The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 04, 1901, Image 8

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    ' Local News in Brief,
The North Platte contingent at
the state university returned to
Lincoln the early part of this week.
Maggie May Bruce secured a
decree of divorce from her husband
James II, Bruce in the district
court Monday.
II. 15. Votaw, who recently Bold
Ins residence to Claude Weingand,
expects to build a two story house
' in the spring.
John Iazicr began cutting his
j supply of ice yesterday morning
from his lake southeast of town,
lie will put up about six hundred
Round and Half Hound
Stock Tanks, all sizes, lor
sale by Jos. Horshey.
The present session of district
court has brought to town a large
number of country residents who
have been summoned aB' jurymen or
witnesses in the several cases.
f Two deer were killed on the
island at Brady the early part ot
the week by a young man named
Buchtcl and a companion. .There
were seven of the deer in the herd.
R. II. Langford failed to secure
the appointment of chief clerk of
the lower house of the legislature
at Lincoln, a position which be
made considerable effort to secure.
Barb wire and staples for sale by
Jos. Hershey.
Major Scharmann went to Lin
coin Wednesday night to attend
'he inaugural ball given last night,
having been selected as a member
, of one of the committees connected
. ' with the function.
C. A. Sibley of Fox Creek,
' Tristram Roberts and Fred George
of Maxwell and Henry Cokcr ol
l. Sutherland, are among the well
known country residents who are
attending this term of court.
The assignment of an old pasBen
. ger engineer to a Bwitch engine
and his apparent refusal to accept
at the risk of losing his job, shows
that he posBcsses considerable in
dependenceand a good bunk ac
count Wm. ISdis has increased the
capacity of his ice house and this
.. season will put up about six
hundrdd tons trom his well water
lake southwest of town. Mr. ISdis
has been at work this week putting
up the ice, which is of good thickness.
The county commissioners have
appointed John Keith ot Suther
land, as a delegate from Lincoln
. county to the national live Block
convention which meets at Salt
Lake on the 15th inst. We under
stand that it is Mr. Iviith's intcii
tion to attend the convention.
County commissioner-elect Mc
CuUough took the oath of office
yesterday ana immediately took
his Beat as a member of the board,
: Vc predict that Mr. McCullough
will make a valuable member of the
3 board and that his actions will be
for the best interests of the county
at all times.
The official!! of the local United
states land othec have made out
their reports for the quarter ending
iv . i. -
, , uacuiucr oihi, ana irom mem we
, learn that during the last three
months of l'JOO t ior? wr ir'
t A
iiumcsicnu entries maue covering
17, 04 acres of land, Fifteen res
) ervoir entries were also made.
. uurlug the three months proofs
. Wire .made on thirty-four home
stead and Bevcn timber culture
entries. The transactions of the
othec tor the quarter wete a little
' above the ayeragc.
We are informed by Dr. Seymour
that by reason of a recent ruling of
tie nnRRPnrrpr rl.
yarious roads, it will be impossible
tor nun to oring his private car to
thiB city as he had expected, as it
seems the railroad authorities object
to liis UBing railroad grounds for
hiB business. His car is very val
V. 1 t ,.l ...
uauic, ucamcB containing many
thousand dollar worth of valuable
instruments, and in towna of this
size there is great danger in switch
ing, and aa the doctor
HUBtained a Iohb on one of the rail
roadsthey refuse to insure the
car and instruments agaiiiBt
accidents consenuentlv he will use
his' car only on long journeys and
i , ...
in mrgc cities. However, we are
pleased to learn that Dr, Seymour
win oc ucre tu person, accompanied
I... I.!.. ...! -v - r
wjr hid iiuicu ubBibitini, ur. iieury
u, Williams, at Pacific hotel, Wed
nesaay and Thursday, January
aud 10.
$10.00, 12.00, 13.50, $15 and $18,
in Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters have a saving of
from $2 to $5. Cheaper Suits and Overcoats,
$4.50 to $9.00.
W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor.
Oije fHce aijet JPlaifl Fixtures.
Opposite old location.
Buys Hank Building,
Chan McDonald purchased the
North Platte bank building Wed
nesday of Mrs. Elizabeth Donald
son tor a constaeration 01 twelve
thousand dollars. After the insti
tution had closed its doors and the
assetts had been marshaled and
mostly sold the comptroller of the
currency authorized the receiver to
sell the building to the highest
bidder. It was purchased by a
trust, represented by F. 13. Dullard,
for a little less than eight thousand
dollars. A couple of years later
the trust sold the building to Mrs.
Donaldson for ten thousand dollars
At present the building has a rent
income of about twelve hundred
dollars per yuar.
The sale of the building was
through T. C. Patterson with But
ler Buchanan acting as Mr. McDon
ald's agent.
Judgo and Mm. Hlnman Entertain.
Judge and Mrs. Ilinman enter
tained thirty or forty friends, a
number of young people included,
at their pleasant home Wednesday
evening in favor of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. R. Osgood, of Pitkin, Col.
Tho eveninir was devoted to play
ing dominoes, authors and similar
games, interspersed with amuse
ment of a more rollicking nature by
the younger people.
Judge and Mrs. Ilinman are very
hospitable people and their guests
enjoyed the evening very much.
Refreshments were served about
ten thirty and after a half hour ol
social conversation the lruests
Distriot Court.
The jurors for this term of court
reported Wednesday tnorninir and
twelve were empaneled in the af
tcruoon to hear the case ol Russell
Fowles, charged with shooting
with intent to kill, J. A. Harshfielil
being the complaining witness.
a ii ib is iue iracas mat occurred up
" lhe Iliri'wood l summer. The
"K" UK4..1II1C uivuivcu
mem occame involved in an
altercation over cattle, in which
Harshfield got Fowles down and is
reported to have choked him
Harshfield seemed to get satisfac
tion and uettinir tin mounted his
horse and was riding away when
h owles opened lire with a revolver
one bullet cutting the rim of his hat
uyer thirty witnesses were Bub
pocnacd, few of whom, however
Utlf.w nnutlilnrr rtf 1 1 . f.-nn.. I . !
- 8Un,moncU principally to testify to
iue standing and reputation of the
two men.
The caBC was given to the jury
at eiglit o clock last evening, and
aicer uetnir out t hirtv ni niiien
brought in a verdict of acquittal.
, To Tho Public.
i nave established mv
- Kempton's Jewelry store.
9 J. W, Vooimv,
Airent Sluirer Sewinir Marti! nn Pn
Do You
Do you know, man, who wears good
clothes, that there's probably not another
clothing house in this vicinity which con
fines itself as exclusively to all-wool, fast
colored fabrics, as we do? Do you know
what that means in an Overcoat, Suit or
Ulster? What service and satisfaction it
assures? The fabrics have to stand acid
and alkali tests; sun and water tests, and
strength tests before they arc made into
our Blue Label C.'oUiing.
Careless Shooting.
Last Monday night several youni;
men, presumably members of Com
pany 15, stood in front of the
armory on Locust street and
deliberately fired a dozen shots
through the Blankenburg and Her
shey buildingF. Several of the ball
passed through Blankenburg's
large window and striking saddlery
on the inside caused a loss of
twenty-five or thirty dollars to that
gentleman. One of the balls enter
ing the Hershey building pierced
the steel nm of a bicycle, while
another passed through the box of
This is about the most malicious
piece of work that has occurred in
North Platte for some time: it was
not only malicious bat extremely
u.myciuub lur moBi or i lie Dans
passed clear through the buildings,
udangering the HveB of per
eons passing or living beyond. An
attempt is being made to ferret out
the guilty parties.
Electric Light Proposition.
lhe city council held a regular
meeting Wednesday evening, and
the committee to which had been
referred the electric light proposi-
tion made its report. The com-
mittee made several chanires in the
proposition and then recommended
that it pass. The changes made
oy tue committee was to cut down
the franchise from twenty to six
years; state the charges for lights
per calender month, and insert a
change or two in the section relat-
ng to the construction of poles and
wires. -
After hearing the repnrt the
council tabled the proposition to
tome future meeting when all mem-
I I -
bers would be present. Mr. XAnvA
being absent from the Wednesday
evening mectiiiLr. Dad the orono-
t l
sition come tin lor accentnnee or
rejection Wednesday evening it is
quite likely it would have teceiyed
the necessary number of vnten tn
cat ry.
Entertain High rive Club.
Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Grimes,
assisted by Mesdarnes Luce and
Walker, entertained the west end
high five club Tuesday evening
1 he attendance was the largcBt of
the season, all but four of the mem
bers being present, and uine tables
were necessary. The ladies, as a
rule, played excellent gameB, much
better than the men. Of the latter
Will McDonald and II. S, White
were tne most successful. The
croVd was in a very happy mood
and a delightful evening for all
The club will be entertained next
Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs
J. II. Hershey.
VAKl'lST W WAVING of all
KindB. work guaranteed. Call or
address Mrs. M. J. Ragan. One
block west Buzza's Store.
$ People and Events. I
Rev. G. A. Bcccher was the guest
of his mother at Kearney Wednes
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Neale of
Sutherland have ban visiting
North Platte friends this week.
Mrs. Geo. M. Graham and son
Ralph returned Monday evening
from their visit in Grand Island.
Rev. J. F. Seibcrt, who has been
sick with fever for a week past is
reported somewhat improved
J. B, McDonald came up from
Omaha yesterday morning and is
spending a few days with his
Mrs. 13d Rebhauscu who had
been called to Omaha by an ac
cident which befell her brother-in-law,
returned home yesterday
P, L. Harper the Wallace banker,
has been in town for several days
looking up records in the county
clerk's office and transacting busi
ness of a legal nature.
Mrs. Ed Weeks, who had been
spending the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barra-
dough, returned to her home in
Omaha yesterday morning.
Mrs. Snow, of Cheyenne, a sister
of F. W. Rincker, arrived in
town Wednesday night. Mrs. Snow
is afilicted with inflammatory rheu
matism so severely that she is al
most helpless, and she comcB here
with the hope that the lower alti
tude may prove beneficial.
Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Hannali ex
pect to leave Sunday or Monday for
Ivirksville, Mo., where they will
visit the Doctor's parents for some
time. "The Doctor has fin oppor
tunity to associate himself with an
old practitioner in St. Louis, and
this he may decide to do. Dr.
Hannah and wife have made many
friends during their residence in
North Platte and they will regret
their departure.
20 Per W
Is quite a. difference in price
on a staple article, iou win
and that difference on our price
on coffee from what many of you
pay. You will also find as much
diircrence and more on many
other articles. That is the differ
ence hetween cash and a pass
Arbuckle's Coffee. ...13c, 2 pkgs 25
Lion Coffee 13c, 2 pkirs 25
X X X X Coffee .... 13c, 2 pkgs. .
Bee Coffee per pkg 14
Bogota Coffee 18c,2 pkgs .35
On Time YeaBt, 2 pkgs 05
Yeast Foam, 2 pkgs
Diamond C. Soap. 9 bars 25
. . - -
Santa Claus Soap, 8 bars 25
5c size Paddle, Blue 04
10c Bize Paddle, Blue 07
Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour per
pkg '. 10
Table Salt, 2 sacks 05
Kerosene Oil, per gal 15
Sewing Machine Oil, per bottle .05
4-lb. package Gold Dust 18
Pearline. per pkg 0
Vinegar, per gallon 20
White Wine Vineirar. per iral
I w u
Corn Starch, per pkg -05
Ariro Gloss Starch, oer okir 05
Kingsfords Corn Starch 08
Kingsfords Silver Gloss Starch .08
Saire. per pkir 04
Hops, per pkg 0
Search Light Matches, per box .04
3 lb Pail Lard 30
5 lb Pail Lard 50
Oat Meal per lb 03
Best Full Cream Cheese, per lb. .15
) lb Can Chipped Dried Beef.. . .10
Oil Sardines per can 05
Mustard Sardines per can . . . ..05
Walter Bakers Cocoa, yi lb. tin 25
Walter Bakers Chocolate 18c 2
cakes 35
Army Avlc Grcase2 boxes, 15
Frazier's Axle Grease, 2 boxes .15
Eairle Brand Condensed Milk
18c 3 cans 35
Evaporated Cream 13c 2 cana for
Battle Ax Tobacco, per plug.., .35
Horse Shoe Tobacco, per
plug 45
Star Tobacco, per lb 45
J. T. Tobacco, per plug
We pay you as much as w ca
for your produce and charge you no
more tor goods exchanged tor pro
duceLtuan you pay in casii.
Wilcox Department Store.
misrepresent anything- to you. Our policy is to give you
a fair deal, sell you honest g-oods at honest prices and with
that in view we can command your trade. It you think
this is a fish story just come in and examine the quality
of our goods and find out their prices.
ooo-ocrtoor ortc-r ooc oci ocj
Will Open Meat Marhot.
Harrington & Tobin have decided
to open a meat market in their
Dewey Btrect room within a few
days and have written for a com
petent cutter. They will handle
dressed meats exclusively for the
present, at least, and will aim to
handle the choicest beef, mutton,
pork, etc., obtainable from the
South Omaha packers.
The opening of the market will
prove a great convenience to the
patrons of the grocery Btore, as
orders for both meats and groceries
can be placed at the same time.
The market will be conducted in
the up-to-date manner which has
alwaya characterized the II, & T.
Brewetcr & Williams of Grand
Island, Neb., are headquarters for
Cut Flowers, Holly, Mistletoe and
Green Wreathing. They alBO
grow lettuce and Radishes.
T. H. Miller has just offered to
donate to the town of Crete, a wad
of $10,000 to erect a public library
building. The council in discussing
the question as to whether it can
afford to accept the gift with the
conditions imposed.
William Burke, an old engineer
on the Union Pacific, from Colum
bus to Albion, was stricken with
apoplexy while waiting in a Colum
bus barber shop for the word
"next. The barber denies that
the paralysis was due to his talk.
No trace has yet been discovered
of Kirk Stevens, who 6o mvster-
oitsiy disappeared from Daunebrog
two weeks ago. Constant search
has been made and the river near
by dynamited aud every expedient
used to discover him dead or alive,
but without avail. Probably
-r si-.r
We are showing1 an exceptionally fine line of Per-
fumes and Soaps, two articles which arc household
We carry Perfumes in
bottles one is just as
Fine Soaps in boxes
15 to 50 cents per box.
A. F. Streitz,
By Special Arrangement we can furnish
Free for one year to every one of our subscribers. All you
Jiavp to do is to renew for The Tribune for another year and
. tel us that you want The Prairie Earmer and we will order
it sent to you one full year free; We will also send The
Prairie Farmer free ope year tp every new subscriber who
pays us one ycqr in advappe.
Don't put this ofT, if you yant to get that great otie dol
lar a year farm paper free. This offer is but for a limited
Meet Your :
Eyes and Ears
every passing1 day and
you may be deceived
sometimes. Our idea
is that you would not
get bitten the second
time, so it would not be
to our advantage to
It is believed that a million people
have been vaccinated in Greater
New York during the past month.
The road to immunity from small
pox is so open and so inexpensive
that it is a marvel that the disease
has succeeded in spreading itself so
far and wide over the country, A
mere pin scratch will make a person
proof against one of the most
dreaded ot all contagions.
Ten Dollars Howard.
Will be paid for the arrest and
conviction ot the party who on the
night of Dec. 31 or Jan. 1 broke
open the coal house of District No.
8 and took therefrom the coal. By
order of the board.
D. McLauciiun, Director.
Stitch in Time
Saves Nine
Is a trite old saying, and is
particularly true when applied
to Shoes. Our business is to
mend Shoes, and people give
us the credit of knowing our
business from a to z. If your
Shoes need mending, bring
them here.
Gneorge Tekulve.
Anticipating the wants of
men who wear good clothes
good material, good workman
ship and good fit we have
laid in a nice line of Fall and
Winter Suitings and Pants
Goods, and solicit your orders.
We can satisfy you, in fit and
First Door North Wilcox Btore.
bulk as well as in ounce
choice as the other. fj
of three cakes, ranging from