4 Local Nows in Brief, j: All the late novels at Doollttle's. Sam Van Doran haa gone to Sid ney where lie will do masonry work for the Union Pacific for a month or so. Mra. Jennie Dwyer was grunted a divorce from her husband J. INI Dwyer in the district court Tues day. County Supt. Miss Thoelocke if in Omaha receiving medical treat ment, and will be absent two or three weeks. Dr. Seymour, eye specialist, com "iff. Miss Nellcye Hartman haB been teaching in the First ward build ing this week in place of Miss Mary Dixon, who has been ill. Mrs. A. W. McKeown has rented the Douglas apartment rooms on Front street and will be prepared to accommodate those desiring lodging. E. R. Cowman, who was up from Maxwell Wednesday, says that prior to the recent storms young grasshoppers were much in evi dence in that section. Baptist church, J. D. Pulis pastor. Services March 31tt, 10:30 a. m. 7:30 p. in. Subjects, morning. The Palm Christian;" evening "Psalm 30-7." You arc invited. In the case of Fcuwick againr-t Whitlock, which involves the own ership of a narrow strip of a town lot, the jury failed to agree after being out twenty-four hours. Best line of Fancy Dried Fruits in the city at McGlone's, Foley block. In the district court yesterday the entire time wan taken up in hearing the case of Hugh Drouoon against the Conway brothers to recover about $1600 claimed to be due as wages. The snow ot Wednesday, which melted almost as fast as it fell, w; a a'great boon toJhe farmers of Lin C 'In county, The earth Is now pretty well saturated and farming operations will actively begin in a few dayB. It is said that about sixty head oi the Coker herd of cattle north of Sutherland perished during the storm Sunday and Monday. Mr. Scott is reported to have lost 300 head ot sheep and Keith St Abshire about 100 sheep. California Hams are selling at 8 cents per pound at Daskin's meat market. They arc first-class. Better order one. The executor of the Keith estate will olfer at public sale at the Keith barn in this citv on Friday and Saturday, Aptil 12th and 13th, a large number of work horses, wagons, harness and farm imple ments. For terms see adycrtiuc incut in this ir.suc. Drs. Seymour and Williams, eye, car, nose and throat specialists, coming to this city Thursday, April 4th, at the Hotel Neville. BiBhop Anson R, Graves will arrive in town tonight, and tomor row, accompanied by Mr. Beecher, he will go to Ogalalla to hold con formation services. They will return tomorrow night and on Sun day the Bishop will preach at the Episcopal church and confirm class. 1 lie average ralr.fall for the month of March is 2.19 inches, and should that amount fall the coming month it would, with the moisture now in the ground, give vcgetition a mighty good start. The wettest April we have ever had was in 1875 when the total waB 6 21 inches, and the driest in 1803 when but fifteen ouc-hmtdredtha of an inch tell. A line of pianos and other mus ical instruments will be added to the stock at the Doulittle book store. Since the consolidation o Richards &t Prmgle'a Famous Georgia Minstrels with Ruhco Holland's Operatic Minstrels make up the title of Big Minstrel Festiyn their business has been hoinetliiii), phenomenal. It is right and proper that it should be so. They carry the largest minstrel show traveling itaiug their own train of care, thei own hordes; ecenery, etc, Two binds and pickaninny drum corps in parade and the beat colored talent ever brought together. This season they promise an entire new prograih'-Tiif novelties and should uiipiicmciueir lormer uig ousines" TUey will appear at Lloyd's opera Jjoubu Tuosday, April 2d. ii BOYS' SUITS $5 arc more before heard w The Fabrics are ftt Absolutely Pure Wool l nc style in some oi tne smaller sizes, 3 10 8 nre beautiful in design and combination of trimming. The larger mzcs are of course made with plain doub'c-breasted jack ets, or with single-breasted coat and vest made like pop's suit. All of them are sewn with practically Unbreakable heavy silk, and every exposed point is strongly rein forced. All the profit that is made on these suits the purchasers will have, for neither the manufacturers nor ourselves make enough to count. This is one of our efforts to give mothers uumatchable values. m Oi? i?Hce aijd Vi 0 vi; STAR CLOTHING HOUSE. W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor. Jim Scanlan says "winter lingers in the lap of spring," which, it may be remarked is 110 joke, The ex-soldiers will giye their annual bean supper on Saturday evening, March 30th. at the K. P. hall, to which the public is cordially invited. Admission to ua.li tree. Supper fifteen cents, Attend and have a good time, R. R. Ripley lor several weeks has been sunplvimr the local markft with radishes, lettuce and spinach, and in addition has been famishing the Pacific Hotel Co. with larire quantities of these vegetables. Mr Ripley said yes terday that he still had about seven hundred dozen Btalks of lettuce in his hot beds. Latest sheet music at Doolittle's. Sentimental songs, Comic sonys, Coon songs, Sacred songs, Waltzes, Cake Walks and Musical Publica tions. Cashier Bryant, of the Pacific Hotel, waH robbed of forty-five dollars Tuesday night by a porter who had been employed but a few days at the hotel. Bryant left his room door open, and the nortr. who gave his name as Jackson, entered the room and took the money from Bryant's vest, which was hanging in the room. Jack- aon jumped on No. 4 the same night and went east. The theft was re ported to Sheriff Keliher who wired the Omaha officers to watch for the thief, and Wednesday a telegram was received stating that he had been caught. Sheriff Keliher went down to Omaha last night to get Jackson and will be back tonight. WOMEN'S SPRING $3.00 A handsome, durable new ! spring street shoe, flexi ble extension soles, thick enough to keep the fe-t drv. pliable enough for perfect ease in wear ing. Fine black kid up pers, pretty toe shapenew heel styles, agattnc eye lets, nicely finished and trimmed $3 00 it Yellow Front GEORGE M. 3 doom south . o. it iff SIZES 3 to 16 $5.00, 4.50, 4.00 S 3.50, 3.00, 2.50 $ 0 We have hundreds of suits at lower prices. Some at 1.50 and S2.00 a suit, but the suits that we are advertising at Hi it to value for this price than ever of. Worsted. 1Pla.it) FigUires. 1 0 0 it it) A warrant was issued yesterday for Jno Grott, who is charged with cruelly beating his wife Wednes day night. Ladies call and see the Passe Portout outfits at Doolittle's. 10. F. Seeberger and A. B. Good win of Ilersbcy have been in town for a day or two as witnesses in a case in the district court. Thirty head of young cattle per ished on the Paxton ranch near Hershey during the storm the early part of the xveek. Ab there are about 2,500 head on the ranch the percentage was not larire. i' or ssaie I'our room nouse 111 Third ward, with nice lawn and trees and city water. Good stable and corral. Apply to R. M. Dkan. Word from Dr. Allison is to the effect that A, W. McKeown is slowly improving. The latter has been removed to the hospital at Council Bluffs where he will still have the same care, nursing and medical skill but where the expense will not be bo great. The receipt ot the bulletin an nouncing the withdrawal of all re publican candidates for United Mates senators, followed by the election of Govenor Deitrich and J II. Millard of Omaha, was received with enthusiasm by the republicans of North Platte. This is an excep tionally stronir anti-Thompson town, and the fact that Thompson withdrew or was practically forced to withdrawwas the cause pf much conirratulatirn and good feeling. The new senators are satisfactory to North Platte repub licans. STYLISH FOOTWEAR $3.50 The most approved late dress shoe styles, light weight soles, dress toes and heels, bright or dull finMied kid toes, patent leather or kid tips. Care fully made in every part, easy fitting, handsome looking, finely finished. Several patterns at the price of $3 SO. Shoe Store GRAHAM, Mgr. North I'Utte, Neb. 0 5 PEOPLE AND EVENTS Mrs. W. R. McKeen, Jr., spent Bcveral daya in Omaha this week- Walter Hoagland has been spend ing the past few days in Lincoln, Roy Vernon expects to spend next week in Omaha and Lincoln. Miss Fannie Von Goetz 5b ex pected up from Omaha to spend Raster. Mrs. Chas.'Ware has been spend ing the past few days with friends n Council Bluffs. Mrs. F. W. Rincker went to Omaha Wednesday, and is ev. pected home tomorrow. M. C. Harrington transacted busincsPB in Denver several days this week returned yesterday. Mrs. M. J. Nance came down from Denver yesterday and is the euest of her daughter, Mra. F. T. Redmond. Miss Kate Corbett who had been the truest of Miss Jennie Ma'onev, left Wednesday morning for a visit in Omaha. Paul Charlton, the Omaha law yer, spent a day or two in town this week lookintr after matters, pertaining to the Keith estate. Miss Allie Beach, who had been spending a few dayB in town with friends, returned to Lincoln Wed nesday morning to resume her studies 111 school. Judire Hoagland may go to Lincoln Monday to look after his interests in the appointment 9! supreme court commissioners, for which he is one of the applicants. Mrs. Thos. Jones, sister of Mra. A W. McKeown. who had been in town for a few daya returned to Denver this morning, Miss Laura McKeown, who had been here for- sveral weeks, left on the same train for Creede. D. A. Baker, who is in the em ploy of the Union Pacific as patrol man between Chevenne and Green River, came down Tuesday night, beingsummoned as a witness in the case ot the North Platte Land & Water Co. vp. Paxton and Hershey. Mrs. St Clair, who had been visiting her sister-in-law Mrs. Mc Guinness in this city and also her ister at Hershey, returned to her home in Canton, Ohio, yesterday. Thirty years ago Mrs. St. Clair's husband was U. P. station agent in this city. , Mrs. S. E. Douglas and Fred Douglas and wife went to Cheyenne Tuesday night. The ladies will remain there for a couple of weeks and then teturn here and pack the houshold goodB preparatory to moving to Cheyenne, their per manent home. It Costs You Nothing To come and get prices on any article in our stock IT COSTS YOU MONEY IF YOU DON'T, Here are a few of our prices: Kerosene Oil per gal 15 Searchlight Matches per box. .04 Yeast Foam 2 pkgs 05 On Time Yeast 2 pkgs 05 Walter Bakers Cocoa 4-b can .25 Kingsfords Corn Starch per pkgc 08 Kingsfords Silver Gloss Starch per nkgc 08 Aunt Jemima 'Pancake Flour per pkgc 10 140-lb. Bag Salt $1.10 Afbucklcs Coffee 2 pkgs 25 Lion Coffee 2 pkgs XXXX Coffee 2 pkgs 25 Bee Coffee per pkg 1 Horse Shoe Tobacco per plug .45 Battle Ax Tobacco per Plug. .35 Star Tobacco per plug 45 Standard Navy Tobacco per plug 35 J. T. Tobacco per plug 20 Wc pay J-cent each for your Tobacco Tags of the following brands, Star, Horse Shoe, J. T., Standard Navy, Spear Head. Store closes at 8 o'clock p. in. except Saturdays. Wita Dcptat Stow, Wall Paper The largest line ever shown in the city Prices far Below Last Year. Make your selections early. You will find just what you want at WARNER'S Furniture Store Lutheran Services. This evening, subject, ''Faithful n a Little." This will be the last of the Lenten meetings for men, All men are invited, PAT.M SUNDAY. This will be a memorable day. The church will be appropriately decorated. Seventeen children will be given to God in Hol baptism. At the morning service Mrs. C. 1 Scharmann will sing as the offertory solo, "Les Remeaux,'' by Faure. The program. is as follows: Introit. Kyiie. Gloria in Excelsis. Collect. The Epistle, Phil. 2:5-11. Hymn "Jesus King of Glory."' The Gospel. Matt. 21:1-9; Luke 18:15-17. Apostles Creed. Anthem, "Just As I Am," Parks. The Sacrament ot Baptibin, Hymn, "Sweet Story." Sermon, "The Royal Entrance." OflFiTtnrv nnln. 'T..hii BHnwanv Faure, by Mrs. C. F. Scharmann. Offering. The Prayer. Hymn, "Crux Christl." Benedttion. In the evening the poster, Rev. Seibert, will conclude his Lenten Sunday evening sermons on ''Con version," the subject being "Almost Converted." "Jerusalem" will be sung as the offertory boIo by Col. C. F. Scharmann and the choir will sing an appropriate anthem. The Sunday school will not meet until 12 o'clock. HOLY WEEK. Evening services with subject for sermons as follows: Monday, "Seeing Jesus," John 12:21. Tuesday, "Selling Jesus," Matt. 16:15. Wednesday, "Trying Jesus," Mark 14:55-63. Thurnday, "Condemning Jesus," Mark 15:15. Good Friday, "Crucifying Jesus," Matt. 27:50-54. Gi rl wanted to do general house work. Good wages; apply at Fair Store. Mrs. S. Riciiauds. The street parade given last reason by Rusco & Holland's Big Minstrel Festival was superior to anything eyer giyen by a similar organization. This season these gentlemen will eclipse all former attempts and the public will haye a tree treat at 2:30 p. m. on the day of their appearance in this city. Asa rule, the minstrel shows haye the same stereotyped band parade, but not so with this company They give an entirely new de parture, gaudy, entertaining and laughable, we'l worth your time to see it. Will appear at Lloyd's opera house Tuesday, April 2d. Full line of bulk Garden Seeds a McGlone's, Foley block. E. F. Seeberger's cockerel spaniel was killed by a train at Hershey Wednesday, Tne animal had occn a great pet in the family for a num ber f years, Night Wh Kor Terror. "I would ooiiRh nearly sll night lonu. writes Mr. Chan. Applpgato of A'ex nndria, Ind., and could hardly uot uny sleep. I had rooRumptiniiHO bad that it I walked n block I would cough fright fully nrd pplt blood, but whon nil otner mfdiclnofl fiitlod, throo 81.00 bottles of Dr. Kimt's Now Diflcovory wholly oured mo and I gained 08 pounds." It's nbso. lutoly guaranteed to euro CougliB. Coldo, La Grippe, Bronchitis and t nil Throat nnd Lung Troubles, Prices 50& and .It. TrfW UAVfo rWU U fcttftWni Dta BUM AMERICAN BEET SUGAR CO., Orand Island, Neb. Terms of Contract (or 1901. Under the provisions ol thin contract the grower is assured of a fixed price for his crop. All beets testing 14 per cent or less will be paid tor at the rate of $4.00 per ton, 25 cents being paid for each per cent of sugar above 14, tractions in proportion. That is beets test ing 14 1 per cent being $4 021; 14.2 being 84.05; 15 per cent $4,25: 15.1 per cent $4.27. An additional 20 cents per ton will be paid for all beets siloed. The factory will pay freight on all beets delivered by rail, cars to be loaded to their capacity, thus placing the grower at a distance on a satisfactory footing. Further information or blank contracts can be obtained by apply- ug to American Beet Sugar Com pany. Grand Island, Neb., or E. F. Seeberger. Hershey. Neb. What's Your Notion r are a few of J. & P. Coats Thread per spool 4c 100 yd Corticelli Spool Silk per spool 8c 50 yd Corticelli Spool Silk per spool 4c Cotton Tape per roll lc Linen Tape per roll 3c Heavy Tubular Shoe Laces 3 pair for 5c Sewing Machine Needles per paper 5c Waterproof Dress Binding per yd 8c S. H. & M. Dress Bindinir per yd . ! 8c 1 gross Agate Buttons 5c 36 sheets Writing Paper .... 5c Slate Pencils 6 for lc Spenccrian Pens, per doz. . . 8c Vaseline per bottle Sc Featherbone per yard 10c Skirt Bone, per yd 5c Piping Bone, per yd 3c Peerless Carpet Warp on spools, white, per lb ... . 20c Peerless Carpet Warp on spools, colored, per lb... 22c We have other notions, one of them is that you pay more for these elsewhere. tf ilco Depai'tment jitfe, Lloyd's Opera House, TUESDAY Anri'1 0 EVENING Apill i. RUSCO & HOLLAND'S BIG Minstrel FESTIiZHL, 55 People, 2 Bands, a Carload of Special Scenery. Four Big Com edians Billy Kersands, Kucker, McKissick and Jons. Special train of Pullman cars. Twelve comedians, 16 dancers, 24 solo singers, 10 big olio acts. The Flying Bauvards. A magnificent tree street parade at 2:30 p. m. Scats on sale at Clinton's, FOB SALE. farm wagons, spring Wagons TOP BUGGIES, And all kinds of Farm Machinery. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK 5 SALISBURY NOHTII PIjATTE. For 14 Gents Wftfnftll Iha fnllawlnv lu. .Mil hav.iii.. 1 plf. Bl UIm4 TuiIi B4, f , 1 1 1 i ' rtitrtu ution rw, ,10 ' rrBi'.vrB.H.R.ifgnU. .1(1 Worth $1.00 fcM4c?: AUn 10 pwtir nn Mftiu.i e win II ju tin. tonibcr vlik .r inn IUuitriil 84 Ctuloi, if Mat ill ibvui ??I,'.r'.,?ll,J1 DoXUr Cm., Alto Cliolco Onlou htcJ, IOc, Ib