The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 05, 1901, Image 5

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1901 Models
Wc have
els of the
the newest mod-
in stock and would be
pleased to have you call
and examine them
TUESDAY, MARCH, 5, 1901.
Otto Thoelecke lias been in
Omaha for a day or two.
Will Vollmer is expected home
tonight from his month's visit in
the east.
J. IL McConnell and wife have
been spending1 the past week in
bouthern California.
A. L. Becgle, ot Grand Island,
one of the owners of the Yellow
Front Shoe Store, is in town today.
C. F. Iddings passed through the
city Sunday accompanying the re
mains of his brother to Warren,
R. D. Thomson and W. C. Ritner
left this morning lor Wallace where
they will transact business for a
day or two.
Tim Keliher arrived today from
Omaha. He visited Arthur Rush
last evening and found him getting
along nicely.
George H. Lawrence has accepted
a position with the Missouri Pacific
engineering corps and will lenve in
a few days for St. Louis.
Three tickets were sold to Port
laud, Oregon, today. This makes
nineteen residents of Lincoln
county who have left for Pacific
coast points so far this week.
Harrington & Tobin have re
ceived a car each of Pillsbury
Flour and Greeley Potatoes.
Dick Williams has returned from
Hot Springs, Ark., where he had
been receiving treatment for liver
trouble. He returns feeling very
much improved.
The Dillon and Patterson outfits
expect to leave soon for Wyoming
to secure contracts on the B. & M.
extension, work on which will, it
is pretty csrtain, begin early in the
Judge Ualdwin issued a marriage
license yesterday to Will R. Brooks
of Herbhey who will be united in
marriage this evening to Mrs.
Carrie A. Loker. Both parties are
well and favorably known to the
people of their neighborhood.
Do you get these Prices
Look it up in your pass book.
Kerosene Oil per gal 15
Searchlight Matches per box. .04
Yeast Foam 2 pkgs 05
iA)n Time Yeast 2 pkgs 05
Kingsfords Corn Starch per
plcge 08
Kingsfords Silver Gloss
Starch per pkge OS
Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour
per pkgc 10
140-lb. Bag Salt $1.10
Arbuckles CofTee 2 pkgs 25
Lion Coffee 2 pkgs 25
XXXX Coffee 2 pkgs ..... . .25
Bee CofTee per pkg . .14
Horse Shoe Tobacco per plug .45
Battle Ax Tobacco per Plug. .35
Star Tobacco per plug 45
Standard Navy Tobacco per
Plug" 35
J. T. Tobacco per plug 20
Wc pay J-cent each for your
Tobacco "Tags of the following
Horse Shoe,
Standard Navy,
Spear Head.
Store closes at 8 o'clock p. in.,
except Saturdays.
AilnnY np.nHitfimRnft StontfR.
mm w wmvuu jww wi
Judge Grimes is holding a term
of district court at Chappell this
Bert Beard is in lowu today in
the interests of the Kearney Daily
Alias Mabel Randolph has re
turned from a visit with her
parents at Gering.
John Lambert came up from
Grand Island yesterday and will
devote a few days to hunting ducks.
Rev. Hopston. who had been
assisting in the Methodist revival,
has returned to his home at Wil
Bonville. W. R. Mckeen, Jr., went to
Omaha last night on business
connected with his official posi
tion. Ml8 Hattie Andrews, of Minnie
apoles, arrived Friday and is the
guest of her sister Mrs. A. F.
V. F. Russell resigned his posi
tion with the Star clothing house
Saturday and will probably go to
S, C. Mccombcr came in from
Ogdcn this morning where he had
been for a few days on business
connected wflh the O. R. C.
The gip bill introduced by
Representative Evans passed the
house Thursday last. It is believed
that it will pass the senate some
time this week.
W. N. Salisbury has returned
rom Denver, where he had been
receiving medical treatment for
several weeks'
The present weather is pretty
good evidence that the ground hog
is a darned sight smarter than he
looks. In returning to his hole on
February 2d to stay six weeks he
has escaped koiiic of the worst
weather of the winter season.
If you want the best Hour made
order a sack of Pillsbury of
Harrington Tobui.
Ten tickets for California points
were sold at this station yesterday
and four at Hershey. Among
those leaying here were J. D, Wel-
liver and family who were ticketed
to Fresno, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil
A lire started this morning in a
pile of boxes in the rear of Hoag
land's confectioner store but was
extinguished before any particular
damage was done to the building.
The department responded to an
alarm with the usual alacrity.
Chicago forecast lor North Platte
and vicinity: Fair and continued
cold tonight and Wednesday. The
maximum temperature y.esterdav
was 24: one year ao it was 24.
Minimum temperature this morn
ihg was 'J; one year ago it was 12
The amount of double tracking
that is to be done by the railroads
operating between Omaha and Chi
cago, proyiding a double track
between the two cities, is an indi
cation of the great scope of railroad
improvement mapped out for the
More than one hundred thousand
acres of land were sold last month
by the Union Pacific land company,
which is greatly in excess ot the
sales in any February for a number
of years. Of the land sold nearly
four thousand acres are located in
this county.
Harrington & Tobin have just
received a carload of the celebrated
Greeley Potatoes, the best potato
The standing committee of the
house has recommended the
passage of the bill introduced by
Representative Evans appropriat
ing $25,000 for erection on the state
house grounds of a monument in
memory of Abraham Lincoln and
to Nebraska volunteer soldiers of
late wars.
This week dot?s not open very
brixk around the court house.
Judge Baldwin has issued one mar
riage license and heard one unim
portant civil case: Deputy Treas.
urer Dayis says people are not
falling oyer each other in a mad
rush to pay taxes, and County
Clerk Holtry is going it alone in
the clerk's office and yet is not over
worked. Supt. Thoeleckc is, how
ever, putting in full time looking
after the educational matters of
the county. Up stairs in the office
of clerk of the court. Mr. Elder is
making out fee bills, filing a few
new cases and occasionally doing a
little mild cussing because people
who engage in law suits do not pay
their court costs.
The latest lad for the ladies,
three for five cents up to fifty cents
each. CiiiNTON tub Jkwklee.
Fireman H. E. McCray Is home
from a protracted visit to Denver.
Mrs. Luce went to Omaha this
morning to visit Mr. and Mrs. M.
Iv. Barnttm.
Our thanks are due J. S.
utncKiey, now a member ot an
engineer corps in the Philippines,
for copies of the Manila papers.
W. A. Gaunt, who has been out
of business for some time, expects
to open a blacksmith shop on
Locust street within the next two
Train No. 3 due at 12:50 did not
arrive here until 6:30 this morning
Train No. 5 was also several hours
late. A wreck on the North
western yesterday caused the delay
It was the intention of the ar
rangement committee of the Boiler
makers' ball to send out invitations
to residents of the city, but this
idea has been abandoned, and a
general invitation is extended to
the public to be present at this
event, which will be held April 8th.
North Platte's chances of secur
ing a lighting plant docs not seem
as bright as before the two fran
chises were granted. There Is a
growing suspicion that the two
franchises were granted for the
express purpose of having one kill
the other,
Lutheran Church Notcu.
At the meeting of the council
Monday evening Claude Weitifand
was elected treasurer ot the church
vice C. F. Bock, who lately re
moved to Omaha.
The ladies' aid society will meet
Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Louis Peterson. Very import
ant that every member attend this
Regular lenten services on
Wednesday evening. Everybody
invited to be present.
The meeting for men on Friday
evening grows in attendance and
interest. Be sure to reserve this
coming Friday for the men's ser
vice. The Sunday-school offering for
Foreign Missions amounted to
eighteen dollars. The next public
meeting by the Sunday-school will
be on Easter Sunday evening at
which time a fitting program will
be rendered and the offering made
for church extension.
Horsos For Sale.
By Joseph Hershey,
street, North Platte, Neb.
Notice to Clorlcs.
All members of the clerk's union
are requested to attend the meet
ing to be held in the First National
Bank hall this evening.
Bert Owens was taken to Grand
Island Sunday morning with a load
of b!rd shot in his person. Owens
attempted to rob a corn crib at
Doniphan and while in the act was
peppered with shot by the owner Of
the corn.
Ittonoy to loan
on good security, from three to five
years. Address Mrs; J. D,
Mathews, the Leland, 1518 Curtis
St., Denver, Col.
First The land I oiler for stile
carries with it the prettiest land
scape view in Nebraska.
Second A never failinf stream
of pure spring water.
1 bird--Hundreds of acres of froo
g razing land.
I'ourth-Eiirhtv acres of tlm
richest crop land can be irrigated
if desired
Fifth Only five minutes walk to
school house.
Sixth -A fine lake can be con.
structed at a cost of forty or fifty
dollars. Address,.,-'
Isaac Lampmjrii,
North Platte, Neb.
Seamless Shoes.
Everyone knows their ad
vantage for boys and men's
Size 3 to 5, Soles quilted with
steel pegs per pair $1.75
Fine Calf, size 3 to 5lj, pet
pair $2.00
Medium weight, a good -ill
around Shoe, per pair.. $2.00
You will find our Shoes will give
you complete satisfaction. We
buy no shoddy goods.
Store closes at 8 o'clock p. m.
except Saturdays.
Department Sto
X Railroad Notes. S
y mi
Supt. Ware transacted business
in Grand Island yesterday,
Yardmastcr Vernon has returned
from his visit at Boone, Iowa.
Jay Stuart began work the latter
part of last week in Foreman
McKccn'8 office.
i, Iv. Ross has returned to
Rawlins and resumed his position
as Union Pacific conductor.
President Burt of the Union Pa
cific went west in his car attached
to train No. 101 Sunday evening,
Union Pacific civil engineers are
in the city making a re-survey and
location of the yards and switches
Jas. Mttishall returned to work
yesterday morning after laying off
six weeks on account of an injured
Yesterday was the date for open
ing the gravel pits at Sherman,
but whether work began we haye
not learned.
President Burt's mission in the
west is supposed to be in conuec
lion with the amalgamation of the
Unton Pacific and the Southern
Pacific. '
Theodore Lowe began work in
the car repair gang yesterday. He
was for many years employed in
the oil room, but quit that work a
couple ot months ago.
Fred Distell, who has been boiler
washer at the round house for a
dozen years, will be given different
work owing to attacks ot rheu
matism. John Herman resumed work yes
terday on the road as fireman. Joe
Koons goes on the night switch
engine and John Dick is placed on
the extra list.
The gravel bed at Sherman will
be opened this week and soon the
ballast cars will begin to chase up
and down the Union Pacific, de
veloping hot boxes and other de
lights dear to a train man's heart.
Twent)-oue miles of old rails on
the Fourth district from Potter
west will be taken up this spring
and relaid with eighty pound steel.
forty-one miles on the Second
district will be similarly treated.
One day last week the freight
movement on the middle division of
the Pennsylvania railroad was 152
trains over the division, each haul
ing an average of forty cars. In
acditiou to these frciirht trains
there were about twenty passenger
Alexander Campbell, for many
years superintendent for the Burl
ington road, with headquarters at
McCook, Neb., is quoted as fallows
by the Sheridan Post on the subject
of the Salt Lake extension of that
road: The Burlington is going to
Salt Lake City and to the Pacific.
No power on earth can stop it.
The great ambition of Mr Hold
rege, the manager of the road, is to
extend the line to the waters of the
Pacific, and it will not be long be
fore his desire is accomplished. We
ire going to the coast, for Holdrege
is dead set on it, and what is the
use arguing the question? The talk
lbout Mr. Holdrege meeting Presi.
dent Burt of the Union Pacific to
listen to an argument against ex
tending the line to Salt Lake City
and Ogden is nonsense. Nobody
could argue with Holdrege on that
subject for he knows it is going to
be accomplished.
Alfalfa Sood for Sale.
By Joseph Hershey. Locust I
street, North Platte, Neb.
or south of Chicago asli your lo
cal ticket agent to route you be
tween Umaha and Chicago via the
the shortest line between the two
cities. Trains via this popular
road depart from the Union de
pot, Omaha, daily, connecting
with trains from the west. Mag
nificently equipped trains, pal
ace sleepers and free reclining
chair cars. Dining cars and buf
fet, library and smoking cars.
All trains lighted by electricity.
For full information about rates,
etc., address,
General Western Agent,
1504 Farnam St., OMAHA.
II, W. IIowici.l, Trav. Frt. and
Pass, AgU
An address bv Joseph Clioate
mnuassncior to urcat uritaiu, on
the career and character of Abra
ham Lincoln his earlv life his
early struggles with the world his
character as developed in the later
years ot his life and his administra
tion, which placed his name so higl
on the world's roll of honor and
fame, has been published by the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway and may be had by sending
si. o) cents in postage to i . v,
Miller, General Passenger Agent
nicago, in,
You Need Some of these
May dole Hammer each 55
Alligator Wrench each 15
J$-lb. box All Copper Rivets. .18
Hamc Staples 2 for 05
Breast Strap Slides each 05
Carpet Tacks 2 barrels for. . . .05
Clothes Hooks ltJ and .02
Hills Hog Ringers e
100 Hills Hog-Rings 07
Bridle Bits each OS
No. 0 Steel Traps each 13
rjim vises 101 .uoiiuieirees
8c, 2 for .15
Large Clevises lor Double
trees 10
Small Plow Clevises 05
Borax per lb 15
Welding Compound per lb... .15
nuggy i-aint per pi 3o
Buggy Paint per qt fiO
Reloading-bets, 10 or 12 gauge .55
12-qt Galvanized Pail 20
12-gaugc Loaded Shells per
box 45
10-gaugc Loaded Shells per
no 50
Store closes at 8 o'clock n, m.,
except Saturdays.
Wilson Department Store,
lly lrtll(t of nn oruor nf miln ImiiimI fmm
district court nf Lincoln county, Nvbrnnkn, tinon
n iloorft) t.f foroclOMirn romlorixl In nlcl court
wliurrln The County of Lincoln, n corporation, In
inimiii iino uinrt'iicn iv,'iie, pi. ni urn on
feniliuitd ninl to inn illrccliil, I will on llio Slih
Iny of Muri'li. llUI. nt 1 o'clock, n in., nt tlm pnut
mint noor ot uie court liouxo In Noitli Hullo.
Lincoln rnnniy. Nbrnkn. mil nt mililla nnrtlon
lo tlif tiltihr Kt IjliMor for null, to mlit
ilocrpo, IntcrPKtM Hint co.In, tlm following ilr
ocrliH'd )roirty. to-wlt: Tlio imrlliwcM iiinrlr
of Kcctlun nvo, tnwnnlilp Mxlfi'ii. rntiKti thirty,
wont Hlnth principal inurlilinn, Lincoln county.
Dntcl North l'lntto, Keu., Fob. HI, 1D0I.
f-2- Tim T, Kkmh kii, Sheriff.
The defendants the Administrator, the
Kxecutor anil the Unknown Ilelrn of John
I). Taylor, deceased, whose real ikuiioh and
residence are to thin plalntlrr unknown,
will take notice that on the I tit ti ilav
of July 1000, the plaintiff The
County of Lincoln -i corporation, tiled Its
IIm petition in the district court of Lincoln
county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which Ih to foreclose certain tax Hens, duly
assessed by said plaintiff against the south
halfot the Northeast quarter anil the north
half of the Southeast nf Section Kluht. In
Township Thirteen, north of Kane Twenty
seven west of the Sixth Principal
meridian. Nebraska, for the vcar IfcKi In the
sum of 811. TO; for the year 1801 In the sum
of 910 -13; for the year I KM In the sum of
tout, for the year IHUiHn the sum of HOiH
lor ine year iUT in uie sum ot ih.du: tor the
car lbOH in the sum of 11.01: lor the vcar
800 In the sum of 13.33. amounting In the
total sum ol i.3l: with Interest on ill 03
at rate often per cent per annum from the
isi nay ot may, ivuv, an oi wmcn is due una
1'lalntIlT nravH a decree of foreclosure of
said tax lieu and a sale of said prcmUcs.
You and each of vou defendants are re.
(Ulrcd to answer said petition on or before
Monnay, intn oayot niarcn, iuui.
A Corttoratlon.
f lit y II. S. HldRley, I tit Attorney.
Iioe,al Notice
J'ho (lofoncliintB William D. Puirsloy,
I'uHlt-y his wife- first nud rtml
nnmo unknown, T J. Iwioltoy mill John
Uuu roal nnmo unknown will tnUo notice
Hint on tho 10th day of Douombor,
1900. tlio plaintiff, Tho County of
Lincoln, n corporation, Mod Uh petition
in tlio di-triut court of Liucoln oounty.
Nohnifilui, tlio object and pray or of
which ih to forocloBo certain tax lions
duly iiBHCHBoil by i aid plaintiff iiipiiuBt tho
doulh half southwest quarter of south
hair or soiillioaat ciimrtor or section -l, In
towushin 14. north of ranee 29, west of
Sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, fur
tlio year ltiU.nn I In- sum or PS. Hi: for tho
year 181)0 in the sum of 0 1(5; for tho year
lb'.)7 in the sum of 1 Oo'.'for tho year 1UUH
in 1 ho sum of ft. 2D; for the yoar 1801)
in tho sum of; amounting in the
total sum of with Intercut on
22,22 nt tho rate of ton per. cent per
milium front tho 1st day ot INovotnUor,
11KK), nil of which is duoand unpaid,
Plaintiff prays u decree of foreulosuro
of said tax loin nud a sale of said prein-
Vou nud each of you defendants uro
required to nnswor said petition on or
before Monday, tho 2otli day of March,
A Corporation.
121 I3y II. S. UidKloy. its Ally
Legal Notice.
Tho dofeudnntfl tho administrator,
the executor anil tho unknown heirs of
II. V. Newport docased, whoo real
names ami residences arc to this plain
tiff unknown, will talto notice that on
tho 1th dayorSopt., 1000, tho plaintiff,
Tlio County of Lincoln, a corporation,
Mod its petition in the district court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, tho object
and prayer of which is to foreclose cer
tain lax lions duly rwossod by said
plaintiff against the northeast quarter
of .Section .1"), in Township 9, north,
of !tini;o HI. wost of the Sixtli
principal meridian, Nobuiplui, for tho
year 189.) In the sum of 8111 87; for tho
year 1890 in the sum of 16.91, for tho
year 1807 in thosum of 12.(17; for tho year
1893 in tlio Mini of 11,71; for tho year
1899 in the sum of 0.11; amounting in
tlm totnl sum of 00.27, with intorcst on
$17.40 at tho Jrato of ten per cent per
annum from the lttth day of August,
19(10, all of which is dun and unpaid.
Plaintiff prays a decreo of fore
ol oh tiro of said tax lion and a snlo of
sai l promises.
Vou and oaoh of you defendants aro
reri'iired to answer pnld potition on or
boforo Monday, tho 25th doy of March,
A Corporation,
12-1 By II. S. Itidfloy, it Atty.
MARCH 7, 8, 9.
VT J nt n
i Mar
And hor JMiisiciil Comedy
Catchy Songs, Witty Sayings and.
Fancy Dances.
Admission 25 and 35 cents. Scats
on sale at Cliuton'a Jewelry Store.
The I3ig Dramatic Success:
The Idyl of the Arkansaui Hills
nPir.lMAI Company of
Company of
Superior Players.
Scenic Display of Great Splendor
As presented 300 consecutive
nights in Is'cw York City at
Fifth Ave. Theatre.
Blacksmiths and
i-Iorse Shoeing a Specialty.
Horse Shoeing $3 per Team.
Also reduction in the nrlce of all
other work. Work miarantccd or
money refunded. Give uh a call,
Locust street Bouth of Yoat'B
harness store.
Iieiral Notice.
Tho dofondanin di-orco R Whitn (Im
pleaded with John W. Wood, ot id.),
win nine nonce mat on ino M any or
April, 19U0, the plaintiff Tho County of
Lincoln, a corporation, tiled its petition
In tint .tmirt f T.!n..nln n.,..
... v.. vi .,-Jbwv WUIW Ul AJIIiltUIll LUUUiy,
Nebraska, thoohjectnnd prayer of which
am tn fnrenlnHn rnrtniii tuv IIumd lnK.
assessed by said plaintiff mrainst tho.
noriuwesi qunrtor oi sooiion u. towusnlp
12. north nf runrni llll u'mt. nt Rlrlli nrln.
oipal meridian, Nebraska, for the yoar
ioiw in mo sum or b-mu; ror inoyoar
189.1 In tlm mini nf 0.10. fur llm vnnr
181)1 in the sum of 10.85; for tho yonr
ioikj in uio sum or U4t; ror tho year
1890 m tho sum of 18.02; Tor tho yoar
1897 in tho sum of 10.05; for th yoar
1898 in tho sum of 0.7G; for tho yoar
1891) tn tlin Bum nf fil'ifl- nmnmillni. In
the total Bum of S97.88; with intorost ou
8711 7(i at tho rate of ton por cent por
annum from tho flrstday of May, 1900,
all of which Is duo and unpaid.
Plaintiff prays n decree of foreclosure
of said tux lion and a salo of said prom-
You and onch of you defendants nro
required to answer said potition on or
before Monday tho 25th day ot March,
A Corporation,
fi21 lly. If. S. Uiduloy, ita Atty.
And all kinds oC
Farm flIachinepy.
Standard Goods at
Reasonable Prices.
Pi Stitch in Time
Saves Nine
Is a trite old saying, and is
particularly true when applied
to Shoes. Our business is to
mend Shoes, and people give
us the credit of knowing our
husiness from a to z, If your
Shoes need mending, briug,
them here.
G-eorge Tekutoe.
llll K liCOlf