The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 21, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 95.
On account of this mild winter weather we find our
selves over-stocked and in order to turn these goods into
moy we have inaugurated this December Sale.
Wc have placed on sale this month 200 Suits in
black and fancy Cheviots and Cassimeres in square and
round cut. These arc well made, pcrtect fitting suits
"gotten up with the idea of excelling any Suits made by the
cheap tailors to sell for $15.00. Choice of this lot for December
Big cut in Boys' and Chitdrcns' Clothing, come and
attend this great December Sale and you will find it pays
to trade at the
The larircst exclusive Clothing House in North Platte.
Allen's Talcum Powder
Regular Price 25c.
Our Price this week
ST. ZZ JBT03XTJD,;ox-.
...JOHN BRATT & CO.,...
Real Estate, Loans m Insurance
t"Hoforon.oo:-il.iiv 23cixa1x. lax 3Xo"Ux-c,
X-i"u.m.Toer, Coal
and CSrjrstin.
.Yards and Elevators at 'H
North Platto, Neb.,
Sutherland, Nob.,
Julesburg, Colorado.
(O. V. IDDINQS.) ,,.",
Manufacturer of
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
Sale! I
Wc have Men's Suits at $10.00
$12.50, $15.00, $16.50, $18.00,
and $20.00 in many nice patterns
equal to Tailor Made Suits for
twice the money.
In Overcoats
and Ulsters
Wc arc the king of the
North Platte valley. Wc have
them for $4.00, $5.00, $7.50, $1000,
$12.50, $15.00, $16.50, $18.00 and
$22.00. 25 per cent less than any
other store dare sell them.
Electric Light Proposition,
At the meeting' of the council
Tuesday evening' Lester W. Walker
of this city submitted to the '
council a proposition, in the form
of an ordinance, for establishing au
electric light plant,
Section one of the ordinance pro
vides the granting to "Walker and
his asBiirns a twenty year franchise
for right and privilege to erect,
maintain and equip an electric
light and power plant and to main
tain poles and wires on streets.
Section two provides that the
plant shall be of sufficient capacity
to supply t tic current necessary,
for arc and incandescent lighting,
for operating light motors, charg
ing storage batteries and for other
services demanded by a modern
Sections three relates to the
location of poles and provides that
the poles and wires running ca8t
and west shall as far as practicable,
be placed in allyd. and tliat Dewey'
street from Front to Fifth htrccts
bliall be as free from poles and
wires as possible.
Section four provides that poles
ud wires shall not interfere with
lydrants, lire alarm, telephone or
telegraph wires, and that between
upports the wires shall not be less
li an twenty feet above the ground,
Section Ave relates to schedule of
rates, which is as .follows: I' or
commercial and private residence
ighting arc lights all night per
month $12.50; arc lights until mid-
ight per month $9.00; incandescent
lights (1G c. p.) each per hour ouc
cent; incandescent lights, all candle
power, per kilowatt hour eighteen
cents. Street lighting from twi
light in the evening to twilight of
the following morning Arc lights
of 2,000 candle power each per year
$100; incandescent lights of thirty-
two candle power each per month
S3. Street lighting Philadelphia,
moonlight schedule Arc lights c
,000 candle power per year 590; in
candescent lights of thirty-two can-
die power per month $2.50. Reas
onablc rates for residences will br
established, determined by tin
number of lights m circuit and tin
number of hours they will be in usi
Section six relates to the location
of such lights as the city may con
tract for and the payment for tu
service on or before the 10th of eacl
month succeeding the mouth ir
which the services are rendered
Section seven fixes August 1st
1901, as the time by which Walke
shall have the plant in operation
and if he fails in this the ordinance
shall cease and determine.
Section eight provides that th
management and operation of th .
plant and lines shall be subject to
the provisions ot ordinances nov; iu
force or which may hereafter b
adapted relating thereto.
We believe that this is by far tho
most favorable electric light propc
sition, so far as the city's interest
are concerned, that has yet been
presented to the council. It will b
been that Mr. Walker does not as ;
the city to guarantee that it vi I
take any specified number of ar:
or incandescent lights. He will
erect the plant, put it in operation,
demonstrate its efficiency and then
say to the council: Gentlemen,
have an electric light plant and an
ready to turnish you arc and incan
descent lights at prices set forth in
the ordinance; how many lights do
you wish to use? Now that is ce
tainly a fair business proposition.
The city can contract for fne
hundred dollars worth of lights pf.r
year or it can contract for the full
amount raised by the levy, which
is about fourteen hundred dollars
on the present assessed valuation.
Or if the council does uotwish to
take lights, it is not bound to do s.
The prices named in the ordi
nance are lower than those nanu r
in any proposition heretofore su
nutted, and iu all respects M-
Walker's proposition js certainly a
favorable one.
For ten years past the people f
North Platte have been discussi. g
the electric light question and
to the present the solution- is to
faraway as. ever. The same was
Wc arc setting the pace on prices on Furniture. Have you noticed how
our competitors have reduced prices on Furniture since we began business? We
have gained a reputation for leading in low prices and we promise to keep it up.
Our prices on all lines of Furniture are at least 25 per cent lower than others.
$12 buys a solid oak combin.a-
tion Book Case (same as
w Can t be duplicated anywhere.
4t Remember our line of
1111 jiiv- t.uu ku
"Remember, -No Id
Phe leading up -
true in regard to the building of a
high school, but finally the dilly
dallying on the latter nucstion
ended, the proposition received
action, and as a result everybody is
pleased with the outcome. What
is true of the school bunding will
be true in regard to an electric
light plant. But talk will never
put in a lighting sy&teru; action is
what is necessary. Will the
council act?
Several young people tendered
Miss Ethel Phenicie a surprise
party at her home west of Ilershey
011 Monday evening of this week.
The time was spent in various
ways. Light refreshments were
served and all tliose present report
a very enjoyable affair.
Mrs. Chas. Ware,', who has been
visiting relatives at 101m Creek
lately will be joined by her husband
on Saturday of this' week where
they will remain during, the holi
L. 10. Jones will depart on Mon
day next for the home of his par
ents in Illinois, where he, in com
pany with a brother from Michigan
who he has not seen iu about fifteen
years, will remain until alter the
The entertainment to b.c given by
the Ilershey school will take place
this (Friday) evening instead o
Saturday evening as previously
J. G, Feekcn has finished loading
124 tons of baled hay at Nichols
that he had sold to Reebergcr & Co,
of Ilershey.
Chas. McAllister departed irom
Ilershey Tuesday for a visit with
his aired mother and the scenes o
his' boyhood 'ha'yB in the 'Km pi re
Bed Room Suits, three pieces, solid
maple, beveled Frenchplate mirror. . . .
Side Boards, late designs,
good workmanship,
Dining Room Furniture, the handsomest
line in town at apQge Qf prices to suit the pur-
Pocking Chairs in solid pak, wood or leather
bottom, also handsome line of willow rockers.
Price on these are lower than elsewhere:
Iron Bedsteads Iyou need an iron bed,
don't fail to examine ourline; it's the largest in
western Nebraska.
Pictures We have an elegant line of Pictures
and guarantee to sell them at 50 per cent less
than any one else. These pictures are new, up--to-date
and not shelf worn.
Picture Moulding.
Picture Moulding is of the very
jiuvu xictiiivu. kj uo. i uu
Stock, and all., .goods as
to - date Furniture House.
Seeberger & Co. havu shipped 140
cars of baled hay so far this season
from Hcrshcy and Nichols and still
there is more to follow..
W. H. Hill of Ilershey transacted
busiucBB at Paxton the first of the
D. 13, White lost a fine steer com
ng two years old the other day
from eating dry corn stalks.
J. G, Fcckcii received $4.75 per
ton on the track at Nichols for the
Bugar beets that he recently har
vested. They tested away up.
Saturday night next is the regu
lar uicht for the Royal Mystic
Legiou meeting at Hcrahey. Sev
eral will be initiated into the
secrets of the order at that time.
J. V. Robinson delivered 448
pounds of milk at the Nichols
creamery on Mouday of this week.
Charley Leypoldt is at this time
assisting in putting in new checkn
in the old canal iu I limn a 11 precinct.
The North Platte Land add
Water Co. has offered prizes for
the best results hi' sugar beet cul
ture in 1901, ou tracts of not Icbb
than three acres raised uuder the
North Platte canal, of fifteen
dollars for first prize aud ten
dollars for second prize, provided
four compete, If but three compete
they offer one prize of fiftceu
dollars. .
1. K, wricKson ot wicliols was
seen upon the streets of Ilershey
Weduesday for the first time since
he returned frotmthe hospital at
Omaha. He ntill uses crutches to
get around but is slowly recovering.
Oscar Goodwin has returned from
his trip down the line and resumed
work on the Ilershey section.
G. M. Smith, wife aud daughter
Gertrude and Mrs. Win, Eves of
Ilershey were among thoae from up
latest patterns; all new.
iiuiiiv; Lilt; .jJiluC WC CIO Lite
this way wlao were shopping at the
county Beat on Tuesday of this
week. v
We understand that' M. R.
Magnusen who has Bpeiit the past
four years of his bachelor days in
the valley and on the south side
will soon dcoa'rt for Illinois to
make his future home.
E. C. Hitch of Hastings, is still
working up this way in tlie inter
ests of the Loyal Mystic Legion
order at Ilershey.
J. F. Ware was at Ilershey Wed
nesday where he received $10 iu
gold from Supt. Sceberirer as a
premium for the best results
obtained iu the sutrar beet culture
in the valley the past season.
James demons shipped an in
voice of both live and dressed
poultry of his own raising from
Hershey to the Denver market a
couple of days ago.
The county commissioners of
Lincoln county, Nebraska are here
by called to meet iu special session
at North Platte in said co'untv on
December 27, 1900, at 10 o'clock a.
m. for thu purpose of annrovhn-
official bonds, act'tnt: on contract
claims, and transacting any other
Dusiuess that may come before
said board. W. M. Holtrv.
- j
County Clerk. ,i
Bohemian, 03 years old, iu good
health, used to farm work, canuot
talk English but understands it
some, wauts place where he can
earn his keep. Can do chores and
keep at it all day.
JAMEe M. Ray, Poormaster.
For RentTwo ronB suitable
for light housekeeping, Inquire at