The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 04, 1901, Image 4

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    FRIDAY, JAN. 1901.
IRA It BARE.Editobawd PitorniKTon
One Yenr, ctth in advance tl-2-
Bti Monthi, ciih la sdrancs 75 Oenta'
oooi1-rlei matter.
GoviiKNOK DiiiTKicii was formal
ly sworn in yesterday as ' gov
ernor of Nebraska and delivered
an inaugural address that treated
of state matters 'in a business
way. It is quite evident that
Nebraska will have a strictly
business administration.'"'
Titi: legislature convened in
session Tuesday and as pre
dicted Scars of Burt county was
elected speaker of the house.
The legislature starts off in a
business-like manner and a num
ber of bills have already been
introduced in the senate.
This county attorney of Doug
las countv has filed in the police
court in South Omaha three com
plaints against Edward Rose
water, charging him with the un
lawful expenditure of money in
the November election. This
action is probably petty spite
Fkank Jamkh," the ex-train
robber is a candidate for the
position of door-keeper of the
Missouri legislature and at this
time it looks as though his
election is certain. We suppose
he is to be rewarded for the
crimes he failed to commit,
rather than for those he com
. In his inaugural addrcsss Gov
ernor Dietrich recommends the
' submission to the voters of the
state a proposition to so amend
the constitution as to empower
the legislature, under proper re
strictions, to provide for such an
increase in the number of judges
of the supreme court as shall in
sure permanent relief.
Gkongh E. Roiuckts, the
director of the mint, yesterday
made public his preliminary esti
mate of gold and silver mined
in the United States during the
year 1900. The aggregate of
gold is given as 3,887,213 line
ounces, valued at $78,322,281,
and of silver, 59,610.543 fine
ounces, which at the approximate
average price of 61 cents for the
year makes the value $36,362,421.
This canal treaty as ratified
by the Senate provides for a
canal and in this respect agrees
with the treaty as submitted to
that body. Otherwise it is
different. The canal built under
"it will not be neutral but Ameri
can, and must be defended by
the United States if we ever go
to war. Secretary Hay preferred
a neutral canal, and the senate
prefers an American one. It is
u matter about which men may
well disagree.
Anothich attempt will be made
by thc legislature to revise the
revenue law, but the prospects of
success are not Haltering. The
last two sessions wrestled with
thc problem in vain. One bad
feature of thc prcscnt law which
ought at least to be remedied is
that in thc figures sent out from
this state, and used in quotations
and compilations thc world over
represent only one-fifth the
actual values. The law now on
thc books provides for an assess
mcnt at actual cash values, but'
the absence of a penalty has
allowed thc undervaluation to be
come general. To send out the
real figures would be a good ad
vcrtiscmcnt for the state, and
would mean no increase in taxes7
It must make eastern people
Htnuc to read ot the 80 cent nogs,
thc $3 cattle and thc $6 horses in
the great Htate of Nebraska.
But under our present system
that is the way the figures look.
Wm. Stuukkn, state treasurer-
elect, will protect the state funds
by furnishing a -surety company
bond in the sum of one and a
half million dollars. This bond
it is said will cost Mr. Stucfer
three thousand dollars for two
years. He could furnish a per-
sonal bond but prefcred to give
one guaranteed by surety com-
In 1875 the exports of domestic
merchandise from the United
States were just forty-eight per
cent as large as those of Great
Britain. Since then, however,
the difference has . been yearly
growing less uiuu tins year our
exports amount to nearly one
, . ii . i
and one-nan billion dollars, ami
. .. ,, .. . 1
exceeding tnosc oi me united
tf . 1 Ti -i!rr ..ii j I
ivinguom. n is uuiicim io pre-
diet how far Uncle Sam will lead
John Bull in exports twenty-five
years hence.
In this week's Conservative
Mr. Morton makes a suggestion
to which thc prcscnt legislature
may well pay heed. He callkat
tcntion to a law passed by thc
Iowa legislature two years ago
establishing a state board of
control whose duty should be to
provide the state institutions
with men qualified to take the
management of thc same and do
thc work in hand as it should be
done. The Iowa method may
not be thc best that could be
devised but it is certainly desir
able that some measures be taken
to insure thc selection of heads
of the departments in thc future
from among those who have more
than mere political qualifications
for the jobs to which they aspire,
Mr. Morton admits that Gov
ernor Dietrich has so far cxer
cised sound judgment in his
selections but the state may
some day go pop again, in which
event mediocrity is likely to have
another inning.1 State Journal
Thc new year opens with noth-
ing in sight to mar thc outlook
for business. There is no pros-
ent reason to doubt that the pros-
perity which the country is en-
joying will last through 1901.
I he most positive evidence of
soundness in trade and industry
is the entire absence of a specu-
lative lever in Hie production and
distribution business of thc
country. Nobody is over-reach-
ing. Merchants arc not accum-
ulatingexcessive stocks of goods,
Factories arc not running be-
yond thc needs of their custom-
Demand and supply are ho cv-
enly balanced in all the great
lines of trade and industry that
commerce flows along easy and
it 4 .
smootniy and tnc consuming
power of thc people is so great I
that thc labor of supplying their
needs is tasking the capacity of
merchants and of the railroads.
This is a thoroughly healthy con
dition and any adverse change
must arise from future develop
Outside of the New York-
stock market'there is less specu
lation in the counttw than ever
No. 1 Cures Fovoi
No. 2 " Worms,
No. O " Infants' Dlsonsc3
No. 4 Dlnrrhon.
No. 8 " Neuralgia.
No. O Cures Hondncho.
No. 10 " Dyspopsln.
No. 1 1 " Dolnyocl Pot'lods
No. 12 " Lovichorrcn.
No. 14 " Skin Diseases.
No. ID Cures Rhoumntism.
No. 10
No. 20
No. 27
rJo. OO
No. 77
Whooping Cough
Kidney Diseases.
Urinary Diseases
Colds and Grip.
Kohl by DntHKists, or scut prupulil on
rocolnt of prtcw, X5o., or fi
Da. Humviiiieyu' IfnMCOi'ATiua Manuai
or DisiUBKn 3l.ui.Ki Fiikb.
Humphreys' Med. Co., lfl WIIIIie St., K,T.
before, during the period of good
times. All the efforts to iret rich
by short cuts seems to be con
ccntratcd in stocks. A wave of
speculation has started in the
last few days in the wheat mar
ket, but spasmodic outbursts arc
to be expected frequently in the
grain and provisions trade,
Even the stock speculation is
of an unusual character. The
great advance in prices of securi
ties since the election have been
due to the investment of the
surplus wealth of the country
rather than to indiscriminate and
dangerous speculative buying
on margins. The rise in stock
rcflccts s;mp,y t,)C confi(lcrtcc of
cupUal t,mt thc prcscnt cra of
nrn - Wv n rnnt:ntl nm,
1 j " -
u t tlle t)rcvaiiirur rsitc of divi
(lcn,,s on raih.oad nnA industrial
Ltocus wni be maintained and
;n many c;ises increasC(i.
Prices of all farm products are
comparatively hurh. They do
not reach the level that some
times results from scarcity, but
they are higher now than ever
before when farmers possessed
as much, in thc aggregate, as
they have today to sell. Satis
factory prices for bountiful crops
of course produce a great deal
more prosperity than extra'
ordinary high values resulting
from a deficiency in. supplies
Credit is on a solid basis.
There is no lack of confidence
anywhere, yet at the same time
a conservative spirit which pre
vents the growth of over-con
ndence pervades business in
this country.
Some mutterings come from
abroad, but they are largely thc
efforts of pessimistic commenta
tors to scent a panic rather than
an actual menace ot danircr.
But adversity in the trade and
finances of thc old world is not
so threatening to thc prosperity
of the United States now as it
was in former years. The
financial strength of America is
such that thc finances of this
country arc in a position to help
foreigners out of their difficulties,
instead of being alarmed, as they
used to be, by every cloud that
arises on the European horizon
The growth of wealth and thc
increase in business during-the
years of 1899 and 1900 were
greater than in any other two
years in thc history of the
country and thc first year of the
new century promises to make a
business record which will equal,
if it docs not surpass, that of thc
last year of the century which
has now trone into hitnrr.
0 . j ,
Kansas City Star
You can leave Aouri rivei tfte? hmh$ todaj on
"The Overland Mmited"
nnd arrivo California ooner than If you loft yesterday yl any other rain
. .
Room Palace Sleepers, broad vestibulcd Cars throughout,
UuiTet Smoking-and Library Cars with Barber Shops and
Pleasant Reading-Rooms, Dining Cars, meals being served
u hi carte, find every delicacy is provided. Thc cars are
illuminated with tho famous Pintch Light and heated with
steam. A notable feature is that safty, perfect eptnfort and
speed arc ull included,
Only Two 3ST5itH
. , . Botwoort . . .
aaiHHourl XUvor nud. Sou ITrimciHco,
For time tables and
Corner the Mnrlcot for Tlielr trlrt Kill
Mom mill Coin Money.
When tho ordinary man roads that
tho works of somo poet arc being
brought out in a limited edition of, say
100, or perhaps only 50, volumes, ho j
thinks it is becaiiBO tho publisher Is
afraid that thcro will hot bo a salo
for nny wore. This generally-received
Idea lo qUlto erroneous. Tho reason is
that moro money Is mado out of poetry
when tho book gets scarco than when
It Ib easily obtnlnable. ' Consequently
poets somo of them, by tho way, are
remarkably keen business men have
their works brought out In limited edi
tions, and "buy In" all copies, except
about 10, beforo it Is published. Im
mediately tho scarcity Is felt in tho
literary world a demand Is created,
end by selling their own works through
agents of courso, very gradually
they obtain fancy prices. It was only
tho other day that a well-known poet
obtained for his recently-Issued book
no less than four times tho amount It
was published at. It seems a round
about way to tho outsldo public, but
then tho general public knows abso
lutely nothing about the methods of
tho literary world.
Meteorological Nlcnnl Service.
dorninn agriculturists have ex
pressed a dcslro to have established a
meteorological signal service and tho
government Is Inclined to comply. A
meeting of thc government officials
and meteorological and agricultural
authorities 1b soon to take placo at
Hamburg to discuss tho Introduction
of a telegraphic servico for German
Monument to ChmIus M. Clr
Tho suggestion of a monument to
Casslus M. Clay has met with much
favor among tho colored people of
"Washington. It is proposed that all
the contributions come from their raco
so that tho monument shall bo a
memorial of tho colored people of tho
country to tho Kontuckian.
Olllcos: North Platto National Bank
Building, North Platte, Neb.
p F. DENNIS, M. D.,
Over Flrnt Nntlonnl Hank,
Office over Yollow Front Shoe Store
jyi. G. B. DENT
Ofllce over Post Oflice.
Telephone 115.
North Platto, - - Nebraska
A. It. Davih.
L. E. ItOiClI.
U rtuly mock Kootns l & J..
J, S. HoAaiiANn. W. V. Hoaoand
Hoagland & Hoagland,
OfQco over
MoDonnld'H Dank.
Offlcs over North I'lnlte National Hank.
Offlco in Hinman Block, Dewey fitroot
A trip ,t0
ijal splendor, can oc
made on "The OvepUiDd
Limited," the celeb r ateil
Union 1'acilic train. 'J'h i w
train runs via the "Overland
Route," the established route
across thc continent. It has
yrchaps the inos t Ii u e 1 y
equipped cars in the world.
Thev are Double Drawing
full information call on
Jus. B. Scatilau,
With Our Compliments
ml our best wishes for your
continued good health and hap-
r i .. xt...
Year's, 1901, a fine variety of
champagnes, other wines and
lquors, imported and domestic,
"or thc season. It is our especial
care that no inferior brand shall
find its way to our shelves or cel-
Legal Notioo.
Tho defendants II. Emorsan, first and
roal nnmo unknown, (impleaded with Tho
Nebraska Loan & Trust Company, ot id.
will tnko notico that on tho ltli day of
Sept. 1900, tho plaintiff, Tho County
of Lincoln, n corporation, tiled its not!
tion in tho district court of Jjincoln
county, Nebraska, tho objoot ond prayer
f which is to foreclose) cortnin tax Hons,
duly nsBosBoti by said plaintiff against
tho Doutlioast quarter or section o, in
township 1), north of rango HI. west of the
Sixth principal moruliim. Nebraska, with
tho penalties and interest amounts for
tho year 1891 in tho sum of 810,1(5; for
the vear 1895 in tho sum nf 13.87: for
tho year lo'Ju in ino sum of lu.Us; for
tho year 1897 in the sum of 14.40; for
tho year 1898 in tho sum of 13.75; for tho
vonr lb'JV) in tno sum ot vw, amounting
in tho total Bum of $83 03; with intorest
on !fGl.G7 nt tho rato of ton por cent
per annum from tho l.Jth day of August,
1900. nil ot wtncli is duo and unpaid.
riaintill prays n tlecreo or foreclosure
of said tax lien and a sale of said prom
You and each of you defendants nro
required to answer snul petition on or
bofciro monuny, tho lltn day of Fob
runry, iwui.
A Corporation,
jit By II. S. Ridgltey, its Attornoy.
r 1 r
Tho nnmo of this liornoration ahull bn
mi... rt ..:..i ni..i.
illU vuiiiiiiui uiui uiuu.
Tim plnco of biisinosa of this corporn
tlon Bhnll bo in tho Ulty ot North Plutto
Tho objoot nf thta corporation shrill bo
to fostor nnd dovoiop the reBources of
North l'lntto nnu tho uoncrni prospontv
of its niHtubors, to proinoto business nnd
sooinl intoroourso nmonir its mombers
nnd provulo for thotn musical nnd litor-
nry ontortnlnment and tho comforts nnd
conveniences of n club houso
Tho ennitnl stocU of this cornorntion
chnll bo limited to not exceed tho sunrof
8500 00, divided into 230 shares of 82.(0
Snid shnres to bo fully nnid when sub
scribed for.
Tho indobtodnoss of this corrforntion
shnll not nny tirno oxcocd tho sum of
oi ?,)uy.tsj.
I, ... - , .
Thn nfllnnrn nf tlila nnrnnrnftnn Rlinll
consist ot a bonrti or olovon uirootors to
hn nlnntnil hv Min Htnnlrhnlilni-B nt. thn
nnnunl montlni of llin nnrnnrnt lnn. nnd
n iirontilAnt. vlnn-nronirlnnt BPnrntnpv
nnd troosurer, to bo chosen b tho bonrU
ot uiroctors from tlioir own mnmborBhi
Tn U'itnPRa whnrnnf vn linvn linrnnnt
sot our hnnds this 31st tiny nt Decern
1 . rir
uor. imiu
B IJ. Waiinkii.
Iru L. Bake,
C. F. Iduings,
Ci. T. Pir.M).
W. A. Vou.mkh,
It. L. OltAVKH.
S. RiciiAitns,
W.I1. C WoonnuitsT
VV i 11 1 ii ij 1 I. Potior. Eruma 11. L'ottur. J. I. Cbrii
tiirueiiji K Aini-iiqiouuinpiinr, n uorporauon WIJI
tnko Dotlctt Hint 1111 tbelM dnv nf Novembiir. KNif).
Ephrliim II, llcrslifljr, plaintiff heroin, llleU Ills
iii'iiiion 111 ma ciimnci court or Lincoln cimnty,
Ncbrnka, iiKnlnst said ilefenilmitr, the nheot nud
prsycr u which nro 10 Inreclom 11 rvrtnln mort
Kni uxcciitui) by William I. l'otter, nnd K11111111 It
I'"Uur, 10 l"" I'lnlnlllT, upon llio norlhcnst
qyaittr nf -section 10, lu towiihlp J5, north of
i.uS.i wiiwi, iiiuiiiii cuuiiiy, it'irnKa, 10 po:
curii ine pnynit'jll ot a cprlnln nroiulusory nolo
"ui',iun iuiucuimi, uuiea iH'ccinntir inusii-t
lh'J), for IIik hum of j;!00 iluo ami payubje In ll?t
yesrs from thn iluto thereof, The litnrcht cou
timi,4 llPlllir lfll In lllltnliA ..n1. fn.Alln.ii .Inlln-u
nli fHlIlng 0UB evury hlx ninntb niter lie Unto
of IIib nntr; nnd Hint palitltt lias paid the tnie
on I Ihi iliovo ili'ocrlleil preiulwe tn protect Ida
w.i" .1,1 ino ;um iruiii lew in i.v ineiuhive.
That llmro In duu upon ealil noto nml mnrtKagi)
ami for tmua paid tlio sum of W('7.tK), for whch
rum hiiii inierum irniu inu mi nny ot January,
1WI, plalnltff prnynfor a iHicri'o; tlint tlefemlniiU
l'ollurV bo niUlrod to pay llio (.ntiio, 01 that snlO
prtmilHn may bo wild to iiatUfy tho amount duo
and Hint the pretended luilumant linn huhi liv iln.
femlnnt J, I, CafO ThresldiiK Machine Company
..w wvv,.n, uv jumur mm iiiiurnu iu piaui'
tiff's morttfUKH lien.
You are riviulrinl to iiimwcr snld petition on or
beforo tho 17th day of Documbor 1U0U.
iurti novi'iuopr ivivsi.
tl- Ki iiiuiu II. HKnsiiEv, I'lnlntlff.
tlle mat,er ?f t!ie estate of James I),
Wilson. t1tr:itt,l
In the County Court of Lincoln County.
Nebraska. December II. lnmi. 1
.?i"lfc mTu,'J' rlvcl" that thc creditors
V-i' f ".i1," ." w ",,nccl me Administra
inr.111".?, Vf rSre he bounty Judne t" ''voi.iBKii, u ine uout
?nnf,tJ.V.Pion " 84 ( Co"Pv:ni theuth day
inn, r ' ! ? ' .1: 11 l,,c I1'1" "av
lttjl, at 0 o clock a. m eacii dav. for thi
nose ol presenttnj; their claims forexamln-
iiLiou. aoiusimcnv nn,i 1 1 1...- L. . -
tnontili art allowed for creditor tn
thplr cais7i,Hl Sue )rcar,f-fpV tWAiV nliiist
tratrlr tn
day of December ICHM
d 14 4
A. S.
Oounty Judge
John Kurnlnli. Cnr.a A. VnrnUli -mil .tnhn
Doe. real name unknown, iicfendantn. will
take notice that .lames ;. Sppiov. tii.iinMrr.
us men ins petition in tnc district court nt
ilncoln countv. Nebraska, ncnlnst R.ilil tic
fctlilantn. the nlilect .mil nr.ivpr nf ulilrli
are to foreclose a certain mnriiraoe exrruti-il
October 1st. by the ilofeiiiiantH John
Furnish anil Cora A. Furnish, on thc follow-
itiK uescriuca real estate, to wit: Thc south
halt of thc northwest quarter anil the north-
ant iiuartcr of the nniitliuest niiartir nf
ecctlon twelve; anil the southeast quarter of
me uiiiiiic.ini quarter
In township, nine, north In ratine thirty,
WCStol thc Sixth Hrlnclnal mrrlifl:ui in Lin
coln county, Nebraska, said mortgage belntr
executed to secure the payment of thc one
principal promlsory noteof said defendants
John Furnish and Cora A Furnish, for the
sum of 4foo. with ten Interest coupon notes
uii'iciu iui.icuuu: cacu oi saui interest
notes bclnc for the sum of fl7 60 and due
respective V on the llrst davs of Anrll anil
October I8u;i, ihu, mis, iswj, and I8V7. Then;
is now uue tnc piamtin on sain notes ami
inortK.icc lncludlni; the amount nald as
taxes on said premises, and the costs paid bv
iiaiiuiu in me iiireciosurc enscs commenced
y the County of Lincoln for thc foreclosure
t taxes on said nrcmlses. tlm sum nf M 40.
with Interest thereon at the rale of tenner
cent per annum on iHH.ho thereof from thc
st pay of April. 1W5, and on lllltt thereof
mm the f.tli dav of An pint. Hum .imi tii.iin.
till prays for a decree that said defendants
be rcnulrcd to nav thc s.ini,. nr iIkii until
premises oc som to satisfy sain amount with
uiuiL-ni .inn tusin in suii.
You at e rcnulrcd In .imwrr nM imllllfin
on or before Monday the 2lst day of Jan-
Mai j , irvi ,
JATllBS ti. nr.EI.KV, 1'lallttlfT.
ilIM Ily V. S. Morlan. his Attorney,
Legal Notice
Tho defondnnts W. C. MoMmlmnl. W.
F. Unbcoclt, T. M. Wnrshnll. C. II.
Coopor, A. S. Snnds, iirst real natno
unknown, (tmplonded with Jnrius D.
Lowis, ot nl) will tnko notico
thnt on tho 18th dnv of Juno. 100.
llin tilnintilT. 'I'lin Prnintv nt T.:.,,.n1r
, j yj . . 111 V.W, . I
corporation, filed ita potition in tho ills-
triui court, ot liincoin couniy, jNobrnBKn,
tho object nnd prnyor of which is to
toreoioBo cortnin tus HonB, duly nBsessotl
by said plaintilT aainst tho south
west quarter of section 21, in town
ship 9, north of rnngn 27, west of Sixth
principal niorulmn, Nebraska,- which
with tho pcunliiee nnd intorest nmotint
for tho year 1802 in tho sum of 88 02;
for tho yenr 1893 in tho sum of 9.11; for
mo yonr ioui in mo sum of a.iJl; for
tho yenr 189."i in tho sum of 7 98; for
tho your 189(3 in tho sum ot 8.-15; for
tho yoar 1897 in tho sum of 15.811; for
tho yenr 1893 in Itho sum of 7.11; for
tho yenr 1899 in tho sum of 7.00; nmount-
in il. r, i,,i.,l r CiTim. i
in llin Lutui Duiu ui 9i.i iv, wiiii in
torest on 855.GL at tho rnto of ton por
cent per nunuin from tho 1st day of
M.... -inr.n 1 1 ...t.ii. ,i
Kill, 1UJU, 1111 UL WHICH 1H uuu Ullll
PlnintilT prnys a decreo of firedosure
of snid tax lien nnd a' Bale of mi id prom
You nnd each of you dofendnnts nro
required to nnswor Bald notition on or
boforo Monday, tho 11th dny of Feb-
runry, 1901.
A Corporntion.
251 By II. S. Ridgloy, its Attornoy.
Lognl Notice.
Tho dofendnnts Goorci' F. Whito (im
pleaded with John W. Wood otal,,) will
take notico that on tho 3d dny of April,
1900, tho plnintitr, Tho County of Lin
coln, a corporntion, tiled its potition in
tho distriot court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, tho object antl prayor oi which is
to forecloEo certain tax lions, duly (is-
sessed by said plnintitT ngninst tho
Bouthoast quarter of northwest quarter
n nil lots .i, 4 nnu o or section u, in
township 12, north of rniiixo HO. west
of Sixth principal nioridian,' Kebraska,
which yitp. tup pupaitips nnu iniprpsi
amount for tho yonr 1892 in tho sum of
821,15; for tho yonr J803 in tho sum, of
9.40; for tho yonr i891 in tlo sum of
ib.ob; ror tno yenr jsyu in tho sum of
14.45; for tho yonr 890 in tho enrp of
18.02; for tho yonr iB97 in tho sum of
10.95; for tho yonr i893 in tho sum of Q 70j
for tho yonr 899 in thb sum of 5.00;
nmnuuting in tho totnl sum of 8103,08;
witli intorest on $73.70 at tho rato of ton
por cont por annum from the 1st day of
-May, i900. all ot which is duo and unpaid.
Plaintiff prnys n deoroo of foroclosuro
of snid tax lien and n snlo of snid prom
ises. f.
You nud each of you dofendnnts nro
required to nnswor snid potition on or
boforo Monday, tho 11th day of Fob
ruury, i901.
A Corporntion.
251 By II. S. Ridfrloy, its Attorney
Lo;al Notice.
Tho dofendnnts, John Mnttson., Jr,
Mnttson hiB wife, first roal nntuo un
known, O. II, Ja'robson, Ijrst real nnrno
unknown. .Tncob,son his wjfo,
Iirst ronl nmo upknqwn itd JpIiii
Doo, real nnmo unknown will
tako notioo thnt on tho 4th day of Sept ,
1900, . tho plaintitr, Tho County of Lin.
colu. n corporation, (lied its potition in
iho District Court of Lincoln County,
Nobraskn, tho object and prayor of
which ii to forocloso certain tax lions,
duly assesBod by said plaintiff agninst
tho northoaBt qunrtorof soction 9, town
ship 10, north ot rnn(o 33. west of Sixth
principal meridian, NobrnBkn, with
ponnltios and intorest amount for tho
yonr 1893 in tho sum of 811.21; for tho
yenr 1891 in tho Bum of 9.72; for tho
yrnr 1895, in tho sum ot 8.17; for tho
yonr 189(5, in tho sum ot 10 81; for tho
yonr 1897, in tho sum of 8.70; for tio
yoar 1893, in tho Bum ot 1.G2; for tjio
yonr 1899, in thb sum of 3.G5; nmounting
in tho total sum of 859.92; with it-toreB
on 811.GG,at tho rato of ten por cont pec
annum from tho 14th dny ot August 1900,
nil of which js tuo nml ptipait.
Plaintiff prnys a ducreo of foroclosuro
of sajt) tax ljpns nnd a enlo of snid prpni;
You and onch of you dofondnnts (irp
required to nnswor snid potitinn on or
boforo Monday, tlio Uth day of Feb
ruary, 1901, 1
A Corporntion,
254 Ilyll.S. Itidaloy.itsAtty
Plumber, Tinworker
General Repairer.
Special attention given to