5lic utf - WmUIjj Evibimc FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1901. 1UA L UARH.Editohanu PnorniKTon BUUSOMl'TION HATEH, Onn Year, cnh In advance, Hlx Months, cash In advance.... Entered attheNoribriatte(Nebraika)postofflosas ssoond-clBMmatter. ' 1.2S 75 Ofintu I? ok the time in the history of this country the government's holding of gold this week ex ceeded ii half billion dollars. This is the largest gold holding of any country in the world. Thic warden of the state peni tentiary has asked for donations of books and magazines to replace the library destroyed in the late lire. Donations should be sent direct to the chaplain at Lincoln. Ik the threatened strike of the employes of the steel trust be comes a reality it will be a battle royal between capital and organ ized labor. The latter will have the sympathy and aid of the pub lic, while the trust will have its powerful resources. In a statement made to the English house of commons yes terday, tne master ofthc exche quer stated that the Hocr war had caused a deficit of fifty-three million pounds in the treasury. England may well ask if the re sults obtained have justified the sacrifice of life, to say nothing of the enormous expense. Pkicsidicnt Sciii'K.MANNof Cor nell University and others who have sounded the sentiment of the masses in Cuba declare that there is no discontent among the people at large, that business men generally favor the Piatt amendment, and that all of the trouble on the Island so far has been created by the politicians ClIANCKM.OK El.ISHA HUNJAMIN Andrew has been appointed as one of the delegates from Ne braska to the national conference of charities and corrections. The chancellor ought to be able to tell the conference how to transform a state university into anasylum for professors disloged from other educational institu tions. Bee. Tnic Nebraska Independent, the populist organ, denounces the act which provides for comprom ising with the Hartley bondsmen. To this the Omaha Hoe adds: "We are inclined to agree with this and to add that we do not think a bit better of it because it was first recommended by an eminent populist, Governor Poynter, in a special message to the legislature pf 1899." Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having EUREKA HARNESS OH. Uncounted by any otlicr. Renders hard leather soft. Especially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. Harness A" excellent preservative. Reduces cost of yow linrncs. Never bums the leather; its Efficiency Is increased. Secures best service. Stitches kept from breaking. Oil s sold in all LoCaliti'M Manufactured t Standard Oil Chiiiimiii). i ' " The Man of Style' Insists on having his garments unexceptionable as to fashion, fit, patterns, materials. The man of perfect style will do well to consult our fashion plates, our The governor of Missouri has vetoed the compulsory educa tional bill passed by the legis- aturc of that state, a part of the showing oi ciotns, our mctnous title of which is "an act to en- of measurement, cutting and fin- forcc the constitutional right of ishing. Thereupon and there every child in the state to an ed- after he will get abundant satis ucation." Thegovernor reasons f:iCtion from his habiliments that the right of a parent to keep his child in ignorance is para mount to any constitutional right that the legislature may fancy belongs to the child. Journal. When You Buy Paint CALL ON I. 75. FORT Buy Good Paint... KOIt And that means SI1EKWIN & WILLIAMS' PAINT. Wo have been handling this make for many years and have found that it gives excel lent satisfaction in every instance. It may cost a trifle more per gallon than inferior paints, but it's cheapest in the end. It sticks and holds its color longer than other paint. AVe can furnish you any color or quantity. A. F. Streitz, Druggist. ILP.IUt. and other Lands 400,000 acres of U. P. R. K. and other lands for sale.. . BARGAINS IN RANCHES AND PASTURE LANDS. Offico in OUonitoln Block. NORTH PUflTTB, NEB. F. J. Broeke. GAUNT A McEVOY, Blacksmiths and Wagonniakers. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Horse Shoeing- $3 per Team. A I en mil nrf inna !ti tlin nr'tfp nf nil large reward may produce still 0thcr work. Work guaranteed or further sclfconfcsscd kidnapers, money refunded. Give us a call. t , ii . 1 .. :.. it... ..ii iocusi sired buuui in luain oiu me uvuiuiiku m wic an ,,., ,.-.. points one way, namely, that tne perpetrator was none other than Pat Crow, the original suspect. Bee. Tine fttrthcr.invcsliyation goes into the claimsof the various pre tenders to the Cudahy kidnaping the more it confirms the conclus ions of the Omaha police and the lines upon which they have been workinir. The temptation of a FOR SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, And all kinds of Farm JIaehinery. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK & SALISBURY XOKTII W.ATTK. Tiik Douglas County Demo cratic club has issued a decree concerning' future party align ment. The trist of it is that "fusion with other parties shall not be tolerated." In other words, the Douglas county dem ocracy has concluded that free silver republicans and populists must be greased and swallowed or run awa'v. Those who will not stand while they are greased mav iro to the republicans. J nis is really the logic of conditions. Fusion is a failure in national )olitics. The fusion candidate A, Stitch in Time or presidency suffered conspic- caea Nine ous defeats in 18 and l'JOO. And fusion locally is not at an end. t has yielded the offices in Ne braska, South Dakota, Wyoming-, Kansas, Utah, and Washington. t is doomed in the other states ike Idaho, Montana, Colorado ind Nevada. That the decree of the Doug-las County Democratic club will be seconded and en- lorsed by other democratic clubs throng-bout the state is altogether H'obable. Fremont Tribune. : JOSEPH HERSHEY, DEALER IN A a e e Farm Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Windmills, Pumps, I WINDMILLS i PUMPS PIPES AND FITTINGS BARB WIRE o o e 7i ROUND AND HALF ROUND STOCK TANKS LOCUST STREET, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. 1 1 huh is the way the Louisville Courier-Journal looks at it: "C. II. Dietrich and J. 11. Millard, the new senators, have risen from the lowest ranks. Mr Deitrich is the son of a (lerinan shoemaker and at the age of nine began to earn his own living-. lie finished his school life three years later and afterward worke on the farm, as clerk ina country store, then as blacksmith and as a wood chopper. lie got a start at last and opened a store in Hastings, Neb., selling-goods by day and doing- his own delivery with a wheelbarrow at nig-ht Mr. Millard also begun as a farm hand, then worked in a country store and finally got into a bank of which he is one of the owners Moth men have made fortunes and now in mature life have tl opportunity for useful public sei Vice. I lie experience ol these two bears out Mr. Carnegie's remark that the young man has as good an opportunity to win in the world as anyone ever did. It is not the opportunity, how ever, but the man, that deter mines success in life. This has been true from the beginning of time and it will always be true in spite of what socialists say." Is a trite old saying, and is particularly true when applied to Shoes. Our business is to mend Shoes, and people give us the credit of knowing our business from a to ., If your Shoes need mending, bring them here. &eorge TekulMe. YELLOW FKONT SHOE BTOBE. Ho Kopt His Log. IVulye yours nj,o .I.W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn., Burutuhod IiIh Iojj with ii riiety wiro. Inllimunutioii 14ml liluud loifoiiii)tf Hot In. For two yoiirH liu HUllorou imoiiBoiy. 'Hum llio Dent Uuc- torn urgod iiuiiiutnlion, ''lint," lio writoH, X "1 ublh! ono buttlo of Uleutriu Hitloru mid 1 1-2 Iio.nob of ItuuUlon's Arnica Snlvo and my lot vyiih Bound and woll aa over." l'or KruptloiiH, Ho.omii, 'Potior, Mill ivlioum, soros and all blood dm otdorn Kloelriu llittorB Iiiih nominal on oiiriu. try itiom A. i. atroiu will K uarantoo mitiBfiiotloii or rofnnd nionoy, Only Tu emits. . ArKlL Crowned King of all bottled beers is that made by SCIILITZ, and it well de serves its prominence and ccon- iums. It is a beer that tastes good, looks good, and IS GOOD. It is a great thirst satisfier and is nutritious as well. Better have us send you a case of pints or quarts to your house. HENRY WALTEMATH. LEGAL NOTICES. NOT! CIS OK SALE UNDEIt LIEN l'OK KEEPING LIVE STOCK. Notice la horcby elven that bv virtue of a a contract, for the keep of one brown marc. Hevcn years old named Mate or Lady Wink, made with the owner, John Aublc. made on or about the Ixt day of April, limo, at the agreed price of Jfl.uo per month, an athdavlt ot which fact was died In the otllce of the county clerk of Lincoln county, Nebraska, on or about the 10th dav of March. Ml. .....I-,. . . t , - ,.. I MP. lstfltK Of 1M . I j. lVP.ir 1 Wl nrrP.r nr, mil) IP, Rfl P. fir, M. UaWiltt. And upon which contract there 1 Is now due the sum of f02.or, and the furt PUBLIC SALE. the Keith barn in North Platte, Neb , on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 19th and 20th, Commencing at nine o'clock each day, personal property consisting of Work Horses, Harness, Wagons, And a Large Number of Farm Implements THRMS: All amounts under $10 to be cash; for all pur ases OVer $10 live per CCllt diSCOUnt for Cash, Or bankable paper court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the object and i further sum of S'l.oo per month since the 10th day of Marcn, ivui, ami oeiauu naving occn inuiic in the payment of said sum, and no suit or other proceeding at law having been Insti tuted to recover sam uem or any part thereof, therefore: I will sell tne property to-wit: one brown mare, seven years old, named Mate or Lady Wink, the nroiK-rtv ot -John Auble. at nubile auction, for the purpose of paying said Hen ifir Keep, in irpui ui aim un iiif easi sine in the countv lall. In North I'latte. Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the. 3rd day of Mav, 1U0I, at I o'clock, p. in., of said day. I.KOAL NOTICE. The ilefiulant Walter J. I-ninb. Lamb bU wife, tint nnil real name unknown, II. II. Kuiereoii, nit anil real nnmo uukuowu and John Doe, true name unknown, will tako notice that on the 10th day of December, 1D00, tne iilalmlir, Tne county ot Lincoln, a corporation, filed 1U petition In tbb illntrlct for six months at six per cent interest. The property can be inspected at the Keith barn on and af- haii ' utheat quarter and souuotot couth . cast quarter of rectlon is, township It, nortt tei Apt 11 (tl1. ot raune 2'J, west ot the Sixth principal meridian prayer ot which U to foreclose certain tax llenr, duly asHOMeil by ald plalntttt Bgnlnst the wet omu-north W. B. MILLARD, Executor, W. A. PAXTON, Su., R. S. VANTASSEL. Admn'rs C, T. A. JLJ P.il If: I Best k(uiimen Kks'p trains i ihst tuack AKST UOllTlfl - TO WITH llIUKfT lONNI'.tTlONS KKIt All Principal Eastern Cities 1ft via Tin: - 6 UNION PACIFIC AND OHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN LINES. Passengers destined for prominent titles east of the Missouri lllvcr should uatrontr.c this route The through trains arc Solidly Wntl- Miicti.vieu urawlu Dlnlnir Hccllnlnt' Chalr Cars. .ui .juKii ii .nun ,ii v mutiny i-m. l.uleuuntl) eiiulppeil wllh Double lup Itoom and Palace Sleepers. iK Car, meals a la Carte, tree l'or tickets and full Information call on JAS. B. 8CANLAN, Agent EXCURSIONS HVUKY TUKSDAX IN APRIL The Unioit Pacific will sell tickets from Nebraska and 'Kan sas points at the following Greatly "Reduced Rates: TO CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, Los Angeles, J San Diego, including- all J Main Line Points, north ! California State line to Col T, ton, San Uernardino and San Diego. X To UTAH IDAHO, OREGON, MONTANA, WASHINGON. i Ogden and Salt Lake City, Utah, lintte and Helena, I Montana, JK23.00 . . . Portland, Ore., Spokane, t Wash, Tacoma and Seattle, t Wash. I ' 25.00 Full information cheerfully furnished on application, I. -HTe Cent Cigar to .A.T SOHMALZKIBD'S. Nebratka, (or the year 1801 In the aum ot (8.71; for the year IBM In tho enm ot 7,07; for the Tear imi In tbe sum ot lor tne year lbU7 In the eum of J3.C0; for tho year 1808 In tbe sum of I3.S2; for the year 18W In the sum of 2117 amounting In tbe total mini ot Mi. 58; with In toreitt on 22.115 at tho rate of ton per cent per anmnr. from tho 1st day ot November, 1V00, all of which Is due ami unpaid. i'falntlll prays a decree ot lorejlojuro or saia tax Hen 'ana a sain of said premises.' ' Yo'u, 'and each of you defendants are required 1) ' answer said oetltlon on or lioforo Monday, the Oth day ot May, 1W0. unipij Aarc(i in, wn. TUB COyHTV OF MK0Ol,!if A (Jorporatfon. ml84 Uy II. S. Hlitifley, Its Attorney ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OP RJSAI BS' TATW Notice Ih hereby clven that 1)7 virtue of a license lsseed March 30. 1TO1. bv Hon. II. M. Crimen, Judge of the district court of Lin- coin county. XMeorasna, twin; oner lor Bale to the hluheHt bidder for cash, the following described real estate situate In the cltv ot North I'latte, In Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit: Lots one ( I) and two (-') In block No, 173. and lots six (0) and (7), In block No. 16ft. a y sale to bo kept'open ohe hour. Say! Is Your Wife Cross? igw NOTICE FOIt 1'UHUCATIOV. IF SO, BUY HJCR LaudomcentNAprt0wfbM . ariM Ii' C? 'I'Tl 1." Notice Is uereoy given mat tile following-named m OUmlli Ul' J lift.. ;S seltler has filed notice of hur Intention to make g s- I final proof In support ot hor claim, and that nd imiui hih ira uittuu uviuid ivvKiQlvr uuti JlDimTPI New Aluminum Ware s at A. I j. Davis' Hardware Store. Just like a 2 t mirror and will make her smile all the time. 3 4, r 2 QppHc nnvo lice's Northern grown Gar- 2 ss OtCUo den and Flower Seeds in bulk or pack- g age. g We sell Hardware, Stoves and Tinware g 5 (lives us a call. 1 A. L. DAY1S, 7inriuiHumrjuiiriumiuiirjui!rJimrjutirjmiriuiirjumiUR It North I'latte, Neb., on Hay 2ht, 100L v(H! formorly Mary II. Cark, who iriaile niietjef)i entry no, ihiu tor im end nait or niirtnweit Quarter and east halt oi fcoulhwept quntter of section 'in, towuBhlp 13 north, range ;)U west. hue names tne ronowing witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of sai) Innil, viz: John At, O. Wood and Huhiui Wood of Hulliiirlaiiil, Nnb.i 0ypu Jones am) James ()rnw, of N'orth Vlatto, Neb. nini. (EO. K, FHUNCII, flogltlur, N01'lt!KrK0lTTuinl0ATK).N."" Land Office at North Platte, Neb., ) March 10th. Ml. ( Notice Is hereby given that tbe followlng.nauiuo settler has filed notice ot his Intention to make final proof In support ot his claim, anil that said proof will be made before llealster mil HvrRivnp at Norlh I'latte, Neb., on May Oth, Ml, vlti 111 it J it i IIENSON JOHNSON. Ilie Hardware man that s iion..,tead umry ni. mwtorihr BUMt ' vupt uniivi mum ium i nun J no one owes. ! BLACKLE(i IN CATTLE. 'JMiis lir tu is the largest producers of Vaccine in the U. S. We loan you the outfit lor Vac illating l Wftft UK UUAKli Hocllon i. Town l'. norlh. ltniiL'ii w.l. lie names the following wilnesses to nrovo bis oonllrmnus residence uion and cultivation of raid land vizi J. W. Johniton, Ingham, Nob i James llo HrlH,Moonneld,Neb. Jesse U.Nall, Maxwell, Neb i Mlliam Houghtallng, Ingham, Nebraska. '"'!" OHOItflK E. FKKNOlt, IteglsUr. notioi: ron PDULIOATION. l.aml Otllce at Norlh Platte, Nidi., April ID, Ml Nonce )i lierpby glvuu that tlitf tollowiuy tt A fr-i.el, ct.w.L- n( P ARKE, D AVIS Of CO S i..o4 . . , Tj nnmed settler has filed notice of his lntontoq to T .V 1 1 t-nll SlULK OI p, Arvi nr. VArrilUC JUSt received. I wako i nal proof In support ot bis claim, ami uuMvii.i.i.u i iwiiib t uat sain proof will ue niailo beforo register anil j r'riivnr ni nnriu I'laiip, Piou., OR may s ill, iuui, A vlii OKOItOK K. KNOX, who raado'boraesloa'l entry No. 17..M8. for tho south half of mirUiwett Miwtrler of section 22, town 15 north, rango SO, A luailliir I' Ixftft Ul1 UIlvKtilv i uamestno followltg witnesses to prove bis V , . !l roiilluuou(iroldeuceui)nanilcultlTationofsaia A A. NORTH PLATTE PHi'RMArV I lnn,l llu(tll lectins, i;poch oummlngs, C "Wl l n l l . rnAltmAbl K Horace Austin and Fred Uromor, all of North y1T)r'kit Natty, KbU. .. ii. , i u-onui k. fikcw, Hrglstdr,