The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 14, 1900, Image 5

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Of whlto cloth, with an Inset border
of white laco over cloth of gold; the
L'Aiglon collar, Jabot with long ends,
and tho lining of the sleeve ends Is of
white chiffon over rose chiffon, tho
rose showing In tiny ruffles.
When a woman raises her skirts
nowadays the passer by with sharp
eyejWlll notice what appears to be
a seeking bllpping down beyond phy
sical and moral support. She Is In no
danger of losing It. It won't turn
down even over her foot It Is merely
ly tho raousquetalre stocking, tho
latest of feminine folly's fads. Just
as a long glove would, wrlnklo over my
lady's wrist and arm, so her long
stocking now wrinkles over her leg.
This probably wbb devised by the gjrl
with thin lower extremities for the
consternation of her stout friend, who
could not afford to add anything to
tho circumference of that part of her
body. Tho stout lady, thcreforo, will
content herself with tho stripes and
clockwork which decorato tho skin
tight hosiery, whllo the thin girl will
don tho Interminable hoso that wrin
kle throughout their length. Somo
of tho mousquetalre stockings aro
woven to produce a semblence of
wrinkle. Of course, this careless ef
fect must be planned carefully. To
provent the stocking from getting
Into unseemly bunches extra garters,
to bo placed at necessary Intervals, aro
devised of narrow elastic and match
ing the stocking In color. One of
these, Just above tho shoo top, fastens
with a small, handsomo bucklo or bow
of ribbon, another appearance that
would Induce the belief in tho unin
itiated that tho woman was losing her
, Literal? Cat Lover.
Miss Sarah Orno Jewctt is a cat lov
er, und tho dear old countrywoman
down In Maine, whom one" loves tu
encounter In her stories, usually keeps
a cat, though theirs aro only tho farm
er's plain useful cats, says tho De
troit Free Press. Miss Mary B. Wllk
tns is also a great admirer of cats.
Mr. William Dean HowellB says: "I
like them on general principles." Col.
Hlgglnson confesses to a great fond
ness and admiration for cats,
while those who aro familiar
with Charles Warner's "My
Summer In n Garden" need
not bo reminded of tho cat "Calvin"
and his Interesting traits. Mr. Ed
mund Clarence Stcdman is n genulno
udmlrer of cats and evidently knows
how to appreciate them at their full
Frock In softest cream, satin Ori
ental, for a pictty baby of three 01
four, with its quaint bodice, smockod
collar and cuffs, tho sash hold by throe
paste studs, and tho flounco Inserted
and edged with luce and daintily feather-stitched.
Millions ot ravaging dtscaso germs
aro fostered and fed In tho bacteriolo
gical laboratory which Is owned by tho
Boston board of health. Thero are all
kinds of bacilli, from tho bubonic
plaguo specimen which has tho power
to extinguish a Human llfo In the short
period of a few days, to tho dull, half
dead mites that rcqulro years and
years of frequent, even continuous, at
tacks In order to deprive man ot tho
pleasures of llfo. There nro descend
ants of germs who did their last deadly
work In some remote part of China or
India, germs which have caused much
sorrow In tho very heart of this city,
gnawed off tho heaviest bonds or
friendship, and brought poverty into
families that were comfortable and In
dependent Mnybo thero nro microbes
that havo traveled the country over In
futllo quest of victims, or assailed tho
living as well as tho dead on tho
mysterious bottom of tho boo, becauso
this groat collection Is gathered at dif
ferent times from mineral as well as
organic matter. It Is an army that
could produco'an awful calumlty wero
it set at liberty and given proper di
rection toward that end. Thero aro
pcoplo In Boston who fear this army
to such an extent that thoy actually
loso. sight of tho effectiveness of tho
method whereby it is kept and cared
for, and they even allow this unwar
ranted fear to Interfere with business
prospects, says the Boston Transcript.
Hero is an example: Tho laboratory
Is located In tho Sudbury building on
Sudbury street. Its quurters being
somewhat unsatisfactory for tho work,
tho board of health sought promises
nearer tho center of tho city nnd final
ly obtained an option on sultablo
rooms, Preparations wero mado for
tho removal of tho laboratory to tho
now location, but at tho laBt moment
tho owner of tho building changed his
mind In accordanco with his ground
less fears, and tho laboratory had to
remain In the Sudbury building. Pos
sibly It will bo takon into tho old
court house after that structure has
been renovated and enlarged.
It may bo useful, therefore, to look
into tho bacterial camp, the scientific
prison of so many enemies of life nnd
happiness. Death lurks In every cor
nor llko a feasting parasite, without
hope and without desire to escape, ev
erywhere watched by tho bacteriolo
gists, who handle It wltli .calm and
authority. Under the conditions thero
Is absolutely nothing to fear, as th?i
good health of tho doctors nnd attend
ants will attest.
Every little group of germs kept In
stock lies imprisoned In a glass tube,
drenched in serum or agar, which,
whllo It feeds tho microscopic organ
ism, also provents Its escape even if
tho stopper wero removed from tho
mouth of tho tube, and each tubo Is
sealed with paraffin. No germs can
rise from tho media and sail In tho
air. Thoy rise only when they aro
dry, and they aro never dry excopt
when tho bacteriologists dry them on
a glass slldo over a hot flro, which
kills them. All the material which is
used In the researches Is destroyed by
fire as soon as tho experiments aro
completed, excepting the glass recop
tacles and Instruments, which can bo
cleansed by chemical solutions. Ani
mals Injected with tho more danger
ous germs nro not kept in open iron
cages during the Incubation period;
they aro put Into glass bowls and
excluded from all chances of coming
Into contact with anything which
might transfer tho disease Summing
tho story up In a few words, the labor
atory Is as safo to health as any office
or dwelling house.
Tho illustration shows tho combined
carriage lamp and foot warmer re-
cently patented, for uso In cold weath
or. Tho object of tile Invention Is to
provldo Blmple and effectlvo means by
which a continuous warmth at llttlo
cxpenso may bo supplied to tho feet
of tho occupant of tho vehicle, and In
which tho arrangement Is such as to
provldo a light whoso rays may bo di
rected on tho road In advance of tho
team. This object Is attained by
mounting tho lamp proper directly un
dornoath tho body of tho vehlelo, with
tho oil reservoir located below and at
the rear lamp. Leading from tho res
ervoir to tho lamp Is a curved tubo
containing tho feed wick, and In lino
with tho blnzo Is tho glass bull's-eyo,
through which the rays aro emitted.
Directly over tho flame is a vertical
Uibo leading to a warming chamber
contalncd Inside the body of tho wagtin
and a passage for smoko Is formod by
a continuation of tho pipe, ft. can bo
readily understood that If tho wick Is
Ignited and tho (pot are placed over
tho warming chamber and covorod
with a" robo they will bo perfectly
comfortable themselves and nlso aid
greatly In tho circulation of blood
through other portions of tho body.
Tho sowing of grass and other flno
grain ovenly is a difficult task when
attempted by hand nnd most of tho
patent scoders offered for sale aro too
costly for tho average farmer to In
vest In, especially when It Is taken
into consideration that tho socder will
only bo used once or twlco a year.
With tho Idea of providing a cheap and
simple apparatus, which will sow tho
seed rapidly nnd ovenly, n Canadian In
ventor has designed tho apparatus
Illustrated above. It consists of cloth
Back suspended from tho shoulder and
provided nt Its slnglo lower corner
with n funnel lending Into tho distri
buting tubo. The funnel has an in
ternal gato to limit tho amount of
grain pusslng through. In tho outer
end of the tubo Is nrranged n series of
deflecting fingers, which aid materi
ally In tho distribution of tho grnln,
which is accomplished by swinging
tho tubo from side to side whllo held In
a slanting position, tho grain falling
toward tho outlet as long as tho end Is
held downward and tho gato left open.
Owing to tho length of tho tubo tho
area covered at each swing 1b consider
ably greater than could bo seeded by
Mutcleii nml Drain.
In one of his recent lectures at
Clark University, Prof. Angclo Mosso
of Turin averred that "Physical edu
cation and gymnastics servo not only
for tho development of tho muscles,
but for that of tho brain as well." It
Is bpcomlng evident, ho said, that as
much tlmo should bo devoted to mus
cular oxorclso as to Intellectual oxer
clso, and children should begin read
ing and writing only after thoy aro
nine years old. Muscular fatlguo ex
hibits phenomena identical with in
tellectual fatlguo. Nerve cells show
on tho nvcrugo ovory ten seconds a
tendoncy to rest. It Is probablo that
only part of tho brain is actlvo at tho
tlmo; tho various parts rellove each
other. The more mobllo any animal's
oxtremetlcs nro, tho more Intelligent,
other things being equal, ho Is.
Chlnii'N Coat l'lolil.
China contains somo of tho richest
coal deposits In tho world. Lost fall
Professor Drake of Tientsin visited tho
coal fields In tho provlnco of Shnnsl,
which were examined by Baron von
RIchthofen In 1870, and found that
thoy aro of Immense extent. Tho coal
area Is said to bo greater than that of
Pennsylvania, und tho anthracite coal
alone contained In thoso fields has
been estimated at 030,000,000 tons.
Tho Shansl coal beds aro so thick and
llo so uniformly In a horizontal posi
tion thnt the practicability has been
suggested of running long . lines or
r:iroad tunnels through the beds so
' that tho cars can bo loaded in tho
mines all ready for distant transpor
tation. To I'rntoct tho Great Kedwoorii.
It whs reported at tho recent meet
ing of tho American Association foi
tho Advancement of Science that tho
redwood forests of tho Pacific coast
aro now practically all in tho hands of
prlvato owners who hold them for
lumborlng purposes. Slnco tho rod
wood rivals tho gigantic sequoia in
slzo and Interest, It Is doomed a mat
ter of scientific Importance that it
should bo preserved, and tho associa
tion approved tho action of Its botani
cal section In favoring tho purchoso
and preservation of a public park in
the Santa Cruz mountains covering
more than 25,000 acres, and occupied
largoly by tho primeval redwood for
est. Wonderful Variable Start,
In utu'jylng tho variations in tho
light c;' certain stars In tho cluster
known us "Messier 3," Professor Bail
ey has found one star whoso changes
aro so rapid that In thirty minutes It
gains moro than an entiro magnitude;
In other words, becomes more than
two and a half times as bright as It
was at tho beginning, Sovoral othors
vary with a rapidity almost equally
startling. Their entiro period of vari
ability from ono maximum to tho noxt
Is about half n day, but thoy gain light
much quicker than thoy loso it. It
seems Impossible to regard Buch stars
as suns in the senso of our sun.
"Sho told' mo I looked pare," said
tho serious-faced girl on tho car, "and
so sho took mo upstairs and put somo
rougo on my cheeks and sent mo off
to tho pnrty feeling llko nn Easter egg.
"Sho said I was lovoly, howover, and
I admit that 1' thought tho embellish
ment rather becoming when I gazed
In tho mirror at my pinky reflection..
But I had a miserable tlmo at Mary's.
I had forgotten to ask my hostess
whether my complexion was a fast
color- or not, so when tho rest bobbed
for apples in tho most ridiculously un
dignified fashion, I was obliged to ab
stain for fear ot emerging many shades
whitor than when I went In.
"Also, though my faco bocamo very
warm from dancing, I did not daro to
pass my handkerchief over It, lost tho
sensolcss linen absorb tho rich, warm
blood that mantled my blushing
"I was never so stiff and. uncom
fortablo In my life, r spent my tlmo
endeavoring to catch surreptitious
glances of myself In tho many mirrors
that adorned tho walls," quotes tho
Baltimore Nowh. "I was self-conscious
and absorbed, and I'vo no doubt
every man thero considered mo n
brainless Idiot.
"When I got home I found my corn
ploxlon was Intact. It hadn't rubbed
off In spots or dono nnyof tho horrl
blo tilings I expected It to; but It
looked to mo dreadfully ns if It had
como out of a battle
"This was my first cxporlonco with
'boughton' beauty, and It's going to bo
my last," said tho sorlous-fucod girl,
emphatically. "Up to this tlmo I havo
pinched my cheeks when I wanted
them flushed, but r can't rocommond
this method, cither; It gives ono such
a spotted look, qulto ns if spinal mon
lngltls wero about to suporvono."
"I batho mine in scalding 'water'
when I want n good color," said tho
girl noxt her. "A cloth dipped in tho
boiling liquid and then held to eacli
cheek until It Is scarlet Is tho pro
scription. Then dash on eau do co
logne, and by tho tlmo ono is ready to
go out ono's skin Is delightfully pink."
"That mnkes wrinkles," said tho
third young woman of the trio.
"Mullen leaves are good enough for
me. Get your country frlonds to send
you a box of them. They're fuzzy
things, and ono will act us a cosmetic
half a dozen times.
" 'Coureo there's no color to como
off they're green. It's tho fuzz lhat
makes one's chooks red. Grandmother
told mo about thonii Sho used to uso
thorn when sho was a girl. Every ono
did then, she says. I think It's vulgar
to spread tho 'bright vormllllon an tho
tondorloln,' as my brother says."
And then tho shopping district was
reached and tho young women fllod
out soberly, leaving n couple ot highly
edified men In tho scat in front of
Worked Ilotli Wuyn.
"I can't havo 'lost all my good
looks," said MIbs Northsldo to her
best friend, Miss ShadyBldo, "for I
can still obtain n sent In n crowded
street car."
"Oh, well," replied Miss ShadyBlde,
"you know tho men will glvo seats to
old ago nB well ns to youthful beauty."
Pittsburg Chronlclo-Tolegraph.
Ahead of 1U in.
Chlmmlo "Dat's McCorkor do heavy
weight mo cousin used tor go tar
school wld 'm." 1
Billlo "Dat nln't nuthln' mo brud
dor had free front too' -knocked out
by him ,onct." Brooklyn'. Life.-
Getting Tired ot It.
"What makes you look so unhappy,
llttlo boy?"
Small boy (sobbing) "Nobody novor
calls mo good unless I am n-dolng
somothln' I don't liko to do.'V London
Ho (on tho way to tho fancy dress
ball "Wait a minute, my dear, whllo
I turn up my trousorH."
Young Stono "I spoko to tho chom
lBt nnd ho advised that r should "
Doctor (Interrupting) "Oh, he gavo
you somo Idiotic advice, I suppose"
Stono "Ho advised mo to see yon."
Ill V.iK,
Ho You cllmcrt zo Mattcrhorn?
Zat was a great foot.
8ho Great feat, you mean, count
Ho Ah! Zen, you climbed him, moro
as oncol Punch. -i
i r
fohok or HAiiiT.
llor Valuation,
' Biggs (to cubmahJ'What will you
charge to toko mo and hiy wlfo to
Blank's hotel?
Cabman Halt a crown, Sir?
Biggs And how muali for taking
mo nlono?
Cabman Tho saiuo half ,a crown,
' Biggs (to ills' tflfo') 'thbromy bear.
you oco how much you are 'valued, at.
Motharlr Ailviro.
"Johnny," said the StvLous mother,
"I want you toQiiltyualug' that low,
vulgar language." . , . ,
"Yrtiy, mother," replied Johnny,
"Shn'kcspoaro said what 1 Just 'said."
'"Thon yoif must quit 'aaaoclntlnR
with him," said tho good woman. "Ho'8
not a fit companion for you."
Limited JOitaemttln.
"Your chlldranycom5 la bo protty
well behaved," romnrked tho. frlond.
'They're 6l my children, 4hen," re
plied tho hon-pecked man. "My wife
only admits -that thdy'rd7 'bur :chlld
r9nl..wJciiT.tlicy;rtut)nd,w,lipn.heyAr.o good thoy nro 'her children.' " Phila
delphia 'PrcBB.
Willio Motiao (to chum) "What a
nice, kind man ho must bo who pro
vided this safo refugo for us!"
li the floor.
"What do.riowB t'um Marso William
nt do capital?" asked tho colored con
stituent. "Well, the papor says that 'no 'has
tho floor.'"
"Do goodness gracious! Is ho drunk
already?" Atlanta' Constitution.
' . Made find.
Hetty Looking oyer tho dictionary
again? Evidently you 'And It' 'intensely
Interesting; ' ' ', '
Bertha-N.p t not, . intorqBtlBgi' but
amusing, it qpellB words so different
from tho wn'y'rspoll them, yoii know.
Boston Transcript.
.1 A
i , . Eunlly Ityntalned.,
"There iB'n irian in tho oast oiid who
hasn't1 hciirtl'the'olectum returns yet."
"What njstupldi D'oosntt bo take any
Interest In tho .wqlfaro ot his couu
try'?t' 'Yes, .' bill' 'ho's deaf." Cleveland
Plain Dcnjcw .
m ; x
Llko Alt tho Kent.
"My" wlfoV'idarhod'' 'French in Ave
weokB." .,! .
., "Does sliQnpoalc correctly?"
"Well, iWfcssor Do Verges sayB her
French1' Is atf'gdod''ab any spoken la
our neighborhood, Indianapolis , Jour-
nal: ,:i
i!l" aridr. i"
Hildrod "It makes me so mad for
somebody to eat up, all tho, nuts before
soup Is florveii." " 1
, Malabai1 'Especially- when youvtoro.
About to,. grab for, tljem yourself? 1
agree with you." Boston Transcript.
i'roreloua. ' I
Wlnks-r'Wiat fldvlco, did the doctor
glvo you when you wont to him this,
mbrning? ' v-'1
BlI.nkB Hqiudylsod nvsto go to some,
other physician to (whom I didn't owa
5. Answora. ,
-ItU ui ' . 4 1
' A Joint ' Wnfdrob. '
"Do you likoyour now cook?" '
"Oh, yes, I haven't, worn my silk
capo but once HIiico.bIio enmo.-but, grq
clous! I'm not going to bother hor
nbout a llttlo thing llko that." Indian
apolis JournuY. '' '
- Hlibover4
"Ypu seem to, have discovered tho
secret of keeping 11 sdrviint girl, Mrs.
HIH." '''"
'Yes. SoveraP 'yenreuago I found a
,mad wKomfmygownH xaptly fit,
I havo had no troubio slnco." Den
-'i1 ' '
Hlniyly ExUt.
MIbs Pepproy Uru'cMis! You don't,
nrcan to say tlntt you absolutely do
nothing? , v
Cnony Aw, woally, I don't even do
that,'' My 'marillttehda to1 ov'wything,
y know. Philadelphia. PresB.
Mtb. Jones Oh dbo'tpr, Is my hus
band tllb Irrational? ;'
,Pr. Dosc'm Ijxtromoly so. 'When I
told him your mothor was coming to
morrow ho smiled. Judge.
Hlaudaroui. .
A woman doesn't talk through nor
hut unless It happens to ho a now
one! Philadelphia Refcordi
Tho Inoxporlonccd. maid, wants to
ho a -man's first love, but tho 'wise Wid
ow prefers to ho his Inst, M