THE SEMlWEEKtf TRIBUNE IUA I HAKE, 1'rnprletor. " TBIIMS: tl.g IN ADVANCE. NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA, TREATIES ABE IN BAND President Transmits Agreement Extend ing' Period for Eatification. I THE NEWS IN BRIEf. James II. Forgan, president of tho First National bank of Chicago, and ox-Governor Francis of Missouri wcro elected directors of tlio Chicago & Alton railway. Congressman Chnrlcs Dick has been elected president of a now national fra ternal benenclary society, known as tho Chcallcrs, which will have- head quarters at Akron, 0. Owen Murphy, who had been for' moro than half a century ngent of tho estate of tho lato Rufus Lord, and a man well known In Wall street, Now lork, Js dead from old ago at Brook lyn. Flro destroyed tho business portion of Etna, 111. Tho Methodist Episcopal church, Jacob Raines' general store, O. P. Splliman'B hardwaro storo, and Zlmmcr's blacksmith shop wcro among tho Tnilldlngn burned. Tho directors of tho Atchison, To poka & Santa Fo Railroad company havo declared tho regular semi-annual dividend of 2Mi per cent on tho pre ferred stock, but took no action on a dividend for tho common stock. Countess Bonlo do Castollano, In stead of being deprived of tho wholo of her incomo from tho $18,000,000 aot apart for her under tho will of her father, tho lato Jay Oould, Is to re colvo only (?) $20,833 per month. According to a report that renched Wall street, Vlckcrs' Son & Maxim, limited, ot England, havo Instituted negotiations for tho purchaso of tho Mldvalo stool works and Cramp Ship building company, ot Philadelphia. Now proof of tho probablo truth of Andrew Carncglo'B statomont that John D. Rockefeller Is tho richest man In tho world was given In tho offer ot $800 a sharo for COO shares of Standard Oil stock, to bo delivered January 1 next. Tommy Ryan has Hlgncd articles to moot Jack Root for tho mlddlo-wcight championship. Root, through his unngor, L. M. Housofan, at onco ac cepted. Tho battlo will probably take place in Saongcrfcat hall at Cincinnati. Senator Proctor has presented to tho senate a resolution of tho Vermont legislature, asking recognition ot nud roward for tho scrvicos ot CapUtu Charles E. Clark, who commanded tho battleship Orogon during tho war with Spain. John Brosnahan, slnco 1858 a resl dont of Kansas City and at ono tlmo a well known contractor, Is dead, aged 73 years. Ho saw tho first railroad buUt into Kansas City, for on his ar rival only wagons and steamboats wor'o used. Georgo S. House, on6 ot tho beat1 known lawyers In Illinois, died at Jollct of gangrono brought on by -lb-coss of tho too. Ills caso was similar to that of Sonator Davis. Mr. Houso was 05 yoars old and had practiced law thoro slnco boforo tho civil war. Onco moro Grovor Clovoland, twice president of tho United Statos, tried to Impress upon his friends In New Jersey tho fact that ho Is seeking no ofllco or honors. Ills latest rotusal ot a proposition by his ailmlrors Is his declination of the nomination for United States Bonntor by tho demo cratla minority in tho stnto legisla ture J. M. Rboortson, who has just re turned from South Africa, In a speech at a meeting of tho Leaguo ot Liberals, said tho pooplo hero know llttlo or nothing of what Is going on in South . Africa. Ho further aasertod that he, himself, saw an ordor of Lord Robertn ;ln July for tho burning ot forty tarnis. Tho Dutch, Mr, Robertson added," aro now absolutely alienated. Commissioner Peck's report of tho expenditures ot tho Paris commission for the year ending Novohlber'lG, 1000, was sent to tho senate Tho total amount expended was $939,405. Tho principal items wore: Exports' sal aries, $147,004; buildings, $101,4111; jury, $53,770; clerks, tfa.nrlcs, $03,145; general employes' salnrles, $49,bU5; guards, $34,951; traveling expenses, $52,530. , At Falmouth, Ky Wm, Poor, a .prominent contractor, wan shot and TRADE WITH THE BRITISH INDIES Compact Tittered Into With Nlcnrngtm, IScnndor, tlio Dominican llcjiulillo nml Denmark no far n St. Croix I Af fected by Trade Itelntlom. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. Tho pres ident has sent to tho sonato a nurabor of treaties with Great Britain, ex tending, for a year tho tlmo for tho ratification of tho reciprocity treaties affecting tho British West Indlnn pos sessions, which woro sent to tho scn nto last session, but failed of ratifi cation. Ho also has followed tho oarao cour30 In tho reciprocity trea ties wtlh Nicaragua, Ecuador, tho Do minican Republic and tho government of Denmark, tho last named affecting tho Island of St. Croix only. Tho reciprocity treaty with Nicaragua was Bjgncd Octobor 20. 1800, but for soino reason -was not transmitted to tho sonato until tho Gth of tho present month, It provides for n reduction ot 20 per cent from tho rates of tho Dlngloy tariff net on tho following articles brought into tho United States from Nicaragua: Cano sugar, not abovo 10 Dutch standard; mo lasses; hides of cattle and of othor animals except sheop -with tho wool on; Indigo, coffeo, bananas, ruUbor, crudo; mahogany, In Uio log or rough hewn. Nicaragua agrees to ndmlt tho fol lowing articles frco of duty: Llvo an lraalu; . grain, Including wheat, corn, ctc.f agricultural seeds, llvo plants, cornmcal, starch, all vegetables and fruits, hay and othor forngo, cotton seed oil, tar and turpentine, asphalt, quicksilver, coal, fertilizers, limo and 'cdmont, wood and lumber, marble, machinery, agricultural implements, wagons and carts, railroad and struc tural Iron and stool, fencs wlro, mo tors, Xorgos, water pumps, hoso. slcdgo hammers, Iron piping and lightning rods, galvanized Iron roofs, printing matcr'als, books, pamphlots, etc.; surgical and mathematical in struments, bonts of all kinds, gold and 6llvor bullion, bars or coin. Thcro Is to bo n reduction of 20 per cent upon tho Nlcarngunn duty on American , cheap wines and flour and wheat. Tho Ecundor treaty provides ifor tho free admission of tho following products of that country Into tho Unltod States: Hides and skins of all animals, oxcopt thoso of rioat cat tlo and sheop with tho wool on; cof feo, cotton and cotton waste, cocoa, cruuo; mum rubber, crudo; Poru vlan bark, hat roods, Ivory nuts. On tho following Ecuadorcan artl cles tho United Statos grants n re duction of 20 por cent In duties: Cano sugar, not abovo 1(5 Dutch standard; hides of neat cattle, Btraw hots, loaf tobacco, , , Rcclpracally, tho following arti cles of United Statos origin aro to bo admitted to Ecuador frco: AgrI cultural Implements nnd machinery of all kinds; masulncs for manufac turing purposes, locomotives, cars and materials for th6 ttonstructlbn 'and oqulprdohl; of, railways; Iron Mnfplga or bars, copper load nnd zinc In hoavy bars; coal, bran ond malzo, cheap wines, Tireoorvcd fruits, oil cako and (Oil meal, presorvod salmon. A 120 por cont reduction la granted by iscuauor on tho following Amor , dean! articles: Sowing mtichlneH1, wnoat Hour, nigh-prlccd wines, tun lor nnd lumber, cottonseed oil. 'DENVER' MAY LOSE 0: A. R. PLUM. Failure to (let 1'rciniuod IUIlrond Itutv to 11a Considered. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Doc. 12. Can tain W, H. Armstrong of this city. Bonlur member ot tho nntlonal exocu tlvo committee of tho Qrund Army of tho Republic, today recalved from Commnndcr-ln-Clilof Leo Rassleur ot St. Louis a call to como to that city on Monday to attond nn Important mooting of tho national oxtcittlvo committee. The purpose of tho moot ing WAITING ON THE ENGLISH. Nolo to Clilim Will Tie Delivered n Soon ni Hint Country Sign. PEKIN, Dec. 12. (Via Taku)' At yesterday's meeting of tho ministers, called to consldor if LI Hung Chang and Prlnco Ching had power from tho court to conduct negotiations for a eettlomcnt on behalf of China, some of tho ministers stated thnt they wore authorized to treat with them as rep resentatives of China, whllo othors, including tho German inlnlstor, had not received Instructions la tho mat ter. All decide!, however, that nn soon as Sir Ernest Mason Satow, tho Brit ish minister, shall receive word .to agreo to tho joint noto they will com menco negotiations with LI Hung Chang and Prince Clhng, unless oth erwise instructed by their homo gov ernments. Count von Walderseo has turned over $G3,000 ns the British sharo of tho result of tho Pao Ting Fu expe dition to General Gnzeloo, who, In turn, gavo tho money to Minister Satow to bo used for tho benefit of Chinese who may need help during tho winter. LI Hung Chang visited General Chaffco today. Ho says that his pow ers to ncgotluto with tho foreign en voys, though conforrod by telegraph, aro absoluto nntl complete. At tho meeting of tho provisional government held today tho United States was represented by Captain Dodda of tho Ninth infantry. All of tho governments havo entered Into tho plan except Franco, whoso repre sentatives Inplst that tho French ter ritory shall bo excluded from tho rule of tho commission appointed. A num ber of sub-committees wero appointed. Sovcral high Chlnoeo officials, on be ing asked, expressed a doslro to assist. Though army ofllcerB havo boon ap pointed mombors of tho commission, It Is tho desiro of tho generals to make tho rulo civil, as far as possible.' Japan was placed on tho charity com mlttco on account of tho amount of rlco It commandeered m August, most of which It has now! RUSH TO NEW GOLD FIELD. rn Oount Vcn Buolow States ltegardlng Emperor's AttUnd) to Kroger. GERMANY TRIED TO STOP THE WAR I'rrildent of Transvaal Republic Inform ed ns to Condition In liuropo Afri kander Itofuged Arbitration Spirit ot lloer Lender Too High for Couniel. BERLIN, Dec. 11. Tho Imperial chancellor, Count von Buclow, reply ing to a nuo3tion on the subject ofj Mr. Krugor'a fniluro to bo received1 by Emperor William, said tho govern ment did all In Its power to ward off' war and left tho two republics In no doubt as to tho stnto of affairs ini Kuropo and of Gorman neutrality.' When, In 1899, tho question of nrbl-i tratlon ncomod not altogether cxclud ed, tho government recommended it, to Mr. Kruger. Ho thought the tlmo1 CENTENNIAL Of THE CAPITAL. Notable Anniversary to llo Celebrnted at Washington. WASHINGTON, Dec 11. Govern ors of stated and othor high officials aro arriving hero to attond tho con tennlal cchbratlon on Wednesday. Among thoio who havo arrived bo far aro: Governor Shaw of Iowa, to gether with Secretary of State Dob son, Adjutant Gonornl Byoro and At torney General Romloy; Governor Schfleld of Wisconsin. Governor Barnes of Oklahoma and ex-Governor Markkam of California. Tho celebra tion of tho contennary of tho estab lishment of tho national capital hero will bo oponod at 10 o'clock Wednes day morning, when President McKIn loy will recolvo tho governors of tho states and terrtlorle3. Subsequent to this Colonel Thcodoro A. Bingham will unveil a model and drawings of on enlarged excouUvo mansion. Dis trict Commissioner McFarland will dollvor an address upon tho district's dovolopmont and Governor Shaw will dlacourso upon tho dovolopmont of tho states. In tho aftornoon tho president will iprocced to tho reviewing etand at Ho will ho escorted by ! TO NEGOTIATE A PEACE Noarly All Envoys at Pekln Havo Eo coived Instructions. had not vet como. When Mr. Kru irer later hoiicIiL intervnntlon his feol-( tho capital Intra worn tno bndlv inflamed for tho! ' tho governors of tho states and torri Dutch and Gorman governments. For' j torlc3 with their starts; large dctach tho German government It was lost! mcnta of tho army, navy and marlno I'rofltnblo Digging Itrported from Fourth of .July Creelc. SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 11. A apo dal to tho Chronlclo from Nelson, WubIi., brings news of a stampede up Fourth cf July creek, a branch of tho Kettle river. Shot gold has been discovered with ground running $10 to tho cubic yard. Digging in thnt vicinity has been Bccrotly worked by Georgo Arnett, an old miner, fcr threo or four yoars. It is estimated ho has cleaned up $10,000. Tho strike ex tends on both sldos ot the British American boundary. OFFICIALS SAY IT IS OVER. Sunta Fe Executive Claim Strike I a Thing of the l'Ht. TOPEKA, Kan., Dec. 12. Tho Santa Fo officials today claim tho telegraph ers' strlko la a thing of tho past. They tay tho strikers' places are bo nearly filled that tho hiring of mon will bo otopped tonight. Genoral Manager Mudgo has Issued a roward notice offering $250 ior In-J formation leading to tho arrest and conviction of any person cutting or" obstructing m nny way tho telegraph wires or Instrumonta of tlio company, Hearing on New Army 111 1 1. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. Tho sen ato committee on mllitnry affairs to day continued its consideration of the army bill. Secretary Root waa before tho committee for a brlof tlmo and rccommendod tome change. Ho wa3 followed by Genernl Miles, who con tlnuod Ills TcmarkB of lyeaiorday. uenerni wr.Bon, cnior or engineers aleo was before tho committee. After a short (but interesting dobato tho matter of recommittal, by consent went over until Thursday. Tho Bhlp subsidy bill was then considered. la to decldo tho ulaco of. next instantly killed by his brothor-ln-law,, ycnr'B national Grand Army of the Fred N. Gulick. Tno tragedy. was tho Ropubllo encampment. culmination of a dlssatlafled fcoling on tho part ot Gulick, who was de posed as buyer and wolghor ot tho iflrm. Hon. William Wirt Henry, grandaon ot Patrick Henry, nnd a distinguished member ot tho Virginia bar,- died at (Richmond. Tho Turko-Germany difficulties re garding a coaling station In tho Red Boa has boon Bottled, Germany Inti mating that sho only wants a station during tho Chlnoso crisis. President Cyrus Northrop ot Uio Stato University of Minnesota an nounces that a frlond in Chicago has offered an annual prizo ot $100 to bo awarded tho mombor ot tho senior class writing and dollverlng tho best oration, according to rules prcscrlbod by iho donor. Gon. Fltzhugh Loo, wlfo and daugh ter, have arrived at Omaha, and Gon. Leo has assumed command of tho de partment ot tho Missouri, According to tho London Dally Ex press no more, infantry drafts will bo Bent to South Africa. Tho only troops to go to tho frontier horcattor will bo mounted mon. At Frankfort, Ky., Governor Bock ham's plurality was officially roportod at 3,089. Gonoral Grcoly, chief signal officer, has boon Informed that 200 miles ot telegraph land lines havo boon con structed in the vicinity ot tho south' ern Yukon and Nomo, Alaska. It is officially announced that a len der ot $8,075,000 has been accepted tor the construction of a Pacific cable, Thin "new wire will bo pn-Brltannlc. Wherovor It touches any land It will At tho Chicago oncampmont Inst Bummer it was voted to accept the proposition of Donver, provided that city would make good Its promise of a railroad rnto of 1 cent a mile. Den ver has been trying Its bc3t to sccuro this rato, but has not succeeded In getting tho western roads together, It is Bam. I'll tun Quietus on the St-ry. WASHINGTON, Doc. 12. President McKlnloy . nnd Picaldoat Harrison mot last night at a dlnnor given by JiiBtlco Hnrlnn ot tho supreme court it waa tho first dinner that tho prc3 Ident had taken in Washington out sldo the Whllo Houso for Homo tlmo past. Tho fact of his ncceptanco of an Invitation where ho would meet ox-ProBldont Harrison Is takon to ef fectively illspcfeo ot tho reports In circulation that tho relations between the two had bcon strained of late. Kxttmnte for Next Yenr. WASHINGTON. Doc. 12. Tho nn mini comparative statomont bIiowIiik by bills tho rolntlvo amounts of treas ury estimates for tho next fiscal your. compared with tho estimates for tho last lla:al year, and also for noxt yoar, compared wun tno actum aiiDronrln tlons of last year, ns prepared by tho cioncB oi tno sonato anil liouso com mlttecs on appropriations, was com pleted today. Thu statement makes a comploto Bhowlng except ns to do flctoncy and miscellaneous nnnronrla tlons, and bIiows a totnl ot estimates for appropriations for 1902 amount' lug to S713.374.80-t, comparod with actual appropriations for 1901, loss inlBCollnenoiiH and deficiency appro priationB ot juuu.uuu.o. j Chntfrn Incident Clntcd. BERLIN, Doc. 12. Tho Gorman Foreign ofllco authorizes tho Assoel-1 atod Press to make the following Btatomcnt. "Gonoral Chaffco wroto Field Marshal Yon Waldorseo a lct.url in n rough tone. J-leld Marshal von Waldorsoo refused to recolvo It. re turning the Biimo to General Chaffee. Concerning lllchurd.Crnker. LONDON, Dec. 12. (Now York' Cablegram.) Crokor has been ordored by tho British Incomo tax assessor to pay on 20,000 a year. How tho as scfBorB flxod UiIb sum It 1b Impossible to say. Crokor attended recently bo- fpro tho assessor at Wnntngo and pro tested strongly, but to no purpose. Tho amount ot his tax will bo about 1,000 and tho only way Crokor can escape Is by proving that his Incomo Is less than tho sum. time to glvo ndvlco. Germany was' ccnvlncod (hat any otep ot a great power at thnt moment would bo crltl-I cal and lead to no result. "Thoro' iwoa no iiso for us," said tho chnn-1 ccllor, "to pinch our fingers between! tho door and tho hinge." Tho chancellor added that v. hen tho suggestion of mediation was mado to Great Britain by tho United Statca In a nulto gently worded Inquiry it was rejected officially and categoric ally. Intervention anight havo led to war. Tho chancellor described tho reply ot M, Delca3so, tho Fronch minister of forolgn affairs, to Mr. Krutrer ao: "Franco will In no caso tako tho lnitintivo, but would not opposo It whon cortain ovontualltleo ibecamo known, provided they aro calculated to Borvo French lntoresta." Tho chancellor thereupon remarked that ho could not havo dealt with the situation better himsolf. Ovations to Mr. Kruger in Gormany, ho ipolntod out, would havo displaced Interna tional rolatlons and sorved no purpose of Mr. Kruger or of Germany. Gor many waa not bound to Groat Britain hair's breadth ,moro than Groat Britain iwao bound to Germany, but to act tho Don Qulxoto against Great Britain would bo a piece of folly ior which ho would not bo responsible In tho Reichstag today during tho dobato on tho estimates tJio secretary of tho Imperial treasury, Baron von Thlolmann, took a decidedly gloomy view of tho economic situation in Gormany. Ho said tho system had bean undergoing n radical change alnco Bitnimnr and peoplo must bo pre pared for a number of vfrr- to ""i a gradual snnnicago oi tno inuaieu condition. The decline however, would not take tho form of n great financial crash, as In 1873. Tho pe riod of diminished trndo could not pass without affoctlng tho imperial budget. Thoroforo, It was necessary to stroncthnn tho reserves of the treasury. In regard to tho abolition of tho suuar bounties, tho necretary ot tho treasury ca.d tho negotiations be tween Austria, Franco and Germany wero not concluded, but they would probably provldo a basis for definite ngrcomcnts. Iho cocretnry also announced that a bill taxlns sparkling wines would shortly bo presented and that another bill taxing sacchnrlno wa? in course of preparation. MEASURES FAVORCD BY LABOR Federation of Lubnr Undone Initiative a ml Referendum. LOUISVILLE. Ky., Dec. 11. Im mediately rollowlnx tho call to ordor this morning tho resolutions commit too of tho American Federation of Labor submitted Its report Tho llrst resolution recommended by tho com mlttoo was ono reaffirming its fnvora bio position on tho Initiative and ref erendum, which was ndoitcd by tho convention by a vote of 82 to 5G after considerable dobato. Following in rapid succession wero rccommonded and adoplod resolutions requesting support by congress of a bill for the higher oducatlon of tho blind. In favor ot an eight-hour bill for all po3tofflco employes, to bo In troduced at tho coming session ot con grctti, nnd in Tavor of municipal own ership of public utilities. corps, national guards of the various states and District of Columbia; na val militia; veterans ot wars and dis tinguished civilians. Ho will rfviow this parodo and then with momdors of Uio diplomatic corps, cabinet, su premo court, governors, Admiral Dow oy, Gonoral Mllc3 and tho senators nnd representatives will repair to tho houso of representatives, whero ad dressee will bo made by Representa tives Richardson and Payne, Senators MicComafl, Hoar fend Daniel. Tito celebration will tormlnnto with a rs- ceptlon to tho governors ot tlio states and territories at 9 o'clook thnt night. THE WORK WAY BEGIN TUESDAY Diplomat Will Immediately Commence Couforenco With Chlnu l'leulpoteutl nrle and ISmporor Will Iteturn to l'e kin to Bxecute the Trestle. MARTIAL DEAD BROUGHT HOME. of Tmninort Ilnncoclc 11 ring llodlci 1,000 Soldier nnd (tailor. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 11. Tho transport Hancock nrrlved today from Manila, via Nagasaki, with tho bodies of about 1,500 sailors and soldiers who either died In battlo of buc cumbed to tho ravnges of disease In tho Philippines, China, Guam and Honolulu. This 1b tho largest num bor of bodies brought home slnco the outbreak of tha Spanish-American war. Tho Hancock will likely re main In quarantine a few days. Tho bodies will bo convoyed to tho Pre sidio and placed In tho buildings thero pondng interment or shipment to tho homes of tho relatives. Tho Hancock was twenty-five days In making tho run from Manila and was seventeen daya In coming from Nagasaki, tho last port at which sho touchod. Sho brought flftq-two cabin passengers, 500 in Uio steerage and thero wero eleven deaths on tho voy ago to add to tho cargo of dead car ried from tho Philippines. MlnlRterliillit Ite-etectcd. LONDON, Dee. 11. Sir A. Ackland Hood, conservative, haa been re-oloct-od to tho Koueo of Commons from tho west, or Wellington, division of Somerset. Ho had no opposition. Right Hon. St. John Brodorlck has been ro-clepted to tho Houso of Com mons from the Guilford division of Surrey. In iho conservative interest, without opposition. Captain E. G. Protyman. conservative, has been ro- olocted without opposition from tho Woodbrldgo division of Suffolk. Wa Caught nt Kuwllim. CHICAGO, 111., Dec. 11. Walter D. Glenn, formerly cashier of the Trad cos Loan and Building association, who disappeared last summer with a chargo of being over $20,000 short in his accounts hanging ovor him, was placed in tho county Jdll today plead lng trial. Glenn, after leaving Chi' cngo, went to Rawlins, Wyo., whera no secured a position as clerk In a' hotel and It was whllo acting in that position thnt ho was arrested. PEKIN, Dec. 10. All tho forolgn cnvoyB except Sir Ernest Mason Sa tow, tho British minister, havo re ceived Instructions from their govern ments agreeing to tho Joint noto, pro posed at tho last meeting. Another meeting will probably bo called for Tuesday next. Should tho British minister havo received his in structions to Blgn tho Joint fnoto by that time, communications will bo im mediately opened with Prlnco Chlng nnd LI Hung Chang, who nro in dally touch with tho court by tho Chlncso telegraph. Prlnco Chlng says Emporor Kwang Su 1b ready to return as soon as as sured that tho negotiations will allow him to come under conditions conso nant with his dignity and safety. Tho removal of General Tung Hslang from tho command of tho Chl neso forces surrounding tho court Is considered by tho foreign envoys to bo a very Important stop, as Indicat ing tho real desiro of tho government to como to terms. Fu llslang's ban ishment indicates that tho court rec ognizes tho expediency of oboylng Uio demands of tho powers. Tho International club was opened today, its object being to bring to gether in n spirit special harmony tho officers and diplomats of tho various nations. There was a largo company present nnd music was discoursed by military bands. It is expected that tho club will continue a groat success. Tho building was formorly an Imperial tcmploi Tho envoys aro considering tho question of legation buildings In tho future. At present nono of tho gov ernments own Its buildings, all tho houses being ronted. Tno only ones not damaged considerably aro the American, British and Russian. It Is proposed that all tho legation buildings should bo concentrated, within a squaro mile. " WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. Tho next important step In tho Chlncso sltul tlon will bo the formal presentation to the Chinese plenipotentiaries of the agreement arrived at between tho rep resentatives of tho powers at Pekln for reparation for tho Boxer outrages. In Just what manner this will be done. Mr. Congor has not Informed, tho stato department, although tho probability Is that tho document will bn handed to tho Chlncso by tho dean of tho diplomatic corps. As has bcon stated already, tho agreement Is simply a statement or tho terms upon which the powers will negotiate with China for a final set tlement, and is laid boforo tho Chl ncso officials as a mntter of form. Tho negotiations for final settlement will como later, after tho Chinese havo beon given a reasonablo oppor tunity for tho consideration of tho conditions laid down by tho powors. Tho complete agreement deciphered from tho codo la now in tho handa of the president. Officials decline to make Its text public in advance of tho receipt of Information that It has been formally accepted by tho powors, although tho advices which havo here tofore como from Mr. Conger leaves no uoubt that tnls will bo tho caso. Tho essential features of tho agree ment alrcndy havo been outlined in tho press dispatches. New Kxtrndltlon Trrntlr ltonurted. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. Tho son- ato committee on forolgn relations to day authorized favorablo reportB upon recontly negotatod treaties providing for tho extradition ot criminals be tween this country nnd Chill and be tween this country and Bolivia. Sim ilar action was tnkon with reforonco to tho agreement G 3, extendlug for another year tho treaty privileges for tho domarkntlon of tho boundary lino between tho United States and Moxlco. lUttle I HUH On. LONDON, Doc. 12. Tho Evening Standard says tho battio between Gon oral Knox and General Dowot contln uos and that tho forces chnngo ground incessantly. Lack ot doflnlto Informa tion on tho subject is Bald to bo duo to tho absence of telegraphic com munication with tho scone or action. MANLf Y TO SEE PRESIDENT. Not Likely to Accept Commlloncrlilp of Intermit Itevenue. WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. Hon. Jos eph Manloy of Mnlno la to havo an lntorvlow with President McKlnley nt 3 o'clock this afternoon, whon tho question of accoptlng tho ofllco of commissioner of Internal revenue will bo decided. It Is'undcrstooil that thoro 1b legal objoctlon to tho presi dent continuing tho vacancy fcr sov cral months, as 6iggested by Mr. Man- ley, and that tho latter will not ac copt the office. Aci-UHe Kuglitnd of Spite ST. PETERSBURG. Dec. 10. Tho Novoo Vremya, In an nrtlclo evident ly Inspired, referring to tho recent dispatch from Dr. Morrison In Pekln to tho London Times, saying that all tho crodlt for securing softened terms by tho Russians, remnrks: "Tho crodlt for tho existing ontonto renlly bo Uncle nm'R Hnnt llulldlng. WASHINGTON, Doc. 10 Tho ves sels built In tho United States nnd officially numbered from Juno 30, 1900, to November 30, 1900, wero 495, of 149,903 gross tons. Tho principal items of tho total are seven steel 6teamshlp on tho great lages (34,933) gross tons) and four smaller Btoel ctcamshlps (8.45G tons, which could pass through UiIb now Wollnnd canal) and ono steel schooner bargee (2,79!) tons). Mm. Mary McLean Dcnrt. WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. Mrs. longs to America, England begrudges R. McLean of tho Cincinnati Enquirer, President McKlnloy his JiiBt prestige died hero at licr residence at 1:30 becauso ho has emphasized America's friendship for Russia." I.l'n Secretnry Arretted. LONDON, Dec. 11. A special dis patch from Shanghai announces that Li Hung Clmng'B Becretnry, Ylko, has been arrc3tcd by order of Field Mar shal Count von Waldorseo, on tho chargo of communicating with tho Boxers. Tho latter then wrote a second letter, apologizing for his nbJcctlouablo ex- WlSffi in DriUsh so.r & u wii ' E!, 2 ,MI not only link oKethw Gifcat Britain vtm Walderseo Invited General Chaffco ly refused to tako tho inltlath ?2j hm? fir ?awiv rolonlcsTbut'it w ni to breakfast and tho Jncfdcnt Mts behalf of arbitration between Bd her far-away COlOnCa.lbUt It WU.1 c,no,.,,, ,., f, Trnnnvnnt nnd nrnt nrltnln Uo connect AUBtraua anqiuanaua. i --- ------ Dutch Muke Fltinl Itefnanl. THE HAGUE, Dec. 12. Tho Dutch government today finally and doflnlto- Initiative In tho TranBvaal and Great Britain. Troop AccmuplUh Their Mlnliin. BERLIN. Dec. 11. Flold Marshal Count von AValderseo tolcgrapliB from rokln, undoi dato of Saturday, Do- combor 8, that tho two dotachmouts Knd it Murderer' Curecr. VESTERAAS. Sweden, Dec. 11.- Phlllp Nordland. who on Mny 17 last as tho Bteamor Ptins Carl, on which ho was a passengor, was passing Qulckaund, murdered sovon mon and wounded llvo othors, a woman and a boy, Bubsoqusntly escaped In a boat to Koplng ami who was convicted and Bcntonccd to death In Juno last, was beheaded today. Tho condemned man chanted tho verses of u psalm as ho laid his head upon tho block. o'clock this morning of acute heart affection. Sho had been 111 slnco Fri day. At tho bcdsldo of Mrs. McLean when tho end camo wero her daughters, Mrs. Dewey and Mrs. Ludlow, wlfo of Roar Admiral Ludlow; her son, John R. McLean and Admiral Dewoy. IlfUiben' Small Until. PAINESVILLE, O., Dee. 10. Four maskod men forced an ontranco to tho office ot tho Mentor Knitting mills this morning, bound tho watchman and his wlfo nnd blow tho safo with nltro-glycorlno. Tho robbora eecured $50 In money nnd mado good tholr 03- capo, and It was halt nn hour beforo Mrs. Androw. tho wlfo ot tlio watcn- man, succeeded In releasing horsolf nnd hor husband and gavo tho alarm. Chief Itebol Caught. SHANGHAI, Dec. 10. Pao Ho Nlen, tao tal of Chu Fu, In the province of Che Klan, who was responsible for tho July maBsacro and who absconded, has been captured near au (Jhau and sent to Hang Chau Fu. Mr. John Goodnough, United States consul gonoral In Shanghai Is about starting for tho United Statos on leavo of absenco. I'erlnn Mlnliter Arrive. WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. Genera! Isaac Kahn, tho now Persian minis ter to tho United States, arrived horo today from Now lork. Ho probably rwlll bo presontod to tho president dur ing tho coming week. Condition of the Treniury. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 11. To- day's statement ot the treasury bal ances in tho general fund exclusive of tho $150,000,000 gold rcsorvo In tho Tirm Tain, commend-' division of redemption shows: Avail cd by Colonel Lohrscholdt and Major ! nblo cash balance $410,022, 553; gold Falkonhoyn, which had boon proceed ing against a connldoniblo lorco or Chlncso regulars who had taken up a position at Toang Chou, nlncty-flvo kilometers southward of Tien Tsln, havo occuplod tho placo without op $97,921,548. llobinn Out of Hunger. NEW YORK, Dec. 11. At tho Pres byterian hospital today Lieutenant i position and 4ht tho columns are re-1 Hobspn was reported to be grcjuy I turning to Tien Tsiiu 1 improved and out of danger. An OUlHhoma Affray. MOUNTAIN VIEW, O. T., Dec. 10. Five men wcro wounded m a flgnt between members of tho IIuglie3 gang and City Marshal Jesse Morris and Deputy Marshal Ayros In the Cattlo Exchange saloon last night. Marshal Morris was shot through tho Intes tines, Deputy Ayros In the kneo, Jesse Williams was shot four times. Frank Hughes was shot througa tho chest over tho heart. a uneroiteo nair- breed named Palmsloy wnB shot four times In tho head. Morris, Hughe and Palmsloy will die.