Z4- C f c r- 4jc I SIXTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18 1901. NO. 103. Xa I sr. Increasing Business, Have You Noticed Tfiat It has :tnd it's our low prices that does it. Wc arc giving the public prices on our line of goods that can't be equaled in western Nebraska. Wc arc at present over stocked on Bed Room Suits, That we arc letting go at 20 per cent off the regular price. That means 40 per cent less than you can buy any place else. Wc have a beautiful line of Combination Book Cases and Writing Desks that we are selling at prices within reach of all. A swell line of couches at reduced prices. Now is the time to have your pictures framed. Remember wc save you at least SO per cent on your frames. Our line of furniture is the most complete in North Platte. Come in and get our prices. Ginn A fine line of undertaking goods. A good hearse in connection. Mail and telegraph orders promptly attended to. "Pasteur Vaccine" Trade-Marks SAVES CATTLE FROM BLACK LEG "BLACKLEGINE Nearly 2,000,000 successfully treated in U. S. and Canada during the last C years. , Cheap, safe and easy to use. Pamphlet with full particulars, official endorsements y and testimonials sent FREE ou application. Pasteur Vaccine Co., Chicago. SELL1NO AOENTS : Live Stock Vaccine & Medicine Co., Denver. Colo. For Sale by A. F. Streitz. IF AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION Is worth a pound of cure, then why not wear a . . . . and save doctor and drug bills. We have them for men, women and children from 50c up. O. F. IDDINGS am Lio.m'bei, Coal axLd. Q-xeiin. Yards and Elevators at ' ., North Platte, Neb., Sutherland, Nob., Julesburg, Colorado. NORTH PLATTE MILLS, (C. V. IDDINGS.) Manufacturer of HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND CHOP FEED. Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. fit- Solid Merit is the foundation on which is built the enduring fame of the emington Stattr Wyckoff, Senmans 1619 FARNAM & Weingand, Chamois Chest Protector North Platte Pharmacy, J. 11. STONK, MAXAC.EIt. & Benedict, 327 Broadway, N. Y. 8T, OMAHA Neville's Ciiso is Peculiar. A Washington dispatch to the World-Herald dated yesterday says: The condition of Representative Neville is presenting some singular features. He had two slight hemorrhages yesterday and another light one this morning at 4 o'clock, yet his condition is apparently not growing more critical. One lung is tilled with blood and there is some danger of pneumonia, but his physiciau thinks this will probably be absorbed and he has no immediate fear of the hemorr hages proving fatal. The patient is comparatively strong and the physician felt almost confident thas if he can advance his condition slightly, so as to move him to Florida, he can save his life. Now Game Law. The new game law introduced by Senator VanBoskirk, of Alliance, which provides for the protection of fish, game and birds in Nebraska, has been gone over and corrected by a number of game experts and is a most interesting measure. The only element opposed to the measure are the pothunters who have tor years been killing game in an unlawful as well as unsports manlike manner and shipping it out of the state for sale. The bill provides for wardens, who shall re ceive a sufficient salary to justify them in devoting their' entire time to the work. It shall be their duty to enforce the provisions of the r,ct. which specifies the open season tor fish and game, and designates the amount each person is allowed to kill. It provides for license being issued to both resident and non resident, hunters, and protects owners of land irom intrusion' The bill is said to cover every point which might come up for settle ment and presents many new ideas. The wardens and all other attaches of the commission are gfven the power to arrest persons guilty of violating any of the provisions of the act and the right to revoke the license of any person at any time for cajise. BETWEEN THE III VERS. Joseph Welliver on the Ferguson farm, is negotiating with Max Beer for the rental of his ranch just south of the river neat the Nichols bridge. We understand that W. L. Brownfield is talking of remaining on the Guthrie farm at Hershty another year. 13. F. Seeberger is visiting rela tives and old time friends in Iowa at the present time. The writer spent a part of this week taking in the sights of the county hub for the first time in nearly three months. Maurice Fowler of North Platte, was up this way the first of the week looking at several horses with a view of buying, but we did not learn of his purchasing any. The indications at the present time is that the acreage of small grain will be limited the coining year in the valley. Yesterday was payday lor pat rons of the Nichols creamery. Mrs. J. L. Strickler was at the county seat on court business this week. Messrs. Seeberger, Leypoldt. Dwyer and Goodwin were county seat visitors on business the first of the week. J. C. Gyger of the Nichols cream ery has returned from a business trip up the line. The McConuell boys marketed shelled corn at the county metropo lis last week. 1 The Nichols creamery at the time is only being operated three days in a week, Monday, Wedncs- 1 day and Friday. It handles about 4,500 hundred pounds of milk dur- I ing that time. J. K. Eshelman purchased a number of pigs on the Streitz farm ; east of North Platte the forepart of I this week. DICKENS DOINOS. The ola haying, as the datys lengthen the cum begins to btrangthbui la tbrniti) t'rub this Will Clayton is loading a car of baled hay this week which he will ship to Votaw Bros, at Maywood. Clyde Fristo went to Curtis Wed neBday where lie will go to school for a few months. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Bailey are the proud parents of a fine baby girl who made her appearance at their home Sunday morning, Jan uary 13th. Mother and baby are doing well but there is not much hope for Jerome. Robert Staley is nursing a very bad jaw as the rcsultt of having been thrown from a horse a few days ago. Virgil Latimer of Hayes Center, was visiting with Andrew Latimer and family a few days last week. L. P. Hodges had business in Wallace Saturday. "state NEWS? G. E. Stewart, of Omaha, is slated fbr appointment as head of the deaf and dumb institute there. The Grand Island schools have been reopened after a long yacatii n on accohnt of smallpox and vaccin ation. John W. Bowcn, a veteran of the civil war, of Lincoln, has been ar pointed adjutant for the Grand Island soldiers' Home. Omaha has a delegation of boom ers at Salt Lake to capture the next meeting of the National Cat tlemen's association for that place. Mrs. Nancy Young, ot Bancroft, spent Saturday afternoon calling on the sick of the village and as she was returning heme she dropped dead at her gate. Hon. John L. Webster of Omaha, who has been confined to his houpe for five weeks with an attack ot pneumonia has so far recovered as to be able to be at his office again Ben Graves, a young man of Plattsniouth thought to get even with, slot machines there. He coined a lot! of surplus nicklcs for the purpose and was arrested by a federal Hawkshaw. It was a singular coincidence that on the day of the death ot P. D. Armour his little establishment at York burned to the ground. "The clock stopped, short, when the old man died." Mark Timm, of Osceola, was helping to butcher a cow a few days ago. When the animal was knocked in the head she fell on him and broke his leg. It came near biing a stand-off between the two Due. Bixby, the poet lanreatc oi Nebraska, is laid up with a violent attack of the grip at his home in Lincoln and readers ot the State Journal are strusjging along with out his daily lucubrations. It is not only important that the Nebraska supieme court should modify its decision affecting the irrigation interests of the state but that the legislature should go into the matter throughly to the end that the irrigation interests of wertern Nebraska should not be utterly destroyed. There is a great deal at stake in the matter on the part of those who have made invest meuts and established homes in the irrigated section and their interests should be protected at all hazards. Kearney Hub. The lynx-eyed and keen-witted detectives have not succeeded in coining up to Patrick Crowe late of Omaha, but they have dis covered that he has inter alia robbed a bank, held up express train, killed two or three people and committed other depredations since he left his home a few week ago. The vert a. tility of Mr.Crowc is so marked that we cannot but regret that he does not accept a dime museum engage ment and give the public an oppor tuuity to sec him. He could do so with entire safety, The detectives never would hear of it until the cud of the year. Chicago Chronicle. Economy in Kansas. Butler of Kansas City, Kan., has introduced a hill in the Topeka legislature to repeal the law that confers the right of suffrage on women in that state at municipal and school elections, JT in evc(tfc ........ .w Iflfl'-Vl i I (.T il ill THE Five Tent f iwr BEST Watmm!lmmmmillmmt2t TOWN JOHN BR ATT. ...JOHN BRATT St CO.,... Real Estate, Loans Insurance X NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X C"3Er.arxi.oot-.AjEL-v iiiiirjimriiiiirjimriuiiriuiirjuitriiitiriiinriimriuitrinitr I YOU MAY NEED I A Stove ANY MORNING NOW. 3 35 it is always well to be prepared for g cold weather. When you are up against a g blizzard, it is not always easy to have a 2 stove set up. They are cheap if you buy ' ' ntiw. vc3 g Acorn Stoves and Ranges - The Genuine Round Oak. The finest line of Heaters in the city. 1 I HAVI The Hardware man that P iA T lO, no one owes. 3 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY mk THIS BULL $ & bLLLLLLLLbbR Bclonirs to if Wrlto lxlaxxofox PrlooiB 444444444444444444444444441 the land interested in local politics have to spend so much money that it takes rich men to run for city and school offices. In the first place they have to hire a lot of canvassers and hacks to hunt up the women voters that are friendly to the party they represent and get their names and addresses and take them down to the registrar's office to inscribe their names. Then when election day comes round, nothing but the newest and finest cartaies can be employed to call on these ladies and alter they have gotten them selves into their visit'inu fixes. haul them to the polls and back. The man who expects to be elected has to go to all this extra expense. If he thinks that he can slip in without it he finds himself left in the count. In the interests ot economy and pure elections, therefore, Mr. Butler demands the repeal of the law. The women arc arriving from all points of the compass to fight Mr. Butler's bill and Topeka is throng ed with female visitors and thr state house looks like a variegated flower show. All this is food for Kansas, however, and doubtless Mr. Butler will be thrown down. Better that every small, officL'secker fyi'KtiuVaft ba Hafikruirftttd thrHhat m mM to ifc'p'fiYcd bf tUcft STANDARD TOOLS of standard makes are kept con stantly in stock at this store. Wood workers, machinists and artisans generally will find that wc can supply their needs, at short order and to their great advantage, for our prices arc not extravagant, considering . the quality of the goods wc supply. Mr. Mechanic, whatever your line, you arc more than welcome here. Wileox Department Store, E. R. GOODMAN. UaxiJjt. lax No'tox'aslK.f Belongs to A. L. McKinnis, North Platte, Neb., He has Galloways of both sexes for sale. 75 head in herd. 3 natural right to be taken to the registrar's office and the polls in finely appointed carriages, to vote for school directors and city council men. State Journal; The oil excitemen at Beaumont, Texas is something unprecedented. The big well has been spouting oil at an enormous rate and lor days poured Ub wealth into the gulf uncontrolled. The most fabulous sums have been talked about as having been offered for the gUBher and for land in the immediate vi cinity. Nature seems to doing its best to give the Standard Oil Co. a chance to dispose of its big suplus. If new wells continue to burst out in different parts of the country the supremacy of the Rockefeller cor poration will be seriously threat ened zrm if-w-rr "SALZER'S SEEDS S WILL MAKE YOU RICH" TliltLadirlnu eLtanient, tmtBitf. U ttr'Bctd br It out every tlmo. fl Combination Corn. . uidv.,vui nun p.rui,i, iiiponuToij roTwutiuaiiocuru if rowing. -Billion OollarOrnsi. Omtiput inwitroMbv IV tomof harper ero. First crop fix ttka alter lowing ft Catalogue tells. I'll-1 UUtl'rf ! fflli (M biu r A,) ihXC (fcOktr M pit A.) RmV Ut1tt.(tnM.MiAI Cult Ic.WKtlilO.tal.Mluil. I II A. Salter StcilOulroiH, lit. I 1 4 We wYimu'ri WW, tB'e VMtVMAVd of f time.