1 THE SEMI-WEEKLY IMBUK IHA L. HAKE, Proprietor. MUMS: $1.25 IN ADVANCE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. THE NEWS IN BRIEF, f Theodore L. Poolo, United States marshal for tho northern district, and a former member of congress, died at Syracuse, N. Y., of apoplexy. Rev. Christian Keller, pastor of tho German Lutheran church in Racine, Wis., was found dead in bed. Ho ro tirod in apparently good health. Ap oplexy Is supposed to bo tho causo of death. i- Lieutenant Parker, manager of tho patent department of tho American Blcyclo company, Is dead at tho homo of his mother in South Lancaster, Mass. Ho was 43 years of ago and graduated from Annapolis In 1882. Sccrctaryllltchcock of tho Intorior department is spending tho holidays with relatives In St. Louis. Ho says ho is not going to resign from tho cab inot and, as far ns ho knows, only Attornoy General Griggs contemplates leaving tho cabinet. "Russia offers Roumanla a Joan of .OOO.nnO" nnva thn Vlnnna r.nrro- 10,000.000," says tho Vienna corro spondent of the London Daily Express, "to assist her in tho financial crisis, biit tho oflor was declined becauso thero wero conditions attached under mining Roumanian independence." John Riley Chamberlain, a veteran of tho civil war, died at Cincinnati, 0 of pneumonia, aged 72. Ho has been engaged In nowspapor work in Cincinnati for thlrty-flvo years nnd most of that time with tho Associated Press. An. unsuccessful attompt was mado to rob tho Sonora, Ky DcpoBlt bank. Tho would-bo robbors wcro ovldcntly frightened away beforo they succeed ed in forcing an cntrnnco to tho safe. They left all their tools lying near tho vault. Tho bank ofllclnls woro unablo to open tho vaults and business was suspended. Mayor-olect John F. Hurley of So kin, Mass., intends to glvo his salary, $2,500 a year, to tho poor of tho city. Ho will rulo after January 1. Ho will not intrust tho money to chnrltublo in stitutions to distribute. Ho will dm nndo Josep do Parlo ln Brooklyn, N. Y. Tho girl's father ordorcd him away, but Lombarod persisted ln singing a Iovo song, playing an accompaniment on n guitar. At tho conclusion of tho - song, and whllo his sweetheart was at hor window, Ixmibardo drew a rovolvor and with It shot himself In tho head. At East Bralntrco, Mass,, tho tor pedo boat destroyor Mac Donough wan launched at tho works of tho Fore River Iron compnny amid tho ringing of bolls nnd tho blowing of whistles. Mrs. Lucy Chnrlotto MacDonough Kendo of Phlladolphla christened tho vessol with champagno. Tho now boat was takon down tho river to tho Quia cy works of tho company. At Houston, Texas, government In spectors seized a largo quantity of olcomargarluo which retailors had In iitock labeled nu crenmcry buttor. Fif teen retailers are under bond, nnd as tho punishment is a heavy one, thoro is much tribulation among tho30 af fected. A common practice, it is said, lias been to mix olco with butter and soil it as tho best creamery. Two men woro klllod and two wound' cd at tho Farlu distillery, Kentucky. Four members of tho Sizomoro family on ono sldo and Henry Barrott and W. H. Young, on tho other, engaged ln a desporato light. Young and ono of tho Bizemorcs woro instantly killed, and two of tho Slzomores were prob ably fatally wounded. An old feud was tho causo of tho troublo. All are from Clay county. During tho last year Mr. Camogio gavo away about 13,000,0000. for li braries and educational institutions, not Including tho Pittsburg tnatltuto. During 1899 ho gavo away about $5,' 000,000. Ho has already founded so many libraries In this country that he is about to establish a training school for librarians at Winona, Ind in order to mako thorn moro useful. Tho total numbor of libraries foundod by Mr. Carnogto ln this country is nlxty-BOVon, soventoon in Scotland and several in Euglnnd nnd Ireland. Ho has twenty-four libraries In Pennsyl vania nlono. State Senator W. F. Meyer of Carbon county, a banker nnd prominent citi zen of Red Lodgo, Mont., was arrested on a warrant Bwom out by Dora Ful lorton, tho daughter or n ranchman, who charges that Moyor called hor Into his olllco, locked tho door nnd tried to kiss hor. She, howovcr, sue ccedod In escaping. Emma Goldman says that tho an archists havo decided not to kill any moro kings or crowned hoadB. Tho largest coal deal over mado ln Harrison county, West Virginia, will bo closed ln a fow days. Tho territory comprises 12,000 ncres, or nlnoteou square miles around Salom. Somo nnxloty is folt regarding tho health of tho nged Grand Duko of Snxo-Wolmar. Ho Is suffering from Inlluonza. A bulletin issued by his physician says his condition is satis factory, that ho slept well In splto of repcatod spasms of coughing and that his temperature is 99.7, Thu grnnd duko was horn In 1818, Andrew Carncglo has given 120,000 to Tuskcgoo lnutltuto at Tuskogco, Ala., tho monoy to bo usod for tho erection of a now dormitory. A. H. Plerco, tho richest cattlo man in Texas, Iiub died at Plerco station. Ho was many tlmos a millionaire, with a largo varloty of Interests in Texas. Davo Owens, a prominent man of Garland City, Ark., wn3 shot and killed, It Is allogod that Hill Ross, a merchant, was shooting nt a man named Davis, tho first shot striking Davis In tho leg, Owens was passing . nnd at tho second shot fired by: Ross fell dead with n bullot In bin head. .Ross has not bion capture;!, burso tho funds hlmsoir. Kvery caso "",,," W,T nf wiltn , I B,'KKesi iao Proon- tlomont, so that ready access to tho of deserving poor is known to him, " S S ta lid bill y that tho list will bo malnUUned Chinese capital of a foreign force and ho will personaly aid them. X narty nsscd nto tho blue nador Tln I1"110:1 ? from 2C4 cents at would not bo prevented. The demand Louis Lombardo undertook to sore- ' ? nT,C iZ2 07, 10 I,cnln?. to. 35 ccnls. ln of tho -powers in tho Joint note, how- CALLS AT WHITE HOUSE TIio World's Dignitaries' Greet President and Mrs, McKinloy. PROMINENT WOMEN ALSO IN LINE A llrljclit and Ualmy Day Adds Enjoy ment to the Occasion Mnrlno Hand Compliment Mr. McKlnley by l'lny- InC Utr Favorite Aire. WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 2. In tho long lino of Now Year's receptions at tho White Ilouso which each year inaugurato tho social soason at tho national capital, nono, perhaps, was mora brilliant than tho ono which to- dpi ushered in tho twentieth century. And perhaps no feature of It wan so univcratally gratifying to tho dlstin eulshcd throne which canio to ex tpml tlin trroctlnKS of tho now year to tho chief executivo of tho republic as tho fnct that tho mistress of tho Whlto Houbo was ablo to participate In tho happy occasion and, with tho president, rccclvo tho felicitations and well wishes or all. Tho members of tho cabinot and their wives, together with tho ladlo3 0( tho receiving party, woro tho first n nrrlen 'Phnv lnlil njtliln Minlr I to nrr vo. Thov la Id asldo tlioir wrans In tho state dining room nnd ascended to tho prlvato apartments of tho president, where they exchanged greetings with Mr. and Mrs. McKIn- Inv. . alio ladles of the- revolving party entered tho red and bluo pnrlors nnd took their places behind tho lino. Meantime, tho ambassadors nnd min isters or foreign countries, witn mo attaches of tho legations, In their gorgeous and resplendent court uni forms, had gathorod in tho stato din lne room. Promntiy at 11 o'clock tho bugles sounded tho nproach of tho presiden tial party, and, led by Colonel Bing ham, tho master of ceremonies, and Major McCnuloy of tho Marino corps, tho president nnd Mrs. McKinloy de scended tho mnln staircase, followed by tho members of tho cabinet and their wives. Mrs. McKinloy bestowed her gra cious greetings upon mnny in tho throng, and when thrco sweet-faced children near tho front chirped a "Happy Now Year" to tho first lady of Mnrlno band burst forth ...lit. 11. Willi VIIU stirring strahiB of "Hall to Chief." First ln tho lino camo tho ambassa dors and mlnlstorB from forolen courts, accompanied by tholr ( full staffs. At tholr head was tho vcnornblo nnd dltrnlfied Lord Pnuncofoto. Brit ish nmbassador and dean of tho dip lomatic corps, ln tho full uniform of his high dinlomntlo rank. With him woro Lnrty Pnuncofoto and tho Misses T'niincerotn nnd- tho ambassadorial staff. Following enmo Baron Ppvn, tho Itnllnn nmbassador; Dr. Von Hoi lehon, tho German nmbassador: M. Onmbon. tho French nmbassador: Count Cnssnnl. tho Russian arabns- Bfldor, and Scnor Don Azpiraz, tho Mrxkan nmbassador, ench nccomna nled by his staff and ladles. Tho French ambassador roturnod only Inst nl"ht from Paris, having como on nt this tlmo tooxtcnd to tho pros ident tho folicftntlons of tho now yenr. rho Chlneso minister. In his rich oriental Bilks, nccompmlod by Mnd- nmo wu, in elaborately embroidered gown, attracted much attention. Aftor tho ambnpsadors and minis tors camo tho chief liiKt.lco and nHio- clntq Justices of tho United Stntns supremo court, and Judges of tho court of appeals, senators and repre sentatives In congroBB, former cabinet efflcors nnd ministers of tho Unltod States. At 11:40 oftlcors of tho army nn reared. At 12:30 tho general public wob admitted nnd for nn hour ln one continuous stream tho poonlo passed through tho parlors extending their grrotlngfl to tho president THOSE RFFlNniNfl OPERATIONS. Those Under the New Currency Ull! Have ' Ileen Closod, ' WASHINGTON, Jan. 2. Refunding operations under tho flnanclnl act of March 14 are closed, tho books of tho departmout having been open to tho oxchango of bonds for a period of nino nnd ono-hnlf mouths. In dlscim- Bin? tho subject Assistant Secretary Vandorllp Bald: 'Tho rotund ng ban been successful from ovory Btnn "point. Holders of tho old hnnB, Ihrco, 'our nnd (Ives of lf0i, 1907 nnd 190 J. respectively, havo voluntarily offered for oxchango Into twoH approximately $139,000,000 out of $839,000,000, leaving outfitnndlng of this part of tho Interest bcnrlng public drbt less than ono-hnlf tho amont pubject to tho law. Exact figures TI not bo known for several days, as Bomo bonds are still ln transit",. l'ut Crnwo llepiirtt'il L'uuglit. SIOUX CITY, la., Jan. 2. A special t'. tho Journal from Obadran, Nob,, sayB: "iu urowo, charged with com pHclty ln tho abduction of Eddlo Cuda- by of Omaha, has been captured. Three dotoctlvo's, following Crowo'a trail. anno upon him on tho Pino ltldgo ros- orvation noar OolrlchB, s. D., nnd cap tured him after a wl,d choso. CroWo wib driving a team and buckboard. Ho whipped tho horso and tried to outrun tho horsemen, who Boon brought him to a luvit with tholr six n'.iootoru. 111. Imps nro nt Outs, ATLANTA, Ga., Jan. 2. Tho roslg nation of Bishop H. M. Turnor iib nrca- ident of African Mdtliodlnt Episcopal bishops was announced today, on ac count of a disagreement, it is under stood, regarding assignments glvon certain blaliops, (Ion. lUtolieldur 111. WASHINGTON, Jan. 2. Brigadier Gcnoral R. N. Bntcholder, U. S. A., re tired, Is critlcaly ill In this city from n complication of dlsoauca arlsug from Kiuuey irouuio. I 1 1 t. n It.i.lM I . . 7 ' I DIN'S AEVIEW Of THE YEAR. Commercial Acrnry rind Congratulatory Condition! Have Ueen Kiperlenoed. NEW YORK, Jan. 2.-Dun' Review, in its Bummary, reviewing tho busl- ncn of tho year juat closed, says re garding tho leading markets: Conditions in iron and steel during 1000 were much moro sound than in tho preceding year, when spccuintion wus rlfo and prices inflated far beyond tho bounds of reason. Statistics of tho weekly capacity of furnaces In blast show that tho highest point on record was reached on Feb ruary 1, while there was littlo diminu tion during tho next fow months. Dut with tho collapse of speculation during the spring and realization of tho fact that operations had been overdone, there came a steady reduction In out put. From 296 furnaces la blast on February 1, thero folowcd a continual shutting down until but 201 wcro In operation on November 1, nnd tlio weakly production docrco3ed 82,710 tons. Even at this rapid ruto of do cllnlng output stocks accumulated with startling rapidity and on'October 1 tho top was reached, (170,631 tons. Business conditions wcro satisfactory, however, and damand expanded, wJiilo exports of finished products grew when prices reached a level that mado competition possiblo with British and Gorman producers, In two months, on(ilng Dccombor 1, furnace slocks of ..i.. , j inornr. , pig iron decreased 113,895 tons and tho demand was so Improved that many fuinncos resumed. Manufactured articles have moved along similar lines. Quotations of iron and Btoel products at tho begin ning of tho year were littlo below tho level prevailing thirteen years ago' and In tho fall was almost uninter rupted until October, when tho aver age was but C3.C8 per cont of tho fig ure prevailing Janunry 1, 1887. It is (II mailt to select any one branch of this industry ns being DUShcd harder than nnnthnr. Rallw.-iv! supplies of nil kinds lmvo sold voryi nuuiy aim uio maricei is nooueu witn urgent oruors ror rroight cars, struc tural material, particularly fr bridges' nnd ships, has been in much better de mand than Biipply. Steel rails wore reduced from last year's price of $35j to $2G, but it was an open secret that' tho former figure had only been nom inal for months prior to tho olllclal' change in September. Contracts for 1,000,000 tons, dilllvcrablo during 1901, huvo been placed nt $2G, nnd numerous I tUn trtn .111 nil. nn( 11 1. Mnl T...1 " tiuilll IUOb Ull 11IU KU111. II U ,lri ,. Df ,, 4l nr.fnt, 071 i. -"''; 7.4 uemo. rujiiiui uua nuuu nothing Dtnrtling, variations remain ing within tho rnngo or cont. Open ing at cents, thero woro sales ns low ns lCVi, and tho close was at the top, 17 conts. Trado has been active and domestic production pushed. Ono authority places tho American viold wen in ndvanco of any othorcountry. i.caa ton rrom 51.70 at tho start to ?3.75, and recovered to $1.37, where It has been maintained by tho smelting" company ror many months. MILES WILL NOT SPEAK. Declines to Add (.'oiuinmit on Alcrr's CluirKi's Against llltn. WASHINGTON, Jan. 2. Gonoral nines wns oe3CL iy nowsnaptr men seeking from him somo expression of opinion ns to tho recently publishod nrtlcio by former Secretary Alger rela tive to tho beef supply of tho United States army during tho Spanish-Amer ican wnr. To tho fow who saw the gcnoral. ho had nothing of aubstanco to add to what ho had already said on tho sub ject. Ho wns still undecided ns to whether ho should mako any answer to tho criticisms passed upon h's courso, br whether ho shou'd Ignore what ho denominated bb tho false statements contained In tho article, on tho ground that tho Amorlcan public had already passed upon tho contro versy, which h"d no no features ns tho result of Hub resurrection. Tho gcnoral was ln consultation during tho dny with somo of his close adherents and frlonds ln tho assembly and In civil life. IGNATIUS DONNELLY IS DEAD. Famous Writer, Scholar and Fnlltlrlnn Taken Suddenly at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Jnn. 2. Ig- nntius Donnelly, politician, author, sago, aged 70. died nt 12:03 this Imornlng. Tho onilnontt Mlnnoapoll- tan was taken suddonly ill last night whllo visiting nt tho homo of his rather-ln-iaw. Barton Hanson, 302: Twenty-eighth avoiiuo. South. From tho first Mr. Donnelly sank steadily and soor becamo uncon sclous. Dr. Murphy wa3 summoned nnd whon ho arrived tho sick man was still unconscious, Tho doctor pronounced It hoart failure, and stat ed early In tho evening that thoro was littlo chnnco of tho pntlont'H re covery. Lntor Mr. Donnolly Tasriod away, surrounded by a number of his relatives. Itlver and Harbor lllll. WASHINGTON, Jnn. 2. A siib-com- mlttco of tho houso committee on riv ers and hnrbors met today for tho pur- poao of putting tha river and hurbor bill In shape for presentation to tho full committee Chairman Burton hopes that ono meeting of tho com mittee will bo sufficient. Ho expects to havo tho bill ready for presentation tomorrow. Then ho will nsk ti h"vo It considered on Friday and Saturday. AVIII Ili-tlre This Yenr. Washington, Jan. 2. Tho first yonr of tho now century will pc marked by mnny retirements In tho army nnd navy for statutory reasons, mainly on account of ago. Tho retirements In tho army luciudo thrco hoads of staff departments, viz: Judgo Advocate General Llobar, Genornl Wilson, chlot of onglnocrs, nnd General Bufilngton, chief of rodnanco, ench of whom holds tho rank of brigadier general, Ono brlgadlor general of tho lino, Goncial II. C. Mcrrlnm, commanding tho do tinrtmout of Colorado, and six colonels of tho lino will retire during the year. CHINA ACCEPTS NOTE n ud 0omplmnco with Demands of r mo iuueu ruwere. THE FOREIGN ENVOYS ARE NOTIFIED Emperor Instruct III 1'lenlpotentlarWi to Get the IJeit Term Possible Dis armament of Forts Instead of Their DeJtruotlon Is Koir to lie Demanded. PEKIN, Doc. 31. Tho Chincso plenipotentiaries havo been unex pectedly ordered to sign tho prelim inary Joint noto and havo notified tho foreign envoys to that offect. Tho Chinese thomsolves wero great-' ly astonished nt receiving tho lmpo- rial Instructions. Neither LI Hung nor Princo Chlng had expected suc cess In persuading tho court under ten days. Tho omporor's Instructions are to ngroo fully to tho note, but to en deavor to get tho best terms possible, particularly In tho matter of limit ing tho number of tho legation guards and also as to tho places where theso are to bo located. Tho plenipoten tiaries are Instructed to endeavor to limit the number of army posts along the lino of railway to ns fow ns pos siblo and finally to require tho pow ers not to destroy tho forts, but to merely disarm them. LI Hung Chang's- health is bad nnd It Is doubtful whether ho will bo ablo to do moro than afilx his signature to an Instrument delegating his powers to Princo Chlng until another pleni potentiary hns been appointed. Ho was dressed this morning and carried In a chair to tho rcsldeuco of Princs Chlng, with whom ho held a long consultation. Princo Chlng called upon tho doyen of then tho diplomatic corps, tho Spanish minister, Scnor do Cologan, nnd re quested him to notify tho other en voys that instructions had been re ceived from tho emperor to sign tho note. PARIS, Deo. 31. As has nlrcady been stated In theso dispatches, tho United States government decs not desire the absolute demolition of tho Taku forts, but simply tholr d!sman-. over, -was for tho destruction of tho forts. Inquiries Bald to havo been mado by tho Chlnesa government of tho envoys, of which Inquiries, how ever, no oulcial Intimation has been received from Mr. Conger, havo been regarded by tho officials of this gov rnmcnt ns rensonablo nnd bscauso of this moro delay than has occurred! was expected In tho court's direction', for tho signature of tho noto. Noth-' lug lias como from Mr. Conger re-J regarding tho status of tho ncto since a cablegram from him somo days ngo! announcing that It had been pre-1 scnted to tho Chlneso. Mr. Wu, tho Chinese minister, lti Bomewhat puzzled ag to Just wlftj construction to placo on tho. .Pck'n; dispatch. All nlmyr ho Was regardon tho demands conveyed in the Joint! noto ns hnrsh nnd severe nnd the' stntoment that It has bo'n signed causes him surprise. Ho U inclined to! bellovo that In oil probability what tho omperor hns directed is Hint tha Chincso plenipotentiaries proceed to d'scuss In frlondly manner with thn envoys tho terms of tho agrefmo"t' with a vlow, na Btated In thn Pokln dUnntch to obtain the lxt terms pos-( Binio nlonc certain specified linos and also ln others not contained In tho cablegram. TRIBUTE TO 4MFRXAN MAN. lllch Position of Woman Is Tartly Due to Other Hex. CHILLICOTHE, Mo., Dec. 31. Hall Calno, writing to tho Sorosls, a local woman's club, under da to of Grceba CoeUo, Islo of Man, December 8, says; "Whon ono considers what tho posi tion of womnn was, oven In tho most civilized countries, as recently a3 100 years ago, ana how high n piaco sho has now won for herself, not only in tno statuto uooks or nations, hut ln tho republic of art, ono cannot but feel that tho chango Is even moro remark able than somo of tho great material developments which havo distinguish ed tho century. "Speaking as ono who 1ms seen tho conditions In many countries, I feol .that it is within tho truth to sn.y that tho position of womnn Is higher in America than In any other part of tho world. For this result American women havo, no doubt, to thank tholr own natural girts and great iudepend enco or mind, hut tlioy havo also, I think, to bo grateful to tho swlendld chivalry ln tho other sex. which 1b no where moro conspicuous than In tho best typo of American gontlemcu. "HALL CAINE." Takes Vi-tidiiilstlo View. LONDON, Dec. 31. All tho rell gloua denominations aranged for "end of tho century Bervlces," somo of which woro hold yestorday and somo will bo hold today. At West minster abboy Archdeacon Fordlco I'rlar, preaching yesterday, took a gloomy vlow of tho future. Ho said ho thought It by no means lmproba bio that early in tho coming century linginnd would havo to meet a combl nation of European powers. I'Rt Crowu Not Vet Found. ST. JOSEPH, Dec. 31. For the fourth tlmo tho police and detectives of this city, havo been outwitted by rat Crowo and tho men who nro al Icgc-a to bo Instrumental in keoplng him from tho clutcho3 of tha police, Capt. Henry Frans led a squad of ofll cers In n. raid on a building this evening in which it was supposed Crowo and RnlBton, alias McCoo, Crowe's pal, woro in hiding, but tho officers found no trace cf tho men. Pollccmon Dillon nnd Carson statod tonight that Crowo and Ralston wcro iu the building this afternoon. DULLET IS NOW THREATENED. Kidnaper Grow Jtoro Ilrutat Toward the Cndahy Family. OMAHA, Nob., Dec. 31. E. A. Cud ahy, tho millionaire packer, having thought hotter o his resolution of Sun day that ho would not reveal to tho public tho, contents o tho ECcond leftter ho received from tho bandits, Tho Beo is now permitted to publish a ver batim copy of that communication. Hero Is tho letter: "Cudhy: If you valuo tho boy's Hfo at tho price of . bulet you will with draw tho reward at onco nnd lot well anough alone. If you don't do this wo will finish tho Job wilh a bulet. "If any man whether gllty or lno cont is ever nrosted a bulet will closo tho boy's mouth. You will think of this warning when It is to late." Tho iettor, which was unsigned, was sent through tho malls, nnd was ad dressed as lollows: "E, D. Cudhy, 517 South 37th street, City." it wns postmarked "Omnha, Dec. 22, 8 a. m.," and was delivered at tho Cudahy homo at 11 a. m. by a post man. Tho paper used was ordinary whlto noto Taper, and tho matter was print ed in capital letters with black Ink. Tho second letter received by Mr. Cudnhy from tho kidnapers, publish ed in the Sunday Morning Beo, re newed interest in tho enze and was tho principal topic of conversation yesterday on street cars, In shops and wherever people congregated. An Im pression generally expressed wa3 that tho bandits havo becomo foolhardy. Flushed with success they havo gloat ed over tho faso with which tliey ovndo arrest and could no longer re strain the lmpulso to taunt tho police and furthor impress Mr. Cudahy with a senso of his hclplc3sncss ln their hands. Others held directly the opposite thnt tho kldnnpera wore so closo press ed by tho detectives that they were fearful of being caught and that tho second letter comes n3 a cry of dis tress. They want tho reward with drawn ln order that manhuntlng may bo los3 profitable and zealous. Thero is no means of learning how tho chief of police construes this let ter, as ho refuses to discuss it. All agree, however, that tho outlaws man ifest a co'd-blooded brutality, which is most revolting, nnd many a mother with children of (tender yenrs has shuddered nt tho thought of her own dear ones in tho hands of Hipbo thugs. Mrs. Cudnhy has the sympathy of ev ery mother who has heard of tho cruel threats to take away her littlo girls. SUFPf.R HEAVY LOSS OF LIFE. Lord Kitchener Iteporti TIrlllsli Loss ns Fifty Kl'led and Wounded. LONDON, Dec. 31. Tho War office has received tho following dispatch from Lord Kitchener: "PRETORIA, Dec. 30, 7:50 a. m. General Lytleton reports that our post at Helvetia was captured yesterday morning by tho Boers. About fifty wero killed and wounded and 200 tak en prisoners." Gcnoral Kitchener reports that ho le followlnc with a small forco in tho track of tho cnomy, Helvetia being rz occupied by Reeves, who ius been rein forced from Belfast. Hoivctia was a very strong position oa tho Mnchadorp- L.yuenuurg rallwny and was held by a detachment of tho Liverpool regi ment. Am asking for further Informa tion' Whllo Lord Kitchener sends bad news for England on tho closing day of tho year, the press continues to Uke. a surprisingly hopeful view of a grave situation and of revelations or an enormously wido field of Boer activity. General Dowet is still at largo. Klm berley Is Isolated. The Boers are ln forco enough to havo captured a strong position at Ho.vctla, ln tho Ly denburg district, while, judging from iora Kitchener s very recent advices, no progress Is being mndo against tho Boer InvnderB in Capo Colony. According to further telegrams re ceived yesterday Zeerust is practically besieged, but has provisions sufficient for flvo months. Tho garrison at Ot- toshoop has been withdraw to Llchten burg. Suit for Many SIllllous. CLEVELAND. O.. Dec. 31. A suit Involving tho ownership of many mil lions of dollnrs worth of property ln mis city anu ror $i,buu,uuu uamages for being excluded from tho rents and profits of '.he eamo, was commenced today by claimants to tho cstato of Leonard Case, who died ln 1880. Tho defendants in tho suit aro about GOO ln numbor. Tho plaintiffs, nlno in number, nllege thoy aro tho rightful heirs to tho property. German Cable lu China. NEW YORK, Doc. 31. Tho Commer cial Cable company has lasued tho fol lowing notice: "Tho German adminis tration Announces that In concert with tho Groat Northern Telegraph company nnd tho Eastern Extension Austral asia and China Tolegraph company, a cablo has been laid for tho Gormnn government between Tsing-Tau nnd- Shanghai. Tho oponlng for Interna tional servlco will take piaco on Janu-., ary 1." , Iowa Man Orouud to IMeees. JEFFERSONVILLE. Ind.. Dec. 31 (All night long trains on tho Baltimore & OUIo and tho Big Four ran ovor tho body of a man neir Otis City, twenty miles east of this city, grind ing tho flesh into small bits. A small imomorandum book was found bear 'Ing the namo and address of William 'Goloro of Ottumwa, la. Tho man was murdered and placed on tho track, pre sumably by his companions. Another Itnxur l'roi-lumatlon. , VICTORIA, B. C, Dec. 31. News is brought by tho Rio Jun Maru that "Boxer" proclamations havo been found ln Zobut calling upon Korean Boxers to expel all foreigners, in cluding Japaneso. Tho anti-foreign movoment ln Korea Is reported to bo novm" Hl , 1VUM- ,B lu ""I creasing in such a manner as taf causo much uneasiness. Tho famlno In Shan SI Is Increasing and U caus- lng much cannibalism. Human iloah la onercu ror aaio anu oniciai3 are un- ablo to provent It, FORMER TO HARRISON Poito Eico Moro Generouely Treated Thaa Any of tho Territories. PEOPLE SATISFIED WITH THE LAWS tocal Legislature lias Authority to lie peal the Tariff If It Wlslns, bat Hns Not Done So All Is l'rogretsluc fa vorably. CINCINNATI. Dec. 29. Senator J. D Forakcr has mado a roply to tho re cent speech at Ann Arbor, Mich., of former President Harrison, In which Mr. Harrison criticised tho Porto Rlcan policy of tho government, char acterizing It as a departure from cor rect principles. In a Bpccch boforo tho Manufacturers' club of this city last night Senator Forakcr Bald on this point: AJ1 tho questions arising under tho Porto Rlcan legislation aro soon to bo passed upon by tho Bupremo court. For that reason I do not care to discuss thom at this tlmo, but it is ln order to Bay that the vlow takon by congress, as reflected by that legislation, was cred itable to tho generosity, patriotism and tho industrial spirit of tho American people. Wo found Porto Rico as poor us poverty could mako hor. Sho had no money, no credit, no s stem of taxation of any kind. Sho wanted a civil gov ernment and a revenuo to support It Wo gavo her, a far moro liberal civil government than wns over given to any territory prior to tho civil war, bo far as participation in It by her pooplo is concorned, and wo dealt by her moro generously ln providing sup port for that government than wo havo over yet dealt with any territory. In requiring her to pay tariff duties on Imports from foreign countries wo did only what wo did with Louisiana, Florida, California and all our otbor territories; but in allowing her to put theso duties, wfien collected, Into hor own treasury for tho Bupport of hor Jccal government, wo did what was never dono beforo for nnybody olso; for In all other cases wo havo not only required tho payment of theso Bamo duties, but wo have also re quired them, when thoy wero col lected, to. bo paid Into1 tho national treasury at Washington for tho com mon benollt of tho wholo country, and, an to duties on commorco between Porto Rico and tho United States, -wo did not levy 15 per cent, but wo re mitted 85 per cent of tho existing on a number of articles, and tho wholo duty on al tho rest, and provided that the 15 per cent Bhould bo remitted af ter March 1, 1902, or soo'ner If tho legislature of Porto Rico shall pro vide, and that ln tho meanwhile all collections of 15 por cent bth thero nnd in tljo United States, shnll Do paid OTor to Porto Rico for her own support. Wo made tills provision bo couso it was tho best and least bur densome way possiblo to raiso indls pcnslblo revenuo for tholr govcrn and not becauso It was ln any sense of wy benefit to olthor our govornmont" or other people. Tho Porto Rlcan lcclslaturo is now lu Besslon, but neither that body nor any member of It, nor anybody elsp, has taicen any stop to repeal or alter tho tax sy6tom so Imposed by con gress. On tho contraryStall testify allko to tho highest satisfaction with what congress Iras dono, and tho re quest will bo almost unanimously mado that the. provisions enacted may bo continued, If not Indefinitely. at least until somo. satisfactory sys tem oi proper taxation may uo buu mltted. In addition, It should bo stated that congress, also in tho samo genorous spirit, exempted Porto Rico from all internal revenue taxation anothor favor never before extended to any part of our people anywhere Yes, It Is truo that the legislation for Porto Rico was a "departure," but It is not truo thnt It- was a "departure from correct principles," BOER LEADER MOW IN TRAP. London nrd the Continent TIear That nenret lias Itrrn Cantnrr, LONDON, Dec. 29. Persistent re ports are ln circulation in London and on tho continent that General Dewct has been captured. Tho British Char tered South African company received this'-'lnformatlon from a sourco in whlh it Is accustomed to dIoco Im plicit confidence. Tho War office, how over.ls without any confirmation of tho.rennrt. CAPETOWN, Dec. 29. General De wot's attempts to break, through tho south havo been frustrated nnd ho Is now reported to bo at Senokal with a largo commando, holding tho country between Focksbrug, Bonekal and Win- burg. Gcnoral Knox Is holding tho country between Ladyibrand and Wlnburg. The eastern parties of invidlng Boers are being conetantly harassed nnd driven back toward tho Orango rlvor. Tho Yeomanry who wero captured near Brltstown hnvo been rcloasod. JOHANNESBURG, Dec. 29. Tho Boors damaged tho now Klolnfontolu nnd Chincso batteries yesterday. Hm... Yon s7? WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 29. Af tor Janunry 1, in making tho calcula tion of tho per capita wealth of tho United States, tho Hawaiian Islands, Alaska ond tho Indian Territory will bo included. Tho probable effect will bo to slightly reduce tho por capita (wealth, which now Is about $27. rnlian Kxtmdltlnn Kay, WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 29. A tcquest was received at tho Stato de partment today from Governor Pln grco of Michigan for tho extradition of Charles J. Thompson, who is char- Eed with forgery committed at De troit. Thompson Is now in Culm. Tho State department, taking tho ground tuat tho laland ,8 nt prcsont Bololy under control of tha United States military, did not undertake to go Into the merits of tho application, but transmitted tho papers at onco to tho War department. I