The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 05, 1901, Image 4

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    TUESDAY. MARCH 5, 1901.
IRA L B Af IB, Editor and Proi'kirtoii
One Year, ensh In advance , 11.28
Six Monthi, cash In advance 7S Cent'
Entered sUheNorthFlntte(NbrMkA)postomoas
It is currently reported that
MattDamjhcrty, wlio is in Wash
ington this week, will tender his
resignation as receiver of the
United States land office at Sid
ney. Matt will, it is said, be ten
dcrcd a fatter office through the
influence of senator elect Kern of
William McKinlisy was for
the second time inducted into the
presidential chair yesterday in
the presence of one of the largest
crowds that has ever assembled
in the capital city. The weather
vas fine throughout the day and
this added ranch to the comfort
of those who overcrowded the
city. In his inaugural address
the policy outlined is to do every
thing possible to perfect as far
as possible civil government in
all countries now in our pos
session. Skn.vtok Thukston's term ex
pired yesterday: As a senator
he proved a disapointmcnt to the
republicans' He has the ability
and had the opportunity to be
come a leader in the senate and
to place himself in the fore
most rank of the leaders of his
party, but he seemed not to care
for these. His inaction and his
indifference has shorn him of
that trreat popularity in which he
wasoncchcld by the republicans
of Nebraska; he is no longer the
idle ot his party in tins state,
Tins shrewdest men get
caught occasionally at least, when
they attempt to win by ways that
are dark. Uur former towns
man Guy Barton who put up his
b5(),000 to secure a four mil ion
dollar waterworks contract at
Grand Rapids, may be vindicated
of the suspicion that now rests j
upon him, but in the meantime
the. people will smear tar on him.
However if Barton gets back his
missing fifty thousand plunks he
vill feel strong enough to ward
oft the unfrendly trusts of the
Tun next balloon trip of any
considerable length is likely to
be made across the Desert ot
' Saha'ra. Already two members
of the Paris Aero club have made
a trip of 1,313 miles over Europe
from Paris to Kiew, in Russia,
in an air ship. They accom
plished the journey in thirty-six
huurs. Now they arc anxious to
to try n voyage across the desert
unde'r the same conditions. The
Aerp club, which has been con
sidenng the Sahara trip for sev
eral years, has taken up the sub
ject in .earnest. As it has en
thusiasm and plenty of money its
success in any venture it may
undertake is probable.
The story is told that the
prime reason why D. E. Thomp
son is so unxious to be elected
Unitqd States senator is to push
through a private scheme.
Thompson and Manager Holtl-
rege of the B. & M. own a large
tract of land in Mexico which is
valueless because so distant from
a railroad, They have attempted
to secure a rignt-oi-way lor a
road from the Mexican govern
mcnt but have failed. Thomp
son hopes that by getting elected
senator he may secure backing
irom oinciais in Washington
strong enough to influence the
Mexican government in granting
himself and lloldreure the de
sired right-of-way for the road.
This tract of land is so large
that with a railroad traversing it
the owners would become mil
Here is a brief summary of
uiu pruperiies cuiiHuuumg me
recently organized United States
btccl corporation. Une hundre
and forty-uine steel works; sev
enty-cight blast furnaces and six
nnisning plants. included in
the list arc bar mills, structura
steel and plate mills, tinplatc
jyuus, sheet mills and wire rot
and wire nail mills. Nine million
tons is the annual capacitv m
finished material. The Lake
bupenor iron mines, owned by
tins gigantic combine, produce!
11,000,000 tons of ore last year
It has 18,300 coke ovens, 70,830
acres of coal lands and about
30,000 acres of service lands in
the coal regions. Its lake flee
will number sixty-four vessels
tTl it T- m
wncri tne itocucieiier ore and
vessel interests arc absorbed i
will have 125 ore carriers. This
company will employ 125,000
WQg. MiaucapoliB Timfcy.
Tim reduction of the Ameri
can force in China to a mere lega
tion iniard of 200 men will soon
be accomplisiicti, and uncic nam
w ill then be well out ol dan
ger of being drawn into a long
and portentous struggle with
Chinese people. Progress is be
lli": made lowaru a settlement
and it seems at present that the
trouble will end without a war
of conquest and the partition of
China. But at the same time it
requires only a spark to ignite
the Chinese powder mine and
this nation docs not want to be
even indirectly responsible for
causing any accident of that kind.
btate Journal,
Ouu Lincoln corrcsponent
writes: By the application of the
fifth clause in the caucus call
which provides that "only repub
licans of unquestioned loyalty
shall be considered," the caucus
has been a fizzle from the bcgin
ing. It becomes more and more
apparent that nothing can be
done until Mr. Thompson retires
from the race. This situation is
so plain that the chairman of the
national committee lias written
to Mr. Thompson and wired to
several others that every sacri
fice should be made and new can
didates selected to save the pnrty
from disaster. It remains to be
seen whether Mr. Thompson is
patriotic cnoucrh to obev this sug
gestion, which is being repeated
in the fifteen linndrcd precincts
of Nebraska, or whether he will
maintain the unrepublican
position taken by some of his
supporters that "it must be
lhompson or nobody.' It is
clear now that should the Lincoln
man's election be forced in the
face of the storm of protests
from over the state, the party
will find itself in a sad plight in
the coininir campaigns. The
majority in the state is not large
cnought to warrant the offending
ol two hundred republican news
papers and fifty or a hundred
thousand republican voters. On
this point Vice Chairman Payne
of the national committee has
written that "it is a thousand
times more important that the
state should elect two republicans
than that some particular indivi
ual should be selected." This
is a patriotic sentiment which
ocs not seem to strike a respon
sive chord in the heart of Mr.
Ill tho district rourt of Lincoln fcouutv. No
In tho mutter of lliu estnte of Cljdo W, 1'ollrr
unci lintel roller, tmillir heirs or Wlllnid M
niter, deceased.
Till causocamn on for hoiiilnir noon tlio null
tlon of Kvii 1), Potior, guardian of Hut estnte of
Clyde W. I'otlor nucl llaxol roller, minor heirs of
llliircl M. Potior, dtcenscd, praying fur n license
o toll llio following real imfntu. lo-wlt: All ot
Hint portion of section nliio (U). In township thir
teen i mi, ii inn oi range iniriy, iau, west or utu
principal marlilliin. lvinir south of llm hiuiIIi uhali-
mil or llio Houtli i'lntto ttlver, nnil east of ilio pub-
no rnnu imoiseuiiug said section in ntinnlitrly
lid southerly dlicvllnn. cnntululmt L7tf norm
more or less, for llio purposn of Investing llio
irori-oilr, in productive property, and It appearing
otlioc'tut Hint nilil renl okIii o In unproductive
ml nilulit to lu sold ami llio proceeds Invented In
productive Property It 1h therefore iinlnroil llmt
nil persons Inloiestcd In until itntn niimmrliufnro
mo nt llio coutt hoUKU III North PIhIIii, I.Uirnln
county, Niilrnkn, nn the Slut tiny of Miucli. ISKJI,
hi iiiiio o oiDcx in iuo tuo iiiiik. to Mum cnui
wny n llcollSK Hllllllld not tin uriitiloil In nulil iunr
iPnn to gall raid ro il uUntu for thu of In
vvniinu in" pnmruiia in piiiHiruvo proporiy A
copy or una oritur to lie publlnlinil luTllK Noiitii
1-i.attk iiiiiiuNR rnr uirun woeim
Uiitml tUU -M tiny of March, Mil.
ii r nnTMtru
ui.3 Juduo of Ilia District Court.
Ono-Way Excursion Rates
Prom Kansas and Nebraska Points.
Also to nolnlM In ITtali. Iilnlin. Mnnt.'in.i. I
Ori'Kon ami WaililtiKtoii, as folluwu...
Ogilon ami
Salt Lalto City, Utah, $23.00
But to and Holoua, Mont , 23 00
Portlanil, Oro , $25,00
Spokane, Wash., 820.00
TAComa and Soattlo, Waah , 325.00
Tickets will bo sold
March ft-IMU-SO, 1001.
April ;.o.iov.i-3j, tool
ikr. Tinworkev
General llepairer.
Special attention given to
1 legal Notice.
Tho dofondiinta James S. Smnll,
Riniill IiIb wifo llrst mime unknown, tho
Jliirk & Leonora" Invotmoni Cotnpnny
tint! John Doo real tin tun unknown, will
ta k uotice that on tho 10th day ot Do
1 coin bo r, il)UO, tho plaintiir, Tho County ot
Lincoln, u corporation, tiled its potition in
tho iil-lriot court ot Lincoln county, JNo-
DrnBltn, tho object and prnyor of which is
to forocloeo curtain tax lions, duly as
HORPod by Haiti plaintiff, against tho
southeast quarter ot section 13, in
township 10, north of rutiiro 29, wost
of Sixth principal moridlnn, Nebraska,
for tho year 1892 in tho sum of
8 IT) .02; for tho year 1803 in tho sum of
12 .11; for tho year J 891 in tho sum of
12 Jit; for tho ytnr 1805 in tho sum of
11.2G; for tho yoar i89G in tho sum of
i;j;iu; for tho yonr 181)7 in tlio sum of
D.G1 fortho yoar i898in tho sum of 7 0oj
for tho yoar i809 In tho sum of 1.07;
atii' Uiitlntf in tho totnl sum of $85.12;
with interest on ?!)8 15 at tho rato of ton
por cent por annum from tho 1st day of
iSovomuor, luw. all of which la duo and
l'laintili prays n decroo of forccloauro
of said tax lion and a Bale of said prom
You and each of you defendants aro
required toanswor said potition on or
boforo Monday, tho 25th day of
March, i901.
A Corporation.
121 By II. S. ltiduloy. its Attornoy
IiOfjal Notice
Tho tlofondant8 John F. Stownrt.
(lui)loiulo(l with John L. Sooloy ut ul.)
will unto nolleo Hint on Iho It Ii day or
Sopt., 1000, tho pliiintlir, Tho County of
Ijinuoin, a corporniion, tlletl us potition
in tho di.-trict, court ot Lincoln county,
Nobrimka, thu objoct anil prnyor of
which ib to forocioso cnrtnln tax hone
duly fiBHOBPod by said plaintiir iiBninflt
thonorthweet quartor of section Ut, in
lownnhip 10, north of runuo 31. west nf
tnobixth principnl inoridiun, isoDrMBKn,
fortho yonr 1893 in tho sum of 817.77; for
llio year 1801 in tho buhi of J I 70; for
tho your 181)5 in tho Binn of 13.8(1; for tho
your 181)0 in tho Bum of -15GG; fortho your
18U7 in tlioBum or G.3U; Tor tho y-ar 1808
m tho sum of 0.43; fortho voar 1809
in th" buiii of fi.ISO; nmoutitiuK in tno
tutnl Bum or with interest on
870 70, at tho rato of ton por cont por
annum from tho 14th (lay of August,
llKR), all or wnich ib duo una unpaid.
I'lninttir prays a docreo or lorocl'-suro
of said tax lion nnd a salo ot fluid prom-
1 on and oticii ot you uoionnnntB aro
required to nnswor biuU potition on or
boforo Mondtiv, tho 123th tiny of
March, 1001.
A Corporation.
121 Uy II. H. KidKloy. its Atty
Loual Notice
Tho defendants, Wiliinm A, Hoimonnd
John Duo, real nnmo unlcnown (im
pleaded with A. M. Stoddard ot nl.) will
nlr.i l.ol nn 4li,i, .-t l.n mil. . n. nf
IllibltU IIIIIUWU 11IU 1U11I UIIT Ul 1rU.l
l'JUU, llioplaintill, Tho Uounty ol Liin
coin, a corporation, (Hod ltn petition in
Min UiBtrict Court of Lincoln County,
NobniBltn, tho object and prnyor of
which is to forocloao cortaiu tnx liens.
duly aBoBhod by Biiid plaintiir nRninst
tho BoutnotiBt quarter of Bootlon 10, town
Btiip 10, north of ranco 20, west of Sixth
principal meridian, XNourasita, for the
year ism in tho Bum of 817.00; for tho
yt-nr 1803, in tho sum ot 12.13; for tho
yoar 1890, in tho sum ol 12 07; for ttio
yonr 1807, in tho sum ot 12.00: for Iho
yoar 1893, in tho sum of 0 02; for tho
year 1899, in tho sum of 8,12; amounting
in tho total sum oi erJ.w.l with iLlorost
on 51.10, at tho rato of ton por cont per
ii ii nu in trom tho 1st tiny ot Nov.. 1UUO.
all or which is duo anil unpaid.
I'loiutill pravH u docreo of loroolosuro
or sain tax nonu aud a sale or buhi prem
You and ouch of you dofondnntfl aro
rcmurod to nimwor said potition on or
boforo Monday, tho 25th day of
.March, looi.
A Corporation.
121 IJy H.S. Uidloy, its Atty.
Leual Notice.
Tho dofoudiiuts L. B. Unihbouo
and Hathbono his wife first and
real nnmoa utilcnown, will tnko notico
that on tho 10th day ot December,
1000, tho plaintiir, Tho County of
Lincoln, a corporation, tilod its potition
in tho district court of Lincoln county,
NobriiBltn, tho objoot nnd prnyor of
which is to foreclose cortain tax lions
duly iiBBesHod by said plaintilT against
tho BoiitinvoBt qunrtor ot section 31, in
towimhii) i0. north of rnnio 20. wost of
Sixth principal nioridinn. Kobrnsltn, for
tho yoar 1801 in tho sum of 8U.G7; for I
year 180."i in tho sum of 10.82; for I
yoar 1800 in tho sum of 18.02 for tho yoar
inui in mo mini or lit.rj; ror iho yoar
lava in n. o sum or o.res: for t ho vonr
tnir.i in tno mini or ntiiounlimr In
tlm total Hum of 882.83: with lutorest on
ssuiati at tno rato or ton por cont por an
mini rroin mo ibi day or isovemhur.
iwm, tut or winch IB duo uud unpaKl
i'lainiiii prayB a docroo or roreo osuro
or said tax loin and n flulo ot said nrom
ion and ouch ot you dofondunts are
roquirou to answiir sain potition on or
boforo Monday, tho 25th day of March,
A Corporation.
121 By II. S. Uidloy,itB Atty
Xioffnl Notico.
Tlio defendants Win. S. Kiioeshnw,
iviccanaw ins wiro llrst ami real nnmo
unknown, and John Doo truo name un
known, will tnko notico that oti tho 10th
day ot December, 1000, tho plaintiir, Tho
County of Lincoln, a corporation, tiled
its potition in tho district court ot Lin
coln county, Nobrnka, tho objoot and
prnyor of which is to forooloso certain
tnx lions, duly iissessod by said phiintitT
aciiiust lots 2, 3, l,nnd Rotitlioast quarter
of tho northwest quarter ot section
li, in township 12, north of rni)Ko32, west
or tno Hi.vm principal moritiinn, sso
brnpka, for iho year 1803 in tlio sum of
81tj.-15;fpr tho yenr 180(1 in tho sum of
10 CO; for tho yonr 1807 in tho stun of
0.78; for tho yonr 1808 in tho sum ot
f.70; for tlio yonr 1800 in tho sum of
158; ntnouutini; in tho totnl sum ot
fftl.20; with interest on $38.71 at tho
rato ot ton por cont por annum from tho
1st ilny or Novombor, IWO, nil or wnloh
is duo nnil unpaid.
Plaintiir prays, a docreo of foreclosure
or mm tax lieu nun a snio or satti prom
Yon nnd onrh of you dofondnnts nro
1 required to answer snid potition oa or
oomro Mommy, tno uotn tiny or Mttrcn,
A Corporation.
121 By II, S. KtUgluy, itu Attorney
Anticipating the wants of
men who wear good clothes
good material, good workman
ship and Rood fit we have
laid in a nice line of Kail and
Winter Suitings and Pauts
Goods, and solicityour orders.
We can satisfy you in fit and
Fint Door North Wilcox Storo.
Legal Notico,
Tho defendant Frnncis M. Heath
or nam, win tnito notico mat on
tho 10th day of December, 1000,
tho plaintiir, Tho County of Lincoln,
n corporation, tiled its petition
in tho district court ot Lincoln county,
Nobroskn, tho objoct nnd prnyor of
which ib to foroloso cortnin tnx liens,
duly asBCBBod by Bald pluintill against
tho northwest qunrter or section
20, in township 12, north of range
20, wost of Sixth principal meridian,
Nebraska, for tho yoar 189o in tho sum
nf 818.05; for tho year 1800 in tho sum of
11.0.); for tho year IbOi in tho sum or
5.10; for tho yoar 1808 in tho sum of
8.00; for tho yoar 1809 in tho sum of
021; amounting in tho totnl sum of
$50.33; with intorcst on 338 21 at tho
rato of ton por cent por annum from tho
1st day of. November, 1000, nil or which
Ib duo and unpaid.
rinintili nrnys a docreo or roroclosuro
ot Biiid tnx lion nnd a eulo of said prem
You and each ot you defendants nro
required to answer said potition on or
boforo Monday, tho 25th dny ot March,
A Corporation.
i21 By II. S. ltidirjoy, it" Attornoy.
Legal Notice.
Tho dofondnnts Ora Haloy. Haley
his wifo llrst and rcnl nnmo unknown,
James L. Lonibnrd nnd John Doo
ronl namo unknown, will tnko no
tico that on tho 10th day of Decem
ber. 1000, tho plaintiir, Tho County
of Lincoln, n corporation, filed itn poti
tion in tho district court ol Litncoln
county. Nobrnskn, tho object and proyor
of which is to foreclose cortnin tnx lions,
duly iiBsePBod by snid plaintiir ngainst
tho northwest quarter or sootion .JO, in
township 10. north or rnngo 128. west or ttio
Sixth principal tnoridinn, Nobrnska, for
tho yoar 1801 in ttio sum orsi-i'l; ror
tlm yonr 1805 in tho sum of 13 13; for
tho yonr 1800 in tho sum of 1113; tor
tho yonr io in the sum or; ror
tho yoar 1893 in tho sum nf 7.14; for tho
yoar 1899 in tho sum of 5 01; nmountinp
in tho t"tni sum or fcwOOO: with interest
on 13 80 at tho rato of ten por cent
nor annum from tho 1st dny of Novom
bor. 1900, nil of which is duo and unpnid.
I'lntntilT prays 11 Uecreo of foreclosure
of Enid tax lion and n salo of said prom
You nnd each of you dofondnntfl nro
ronuired to answer said petition on or
boforo Mondny. tho 25th day of Morch
A Corporation,
f 121 By II. S. Kidgloy. its Attorney
Lognl Notico.
Tho dofondnnts. Wiliinm J. Wnt
pon, Watson his wito, tlrst
nnd renl namo unknown, and John
Doo truo nnmo unknown, will
tnlco notico that on ih 10th dny of Do
combor, 1000, tho plnintill, Tho County
of Lincoln, a corporation, tiled its peti
tion in Iho district court or Jjincoln
county, Nobrnskn, iho object and prnyer
.,.!... !.. 1 . I!
ill wiuuii ih mi inrouinso coruiiu ui. iiunt,
duly opsessod by paid plointill, ncnitiB'
tho sonthwept. nnnrtor of pection .U,
in township 15. north of rnneo 20. wost of
SiNth prinoip d tnoridinn, Nebraska, 'or
tlio yonr louo in tho sum or Sii.u; ror
tho year 1800 in the Hum of 12 04; for
tho yenr 1807 in tho sum of 8.07: for
tho yonr 1808 in tho sum of C.KJ; fortho
yonr 1800 in tho sum of 3 40: nmountinu
in tlio totnl buiii nt 811.20; with interest
on $32.02, nt tho rnto of ton p"r cont
per annum rrom thP 1st dny or ftovom
bor, 1000, nil of which is duo nnd unpnid
l'laintili nrnys a docreo of foreclosure
ot said tax lP'nB and n salo of said prom
011 and each of you dofondnnts nro
roquirod to answer said potition on o
boforo Monday, tho 2oth dny of March
A Corporation,
121 Uy II. S. Killjoy, its Attorney
The (IcfuiiiLints JaniL'H S. Sin:ill.
Small, his wife, llrst and real namo unknow
Tlio inarK .v Leonard invcstmont Company
unu .101111 not', real name unknown, win i.iku
notico that on thu Kit It ilav of Decombcr.lWX),
tne plaintiir, Tlic uounty or Lincoln, a cpr.
Duration, tiled Its petition In the tllstrlct court
of Lincoln county. Nebraska, the object anil
nrayer 01 wnicn is to lorvelose certain tax
IciiH.ilulvasNUHKMlliVH.ilil TiliitntlfT airaltiHt
the northeast quartor section in. in town
ship M, north nt nume '."J. west of the Sixth
principal meridian. Nebraska, lor the year
mu. in me Mini 111 iio.ii., ior ine
IWKI In the sum of 2 31. for the year
ipvi 111 me sum 01 inc vear im'hiii me
HUlll of , 11 .L'll. for tho vi-.-ir IMXl in lh anm nf
I3.:I0, 'or the year IMrfln the sum ot'ili.M; for
ineyenr iwh in tne sum ot f..iii tor in
year IhW in the sum of l.07; atuountln
in the total sum ofiS.r.'-, with Interest on
HRL-ia at tne rate ot ten ner cent nor an
mini from the Iht tlay ot November, 1000.
all nt which Is 1 tie ami unnanl.
l'lalntlrt prays a decree of foreclosure
nt sain tax liens ami a sale ol said prem
You and each of vou defendants, are re
quired to answer said petition on or before
Monday, ttif Wth ilav of March, unit.
tun op l.lNl ui.N.
A Corporation,
Hit Ily II. S. ItldRley. Its attorney
lkoai. NOTioi:.
The ilefrnilnnts Heury A. Tuoitinii. - Thomas
Ills wlfn. tlrtt nnil renl nnm unknown, ami
Oiornii J. Kellvy lll tnko nntlct, lliut on the 10th
iluy ul DeremWir, 11KH), tlio iilnlntltt, Tho County
01 i.iui-oin, 11 corporniion, men Its imtitinn in 111c
ilUtrlct court ot Lincoln couulv. Nnbrimka. thu ob
jvet nuil irayer of which Is ta foreclose certain
tnx Hem, duly nni.eil by until ilnlntlft niinlu
HOitlluMii-t ounrlur of section V!H. In townfliln
norm or mime w. weal or tne Hlilti nrlnclnni
merlillnn, Nelirnvkn, fur the year lblU n li ium
ot tlH.7tls for thu year 1&1H In Hie sum of Ml 10: for
the yenr lbM In the sum of ill. 11; (or the year 1KHI
111 me sum 01 in.w; ior inu yenr isv? in tne sum
01 ja.tni ror uie yenr itw lu ine sum of js va ro
the yenr 18W) In the mm of HI 07l nmonntlriK t
the total sum oj Ml.iSi with luterent on tISOd nt
ttierntu nf teutisrceutpernnnnm from the Utdny
of November IVW, nil nt wnicb Is iluo nuil 11 n
l'lalntlrt riays n decree of (nrecloeuro of mill
tnx lieu ami Mle of salil nremle.
You an J ouch of you ilcfeuilniils, nre renulrocl to
noswer salil iwtllliin on or before Momlay, th
tliunyot smrcn. ivui.
lMled February 11. 1WH.
A Onrtmrntlou.
Ul U. B, WlfifWr, IWAUbrney',
North PlattcTNcb.. Feb fl. 11)01.
At thin rpirularlv .Inniiarv afllnnrnnil it.nol.
Introf tlic lloard ot County Cominlisloiiern
of Lincoln count'', Nebraska, the following
estimate ot the expenses of the county dur
ing the ensuing year for thescveral county
funds and bonded precincts and districts,
and to meet bonds, coupons or warrants le
gally Issued and bills not acted on by the
County neneral I-'und tJo.OOO 00
liriocu i- unu . H.oou w
ltoad Fund . ik.ouo oo
Soldlcr'8 Uellcf . .. W
Slnklni' tnlnt-pxt
Uradv Island f 1 10000 ciskioo
Nichols loo oo kw oo
I H rd wood , Toooo too oo
'Fallon im oo r.V) oo
Kurcka NX) uo low oo
Medicine ltoad noo oo 400 oo
Mct'hcrson Irrigation Boo 00 r50 00
South Side Internal Iinnrov-
ineni ioo wj
m oj
Dlst. Nn. Sinking Interest
1.1 t -u 00
(3 15 00
to so 00
07.... M00
to no co
101 woo
30 00
25 00
35 00
30 00
35 00
-10 DO
40 00
35 10
15 on
35 00
10 IK)
15 00
85 00
30 00
50 00
10 00
im 00
this Cth day
10 M) 00
'JU 2T 00
1 00 10 00
28 30 00
33 ft) 00
73 15 00
61 0 00
!M N)00
8U fO 00
I ft! SO CO
10 20 00
Done at North IMattc. Neb..
of Kcbruarv. 11)01.
f 12 1 County CominlHstoncrH.
Tho ilcfeuilnnts Wnlter J. Lnmb. I.ninli
tils nllv, llrst nnd renl nnmo uukuown, nnd John
Doe, true Dame unknown, will tnko notice
Hint on the 10th day or December. 1(100,
the plaintiff, The County nt Lincoln. 11
corporniion, filed its petition In the district
court ol Lincoln county. Nobrnskn, tho object nnd
rnjor or which u to mrectoso cortnin tnx ileus,
1 ul t nsseseil by said nlnlntlff nunlnst the west
unu of southeast quarter nnil southeast ol sou 1 11
enst qunrter ot section 1H, township II, north
f rnime 29. wrst of the Sixth nrluclrml merlillnn.
Nobrnskn. for the year lb'.U In tho sum of tS74:
tor the year 1H93 In the snm or 7.07i for tho
year 1S11I In the sum nf (0 UH; for the yonr 1801 In
tho sura of 1 3 CO; for the yenr IW"3 In tho sum of
J3r,2i for the year 1B0U In tho sum of tt!U7
nmountlng lu the totnl. sum of (32.5H; within
terest on f-i us nt tho rnto or ton por cent per
nnmiiL irom mu 111 unr or iMOVemuor, two, nu
ot which Is due nuil unpaid.
rinmuu nrnys n uecres 01 roro:iosure or sniii
tnx Hen and n salo of snlri premises.
1011 nnil each orrou defendants nro rooulrcl to
nnswnr said petition on or before Monday, tho
zdiii nay 01 Ainrcu, ivuo,
Dnted Fobrunry. 11, 1000.
A Corporniion.
tVil Ily II. fl. ItldRley, its Attorney
The defondnuts Silns O. Hommers. - Sum.
mors Ids wife, first nnd real name unknown. Jos
li w. iiowe. nssiduee, usrlos o. liurr. Henry
Wnltt nud John Don rnl name unknown
will tnko notice that on the 10th dny of Decem
ber, 1R0, tho plaintiff, the County of Lincoln,
corporation Sled Its petition lu tne district
court 01 Lincoln county, Mournska, tne object nnd
prnyer of which Is to foreclose certain tax liens.
duly nsnesred by snld plaintiff ngnlnst the north-
easr. quarter 01 seviion in lowusnip v, norm or
rnnuo -ja, weei or ine nixiu principal meridian
Nebraska, for the year lH'.i;l In the sum of tlO 07:
for the yenr 1WM In Iho sum of 15 74; for Iho year
lttu.t in 1110 sum ot fin 1.1; for me yenr lsuu in tnu
sum 01 ?:i.:i: ror tue year lbw lnlliesum of
ior 1110 yenr lim in tne sum or w in; for tno yenr
mini in inn sum or j.i.s.v. nmoununir in iuo total
sumofSUott with Interest onfrt.lUat the rate
ut ten per ceut per annum from the 1st day
ot November, Jlsjo, ail 01 which is due and
rininuir prays n decree 01 foreclosure 01
nld tax lien and a sale of said premises.
You and each of yon defendants, ure required
to answer snld petition on or before Monday the
in uay or Aiarcu, luui.
A Corporation
f!2i Ily II, 8. ItldRloy; Its Attorney.
legal Notice.
The defendants Alvln E. IUisors. Unucrtf
his wife first aud real name unknown, and David
H. wood assignee win inke notico tnut on tne ium
dny of December, 1UO0, the plaintiff, Thel'ouniy
of Lincoln, a corporation, filed Us potition In the
district court ot Lincoln couuty, Nebraskn, tho
object nnd prnyer of wlilcu nre to foreclose cor
tnln tnx liens duly assessed by snld ntiilntlff
against the south half of tho HoulliHt'st qunrter
and gnuiu nan ot tne snumenstqunrior 01 section
townstn., v. norm or ramie 'Ja. west or mini
principal merlillnn, Nebraskn, for thu year IK!) I
in the sum of tln-VI; for tho yenr 1605 In the sum
nf 15.40: for the year 1KHI In tho sum of 1II.7U: fur
IlieyonrlKiv In tne sum or 13.771 for tho yenr
1ML3 In tho sum nt lO.'-D; for thn yenr lblH) In tho
sum nt 7.12: nmountlnit In tho total sura of SHI. Ill
with Interest on f0 34, at the rato of tun per cent
per nnnuru from Hie llrst dny of November, iyX)
nil of which is duo nnd unpaid.
l'ininiitr prnyH a uecreo or foreclosure 01 said
tnx lien nnd nsnlo of snld premises
you ami eacnor yon nt'ienuauis nio required to
nnswer snld putlllnu oil or beloro Monday, tlio
liatli dny nt .Mnrcn, I'.ni.
Dnled rebrunry 14, iwi.
A Corporation,
f 151 Ily It. B. llldKlny. its Atty.
The defendnuts Theodore J. I'nduett.
I'aduett his wife llrst and renl nnmo unknown
August Johnson. Johnson his wife tlrst nnd
renl nnmo unknown nnd John Don renl name un
known, will tnko notico Hint 10th dny of Deo. 1IHK),
tlio plaintiff, Thn Comity of Lincoln, 11 corporation
fl ed Its petition In tue district court ol Lineal
county, Nebraska, the object aud prayer ot which
is to loreciiKe cenara lax liens, nuiy assessed uy
snld plaintiff against the northwest qunrter of
suction H, township II, north of range 3U. west of
the Htxtn principal meridian, Nonrasim, ior tne
roar 1HI5 In the sum of ill.W: for the year 1S0U I
the sum of $12. (lit for the yenr i8'J7 In tho sum o
lr7.;)7 for the yenr 1808 In tho sum of et).03j for
thn veur ISVJ In the sum of M SHi nmounllnu I
ihrt totnl sum of 15.58: with Interest on (33.01
nt tho rnta of ten per cent per annum from the
first dny of November. HKfl. nil of which Is duo
nnd uhohIiI.
I'lninillt prnyn n 'leeroe 01 inreciosure 01 said
tnx Hen nnd aside of snld promise".
You 11ml eacli of you deiendnuts are required to
nnswer snld petition on or before Monday, tho
25th dny of March, 1DU1.
Dnted February II. IDOL
A Corporation.
fl.M Ily 11 H. Illdgley, Its Attornoy
Notico of vpochil election ot thn Lincoln nnd
Duwson entity Irrlgntlon District.
Whereas, a petition signed by a majority nf tho
resident free holders, representing n majority of
the number nf acre ot the irrigable lands
In the Llneoln and Dawson County Irrlgatio
lilslrlct, has been prcsonted to the bonrd of
dlractors, of said district, sotting forth that nil
bills and claims of whatever nature nud been
fully satisfied nnd paid, nnd nsklng thut n special
election bo cnlled for the purpose of submitting
to the nunlinod electors or snld irrigation uislrlct
a proposition to vote on tho discontinuation of
snld Irrigation Dlstilct, notice Is hereby given
Hint an election of tlio qualified electors of iatd
District will bo held In snld Irrigation District nu
Hnturdny, IlieSd day ot March. IDOL for the pur
ni of vntlmr on tho proposition of tho dlscon
tlnuauce of the snld Lincoln and Dawson county
Irrigation Dlstrlot.
Tho plnco of holding snld election In the First
voting precinct of said district, will be at tho Job-
luim school house In Hcbool District No. of
DnwMlll rountr.
Tho place of holding snld election ill tho Heo
ond voting precinct will bo nt the Urnudvlow
school house In Hcbool District No. 87 Dawson
Tlio plnco of holding said election In the Third
voting precinct of said district wll bo at the Add
scuooi uouso in bcuooi uisirici no, 01 uawMin
nmiill v.
The board of directors appointed as an election
board for oach votlug precinct tho following
linnied persons:
For First voting precinct: Judges, Adam Frank
nnd Klars urais. rorcieri, wiiuam mneii.
for Hncind votlnir precinct: Judges. Petu
Mlllmnu and lllllert Qclken For clork, J. II
For Third voting district: Judges. Chailcs
A.lnl ami .t. ill 11 Murmur. f"lrk. fl A. MntZ.
For the purpose of said election ballol" shall bo
ueel on which shall be wrltton or printed Hie
words "For Discontinuance Yes." 'Tor DIs.
coutluuanco No," .
Secretary of the Lincoln and Dowton
tlU tiwurjr mfrjtoa Dnrrrfct.
Uy tlrtuo of an order of sale lisued from tho
illptrlct court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, upon n
reire 01 lorecinruro relnioieil in snm couri
herein The County of Mucoln, n corporation. Is
inlllllif nnd Win, II. Illlilobrniid ot nl..
10 defendants, nnd to me directed. I will on thn
2f)lb dny of Match IU01, nl 1 o'clock p. 111,, nt tho
oast front door of the court houo In North
I'lntto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell nt public
miction to the blithest bidder for cah, to sntltfy
nld decree. Interests nnd costs, the following
described urnnertr. lo-wlt: The nortlinnst nunrter
section eleven, township sixteen, rniiKO thirty-one,
west nix 111 principal muriuiau, Lincoln county,
Dntod North l'lntte, Nob. Feb. 21,1001.
f2!- TIM T. KELtntn, Bherlff,
1V vlrlun of nil nrdnr nf unln Imnind from tin.
district court of Lincoln county, Nobrnskn, upon
uecreo 01 rorociosuro rendered in mid court
herein Tho County of Lincoln, n corporation. Is
Inlntltl and llurtier J Kendall, et. nl.. srn !o-
fendnnls, and to me directed, I will on (he Slllh
dny ot March lUul, nt 1 o'clock, p. m., nt tho etst
trout diMir of iho court house In North I'lntto,
I.lticolncounty. Nebrn-kn. sell nt nublloniictlnii to
the hlMheat binder for cash to sntlBfy sslil decree.
uiuresis nuu costs, tue ioiiowilk tlescrmotl
properly to-lt: Tuo soutlienst qunrter of the
northwest qunrtor, northwest qunrter of the
southwest qunilor, northwest qnartorof thu south
east qunrter rind south half of the southeast qunr
tor of section nine, nnd east half of tho northwest
quarter of section elevon, nil In township fifteen,
rmiK iinriy iwii.wfwin mini principal moridlnn
L.1UU0111 cuuuiy, ricurnsan.
Dated ortl I'lntto, Aeb. Feb. 21, 1001,
122- Tim T. Kkmukii, Bherlff.
Ill tho district court, Lincoln county, Nebraska,
In tho matter of tho estnte of llenrv H. 1'nrt
redo, doceusod.
Ibis cnuso cninn 011 for liearlnu unnn limita
tion of Charles It. Frnln. ndnilnlttrntor of tho
estate ot lleary H. 1'nrtredue deceased, praylnff
for llcvnso to sell the lollowInK described renl
eitnto to-wlt: Lots I nnd 2, block 1T3, and Lots
0 nnd 7, IJlock 10.',, all In tho city of North Pintle,
Lincoln county, ftobrnsku, as nlnttcd and ot
record In tho oftlce ot the county clerk of snld
county, or a suniclcnt amount llioroof to brlna
tno sum or I3i:i V3, tne payment ot claims Al
lowed nitaliiBt snld estnte nnd for the costs of ad
ministration, tbern not bcliiff sulllclont personnl
property to pny inu snld debts nnd oxpenses.
It In therefore, ordered Ibnt nil nersons inlor-
estod In snld estate npoar before me at my olllco
In North i'lntto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the
UOlhdnyof March, W01. at thu hour of 2 o'clock
Ofsnldnuy In the ntternoon llipreof, to show
cause, If any, wny n Oconto should not be Krnnted
to said ndmlnlstrntor to sell so much of said ronl
estnte ns sbnll bo necessary to pny Wild debts and
Dated tills ,ritU dny of February, 1001, nt North
l'lntte, Nobruskn.
mi ii. m. auiMEd, Judge.
llv virtue of an order of sale Issued from
the district court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, unon a decree of foreclosure render.
cd in said court wherein The County of Lin
coin, a corporation, Is rdatntlft, and Andrew
Mclfowen, et. at , arc defendants), and to mo
directed, I will on the SOth day of March.
1001. at 1 o'clock, p. m , at the east front door
ot the court house In North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said
decree, interests and costs, the following; de
scribed property, to-wlt: The southeast
quarter of southwest quarter and north
cast quarter ot southeast quarter and south
nan oi souincasr. quarter oi section nine,
townshin sixteen, range twentv-seven west
of Sixth principal meridian Lincoln county,
Dated North I'lattc. Neb.. Feb. 21. 1001.
f Tim T. Keliheh, Sheriff
Ily virtuo of an order of salo issued from thu
district court of Lincoln county. Nebraskn, upon a
decroo ot foreclosure rendered in said court
wherein The County of Lincoln, a corporation,
is plaintiff nnd Dr. 1). J. Kay Medicine Co .
ot. til., nro defendants nnd to mo directed, I will
on Iho 2i)th duy of March, 1001, at 1 o'clock, p. m ,
at tho east front door of the court bouso In North
Platto. Lincoln county. obniska. sell ut public
auction to thu highest bidder for cash, to satisfy
said decree, Interests nud costs, tho following de
scribed property, to-wlt: llie southwest nunrter
of northwest qunrtor, northeast qunrter ot south,
west quarter and south half of eontliwi'st. qunrter
of section nine, nnd northwest quarter of north
west qunrter ot sectiou eleven, all in tuwushlp
fifteen, rango thirty-two, west of Sixth principnl
meridian, Lincoln comity, Nobrnska.
unteu Norm l'lntte, Ntso., reu zi, nioi .
l.'i Tim T. Kkmiieh, Sheriff.
Tho defendants E. A. Tucker. Tucker, his
wife, llrst nnd rent names unknown, Arnold
Harris, Nobrnska k Kaunas Farm Loan Co.
nnd uohn Doe, trne nnmo unknown.
will tnko notico that on the 10th dny ot Decem
ber, 1000, thu plalnlllf, The County nf Llncolu,
a corporation, hied Its petltinn In tho District
Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the object
and prayer of which Is to foreclose certain tax
liens, duty assessed by said piolntltl, against
the north hnlt ot northwest numtor and southeast
quarter- of uorthwest qunrter of Section -1. lu
Townsiup ii, iiango -".i wesi or win mxin principal
tnoridinn, Nebraska, for the year WSJ In the sum
ot ill ltl; for the year 1891 In the sum of 7 55; for
the year 1805 In the sura of t-12.18: for the year
1MH1 in the sura of tO.til: for the year 1607 in the
sum of 15 82; for the year 1H03 In the sum of 11.10;
for the year 1P09 111 the sum of H 74; amounting
In the total sum ut tlV21;wllh Interest on (37.10
at the rate nf ten per ceut per annum trom the let
dny ot November, 1000, all of which Is due nud
1'lalotlH prnys n decree nf foreclosure ot
snld tax lien and a sale of said premises.
You nnd ench ot you defendants are required
to answer said petition ou or before Monday, thu
25th day of .March, 1001.
A Corporation,
f 121 Ily II, B. Illdgley, its Attorney
The defendants .Tames Hall and Margaretto
nail, husband and wife, will take notico that
on the 0th day of February, IDOL the plain
tiff Frank I'owers tiled his petition in the
district court of Ltnooln county, Nebraska,
the object and prayer of which are to tore
close a certain real e-tatc mortgage against
Lot 3, Hlock 70. North Platte, Lincoln county.
Nebraska, as plattod and of record In the
onlec ol thu county clerk of said county:
said mortgage being; given by the delcnd
ants on tho'JUth day of December. 1897, to se
cure their certain promissory note of date
of December 20th, 1807, for 1375 Oo with inter
est at the rate of ten per cent per annum
from December '.XI, 1807, and said amount is
now due and unpaid.
1'lalnllft prays a decree of foreclosure of
said real estate mortgage and a sale of said
premises, and that the amount decreed to
be due him on said note and mortgage paid
out of the proceeds thereof,
Vou aud each of you are required" to
answer said petition on or before April 1, 1001.
f 121 Hy II. S. Ktdgcly.bls Attorney.
Ily virtue of nn order of salo Issued from the
district, court of Llncolu county, Nebraska, upon
n decree nt foreelosuro rendered in said court
wherein tho McKlnloyLaiimtlg Loan nnd Trust
Company Is plaintiff uud Alfred W. Davenport,
et. nl., are defendants, nnd to uie directed, I will
on the lUth day of March, 1001, at 1 o'clock, n. m ,
at the east front door of thu court house In North
I'latte, Lincoln county, Nebraskn, roil nt public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, to sntlsfy
snld decree, Interests nnd costs, the following dt
scribed property, to-wlt: Thn southwost qunrter
of section Iwemy-six, township sixteen, range
twenty-eight, west Sixth principnl moridlnn, Lin
coln county, Nobrnska
Dnted North l'lntte, Nub, Feb. 21, 1001.
f2'25 Tim T. Keuuicb, Sheriff.
ily virtue of an order ot thedistrlrt court
of Lincoln county. Nebraska, to me directed,
I will on tho 5th day of March, loul, at
II o'clock, a. m.. at the east front door of
the court house In said county, sell to the
highest bidder, for cash, the east half ot
section 31, township 10, range 34, In said
county. josKi'ii U. Heblkii.
JSI5 Heferee.
Lnnd Oftlce nt North Platto, Neb.
February fith, 1001,
Notice Is hereby given Ibnt John J. Kilmer, nt
Table, Neb. has hied notice ot Intention to make
final proof before register nnd receiver nt tbelr
olllce lu North 1'lnlK Neb., on Wodnosday the
'JOth day nf Mmch, 1WI, on timber culture sppll
cnllon No, 12,0sl, for tho soutbenst quarter of
section Nn, U). lu township No. Ill, north range
No. 'M west. He names na wltnessesi Samuel
II Cntterson, of Nesbltt, Neb.; James W. Caller
eon, of Tablo. reb.t Charles F. Kilmer Garfield,
f,Bb. Frullkr, lUJruer. of Table, Nab.
fbO UEOJSO-Ett. FltMrtjU) Rltj-tWVr.