V jjliild1 SEVENTEENTH YEAK. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, 5IARCII 10, 1001. NO. 16. r t, A OUR SPRING GOODS Will be hero before long and in the meantime we desire to dispose oE Odds and Ends in Furniture and offer you attractive prices on these goods. If you need a piece of Furniture you can find it here, and the price will be as highly satisfactory as the article. ,Wc have established a reputation for selling, good furniture at low prices; we propose to maintain that reputation. How About a Range? Do you need one? If so let us give you low prices on a good one. Ginn JOHN BR ATT. ...JOHN BRATT & CO Real Estate, Loans m Insurance X NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X PTHoforoixoo:-Axiy 33o.xxls. xx 3NTol3X-colt.n. WW : fsforth piatte fQocir : lylaijUfactU ed by Ifotti) JPiatte Koiiet njllis Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska. fl Trial Sack u)iil Corvirjce yoii of its fljerit North Platte Roller Mills C, F. I DDINCS iUiirjumiiimJiimjiiiffiuiirJiiflrjuiHiimriuiiriiimiuiirK Say! Is Your Wife Cross? IF SO, BUY HER SOME OF THE.. H New Aluminum Ware at A. L. Davis' Hardware Store. Just like a S mirror and will make her smile all the time. Si Capri C Wo have Rice's Northern grown Gar 5 OCCUo den and Flower Seeds in bulk or pack- g g We sell Hardware, Stoves and Tinware g Gives us a call. 3 I A. L. DAVIS, CARRIE NATION! Public opinion seems to be divided as to the course pursued by this ladv, but the universal opinion is that PALM UK'S CAR NATION PINK (the juice of the Ilower) is the most lasting and exquisite odor to be obtained. We have it in bulk. NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY "Pasteur Vaccine?? Trade-Marks SAVES CATTLE FROM BLACK LEG "BIACKLHGINB." Neatly 2,000,000 successfully treated in U. S. nnd Canada durlnc; the last 5 years. Cheap, sa c and easy to use. Pamphlet with full particulars, official endorsements and testimonials sent FREE on application. Pasteur Vaccine Co., chicK0. SELLING AUGNTSs Live Stock Vaccine & Medicine Co., Denver. Colo. For Sale by A. F. Streitz. & Weingand, E. R. GOODMAN. The Hardware man that no one owes. 5 joyco Escapes from ShorlfF. j Jack Joyce, the alleged horse J thiel who was arretted In this city nnd held until the arrival of Sheriff Goodall of South Dakota, escaped from that ofticer Friday af ternoon at South Omaha, Goodall left here Friday, morninn with hia' prisoner unshackled, and took a seat in a chair car. The Sheriff did not regard Iiih man aa a bad character, hence did not put him in iroiiH. Just at. the train was leav ings iiith Oinalu Joyed asked the Sheriff' permisbion to step to the trout of the car aa he wanted to buy a magazine of the news agent. i ne ouicer saw ins prisoner mining to .the news agent, and a moment later, when he looked again, the former had disappeared. Goodall had approached the agent an'd. asked: "What became of the man you were just talking to?". 'Why'' said he "I opened the trap door of the vestibule and let him out on the platform'. Father conversation along this line brought out the fact tint the agent didn't know Joyce was a prisoner, and granted his request to open the trapdoor as he would that of any other passenger. He was very aoiry it had occured. The annual meeting of the Mutual building and loan nssocin- tion will be held at the court house Saturday evening, and the annual election of officers by the share holders will be held. The annual report of the association, in printed form, willbeyiven to the share holders at this meeting. This re port will show that the number of -.hares in force March 1st last was 1.446 and that during the past vear 469 shares were issued. The receipts for the year were $31. 013. S2. Of these receipts $22,953 37 were paid out on loans, SI 457 00 mi withdrawals and $3,600 00 on matured stock. The loatifc now in effect aggregate $114,000. BETWEEN TICB RIVERS. W. R. Brooks and wile returned Saturday lrom a ten days visit witn relatives and friendb at the county seat. Seeberger & Co. sold a car load of hogs last week to a man from Cozad who shipped them to San Francisco from Hershey Monday. Dr. and Mrs. Eves visited their son George and family near North Platte Sunday. Misw Rosetta Bond, of Wallcce, preached to a large audience in the M. 15. church at Hershey Sunday evening. , Ma ii ford Wilson has lately pur chased the Jenkins farm in Ilinman precinct. Mrs. S II, Phenecie and children departed for their new home at Mayview, III., Thursday last. They were accompanied by her mother Mrs. S. L. Funkhouser as far as the capital city where she will visit her son Will and faintly for a time. Maurice Fowler and a Mr. Kelley of Iowa, were up in the valley one day last week Hying to purchase horses but failed in the attempt. R. W. Calhoun of Nichols, took about 100 head of cattle that he had been wintering for Mr. Cool edge home I he latter part of the W'jek. There will be but very little spring wheat sown in the valley this season. Fall grain is said to be looking iair in tliib locality for the time of year. H. H. Hollings worth who lias been at work on the Nichols sec'ion for some time has charge of the section at Sutherland. 0.car Sliipfer of Sigourney, la., in assisting his cousin 13. F. See berger it slaying ducks and geese. O II. Kyerly has leased the Louis Toilliou land near the Nichols school house for the ensuing year. Mrs. Katie McClain spent Sun day with relatives and friends at Faxton, her former home. Wild geese, ctanes and brandt are quite inimeroub in the valley at the present time. A Mr. Ireland, of Mooiefield. was up this way purchasing horses or at least trying to do so, but failed in the attempt, The revival meetings at HerBhey cltfbtol the firut of last webk. The creamery at Nichols is doing a good business with a steady in crease of milk. J C. Gygcr the manager in a first class man at the business and understands how to get all the cream out of the milk. J. W. LileB is at this time re painting S. L. Funkhouser's resi dence just north of Hershey. Roy Atkinson from down the line visiting relatives at Nichols the last of the week and also enter tained a uumber of people in the schoolhousc last Saturday night with his ssnnophonc. Mrs. Trent received a telegram a few days ago announcing the death of a sister at Concord, III. W. C. Colo has lately purchased the old canal farm containing eighty acres upon which he has re sided ior the past two or three years. Consideration $2,000. G. W. Smith who now is foreman of the section at Hershey will be assigned an extra crew about the first of next month and Oscar Goodwin who has been working on that section for the past two years, more will succeed him as foreman at that place. Rev. Gould and family of the county seat were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pickett at Hershey last week. SICKENS DOINGS. Several from here attended the public sale of Joseph McMichael west of Wellfleet Tuesday. Merrill Fristo and brother Leslie took a load of eggs and chickens to North Platte Friday for Cecil Tuell & Co. They returned home Satur day. Mr. I5dmisten of Hershey un loaded two cars ot cattle at this station Friday which he drove overland to his place. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson of Madrid, who have been spending several days in town visiting re turned Friday to their home. -m Clifton, Riley left Monday for Topeka. Kansas, where he will visit for a short time. Milt lSberts of Somerset brought in a load of hogs Saturday which he sold to Votaw &. Fristo. Mr. and Mrs. 13. J. Baker ot Mc- Cook, who were visiting with re latives in town last week, have re turned to their home. Mrs. J. Bailey is visiting her mother Mrs. Leech, who is lying at the point of death in Hayes county, Austin Cosselman moved to North Platte the first ot the week where he will make his future home. Hogs were worth S5.00 a hundred Mouday. This is the top notch so far this season. B. D, Baker was a yallace visitor Saturday. v (? Western Nebraska News A. R Merritt ot Lexington re cently sold six bulls, the lightest of which weighed over a ton. The live bird shoot at Cozad be tween Tappan and Miles Ma ryot t resulted in the latter killing twenty-live straight, while Tap pan killed but nineteen. John Crouch sold his 400-acre farm live miles northeast ol Lex ington last week for eight thousand dollars, the purchaser being Mrs. Mary Middlekauff of Sioux City. The Sidney Telegraph says that the report published in the State Journal to the effect that Carnegie had offered Sidney a gilt of fifteen thousand dollars for a public library was only a pipe dream of a correspondent. D. Newman & Co. of Gothen burg gave af bill of sale of their entire stock of merchandise last Wednesday to the People's Stale Bank, from which' the firm had borrowed several thousand dollars. The bank will close out the stock. Curtis has a few light cases of small-pox, and as usual the sur rounding towns are greatly magni fying the number of cases. This is done to frighten people from trading at Curtis, and thereby in creasing the trade of the towns circulating the reports. Lexington iB preparing lor a warm political campaign. The uu-licbuifo i JOSEPH HERSHEY, WINDMILLS i PUMPS PIPES AND FITTINGS BARB WIRE. ROUND AND STOCK TANKS " LOCUST STREET, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. 71s people have nominated 15. A. Cook for mayor, while the people leaning to the other persuasion are marsh aled under the banner of G. W. Fox Will the Cook Bkiu the Fox or the Fox kettle the The Cook is an in teresting qneaton. The Union Pacific steel gang, composed of seventy five men, were busy laying the new steel rails through town Thursday. The track will be newly equipped from Brady to Cozad by another week, giving the Union Pacific Railway Co, a track ballasted witli gravel, equal to the Pennsylvania Central, which is ballasted with crushed stone. Gothenburg Independent. L. S. Deets gave hia experience at the farmers' institute at River dale last week and told what he had done with fiye cowb. Last yfcar he sold 950 pounds of butter at twenty cents a pound. Besides this his family of eight stronir, robust people were provided with all the butter, cream and milk that they could use. He said these five cows were fed nothing but alfalfa, excepting pasturage during the summer. Kearney Democrat. Fire bioke out at Callaway at half past one Friday morning in Os good's restaurant and an entire block of buildings was consumed. Moran's big store, Bocock'a drug store, Hopkiu's cash store, a butch er shop, a jewelry store, a vacant building and the oflice of II. II. Andrews, formerly the Seven Val leys bank, were burned. Kearney was aroused at half past two and the fire department held in readi ness, but firemen could not have got there in time to be of service. k is rather early to talk about the next presidential campaign, but the newspapers are at it just the same for Bryan is credited already with throwing out feelers lor a third trip Gossips ay I hat Mc Kiuley will nut be averse to stand ing the third term, but the gossips are wrong this time. There is serious talk to the nomination of Mark Ha una but Mark says it in "tommyrot." There is abundant opportunity for speculation. Ex, Tub German army in China persists in going out for fight every day or two, notwithstand ing that "peace" is sig-ned anil the emperor is invited to come back to his capital and enjoy himself. They pitched onto an encampment of the Chinese army the other day that was apparently attending; strictly to its own business, and Killed n hundred men and captured tour guns. And they were probably guns that the poor devils of Chinese had paid a German man ufacturer a big price for not more than a vear or two ago. The moral is that the Chinese army must get off the earth peace or no peace. journal. Kate Mrmbruno fnr Wound. Gormnn surgeons nave fl.Bcovorod that tha dollcato membrane wh.ch covers the contonts ot an eg; will answer as well as bits of uW.n fiom a human being to start tho hcal.ng of open wounds which would not oihor wise heal. Tba discovery has already Uuvu twtifcawMXy taatoa. DEALER IN Farm Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Windmills, Pumps, HALF ROUND PROhbSSIONAL CARDS. C. V. 1115 DELL t'HYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, Oflloeo: North Phttto National Bank Hulldintr. North Plrttte. Nob. jjl F. DENNIS, M. D., IIOMOEOPATIIIST, Ornr Flint National Dunk, NOKTII I'LATTK, . . KKtlKARKA. J, HoAOLAND. W. V. IlOAGL-AND Hoagland & Hoagland, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS OIUoo oyer MoOounld'a llntik. NOUT1I PLATTE, NED. yiLCOX A 1IALLIQAN, ATTORN K YS'AT.LA W, rfOUTU I'LATTK, - . NKUKA8KA OfUos oTr North I'Uttn NnUnnol Hank. H.s RIDGELY, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW. OIHco in lliumun Ulook, D-wey etroot. NORTH PLVrPR. . NEBRASKA jyt. o. b. DENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office over Post Office. Telephone 115. North Plntto, - - - Nobrnska. A. "D" WIB, ATTOUNEYS-AT-LAW."' NORTH PLATTE,, - - NEBRASKA Grady Block Rooms 1 & 2. fhe Reason Why 80,000,000 ACRES l tha llr:T GRAIN UHOWIMH OltAK I.NU LANDS m the on. tlnrnt urn helnc olfcrtrf VllIM Uthnt tltltral r thet Tiut rt J re quired r the Oertr' Mrnt ertbe Iromletenel Canada. Loeatlon near llnet ol railroad alreadr built 01 under eonttructton Id iSITOBA, AeSIJIinUM, ALHKRTA 8ABIAT CIIKWAX, moit farored district! In Wetlern Canada. Thousands ol Amerloana hart taken adrantaf ol the offer madi toaeenre Free Homes. Deep eoll, well watered, wooded, wheat areraxee 21 to 40 bushels pel aorei oats CO to 100 bushels, aral other Brains In proportion. Cattle thrlre and fatten on the natlra grasses. Fuel abundant.ollmato healthiest In the world, social conditions the best. Educational adrantagee un equalled. Taiatlon nominal. free Farms ot 160 acres to mm mala ot elihteen tears of ase, and In erery female head of a famllr. Kallmad am! Uorernment Lands tor sale at low prices. .For fuller Information anplr to V, Pedlar. Hunerlntendent of Immigration. Oltiwa. Canada, or to VV. V. DENNETT, i, . . fcOl N. Y. Ltfo BIdff.. Omaha, Neb. Special low exouralon rntea during February, Moroh and Aprils W. V. Uainett, HI Ni.vY.Klf BUIk. Oni tha, Neb. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics net directly upon tho diaooso, without exciting disorder in other parts of tho system. They Curo tho Sick, no, cures. rnicui. 1-l'eyers, Congoitloui, Inflammations. ,23 U-Worma, Worm Kevor, Worm Colic. . Ct -Teething, CollcCrylns.WakcfulDesi 4-niarrlicu, of ClillJron or Adults iH 7- Coughi, Colds, Uroncliltls 23 8 Xeiirnlgla, Toothaclio, I'aceache 'Ji H-lleadarlic, Slclc Headache, Vcrtlco.. ,'J5 lll-llysiuplii,In(lli;fstlnii,WcaIcStomach,V!3 1 1-Kiippri'sscd or I'uliiful Periods 'J 3 I'J-Wlilfi's, Too Profuso Period 'J 3 lU-('roiii, I.nrnullls, Hoarseness 1 I-Snlt Illicuin, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .'J 3 1 3-lllieiiiiiotl Ithcumatlo Pains S3 lO-Malurla, Chills, I'ovcr and Acuo 'J 3 lO-fntnrrli, Influenza, Cold la tboHejil .S3 UO-U'iiooiniM'oiicli ,23 C7-rUdncy IMsrnsra 23 On-Nervous m-Mllly 1.00 30-l'rlnnry Wcoliucsa, Wet tint! Cod... .23 77-lrlp. Hay Foter 23 Dr. Illlmphr(ly, Jlantnl of all Diseases at your Pnm riv itrllucltls. nr jnt Si