of tho
thousands of poor who must cam their
dally bread.
Tho epidemic delusion that homo is
no place for a girl seems In Mr Flnck'B
opinion to bo gaining ground dally.
Instead of recognizing the need of tho
homo and Its Influences In our civil
ization n consldornblo number of ngl
t a tors aro endeavoring to dlsscmlnato
tho Idea that it Is tho duty of wotnon,
no matter what their circumstances,
to mako themselves self-supporting
and Independent. Tho writer Is very
novoro upon tho phaso of tho "now
woman" movement which takes em
ployment away from thoso who nro
compelled to cam a livelihood. He
"Tho selfishness which prompts tho
daughters of well-to-do parontB to
lower tho rato of wages for everybody
by flooding tho market with a compe
tition as ruinous as nn Invasion of
chenp Chlncso labor Is a most unwom
anly quality which should make mon
shy of marrying them; though, to bo
Hiiro, many of these girls, llko thoso
who encourage tho slaughter of birds
for their hats, do not know how cruel
they aro."
Kven In tho caso of girls and
women who must work tho writer does
not bollovo that they should bo allowed
ns thoy aro at present to prcclpltnto
themselves blindly Into nearly every
kind of a Job that men havo hereto
fore performed In this country. Tho
ndvocntos of "woman's Independence"
tako a groat deal of pleasuro In call
ing nttontlon to tho remnrkablo "prog
ress" of women In Invudlng tho em
ployments of men regardless of tho
question whetller theso employments
nro sultublo for them or not, Tho
fact that 45 per cent of tho factory
work of this country Is now dono by
women Is sometimes pointed to ns a
Kratlfylng ovldenco of woman's ad
vancement In Independence.
Metropolitan of Canada.
Bishop Bond of Montreal has just
bcon selected by tho houso of bishops of
tho Church of England in Canada to
ft'jccood Archbishop Lewis as metropol
itan. Ho will horcaftor bo known as
lord archbishop of Montreal and met
ropolitan of Canada, having Jurisdic
tion ovor tho torrltory from tho west
cm limits of Ontario to tho Atlantic
ocean. Archbishop IxuvIb, who has
boon sorloiiBly ill at Now York, but It
recovering, will bo pormlttod tho cour
tesy title of archbishop metropolitan
while ho lives, but It will not bo ofll
clally omployed. Tho now metropoli
tan of Canada has bcon bishop ol Mon
treal slnco 1878. Ho was born nt Truro,
England, In 1815, nnd emigrated from
Kngland to Newfoundland whon ho was
10. In 1810 ho was ordulncd a deacon
of tho Anglican church and n priest
ono year later. His early ministry was
spont lu organizing mission stations in
tho provlnco of Quebec. His first Im
portant chargo was that of 8t. Goorgo's
at Montreal. Ho Is president of tho
Montreal Thoologtcal Collogo and ono
of tho most scholarly divines In Can
ada. Forty Acres and a Mate,
Bomo important ns well us Inter
esting testimony was given before tho
Industrial commission tho other day
by Major R. B. Wright, a colored man,
who la prcsldont of nn Industrial col-
lego near Savannah, Ga. Tho tostl
mony pertained to tho condition of
nogroes In tho south, nnd was to tho
effect that If tho govornmont had given
each colored man forty acres and a
mulo Instead of tho ballot It would
havo been of woro benofit to tho rnco.
In othor words, Major Wright Is of
tho opinion that work rathor than suf
frago Is tho only solution of tho negro
Xfnsuitabte Employments Jor
r?, r r- r M-rt..-A
XSha Laic General McCturj.
Tho death of General Alexander C.
McClurg removes ono moro mombcr
of tho dwindling group of old citizens
who helped to rnlso Chicago from tho
rank of it small city to that of a great
ono. Nearly forty-two years of his
llfo were spent In Chicago. Both hU
public services nnd his private enter
prise have been such as to glvo him
a well deserved pluco on tho city's roll
of honor. General McClurg's military
title was earned In many a hot battlo
In tho Valloy of the Cumberland. Ho
enlisted ns a privato In a voluntoer
company which he assisted in organ
izing in Chicago, and ho won his way
upward through various grades to
that of a brigadier goncral by brevet.
Ho proved his soldierly qualities nt
Chlckamaugn and Chattanooga and
In othor great battles in that region,
nnd ho marched with Shermnn from
Atlnnta to tho sea as n chief of staff
in tho Fourteenth Army Corps. His
book storo In Chicago has for ycar3
bcon a congonlnl contor for book lovers
nnd tho "saints' and sinners' corner"
has niado Its way into literature His
standards as n publisher wore high and
his business methods wero conservn
tlvo and honorable, says tho Chicago
"Reaction Against Di-dorcc.
Tho Supremo Court of tho United
Stntes has handed down n decision
which will havo tho effect of check
ing tho American dlvorco lrnnln. Tho
substanco of tho decrco Is that di
vorces granted in a stato whero both
husband and wlfo have legal residence
nro valid In nny part of tho country,
but that dlvorco granted In a stato
or territory whero tho parties havo
not a legal rcsldcnco Is invalid. This
will reduce to a bigamous statue many
persons who temporarily removod
from tliolr legal rcsldcnco to n moro
accommodating stato or torrltory for
tho purposo of procuring detachment
from a legal partner who had grown
lnconvonlont or Insufforablo, tho mo
tive in a largo majority of such cases
being immcdlato remarriage to anoth
er party already solccted. Tho decision
will not opcrnto ngalust collusive dl
vorco when tho parties aro rich enough
to ho able to remove to n now legal
rcsldcnco nnd abldo thoro long enough
to satisfy tho terms of tho decision.
Tho decision Is to bo welcomed ns a
practical stop In tho direction of uni
form dlvorco legislation In tho United
Stntes. No legislation on tho subject
will bo effectual which does not abso
lutely prohibit mnrrlngo of tho guilty
party or of both parties until at least
n year after granting of a decree. So
lax has dlvorco practice becomo In tho
courts that marrlngo has ceased In a
largo measuro to present to tho con
tracting parties an aspect moro seri
ous than that of a tompornry ngreo
mont, to bo dissolved nt tho caprlco of
both or of either. If romarrlngo woro
mndo dlfllcult, or, what would bo bet
tor, Impossible In lnw, tho dlvorco mill
would grind moro slowly nnd tho orig
inal contrnct would carry moro morul
as woll as legal wolght. If tho tlo
woro tightened In tho first knot thoro
would bo less disposition to cut It for
a second. Chlcngo Chronicle
French In-Ocntor Triumphs.
Tho now flying machlno which has
been successfully tested nt tho Crystal
Palaco, London, Is tho Invention of
AlllMlnt nnllflrnn n TtVnnnlimnti iirtm
has bcon long nn exporlmontor in
norostatlcs. It Is rathor nn airship
than n flying machlno propor, from tho
fact that It depends for Its sunnort
upon a cigar-shaped balloon sovonteon
foot long by threo foot in diameter.
Bonoath tho balloon nro fixed plat
forms, certain of theso containing a
motor and fan to supply tho nromilslv.t
powor. Tho platform In tho mlddlo Is
rcsorvod for tho noronnut, who thoro
controls tho stcorlng Bear, On !
wlndloas day tho Inventor hones to nt
tain n speed of thirty mlloa an hour.
M. Qaudron and his British bncknr
Cecil Barth, havo In contemplation tho
minding or n machlno which will nc
commodate, flvo persons. Tho sunnort
lng bnlloon of such nn annaratus would
havo to bo 100 foot long nnd thirty foot
in ammeter.
Ejcpert at 11.
A Mnlno young woman has Just sot
nn cxnmplc of what can bo dono even
by n girl when she so wishes. Sho Is
now not quite 13
years old. Her
father is employed
in handling bag
gago at a railroad
station nt Blddc
ford, Mo., and
whllo visiting him
thoro sho boenmo
attracted by tho
telegraph Instru
ments In tho sta
tion. Securing per
mission from tho
Miss Simpson.
ngent sho vis-
Hod tho station every evening after
school and spent her sparo hours
In studying telegraphy. When sho
was 11 years old sho was ablo
to report trains nnd read ordinary
messages. Last summer, during tho
school vacation, sho was given chargo
of tho telegraph ofllco nt Saco, Mo.
Thoro sho served as both manager and
operator, nnd sho did her work so well
that tho superintendent of tho lino has
promised her ft moro Important ap
pointment when the grammar school
which sho Is nttondlng closes in Juno.
Lowers Defy Kinsl Edward.
Roslo Booto, the English actress, la
now tho marchioness of Hcadfort In
splto of tho efforts of King Edward
nnd tho mother of the marquis. Car
dinal Vaughan granted tho dispensa
tion to tho mnrrlngo at tho porsonal
request of tho groom, MIbs Booto bo
Ing a Catholic. Tho happy pair nro
spending tho honeymoon at a hotel In
Folkestono, London. Tho coromony
was performed In tho registrar's ofllco
at Saltwood, near Folkostono, the wit
nesses being n vlllngcr and Miss Daisy
Rocho. nn actress.
Tho mnrrlago took placo early In
April, but has Just been mndo public.
Somo dolny was caused by his mother,
who mannged to get possession of tho
Hconso. Tho marchioness was exceed
ingly bitter In her opposition. Miss
Booto was then playing tho pnrt of a
soubrotto nt tho Gaiety. When sho
suddenly disappeared It was believed
that tho consent of tho marchioness
had bcon obtained.
Thnt lady, howevor, had mado a
frantic effort to block tho imponding
marriage. In tho last resort she np
pcaled to King Edward, who took a
hand in tho gnmo with somo spirit.
Ho had been angered by a flippant lot-
tor from Hcndfort, and ordered him to
bo Imprisoned In tho barracks of tho
Llfo Guards, of which ho is a lleuton-
nnt. Tho colonel of tho rcglmont had
rofuscd to allow- tho young man to re
Tho lovo affairs of tho marquis havo
bcon tho drawing room topic at Lon
don for somo months. Ho himself an
nounced his engagement at n supper
given by him to Hoslo'a friends nt
tho Savoy. On thnt occasion ho placed
around hor nock n costly diamond or
nament, and swore loyalty to hor bo
foro her friends.
Tho young woman Is tho dnughtcr
of a Dublin bootmaker. Sho is of ex
traordinary beauty and a devout Cath
olic. Sho assumed the nnmo of Booto
by tho suggestion of a companion,
who said that tho family business
should not bo Ignored In ft mnttor of
this kind. Hcadfort Is 23 years old.
Ho belongs to tho ancient and noblo
family of tho Taylours, ono of tho
richest In tho Irish peerage
"Dicu SawOe la "Roi."
At a rocont mooting of tho Court
Royalo of tho Islo of Aldomoy tho oath
of alleglanco to his majesty tho king
was administered to tho Judgo, Jurats,
king's procurator nnd othor oltlclals
with duo and fitting coromony, Bays a
London newspaper. Aa each prosont
took tho onth tho wholo court, rising,
oxclaimod: "Dleu Sauvo lo Roll"
which moans "God eavo tho King."
Tho pooplo of Aldornoy evidently pro
for a llttlo French In theirs.
Fifty years a Geacher.
Professor Joseph Honry Thayer has
resigned his chnlr In tho Harvard di
vinity school becnuso of old ngo. Ho
wnB graduated from Harvard in 1850,
recolved his degree from Andovor
Theological seminary In 1857 and was
professor of sacred lltoraturo at tho
Andovor Bomlnnry for eighteen yoar.
Slnco 1881 ho has bcon professor of
Now Testamont criticism and Interpre
tation at tho Harvard divinity school
' f- HjpJJjVn J UAH Off. hORTE
; r ' 1 ' 1, i
J. Plorpont Morgan wants to build
tho Panama canal. Ho needs the wat
erway to comploto tho transportation
doals that he has under consideration,
and ho has mado definite offers to Pres
ident McKlnlcy regarding tho cutting
In two of tho IsthmUB.
Mr. Morgan has pointed out that tho
construction of tho Nicaragua canal
will cost tho government $30,000,000
for tho .first year and $20,000,000 annu
ally thereafter for perhaps ten years.
As tho expenditures of congress havo
Increased enormously Mr. Morgnn has
pointed out tho bad politics In adding
tho expenso of a canal project to tho
cost of running tho government.
Status of the Ttvo Canals.
l'nnntua Canal.
t.cnsth 40.2 miles
Amount completed (estimated).. 18 miles
Amount spent $260,000,000
Cost of completion (estimated)
$125,000,000 to $200,000,000
Work began In 1879
Work stoppcil 18S9
New company formed 18l
Capital of new company $13,000,000
Terminus Atlantic coast Colon
Terminus Pucltlc coast Panama
Nicaragua Canal.
Length (Including Nicaragua
Lake) 170 miles
The Hig Fair
Martin H. Glynn. John M.. Allen. Gcorgo W. McBrldo.
Thomas H. Carter. John M. Thurston. Wllllnm Llndsny.
While tho public has Its oyes focused
on tho Pnn-Amerlcnn exposition nt
Buffalo, preparations aro already un
der' way for another and oven greater
exposition. Tho latter Is to bo hold
at St. Louis In 1003 and Is to bo tho
contonnry celebration of tho purchase
V Uhe SnaKe Charmers
Of nil porsons In tho world there Is
nono with a calling moro weird than
that of tho snnko charmer of India.
Our plcturo today shows two of thoso
Hindus sitting by tho roadside, whllo
their peculiar pets, tho snakes, sport
beforo them for the nmusoment of tho
passors-by. Tho serpents shown In tho
plcturo aro tho terrible cobra-dl-ca-pellos,
or hooded snakes, of tho East.
In tholr natlvo stato they aro doadly
creatures, but tho Jugglers, boforo
handling them, first extract tholr
fangs. Then thoy tench them to danco
nnd keep tlmo to muuic. In somo of
tho Hindu temples tho cobra Is an
object of worship, being carefully fed
with milk and sugar by tho priests.
Tho natives havo ninny superstitions
about this Bnakc, nnd oven bollovo that
tho Deity sometimes assumes that
form. Whon kindly treated tho cobra
becomes qulto tamo.
Music has a special attraction for
tho cobra, nnd ho will often como from
his hiding plnco when a flngolot or
lluto la played In his hearing. When
houso becomes Infested with tho ser
pents tho snnko charmer comes Into
use. Ho plays his flageolot, and tho
serpents como forth nnd nro killed.
It Is ISime lo UaKc in Sail.
The treasury department sounds a
note of nlar.-A. Ita officials vlow with
undisguised concern tho speculative
rago which has taken possession of
Wall street and which Is carrying bo
yond all reasonnblo bounds tho quota
tions of tho securities not merely of
railroads which aro earning money
and f woll managod and stable ln-
To bo excavated 27 miles
Amount completed None
(Only preliminary work nt Grevtownl
Work begun igS7
Work stopped 1333
Estimated cost to complete,
$100,000,000 to $200,000,000!
icrminus Atlantic coast Qreytown
Terminus Paclllc coast Drlto
A Dispute OVcr Vestments.
Tho Episcopal Church In tho United
States Is stirred by a controversy over
tho right of bishops to wear the miter,
tho copo and other gorgeous vestments
of tho medieval church. Last Novom
ber the bishops of Chicago, Marquette
and Indiana woro commissioned to
consecrate Bishop Wellcr of Fond du
Lac, Wis,, and It Is claimed that theyl
used rubrics and vestments unwar
ranted by tho Book of Common Prayer
and by tho usages of tho church. Re
sponsibility for tho servico has bcon
disclaimed by Bishop Clark of Rhodo
Island In a letter which ho signs as
"Presiding Bishop of tho Church," but
tho soven western bishops, who ofll
clated nt Fond du Lac, dlsputo his
right to mako any such disclaimer,
and thoy havo now challenged tho
of Louisiana by President Jefferson.
Hcnco its name tho Louisiana Pur
chaso Exposition. Largo appropria
tions havo been mado and it Is expect
ed to rlvnl tho World's Fair held nt
Chicago in 1893. Tho city of St. Louis
hns appropriated $5,000,000; tho stato
dustrlal concerns, but also of tho "cats
and dogs" of tho stock mnrkot. Theso
officials aro disturbed over tho fact
that money which should be at the
churcb to try them for tho alleged
breach of canonical law.
"Steel Trust alley" Is tho now nick
namo given to upper Fifth avenue,
Now York, whero Warner Leeds, Hon
ry Phlpps, Andrew Carneglo nnd othor
manufacturers havo purchased proper
ty. "Paradise alley" ono Impecunious
clerk has dubbed It.
John Pollard, a boll ringer in Lanca
shire, born In tho samo year with Vic
toria, rang his bolls for her coronation
and for each of her birthdays and toll
ed them at her death.
of Missouri an additional $5,000,000 and
tho United States government Is a
contributor to tho Bamo amount. To
look uftor Its interests In tho fair
nnd provide a suitable display tho gov
ernment will bo represented by a
commission of nlno members. Tho
appointments havo been mado by
President McKlnley and aro as fol
lows: Ex-Senator John M. Thurston,
of Nebraska; ex-Senator Thomas H.
Carter, of Montana; ex-Senator Wil
liam Lindsay of Kentucky; cx-Senntor
Georgo W. McBrldo of Oregon; Fred
erick A. Botts of Conncctlcutt; ex
Representatlvo John M. Allon, of Mis
sissippi; ex-Roprcsentatlvo Martin II.
Glynn of Now York; Philip D. Scott of
Arkansas; John F. Miller of Indiana.
As a commlssioncrshlp Is worth $5,000
nnnunlly and is good for nearly
threo years, tho places woro eagerly
sought by tho politicians and states
men out of Jobs. Tho commission con
sists of flvo Republicans and four
Tho greatest number of men over,
employed on ono structuro was tho
Glzoh pyramid, whero 7,000,000 men
wero in forced labor. This pyramid is
450 feet high and covers nn area of
thirteen acres, twice tho dimensions
of any other building in tho world, In
ono lnstnnco taking 2,000 men threo
years in bringing a singlo stone from
tho quarry.
A novel attempt to copo with tho
drink ovll has been began by tho Bel
glan government, which has offered a
prize for the picture that best depicts
tho evils of drunkenness.
Australia's first measured wool clip
was 20,000 tons, In 1821. This has
now risen to 2,700,000.
of India. V
command of legitimate business has
boon diverted Into spoculatlvo chan
nels. Thoy would llko to seo that
money wjitro It belongs. .