FRIDAY, DEC. 14, 1900. Mr IRA Li BAilB.EDITOnAKD PKOPniKTOB HunaoniPTioN ratbb. One Year, cash In ndrtnc tl-tt Bit Months, cnh In ndrtnct TS 0nU BntrdttbKotthPUtU(Hbruk)poitoffleM sseond-fllsiimsttsr. RufKODUcnoNS from the country press of Nebraska occunv prominent space in the Om:iha Bcc these davs. especially W those which arc commendatory i I Useful Christmas Presents ft 0 0 0 ft I'UUMCATIQN NOTICK. .lolni Furnish. Cora A. Furnish and John Doc. real name unknown, defendants, will take notice that Jainci li. Heeler, plalntlrr, lias filed hlfi petition In the district court of Lincoln county, iMeurawca. against said de fendants, the obtcct and Braver of which arc to foreclose a certain mortgage executed October 1st. Wtt, by the defendants John Furnish and Cora A, Furnish, on the follow. Ing described real estate, to wit: The couth halt nf the. northwest nu.irter and the north. I cut iiuartcr of the southwest quarter of section twelve: and the southeast quarter of tnc nortneasi quarter In township nine, north' In range thirty, west of the Sixth nrlnclnal meridian In Lin coln county, Nebraska, said mortgage being :xccuicu 10 secure mc payment, ui i LEGAL NOTICES. THE LEADER This popular house has in stock an elegant line of - r rt nil Tin-: procccdintrs of the election 10 buuuo a 1 7 contest in Douglas county show ft Usoi:ul, durable and of a nature that will be appreciated that the fusion frauds in South W Omaha were about as glaring Uj rpiieSG ffOOclS will be Sold at SPECIAL PRICES. ft ft ft iX ft iXt ft 0 i by the County of Lincoln for the foreclosure 101 J.EOALi NOTICK, Wltllnm t. Potter, Emma I). Potter, J. I, Cns Threshing MachlnoCompany, A Corporation will take notice that on the 2d day of Norcmbpr, lilfO, cpnrinm 11. ucrnnsy, piainiui uorein, nieil liH petition In the district court of Lincoln comity, iNournsKs, BBBinniF&iu acienanms, ino onectnnn prayer of which are to foreclofo n certain tnort- the one executed to secure the navmct yrlncipal promissory note of said defendants ohn Furnish and Cora A. Furnish, for the sum of J500. with ten Interest coupon notes tncretn attaencu: cacn oi nam inicresi notes being for the sum of $17.60 and due resnectlvc v on the first davs of Anrll and October IKiS, 18W, IK5, WW, and HOT. There Is now due the plaintiff on Bald notes and mortgage Including the amount paid as taxes on said nrcmlses. and the costs nald bv Elalntlff In the foreclosure cases commenced y the County of Lincoln for the foreclosure taxes on said nrcmlses. the sum of S738.49. wun interest incrcon at inc rate oi icn ncr cent per annum on$K2.M thereof from the 1st pay of April, 1805, and on $II5.V9 thereof from the Rth day of August, 1900, and plain tiff prays for a decree that said defendants as those usually perpetrated in New York by Tammany. Though a trusted lieutenant, David B. Hill makes the an nouncement that he will be candidate for the democratic presidential nomination in 1904. He takes this action without the consent of W. J. Bryan. ft ft ft 0 ft be required to pay the same or that said ircmises ue soiu to saiisij iitirrst and rnstn nf suit. You arc rcnulrcd to answer said ictltlon on or before Monday the Slst day of Jan uary, 1001. Jamks k. Shelby, Plaintiff. dlH IJy W. S. Morlan, his Attorney. D. Fine Silk Dress Patterns, Silk and th Woolen Waists, Dress Skirts, Ladies' us vli Tailor-Made Suits Caps, Fine Linens Furs, Jackets, Marseilles Bed Tim Omaha News says: Gov crnor-clcct Dietrich is to be com mended on his good sense in tak ing a positive position in opposi tion to the presentation of a par- g i i; rA PhlUmn oil CTVlcOC don to Joseph S. Bartley who is W LdUICD ailU VIMIUICII, CI I l O Ljf I w an 0 li I premises be sold to satisfy said amount with 0 I'ltOHATE NOTICK. In the matter of the estate of James Wilson, deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, December II, 1000. Notice Is hereby given, that the creditors of said deceased will meet the Administra trix of said estate, before the County Judge of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at the County Court Itoom in said county, on the Oth day of :y, 1001, and on the loth day of June, 1001, at 0 o'clock a. tn, each day, for the pur- KSKO executed by William I. Totter, nnd Kmraa II. I'otler. to tlio DlalntlfT. tmnn thn narlheant quarter of suction 11), In township 15, north of rstiRO .13 west, IJnoolu county, Nebraska, to re cure tho payment of a certain promlsrorr unto with coupons attached, dated December the 31st, IK91, for tho sum of (:)00 due and payable In (Wo yearn from tho date thereof. The Interest cou pons being ten In number, each fur fifteen dollars, one falling due evury six months alter tho dato of the note) and that plaintiff has paid the taxes on the aboro described promises tn protect his title for the years from IMC to itffi) Inclusive. That there is duo upon raid noto and raorlangu and for taxes paid tho mm of M07.CO, for Which mim with interest from tho 1st day of January, 1001, plaintiff prays for a decree; that defendants Potter's be required to pay tho samo, oi that said promises may De om to sausty too amount uuu, and that the protended judgment lien hold by do. fendant J. I. Caoo Threshluit Maclilno Company may bo decreed to bo Junior and inferior to plain tiff's mortgage lien. You ore required to answer said petition on or beforo the 17th day of December 1000. Dated November 2, 1000. 0- EmnAtM II. IfEitsnxr, Plalntln, CHATTKti MOHTOAOK BALK. Nottco Is hereby given that on Wednesday, (ho 10th day of December, 1000, at 'J o'clock, p. m., on lots 5 and 0 In block 171, In Iho city of North I'lattc, Nebraska, at tho barn known as tbo Wlilli) Elephant Darn, tbero will bo eold to the hlgheM bidder for cah. one Llshtnln Uay Fross. Hnld salo Is madoby virtue of a chattel mortgage dated September 22ud. 1809. slgued byO. ri. Huffman, and given to tho Kansas City Hay l'rocs nnd Machlnory Company, to secure two notes of 1 112.N) each of oven date therewith, ono nf which notes was duo March 1st, 1000, and ono duo Jan uary 1st, 1001, and there Is now duo on said nolo and mortgago tho sum of $122. Bald mortgage Is on file In the nfflco of tho ceunty clerk o( Keith county. Nebraska. KANSAS CITY UAY 1'ItKRS fi MACHINERY COMPANT, n27- Uy Wilcox k Uklllgan, Its Attornt'rs. pose of presenting their claims for cxamln- months arc allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for the Adminis tratrix to settle said estate, from the 11th dav of December 1000. A.S. 11ALDWIN. dill County Judge. J Spreads, Kid Gloves and Mittens for 1 SUukS.oaden,y j .. Jl. A A. now serving a term in me suue . . i . i r penitentiary for looting the state HanKerChl GTS TrO ITI treasury, in announcing nis decision not to submit to the demand for a pardon Gov. Die trich serves both his party and his state," I is This State Barber's board one 'of the Q expensive luxuries the leirislaturc should cut off. If 0 it docs not, the nobility of the other occupations should be recnirnizcd bv the creation of a o 'k shoemakers' commission, u black- W smiths'. board, a dirt shoyclcrs' board, a carpenters' board, a boarding-housekeepers' board, et cetera. If economy, retrench ment and reform arc not to be watchwords let the state's motto "Equality Bcfbrc the Law," be printed in the statues in illum ined letters. cent to $1.00, jg Mufflers from 25 cents to$i.oo, Fine. Shoes and Slippers, all styles. Rugs of all descriptions. For Gentlemen Suits, Overcoats, Fine Shirts Neckwear, Hals, Caps, Fine Shoes, etc. THR LEADER 0 a ft to it 0 TIiib school has recently been re-organized and placed in charge ot Archdeacon Atmore whose scholastic attainments are well and favorably known in many portions of the United States. Here is the opportunity for parents to procure tor their children a good, whole some, sound and all around education. Terms reasonable. The next term commences January 17th, 1901, and arrangements" can be mand by which pupils may enter at once, or at any time. For fur ther information address. .fr. Archdeacon Atmoke, Principal, Kearney, Nebraska. References: Rev. G. A. Beecber, North Platte; Hon John I. Redick, Kearney, Nebraska. First door south P. 0. J. iPIEfl, Vtop, J A tahulation of the popular vote on president gives McKin lcy a plurality ol 850,000 over Bryan, and a clear majority of 280,000 over all competitors. SUBMAniNE TREASURE. 0ld and Dlnmoud I.y Ins ut tlio Hot torn ot tlio Hon. From tlio London Mali: On tho Cornish coast, about flvo miles from tho Lizard, It Is uulto common to pick Tun Nebraska Independent, organ of the populist party at Lincoln, has a somewhat sensa tional story about an attempt to secure the release of Joe Bartley from the state penitentiary, the story in effect being that a large ui Spanish dollars which have been purse has been raised among his galloon that wont down in 1781 with nH friends for that purpose, of which ,arS amount of bullion on board. It , , A. . . la surprlslnir that, with all tho mod- thirty-five thousand dollars was orn nppnftnc03 for lllvlnBi By8tomntic to go to Governor Poynter, and attempts aro not moro frequently mado other lartre sums were to be used t0 rccovor troasuro from Iho deep. As otner large sums were xo oc. uscti ng lcgg a grcftt (lon, o troasuro to .keep 'Other people quiet. It was recovered, Including tho historical : .. w. :4nu4tM.r Koldon cup which onco bolonsod to in a i i 1 rmlArtn nun ir tnmn rt Inuu mtornutttlir " . Frederick, klnc of 91c lv. from tho but there is probably wreck Gf ono nf tho shins of tho "In- In 1G80 nn Amorl- story, nothing more than a grain of truth in it. Bartlcy's friends have been active in efforts to secure letters and petitioners for vlnclblo Armadn." can named William Phlpps enmo ovor from Virginia to this country and cravod thu assistance of Charles II. to ward rccovcrlni; somo wrockod trcaa- uro on tho coast ot ltispanioin. fardon, but outside of this much Charles provided him with a ship and tho Inilonon.lont Htnrv tin- nccossnry funds, but tho first nt- doubtcdly si very vivid work the imagination,- Kearney Hub. t Albemarle, and this tlmo ho sue- cocded In rocnvorlnR specie to tho vnl- uo 0f 200.000, and after paying all A committee of the London oxponscs ha was ablo to t;lvo tho duko county council has just prepared ' 80'0001 "8 hl,8 Bhnrll u'c vonlnrn. Thn nnooln nn linnrd II. M. a. a scheme for the erection by the Lutlno, wrecked in 1709 off tho coast ot municipality of nearly 800 cot- Holland, amounted to 1,200,000, and J , , J Ti . tho wholo of this still remnlnu at the tages lor worKingmcn. u is bottom of tho Hoai wllh th0 0XC01)tion proposed .to buy thirty-one acres of 0!),8I50, recovered In tho year 1S50. m . I Alrnmnia in pnnnvrn tn rnm II 111 llni VV of land near a car line on which the cottages will be built. They will contain from three to five rooms each. Provision is made for two streets planted with shade trees and an open square. About 5,eu persons can ue ac commodated under the plans. Rents would be from $1,70 a week for the three room cottages ,m, - , . x which lo $2.f5 for those of live rooms, halt f The cost of the site will be $100, M8'nnuH ln 1885- Somo ot th F.ronch. ,. . . ., ships sunk at Trafalgar contained vast uuu. uBuiuuivH ui mc uAiieust: treasuro. Flvo tons of Bllvor plate ox of bullditiGT the cottatrea arc not eluding tlio fanlous silver gates ot St V , . .. r . John's Catliodral, Malta, and a ton given, oucn Hcnumea ut munic- a 0, gohl plnto m03t,,. Btua ipal J ownership have been tried dod with Jowois, tho plunder of tho -......fiiltflti Bftuornl 'Hli' in Maltao churchos, wero on board on9 sHcccMfMUjr ,n several utles in otXCBOi bW Not an ounce of this 1'ulnti In Coiumon. Great Editor I am afraid I haven't tlmo to read your poem on the Cuban rcconccntrndos. How are you quali fied to wrlto anything on thoso peo ple? You woro never In Cuba. How can you appreciate their condition? Poet Appreciate their condition? Why, man I haven't they been starv ing? Judge. Hone with Hoiiibrent. A good deal of amused comment has been excited on tho business end of Tchounltoulas street during tho last fow days by tho peculiar headgear worn by a big bay dray horse. It Is an extremely tall straw hat, shaped some thing llko a Moxlcan sombrero, with a couplo of holes In tho brim for tho nnlmal's cars. Tho hat is rather rakish and jaunty tn appearance, and as the horso happens to possess a peculiarly scdato and solemn expression the com blnatlon Is enough to draw a grin from a wooden Indian. One ot tho shippers In tho neighborhood declares that tho beast Is tho living Imago of an old sea captain who used to bo a popular char acter on tho street, and who woro Just such another queer hat winter nnd summer. "They look so much alike' ho said tho other day, "that It wouldn't surprise mo in thn least If tho horso spoko to mo any tlmo it wont by." Tho driver of tho dray it a German and proud of tho contrlvaiuo. Ho says tho crown contains a sponge soaked In vinegar. Now Orlcuns Tlmcs-Dcmo crat. tUtcmpta to recover tho romnlndor arc still being made. Diving operations resulted In tho recovery of .C 80,00b In gold from tho wreck of tho Ill-fated Hoyal Charter, which took placo close to Moulfra, oft tho Anglesca coast, but n vait number ot dlninouds nra still lying about tho wreck. 40,000 In spoclo was recovered from tlio wreck of tho Hnmllla Mltcholl. In tho Chinese sea, after lying In twonty-throo fiith onui of wntor for upward ot twenty years, and 90,000 In gold was suvp l from tho wreck of tho Alphonso XII. was fiiiuk In twonty-slx and ono fathoms of water off tho Canary Bpsnlsh ChrUtlnn Kudeavnr Society. The first national convention of tho Spanish Christian Endeavor society has taken place at Saragosa. Thitty soven societies wero represented by fif ty delegates. Tho ecclesiastical au thorities demanded that the governor should suppress tho meeting ot tho convention, hut the delegates courte ously acknowledged the receipt of his order and carried out the two days' program as they had planned. Cored by a Oollliloo. From the Birmingham (England) Mall: A remarkable case of a woman regaining her hearing after years of deafness has been brought under my notice. Asked for an explanation sh3 described how she was knocked down by a bicyclist a few days ago and tell on her head. She heard a peculiar "click" In her ear and slnco that tlmo sho had been ablo to hear perfectly well. So, after all, thero Is some vlrtuo In being run down by a cyclist. Objrctlnm to the Heat. 'Maid of Athens, ero we part, Give, oh, glvp me back my heart! Or, slnco that has left my breast, Keep It now and take the rest!" 'I llko your chcokl" thereat quoth sho, 'Jut I knew she spoko sarcastlc'lly. THRIFTY POETS. Corner the BInrkrt for Their lflrt Kdl tliinn nnd Coin Money. When tho ordluury man reads that the works of some poet are being brought out lu u limited edltlou of, uay 100, or perhaps only CO, volumes, ho thinks It is bocatiso tho, publisher U afraid that thoro will not bo a salo for any :.ioro. This generally-received idea Id qulto erroneous. Tho reason U that more munoy Is made out ot poetry when thu book gets senrco than when It is cuslly obtainable. Couscqueutly poets some of them, by tho way, aro remarkably keen business men havo tholr works brought out In limited edi tlons, nnd "buy in" nil copies, except about 10, before it Is published, lm mediately the scarcity is felt In tho lltornry world a demand la created and by Belling their own works through agents ot courso, very gradually they obtain fancy prices. It wna only tho other day that a well-known poet obtained for his rticcntly-Usued book no less thou four tlmos tho amount It was published at. It seems a round about way to tho outside public, but thou tho goneral public knows nbso . lutoly nothing about tho methods of It FOR SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, And all kinds of Farm fSaehinepy. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK & SALISBURY NORTH PLATTE. i FALL AND WINTER fiTTTTTMlfl Anticioatine the wants of men who wear good clothes good material, good workman ship and good fit we have laid in a nice line of Fall and Winter Suitings and Pants Goods, and solicityour orders. We can satisfy you in fit and price. F. J, BROEKER First Door North Wilcox 8tore. LEGAL NOTICE. Jnracn M. l'ierco nnd Mrn. Kmmottlo Tierce, defendant, will take notice that on tlio 2nd ilny nt November. 1P00. tho tilaluUR herein, David Master, filed bin petition In tho dtntrlct court of Lincoln county, Nebraglia, nttlndt said dot onil nnta Impleaded with John li. 1'lerce. ltebeccn l'ierco and MuHcatlne MortRDKO h Trust Com pany, the object and prayer of which nro to fore cloe a certain mortgage executed by the defend ante Jnme-i M, Fierce. Kmmottlo Tierce, John II. I'lorco and Rebecca l'ierco, to Muscattno MortRBRe and Trunt Company and by gald company Designed to the plaintiff herein, upon tho KOutliweet quurtcr of section 22, town ship0, north of range 20 In Lincoln county, Ne braska, to secure the payment of six promissory notes, dated March 1st. 1M4, for the sum of (1.V) each and duo nnd payable, one March 1, 1MW, ono March 1, lM'.l, one March 1, lftOO, ono March 1. 1MI1, ono March 1, W02 and one March 1, 11KM, that there In now duo upon nald notes nnd mort- Ratio ana ror tnxet paid on saia property me sura ni tl,4H2.14,for which aunt with Interest from March 1. 1001 at ten por cent, plaintiff ptayx for a derren that defendants be required to pny the snmo or that said promised may bo sold to satisfy the amount found duo. You are required to answor sald potltllon on or before January 7th, 1001, David Maiteiis, Plaintiff, n2G- Wilcox it IlalllRHn, hU Attorneys. LAND OFFICE NOTICES. NOTICE FOB PUIILIOATION. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., November 22, 1000. Notice Is hereby trivet) that the followlns-named settlor has Died notice ot hor Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will bo made before IteRlstor and ltecelver u florin wane, en., onvecemDer sin, ivuu, viz: ALICE L. ItAltUEtl, who made homestead entry No, 1CR8I for the west half ot northeast quarter nnd wes litlf of Houtheast quarter of section 10, township 1U north, ranRe ou west. Sbe names the (oiiowlnc witnesses to prove hor continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lanu, viz: ueorge rjenrocongost, J. Herman van llrocklln, Qeorgo Cooper, of Echo, Neb,; Joseph Welllrer, of North Platte, Nob. , nzj-o. "cu. h. iiir.iuii, itegisisr. NOTICE FOH FUMJOATION. Land Office at North Plntte, Neb., November nd, 1000. 1 Notice la hereby nlven that the following-namea settler has filed notice ot his Intention to make final proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be mado before Iteelnter tnd Ilecelvor at North Platte, Neb., on Dccomlwr 28th, 1(00, vis: lUBKi'lt JIAUUtn. who mado Homeittoad Entry Nn. 10001 for Ilia southwest quarter Uoctlon 10, Town 10, north, Hange 3U west. Ho nnmes the followlnR witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and nulttvntlon of said land viz: Qeorgo Hchrecongost, J. llermnn Van urocxiin, ucorgo uooper, ot Kcno, kcii.i Josupn Wolllver, ot North Flaho. Nebraska. 11230 UKUHUII IS. FllKMUll. itegistsr. J. F. F1LLI0N, Plumber, Tmworker General Kepuirer. Special attention given to WHEELS TO RENT In the Air Hob Jones was killed while skylark Ing. Herb Where wns he? Bob Up lu a balloon. Helpless Chjp. Cholly Aw, James, J think I'll take a nap. Valet- Yes, s r. Choi y And. Junies, bo sure to be on hand to aw open me eyes when I get awake. New York World, Oood Fitmlly. "Ho comes of a pretty iood family. docs he not?" "You bot ho does, nod- nor! Fifteen of 'cm in tho bunch" Ex. X Stitoh in Time Srms Uih 1 . Kli LINE UP! DAILY TOURIST CARS HBTWKKN NEBRASKA POINTS AK UTAH, CALIHORNIA AND OREflON AltK ATTACHED TO "The Pacific Express" fiil in lino with tilt best Is a trite old saying, and is . . f . b kh particularly true when applied J b, fai ,; .. to Shoes. Our businesses to purchases at Henry Walte menil Shoes, nnd neonle five math's. We have a irreat va- us the credit of knowing our ricty of Cigars Key West, Clear uusincba iroiu u o i, ii your TTnvnna nnil IJnmost c but no ppor pm' 1?Q a t,rPQl smoke we fepqinmend any of our many brands.. KOK UTAH AND CALIFORNIA, AND TO "Tho Chicago-Portland Special H Shoes need mepdlpg, them here, bring FOU OREGON AND PUGET SOUND TII12SK THAINS LKAVR NORTH PLATTE 12:50, a. m. NORTH PLATTE 3:20 p. m. Personally Conducted Once a Week'. Jag, B. Soanlao, Agent, the United kingdom. i treasure has been recovered. mtow TKbuT mot mow. HENRV WALTEMATH, tho literary world. r.-,..r:.