The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 08, 1901, Image 5

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1901 Models
We have
els of trie
the newest mod-
in stock and would
pleased to have you
and examine them
FRIDAY, MARCH. 8, 1901.
Announcement .
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the office of city clerk
subject to the decision of the re
publican city convention,
Gki:em:y Bundv.
Katliryn Dillard is suffering from
au attack of pneumonia.
15. R. Ripley, of the Lauradalc
farm, is marketing lettuce, radishes
and spinach in town.
Mrs. H. V. Hi Hiker and children
will come up from Grand Island on
train 101 this evening.
Chas. McDonald went to Omaha
this morning on a trip combining
business with pleasure.
A. B. Westfall arrived yesterday
from West Virginia, and will
accompany his son to Texas.
W. C. Elder went to Omaha Wed
nesday night on legal business.
He is expected home tonight.
Gus Smith has sold his property
on west Fourth street to Mrs. E.
C. Mills lor twelye hundred
Mrs. G. S. Huffman has been
spending the past week in St.
Joseph, Mo., purchasing a stock of
millinery and ladies' furnishing
Doolittle has a small line of good
jewelry bought with the btock from
Newton. Desiring to go out of
this line of business the stock will
be sold at a sacrifice.
Sam Richards returned last
night from Chicago and other
eastern points, where he had been
spending teu days purchasing
goods for The Fair.
Claus Myliuder went to Omaha
yesterday to receive treatment for
his tight eye, which was injured a
number of months ago by the end
of a straw striking it.
Miss Dora Hutchinson, trimmer
at Bank's store, returned last even
ing from St. Joe where she had
been spending several weeks learn
ing the new styles of millinery.
Do you get these Prices
Look it up in your pass book.
Kerosene Oil per ga) 15
Searchlight. Matches per box. .04
Yeast Fqam 2 nkgs, 05
On Time Yeast 2 pkgs 05
Kingsfords Corn Starch per
nlfirn 08
Kingsfords Silver Gloss
Starch ner pktre 08
Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour
per pkge 10
HO-lb. Hag Salt $1.10
Arbuckles Coffee 2 pkgs 25
Lion Coffee 2 pkgs 25
XXXX Coffee 2 nkirs 25
Bee Coffee per pkg 1
Horse Shoe Tobacco per plug .45
Battle Ax Tobacco per Plug. .35
Star Tobacco per plug 45
Standard rsavy lolmcco per
nlug -is
J. T. Tobacco per plug. . : . . . .20
Wo nuv IG-cent each for vour
Tobacco Tags of the following
Horse Shoe,
J. T
Standard Navy,
Rnonr Head.
Store closes at 8 o'clock p. m.,
except baturdays.
Wilcox D6pMtmBn& ffatfB.
Blue G rass,
Clover and Garden Seeds,
Onion Sets,
Garden Hose,
Our Fancy Greeley Potatoes arc
going- like hot cakes. A car load
every three weeks. Have you
bought any?
Harrington & Tobin,
The neatest grocery in town.
All Knights of Pythias are re
quested to attend lodge' this even-
ng and assist in the work of con
ferring the first and second degrees.
If Fred Marti greets you with an
unusually broad smile you may
know that his action is due to .that
new boy born at his home Tuesday.
The case of Ledgcrwood against
Wright, in which the former seeks
to have the latter ejected from laud
near Maxwell, will be iicard in
Judge Baldwin's court tomorrow.
Col. C. F. Scliarmanu, who has
been attending the inauguration at
Washington will probably be home
the early part of next week. Mrs.
Scharmaun, who has been visiting
relatives at Steele City will accom
pany htm home.
The social club of the D. of IT.
met at the home of Mrs. M. McNa-
mara Tuesday afternoon. About
thirty ladies were present. Re
freshments consisting ot chocolate.
saudwitches, pickles and cake were
seryed. All report a good time.
H. H. Davenport, of Connecticut,
has been in town for a week past
buying horses and has succeeded
u getting eighteen or twenty of
the style he desires, Mr. Daven
port is au enthusiastic republican
and a mstnber of the Connecticut
The St. George company pre
sented "A Family Affair" at the
opers house last cveding to a fair
size audience. Tonight "A Naughty
Girl will be presented. The com
pany is pronounced to be as good
as me average reoertoire com
Ed and Jim Latimer plead guilty
to misdemeanor aud were fined
fiye dollars each and costs. They
also have paid or will pay C. A.
Sibley the value of the trees llipy
cut on his timber claim, for which
the information was filed against
Jack Joyce, who had been break
ing bronchos for Col. Cody at the
ranch, was arrested by Sheriff Kd
lher at the rcouest of officers of
Dickinson, N. D. Joyce is wanted
on the charge of horse stealing and"
and is being held in jail here until
the arrival of the North Dakota
Are you going to paper this
soring? Doolittle will sell you wall
paper cheaper than you can buy
elsewhere, for the reason that the
stock is to be closed out prepara
tory to puttiug in a different line.
The Rennie stock has been boxed
and shipped east thus closing tie
career of a business house that was
established in North Platte fifteen
years ago. in this connection it
can be stated that an agreement
between Mr. and Mrs. Rennie as
regards the in alimony has
practically been reached by the at
torneys representing tlie opposing
parties and that the case, will be
settled out of court.
Grnpd fglqiid, Neb.
Terms of Contract for 1901.
Under the provitions ot tins
contract the grower is assured of
a fixed price for his crop. All beets
testing 14 per cc nt or less will be
paid lor at the rate of S4 00 per ton,
io cm! being paid tor each per
cent of feuyar abevc 14, tractions
in proportion. That is beets test
iug 14 1 percrnt being ?4.02.1; 14.2
being 84.05; 15 per cent $4,25: 15.1
per cent $4.27j. Au additional
20 cents per ton will paid for
all beetB siloed. The factory will
pay freight on all beets delivered
by rail, cars to be loaded to their
capacity, thus placing the grower
at a distance on a satisfactory
Further information or blank
contracts can be obtained by apply
ing to American Beet Sugar Com
pany. Grand Island, Neb., or E. F.
Seeberger. llershey, Neb.
The latest lad for the ladies,
three for live cents up to fifty cents
each. Clinton tub Jeweler.
Mrs. Sarah Dwyer Bead.
Mrs. Sarah Dwyer of this city
died at the home oi her daughter
Mrs. Nolan at Wood River Wednes
day night front pneumonia. Mrs.
Dwyer went to Wood River about
ten days ago, and foou after her
arrival there was attacked with the
disease which ended her life. The
remains will be brought to this
city tonight and the funeral held
from the Catholic Church tomorrow
. Mrs. Dwyer was one of the early
settlers in North Platte, coming
here over thirty years ago. She
leaves two children Mrs. Nolan oi
Wood River and John Dwyer of this
Soils Livery Stable.
J. M. Vernon, who has been con
ducting the brick livery barn for a
year or more, disposed of his outfit
last evening to A. P. Singer, who
until lately had been engaged in
the liyery business at Gothenburg.
The purchaser is well known in
North Platte, having formerly re
sided here. Mr. Vernon has con
ducted a first-class barn and made
money, but he was offered a good
price aud sold.
Dr. II, S. Fcrrar, resident mana
ger of the Grand Island sugar fac
tory, is in town today euroute home
front Hershey where he was looking
after sugar beet contracts. The
Doctor says there will be in the
neighborhood of one hundred acres
of beets grown in the vicinity of
Hershey this season. Down at
Maxwell the farmers are also be
coming interested anu aoout ntiy
acres will be cultivated there. Dr.
Ferrar is much surprised that the
owners of land near this city which
brings no revenue is not put into
beets and made to bring the owner
a handsome financial return. The
great advantage of raising beets
near a large town is that plenty of
boys can be secured to do the
weeding, in which they can perform
nearly as much work as a man. If
the people of North Platte could
guarantee four thousand acres of
beets each year not much troubje
would be experienced in having a
factory built here.
Doolittle does not desire to deal
111 perfumes, which properly belong
with the drug business. A small
line bought with the stock from
Newton, will be closed out at a
great reduction.
The live bird contest between
the Grand Island and North Platte
clubs to be held in this city has
been postponed until the 10th of
April. The plan is to have twenty
men on a side, with ten birds to
the man. This will make the
biggest shooting event ever held 111
the city and will probably attract
the attendance of spectators from
many of the adjoining towns.
The friends of A. W. McKeown
will regret to learn that his condi
tion is gradually growing worse.
Arrangements had been made to
take him to a sanitarium at Council
Bluffs last night, but yesterday
afternoon and last evening he .was
considerably worse and it was not
thought best to have him.go. Last
night he suffered from numbness,
and there are lears that this will
lead to paralysis.
Arthur Home, of Maxwell, who
was brought here a month ago
for treatment is improving though
somewhat slowly.
Alfalftv Seed for Salo.
By Joseph Herahey. Locust
street, North Platte, Neb.
IVIouoy to Loan
on good security, from three to five
years. Address. Mrs. J. D,
MathewF, the Leland, 1518 Curtis
St., Denver, Col.
Seamless Shoes.
lOveryonc knows their ad
vantage for boys and men's
Size 3 to 5, Soles quilted with
steel pegs per pair $1.75
1 me Lull, size J to o'j, per
pair $2.00
Medium weight, a good il
around Shoe, per pair.. $2.00
You will find our Shoes will give
vou complete satisfaction. We
buy no shoddy goods.
Store closes at 8 o'clock p. m
except Saturdays.
Wilcox Dpliiiciit Store
Railroad Notes.
John Baker, night switchman,
has severed his connection with the
niou Pacific.
G. L. Charrcttc, a Fourth
istrict fireman, spent yesterday
ith North Platte friends.
E. II. Smith, who has been ruli
ng a train on the Cheyenne &
orthcrn for a year or more, is in
town visiting friends.
Two trainloads ot tdicen from
Colorado will pass cast today. The
n of sheep from western points
oyer the Union Pacific is very
A collision between passenger
train No. 7 and a freight train
occurred at Columbus Wednesday
cntng, resulting in the death of
one man and the serious injury of
he express messenger.
The twenty-five dollar rate to
'acific coast points has resulted in
very heavy traffic for the Union
Pacific, necessitating a dozen cars
on trains No, 3 and 5 each Ttics-
ay and Wednesday.
Tom Cartwright, who was com
pelled to give up his engine run in
the south on account of the climate,
eft yesterday for Chevcnne and
from there will go further west in
search of employment.
An unusually lare amount of new
equipment for the Union Pacific is
going through ati present, consist-
ng of new cabooses, steel ballast
cars, switch engines and forty. ton
capacity box cars largely made of
It is said that 500 men wili be
put at work on the western district
within the next three weeks finish-
ng up the ballasting of the road
bed and laying new eighty pound
steel. Most of these men will
probably be Italians,
Horsos For Sale.
By Joseph Hershey, Locust
street, North Platte, Neb.
Chicago forecast for North Platte
and vicinity: Threatening and
colder to-night; Saturday, fair.
The maximum temperature yester
day was 69; one year ago it was
51. The minimum temperature this
morning was 34: one year ago it
was 30.
Frank L. DitiBinore of the little
town of Odessa must hang by the
neck until he is dead. This is the
effect of the decision of the supreme
court given Wednesday evening
at Halt past 5 o'clock. For the
murder of his wife and the slavintr
of the husband of his paramour
Dinsmore is to be executed as soon
as the remaining formalities can
be swept away. Forty days are
allowed under the rules for an
application for a rehearing. After
that application is disposed of the
court, it it declines to grant a re
hearing, will set a day for the
execution. The lower court which
conyicted Dinsmore had set the
date of the execution for July 14,
1VUU, winch was our year after the
day of the commission of the crime
and was also Dmsmore's birthday
A Fireman'i CI010 Call.
"1 stuck to my oniino. nlthoueh ovorv
joint nnd ovory norvo wiih racked with
linin," u-rltos C. W. Uollnmy, a locomotive
llromnn, or Uurlington, Iown, "I wns
weak and pulp, without any nnnotitoiiml
nil run down. As I was about to givo
up, 1 Kot a bcttlonf Uleotrio Hittora and,
after tnkintr it. I fait, nu ..ii ,.o 1
did in my lifo." Weak, sickly, run down
iuuiiu iinviijH film now lire, strength
and vlunr from tholr ubo. Try thorn.
Satisfaction Kiinnmtood by A. F. Stroitz.
l'rlco 50 cents.
TO 'I'll ic
Han Francisco, Cal.July 1001
wii.1. 11 u Tin-:
Tho fnBttraiiiR ot
tho Union P.ioiflo
roach San Fran
oIhco fifteen hours
ahead of all competitors, If you
arc 111 no hurry tako a slow train
by 0110 of tho dotour routes, but if
you want to get there without do
lay tako tho historio and only
diroot route, tho
Vvry low ratos. Full information
ohoorfully furninhod upon applica
tion. JAS. B. SCANLAN, Agont.
You Need Some of these
Maydolc Hammer each 55
Alligator Wrench each 15
j-lb. box All Copper Rivets. .18
Ilamc Staples 2 for 05
Breast. Strap Slides each 05
Carpet Tacks 2 barrels for. . . .05
Clothes Hooks Vt and .02
Hills Hog- Ringers each 15
100 Hills Hog Kings 07
Bridle Bits each 08
No. 0 Steel Traps each 13
Lnd Clevises for Doubletrees
Sc, 2 for .15
Large Clevises lor Double
trees 10
Small Plow Clevises 05
Borax per lb 15
Welding Compound per lb. .. .15
Buggy Paint per pt 35
Buggy Paint per qt f0
Kcloadingbcts, 10 or 12 gauge .55
12-qt Galvanized Pail 20
12-gaugc Loaded bhells per
box 45
10-gaugc Loaded Shells per
box 50
Store closes at 8 o'clock p. 111.,
except Saturdays.
Wilcox Department j3tor"e,
First The laud 1 offer for sale
carries with it the prettiest land
scape view 111 Nebraska.
Second A never failing stream
of pure spring water.
Third--Hundreds of acres of free
grazing land.
I' onrth lCightv acreB .of the
richest crop land can be irrigated
if desiml
Fifth Only five minutes walk to
school house.
Sixth A fine lake can be .con
structed at a cost of forty or fifty
dollars. Address,
Isaac Lami'LUch.
North Platte. Neb.
or south of Chicago ask your lo
cal ticket agent to route you be
tween Omaha and Chicago via the
the shortest line between the two
cities. Trains via this popular
road depart from the Union de
pot, Omaha, daily, connecting
with trains from the west. Mag
nilicently equipped trains, pal
ace sleepers and free reclining
chair cars. Dining cars and buf
fet, library and smoking airs.
All trains lighted by electricity.
For full information about rates,
etc., address,
General Western Agent,
1504 Far nam St., OMAHA,
il. W. Howmx, Trav. Frt. and
Pass. Agt.
Legal Notice
Tho defendants L. B. Hitthbono
and itnthbono Ins wife first and
real names unknown, will tako notico
that on tho 10th day ot Dccombor,
15)00, tho plaintiff, Tho County of
Lincoln, a corporation, tiled its potition
in tho dlBtriot court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, tho objoot nnd prayor of
which is to foreoloco cortain tax lions
duly aRRUMHid by oaid plaintiff against
the southwest nuartor ot section ill, in
township tU, north ot range lit), woBt of
Sixth principal meridian. Nebraska, for
thoyoar 1891 in tho sum of 811.(17; for the
voar 18(,).i in tho sum of 10.82; for tho
yoar 181X1 in tho sgm of 18.02 for tho yoi,r
ln'Jt in tho sum or j.j.ij; ior me year
lmm in tt.o sum or fi.ui; ror 1110 yoar
180!) in tho oum of 10.70; amounting in
tho total sum of $b2.b;l; with In to rest on
801 8(5 at tho rnto of ton porcont nor an
num from tho 1st day of November,
10(H). n 1 01 which is duo and unpaid
Plaintiff prayH a decree of forooloauro
or said tax loin ami a sale ot said prom
You and ouch of you defendants nre
roqtiirod to answer said petition on or
Dororo Monday, 1110 m uay or juarcn,
A Corporation.
121 Uy II. S. Hidgloy, its Atty
Iioiinl Notice,
TliodofendtintB, Williiun A, HaiiBoiinil
John Doo, ronl nnino unknown (im-
ploiulod with A. M. Stodtlnru ot nl.) will
in to not co Unit on tho 10th day oi IJoo
1000, thoplniuttll, Tho Uountyo: tiin-
coin, u corporation, Mod its potition in
tho DlBtriot Court, of Lincoln County,
NobniBku, tho objoot nnd pruyor of
which in to forooloflo certain tax lioun,
duly iiBx'oBEod by paid plaintilT UKaiust
tho BoutlioiiBi qiinrior or bociioh iu, unvn.
Bhin 10. north ot rnnuo 20. went of Sixth
incitml tnoritlliiti, NournBicu, ror mo
vonr loil in mo Bum ot ow.uu ior uie
year iwj.t, in llio Bum oi i.j.i; ior mu
yonr 189(5, in tho sum otll!07jfor tho
your 1807, in tho Bum of 12.00; for tho
yoar 1808, in tho buui of 0 IK! for tho
yoiirlbVW, in llio Htiui oi o.ijj iiuioununB
in tho total num ot S72.;73 with interest
on 851.-10, nt tho ruto of ton por cont per
iinnuui from tho let tiny or Nov., ivw,
nil of which is duo and unpaid.
PlnintilT nrnya n dooroo of foreclosure
of Biiid tax lioiiB and n Bitlo of said prom-
You and onoh of you defendants aro
required to anawor snltl petition on or
boforo Monday, tho 25th day of
Mnrch, 1001.
A Corporation.
121 Uy II. 8. Ridgloy, Ub Atty.
MARCH 7, 8, 9.
Camilla Martin St. George
Ami hov AfiisciZ Comailv
Catchy Songs.Witty Sayings and
fancy Dances.
Admission 25 and 35 cents. Scats
on sale at Clinton's Jewelry Store.
Blacksmiths and
Wngon makers.
Horse Shoeing a Specialty.
Horse Shoeing $3 per Team.
Also reductions in the price of all
other work. Work iniarantced or
money refunded. Give us a call.
Locust street south of YoBt's
harness store.
Ur virtue nt nn ortlur ot unlo Ixnueil (rnm Din
dlntrlct court nf Lincoln comity. Nebrnsk. upon
n ilecreo iif fnreclcwuro rendered In unlit court
wtioreln Tlio County of Lincoln, n corporation, In
tilnlnllft nnd Clarence K. LuMii'lle, nt. nl., aro ilo
fviiilniitK nnd to me directed. I will on tho SUtli
ilny ot Mnrch. 1WI, nt 1 o'clock, p, ni nt tlia enxt
iroiu Moor oi ina court nouso in Norm Vlnttu,
Lincoln county. Nelirnnkn. toll nt nubile miction
to tlin lilKtirnt bidder for cnth, io dltlfy onld
dorrce. IntereolH nnd cots, llio following dn
ncrlbiMl property, to.wlt: Tho iinrlhweit ipmrtor
ot kccIIoii llvo, towiiflilp Hl.xtf en. rnnira thirty,
went Hlitli prluclpnl merlillnn, Lincoln county,
Dnted North l'lntlo, Noli., Feb. 21, 1001.
Hi Tim T. Kelimeii, Sheriff.
And all kinds of
Farm fffaehinepy.
Standard Goods at
Reasonable Prices.
A Stitch in Time
Saves Nine
Is a trite old saying, nnd is
particularly true when applied
to Shoes. Our business is to
mend Shoes, and people give
us the credit of knowing our
business from a to z. If your
Shoes need mending, bring
them here.
George Tekulve.
Ill tho dltitrlct oourt ot Lincoln count r. Nn.
In tho mutter of tho untnto of Clydo W. Fottcr
nnd Ilniol I'ottur, minor heirs of Wlllaid M.
roller, deceived ,
This cnunocnmn on for hoarlnir uton the totl
Unit of Kvn 1). potior, Kunrdlnn of tho ratnto of
Clyde W. Potior nnd Haul Potter, minor holm ot
ninrd M. Potter, dcceiwod, praying for n lloeiiHo
to noil tho followiliK rent ontnto, to.vrlt! All of
Hint portion of HOctloii nlno tU), In townnhlp thir
tem (13), north ot rnnue thirty, (30), wont ot Otli
prluclpnl merlillnn, lylnu kouUi ot tho noulh clintf
net of thu Houtli l'lntlo lllvur. mid oust ot tho pub.
llo roml liilt'rKoolliiK wild Heetlon In a northerly
mid poulhorly direction, containing intl nenm
morn or lenH, for tho purpura of InvostliiK tho
proceed In productive property, nnd It npponrlnK
to the court that unld real cntmo In unproductive
nnd oukIiI to bo Hold mid thu procoedn Invented In
productive property. It In Iberefore ordered tbnt
nil persoiiHlntuiettod In Bnld twtnle npjM'nr before
inn nt the court houne In North Plutte, Lincoln
county, Niibrnnltn, on tho 31st day or Mnrch, 11X)I,
ntnlno o'clock In the iiio'nlu, to nhovt cnuse
why n llcoimo tdiould not bo Knuited to nnld unr
illnn tOMdUnld renl ostuto for the purpottu of In
venting tin, proceeds In prnpuctlvo property. A
copy of Ihls order to be publlidied In Tlie Nonril
I'lattk TiuiiUNK for three wcekx.
Dntcd this 'M day ntMnrcli, 11101.
11. M. OlIIMEH.
m.VI Judge of the District Court.
One-Way Excursion Rates
Pro m Kansas and Nebraska Points.
AIho to polntx In Utah, Malta, Montana,
Orcein anil Washington, an follows
Ogdeu nnd
Salt Lnko City, Utah, $23.00
Butto nnd Helena, Mont , $23,00
Portland, Ore., . . $25.00
Spokane, Wash., $25,00
Tacoma and Seattle, Wnalt , $25.00
Tickets will bo sold
March B-PMO-SO, 1WM.
April i-O-lfl-23-30, 1001
JAS. 11. SCANLAN. Agent.