The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 12, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 0.
Will be hero before long and in the meantime
we desire to dispose of Odds and Ends in
Furniture and offer you attractive prices
on these goods. If you need a piece of
Furniture you can find it here, and the
price will be as highly aatisfactory as the
article. We have established a reputation
for selling good furniture at low prices;
wc propose to maintain that reputation.
How About a Range?
Do you need one? If so let us give you
low prices on a good one.
...JOHN BRATT & CO.,...
Real Estate, Loans m Insurance
C"H.oforoM.oo:-A.xiy 33cvrlE Ire
: Jvforih jl&tte fTlour :
lai?Ufactaed by Ifortl? JPiattc fiolieir frills
. Used by economical hoUsewifes in fifty towns in
Nebraska and Wyoming and pronounced the
equal of any flour manufactured in Nebraska.
fl Trial Sack uHll Coijviijce yoU of its njeHt
North Platte Roller Mills
jSay! Is Your Wife Cross?
New Aluminum Ware g
at A. L. Davis' Hardware Store. Just like a
mirror and will make her smile all the time. 2
Paaq We have Rice's Northern grown Gar- g
OCCUd den and Flower Seeds in bulk or pack- j?
We sell Hardware,
Gives us
1 A. L. DAVIS,
Is wortli n pound ol cttre,
then why not wear a . . . .
and save doctor and drug bills.
We have them for men, women
and children from SOc up.
& Weingani
Stoves and Tinware g
a call.
The Hardware man that
no one owes.
Chamois Chest Protector
(forth Platte Pharmacy,
With Our Compliments
and our best wishes for your
continued good health and hap
piness, we present for New
Year's, 1901, a fine variety of
champagnes, other wines and
liquors, imported and domestic,
for the season. It is our especial
care that no inferior brand shall
find its, way to our shelves or cel
Western Nebraska News
Gothenburg so fa; ttiis season
has shipped 1,000 car of ice, 700
which came to North Platte. .
The small-pox quarantine at
Gothenburg was raised last Wed
nesday and the schools rc-opened.
The Gothenburg Independent
says: The Union Pacific still keep
out their sign "Men wanted, ' so if
you want to work and are not
afraid of manual labor apply.
They napped a kid . at Eustis last
week, and for two hours there was
a general hunt around town for
Urpha Tunis. He was finally lo
cated at home asleep on his own bed
The father ol Edward Trefren,
who died of smallpox in West Lawn
near Alliance, about three weeks
ago declares that Edward had
smallpox in 1861 and that it was
genuine smallpox ot which he died.
Up in Roten valley, near Callaway
five members of Mr. Rson's family
were down with small-pox; the
house was quarantined on Wednes
day and the constable left them
aloneintil atunrday to shift for
themselves. That constable should
be quarantined.
Wm. Reed, a farmer of Hillside
precinct, on Monday shipped a car
load of ten mnntfls old hogs to
South Omaha that averaged 34G
pounds each. He .recieved S5.30
per cwt., the top notch, realizing
between SI 100 and $1200 for the
bunch. Lexington Pioneer.
Eddie Saunders, age 16 years
had been hunting, a week ago last
Sunday, and was found dead in a
canyon next diy, with his gun be
side him. The iurv concluded it
was heart disease. He was the son
of John Sanders of West Muddy
precinct, uosper county.
Senator Owens has a bright idea.
He wants the legislature to appro
priate thirty thousand to. 'enable
the state ,to bore for petroleum.
He also wants the bill to pass with
the emergency clause attached.
Arc we to iufer from this that the
senator from Dawson has got a
straight tip on the location of an
oil well. Kearney Hub.
M. A. Ddugherty sold hh resi
dence property in Morrow ad
dition this week and the knowing
ones say that Mr. Uaugherly ex
pects to leave Sidney in the near
future perhaps about the 4th of
March. In connection with the
facts that he is a close personal
friends and former neiuhbor ot Sen
ator-elect Kearn of Utah, and was
in no small measure responsible
for his election it is said he is
slated for a position that will war
rant his resigning as receiver of
the local land office,
T. J. Reese living thirteen miles
southwest of Lexington says the
grasshoppers are hatching out and
he thinks that all of them will be
likely to freeze and that next sum
mer we will be free from them. He
says he saw many of them during
the warm days, along the corn field.,
where the trash had accumulated,
hopping around in the sun. There
were literally thousands of them,
and there were also immense num
bers of unhatched eggs in their
holes under the bunch grass. He
says that 6kunks or badgers are
after them, digging for their eggs
in the dirt.
Omaha iB rejoicing over what it
thinks an assurance that the Union
Pacific will build larger shopb
there the coming summer. It is
said the company will spend a mil
lion dollars for the purpose.
Hon. Charles F. Manderson who
has been sick some time, does not
gain, and it is causing his friends
some anxiety. He is suffering
from gout, resulting from uiicacid
poisoning, which has attacked the
All persons knowing themselves
indebted for delinquent personal
taxeB will please take notice that I
am compelled, under the law, to
issue distress warrants.
Treasurer LioWltr County,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Rounds who
have been visiting relatives and
friends in this locality for the past
month departed Monday for their
home in Iowa.
Mrs. Hattle Daily of North
Platte spent Sunday with her
brother Ace Snow and wife.
Wc understand that the laboring
class of the city of Hershcy have
informed Mayor Seebcrgcr of that
place that if their recent requests
are not granted by hftn that a
strike in that beautiful town will
be instituted. We arc also told
that the mayor will be advised by
the North Platte Commercial Club
that doeih all things well in regard
to the matter.
Snpt. Thoelecke of North Platte
was visiting schools iu this part of
the county last week.
All available sleighs in the country
are iu good demand at this time
and the merty chime of the sleigh
bells are heard iu the valley for the
first time in years.
G. W. Brown of Hershey, has
harvested a very fair crop ot ice
from off the North river lately.
A large amount of coarse feed
has been devoured hy stock in the
valley nuring the recent snow
storm and cold snap. Feed beginf
to look slim in this section of the
Several young people Irotn this
locality are talking strongly of
taking in the dance at Sutherland
on Thursday evening of this week.
The W. L. Brownfield residence
OH the Guthrie land near Ilershey
will booh be located in the village
and occupied by J. C. Holliugs-
werth and family.
J. II. Ulankenbaker and family
have decided to pull for the lar
west as soon as spring opens up.
We are told that Rufe Gummere
lias leased the old canal company's
farm to be vacated by Mr. Blaukeu
baker.. Mrs. Wm. Eves has returned to
her home at Hershey from a visit
with her new grand daughter at
the home of her son George and
wife near North Platte.
We understand that P. E. Erick-
son of Nichols is negotiating for
the purchase of 160 acres of old
canal company land just northwest
of that place.
Henry Sherman who recently re
sided on the Hershey ranch and
moyed to Illinois last summer will
retujn shortly and work on the
Paxton ranch the coming year.
A. l Beeler was at the county
sea several days last week on bus
iness pertaining to the Loyal
Mystic Legion order in that city.
Black-leg in Chas. McAllister's
herd of cattle has abated and they
are doing well at this tunc.
G. L. Mudd and wife returned
from Missouri the last of the week.
J V. Robinson has leased O. W.
Sullivan's farm for the ensuing
H. W. Brown ot Sidney was down
this way on business las week.
Wm. Dymond departed on No.
102 Friday morning for Kearney to
visit his aged father who is serious
ly ill at that place.
Miss Lindia Layton of Maxwell
who is visiting her sister Mrs.
G. E. Sullivan at Nichols spent
last week with friends at North
February 7, 1901.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment, full board and county clerk.
Bill of T. A. Roberts for $26.75
for bridge allowed on bridge fund.
Settlement made with J. K. Crow
overseer road district No. ll and
certificate issued for $30 on road
fund ot that district.
Report ot W. C. Elder clerk of
the district court for third and
fourth quarters checked with his
books and approved.
Adjourned until tomorrow.
February 8, 1001.
Board met pursuant 'o adjourn
ment, present full board and county
The following bills were allowed
on the general fund: Ginn & Weill
gaud repairing furniture $2,00,
Telegraph Printing Company sup.
pllt'B 80.97,
The following bill were disal
lowed: John McCullough $1.68 tax
paid under protest, no proof of land
lying in river, Martin & Martin
taxes paid under protest, no proof
it should be refunded. Votaw
Bros, for 5.00 for use of house for
election. H. H. Cook for 9.00 poll
tax. Mrs, C. L. Wood claim for
County treasurer is ordered to
refund to T. E. Heskitt 3.00 irriga
tion tax paid under protest on lot 8
section 2-14-33.
Board adjourned until tomorrow.
February 9. 1901.
Board met pursuant t o adjourn
ment, present full board and county
The clerk of the district court is
hereby allowed the sum of tour
hundred dollars per annum for
deputy's salary, to be paid out of
the excess fees of said office ol
district court clerk to date from
Oct. 1, 1900. Salary of A. L. Mc
Neel from January 29 to February
10 allowed for $35.00, salary of L.
Carpcntar lor 69 00 allowed, nalary
of M. L. McCullough for 63.00
Board adjourned without date.
"Free Employment.
All persons desiring help and out
of employment should write at once
to the state labor .bureau and let
their wants be known. The legis
lature of 1896 and 1897 passed a
law making this a free employment
bureau fur the entire state.
Those who want help should state
in- their applications exactly what
kind of help is wanted, in what
branch of labor, etc. Those who
want situations should state sex,
age, height, weight, trade or exper
ience, references etc.
All information received by the
bureau will be held strictly confi
dential and all services rendered
will be free. Absolutely no fee will
be charged in any case. This is n
tree employment bureau and is de
signed to do away with the private
employment agency nuisance in the
cities, by which so many worthy
people are victimized.
All desiring help carpenters,
brickmakers, mill men, farm hands,
city laborers, cooks, servant girls,
r help ol any kind; should immedi
ately apply to thiB office and thev
will be put in communication with
those in the line of service desired .
Persons out of employment
should also write without delay.
All unfilled applications should be
renewed after thirty days.
Communications ulirmlrl ho ml.
dressed to State Labor Bureau.
Lu coin, Neb.
First The land I offer fur nnlp
carries with it the prettiest land
scape view in iNebraska.
hecond A never failing stream
of pure spring water.
uira-. Hundreds ol acres of free
grazing land.
Fourth Eighty acreB of the
richest crop land can be irrigated
if desired
Fifth Only five minutes walk to
school house. Address,
Isaac Lamplugh,
North Platte, Neb.
School Shoes
Let us sell you the next ones
you buy.
We can fit your children or
your purse at the same time.
Price 8 to 12 $1 10
Price 12 to 2 1 35
Price 8 to 12 1 35
Price 8 to 12 1 35
Price 12 to 2 1 60
Boys' Shoes.
Price $1.25 to 52.00.
Men's Shoes.
Price $1.25 to $3.00.
Ladies' Shoes,
Price $1.50 to $3.00.
Every Shoe ar good as the price
will buy.
Legal Notice.
Tho dofendnntB tlio administrator,
tliooxocutor and. tho unknown heirs ot
B. F. Nowport docaeod, whoso ronl
names nntl residences aro to this plain
tl (T unknown, will tako notico that on
tho 4th dnyotSopt., 1000, tho plaintiff,
Tho County of Lincoln, a corporntlcn,
tiled ita petition in tho district court ot
Lincoln county. Ncbrnpkn. tho object
nnd prayor of which is to forecloso cor
tnin tax lions duly ns'opsod by enid
plnintiff against tho northeast quarter
of Section 35, in Township 0, north,
ot Kngo III, west of tho Sixth
principnl meridian, Nob'npkn, for tho
year 1895 In tho Bum of 813 87; for tho
year 1890 in Ihosumof lft.01, for tho
year 1807 in thosum of 12.67; for tho yenr
1898 in tho Mini of 11.71; for tho year
1890 in tho sum of 0.11; amounting in
tho total sum of 800.27, with interest on
317.f0 nt tho rnto of ten per cent por
nnnum from tho 10th dny of August,
1000, nil of which is duo nnd unpaid.
Plaintiff prays n decreo of foro
closuro of said tax Hen and a Bnlo of
anil promises.
You nnd onch of you defendants nro
required to answer paid petition on or
boforo Monday, tho 25th dny of March,
A Corporation,
124 By II. 8. ltldgloy, itB Atty.
Legal Notico,
Tho defondnntn tho unknown hoirs of
Richnrd Goddnrd docoaprd, whoso first
and real nnmce and whoso residences
nro unknown to this plnintiff will tnko no
tico that on tho 10th dny of July iDOO, tho
plaintiff, Th County of Lincoln, n cor
porntion, filed its petition in tho district
C'OUrt of TJnnnln mnntv Nnlirnolrn l.
object nud prayer of which Ib to foro
uiufo uunnin tax nons. uuiy assessed by
said plnintiff ngninat tho northeast
QUnrtor of Rent Inn 9.1 In Inivnolim n
north ot rnngo 31, west of the Sixth
principnl mondian, Nobrnskn, for tho
yonriB95in thosum ofSiOW; fortho venr
1890 in tho Bum of 30,10; for the year
1807 in tho Bum of 11.10; for tho yonr i898
ntho sum of C07; for tho yonr i890in
tlin flllm nf (1 1 1? nmnimlinn n Dm nul
sum of 872 52; with intorost on 350.08
nt mo rnio or ton por eont por annum
from tho 1st day of Mny, iOOO, all of
wiiiuu is uuo nnu unpniu. .
Plflinf ifT nrnvn n rlnnrnn nP Prt.n.1m......
- - - I J ' i . t. LVJ J . lUll'UlUDUlU
of said tnx lion nnd a sale of said prom
ises, You and onch of you defendants nro
required to unfnvorsaid petition on or
boforo Mondny, tho 25th dny of
A Cornnrnllnn.
124 Itv II. S. Ilitlfftnv. itn A itnrnpv.
Legal Notice.
Tho tlofntiilnntM fTnrmmv lllln
Otto hiswifo first and ronl uamo un
known, nnd John Doo truo nnmo un
known, will tllltn nnllon lluitnn l,n Iflll.
day of December. 1P.01), tho plnin
tiff, Tho County of Lincoln, n
corporation, tiled Ite petition in tho diB
triot court of Lincoln eounty, Nebraska,
tho objoot and prayer of which is to
foronloBO cortnin tax lions, duly assessed
by snid plnintiff against tho north
west quurter of Boetiort 17, in town
ship 10, north of rnngo 28, west of tfixth
pnuuipiu meridian, ixoombkh, ror
tho year 1891 in tho sum of 814 (37; for
tho vnnr 1R')." In flu. a,,m ir in 07.
tho yonr 1890 in tho sum of 10.10; for
mo yonr ibvi in 1110 sum or ll.o-l; tor
tho yenr 1898 in tho sum of 5.5(3; for
tho yonr 1899 in tho sum of 7 47; amount
ing in tho total sum bf 80807; with in
to rent nnftrnR7 nf. Mm
eont per nnnum from tho 1st dny of
Novombor, 1900, all ot which is duo
nnd unpnid.
I'lnlntitr prays n decreo of foreclosure
of enld tnx lion and n eulo of Biiid prom-
YoU nnd nnnh nf vmi ilnfamlnnla nm
required to answer said potltion on or
boforo Mondny, tho 25th dny '- of
Mnroh, 1901
A Corporation,
124 By II. S. Ridgloy, its Attorney.
Legal Notice.
Thodofondnnts, William A, House and
John Ooo, rent nnmo unknown (im
plondod with A. M. Stoddnrd ot nl.) will
inko notico that on tho 10th dny of Dec.,
1900, tho plaintiff, Tho Couuty o! Lin
coln, n corporntion, filed its petition in
ihn District Court of Lincoln County,
Nobrnakn, tho objoct and prayor of
which is to forocloeo certain tnx lionB,
duly nssoBeed by said plnintiff ngnlnat
thoBouthonstqunrtorof Bootion 10, town
ship 10, north ot rnngo 20, weBt or Sixth
principnl moridiiin, Nebraska, for tho
yonr 1891 in tho mm of 817.00; for tho
yenr 1895, in tho sum ot 12.13; for tho
yonr 1890, in tho sum of 1207; for tho
your 1897, In tho sum of 12.G9; for tho
yonr 1898, in tho sum of 9.52; for tho
year 1899, in the sum ot 8.12; nmounting
In tho totnl Bumot872.;73 with iutoreat
on 854,40, nt tho rnto ot ton por eont per
unnum from the 1st day of Nov., 1900,
all ot winch is duo nnd unpaid.
Plaintiff nrnyB n decree of foreclosure
of enid tnx lions nnd n oalo ot said prom
ises. You and onch of you defendants nro
required to nnBwor Buid potltion on or
boforo Monday, tho 25th dny ot
March, 1901.
A Corporation.
121 By II. S. Uidgley, ita Atty.
Wanted Men to learn barber
trade. Prepare for the spring
rush. Only two mouths required.
Constant practice, expert in
structions; present graduates with
complete outfit of toolB and pay 512
weekly when Competent. Catalogue
and particulars mailed free. 1
MoiiER Paroek College,
Q4tUa. vcb.