ftb Jtortk $lstte SEVENTEENTH YEAlt. NOETIC PLATTE, NEBRASKA, MARCH 12, 1001. NO. 14. T Will bo hero before long and in the meantime we desire to dispose of Odds and Ends in Furniture and offer you attractive prices on these goods. If you need a piece of Furniture you can find it here, and the price -will be as highly satisfactory as the article. We have established a reputation for selling good furniture at low prices; wo propose to maintain that reputation. How About a Range? Do you need one? If so let us give you low prices on a good one. Ginn & Weingand. JOHN BRATT. ...JOHN E. R. GOODMAN. CO.)... BRATT & Real Estate, Loans Insurance A: NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X mm : Morlh f latte f locir : la)UfactUed by ottfj Platte Kolie fljilis Republican City Convontlon. The republican elcctora of tlie city of North Platte are requested to elect delegates to a city conven tion to be held at the court house on Saturday evening, March 16th, at 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for Mayor, City Clerk, City Treas urer, City Kngineer and Police Judge; also two candidates for membcrB of the Board of Education. The basis of representation is otic delegate for each twenty votes lor major fraction thereof cast for presidential electors in the election of 1900, which gives the following representation in the convention: First ward 5 Second ward 13 Third ward 6 It is recommended that the ward caucuses be held on Friday evening, March 15th. at 7:30 o'clock at the usual yoting places, and that each caucus nominate a candidate tor councilman for its respective ward. A. S. Baldwin, Chrmu. Ira L. Bark, Sec'y. Ernest Woltor iu tlio Toils. Earnest J Woller, a former well known North Platte man who went from here to Salt Lake City and later moved to Schuyler, Neb. where he has been conducting a store, was arrested last Thursday by a postoflice inspector on the charge of using the mail lor black mailing purposes. Woltci'a would- ne victim is Senator Thomas KearitB of Utah and the demand made was five thousand dollars or an exposure would follow. Wolter also, it is alleged, wrote a threaten ing letter to the senator's wife de manding twenty-five hundred dollars, and stated that if he did not (jet it he would kill the child ren. Used by economical housewifes in fifty towns in Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska. fl THal Sack uiiil CoijYiijce yoU of its njetit North Platte Roller Mills C, F, IDDINCS aae Suicide Of Oregon Hero, Jphu R. Murphy a passenger .on Union Pacific train No. 3. shot and killed himself with a 38 calibre Smith and Wesson revolver," Sunday morning about 3 oclock in his.sleep ing bertli in the tourist car near Chappel, Neb He fired two shots from the re volver, the first ball glancing and the second struck the frontal bone on the right side and passing into the bratu. The bullet also de stroved his right eye. Valuable papers were found in his pockets b.-sides cash amounting to $199 01 His ticket was purchased in New 'ork City via the West Shore rail road and his destination was San z Francisco He had two discharges from American and British navies as a first-class machinist. They show he; was on the battleship Oregon on its memorable trip around the world in 1898 and that he participated with ere.it honor iu the battle of Santiago and was discharged Sep Wp. linvo. Rice's Northern crown Gar- ,ember- .1899' He tne" .enhstL'd navy wiiij mi; rami; was recently dis j T charged from the vessel Manouensi We sell Hardware Stoves and Iinware ne was bom inDanvine. Canada ' u- i t.i i. it. it i. ittiii Gives us a call. aawiUWwjuwjuwJMiriuwjuwiimriuwJttwiuiiBfi I Sav! Is Vour Wife Cross? mi 3 j - IF SO, BUY HER SOME OF THE.. New Aluminum Ware g of A r, Dnvis' Hardware Store. Just like a mirror and will make her smile all the time. spp.ns a,: r;rvr,rt:;. s :, h.,ir or ck- v w uun auvi fc: position and Friday and Saturday evenings to argc and appreciative audiences. Word was recently received from S. H. Phcnicie who departed from Hershcy lately with a car load of horscB, farming and homstead effects, for Mayvillc, III., that he had reached his destination all right. Hit was Mrs. Carrie A. Loker in stead of Mrs. Carrie A. Dymond who was recently married to W. R, Brooks at NicIioIb. It was only a slip of the pen. Fred Wright of The ICra at North Platte attended the rcylval meet tigs at llershcv the last of the week. A. A. Leister has his new shop at Hershcy completed and is up to his neck with work at this time. 0. 10. McCainc and wife at Her siiey entertained Air, nicuiaincs parents from Paxton a couple of days last week. About four incites of very wet snow fell in this locality last Friday night and Saturday. J. J. Meyers of North Platte, ately purchased the J. W. Berg man residence at Hcrshey now oc, cupicd by C. 10. McClain as a board tig house. He will retain the resi dence and conduct his boarding liotisc iu the fulutc as in the past to the satisfaction of all. W. T. Miller, Leonard Laubner, J. W. Liles and Louis Toillion de livered horses at North Platte Sta- urday and Monday which they had sold to 11, II. Davenport of Conn. Mrs. W. II. Hill and Bon Clair and M'ibs Anna Swaigcr and Miss Jessie Vroman took No. 102 at Hershcy Saturday morning for the county seat. G. M. Cary and family are now located on the old canal farm vacated by E. Spitznooglc last fall lOarl .Browniield was initiated into the secrets of the Loyal Mystic Legion Order at Hershey last Satj urday night. DICKENS DOINGS. Mrs. J. H- JollifT departed a few days ago lor Somerset where 6he will make her future home with her daughter Mrs. J. McConuell. J. D. Heater of Hayes county was in town Thursday and Friday look ing up a location for a stock ranch Mrs. L. P. Hodges and eon Jay returned Wednesday evening from a brief visit with relatives iu Kene caw, Neb. Merrill Fristo transacted business in Wellfieet and Mayood Friday and Saturday. Pascal Latimer of Wellfieet, was visiting with relatives north o town a few days the early part of the week. Votaw cv l" risto received a car o lumber Friday. Mrs. Charles Anderson of Madrid The Hardware man that s no one owes. I A. L. DAYIS, CARRIE NATION! Public opinion seems to be divided as to the coul-e pursued by this ladv, but the universal opinion is that PALMER'S CAR NATION PINK (the juice of the flower) is the most lasting and exquisite odor to be obtained. We have it in bulk. NORTH PLATTE PHARMACY. and his brother lives at William? Ariz. Coroner Bisset has taken charge of the body, and a jury was impaiin- eled who will .wait until the ar rival of the Pullman conductor and porter Tuesday. Murphy acted peculiar on the train looking about him continually as thought' fearful of somebody. He was 35 years old and weighed a"bout 165 pounds. His relatives have been communicated with. BETWEEN TUB 'RIVERS. Albert Stark and wife of Illinois, formerly of Wallace, were calling on old time triends in the valley last week, W. R. lOyerly's little three year old daughter has about recovered from a recent sick spell. J, O, Cole and and family are now located on the old canal farm re- cently vacated by A. B. Goodwin and family. Nearly 2 000,000 successfully treated in U. S. and Canada during the last 5 years. Joe Kelly purci.ased a new wind 'V 1 . ' T i ...in. f..1l nn.,lolDra nfTmlfil n1nrsitnplltft mill mini i. ,i1 n n Ir nt W IT Mill Clieap sale anu easy wc, luiuimici win un , , ym,, mum w , . at iiersney on i iiursday. The interest in the revival meet ings at Hcrshey has developed to some extent within the past few dayH, Rev. Derreberry of Paxtou preached tw'o a"bTc dis'c'oHirBca bn Trade-Marks "BIACK11GINE." "Pasteur Vaccine" SAVES CATTLE FROM BLACK LEG and testimonials sent FREE on application. Pasteur Vaccine Co., Chicago. SCLUNa AGENTS I Live Stock Vaccine & Medicine Co., Denver. Colo, For Sale by A. F. Streitz. JOSEPH HERSHEY, DEALER IN m Farm Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Windmills, Pumps, i PUMPS I WINDMILLS PIPES AND FITTINGS BARB WIRE. ROUND AND HALF ROUND STOCK TANKS LOCUST STREET, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. 71s is visiting friends around town this week. J. J. llogan shipped a car of baled hay to Chicago Tuesday morning. Mr. Churchill of Beatrice was in these parts a few days recently buying cattle which he will take west to his ranch near Wray, Col. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 0. V. BEDELL t'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OIIIcob: North Plnttn Nntional Bank Building, North Plnttn, Neb. BAD BLOOD, BAD COMPLEXION. The skin is the beat of an almost end less variety of diseases. They are known by various names, nut nre an uue to uie same cause, acid and other poisons iu i ... i i....:r IIIC IHOOU uiai irriiuii: uwi iiiivuuiu wm the uro nor action of the skin. To have n smooth, soft skin, free from all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure and healthy. The many preparations of arsenic anil potasli and tne large milliner of face powders and lotions generally used iu this class of diseases cover up for a short tunc, but cannot remove per manently the ugly blotches and the red, disfiguring pimples. Eternal vlgUanco is tho prloo of a hoautlful oomploxlon when such remedies arc relied on. Mr. It. T. Sliobe, rjo l.ucas Avenue. St. IouI, Mo., eay : "My daughter was afflicted for year with a dlitfigimiti; eruption on her face, which icslstcci all treatment, hhe wan taken to two celebrated health springs, hut received no bene fit. Many medicine were prescribed, but with out remit, until we decided to try 8. B. 8., ami by the time the fil t bottle as finished theeruptlon began to disappear.. A dotcn bvttles cured her completely and left her nWin perfectly iimoolh. She 1 now seventeen years old, anil not n sign of the enibarraisliu: discakc has ever returned." S. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cure for the worst forms ot sxiu trotiuics. ii is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and the only one guaranteed purely vegetamc. Had Wood makes Dad complexions. nuriiics ana mviuo. . . . i i rates inc oiu aim makes new, rich blood that nourishes the body and keeps the 1rln nctive and healthy and in nroper condition to perform its part towards carrying off the impurities from the body. If yon have Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt lUieum, Psor asls, or your skin is rough and pimplv, &en.l for our hook on Blood and Skin Diseases and write our physi cians nbout your case. No charge what, cm for thin irvici , , SWIFT 8PECIF10 COMPANY', ATLANTA, OA. Dad blood makes SSS One merchant iu Lexington re ports that for a number of months during the past year he paid to one farmer's wife an average of six dollars per week for cggB. Jens Sillascu sold fifteen head of horses to Mr. Buchanan, a gover- ment horse buyer, through the in strumentality ol II. L. Goold, last Tuesday. They brought top prices and will be shipped to New Orleans. Ogalalla Argus. Contracts have already been awarded for the erection of four teen new residences and business houses in Lexington. Among the residences to be erected is one by II. V. Temple which will coet ten thousand dollars. The beer vault at Lexington be longing to the Omaha brewing association was burucd Friday entailing a loss of one thousand dollars The insurance on the building expired a few days before the Are and had not been renewed. A Nebraska City bank advertises deposits for a number of years back, which shows that money entrusted toil by depositors, which had fallen down to $56,000 in De cember 1S, has now reached over $200,000, increasing almost four fold Hiice the election of Presi dent McKinley. Another oVject 1 s son in Ni-braska prosperity. Bee After the terrible storm which swept away Galveston last bummer an appe tl was made by the grand lodge I O. O. V. of Texas for aid. This was so liberally responded to by the Indircs of the order that after expending for all legitimate demands of members caught in that disaster, ovjr one-half the amount remained unexpended and the lodges of thib htate which contributed to 'he fund last week received sixty per cent of the amount they sent Mrs Lane wife of the murdered man and the chief witness against Dinsmorc, will now be charged with the murder of Mrs. Dinsmorc' said an at touery today throughly iamilar with the state's side of the ct&e. i. lie theory ot uie prosccu tion, he says, was that Dinsmorc shot Lane, and that Mrs. Laue poisoned Mrs. Dinsmorc. Now that his fate is practically sealed the Btate will proceed witli the prosecution of the woman. It said that much of her own tcstt mon v niraintt Dinsmorc can and will be used against her. Hub. Jjl P. DENNIS, M. D IIOMOEOPATHIST, NKMUBKA. J, S, IIOAnuNI). Over First National Hank;, NOllTII PLATTE. W, V. IIOAGLAND Hoagland& Hoagland, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS Onloo ovor MoUonald' Dunk, NOllTII PLATTE, NKU. w ILCOX & IIALLIGAN, ATTORNEYB'AT.LA TP, MOHTU PLATTE, . . . NEUHABKA Offloa 0Tr North Platte National Dank. H. S. BIDGELY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . Oflioo in Elinmun Block, Df woy street. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Oflice over Post Office. Telephone 115. North I'lutto, ... Nebraska. A. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. NORTH PLATTE,, - - NEBRASKA Grady Block Rooms 1 & 2. Awaiting Settlers Working 24 Hours A Day Thoro's no rost for thost tiroloss littlo workors Dr. Kind's Now Life Pilln Millions nro nlwuys busy, ouriuu Torpid Llvor, Jaundloo, Blliou8no3s, Fevor imd Auo. Thoy bnnlsh Sick HndochoHi drivo out Mnlnrin, Never grlpo or wonkon. Small, tnsto nice, work won ders. Try thorn, 25dnt Streitz'u Drug SWo. R. G. B. DENT 11. DAVIS, 5Sn mi Tboumnds of I'RBB 0 rant Homeitesd (100 aeroi) la tbo Hard Wlioat Belt of Manitoba, AmIoI bola, Alberta and Swkat chewaa (Western Can adu.) Experience ibowi Hint tbe landi of WeatornCan ada are unexcelled for drain arowlng. Mixed Parmlnsand Dairying. Railroads exist and are projected wherever settle ment extends. Schools and churches convenient. Taxes merely nominal. Climate tbe Healthiest In the World. Crops alwnjs good, Wheat vary, log from 25 to 40 Imihels to tho aero. Outs CO to 100 bnsbols, other grains In proportion. CATTLE RAISINf. morn profitable than oliewbere on tho . Continent. Marketing produce easy. Low FUuresasked for lauds at highest prices Is particularly ow irl rilo for pamphlets and copies adjoining Free Homestead Lands. wnto ror pomnh rts and con h of letters from scttlnrs and cfele ..... .1 .1 1." 1 1-.1 1 13 Inlondont of Immigration, Ottawa, Conncln, or to W' V" 'loilfe Dlds.. OmiUm, Neb. Bpeolol low exouralon rates aunnsi February, March and April. VV. V. Bennett, 801 New York Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics act directly upon tho iliscatio, without oxclting disorder iu othor rmrtH of ho Byhtcm. Tliey Curo the Sick. no. cones. rmces. i l'ever, Congoitlons, Inflammations. MS ti Worms, Worm l'cvcr, Worm Colic... 3 -T e e I h I n is, Colic, Cry log.Wak c r u I ues .25 4-Ularrhca, of Children or Adults,..,.. 7-0oukIis, Colds, IlroDclillls,. S3 H enrnliitn, Toothaclio, Faceacho. Hit O-lleadarho, Sick Headache, Vcrtleo,. 10- lyprpila,!ndlcstlo!i,WcakStoinacb.35 1 1 Hupprcsacd orl'alnrut Periods -5 I'J-Whlti's, Too rrofuso t'crlods 'J3 13-L'roup, LarviullU, Hoarseness 25 1 1-Halt Itheuiii, Erysipelas Eruptions.. .23 1 a-llhriiiiintlaiu, Illiruniatto Tain S5 10-Alalnrln, Chilli, I'uvcrnuil Agua .. , .2.1 10-Cntnrrli, lufluonia,Coldlu IhoIIead ,S3 20-Whoopliig.t'oiiKh 25 27-llli)ncy Diseases .25 2H-Xcrvuus llctllltv 1.00 30-l'rlnnrv Wcolinrss, WettlnoDcl... .25 77-rlp.Iby Fover 25 Dr. IliimnhroTi' Manual of nil Diseases at vour Vruguiatsnrllalleil Tree. ... , bow ornrumi. or seni on rrcripi.fu pn. s'