The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 14, 1901, Image 4

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    She nui - SMcfMu rilumc.
TUESDAY, JAN. 15, 1901.
IRAIi BARE, Editoii and PnorniKTon
One Year, enfh In ndvnnco, 11.2.'.
Six Mootba, attain (idrMice..,. 75 Onli
oon d-il ii m o tt r.
Tim investigation of the prac
ticing of hazing at West Point
military academy develops the
fact that a young man must al
most be a ruffian before he can
be a ("soldier. Hazing at West
Point seems to be much more
brutal than a prize fight between
professional bruisers.
MisjBuknky, a niece of W. C.
Whitney, was introduced into
New York swelldom a few days
ago by a ball given by her uncle
at his palatial home. Among the
expenses of the evening were
$10,000 for flowers, $10,000 for
supper, $50,000 for favors and
$3,000 for for music. That is
a ruthless expenditure of money,
but it is one way the wealthy
have of getting rid of their
Aiiour one hundred bills have
been introduced in the legisla
ture and it is likely the usual
number from 500 to 700 will
be presented before the expira
tion of the forty days allowed for
the introduction of bills. As a
rule the legislature during a
session passes about eighty bills,
on a average, so the remaining
seventy or eighty per cent never
get beyond a second reading and
are generally weeded out by the
sifting committee. In the pres
ent legislature more than a dozen
bills defining and fixing a fine for
kidnaping have already been in
troduced. Sallotting for Senator.
Some time today each house of
the legislature will take one
ballot for United States senator.
The law does not specifiy the
exact hour, says the 13ce, at
which the voting shall be had, so
it can be done at any time
previous to adjournment and
need not be simultaneous in both
house and semftc. A notion will
be made to proceed to ballot for
United States senator and when
it is carried the clerk will call the
roll and the presiding officer an
nounce the result. Unless some
change is made in the program
each member will respond with
two names, designating which he
prefers for long and which for
short term. That was practic
ally determined at a meeting of
the principal candidate thi
morning to confer on prelimtn
aries, at which, however, no
other material progress was
made. The meeting Wednesday
in joint session to take the second
ballot must be held under the
law in the hall of the house of
representatives at 12 o'clock
noon and the legislators can then
tike as many successive ballots
as they wish. As a rule, in joint
session the roll of the senate is
called first and then the roll of
the house, although two years
ujjo an innovation was sprung by
making up a new roll of both to
gether in alphabetical order
mixing senators and representa
tives in hopeless confusion.
Sometimes the order of voting
might cut a consideradle figure,
but in this instance it is not
likely to make any difference to
any candidate.
On the outside the activity of
the anti-Thompson brigade is
making itself more manifest.
In Lincoln they have started
a new paper called the Daily Cap
ital, whose first number came
out today for free distribution,
filled with reprinted newspaper
comment attacking Mr. Thomp
son's senatorial candidacy. gcV-
A Twentieth Century-
Shoe Sale
Shoe.) J7
Jtaic" J J I
1 E
eral delegates were also in from
Cass and Otoe counties to em
phasize the local sentiment in the
ears of the representatives from
those districts. Captain Will
Hay ward, son of the late Senator
Hay ward, was among the latter
and circulated quite freely
among the former friends of his
There is still a lively contest
among the Nebraska presidential
electors for the position of messen
ger to Washington. The carryinir
of the state's vote for President
McKinley to the capital citv is re
garded as an unusual pleasure and
honor this year for the reason that
tne registering of the well won re
publican victory in Nebraska in the
electoral college will in all probabil
ity be one of the most eutliiibiastic
ally received features of the meet
ing. The elector who will be
chosen to represent th6 Nebraska
..i i j v.. ..... . ...
dciium ui wnsui.ngion will oe
something pf a lion for the few days
he is there. Of the eight presi
dential electors for this Btate five
began an actiye canvass for the
position of messenger to Washing
ton, the aspiring quintet beiiij;
composed of John F. Nesbitt of
Tekamah, K. 13. Windham of
Plattsmouth, lCdward Koyse of
Broken Uow, Jacob L. Jacobson of
Omaha and Joseph J. Lanjjer of
Wilber. It is understood that Mr.
Langcr has withdrawn from the
race since becoming a candidate for
appointment as consul to Prairuc
and that Mr. Royse has promised
to vote for Mr. Jacobson. The
choice would therefor seem to lie
between Messrs. Nesbitt. Windham
and Jacobson.
Later The electors met -yester
day and after casting their votes
for McKinley and Roosevelt, elec
ted W. II. Dartou aB messenger,
Mr. Bryan's new paper, the Com
moner, gives promUe , of a 100.000
circulation the first shot out of the
box. .Subscriptions now are re
ported as coming in at the rate of
1,000 per day. Certainly Mr. Bry
an's career has lauded him a gold
II llll..
We Jiave just received 5,000 pairs of the Hamilton-Brown best known
brands which are now on sale at right prices. This special shoe sale will
continue the balance of this month. IF R E E With every pair of shoes
costing $1.00 and up a pair of Hose will be given free.
SPEOI ML- Through the courtesy of the Hamilton-Brown Co.
we will present ; a pair of the finest baby shoes made free to babies born dur
ing the year 1901. This offer holds good throughout the year.
t 1vPj",c exclusive affonts in this county for the famous Queen Quality
Ladies' $.-3.00 bhoe, the best shoe in the world for the money.
on00pilirs-of Lftdie1s,nd Children's Shoes in broken sizes, some worth
$2.(X) per pair, your choice at 98 Cents.
We have secured
the ngency for the
well known and pop
ular Hamilton
Brown Shoes
for Men, Women,
Boys, Girls and
l&t door south P.O.
llllnd Foitmr.stor In Mlnnenota
For more than thirty yoars Hiram
Baxter hiia been postmaster at Lo
Suens, Minn., and hns given cntlro
satisfaction to tho community, al
though during nearly all that time ho
has been blind. When mall la distri
buted Into tho 120 boxes Mr3. Haxter
calls off tho names and hor husband's
wonderful memory can bo depended
upon to recollect every lottcr rr news
paper. Daxtor also conducts a small
store and an Inn.
Jlrttlulojr Stunkrt 37,000 Cigar.
It Is tiitd that dining tho fourteen
years which President McKinley
served In Congrcs ho purchased and
smoked 37,000 clgarB. Whllo tho num
t'Or seems large It Is but an average
.if sovon a day. Ho always bought
.lis cigars by tho box and left tho
box at tho cigar stand whero tho uur
ohaso was made, calling for his
Jnioltca aa ho ncotled them.
is very much like the blossom
ing of a flower. Its beauty and
perfection depends entirely
upon tho enro bestowed upon
its parent. Expectant mothers
should have tho tendcrest care.
I hey should bo snared all worry
and anxiety. They should cat
plenty of good nourishing food
u 111 go n long way toward preserv
ing their health nud their beauty
as well ns that of the little one to
come. Hut to bo absolutely sure
of a short and painless labor they
should uso
rcRularlv durlnff the month of jetft.
tloii. 1 his Is n nlmilo liniment, which
Is to bu applied oxternully. It ctvos
KtrenRth twul vleor to tho musolesj nnd
prevents nil of tho clIsoomfortB of prcc
niinoy, which women unetl to thlhlc
mV.?. n,b?,,u1te,y neccssnr. When
.Mother's l-'rleti4 Is used, (hero Is no
Oct Mother's I'rtend at tho drug
store, 01 irr bottlo. fc
Will far oar txn Uwt," V-thtt It Horn."
T 1 1 ttfl
PEER, Prop.
Metroroloclnil SIriihI Srrvlre.
German agriculturists huve ex
pressod a desire to have established a
meteorological signal servlco and tho
government. Is Inclined to comply. A
meeting of tho government officials
and meteorological and agricultural
authorities Is soon to take place nt
Hamburg to discuss tho Introduction
of a telegraphic servlco for German
I.lzli tnliiRT Destroys .'Man's Memory.
A farmer In Worms, Germany, was
struck by lightning whllo plowing, tho
flash passing through I1I3 hat, leav
ing a hole as largo as a fist; then down
his neck and through the plow-handles
Into the ground. Tho victim, who was
111 for soveral days, finally recovered,
but ho has entirely lost his memory.
Ofllcos: North Phitto Nationol Da
Uuildintr, North IMatto, Nob.
jj L DENNIS, M. D.,
Over First Nntlonnl llmik,
Olllm. nvor Yollow ProntShon Storo
Moagland & Hoafrland,
OMW'm over
llolionohri. lliiuk. NOIITII 1'I.ATTlf, N1III
ffOHTII I'l.ATTK, . . . HKHHAK -unice
over North rislte Nutlimsl llnuk.
f?-!1.1.?. " 1 1 i n ni i m Rlock, Dnwoy streot.
uuice over 1'ost Office.
Telephone 115.
North Platto, . - - Nobraskn.
A. 11. Davu, l. k. noicii
urauy uiocif KoUtnu 1 & U.
With Our Compliments
1 1
aim our ucst -vislies lor your
continued good health and hap
pincss, vc present for New
Year's, 1901, a fine variety of
champagnes, other wines ani
liquors, imported and domestic,
tor uie season, it is our especia
care that no inferior brand slml
find its way to our shelves or cel
Xiogal Notice
TIlO dofondants II. Kmnrnnn it ret iiml
real nnmo unknown, (impleaded with Tho
KT..1 I r ami .
ouuruHKii uoan iis irust uompanv, otal.
will titKo notieo that on t in ttli lnv nt
Sopt, 1000, tho plointlir, Tho County
of Lincoln, a corporation, filed its noti-
tion in tho district court of Lincoln
county, Nobraskn, tho object and prnyor
of which is to fort-cloo eortain tnx lionp,
duly iiBeossod by said plulntiir ogainst
tho southeast qunrtor of hootton 'JO, in
townshit) 0. north of rnnim .t1 .,.at nf l,.
Sixtli principal meridian, Nobraskn, with
mo ponauios unci intorost amounts for
tho voar 1801 in tlin mim nfinin. tnr.
tho year 189."i in tho sum of 13 87; for
ino year iouu m mo sum of 10.08; Tor
tho year 1897 in tlio sum of 11.10: for
tho year 1898 in tho sum of l.').7o; for tho
vear 1899 in tho sum of !) !') nmnnnti,,,.
in tho total sum of 883 9.1: with interest
on if tl.o nt tho rnto of ton nor cent
pur annum irum mo liitli aay of August,
1900. nil of which in dun nnil'iinnniil
Plaintiff IirnVB a dnnrnn nf fnronl nanrn
oi saui tax non nnu n sale of said prom
. . ....v.w...V..
ises .
You and each of you defendants nro
rumurou 10 nnswor piiki tmtitinn nn nr
uemro iuonuny, llio lltli day of Fob'
runry, iuui .
A (,'nrnnrntinn
)H By H. S. Ridcloy. its Attornov
The nnmn nf thin rnrinrntinrt alinll
iiio Vyommorenu tjiuo.
Tiin nlaCO of IlllsincfiH nf f Ilia nnninrn
tion shall bo in tho City of North Platte,
Tho nhinnfc nf f liin nnrnnrnf I fin atintl t
to foetor nail dovolon tho resources of
- , w f-, vy.. v ... 'l UUJIU I
of its mnmbore, to promote bueiness nod
social intercourse anions its members
nnrl nrnvtrln fnr tlmni mnalnnl n .1
inrLii 1'iiiTin nnri inn rrmuini nrnanni ti
...... ..w.uu aw VUUUI lit V4CJIKCM ftUll JIIUI
nry ontortainmont and the comforts and
i . . i . i
uuu . uuiuuuuD ul a uiuu iiuuhu
Tlin tmnifnl utnclr nt Mila
shall bo limited to not oxcoed tho sum of
850000. dividod into 250 nhnrnn nf S'J on
Said Sharps to bo fllllv imill u-lmn unl.
scribod for.
Tlin inflnhtnflnoail nt Mlta nnr.mrniinn
shall not any timo oxeced tho sum of
of 8300.00.
Tlin nfllnnra nf Hi! a nnrnnrnllnn clmll
" . . . ' V. . I 1 .. 1 1 1. LI
consist of a board of olovon diroctors to
uo oio(siou oy trio Btocunoiaors nt the
nnnillll monf iniT tt fh nnrhnfiiflm nnt
........... .-VHLtn ua. ifii w wui 'VJiivilll ltl.ll
a president, vioo-presidont, seorotarv
i . . .. . .i . . , , r.
nun iroiuuror, io oi uiioson oj ino ooarti
of diroctors from thoir own mmborship.
In witness whoroof wo havo horounio
sot our hands this 31st day of Dooom-
E H. Waknkk,
V. A. Voi.r.Mr.u,
R. L. flltAVKH.
uur, X1IIIU,
Ika L. Haiik,
O.T. PlKI.D.
Tliti llufniiiliiCtH. Allen II. Clnllln. nhnrlu n
CoMlti. Iiur IiiihI)iiiiiI. Mnry A. l'roxt. Corn 0. Mo-
Neiil. ctinrlKH K. MuNtml, lior luiabmiil, (lortrmlo
HlliMIl nml .liinnln I.. Knllti. Iixlni. I.Aii..i,.l,.rl...
nnd lKiiten unilttr tba will of Slorrell O. Koltli,
iIhlvhhhi), n tliu liniipouliiii of curtnlo contln.
KoikIi h, will toko notice Hint on tho Kltli iluy of
October. 1WK). Wllliinl II. Millard, hs oiecutvr nml
tMiti'i. nml William A. l'HXtivi, Sr., nml It. H.
Van Tiih1I ns ailinltilntrntnrn o. t. a. of tl)
iwtntii of .M.'O. Koltli, (loconooil, llloil their 'tl
Hon In tlio illMlrlct court of Lincoln county. No
brnskn, tlin otiJut nml prayer of which Ih for an
order f mm thin court pormlttlnK tliom to noil lotn
I'ourtoMiio InoluHlvu, In lllockti. of lllnmnn'H
Second Addition to tho city of North Platte, I,I.
coin county, Ncliranka, for tho Bum of $7,000.00, to
Olio ChnrlcH V IddlnKS, nnd to convoy the mine
to nun ny tuelr dood iih moh ropro.sentntlvoi.
Vou nnd tvich of you, dofondnnta, nro requlrod
to niwufur snld petition nn or before Monday, the
Ibthdnyof l'obiuary. 1001.
Dated at North IMatto, Nob., this 11th day of
January, 1U01.
WlixABn n. Mi i.t. nn.
Ah Executor nnd Trustee.
William A. I'axton, Hu., nud It. 8. Van TAmm.i.,
iw nilniluletrntnrk c. t. n, of tboontnto of M, 0,
Jill lly I'nul Charlton, their Att.ftney.
In the matter of tne estate of James I).
Wilson, deceased.
In the County Court of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, December 11, IP00,
Notice Ik hereby given, that the creditors
of said deceased will meet the Administra
trix of said estate, before the County Jude
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at the County
Court ltoom In said county, on the Dtli tiny of
January, UK) I, and on the loth day of June,
1001, at 0 o'clock a. m . each day, tor the pur
pose ot presenting their claims for examin
ation, adjustment and allowance. Six
months are allowed for creditor to ircsent
their claims, and one year tor the Admlnls
tratrlxtp settle salt! estate, from tlio UtU
ay ui wwrnuur iuw. ,
A. S,
3' ?n$lJ&iyo.
a H I
John Furnish. Cora A. Furnish and John
Doc, real name unknown, defendants, will
take notice that James 13. Seeley. plaintiff,
lias Hied Ills petition In the district court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said de
fendants, the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed
October 1st, t8W.!, by the defendants John
J urnlsh and Cora A, Furnish, on the follow,
tic described real estate, to wit: The south
halt of the northwest quarter and the north
east quarter of the southwest quarter of
section twelve; and the southeast quarter of
the northeast quarter of section eleven, all
in towiHhli) nine, north In range thirty,
west of the blxth principal meridian In Lin
coln county, Nebraska, said mortgage being
executed to secure the payment of the one
principal promissory noteof said defendants
John Furnish and Cora A. Furnish, for the
sum of i&co. with terr Interest coupon notes
thereto attached; each of said Interest
notes being for the sum of 17 M) and due
respectively on the llrst days of April and
October 18'A IHH, 1805, isou, and 1W7. There
Is now due the jilalntllT on said notes and
mortgage Including the amount paid a
taxes on said premises, and the costs paid bv
fiiiilMllfT It. ..... . i ...... .... :
plaintiff In the foreclosure enscs comincnn-i!
by the County of Lincoln for the foreclosure
of taxes on said nremlsuH. thn sum nr C7:w J'i
, ... ' ' I'lv.iiinva, null, w, .J7,iv.
Wltll HIkFa., tl....n, nft ..... 1 .. ... . . .J
...... .w.ab .tiuAvuu ..b mi; i.iiu in leu per
cent per annum on 02J.M) therrof from the
1st pay of Ap.-ll, 1H05, and on 1 115 09 thereof
from IheMh day of August, low, and plain
tin prays for a decree that said defendants
be required to pay the samo or that said
premises be sold to satisfy said amount with
interest and costs of suit.
ou arc required to answer said petition
on or before Monday the Ulst day of Jan
uary, 1001.
i.. . ',A.HK? K, Plaintiff.
-JliLJLy ' S Morlan- Attorney.
Legal Notieo.
Tho (Icfoutlimts V. C. MoMichitol, W.
I'. Uabcock, T. M. Marelmll, (J. II.
Coopor, A. S. Saude, first ronl nnmo
unknown, (implottded with Jnriua D.
Lowia, ot nl.,) will tako notieo
that on tho 18th day of Juno. 1P00,
tho phttnliir, Tho County of Lincoln, it
corporation, filed lto potition In tho dis
trict court of Lincoln eounty, Nebraska,
tho object nnd prayer of which in to
forecloHo eortain tux Hone, duly itascssod
by said plaintiff" nKtiinst tho eouth
we&t quarter of section 21, in town
ship D, north of rango 27, west ot Sixth
principal moridinn, Nebraska, which
with tho pounhiop nnd Interest amount
for tho yonr 1802 in tho sum of $8 02:
for tho year 1893 in tho sum of 9.11; for
tho your 1891 iu tho sum of 8 31; for
tho yenr 189. in tho sum of 7 D8; for
tho year 189G in tho num of 8.15; for
tho year 1897 in tho sum of 15.83; for
tlio year 1893 in tho sum ot 7.11; for
tho year 1S99 in tho sum of 7.0G; amount
ing in tho total sum of 87310; with in
terest on 855.G1 nt tlio rnto ot ton por
eont por annum from tho 1st dnv ot
Mny, 19C0, nil ot which is duo 'and
I'lnitltiff Tiravs n ilnnrnn nf f-irni,lnoiie
of said tax lion" nnd n said of said prom-
You and ench of you defendants nro
rcntlirod In nnnivnr Rnlrl' tmtitinn ,
boforo Monday, tho 11th day of Fob-
mnry, ivul.
A Corporation.
251 By II. S. Ridploy, its Attornov.
Legal Notice
Tho dofondants Geor F. Whito (itn
ploadod with John V. Wood otnl.,) will
take notieo that on tho 3d day of April,
i9U0, tho plaintilT, Tho County of Lin
coln, a corporation, filod ils petition in
the dUtriot court of Lincoln county, No
braskn, tho object nnd prayer of which is
to forocloeo eortain tux lions, duly as
sessed by said plaintifr figuiust tho
southeast quartor ot northwest quarter
and lots 3, 1 and 5 of section (J, in
township 12, north of 30, west
ot Sixth principal moridian, Nobraskn,
which with tho poualties and intorost
amount for tho venr 1892 in tho biiiii nf
821.45; for tho year 1803 in tho sum of
9 40; for tho year i891 in tho sum ot for tlio yenr ibO.) in tho sum of
14.45; for tho yonr i89G in tho fum of
18 02; for tho yonr 1897 in tlio sum of
10.95; fortlio year i898 in tlio sum of G.70;
for tho yonr i899 in tho sum of5.G0;
nmnuiitinf,' in the total sum ot 8103.08;
with interest on 873 7G nt tho rnto of ten
por cent por annum from tlio 1st day of
May, i900, nil of which is duo and unpaid.
Plaintiff prays n deeroo of forooh
of said tnx lion nnd a ealo of said protn-
You and ouch of you dofendnnts nro
required to nnswor said potition on or
boforo Monday, tho 11th day ot Fob-
ruury, iuui.
A Comorntion.
251 13y II. S. Ilidclov. its Attornov
Loal Notice,
'Pill, flofnnflnntu .L.lin MnHon T..
MnttRntl lltu U'ifn Itrot: rnnl nn...
...uv .v.., ut.iiiu III,
known, O. II. Jacobson, first ronl nnmo
uiiKiiuwu, dacouson tils who,
first real nnmo unknown nnd John
Uuo, ronl nnmo unknown will'
lake notiuo that on tho 1th day of Sent..
1900. tlin tilinntiir . M'lw. rv,,.,.,, r r
coln.n corporation,, filed its potition in
tho District Court of Lineolu County,
Nebraska, tho object and prnyor of
whiuh is to foreclose eortain tax lions,
duly fiR-iwed by said phiintiff HKniust
tho northeast quartor of aootion 9, town
ship 10, north of rango 33. west of Sixth
principal moridian, Nobraskn, with
penalties nnd Intorost ntnount for tho
voar 1893 in tlinmim nt a 1.1 t. f..- . I...
. . ..." ... V . I I 1 I I 1 1 1J
year 1891 in tlio sutn of 0.72; for tho
yt-nr 1895, ih tho sum of 8.17; for tho
...... 1 cm . .
jtui loiw, in mu mi 111 oi mai; ior tno
your 1897, iu tho sum of 8.70; Tor iho
year 1898, in tho sum of 4.02; for tho
year 1899, in tho sum of 3.05; amonntini,'
111 Urn total sum nf A."i(V!V. will, ! 1 1 root
on 811.00,nt tho rnto of ton por cont per
lllltilltii frim tw l.ltlt ,7ti..r.P A ,if,i,nl ino)
all of which is duo and unpaid.
I'lainuu prays a tiecreo or Toreolosuro
of said tax lions and a sale of said prem
ises. You and onoh of you dofondants nro
ronuirofl tn nnnu'nr ciil.l ....ttit...
... j, I..,, Ill, in
boforo Monday, tho 11th dav of Fob-
M. mii
mnry, i.iwi.
mt'VTV rM l.lMpnr v
A Corporation.
251 By II.S.HidBley.its Ally
Plumber. Tinworkor
General Repairer.
Special atteiitiou given to