The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 14, 1900, Image 9

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    1900. CHRISTMAS 1900
We are better prepared than ever to supply you with Suitable Gifts for auyono from Baby to
Grandparents and in prices to suit any purse. Here are a few suggestions.
Hardware Department.
Express Wagons,
Pocket Cutlery,
Razor Straps,
Scissors, : ; ,
Carving Sets,
Table Knives and Forks,
Butcher Knives,
Bread Boxes,
Bread Raisers,
Flour Bins,
Washing- Machines,
Wash Boilers,
Tools of all Kinds,
Rogers Bros.' 1847 Table Knives
and Forks.
Roger Bros . ' 1847 Tea Spoons,
Dessert Spoons and Table
Lap Robes,
Horse Blankets.
Grocery Department.
We arc well prepared to till
large orders for Schools and
Sunday Schools.
Crockery Department.
Glass Lamps,
Night Lamps,
Metal Lamps,
Banquet Lamps,
Parlor Lamps,
Dinner Sets,
Chamber Sets,
China Plates,
China Cups and Saucers,
China Salad Bowls,
China Tea Sets,
China Berry Dishes,
Souvenir China in the follow
ing decorations
Methodist Church,
Episcopal Church,
Catholic Church,
Dewey Street,
Jewelry Department.
Rings, '
Collar Buttons,
Cuff Buttons,
Brooch Pins,
Ribbon Sets,
Ladies' Watch Chains,-
Men's Watch Chains,
Scarf Pins,
Tic Rings,
Sterling Silver Novelties,
Ebonoid Novelties,
Silver Novelties,,
Toy Department.
Rocking Horses,
Steel Doll Swings,
Steel Doll Beds,
Steel Doll Cradles,
Iron Banks,
Iron Trains,
Iron Stoves,
Iron Windmills,
Iron Lawn-Mowers,
Doll Heads,
Pewter Dishes,
China Dishes,
Doll Chairs, etc.,
Glassware Department.
Glass Tumblers,
Glass Sets.
Glass Shetbert Cups,
Glass Water Sets,
Glass Wine Sets,
Glass Berry Sets,
Novelty epartment.
Necktie Boxes,
Glove Boxes,
Handkerchief Boxes,
Collar and Cuff Boxes,
Work Boxes,
Toilet Sets,
Manicure Sets,
Smoking Sets,
Photograph Albums,
Kodak Albums,
Music Rolls,
Photo Holders,
Work Baskets,
Military Brushes,
Whisk Broom Holders,
Shell Boxes,
' Trinket Boxes,
Box Paper, etc.
Shoe Department.
Baby Shoes,
Childrcns' Shoes,
Girls' Shoes,
Boys' Shoes,
Women's Shoes.
Men's Shoes, .
Dry Goods Department.
Dress Goods,
Wool Mittens,
Kid Mittens,
Boys' Caps,
Men's Caps,
Ice Wool Shawls,
Kid Gloves',
Keathcr Gloves,
Leather Mittens,
Shirts, Pants,
Duck Coats,
Gold Belts,
.Leasher Belts,
Belt Buckles,
Pocket Books,
Hair Ornaments,
Ladies' Neck Tics,
Table Spreads,
Table Linen,
Men's Outing Night Shirts;
Underwear, etc.
We know we can please you. All goods marked in plain figures and sold at one price and for cash only. Bring in your produce.
She $tta - Wftbtj) ftfibuir.
FRIDAY, DEC. 14. 1900.
Earl Trout, who has been visit
ing at Colorado points for a couple
of weeks, will probably return
Down in Lexington they have it
reported that Capt. W. H Hamil
ton is dewn with small-pox. They
apparently do not know that the
Captain is proot against scourges
autl brimstone.
We are told that the Masonic
lodge building committee has
seu-cted two plans for its new
temple and will submit them to
the lodge in order to determine
which ol the two shall be accepted
Unless something extraordinary
occurs, work on the temple will
begin next spring. It is said that
verbal offers for the lease of the
htore-rooins in the building have
already been made.
Beautiful is the wordtodiscribc
the line of Music Rolls, Writing
Cases, Pocket Books, Card Cases
and other Leather goods at
If Riiiirler. now in iail in this
city, is guiMy of all the criminal
charges which are laid at his door
he I.- in reality a yery bad man. One
of the latest opinions rendered i
that Wingler is the fcliow who wa
shot while attempting to burglar
iae a house in Scotts Bluff county
three years ago, He was maun
ed by the charge of bird t-hot whicl
entered his left breast, captured
and placed in the jail at Gering
Althotiirh a iruard was placed ove
him he managed to escape ouenight
and was not heard ol afterwards
A. L, McKinnes, a breeder of
Galloway cattle living eighteen
mi let south of town, was a business
caller at this office today. Mr,
McKinnes has sold several head of
his cattle to North Platte people. '
Have you f-een the beautiful line
of the celebrated Louwelsa ware at
Chicago weather forecast for
North Platte and vicinity: Gcncr-
al'y fair tonight and Saturday.
The maximum temperature yester
day was GO; one year ago it was 17.
The minimum temperature this
morning was 21; one year ago it
was 2.
A fine line nf Christmas Novel
ties can u. loutiu at Doolittles
Dook Store. v
Last summer Mrs. Win, Diedrich,
living near Brady, filed a petition
for divorce from her husband on
the grounds of cruelty and then
left with her young son for the
home of her parents in Ohio
Diedrich followed her there and
attempted to take the child but his
wife locked the door on him. He
then attempted to batter down the
door, but vva.8, overpowered by
passers-by who were asked to do so
by Mrs. Diedrich. For this he was
lined and given a short j:ii
sentence. After being released
from i iil. he secured the assistance
of two men :ud going to the hoiif-o
overpowered his wjto, took the
chil t and started lor Ve.t Virginia
hut was arrasted before getting
out of Ohio by the sheriff,
Diedrich is now in j nl in Ohio on
the charge of kidnapping. In view
of these acts of Diedrich Hoaglatid
& IJoaglaud, representing Mis
Diedrich, have, filed a supplemental
petition in the divorce proceedings
in the Lincoln county district
Tom Quinn, of Denver, is visit-
ng relatives in town .
Mrs. II. S. White will return
from Kansas the early part ot next
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wilcox will
entertain a number of young people
this evening in lavor of their ueice, 1
Miss Wilcox.
John Frazicr has just comp'eted
an ice house cast of the city of 175-
ton capacity, which with his foimer
one gives him ample room for his
summer's supply of ice.
At no place in town will you find
so fine a line of fancy china,' stat
uettes and handsome stand lamps
as at Harrington & Tobin's,
Judge Davis received word yes
terday that his mother living at
Wellfleet had suffered a relapse,
and he left for that place in the
W. B. Salisbury left Wednesday
for Tonica, III., where he will
spend the holidays with relatives.
His wife preceded him to that
place several weeks ago.
ITl " WT. -IT ,, ,...
ABSQLvtErt 'Pure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
One of those Smoking
Jackets or House Coats
from S3 to $18.
Sta'k Ci.otiiino llousi;.
Railroad Notes.
Engines No. 682 and No. 636
have been sent to Omaha.
Engine No. 1475 was sent up from
Omaha a few days ago and is doing
passenger service out of this
Thoe Lowe has scyercd his con
nection with the Union Pacific
after many years of taithful ser
vice. Operator Weynick returned to
town Wednesday and is holding
down a position in the dispatchers'
Engines No. 1826, and No. 1826,
two ol the new compounds ordered
for passeuger service, went webt
last evening.
Dick Grace, who was married in
Chicago last week, went west with
his bride Tuesday evening. Dick
s now night foreman of the U. P.
boiler shops in Cheyenne.
G. W. Vroman returned this
week from Kansas City and Omaha
where he held conferences with U.
P. officials relative to grievances of
members of the Brotherhood of
The windows of the cabooses
which nave been taken out of ser
vice afford excellent targets for the
bad small boys with their air guns,
and tney nave been banging away
at the window lights until scarcely
any are left.
Parties in quest ol Christinai.
presents should not overlook the
handsome line of decorated chine
at Harrington & Tobin's.
The gymnasium apparatus or
dercd by Y. M. C. A. arrived thit
week, and after a few mouth
practice with the punching bag am
muscle developer the younger mem
hers of the association will begir
to class themselves as athletes.
The negro charged with attempt
iug to burglarize the Nebrask
House last Tuesday morning wi
l ave his hearing this afternoon o
tomorrow. Sheriff Keliher say
there are some things about th
colored man's actions which denol
that he js an old jail bird.
Toys! Toys!
Doll Buggies, Go
Express wagons
Toys! Dolls,
Carts, Drums
and dames at
A Correction,
In another column a statement lb
made relative to the visit of a grand
officer of the Khights Templar,
which is erroneous, The party
giving us the item was evidently
a little mixed, as the event which
is to occur is the installation o
officers of Euphrates Chapter o
Friday evening, Dec. 21st. Follow
iug the ceremonies retresiiments
will be served at one of the res tan
Turkeys for Salo.
Fine turkey's for sale. Inquire
of Win. MafoviBb, Ue6ack's barn.
Having completed a thorough
course in German, i am now pre
pared to take a limited number ot
upils. Terms can be obtained by
calling atE. Blankenburg'a harness
tore before January 1st.
Y. M. O. A. Notes.
Men Wanted At the rooms Sun
day, Dec. 16th. at 3:30 p. m. to
hear Rev. George A. Beecher.
These meetings are becoming more
utcrcBting each week. Come fcl-
owb and bring a friend. S.
Eureka Stock Food ia the Es
sence ot btocK f oods and one-
third the quantity accomplishes
better results than any other food
on the market, making it the
cheapest and the best to feed, Try
a package and sec results.
James M. Hay, Lawyer,
C. A. Wilkins, grand Bcnior con
ductor ot the O. R. C, met with the
local lodirc last evening and after
the meeting those present were
nvited to the residence of Geo. R.
Hammond where the ladies auxil
iary of the lodge Bervcd a very nice
supper. This event proved
pleasant wind up to the viBtt of the
grand senior conductor.
You will not realize what Iflu
reka Stock Food is worth to you
until you have given it a thorough
trial. It is money in your pocket
to feed it to your stock. 13uy
trial package and be convinced
Five pounds for $1.00; laryer
quantities cheaper.
Alt persons owing us for accounts
due for 1900 will please ca)l and
settle, an we wish to close our
books. Juwua Pizer.
Bring in Your Legs
and you'll feql proud of
them covered with a pair
of these Dutchess Trous
ers, wool kind, at $2,2.50,
3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50. Cot
ton kind at $1, 1.35, 1.50,
1.75. 10c a button, $1 a
Star Clothing House.
A novel cargo is now enroutc
from Dillon, Mont., to Troy, O.,
over the Union Pacific and Milwau
kee roads. It !b a special trainload
of bulls, and railroad officials in
terested assert that never before
have there been so many bulls in
one shipment. The train will con
sist of twelve cars, and will be in
charge of J. S. Combs of Dillon, the
consignees being George Peters &
Co., at Troy. The animals arc
said to be as line stock as could be
gathered in the entire state of
Montana, and inquiries at the local
offices of the Milwaukee and L nipn
Pacific have been numerous lrom
cattlemen who desire to inspect
them when they go through. The
date of their arriyal has not yet
been determined, but all of the in
quires will be answered as soon as
definite information iB at hand.
Omaha Bee.
Belongs to
A. L. McKinnis,
North Platte, Neb.,
He has Galloways
of both sexes for sale.
Writo Ixlzxx for Priooa