' f Mmih SEVENTEENTH YEAlt. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA APRIL 1(5, 1901. NO. 24. SUTHERLAND SAYINGS. Everett Mower has been in towu ttic moat of the week fixing up a camping outfit for Taylor's sheep ranch near Elsie. The league social held at the residence of James Buchanan was blimly attended on account of the bad weather, but the few that ven tured out report a better time than usual, which disproves the old adage "The more the merrier." P. A. Carpenter has secured a ten days lay-off and will visit rela tives at St. Paul, Neb. Howard Miles of Paxtoti, spent part of the week in Sutherland. A. P. Beeler of Hershey, hauled hogs to this point on Priday. Thos. Tittcrington lost about a dozen head of cattle in Shoup's corn stalks the past week. Joshua Cox received a fine lot of Carolina poplars from Arlington, Neb., on Saturday. Milton Raney is again chief push at Kichards livery barn, his brother Dee having gone out to the ranch J. A. Robb expected to ship out a car of cattle and one ot hogs on Monday. J. E. Li i) u of Pa.xtou was in town Saturday. Prank Vogan who left this county a couple of years ago is once more a citizen of Sutherland. Chris Paulsen ot North Platte ha9 been looking after his cattle interests in this vicinity the past few days. Mrs. Kate Pierson and family have moved into their house in the west part of town. Lon Owens is spending a few days with his family. County Clerk iloltry was in town Thursday. Wilson and Gilbert from west of Paxton delivered hogs in town Sat urday. Eben Dotson severed his connec tion with the ditch company last week. Messrs. Douclson and Kichards, who have been sheep herding at Keith's ranch on the Birdwood, graduated and returned to towu the last of the week. J. A. Robb is building a small ad dition to his dwelling. BETWEEN THE RIVERS. W. II. Hill, J. M. Dwyerand Everett Ware took in the live bird shoot at North Platte Monday. Tom Ireland ol Moorefield was was up in this locality the fore part of the week looking after parties who had horses and mules for sale. J. M. Uwycr of Hershey, has pure Yellow Dent seed corn for sale. Geo. Hackney, who has spent the past year in different parts of the wild and woolly west, is visiting old time tricuds at Hershey. Wm. II. Snllivan and J. V. Rob inson were both at North Platte Saturday after ground feed for their stock. Miss Annie Schwaigcr, one of the Hershey teachers, spent Satur day and Sunday with relatives and friends at the county metropolis. We understand that Dick Shinklc will cultivate about forty acres of corn on old canal company's land just west of the Staple's farm this season. Mth, J. K. Eshlemau and daughter Bessie were shopping at the county seat the latter part of last week. County Clerk Iloltry of North Platte, was shaking hands with his many friends up this way one day last week. W. h. Brownfield on the Max Beer ranch transacted business at the county capital Saturday. Owing to the carelessness of those who have charge of the P. & M. canal it washed out the bank in two places recently, one break being just west of Nichols and the other just east, and Hooding the country in that vicinity to the depth of several inches. A stitch in time saves nine, but they don't seem to work on that theory. Will Dowhowcr, who has been in the county seat recuperating for u week or more, has returned to work on the Paxton ranch. We are told that J. M. Dwycr re cently sold his team ol bay drivers to Lee Newport of the county capi tal for a good price. The li'ilU and valleys begiu , ' " to look fresh and green once again which will be highly appreciated by large herds of cattle and horses. Prcd Cole and a couple of other parties arc at this time cleaning the rubbieb out of the P. & M. canal. G. M. Smith, who has charge of a ballasting crew near Sidney spent Sunday with his family at Ilcr slicy. Notice. The board ot county com missioners of Lincoln county, Neb., arc hereby called to meet in special scosion on Tuesday, April 23d, for the purpose of appointing an assessor for Antelope precinct. Road overseer for District 49 and for the transaction of any other business coming before said board. W. M. Howry, County Clerk. Solo of Fononal Property. Remember that the Keith sale ot horses, milk cows, wagonB, harness and farm implements will be held at the Keith barn in this city Friday and Saturday April 19th and 20th. The statement was made Friday afternoon that the Hammond pack ing plant at this point would shortly be closed down. Gen. Man. A. II. Noycs made the announcement to the office force and heads of de partments that commencing next Wednesday the hog killing depart ment a would, be closed down per mansntly, and that not later than July the killing of cattle would be stopped. By the closing down oti Wednesday of the hog department about 300 men will be thrown out ot employment and when the entire plant is closed at least 1,000 per sons will be affected. In spciking of this matter last night, Mr. Noycs said that he understood it to be the intention of the company to centralize the packing of live stock at St. Joseph and at Hammond, Indiana. Omaha Bee Notloo All persons arc hereby warned against buying a note of $200 given in favor of V. E. Meyer by myself. J. II. Thompson. Tk Leader. A SPECIAL SPRING SALE. Tie Leak We Are Proud to Invite You to Inspect the New Merchandise. Never mind what the thermometer says; never mind the weather clerk's predictions. It's Spring here. Every nook aud corner of the store breathes the bright, fresh atmosphere of the new season. Counters and shelves laden with new merchandise, all bought to please you. Its a pleasure for us to push winter behind us and tell you about what we've been doing to make this store more attractive to you than ever. Style, quality, variety, price it's a combination to conjure with, and you'll find them all here and ready for your approval and selection. Gowns for Spring bp arc ina grcnt variety of fashions, and our shelves and counters arc heaped with new designs, new weaves and new colors in .ill the leading1 novelties in dress goods. Plaids, serges, cloths, poplins, satinets, silks, Scotch and English mixtures, French novelties, checks, etc., in border effects, and in new and elegant colorings. These goods range in price from 15 cents to $2.50 per yard. New Style Kid Gloves It . dV S.'3K..m i l in line glace lc'ul in handsome shades of brown, tan. o. blood, white and black, to suit the most fastidious, will be found in our new Spring and Summer stock. We have them in embroidered backs, with large pearl buttons, laced or with the new clasp, pliable, and perfect fitting. Also a fine stock of suede, castor, taffeta at reduced prices. Prices range from 25 cents up to Si. 50. Flowers Bloom on all hats this Spring. They rival nature's lovliest tints in va riety and harmony of effects. Our millinery array c nbraccs all the new shapes, and a flower dis play that runs the garnet of colors. Look where there's most to see to secure the widest range of choice. We offer a supera bundance of novelties at suggest ive prices from $1.25 up. The Summer Girl l Cf HtCa, 1 1141 can't do without a collection of pretty shirt waists. They arc the great aids to a change of at tire without great expense. We have one ol the largest and most varied assortment of shirt waists to be found in silks, foulards, lawns, dimities and percales, and innumerable styles and materials at a big reduction in prices. blurt Waists trom oO cents up. MOTHER AND CHILD ARE DOING WELL, when they arc arrayed in such filmy beauty as the lawns, organ dies, swiss, muslins, etc., that we arc selling at such prices in our clearance sale of wash goods this week. This also includes ginghams, percales, lappets, silk ginghams and tissues. This is bargain week at this store and the "early bird catches the worm." These roods run from ten cents a yard up. WHEN LOVELY WOMAN STOOPS TO FOLLY, It is when she travels around to find ladies muslin underwear cheaper than we arc selling at. We have bargains in gowns and drawers, underskirts and corset covers, trimmed with Hamburg edge, tucked ru flies, torchon, or val, laces, insertions, etc., that if vou tried to make them at the same price you would find that you had both wasted money and time. Ladies' night gowns from 65 cents up, drawers from 50cts. up, chemise from 50 cents up. Winter is Going Out and we have on hand a large stock of cotton and lisle thread hosiery in fast black, brown, tan and in plain and drop stick which we are selling at very low figures. Ladies' and children's fast black seamless hose from 12 cents a pair up. An Exquisite Form Embroideries, Laces can be spoiled by an ill-fitting corset, and an ill-shaped form can be moulded into a Venus de Milo by wearing one of our cor sets. They arc the embodiment of grace, case and style, and give the wearer an appearance of ele gance which it would be hard to find in any other. Prices French shapes from 50 cents up, Summer corsets from 35 cents up. Special Shoe Sale La Senorita AlcM Instep. in all the newest syles and pat terns we arc showing in an un limited variety. Our Swiss Em broideries were never handsomer or more reasonable in price than they arc right now, and our edgings arc in pretty patterns. We have many new and rich pat terns in Oriental and Applique laces, point-dc-Paris, torchon for trimming wash fabrics and for silks. Prices from 1 cent to $5.00 per yard. Our line of dress trimming are the finest ever seen in town. SEE Vf THAT THIS TRADl, IS BRANDED ON EVERY SHOE KJboKJJ. Light Sole Medium High Heel. Queen Quality Shoes the best for the Price. Hamilton-Brown Ladies' flex ible shoes at $1.50, worth $2.50. Children's shoes from 25cts up. Misses' shoes from $1.00 up. Men's and Boys shoes from $1.25 up. During this sale we give a pair of hose with each pair of shoes for $1.00 and up. O CD V? p O cd c 3 O 3 w era CD P CD P O tsr O tr p CD p tp- p era CD P tn & -i CO -t- P P Q-i P -i d p CD "I P CD w CD P Pu I p CD is CO O a CD c-t- tL 11 f I o La p rri rt- L3 h-t era CD P w P P P P P T P T1 f-t- rt- P P? rt- W 22 p p. CD (J) tra Cl O CD CD -i CD U3 o CD THE XjEA.DER;? NORTH PLATTE, NEB. T- IFISaE;!, Prop.