The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 30, 1901, Image 4

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Slic jfarol- WtcMjj dbuuc
TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1901.
ill A Ii DARE, Editor and Proprietor
One Year, cnh In advance,.. tl.25
Mil Months, cash In advance 15 Cents'
IIicnky 13ou.N, convicted of
embezzlement ol funds while
treasurer of Omaha, and sen
tenced to nineteen years in the
penitentiary, has been pardoned
by Governor Dietrich after he
had served about four years.
Jim Callahan, was found not
guilty of the charge of kidnap
ing" yonhy Cudahy at Omaha.
The verdict was a complete sur
prise to all who heard the evi
dence, and the jury was roundly
scored by Judge Hakcr, before
whom the case was heard . Cal
lahan will be held, and additional
charges against him will brobab
ly be pushed to trial.
Govkknok Diktkicii yesterday
afternoon commuted the death
sentence of Frank Dinsmore to
imprisonment for life. Dins
more is the man convicted on the
charge of murdering Fred Lauc
at Odessa on December ft, 18'J'J.
Among the letters asking for a
commutation of the sentence was
one from Judge Sullivan, the trial
judge, who, while he believed
Dinsmore guilty, contends that
the death penalty is a relic of
Prof. Ncalc and Miss Murray and
Miss Gilman, took in the teachers'
meeting at Sidney on Saturday.
The Weir Bros, had Surveyor
Host looking up the Hues on their
hay land at Dexter on Thursday.
A. Cbristcnscii, of McPhcrBon
county, delivered hogs to Shoup
Bros, the last of the week.
George lCmcrsori spent the week
in town laying out an addition to
Sutherland and clcarinir out his
orchard and vineyard.
Jacob Ueiser of Ocalalla, was
hauling corn from the Hunter ranch
on Wednesday.
Miss Maude Uooycr returned
from Nortli Platte Thursday,
N. 10. Treo, ot Lilac, came in
for supplies Friday,
J. A. Kobb's brother from Lex
iugtou spent part of the week In
Mcbsts. Cahill, Ktchcrt and Lute
of Paxton, were on our streets Sat
W. O. McCluiu has taken charge
of the Winner ranch for the fit! miner
while Mr. Winner and his wife
visit relatives in Kansas and Okla
V. A. Carpenter is back from bis
eastern trip and reports a good
L. C. Applegatc is baling the hay
south of town.
A mi in be r ot fruit and shade
trees have been set out and lawns
newly started around town this
season, and as young grasshoppers
seem to be a mi hub quantity, we
may now look for Sutherland to go
ahead with its accustomed vigor,
Cards arc out lor the marriage o
Geo. Crosby and Grace Hunter.
Mrs. Peter Hansen had her
household goods shipped to Spring
Valley, Wyo,, and the family ex
pected to go Monday. The Hansen
family arc well liked and the town
people generally arc sorry to see
them leave here, but wish them
success in their new location.
The Applegatc house north o
the school lot has been leased fo
the Presbyterian pastor.
Plum and cherry trees are be
ginning to blosbom and spring has
been welcomed more warmly than
II. 10. Liustrom has quit tli
Nichols section and is assisting I)
M. Leypoldt in repairing his rest
A large acreage of alfalfa has
been sown in the valley this spring
which is already looking fine.
Jlenry Milk ami lamtiy were
chopping at the county scat Satur
P. 10. lOricksou tells us that he
will lake charge of the Nichols sec
tion again the first oi next month,
Grain and grass never looked
better at this time of the year than
at present.
W. J. Shinklc and family visited
in North Platte the latter part ol
last week.
At the present time seventy-five
icrcs of corn per day arc being put
n on the Paxton ranch near Her-
Will lOshclman is up from North
Platte visiting friends.
Corn planting is in full blast
tins week, and the acreage prom-
scs to be the largest ever planted
n this section of the county.
A gang of men and teams arc at
work repairing Hie Farmers aud
Merchants' irrigation ditch.
Chas. Toillion sold a number of
bushels of alfalfa seed recently to
C. P. Iddings at North Platte for
$5.00 per bushel.
The schools at Hershey will
close today Tuesday but the enter
tainment will take place on Wed
nesday evening.
J. II. Blankcnbaker and family
will depart by team in a short time
for the state of Oregon to make
their future home.
M. K. Magnuscn, who spent the
past winter at his old home in Illi
nois, lias recently returned anu
leased a .farm over on the south
ide upon which he will plant
broom corn and melons thin season.
Mrs. Keno, of Julcsburg, b the
guest of her Bister Mrs. J. C. Gyger
and also her parents Mr. and Mrs.
amcB Crawford at this tunc.
A. LI. Goodman has resumed his
old job again of riding the old irri
gation canal.
J. C. Gyger of the Nichols cream
ery was at North Platte Saturday
with butter tor Harrington &Tobtn
of that city. He says as it is just
between hay and grass that there
is but very little if any increase in
the milk receipts,
XT. P. Stock Goes Up.
The lact that more than 660,000
shares of Union Pacific common
stock were sold on the New York
stock ccxhange Wednesday added
weight to the rumor of the impend-
ug lease of the system to the
Northwestern. The adyance was
8 7-8 points. In the memorable
boom in Philadelphia and Heading
stock several years ago more than
800,000 half shares ($50) were sold
on the New York stock exchange in
in one day. The Union Pacific
stocks' face value is $100, and nearly
every Bharc sold brougnt a price
considerably above par, If the
average price paid for the stock
be figured at $104 a share, it would
mean that the total amount of
money involved in the transfer ot
the f)f)0,000 or more sharcb of stock
would aggregate approximately
Wall street operators apparently
put faith in the rumors that a lease
of the Union Pacific to the Chicago
and Northwestern Railway com
pany was being arranged, Ofiicie
denials of the most positive char
acter has no effect in checking the
enthusiasm of the "bull" traders,
who made Union Pacific the sen
sational feature of the day.
Unole Sam la Xt.
. The J. P. Morgan syndicate in
stautly snapped up, the other day
$50,000,000 of the new British loan
of 8300,000,000 juBt placed on the
market, and bids for millions more
haye been offered by other American
syndicates and iiiBurancccompaniet
The interest is two and tltrec-quar
tcrs per cent. The consol holders
are Biibject to an income tax oil the
interest of 6pcr cent, collected when
the interest is paid, deducting it
so the real interest is two and titty
eight hundredths per cent.
Tli is rush for British consols i
anotiicr proot ot the immense
amount of loose capita) in this
country. That explains also th
..1! 1 I 11? e a
continued Ulllllllg Ol BIOCKH on
change, so that a four ot five pc
cent bond or a stock that pays fou
per cent dividend is worth more
than par in the American market
t A t t .
ii also explains me nign premiums
that Secretary Gage has to pay on
four per cent U. S. bondc notwith
standing they have a dozen or les
years to run.
Money is cheap in the United
States, really cheaper on the whol
than in any other country on earth
Uncle Sam is now the recognized
banker of the world, superseding
Jonny Bull in a single twelvemonth
in that capacity, It is the single
gold standard that performed th
trick, Lincoln Journal.
Kor bale at the old brewery build
Iltutinn Nature Mncli the 8me In
ICIther Environment.
A paper wns read before ono of the
numerous lltcrnry clubs of this city
recently In which tho writer con
traBtcd tho conditions of n certain
rural section of this state- with tho
higher clvlllzntlon of our cities, 8ays
tho Indlannpolls News. Tho author
wns adroit nnd did not commit him
self ns favoring ono aldo or tho other,
but ho raised tho question as to
whether, after all, our modern civili
sation, with Its telegraph, rnllroads,
telephones and electric power, stood
for tho highest happiness and greatest
good to tho humnn race. Tho rural
community referred to had had within
Its boundaries no murders, burglaries,
lynchlngs nor other great crimes; It
had no abject poverty nor great wealth
and nil Its residents were compara
tively happy. Tho writer put this con
dition over against tho slums of our
modern cities, against tho hurry and
bustle nnd nervo-wrecklng strain of
modern business demnnds, nnd left his
hearers to think about tho suggestions
ho throw out. We have henrd nil
these things before. The theory of bu
colic partisans In tho first place Is based
on appearances viewed from n dls
tnnco. If they would but dwell nmong
Uiclr rural friends a while they would
probably find human nature much tho
samo nnd tho sums total of happiness
and unhapplness balanced In about the
samo proportions as among peoplo
elsewhere. But grant all tho advo
cates of rural blessings say to bo true,
what does It prove? In tho light of
hard facts It seems Idle to speculate
about tho question. Our modern Im
provements are not artificial, but have
come about through necessity.
ljr OonliPn Vacation.
When tho late Jay Gould camo on
holiday to Europe he felt perplexed
what to do with himself. The Louvro
had no attractions for him. Tho calm
of Holland appalled him. Ho longed,
miserably, for Wall street. And, Just
to kill time to satisfy himself that
he was Jay Qould and nobody else
ho would turn Into the Bourse, In
Paris or In Amsterdam, oporato n little
nnd walk out n trifle of 20.000 or
30,000 tho richer. Not that ho need
ed tho money or cared n Dutch cheroot
for it when he got It. London Dally
Church or ClubT
President Thwlng of tho Western
Reserve University at Cleveland says lu
noting n marked decrease In tho num
ber of divinity students that two In
fluences produce this result tho larger
Inducements which commercial pur
suits ofter and the unsettling of rc
llgous beliefs nnd doubts as to future
relations between church and society.
Young men, says Mr. Thwlng, aro In
doubt, whether the church Is to bo a
place of worship or a sort of club.
- ;
KnUer'e Imperial Trnln.
The Gorman Emperor's Imperial
trnln cost $750,000, nnd took three years
to construct. There nro altogether
twelve enrs, Including two nursery
carriages. Tho reception saloon con
tains several pieces of statuary, and
each of tho sleeping cars Is fitted with
a bath.
A Touch of Elegance
Is imparted to every garment leav
ing this establishment, because wc
arc not content to furnish only
good cloth and a perfect fit, but do
not rest until we have given to the
cloths made here an uudefinable
quality usually called "style.'
Grace and distinction it implies
nnd grace and distinction you get
F. J. Biroekei.
.1 -TO C
with t)im:rr
connkctions for
All Principal Eastorn Cities
- via Tin: - Si
I'.issengerH destined for prominent
cltlcB east of the Missouri IHvcr
should patronlr.e thin route
The through trains are Solidly Vttttl
billed. elegantly cqulpiicd with Dnublr
Drawing Room anil l'alace Sleepers.
Dining Cam, meals a U Carte, free
Rrcllnlnr Chair Cam
Kur tickets ami full Information call on
JAB. 8. BtfAKXAtt, Agent
kst skrv1ck
Nest equipment
Kkst trains
I Jest track
J Davis, the Hardware Man.
Wc sell Masury's Paint, if your house looks like a fright,
l Paint it, or how will it look bv the nhw hlkctkic light?
t" t Oi
Of the Hardware Man whom nobodv owes.
u If you like sport wc have Guns, Fish Hook and Lines,
Bicycles and Hammocks to help you kill time.
' Bring in your repair work and old gasoline stoves,
$ They will promptly be repaired where nobody owes,
A For Kakes, Hoes and Shovels, Nozzles, Sprinklers, Hose,
T Go to the Hardware Man whom nobody owes.
Of Knives, Razors and Scissors, wc still have a few,
Can give you a sole or heel for yonr shoe.
Our Pots, Pans and Kettles and Aluminum Ware,
4l Will open your cyes'and cause you to stare.
l Wire Netting for Poultry, Screen Wire for flies,
Y And for a plumber wc have captured a genuine prize.
Five Cent Cigar to
X irtsn scock oi BlACKLEG
This firm the largest producers of Vaccine j
in the U. S. Wc loan you the outfit for Vac-
Onicea: North Plntto Notional Bnnk
Building, North Plotte, Nob.
Orer First National Bank,
HoaglandA Hoagland,
Onloe oyer
McUonald') Hank. NOKTII PLATTE, NED.
Office over North Platte National Bank.
Ofllco MoDonnld Block. Dewey street.
pit. G. B. DENT
Office over Post Office.
Telephone 115.
Nortli Plntto, - - - Nebraskn.
Grndy Block Rooms 1 & 2.
Office over Yellow Front Shoe Store
Noktii PiiATTf?, Nkhhahka.
Crowned King
of all hottlcd beers is that made
by SCIILITZ, and it well de
serves its prominence and ccon
iums. It is a beer that tastes
good, looks good, and IS GOOD.
It is a great thirst satislicr and
is nutritious as well. Hetter have
us send you a case of pints or
quarts to your house.
VACCINE J usc r e c c 1 v e a.
U.P.R.R. and other Lands
100,000 acres of U. P. R. R.
and other lands for sale . . .
Office in Ottensteln Block.
And all kinds of
Farm Machinery.
Standard Goods at
Reasonable Prices.
lly virtue of an order of Halo InhuciI from
uic (iinirici court or iincoin pnuntv. Nn.
braska, unon a decree nf foreclosure rinilir.
ed Inxald court wherein The County of Lin
coin, a corporation, Ih lHalntlft. and John w.
wood, ei. ai.. are ueieuiianiH, and to me
uirccieii, i ,viii on me mi day of June, 1001
at 1 O'clock. I). 111., at the e.lHt front rinnr nl
the court hnuHc, In North IMattc, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, Hell at public auction to
the highest bidder for canli. to Hatlsty naid
decree. IntcrcHt and costw, the following de-
Hcrlbod property to-wlt: The northwest
iiuaricr oi Hecnon hix, lownsnip twelve,
range thirty, wchI Sixth principal meridian
Dated North 1'latte. Neb. April !, IW)
a!W- TIM T. KKLIIIKII, Sheriff
lly virtue of an order of wale Issued from
mic mnirici couri oi j.incoin county, Ne
brartka, upon a decree of foreclosure render
ed In said court wherein The nnnnt
am court wnerein The uountv of Lin
coin, a corporation. Is plaintiff and Sarry J
Ilallard. et. al.. are defendnntH. .ami ,,
directed, I will on the 1st day of June, 1W)I
at I o'clock. I), m.. at the cant frnm iimr
the court house In North Platte. Lincoln
county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to
the hlRhest bidder for cash, to satisfy Hald
decree, Interests and costs, the following de.
scribed protiertr. to-wlt: The northeast
quarter i necnon Hix, township twelve,
'""HY" "c i oiAiii iirincipai incriiiian
1,1111.11111 lliuilij. CDrOHKU.
Dated North l'latte. Neb.. April '.D 1W)1 TIM T. KKLltlKH, Sheriff.
llr vlrlnn of nn onlnr of tale IhhubiI (nun id
district court of Lincoln county, Nehrnskn, iiihjh
b ilecreo (if forecloauru rcliilarud In Knlil enurt
Hlinruln Tii Couutr of Lincoln, a corporBtlmi, In
pint nt I IT anil .du 1). Iwls, H. nl., nro do
inniliiiiU nnd Ui iu dlrectt'il, I will on the "ftli
ilnr ol 1101, nt 1 o'clock, p. iu nt tlm Kt
Iron! door of th oourt bouna In North 1'JMto,
Lincoln mmntr, Nebraikn, ll at public miction
to Itis blstittt bidder for cath, In putlofy rntil
usrrpo, interest nnu cons, ine louowmg ilc
crlbed nroperty, to-wlt: Tbo fcoutbwaat uiiartui
or neoiion iwenir-nn. townmip num. rutiK
iwei)ir-Tpn, wen rtittn iriuipnl itierllnn
,.,uv.ill ,4tllMiy, t.'Uinia,
Datetl Norlh I'latto, Neb., April H).
aai-5 TIM T. Kkmiuii, HhorlfT
l.jr tlrtue of an order of mIu ImiiimI from III
dUtrlct court ot Lincoln counljr, Nt'liriukn, Umiii
a decrio of fontclonuro ruuderi'd In raid court
uherolll Tbo County of Lincoln, n rnriKirntlnn, U
uaimin ana uinrt'iico k. umicue, ut. ni., nro ii
tendantH. and tame directed. I will on the 'M
ilnr of Mnr, 1UI1, at 1 o'clock. i. in . ut tlm etu
trout door of llio court bouse In Nortli 1'lnttn,
Mucoincountr, Nebraska, sell at public auction to
tbe highest blddor for cash to satisfy snld decree,
Intcretdt and costs, the following described
property to-wltt The tiortliwest quarter of ec-
tton fire, township sixteen, range thirty, went
nixiu priucipsi inertutau, Liucom county, No-
Data! Ko'rlb tUWe, )ab. April l 1001. ,
fliiKinrrs 8Ai,F.
ltv vlrlnn nf nn onlcr of shU lisncd from lli)
district court of I.lmoln comity. Nebrasln. upo-iii
ilpcrco nf forerlnturo rendered In mid court
tthnrdn The Couutr of Lincoln, n corporation. In
plaintiff nnd I). II. Clmlnllor. tniHtiH1, et il..
nro iieiennnni', nnci in iiib nirerieu, i ,...
2Slh dur of Mny, 1001, nt 1 o'clock p. in .ntllm
emt front door of the court hoU'i In North
rintte, Lincoln county. Nohrmkn. soil nt punno
itictlnn to the hlitlinnt utdder lor cnn, io fnuiy
nM ilpiren. Interest), nnd cnnts. the followlno
described property, to-wlt! The sotuliont nimrter
I Hectlnn twemj-otio, lownsnip ten, rniiRn iinrijr.
one, west Mini principni inurunnn, i.iucoui
county, Nebrnli.
untro worm rmuo, rvu. April -, iwi.
nSWi TIM T. Kkliiikii, Hherllf,
llr virtue of nn nrilnr nf nle losufd from the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebrnakn, uon n
decreo ot foruclonuru rendered In pnld conrt
wberolli Abby II. I'ltch, Is pmin
plaintiff nnd Lars Cli. Unnsen. et
nl., nro defendant nnd to mo directed. I will
on tho 2sth day of May, 1001, nt 1 o'clock, p. in .
ni inu van rront door or trie court nouse in norm
Plntto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, soil nt public
auction to tho highest bidder for cnidi, to untidy
nld decree, Interests nnd costs, tho folloWliiK de
scribed property, to-n It: Tho southwest quarter
of section ten, tawnshlp nine, raliKt" twenty-i'lijht,
west nf Hlxth principal meridian, Lincoln county,
Dnted North 1'latte, Neb., April 2S, UHII .
n2D-ft TniT. KcLint,SberllT,
llr vlrtuo nf an order of salt! Issued f rum Dili
llstrlcl court nt Lincoln county. Nebraskn. unon
a decree of foreclosuro rendered In snlil enurt
wherein James K. Sei'ley, Is plalntllf,
ud Amy 10. I). Votnw. et. nl.. nre
defendants, nnd to me directed, 1 will on
tue 5tli day or Jlny. imii. nt 1 o'clock, n. in-.
nt the entt front door of the court house In North
'Intte. IJucoln county. Nebraskn. sell nt nubl i!
nuctlou tothohlahcst bidder for cash, to satisfy
said decreo, Interests and cntH, the following de
scribed property, tiMVltt The south half of the
southeast quarter and south halt of the southwest
quarter of section twenty-three, township ten,
range thirty, west Hlxth principal meridian, Lin
coln enmity, Nebraskn.
unled North 1'latte, Neb, April Z.t, 1W1.
niVo Tim T. Kkliiikii, Hlierld.
Ilv virtue of an order of sale Issued from
the district court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, upon a decree of foreclosure render
ed In Halit court wherein The County of Lin
coin, a corporation, is plaintiff, and Andrew
McRowen. et. al.. are defendants, and tome
directed, I will on the -mtu day of May.
1001, at 1 o'clock, p. m., at the east front door
of the court house In North l'latte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to
the hichest bidder for cash, to satisfy t,a d
decree. Interests and costs, the following de
scribed property, to-wit: The southeast
quarter of southwest quarter and north
east quarter of southeast quarter of secf Ion
nine, lownsnm sixteen, range iweniv-seven,
west of Sixth nrlnclnal meridian. Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
iKiieu iMorin 1'iaiie, xsen., .pru..i. iwi.
aS(l-5 Tim T. Kkliiikii, Sheriff
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a
a contract, for the keep of one brown marc,
seven years old named Mate or Lady Wink,
made with the owner, John Auble. made on
or about the 1st day of April, 1WX), at the
agreed price of ifl.OU per month, an affidavit
ot which fact was tiled In the ofllce of the
county clerk of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
on or about the 10th day of March, limi,
wnicn contract ior Keep was mane ny ueo.
M, Ilabbltt. And upon which contract there
is now due the sum of (02. OA, and the further
sum of $ii.oo per month Blncc the loth day of
niarcn, iwi, ana ueiauit naving ucen mane in
the navmcnt of said sum. and no suit or
other proceedings at law having been Insti
tuted to recover said ncui or any pari
thereof, therefore:
I will bell the property to-wlt: One brown
mare, seven years old, named Mate or Lady
Wink, the property ol John Auble, at public
auction, for the purpose of paying said lieu
for keep, in front ot and on the east side ot
the county Jail, In North l'latte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, on the 3rd day ot Mav,
iwi, at iociock, p. m.,oi sain (lay
Ur.UKUl'i AI. IIA1I1U1 l .
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
license Issecd March 30, IWI, by Hon. 11. M,
Crimes, Judge ot the district court of Lin
coln county. Nebraska, I will; offer for sale
to the highest bidder for cash, the following
described real estate situate In the city of
North l'latte, In Lincoln county, Nebraska,
to-wlt: Lots one (1) and two (S) in block No.
173. and lots six (U) and 7), in block No. UW.
Sale to be made at the east front door of
tho courthouse In Hald city of North l'latte,
at 3 o'clock, p. in., of May 4th, 1001, and such
sale to be kept open one hour.
uaica April ii, iwi.
Administrator of thu estate ot Henry S.
1'artrldgc, deceased. al-'tf
Tho Stato of Nebrnskn, Lincoln county, hs.
April UMd, 1001
In tli u matter of tho entnto of Jouph law,
On rending nnd filing tbo petition of Joaeph I).
Lnw, ndiulnlstrntor pralng n settlement Mid nl
lowiinco ot his Until account, tiled on tbo ZM ilny
of April, 1001, nnd for bis dlncbargu.
Ordered, Tbnt Mny 21, A, I J. . 1001, nt It o'clock,
n. in., Is neslguud for hearing snld petition, whim
nil persons iutercoted in snld mutter mny nppenr
nt n county court to bo held In nnd for snld
county, and ahow cnuxo why the prnjor of petl.
Honor should not bo grunted.
lAtruecopyJ A. H. liAI.DWIN,
ii2;)I County Judge.
OltDint OF llKAKINO.
Tho Hlnte of Nebrnskn, Lincoln county, hh.
In the nmttcr of tl.o oNtnto of Martin II Myers,
On rendliig nnd tiling tho petition of Kminn It.
Myern, ndmlntxtrutrix, prnylng n llnul Mittleinent
nnd nlloHiinco of bur llnnl nccoiuit ns such ud
Ordored, Tbnt Mny 1Mb, 1001, nt U o'clock, ii. in ,
Is iiKHlKiied for bearing enld pelltlon, when nil
persons In said matter may appear nt n county
court to be held In mid for snld county, and show
cnuso why tbo prnyor of petitioner fbould not bo
Dated April 2:!d, 1001,
A trim copy J A. H. HALUWIN,
n2:U County Juilgo.
Land Office nt North l'latte. Neb.,
April 10, 1001.
Notice Is hereby given that thu following-named
Bottler has filed notice of bur Intention to mnk
final proof In support ot bur claim, nnd that uld
proof will be mude before lleglster nnd llecelvei
t North l'latte, Neb., on May illst, 1001, viz;
formerly Mnry II. Clnrk, nbo made bomcstead
entry No, 17110 for the east half of nortliucst
qunrter and enxt tint f of southwest iiuiirtur ot
sectlou "fl, towuKblpl!) norlb, range 30 west.
Hbe names the following wltneKHes to prove her
continuous residence upon nnd cultivation ot snld
land, viz: John M. (J, Wood mid Husau Wood ot
Hutborinnd, Nob.; Owen Jonos ami Jamex Uroir,
ot North l'latte, Neb.
nll-ll. ni:o, K. FIIUNOU. Ilegisler.
Loud Office nt North l'latte, Neb., I
Murcb 101b. 1001. f
Notice Is hereby given tbut the followiiig-nuiiifn
settler has Hied untlcu ot bis Intention to make
final proof In support of bis claim, aud that said
proof will be mnue before Iteglster (.ml lleceiver
at North l'latte, Neb., on May tub, 1101, viz.
!ho niado UumeMciid Kntry No. 17)02 for Ibp
south bait northeast quarter and lots I npd 2
Bectlon 4, Town 0, nortli, llnuge 'JT wet.
lie names the following wltnesnvs to provo bis
continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of raid
land viz: J W Johnson, Ingham, Nob i .lames
UoUtIs. Moorelleld.Neb.i Jose 11, Nail, Mazvtoll,
Neb-; William Uougbtallng, IliKbam, Nebraskn,
lll'J2 OKOKHK K. FKKNUH. Hclter.
I.nulUnico nt Nortli l'latte, Nidi ,
April 10, 10O1
Notice li hereby given that ttie following
named settler has tiled notice of his Iptuntlon to
mnko final proof lu support of bs claim, ami
bat salil proof will be madii buforo regUter mid
receiver ut Nortli l'latte. Neb., on May 27lb. lOol.
p'zi (IKOIKli: i:. KNOX, who mado bomehluail
entry .No. 17. MS, for tbo south half of northwest
quarter of uvUnn 22, town 15 north, rango .10,
Ilo iiumestbo follojvlr.g witnesses to provo bis
continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of said
""", viz; kuiuh ikuui, i.nocn uummlugs
Horace Aiutln aud Fred litumar. all of North
Platte, KVD.
aiwi nitfr.a E Fr.KKCtf, neglste r,