I m f HRKTM AS GOODS. a: a nr r imiw' per 8 FAHGT SHIRTS, GL0V2S, 17HSJBKWZAK, NECKWEAIt, KATS, CAPS, SHOES, SWZATJSRS- Do those'stigfgest a nood? All wool fleeced Shirts or Drawers at 40c a Gar ment, 7fio a Suit, Colonel Cody entertained a small party of gentlemen friends at his home Tuesday afternoon. Quite a number of contests hate been lately filed against claims taken on the old McPhcrson mili tary reservation. Much of this land is valuable for farming pur poses and there is naturally a r rlnnirn tn nhtnin nnianoulnn taw nrnTWTwn vrnTTan IB Otic Ot the UKCUU fi strotnr or Christmas gift. We 5 AT"7 " 'rrr have a good assortment S Peter Mylandcr went to Oma- Frank Toillion, who formerly to choose from. 8 ha thts week with two carloads rc8idrd near Spuds but now livinir WHEN SELECTING A g of steers which he sold at a satis- at Hagarc, Oklahoma, writes that PRESENT factory price. lie is well pleased with that country. fnr a Gentleman vou P.M. IfiuW ,nwn from IIc raised five bales of cotton on would like something T $ I r Arm fniniir f n Li 4 - t I i iiu8CVCn fl useful a trood Foun- g Ar 4 . ' . lX for S250. seven acres of land which he sold S tain Pen is iustthc ar ' ticlc. We hauc the ccl- cbrated Parta (Lucky $ Curve) pen guaranteed natiwf.iction or vour 2 moncv back. Call and $ sec our big line of Holi day Goods 1 CLINTON, I ' The Jeweler. Sheriff Keliher has a gang of prisoners in jail who are inclined to be mutinous, and he finds it neces sary to punish them by limiting their bill of fare to bread and water. This usually has auuiet- acting business and visiting Brctcrnitz boys. Mrs. Decker was discharged from the fair grounds hospital yesterday. This leaves but one inmate there. Fred Letts has been spending ing effect upon them. the past few days in Omaha, hav- Tlie fiimvi.r Tj n t m not ing accompanied his wife and were elcctcd Saturday afternoon daughter that far on their trip for the coming year. Agnes Boycr, Com; Mary Elder, Lieut Com; Nel lie Warner, R. K.; Mary Pcrritt. t' C; Mary Scharmann, Chap; Ollic Duke, Scrg; Inda Dakcr, M. at A; Amy Langford, Sent; Nellie Dick, to Iowa. Considerable real estate in the I !i i..,.r....t i.....t.... Scott, the sheep man, returned ., , .. , , , I Mill III! tUllrtlUlM illlUll llillllUU 111 the early part of the week from a ,.4-i. ,n , l4 ....... visit in Chicago. L,s,i ,i:a,.i,i r ., " ;i .b.w.r.v vaiauuy lviiwrciiuc was uuwn ,1M , f , . I i"""" tixi xattii ju from Sutherland vestcrdav UUU?J.U' u u.u,imu" Stock Tanks, all sizes. ami "grown-ups, tne gins anu Balo b Jo Hersh Picket. Hound and Half Hound for 4 Some Christmas Suggestions. transacting business. Supt. Barber reports a slight Lu decrease in the school attendance, humorous antl grotesque, all can m.et Wednesday the greatest falling off being m bc foud atDootittlc8, pleasant home of J the Third ward. Wlfc- The summa boys, the student or the lover, refined, the artistic, the The Small and Early Hi-5 club met Wednesday eveninc at tlip : John Keliher and the Third ward. wife. The summary of games won Colonel Codvwill leave in a . Dool,ttlc' book store is one of developed the fact that H. L.. few days for the Big Horn basin hc moTs4l .attra,ctiv?4 pl!lC4CS in 3" ZTX c. . . b . . . town. It as not Jlattery to say ,na 8 first prize, and Mrs. Jos. where hc will transact business ..,. n .r, ? s.m-x i,n in.i,.-Q T e- . r . i tiia.1 ivir. unoiiiiiu nas used (2xccii '""j " nowiit. juk The Art Novelties, Busts, Stat. u; ui, booby, while Mrs. Kmrna Walsh : . ... . ucttcH, ncture frames, Mirrors, . . . . , . u mays ooooy. it is Art Relievos and Medallions at Merchant. i H.Uey and Brady aaid at tlle next regular club meet- Doolittle'a are exquisite. 7:"" tha erf L WlU ,be n. . . , , i . . itucu ay.iinbt iir. anu Mrs. lnc inspector creneral of the Thev are evlHi'.ntlv catiturmrr con- t.-ih. . v s t,i ny t . . , Z, 1 , V, i. , , . r exposing me members Kniichts Templar is exoectcd in aiderable trade that has heretofore .. ..!si.. , .. , , " , 1 i " t"4- a vibimuun irom me this city on the 20th inst., and came to North Platte. banshee. arrangements arc being made to Ed Kricsson was rounded up and ot indigestion due to the sumptuous tender him a banquet. placed in jail Wednesday evening collation served. George Austin Mrs. C. F. Iddings received a f0t be,Utr drU,,k a"d d,80derlV- w,n sit judgment upon the ,.,,,,. ... ...ti . livaicr lie was put on a train anu case h.?i..i. t... .M4u.. u Milt to Grand Island where it is Ai i a u " said he will take the Keely cure. It It It Below wc present some suggestions for Christmas presents and submit prices. From these you cannot fail to select suitable and durable presents. Rocking Chairs ranging in price from 75c to $25; very handsome ones at the latter price. $12.75 buys a fine oak Combination Book Case and Desk with glass doors, French plate mirror, easily worth $18.00. In Dining Room Furniture wo have extension tables from $4.75 to $30; Sideboards from $14 to $45; a good oak dining room chair, cane seat, at 00 cents each. China Cabinets at very reasonable prices. Center Tables from 75c to $12, embracing several kinds of wood. A fine display of odd pieces in upholstered goods. A nice line of ladies Dressing Tables and Chiffoneirs. Fine 3-piece bed room suit, bevel glass on dresser, $17.50. 100 Iron Bedsteads ranging in price from $3 to $25. Our line of couches is complete. A nice yariety of Screens. Easels at 75c, and up. Music racks and Cabinets. Our line of Pictures is conceded by all to be the finest ever seen in this city. These pictures were personally selected by us and are all up-to-date. We have them at all prices. An elegant line of Rugs in Axminster, Smyrna, Moquette, Jute, etc . Tabourettes in several designs, and at different prices. We are still selling Sewing Machines, and nothing makes a more appropriate present than one of our machines. A fine oak case six-foot Organ for $45.00. Special prices on Pianos in stock. We make a specialty of Picture Framing, and carry the largest line of Moulding between Omaha and Denver. E. B. WARNER. Cleland, who was well known to It la very difficult to realize, after Miss Wilcox, Who has been hl ftinnv fare... A Brass Mnnkov." visitincr her uncle W. T. Wilcox the attraction at the onera house for several weeks, expects to I Saturday eveming, xhat he is one of leave next week for a visit with the most superstition of men. In friends in South Dakota. luiR P'aV "- aB constructed a Ed Loveland left this mornimr m08t l"Ble mory about for Deuel countv to look after ;common f"?"8. l,onl w,ul w.c" . . .... everyone is i imtiiar. 'rue principal hundred head of steers which hc L,, . .,T.,..,. ,i, -.A-J unu max uccr nave been pastur-Ut a black cat and crosses his insr m the Clear creek section. fmirers every time he sees a crosB- 1 1 fat DeilaW m m 1 On account of this mild winter weather we find our selves over-stocked and in order to turn Hip .miu ; nin lllO V WO liavo inriiiirnivifnil tU'iu T"kn,.,i.. V. M. Loker, of Hcrahcy, who eyed man, and Bagyafjc," his has been shifting around consid- daughter. Tlhfcse parts are played crably of late is now located at b Mazie Trumbull and Chas. A. l A A. 1 1 Callaway and is in the employ of 14 BO"oree anu comeu.an thn nmh iu4 who have few equals on the Amcri- A JEEQIALYiLUR IN MEN'S SACK SUITS. the Omaha elevator company. Christmas Tree Ornaments. Candles, etc. in greatest variety at Uoolittlc's. C. E. Norton went to Omaha last night for the purpose of being initiated into the mysteries of the Mystic Shrine. O. K Peck will also ride the camel across the burning sands. Representative-elect Evans docs not expect 'to go to Lincoln until a day or two before the opening of the legislature. As he is not booming any senatorial candidate, hc does not consider it necessary to be on the ground carlv. can stage. In Wc have placed on sale this month 200 Suits in black and fancy Cheviots and Cassimeres in square and round cut. j ncse are well made, pertect fitting suits gotten up with the idea of excelling any Suits made by the cheap tailors to sell for 15.00. Choice of this lot for De cember .Held High Esteem. Colder weather has nrcvailed F People who know, consider our in the north and west for a few I sections ot staple nnd fancy pro- days past and Observer Plcrcy cerles second to none. People who rather expects a touch of winter I"0" know us are more than wcl- in xnis section in tne near tut tire, j iu'jk m our wares nuct 111- Yesterdav morninir at some of our methods. Groceries for the northern weather stations it Christmas receive our special at- was twenty-four below zero. tention, to the great delectation of Grandfather Santa Clntis. Whisner: i'ltoil 1IIIUUI UIIUI1U1 lUU "Dm- - . I ........ I . ! 1 . 1 i- . iao Bill" Souvenir China, very v,Ck1" nucau oi iiuie- artistic. at Doolittln'H. you 11 fare n.o worse, better posst Ml. -v v . nru t i: a it , , . oy we imve received a complete The Ladies' Auxilnrv n h n . .. . . ' n . .... ui iMciieueu coous, wnicii are n. u. on wcancsciay itttt elected h,.. r .i' ." ., . . r,, tf -r .. . w "whiiuji uoous ever w the foUowuuj officers: Prwidcnt, itt Norlh pal Vc lmve umlur wrs. n. jk. li ne v, Mrs. J. Uv.:.. v... i i n knAn.. o . t n' th,; brn,,tli catmed asparagus, mjjiii- G. Anderson Sec. and Treas.. Li. . . vf- t tj u..o i r n4o pi ""PKiii, sweet pota- Mrs. J. B. Jeter; S. S., Mrs. Jas. M 4 . , , n..-i-t. t cj r , toes, cor i, stm lg and wax beans vuiiiiiiiKuaiiii a. VJ., jUIBi JUH. We have Men's Suits at $10.00 $12.50, $15.00, S16.S0, $1S.0(), and $20.00 in many nice patterns equal to Tailor Made Suits for twice the money. In Overcoats and Ulsters Wo are the Icing of the North Platte valley. We have them for $4.00, 5.00, $7.50, $1000, $12.50, $15.00, $16.50, $18.00 and $22.00. 25 per cent less than any other store dare Sell them. Dorram; Guard, Mrs. II. B. r'T' u l . 1 T I t ,. c r, 7 ' dinff and every thing in the fruit Bowlby; Ex. Com,, Mrs. 15, nJ Tsi,oi, ne , JLnu Amur, iur. wx. n, mcivcown apricots, pars, red. raspberries, and Mrs. H. Gilfoyl; Cor., Mrs, hlack b:rriea, strt vw berries, sliced o. u. Mecomoer; xns. Agt Mrs. nw, uuvt-.i aim Big cut in. Boys' and Childrens' Clothtnir. come and attend this great December Sale and you will find it pays to trade at the THE MODEL 0N&-PR1GE 6L0THING HOUSE. R. K. HInc: M uaicito, Mrs. C. A. numerous other tli ings. JJ MAX KIRSCIIBAUM, Prop. im Thc largest exclusive Clothing House in North Platte. S Vou can leave PJiouPi riveii af ted breafa I odaij on "The Overland Limited" and arrive California sooner than if you loft yestorday via any other train A trip to California in regal splendor, can bc made on "The Overland Limited," the celeb r a ted Union Pacific train. Th i s train runs via flip "Overland Route," the established route across the continent. It has yrehaps the mos t fi n e 1 y equipped cars in the world. nn. - n 1. 1 -r- ... j ntv n c uuuuiu j-m awing Room Palace Sleepers, broad vcstibuled Cars throughout, Buffet Smoking and Library Cars with Barber Shops and Pleasant Reading-Ropms, Dining Cars, meals being served a la carte, and every delicacy is provided. The cars are illuminated with the famous Pintch Light and heated, with steam. A notable feature is that safty, perfect comfort and speed arc all included. Only Two KTiRlitM . . . Botwoon . . . Missouri Xtl-crox and Sou Pranoisoo. Tor time tables and full information call on Jas. B. Scatilan, Aent. One year Free By Special Arrangement we can furnish THE PRAIRIE FARMER Krec for one year to every one of our subscribers. All you have to do is to renew for The Tribune for another year and tell us that you want The Prairie Banner and we will order it sent to you one full year free, We will also send The Prairie Farmer free one year to every new subscriber who pays us one year in advance. , Don't put this off, if you want to get that great one do lar a year farm paper free. This offer is but for a limited time, f Wfcir: RUSH & iURKAY. J -