The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 19, 1901, Image 2

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IIIA I IIAHE, I'raprletor.
It Is reported that a now telephone
company compoKctl of American capi
talists will shortly ho grantctl a char
ter for operation In Mexico City.
Careful Investigation of the reporlB
of tho burning of sixty negroes In
turpcntlno camp lire In Ilaldwln coun
ty, Alabamn, bIiowh that thcro Is ab
solutely no foundation for the report.
Tho New York Herald Hays that a
letter Just received In New York from
Sir Edwin Arnold shows thnt ho has
been obliged to relinquish much of his
actlvo literary work owing to blind
ness. Tho number of suicides In Paris Is
very large at present and tho chief
causo Is thought to bo tho general re
trenchment following tho exposition,
which has thrown many people out of
Mrs. .T. Friend, wlfo of tho oldest
clothing merchant In the city, died
Sunday morning aged 53. Sho leaves a
liusband and flvo children. Tho re
mains will bo sent to I)es Moines for
Intimate friends of Andrew Cameglo
Bay that It Is tho Intention of tho steel
master to glvo at least $25,000,000 for
the erection of buildings and for tho
endowment of tho proposed technical
school of Pittsburg.
A bill beroro tho legislature of Ne
braska declares sunflowers and cocklo
burs a public menace nnd makes It tho
duty of every owner of laud to destroy
them between August 15 anil Septem
ber 1 of each year.
Tho Easton, Pa., !oard of school con
trollers refuso to Increase tho tax rato
one-half of a mill for tho maintenance
of a public library, thereby practically
refusing tho offer of Andrew Carneglo
to glvo the town $50,000.
Miss Edna Horrlck, a hnudsomo
young society girl of Canton, MIes.,
committed suicide nt a hotel in .lack
son by swallowing tho contents of two
bottles of laudnnum. No motive has
yet been assigned for tho act.
Mnry 15. Ford, nged 74, living with
her son, Noah, a well known farmer,
nlno miles north of Igansport, I ml.,
was burned to death, her clothing tak
ing flro from a lighted lamp which she
had Just prepared for tho night.
A car load of California oranges
woro sold at New York for tho bonollt
of tho Children's Homo Society of Call
fornlo, Tho highest prlco bid for n
singlo box was S10. Homo of tho boxes
-wcro resold tlmo and time again.
A. C. Hobo, Emma Abbott's first
friend nnd benefactor In Now York,
nnd for many years nt tho head of tho
Daltlmoro & Ohio railroad's eastern
freight department, died In Yonkors,
N. Y., of ncuto pneumonia, nged 74.
Complcto census returns glvo tho
population of India as 291,000,000, an
Increaoo In tho lost decado of 7,000,
000. Deducting tho population of tho
Raluchlstun, Shaustaks, Ghln 11111b and
Slkklm torrltory for tho first time, a
net Incrcnso Is shown of only 1.1 per
Tho San Francisco Examiner says
outeldo canneries havo declared their
Independence of tho California Fruit
Connors' association, and thcro prom
I sea to bo n lively trndo warlurlng tho
season which opens In May. This will
mean bottor prices for tho fruit grow
er and possibly lowor figures to tho
it. W. Punk, presldont of tho Jack
sonville, 111., Creamery Company, com
mitted suicide.
Miss JcsbIo Morrison's bond of 5,000
was approved at Eldorado, Kan., and
Miss Morrison was given her freedom
Tho dry goods firm of Gnzlngan,
Parmnlco & Whltloy, at Clovolnnd, O.,
was placed In tho hands of a receiver.
Tho now Ilulgarlnn ministry of tho
Interior has reiterated Its order that
tho Macedonian rlllo clubs shall bo dis
armed and prohibited from drilling.
Tho Nebraska f.onato has passed a
bill cgnlzlng tho practlco of osteopathy.
In a message to tho legislature Gov
ernor Odoll recommends a continuation
of tho work begun soveral years ago of
deepening tho Now York state canals
to nlno feet and lengthening tho locks.
Tho cost of carrying on Oil1, work tq
J'.S completion la estimated at $25,000,-
Tho 1,000 men recently recruited In
Ontario province- for pollco service In
South Africa will sail from Halifax on
the 2Gth.
Tho dowogor omprcss of Russia
passed through Dorlln on a special
train for Copenhagen.
Tho mower and reaper factory of
Sleborllng & Miller nt Doylcston, O.,
was burned, loss $50,000, and throwing
100 men out of work.
Tho wholeaalo drug house of Loom
ing, Miles Co., btorned at Montreal.
Gloss workorH at Uio factory of tho
Macbeth-Evans lamp chimney com
pany In Toledo went out on strike bo-
rauso of a rulo making employes re
sponsible for chimney breakages.
j i
Govomraont Gives Out Text of Letter to
Various Representative?.
Btnto Department Contend Tluit Nolli-
Ins Hit Occurred io Clmncn Status of
Uultcd Hlrtti Torurd Open Door Tim
Slltiiitlon In tlmicriil.
WASHINGTON, March 27. Tho cri
sis In tho Chlf.eso question brought
about through iho expiration of tho
.orlol allowed or tho signature by
China of the Manchuria.; agreement
was tho principal topic to Jay. Hip
conviction thut tho United St-ttes 'ud
douo all that It could to p.'o7ont tho
consummation of this arrangement,
nnd to make clear to the public tho
complete disapproval which Is enter
tained by the United S:ntes govern
ment for thh sort of Bccrct treaty
making, It was dec-mod proper to glvo
out for publication the following mem
"Qhlticso f!orro?pondence, March 1,
1001. Telegraphic Instructions cent
to tho reprosputntlvos of tho 'United
Stales In Ucrlln, Vienna, Pa-Is, Lou
don, Rome, Toklo and St. l'e:orflburs:
"Department of Stale, Washington,
D. C, March 1, 1001. Tho following
memorandum, which vns banded to
the Chlneso mlrtUtoi on February 10, j
Is transmitted to you for your Intor- I
matlon and communication to tho gov
ernment to hl-. h you uro accredited:
"Tho preservation of tho territorial
Integrity of China having been rccop-
nlzed by all tho powers now engaged
lu Joint negotiation concerning tho In
juries rccontiy Inflicted upon their
initiators, ii'i'l nationals by rrrtnln
officials and subjects of tho Chinese
empire, It Is uvidontly advantageous
to China to coutlnuo tho pronent In
ternational understanding upon this
subject. It would ho, therefor, umvisn
nnd dangerous In tho extreme for Chi
na to make nuy nrrangonicnt or to
consider any proposition of a private-
naturo Involving tho surrender of ter
ritory or financial obligations by con
vention with any particular power.
nnd tho government of tho United
Stntos, aiming solely nt tho pro3orvn
tlon of China from tho danger indi
cated and tho conservation of tho lir- i
gest aud most bcncflclnl relations bo
tweon the empire and other countries.
in accordance with tho principles sot
forth In Its circular noto of July 3,
1900, and In a purely friendly spirit
toward tho Chinese empire and all the
powers now Interested In the negotia
tions, desires to express its scneo of
tho Impropriety, inexpediency, and
oven extreme danger to tho Interests
of China of considering any private
territorial or flnnnclnl arrangements,
nt least without tho full Knowledge
and approval of all tho powers now
ongnged Jn negotiation. HAY."
Assuming Hint tho arrangement Is
to bo carried out, It is still tho con
tention of tho Stnto department that
nothing hns occurred to change tho
stalun of tho United States toward
tho opon door ns applied to any part
of China, Including Manchuria. Ah
Jar as written pledges can commit a
power, ItusBla stands pledged to accord
to tho United States tho open door if
Bho takes control of Manchuria, olthcr
diroctly by annexation or Indirectly,
but qulto 03 offoctually, by tho moans
as shown In thin Russo-Chlncso agree
ment. That Is tho vlow of tho Stnto
dopartmont, nnd that vlow Is endorsjd
by tho entire cabinet, t
Complclo Cnstmlly I.Ut of Southern Tor
undo Not Olitnlimlilo.
BIRMINGHAM, Aln March 27.
Much moro horrlblo than tho first re
ports of tho tornado yesterday aro tho
realities which havo thus far come out
this morning. It Is still linposslblo to
compile tho full list of tho dead and
wounded, but It Is now cortnln that
eighteen persons wcro killed and Hint
thirty to forty wcro moro or less In
jured. Tho path of tho storm was
wldo. It covered practically every
hamlet In Jefferson county.
Every effort Is being mndo today In
tho Btorm-ntrlckcn section of Bir
mingham to glvo all possible relief to
thoso who lost their all by tho fury of
tho winds. Troops guarded tho devas
tated district last night nnd firemen
and policemen searched tho ruins, but
no moro dead bodies were found, nnd,
up to 10 o'clock today, no additional
deaths had occurred. Mayor Drcnncn,
who Is directing the relief work, es
timates that $10,000 will relieve tho Im
mediate wants of tho sufferers. Tho
larger part of this has already ifcen
raised among citizens and a citizens'
meeting will bo held at noon to ralso.
tho remainder nnd to moro perfectly
organlzo tho distribution of the relief
Killer of Itumlu Sit 11 to lie on ttio Vires
of n Nervous C'iillitio.
LONDON,' March 27. A dispatch
from St. Petersburg to Renter's Tele
gram says that In consonnnco with
what Is believed to bo tho czar's ex
pressed wish, tho minister of tho In
terior has published Instructions for
tho authorities of tho towns nnd prov
inces, recommending preventive meas
ures against disturbances, as being ef
fective than sovero repression after
disturbances have broken nut.
Tho Hlrmlngham Post, which Is
elosoly In touch with Joseph Chamber
lulu, says news received in high quar
ters In Loudon Indicate! lhat the czar
Is In a very nervous state, owing to
tho condition of the political horizon.
It Is said that he fears tho result of
tho policy of his ministers In the far
cast, while the student troubles aud
threats against his life, of which them
nro moro than havo been published,
havo completely unnerved his majesty.
Ills medical advisers have strongly
counseled a yachting cruise, but tho
czar has refused to follow their advice,
Thoso behind tho scones In Russia
tako a very grave view of the present
agitation and think It Is the beginning
of moro serious trouble.
They l.enve Uhlcuco l l'ntly for North
CHICAGO, March 27, Possessed of
homcstend rights, household effects
and requirements of land dovolopmont,
between 1.700 and 1,800 persons left
Chicago todny for the agricultural re
glons of North Dakota. Six special
trains woro required to carry the party
and belongings.
Tho prospectlvo Bottlers gathered In
Chicago from Ohio, Indiana, Peunsyl
vanla, Virginia, Maryland, Illinois nnd
other states, and among thorn wore be
tween 300 and 400 .members of tho Gor
man Hapllst church, commonly known
us Dunknrds. All but a few of tho
landhuntcra will settle in the Devil's
lake, Mouse" river nnd Turtle mountain
Volunteors Are Keeping Filipino Insur
gents Constantly Jumping.
tic no nil Ciitlln Writes Tlmt ItclieN Now
tliiilomtiiiid llniielossncs of Their
right "ml " 111 (live In Alt Will Hmm
lie gttlrt.
tant Genernl Corbln has received a
letter of unusual Intcrst from Gen
eral I. S. Catlln, a retired army olll
cer, at Manila, which gives a compre
hensive account of conditions at tho
Philippine cnpltol.
"Whllo as a matter of course," says
General Catlln, "tho collisions between
our forces and tho retreating nnd dis
appearing bands of guerrilla lnsur
rcctos continue to bo qulto frequent,
It Is true thnt they wcro never so re
lentlessly nnd ceaselessly pursued as
during the Inst two months. Every
volunteer regiment hns' seemed desir
ous of placing to Its credit uddltlonal
honor nnd famo before returning to
tho Btates and It hns lost no opportun
ity to glvo a glorious account of it
self whenever possible, and henco tho
enemy has literally had no rest. And
now, with tho positive knowledge that
tho American people havo at lost pro
vided an army sulllclently largo to
confront nny exigency nt home "r
abroad, and thnt It means uncondi
tional surrender or death to every
armed foo In tho Philippine islands, I
do not think it possible that even any
organized guerrilla warfare will bo
carried on nfter the expiration of an
other twelve months. At nny rate, It
will be so insignificant that tho work
of establishing a stablo government
and Introducing American schools and
American courts of Justice nnd giv
ing self-government to the extent thnt
may bo found practicable will not bo
seriously Impeded.
"Tho organization nnd growth of
tho federal party will bo a potent fac
tor In the effort to establish local and
general government for tho lslunds.
A native comes down from Marln-
duquo and reports that tho peoplo of
tho whole Island nro favorably consid
ering the propositions of the federal
party, and In n day or two nfter ho Is
followed by Colonel Corliss of tho
Second Infantry, who corroborates him
substantially In every respect. And
so It goes from inland nnd to Isluntl
nnd from province to province. Tho
most remarkable fcaturo of this fed
oral government Is the judgment and
discretion of tho average natlvo In bo
ing willing to eltmlnato tho question
of religion."
General Catlln in closing his com
munlcatlou says that ho has talke.l
with nt least 100 army ofilccrs on duty
In tho Islands and In scarcely an in
Btanco has ho heard any sentiment of
dissatisfaction expressed with tho sor
vice or tho treatment of the army In
tho Philippines.
In rcferenco to a reported visit to
tho Islands of Secretary Root, the gen
cral says:
"A visit from the distinguished sec
retary would bo of great service and
benefit to the solution of the problem
nnd Notdlcra nnd I'opnluco Turn
Out to Ureet Tlirm.
MALTA, March 20. Tho steamer
Ophlr, bearing tho duko nnd duchess
of Cornwull nnd York on their tour
of the world, nrrlvcd hero this morn
ing. Tho war ships In tho harbor wcro
manned nnd dressed. Tho sun shone
Ijrlghfly nnd tho crowds woro early
nstlr, pouring Into Vnlotta and filling
tho terraces und ramparts command
ing a view of tho harbor. Tho ap
proach of tho Ophlr was heralded
when It was still eighteen miles dla-
tnnct by salutes from a flotilla of ten
torpedo boat destroyers, which went
out to meet It. tl entered tho harbor
amid salvos of artillery from St. An
gclo, tho citadel, forts and war ships.
After receiving tho olllclnls tho duko
and duchess landed nnd drovo to Porto
Rcalo and thonco to tho palaco. Tho
balconies of all tho houses along tho
routo were profusely decorated with
Hags and bunting and filled with cheer
ing spectators. Tho entire dlstauco
from tho landing placo to tho palaco
was brightly decorated with venetlau
masts nnd arches. Tho streets through
which tho duke und duchess nnd their
party passed wero lined with troops
and bluejackets.
Concession Drinnuds tlmt Chinese Sinn
It nt Onrr.
LONDON, March 20. A dispatch
from Pekln avers that the Russian
government has consented to a num
ber of modifications In tho Manchurian
convention, the principal ones being
that Klu Chow nnd Port Arthur shall
not bo annexed, but shall bo leased
from tho Chlneso governmont, as bore
toforo; Russia will not Insist upon
thcro being a Russian resident nt
Moukden; the Chinese army will be
permitted to maintain order in Man
churia prior to the completion of tho
Manchurian railway, whfch, whllo in
courso of construction, will not neces
sarily require the protection of Rus
sian troops; Russia will forego its de
mands that mining and railway con
cessions in Mongolia, Turkestan nnd
Kashgarla Bhall bo granted to nono
but Russian subjects. Russia stipu
lates, however, tlmt none but Chinese
and Russians shall bo allowed to un
dertake such enterprises.
In consequence of these concessions
tho Russian government asks for an
early signature of tho convontlon.
Newest Kntlrnnd Merger ltl-rul II I'reile
crsanr In Mucnltude.
NEW YORK, Mnrch 27. Goorgo
Gould's plan to become tho bend of
a combination of railroads capitalized
nt $300,000,000 Is progressing favorably,
says tho World. His plan, tho World
adds, mcots with tho approval nnd has
tho co-opcrntlon of J. Plerpout Mor
gan, tho Rockefellers and tho Horrl-
mnn syndleato.
Continuing, tho World says: Tho
unification of tho Gould system of rail
roads, under tho control of tho Mis
souri Pacific, will Include tho Missouri
Pacific, St. Louis & Iron Mountain, St.
Louis Southwestern, Texas & Pacini;,
T,ntovimUonnI a rent Northern, and
tho Denver & Rio Grand. Georgo
Gould hns Just bought a coiitrojl'hi;
Interest In this lattcV ruilvofI, nnd It
It nil on Important IiWtor lu tho con
It as nn Imporant fnctor lu ho ob
struction of tho greater Missouri Pa
cific system of which ho will bo tho
Inwu Stunt 11 n it II hit Over.
SPRINGFIELD, March 27 Governor
Yates Issued a reqlsltlon on Governor
Shaw of Iowa for tho extradition cf
ChnrlcB K. Kurzondorfer, who Is want
ed at Chester, Rundolph county, III., on
a charge of embozzloment. Kurzon
dorfer, It Is alleged, whllo employed
lu tho southern Illinois ponltentlnry
embezzled a largo sum of money from
that Institution. Ho escaped July 21,
and Is now under arrest In Iowa.
Mlnoiu-I KiiIok for War.
ST. JOSEPH, Murch 27. The Drit
Ish government has contracted for 500
cavalry horses hero for sorvlco In
South Africa. No prlco limit Is placed
for thoso animals. Agents for tho
British governmont nro also making
large purchases of mules.
Oruirou Slmrl I.lno NIbiik.
NEW YORK, March 27. Confirma
tion wns had today of tho roport that
papors havo boon signed between tho
Oregon Short Lino company, which is
a part or tho Union Pacific company,
and tho White Knob Copper company,
limited, consummating n contract for
tho construction of about 100 miles of
railroad. This road will run from a
point near Dlackfoot on tho Short
Lino to Houston, located In the central
part of Idaho.
Vritr 'f i'iilv-i:ii;iii 1) i u ill .
MBLIIOURN, March 27. Wreckage
which has gone ashore on Gubo Island,
near Capo Howe, tho most southenst
ern part of Australia, causes a fenr
that tho Costal steamer Federal from
Melbourne hns foundered with a loss
of twenty-eight lives.
Jliiblngton's Force Attacks llelarvjr, Ciip-
turliiR 140 Prlkuiicr.
LONDON, March 2C Tho war of
fice has received tho following ills
patch from Lord Kitchener:
"PRETORIA, Mnrch 2C Rablng-
ton's force, Including Shekleton's col
umn, attacked Dclarcy, l.COO strong,
northwest of Vcntcrsdorp, nnd having
defented him followed him up rapidly
with tho result that tho Uoers rear
guard wns driven In and its convoy
captured, Including tho guns captured
at Vaal's bank.
"Our troops displayed great gallan
.a. .. .1 .1 1. .Ml. . 1 I "
iry nun wwii. muy capture!! two iy
pounder guns, ono ponpon, six max
Ims. 320 pounds of big ammunition,
15,000 rounds of small ammunition,
1G0 rides, fiftythreo wngons and twenty-four
carts, besides taking 110 prls-.
"Our losses were slight. Many P.omi
wero killed or wounded.
rrt'tlitcnt Unotvi Alnny Younc Americans
Vt'lio Ueifirvo n I'liice.
WASHINGTON, March 2C Senator
Hawley and General E. V. Sumner, U.
3. A., retired, wero with tho urosldont
i Bhort tlmo yesterday. Senntor Haw
ley asked tho president to appoint
General Sumner's son a cadet at West
"There havo boon Sumners In tho
3ervlco since 1777." said Senator
Hawley, "and wo cannot havo too
many of them."
Tho president will appoint him when
thcro is a vacancy. The troublo !s
there aro too fow cadetshlps-at-large.
Thoro aro many morltorlous cases that
tho president ought to bo able to re
ward. For Instance, thero was young
Tutus, the soldier lad who first scaled
tho walls nt Pekln. Tho president Is
going' to send him to West Point as a
reward for his bravery. Other coses
should bo similarly rewarded.
Nicholas Convenes Ministers to Oonsidoi
Troubled Stato of Malrs,
Dcclito to Ilemovo Home I'rcMtiro l'roin
Itecnlcltrftnt Students Store Donion
strnllont Aro Kxpoateil Outbursts nt
St. 1'atcrsliurp.
ST. PETERSBURG, March 25. The
political situation is so serious that
Emperor Nicholas held a meeting of
the ministers ycsCerdny to consider
tho stato of public affairs. Threaten
ing letters havo been received by Lleu
tonant General Kouropatklu, minister
of wnr; M. N. V. Muravioff, minister
of Justice, and M. Zlpyagln, minister
of tho Interior.
Tho czar presided at tho council,
which wns convened ttt tho Tsarskoc
Selo palaco. It was decided not to
abolish tho law for drafting recalci
trant students into tho army, but for
tho present to refrain from npplylng
tho law. It was also resolved to rovlso
tho university statute. Tho decision
of tho council of ministers Is regarded
ns a step lu tho right direction, bo
causo It Is nn attempt nt a partial
remedy of tho grievances of the stu
dents. Renewed demonstrations on a great
scale aro expected tomorrow. It is
reported that Prlnco Vlozemsky has
been disgraced for petitioning tho czar
to consider the grlevnnccs of tho stu
dents. Lngowsky, tho provincial of
ficial, who last Friday attempted to
assassinate Privy Councillor Pobe
donostzeff, procurator general of the
Holy Synod, is a disciple of Count
Leo Tolstoi, and ho has assorted that
tho act was ono of revenge for the
excommunication of Tolstoi,
According to a special dispatch to
tho Rosslo, tho governor general of
Klcff, Genoral Gragomleroff, has pub
lished a riot ordlnanco similar to that
published by General Klelgcls in St.
Petersburg and declaring that tho
military will bo called out unless tae
ordlnanco Is strictly obeyed.
Tho day passed quietly in St Peters
burg, Somo 40,000 persons promenad
ed about noon nlong tho Nevskol pros-
pekt, particularly In front of tho ca
thedral of our Lady of Kazan. Tho
crowd dwindled to normal proportions
when it became npparent that noth
ing would happen. The promenaders
wero for tho greater part curiosity
Is Negotiating for the Southern TncMc's
I.lno From Tortland.
MINNEAPOLIS, March 2G. A spe
cial to tho Times from Tacoma, Wash.,
It is currently reported hero nnd la
generally believed In railroad circles,
that tho Northern Pacific Is negotiat
ing for tho purchaso of tho Southern
Pacific lino from Portland to San
Francisco. It Is said tho purchnso of
tlmt portion of tho lino within the
stato of Oregon is assured. It is
known that a representative of tho
Northern Pacific has been over tho
entiro lino within a few days on a
tour of Inspection nnd much depends
on the report ho will make to the
board of directors. Negotiations havo
been hanging fire for moro than a
year and tho matter has been kept
very quiet.
Are for I'lro Dollum and on tho Hank
MorrUtotrn, N. J,
WASHINGTON. March 20. Chief
Wllklo of tho secret service has an
nounced the nppeurance of a now coun
terfeit ?3 national bank noto on tho
National Iron bank of Morrlstown, N.
J. It Is a deceptlvo counterfeit, print
ed on two pieces of paper between
which silk fiber has been distributed.
Tho faco of tho note, apparently print
ed from engraved plate, Is defective In
detail. Tho word "cashlor" abbrevi
ated In the gonulno to "ensh'r" appoarB
in tho count5.rfelt as "cash."
liny Home for 8chley Soon.
WASHINGTON, March 25. At a
meeting of tho commlttea appointed
at a mass meeting of tho citizens of
Washington for tho purpose of pro-
sontlng Admiral Sehley with a modest
homo, held in this city tonight, it was
reported that about $0,000 had been
contributed to tho fund. It is expect
ed that by April 15 $15,000 will havo
l)een raised, and this will be usod to
purchaso a homo lu tho suburbs of
Muy Not Plijn tho Trrnly,
HlvlOm ALCagvb AJR.KW shrdlu cv
LONDON, March 27. In an Inter
view published hero this morning with
a representative of a nows agency Da
mn Hnyashl, tho Japancso minister in
lioudon, Is quoted ns saying ho did not
beltoYo China would assont to tho Rub-
so-Manchurlnn agreement, tho tlmo
for tho signing of which expires today,
although ho thought thero was Uttlo
doubt but thut China would ultimately
nccept It
Mitkes ISvrn Itonitt 'Irrinlilo.
ROME, On., March 20. A rain nnd
hailstorm hero this morning blow in
tho fronts of several bustness houses
nnd ruined their stocks. No fatali
ties havo been roportcd.
Indian I.lllKWtlnu It On.
OMAHA, Nob., Mnrch 2C Judgo
Shlras of Iowa has notified tho parties
interested thnt ho will nrrlvo In Oma
ha Friday to hear tho Injunctions nr-
gucd In tho cases of tho Omaha Indians
against tho United States government
und tho Indian agent to restrain him
from ejecting them from the land
claimed to bo owned by them under
the act allotting tho lands of the Omn
ha trlho of Indians In severalty. The
cases have been advanced one day,
Mitchell to 8 i'i MorKiiu.
NEW YORK, March 20. President
Mitchell of tho United Mine Workers'
union Is in this city with tho inten
tion of seeing J. P. Morga nnd tho
heads of tho Important coal companies
to consult about tho situation In tho
coal fields, for tho purpose, If possible,
of averting a strike Mr. Mltcholl has
so far been unablo to seo Mr. Morgan,
as tho latter only arrived from Wash
ington lato last night.
Uldnniiers nnd Ilynuiiilterr.
NASHVILLE, March 2G. "Kidnap
ers and dynamiters" is tho signature
to a letter received by Joseph Schnei
der of this city Friday. Tho contents
Informed Mr. Schneider that unless ho
plnced $300 at a certain spot in Cum
berland park by Saturday afternoon
ono of his children would bo kidnaped
or his houso blown up by dynamite.
No harm has yet como to tho Schnel-
dor homo.
Kroner Mny Yrt Co 310 Here.
LONDON, March 2G. Tho Geneva
correspondent of tho Dally Mali says
It Is roportcd thoro that Mr. Krugor,
It his health pormlts, will visit tho
United States next month.
Another Severe Fight.
CAPETOWN, March 2C Sovora
fighting occurred Friday, March 22,
between tho llrltlah nnd Doers at
Hartobeestfoutclu, east of Ktersdrop,
Dlierliiilnntlnu on Flour.
WASHINGTON, March 25.Tho dls-
pitch of MlnUter Hart nt Dogota, say
ing that Colombia had lmposod dis
criminating duties upon flour and
other articles, Is not clear to tho Stato
department, nor to tho Colombian
minister hore, as It is net known
whether tho discrimination is favor
able or unfavorable to the United
States. Tho Colombian mlnlstor, Dr.
Sllva, thinks thoro has been a reduction.