The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 29, 1901, Image 3

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'Leafless nro troesj their purplo branches
Spread themselves abroad, like reefs of
, coral,
Wstng silent
In the Itcd Sea or the winter sunset.
From the Hundred chimneys of tho vll
lace, Like tho Afrlet In tho Arabian story,
Hmoky columns
Tower aloft Into tho air of amber.
At thp window winks the flickering fire
light; Hero and there tho lamps of evening
Social watch fires
Answering ono another through tho dark
ness. On tho hearth the lighted logs arc glow
And like Ariel In tho cloven plno trco
For Its freedom
Croans and sighs tho air imprisoned In
By tho fireside thcro arc peace and com
fort, Wives and children, with fair, thoughtful
"Waiting, watching
I'or a well known footstep In the pas
sage. Longfellow.
Chance Treasure.
Author of "Tongue of Flamo," Etc.
CopyrIght, 1901: by Dally Story. Pub. Co.)
Ono day Dr. Francis HnstlngB was In
tho wards of a Now York hospital. It
was part of his duty as ono nf tho in
'tornes or house physicians to talco an
early run through tho surgical wards.
As ho passed from bed to bed some
ono caught at his hand. It was a new
patient, brought In tho day boforo from
an emorgency hospital uptown. Tho
doctor bent over him at tho agonized
clutch. Drops of agony stood upon tho
man's black brow.
"Suffering, nro you? I will glvo you
a llttlo relief," ho said kindly.
Tho doctor had shapely white hands.
Tho patient watched them as If pleased
as ho administered a hypodermic Injec
tion. "Aro you a rich man?" ho whispered
hoarsely, "or a poor one?"
Dr. Hastings shook his head and
smiled bltterly.Tho question chlmod In
well with his thoughts. His term at
tho hospital would cxplro in exactly
threo weeks. Ho had chosen no spot
In which to settle, and ho was in lovo
with tho daughter of a wealthy man
who had polltoly asked him tho day
before, to discontinue his visits.
"I am as poor as you are," ho re
torted after ho had closed his syrlngo
"Say, I wish you would look after me
a llttlo. 111 mako you rich whether 1
get well or not. Honest, I will."
Tho doctor smiled again. Ho was
used to vagaries and delirium in pa
tients. Tho man struggled up on his elbow.
1 "You don't boliovo that. Beforo God,
if I had not this stab In mo I would
'havo been at sea this morning, going
after gold and a plenty of It."
Tho doctor listened a moment in
spito of himself.
"I'll mako a bargain. I hain't a liv
ing soul to seo after mo. If you will,
I'll get tho money nnd mako you rich.
If I die. 'I'll toll you whero It is. 1
want you to seo that I'm buried out of
tho potter's Hold."
His eyes glittered. Half to pacify
him tho doctor promised. From that
timo he had a master who assured him
that he would bo his lifelong benefac
tor. His first order was about tho old
You don't bnliavo that."
clothes that wero on him when ho was
brought into tho ward. Dr. Hastings
found them a lllthy bundle.
"They'vo been sterilized," ho said to
tho nurso who frowned.
"What's that?" asked tho patient
Dr. Hastings explained. Tho man
chuckled and when tho nurso moved
on he said:
"Cooked my old clothes, did you?
Didn't know you was bllln' up half a
Ho borrowed tho doctor's knife,
ripped open tho lining of tho coat nnd
took from it an oilskin pouch.
"Throw 'em to tho dogs, now," ho
said with an oath. "That's all I wnnt.
Hero, you'ro playing lair. Keep that,
will you. If I dlo, it's yourn to got
rich on."
Ho did dlo suddenly the next night.
They aroused tho doctor and ho
reached "Dominnnt's" bedsido just In
timo to recclvo a fcoblo Jiand pressure
or two, and tho man was gone. It
cost Dr. Hastings somo nuthorlty niul
Komo monoy to keep his promises. Ho
burled tho paupor In a cheap cemetery
and stood a moment bcsldo his grave
as tho clods wero thrown In. Then ho
went homo, to oxamlno tho ollukin
pouch and to wonder at his own folly.
It contained a bit or two of yellow
paper; a map, apparently of tho west
const of Florida with ono island of a
group of threo marked In red ink. it
also contained a letter from ono Jules
Shoral to Plorro IlcstJeaux, tolling of
tho wealth of Black Caesar, a nvgro
plrato. This treasure was burled on
tho Islnnd marked red on tho map.
Dr. Hastings was a cool-headed
young man, but his hiart lcapJ. lr
tho lmprobablo could como true, ho
might yet nsplra to tho hand of Flora
McDonald. Only yesterday ho had
spoken to her for a few brief moments.
"Wo go to Florida next month," sho
said, "I wish I could boo you there."
Blnck Caesar's treasure camo Into
his mind.
"Stranger things havo happened," ho
mndo reply to her.
Still ho would not havo boon able to
go had It not been for Do Long Cutter.
Ho met him after leaving Florida and
heard that Cutter Intended to go down
tho coast In his yacht for February and
"I wish you would ttiko mo to St.
Augustine," ho said, with a sudden re
solve. "I havo a queer errand thoro."
Ho told Cutter of tho marked Island
nnd of tho treasure. Cutter' rather
Insipid faco brightened up.
"Why, of course. I'm your man.
You'ro too good a fellow to bo lost to
our cluba anyhow. I wish you'd get
your halt million. Plenty of girls to
Dr. Hastings smiled meaningly.
In early February tho yacht was run-
Seo tho scarlet buoy for danger."
ning up nnd down tho western coast
of Florida, touching hero and thcro at
small islands.Tho hopelessness of his
task soon dawned upon the doctor. Th
map seemed correct as to the coast
contour, but there wero threo Island
either of which seemed to bo tho verj
ono Indicated by tho red cross. Sov
eral guests of tho yacht who did no
know tho story clamored for tho Tam
pa Bay Hotel nnd Its delights.
"Wo'll run there and land them and
como back," said Cutter on tho fourth
At the hotol Dr. Hastings found
Flora McDonald with her mother. Hd
had a long tnlk with her. Ho told heij
of tho quest, showed her tho map anti
his dilemma.
"It Is my wild and foolish hope of
winning you," ho whispered.
After a timo sho asked him if it
could bo arranged that a yachting
party would go down tho coast, sho to
bo chaperoned by a young married
woman who was a distant relative of
the Cutters.
"It may be nonsense," sho said
softly, "but wo wero all hypnotized last
winter at her house, and I found a
handkerchief that was hidden. They
say I am a good subject."
Cutter was called In and entered Into
tho conspiracy to carry a few tried and
truo souls on tho cruise. Mrs. Mc
Donald was avorso to Flora's trip, but
finally gavo her consent.
Tho third tiny out found them among
tho islands. Dr. Hastings was to hpno
tlzo Flora and suggest to her a search
for tho treasure Tho rest of tho party
thought It but a hugo Joko and Jest.
They gathered In tho cabin to witness
tho test.
Tho young girl readily sunk Into
tho hypnotic stato under tho doctor's
"Thoro Is treasuro burled on ono of
theso Islands," suggested tho doctor,
his volco trembling In splto of himself.
"A black man, some black sailors,
burled It. Can you llnd It?"
In a little time, Flora said In a faint
volco: ,
"I seo It It Is burled deep. But
you havo made a mistake. You nro
not near It"
This produced a vlslblo excltomont.
"Ills Islnnd was ono of three. Two
nro now submerged reefs. All vessels
avoid them. Seo tho scarlet buoy for
danger! It floats in n line with tho
middlo isle. 'Tls but a rock point."
"Where Is It?" asked tho doctor.
"To tho northward. Wo passed It
yesterday. Tho box Is broken, tho
coin Is scattered In tho rock crevices.
Thoro havo been shocks, earthquakes,
what not? You will llnd It. Yes, I soo
you with tho broken box lid."
Tho guests wero disappointed at tho
girl's restoration.
"How real It was!" they exclaimed.
"Posltlvoly theatrical. Ono would
think thero was actually burled treas
uro about. What a wonderful power
of suggestion you havo, Dr. Hastings!"
Tho yacht mndo a fast run to tho
hotel. Tho guests had a delightful
They would havo been amazed on
tho next Sunday morning could thoy
havo scon two wot and grimy men
working on a rocky Islet a hundred
miles away. They brought up old gold
coins by tho bucket-full and set steam
straight for a port whero they could
bank gold coin safely.
Thnt night old McDonald rccolvcd a
"A cool four hundred thousand do!
Jars loft me. Am still a suitor for Miss
Flora McDonald. Address mo. at Tam
pa Bay Hotel at onco.
"Francis Hastings.'
Moro Activity Evinced as End of tho
Session Draws Nigb,
No Now Hills Now Itelng Introduced
Bleamirm Itrconintciidi'd for 1'iiMiign
Other Inriemiltely l'ottponcd Other
Mlncellaueoim Mutton.
HOUSE Tho morning session of tho
houso on tho 12th was consumed In n
futllo attempt on tho part of tho
friends of Armstrong's $75,000 Peru
Normal bill to pass It over tho gov
ernor's veto. On this question a call
of the houso was ordered. Evans
gamo and fish commission bill, creat
ing a stato gamo warden house roll
1.18 was read nt length for tho third
timo nnd placed on its passage. It
failed to carry with tho emergency
clnuse, which was then stricken out
and the bill passed by u vote of fi8
yeas to 20 nays. Houeo roll GG, by
Mockott, to permit Lancaster county
to retain deputies nnd, assistants In
county ofllces, a bill mndo necessary by
tho eounty's docrensod population, was
passed. Houso roll 124, by Uhl, pro
viding for the registration of plumb
ers and creating a plumbers' board In
cities of moro than 50,000 InhnblUints,
wa3 passed. Scnnto file, 71, by Harlan,
to provldo a charter for all cities hav
ing moro than 5,000 nnd lcs3 than 25,
000 Inhabitants, was put upon Its pass
ngo. Roll call resulted 45 yeas to 21
nays, and Loom Is demanded a call of
tho house, which was ordered. Tho
houso went Into commtteo of tho
whole to consider bouse roll 255, tho
special order for tho day. This Is tho
bill Introduced by Ollls of Valley to
reduco freight rates on llvo stock 10
per cent of tho existing tariff. Brown
of Furnas moved an amendment to
tlio bill to provldo that rates on all
other classes of freight shall not ex
ceed that chtirced on December 1,
1889. The amendment was ndoptod.
Tho title wns amendod to conform
with this amendment, and, without do
bate, tho LIU was recomcnindcd for
HOUSE. When tho houso had con
vened on tho 11th Chairman Fowler
moved thnt tho report of tho commit
to on "hold up" legislation be re
ceived. The motion was carried and
tho house voted to continue tho spc
clal order on this subject over until
tomorrow morning. Tho following
bills were ndvauccd to tho head of tho
general Me: Senate file 80, by Zclglor,
changing tho time of the reports of
county treasurers from January and
Juno to Jnnuary and July. House roll
129, by Anderson, changing tho nnmcs
of tho Instituto for tho Deaf and Dumb
and Institute for the Blind to "tho Ne
braska School for tho Deaf,, and "tho
Nebraska School for tho Blind." Houso
roll 321, by Uhl, appropriating $30,370.
75 to reimburso subscribers to tho
fund to bring tho First Nebraska homo
from San Francisco. House roll 255,
by Ollls, fixing a maximum rato to bo
charged for tho transportation of live
stock betweon points within tho stato
so as to ceduco present changes Irom
12 to 20 per cent. House roll 290, by
Hanks, to nuthorlzo tho governor to
nppoint a commission to Investigate
tho Torrens system of transferring land
titles nnd report to tho next legisla
ture; each member of the commission
to recelvo $50 and 5 cents mlleugo.
Houso roll 299, by Scars, providing for
tho purchnso In bulk of supplies for
stato institutions, and repealing tlio
requirements of tho statute compelling
tho stato board to purchuso and sup
plies to let contracts to tho lowest
bidder. Tho voto for senator resulted
as follows: Allen 27, Berge 4, Crounso
10, Currlo 11, Harlan 1, Harrington 4,
Hlnshaw 18, Hitchcock 19, Klnkaid 2,
Martin 2, Meiklepohn 20, Rosowator 13,
Thompson, D. 13., 30, Thompson, V.
H., 12, Wcthcrcld 1.
HOUSE When tho houso convened
on tho 8th the report of the commit
tco on "hold-up" legislation was taken
up us special crdor. Tnnnor of Nanco
moved that tho committee bo Instruc
ted to lay boforo tho houso for con
sideration niong with Its report all
testimony taken and evidence adduced
boforo it. Tlio motion prevailod by a
viva voco voto. Tho committor not
being propareil to comply wl'h tlio
pleasuro of tlio houso tho whole mil
ter wns made a special order for 11
a. m. Monday. At tho nftoinnon ses
sion Tnylor of Custer moved thnt this
ovldcnco to bo submitted by tho "hold
up" committee bo ordered spread upm
tho Journal. Tlio motion did not pro
vail. Scnnto lllo 71, by Harlan, pro
viding a charter for all cities of from
5,000 to 25,000 population was rend
for tho second time, nnd Looinls of
Dodgo moved that tho rules bo sus
pended and tho bill advanced to a
third reading. So ordered. Sonato
lllo 133 was considered. McCarthy
moved to strike out from tho bill tho
amendment providing that not more
than llvo of tho supremo court com
missioners should bo republicans and
not moro than four fuslonlsts. Tho
motion provallcrt by a viva voce vote,
nnd tho bill was then recommended
for passnge. Houso roll 191, by An
derson, to regulate tho handling or
soiling of live stock or farm proluota
In carload lotB on commission, anil
requiring merchants to illo n $25,000
bond with tho secretary of state, was
recommended for passage.
HOUSE. The session of the house
on tho 8th was confined to morning
work, thoro being no afternoon slt'lni;,
out of respect for tho memory of Rep
resentntlvo David Brown of Otoo coun
ty. Tho ono bill passed was hoti'o ro'.l
No. 20, which, fittingly enough, was
Introduced by tho member on ntvount
of whoso doath tho houso adjourned.
Tlio bill appropriates $4,000 for tho
purposo of cm eating a public library
commission and establishing traveling
libraries. Tho following bills wero
placed on genoral file, on reojmnionda
tlon of standing committees: Appro
priating $2,000 for tho purrhnso of a
library for the battleship "Nebraska."
To mako tho city treasurer tnnsuror
of tho boatd of education. Relating
to tho qualifications of teachers. To
provide for the use of voting ma
chines. Joint resolution of thanks to
Nebraska volunteers of tho lato wars.
To create a state parental homo nt
Lincoln nnd abolish tho Homo of
Friendless. Relating to water rights
nnd Irrigation. To rcgulato tho pur
chaso of supplies for all public Insti
tutions and state departments. Tho
voto for senator resulted: Allen 50,
Crounso D, Currle 15, Dietrich 1, Har
lan 2, llnrrington 2, Hlnshaw 19,
Hitchcock 3, Klnkaid 2, Martin 2, Mel
klejohn 28, Morlan 2, Rosowator 14.
Thompson, D. E., 3G, Thompson, W.
H GO, Wcthcrcld 2
HOUSE Tho houso on tho 7th
placed tho following bills on connrnl
Mo: House roll 413, by Marshnll, to
amend chapter 8. section 2G. of tho
compiled stntutcs, relating to banks.
Houso roll 255, by Ollls, fixing a maxi
mum rato to bo charged for tlio trans
porta' Ion of llvo stock. House roll
122, by Hall, to nuthorlzo tho governor
to nnino a rovenuo commission to drnft
a bill for tho fiill assessment of all
property, a Just and equitable levy
and completo collection of taxes, tho
bill to bo filed with tlio scrrotnry of
stnto by March 1. 1902. Houso roll
374, by Lano, to lncroaso tho snlary
of tho govornor's prlvnto secretary to
$2,000 a year. Hopsc roll 378, by Fel
lers, concerning tho compensation of
attorneys In loglslntlvo election con
tests. Houso roll 43G. by Lano, tho
cnlnrles appropriation bill. Houso roll
3S8, by Coppoc, appropriating $25,000
for the payment of bounties of wolf,
wild cat and coyote scalps. Scnnto fllo
42, by Ransom, for tho protection of
feeble minded females, .Fmcrgoncy
clause attached. Hero Is tho Joint voto
for Bonator: Allen, 47; Crounso, 9;
Currlo, 16; Dietrich, 1; Harlan, 1;
Harrington, 3; Hlnshaw, 21; Hitch
cock, 21; Klnkaid, 2; Martin, 2; Mel
klejohn, 29; Rosowator, 15; Thomp
son, D. E., 3G; Thompson, W. II., 3;
Wcthcrcld, 2.
SENATE In tho scnnto on tho
12th an nttempt wns mndo to havo
Senator Lyman's bill, providing for
Kovcn additional county treasurer ex
aminers to work undor supervision of
tho Btnto auditor. Indefinitely post
poned. It was given n new leaEo of
llfo by being iccommltted for specific
amendment. Senntor Oleson's bill do
lining tho qualifications for a county
Judgo In counties having moro thnn
G.000 Inhabitants was recommended
for Indcflnito postponement Sonato
illo 101, by Van Bosklrk, a mensuro of
protection of fish and gamo, wns rec
ommended for indefinite postponement
becauso of n similar measure which
It Is thought will pass tho houso and
bo presented to tlio sonato in a fow
days. Senate lllo 227, a curatlvo net
by Martin, regulating tho salo nnd
transfer of mortgaged personal prop
erty, was recommended for passage.
Scnnto fllo 131, by Martin, on request,
repealing section 09 of chapter 11 of
tho Btntutcs, relating to sldownlks In
cities of less than 5,000 Inhabitants,
wns recommended for passage. Son
ato fllo 132, by Martin, on request, to
comblno tho offices of city clerk and
water commissioner In cities having
less than 5,000 population, wob also
recommended for passage. Scnnto fllo
70, by Martin, to repcnl the law cre
ating tho Btnto board of transportation,
was nlso recommondoJ for passage.
Scnnto fllo 92, by Dnldrlgo, to permit
organization of guarantee surety com
panies In tho state, was reoomhicndcd
for passage.
SENATE. Tho bill creating a srnto
votorlnnrlnn pnsscd the senate on third
reading on tho 11th by u voto of 20 to
5. For wnnt of a two-thirds' majority
tho emergency clause fell by tho way
side. Those voting in tho negatlvo
wero Senators Bcrlet, Campboll, Cum
mins, Mnrtln and Renting. Tlio meas
ure Is by Van Bosklrk, senate file Gl.
Houso roll 130, by Wenzl, appropriat
ing $53,35 for relict of Frederick Ul
rlch of Pawneo county for Illegal taxes
paid, was passed on third reading-.
Miskcll's bill creating district road
funds, house roll 5.8, was nlso passed
on third reading. Tho South Omaha
charter wns then placed on third rend
ing and passed without n dissenting
voto. An emergency cluuso is at
tached. II. C. Lindsay, prlvato secre
tary to Governor Dietrich, nnnounccd
that his excellency had signed house
rolls 55 nnd SG and senato lllo 171. Sen
ator Currlo, chairman "f tho commit
tco appointed to confer with a like
committee from tho houso to consider
houso roll 117, Representative Fowler's
bill rclntlng to submission of proposed
constitutional amendments, recom
mended that It bo amended and al
lowed to recur to Its placo on general
fllo. It had been Indefinitely postponed
by tho sonato. Tho report was adopt
ed; tho action Indefinitely postponing
being reconsldorcd and tho bill bent to
tho general lllo. Senator Edgar's bal
lot law was passed by a voto of 10
to 12, republicans voting for It, fuslon
Ists against It.
SENATE Tho South Omaha char
ter, with a number of amendments
proposed slnco It passod tho lious,
wns ordered engrossed for a third
reading by the sonato on tho 8th. It
will probably como up Tor considera
tion Monday or Tuesday. A petition
signed by several South Omaha elec
tors, asking for the establishment of
frco employment bureaus, was road
and roforre.1 to tho committee having
tho ineasuro under consideration, ben
ntor Von Bosklrk's bill for reappor
tlonmont of tho stnto Into loglslntlvo
districts was recommonded for pnsa
nge. A number of nmondmonts woro
nttacbed. It Is scnnto fllo No. 7G
Houso roll No. 130, by Wcnz-1, for
rellof of Frederick Ulrlch of I'awneo
county, and appropriating $55.35 from
tho stato treasury to reimburso him
for a tax Illegally exacted from him
was recommended for pas age. Senate
fllo No, 202, by Young, to provldo
for exclusion of school bond taxes In
computation of ngfrregato school taxes,
recommended for passage. Sunnto lllo
No. 149, by Edgar, providing that In
nil actions for constructive or Indi
rect contonipt tho dolondant shall bo
entitled to trial by jury, recommoiidod
for Indollnlto postponement. Senators
Mnrtln and Ransom spoke against it.
Sonnto fllo No. 193, by Young, a cura
tlvo act relating to section 509 of tho
civil codo, was recommended for pass
ago. SENATE. Out of respect to the
memory of Representative Drown, tho
senato on tho Gth adjourned for tho
day nftor tho Joint session with tho
houso nt noon. A committee of threo
wns appointed to draft resolutions ap
propriate on Mr. Brown's (loath. It
is composed of Senators Arands, New
ell nnd Meredith. Senator Harlan's
bill providing for the Incorporation of
cities of tho first class hnvlnsc less thnn
25,000 and moro than 5,000 Inhabitants,
scnnto flic 74, was pascd on third roid
ing nnd will bo forwarded to tho hoiuo
tomorrow. On recommendation of tho
railroad committee, tho following woro
ordered to tho general fllo: Making It
unlawful to counterfeit any rnllioad
ticket, (heck or coupon or to ofor stKh
for sale. To provont fraud In rail
road tickets, coupons, receipts nnd
passes. Making It unlawful to en
grnvo or havo nny die, stamp or othor
matter fo tho purposo of counterfeit
ing railroad transportation of nny
sort Providing a method for railroad
companies securing right-of-way. To
fix maximum rates to bo charged by
railroad and express companies for
transportation of certain classes of
matter. Other bills placed on general
fllo woro: To amend tho chapter of
tho statutes rclntlng to banks. Scn
nto fllo 135, by Owens, (on roqucst),
defining tho territory In which mutual
lnsurnnco companies tuny transact bus
iness. Providing penalties for black-
mall, extortion nnd klndro! felonies.
Rclntlng to the scopo of nuthorlty of
certain clncses of lnsurnnco companies.
SENATE In tho scnnto on the 7th
tho committee on Judlclnry recom
mended thnt McCargar's bill empow
ering tho attorney general, stnto treas
urer and stnto auditor to sottlo, com
promlso or dismiss nil suits now
pending wherein tho stnto Eooks to re
cover moneys alleged to bo duo on
official bonds for Indcflnito postpone
ment. This report was not concurred
In, nnd tho bill wns placed on tho
gcnornl fllo. Bills ordorod to tho gen
eral fllo were: Senate fllo No. 2G5, by
Mnrtln, to dctermlno nnd locato dis
puted section nnd boundary lines of
adjacent lnnds. Sonato fllo No. 272,
by Ransom, on request, to repeal sec
tion 41G4a of tho Btntuten, rclntlng to
tho mnklng of contracts In writing be
tween owners of Innd nnd brokors or
ngonts employed to sell tho land. Son
nto fllo No. 297, by Johnson, ro'atlng
to county boards sitting ns boards of
equalization. Scnnto fllo No. 303, by
Ransom, to mako tho record of nu-
clont instruments compotont evidence.
Scnnto lllo No. 294, by Martin, to au
thorize Investment of certain funds
In hands of county treasurers undor
direction of county boards. Senate fl!o
No. 29G, by Martin, to permit ollkcrs
of tho stnto relief commission to iiy
Into tho state treasury $400 unexpend
ed funds. Tho senato then resolved
Itself Into committee of tho whole,
with Senator Trompen In the chair, to
consider tho normal school bill, houso
roll No. 37, by Broderlck. Tho re
mainder of tho day wns dovotcd to tho
discussion of this measure Senators
Young and Owens speaking against it.
Governor Dietrich has been nppoaled
to to send a special message to tho
legislature asking them to pass an act
to enable tho Otoo county commission
ers to refund tho Missouri Pacific
bonds, which woro voted Bomo twolvo
years ngo by Nebraska City precinct
to induce that road to build its main
lino through that city, nnd which tho,
supremo court of this stnto declared
illegal, but tho United States supremo
court declared legal, and now havo to
bo paid.
Tho senate, by tho decisive voto of
17 to 13, Indefinitely postnonod tho
bill appropriating $100,000 for two now
normal schools, ono to bo located in
tlio Fifth congressional district nnd
ono In tho Sixth.
Tho voto for senator on the 12th io-
suited ob follows: Allon, 49, Crounso,
iu; uurrio, la; liinsnaw, 20; Martin,
2; Meiklojohn, 29; Rosowator. 13;
Sutherland, 1; Thompson, D. E., 35;
Thompson, W. H. 49;- Wcthoreld, 2.
Governor Dlotrich has written his
first veto exorcising his powor on the
Din appropriating $75,000 for now
buildings at tlio Peru normnl. Tho
bill contomplntcd tho expenditure of
this money for two now structures.
ono a gymnasium and chnpol that could
no used as nn ussembly hall, as well
as for other purposes, and tho other
a llbrnry building for housing tho
books belonging to tho Institution nnd
furnishing tho students with a reading
Stnndlng committees hnvo recom
mended Indcflnito postponement of tho
following bills: Houso rolls 400, by
Brown of Otoe, to deflno trusts or com
binations of capital; 372, by Boyd, re
lating to registration of mortgages;
415, by Marshal, to mako It tho duty
of county treasurers In all counties in
tlio Btato not undor township organiza
tion to furnish a list of all personal
taxes duo said county to tlio banks In
onch county, oxcept to those In the
county seats; 3G0, by Smlthborgor, re
lating to service of injunction notices;
123, by Uhl, to provldo for boards of
arbitration nnd to define their duties
nnd powors In tho settlement of dif
ferences between omployer nnd em
ploye If tho report of Its committee on
claims Is adopted by tho sonato J. B.
Mesorvo, ox-stato treasurer, will not bo
reimbursed for tho $2,000 It cost him
to furnish a guaranty company brnd
tlio last two years of his Incumbency.
The kiuiio committee, however, in tho
same report, recommends the appro
priation of $3,000 to pay tho premium
of Stato Treasurer Stuefor for tho your
1901. Tim bill, with this commlttoo
report nttacbed, was piacod on tho
general file.
Tlio educational committee of ilio
legislature will In a few days recelvo
a petition which is very much out of
tlir. nnlltinrv It nittti,lit 9 v mti
: .. wit....... j . , l.l,, tlfOI. Ul O, IUm
Damns signed ny parents of eliildion
attending tho Omaha public schools.
Of them 7,138 nro In favor of allowing
tlio board or education to coiitlnuo un
dor tho present law to mako tho tax
lovy for school purposes; 752 aro In
favor of having tho city council mako
tho lovy, and 212 aro unmarked or bo
marked that their meaning Is doubt
Owing to tho death of Representa
tive David Brown, which occurred at
his homo In Nebraska City, tho legis
lature adjourned on tho 8th until tlio
following wock In order that tho mom
bors who so doslro might attend tho
funeral Saturday.
Two Nebraska Bank Wreckers Eecoivo
Thoir Punishment.
Judgo Miiugrr nf tlio 1'odornl Court
I'm hack Upon the Cne Suit on Kiillroittl
HoniU A Klduitpor III Court Mliccl
ltinemu Htutc Nuns.
OMAHA, Neb., March 1G. C. A.
Rclmers, president of tho dofunct
First National bank of Nollgh, Nob.,
nnd his Bon, Edward O. Rclmers, as
sistant cashier, wero each sentenced to
llvo yenrB In tho Sioux Falls peniten
tiary by Judgo Mungor for wrecking
tho Institution of which thoy wero
ofllcers. in compliance with tho re
quest of their attorneys, tho Judgj
suspended scntenco for ten clays to al
low timo for tho tiling of an appeal
This caso was tried In tho federal
court in December, 1899, nntf tho do
fondants wero found guilty. A motion
wns mndo for a now trial, which tho
Judgo took under advisement until
Saturday, whin ho overruled It and
pronounced sentence.
Tho Rclmers and Charles R. Alldcr,
cashier, woro Indicted In October, 189S.
Alldor wns novor placed on trial, ho
being a fugttlvo from Justice some
where In Moxlco.
Tho chnrgo against tho ofllcers of
tho Nollgh hank was falsifying tho
records, violating tho bnnklng lnwu
of tho United Stntea nnd making falsa
reports to tho comptroller of tho treas
ury. It Is alleged that originally All
dcr purchased tho bank from tho Rcl
mers nnd that In doing so ho used th?
assets and collateral in making his
payments nnd that thoy know this.
Charges of forgery wero nlso made
nnd it is understood thnt forgod note,
wero discounted nnd rcdlscountcd with
other banks for tho purposo of taking
up personal obligations.
When tho receiver, H. J. Whltmoro,
took chnrgo of tho affairs of tho bank
ho found a shortago of bctwoon $30,
000 nnd $10,000 nnd liabilities of $110,
000. Slnco then ho has paid 40 per
cont in dividends and some $10,000 un
taxes and bills.
Hnluldr of u PrlKonrr.
CLARION, la., March 10. Sorcn Po
torson, a farmer living six miles west
of Clnrlon, was nrrcstod n fow days
ngo on tho chnrgo of rapo, and brought
hero and lodged In Jail to await tho
action of tho grand Jury. Mrs. Peter
son litis boon an Invalid for somo1
time, and It was necessary to omploy
a hired girl to assist In tho house
work, and It was this girl upon whom
tho crlmo Is nlleged to havo beon com
mitted. Sho 1b only nbout 15 yonrs of!
ago. Peterson wns tho only occupant
of tho Jail nt tho timo, nnd took ad
vnntngo of tho temporary absenco ofi
tho sheriff to kill himself by hanging.
Hult Upon Itiillrond lloiul.
NEBRASKA CITY, Nob., March 1G.
Suit was Illod In tho district courti
by John C. WntBon to recovor $4,0001
damnges from John M. Clnpp & Co. of
Philadelphia. This concern is tho!
holder of $40,000 -worth of Missouri
Pnclllc bonds upon which thoy have
Just secured Judgment against Otoo'
county. Wntson nllegcB in his peti
tion that tho bonds woro placed In hla
hands for collection In 1875 by Clapp
& Co. nnd that his feo was to bo 10
per cont of tho amount recovered. Ho
further alleges that Clapp & Co.
galnod possession of tho bonds by un
fair means.
Coiifrrrnen on Tniiitlon.
NEW YORK. March 15. Tho Na
tional Civlo federation, which has hefd
a conforonco on "our foreign policy"
nnd on tlio "trust question" and re
cently orgnnlzcd a national Joint com
mittee on "conciliation and arbitra
tion," today from this city Issued a
call for a national eonfercuco on tax
ation at Buffalo for May 23 nnd 21.
Tlio governors wilL bo invited to np
point delegates and tho various statu
tax commissioners nnd members of
legltilutlvu committees.
, Niitlomil Cuurd Klertlon.
LINCOLN, Neb., March 1G An elec
tion by commissioned ofllccrB of tho
First regiment Nebraska National
Gunrd, to All tho vacancy caused by
promotion of Lieutenant Colonel
Harry L. Archer to colonel, has boon
called for March 27 by Adjutant Gen
eral Klllaiu. Permission has boon
granted compnny IC of tho First regl
mont at Columbus to parade with
arma April 9, when tho veterans of
Shlloh colebrato.
Ornunlxi An tl-Suloon I.i-ncue.
STROMSBURG, Neb., March 1G.
All churches In tho city met In mas?
motlng Sunday night to listen to an
oloqucnt addreas by Rev. Dr. Kearns
of Lincoln. After tho lecturo an antl
snloon league was organized, and ovor
200 signed tho list of momburshlp.
This league will endeavor to knock out
tho saloons here, nnd If they fall In
that, thoy will onforco tho Slocum law
as nearly ob possible.
Dlimmorii Ilurk In Ki'iirnry .lull.
KEARNEY, Neb., March 10. Frank
L. Dlnsmnre, who has been kept at tho
statu penitentiary nearly a year, being
convicted of murdering Fred Lnko ut
Odessa over n year ago, was brought
to Kearney by Sheriff Funk nnd
placed in tho county jail.
Allrgrd Kliliuipi-r In Court,
OMAHA, Neb,, March 1G. James
Callahan, Known to .tho ofllcors as No.
3 of tho nlleged kldnapim of Edward
A. Cudahy, Jr., was taln from tho
solitary coll In tho county Jail and
escorted to tho court room, whero ho
wns arraigned boforo Judgo Baker,
whero ho pleaded not guilty to tho
threo Informations, ono of which
chargcB that ho falsely nnd unlaw
fully Imprisoned Edward A. Cudhhy,
Jr., for tho spneo of thirty hours; an
other that ho robbed Edward A. Cud
ahy of $25,000. Tho trial was sot for
March 20th.