ffls tpe World Keuolpes- I Helta of Bangor. Tho big harbor dcfcnso monitor No. 8, launched from tho works or tho Bath Iron company Saturday, was christened by Miss Annlo Curtis Bou telle, youngest daughter of Congress man Charles A. Boutello of Bangor, who broko a quart bottlo of Amorlcan champagno over her bow. Miss Bou tello Is ono of tho handsomest and imost popular young girls of Bangor, flho was Bcloctod by Secretary of tho Navy John D. Long, when her slstor, Miss draco Boutello, had declined tho honor becauco of her devotion to hor sick father, who Is an Inmato of a san itnrlum at Wavcrly, Mass. Monitor No, 8 Is tho largest of tho covornmcnt floot afloat which has.boen built bv tho Bath concern, and he. launching was an event In Malno ship building. Tho vessel Is designed for harbor protection nnd will cost when MISS ANNIE CURTIS BOUTELLE. (Daughter of Congrossmun C. A. Bou- tollo of Malno, who will christen Monitor No. 8.) completed over $1,000,000. Sho Is one of four slstor ships bolng constructed in Amorlcan Bhlpynrds for the United States navy. She Is a Blnglo turret' vessel, with many improvements not, found in other vessels of hor class. Hor batteries consist of two twelvo Inch guns, four four-inch rapid lira guns, throe slx-poundors and four one. pounder. Her armor belt is 11 inches, thick. Victim of His Corpulence. Frlvato Officer Levi, a watchman In Cincinnati, was tho laughable victim of his own corpulence ono night laBt wcolc. Passing along Ninth street ho noticed an upon door and walked in to Beo whothor all was right. Tho hallway, was considerably narrowed some distance back and tho portly ofllcor. who wolghs about 300 pounds, uddouly found that ho was wodged in bo tightly that ho could not movo. Mot wishing to nrouso tho roildcnts nnd. thereby alarm thorn unnecessarily, Cio Btayod whero ho was for two hours. Then a.pollcoraan camo along and finding tho door open ho also en tered. By main strength tho nowcomor pulled out tho Falstafllan watchman. " Marine Gas-Engines t' It Is Suggested that It will bo profit able to try tho experiment of using gas engines for driving ships, tho gas bo lng gonoratod on tho vessel itself. Coal "will bo roasted in retorts aboard the Bhlp in order to drlvo oft tho gas for tho engines. Tho coko thus produced, BftyB tho Electrical World, would fur- nlsh tho fuel neoded to roast the. coal. Tho purposo of tho experiment which' is to take plnco is to ascertain whether I tho Bavlng of wolght of tho gas produc ing plant and gas consuming engines ovor tho ordinary plant of steam boil ers and engines, and the saving oil space, aro BuOlclont to warrant the adoption of a now systom. Grand DuKfi Vladimir. Comtnandar-ln-Ct'.Iot of tho Russian army, and may bocomo regent until tho sick rulor rocovcrs, Locomotives "Rented Hundreds ot locomotives aro rented every year. Sovcral corporations ninko tholr chief rovenuo this way. Tho Baldwins havo many n machlno out on the rental form ot payment. That Is, the engines are rented In tho eamo way that you would buy a atovo on installments so muoh down, bo much a month, the payments to apply ru tho iltu! purchase money. It Is Beldom, .However, that a railroad rents, locomo- Guitcau's Wtdotv Carries. The assassination of President Oar. field was brought to momory In Chi cago last week, when Mrs. Anna Dun mire, formerly the wlfo of Charles J, Qulteaii, tho assassin, took out a li cense to marry Enoch Allen, Mrs. Dunmlro Is4C years of age and Is still possessed of con Bldernblo vivacity, desplto this being hor third marriage. Mr. Allen is 52 years of age, nnd has been married before, his daugh ter Lily, nged 19 ycarB, njt tho pres ent time kecplna houso for him. Ho Enoch Allen s an Irishman by birth, and for somo yonrs past' has been employed at tha McCormlclt Harvester worlo In tho capacity of engineer. Ho Is well known In tho Warren avenuo district of tho city, bolng a member of several frater nal soclotles, In which ho has alwnys taken a, leading part Mrs. Dunmlro ftlso has children, ono of her sons by her first marrlago being a membor of tho crow of tho United States man-of-war LascaHtor, Slid is possessed of somo portion of worldly gear, and looks upon, hor marrlago with as great zest as though It waB her first embark ation upon tho waters of matrimony. HoU to "Build Goad "Roads. Tho way to build good roads Is to build thorn. Wo have been discussing plans and jnothoda ior a hundred ycard. Tho problem loomed largo bo- foro tho fathers of tho ropubllc. In 1800, when tho first steps wero taken for tho construction of tho old national road from Cumberland westward, good wagon roads voro to tho country then what railroads are to tho country now. There was necessity for a road be tween tho East and tho West, nnd it was built. Tho government and tho pooplo wero interested nnd tho ques tion was grappled with in tho right way. Tho National road in Maryland, Ohio and Indiana remains to this day ono of tho best roads In any of tho states named. Tho beginning, thcro- foro, was a good one. Tho method has not been greatly improved since. Tho success in that ono caso was in tho spirit in which tho work was" planned nidflG thoroughness with which tho P'woro carried; out, :, 4 , t?hc Wade ofiZSiriS Frank M. Brown, accused of cmbez ding $201,000 from tho German Na tional Bank of Newport, Ky., was a high roller. Ho had an annual salary of $1,500 and llvod on, a scalo Implying an lncomo of ten times that sum. He FRANK M, BROWN. was a plunger on horses and cards, and web plucked by tho professionals. Ho was usually represented at tho pokor tablo by a commissionaire, and frequently lost $1,000 or raoro in a night Ho in aaid to have been n party to a "killing" to havo been mado by Gold D'Or on an eastern raco track last spring, but Instoad of winning $40,000 that ho oxpectod, ho lost -heav ily. Brown la reported to havo staked $20,000 on Qreatland in a Chicago raco when It was a "Buro thing," but tho horso enmo in third. On tho other hand, tho plungor Is oald to havo won $25,000 or $30,000 on Morry Day, Ho mado bets on all sorts of propositions of chance, and it said to havo depos ited somo of tho stakes with an ofllcor of his bank. Jfotselcss street Car Wheel A now wheel has been tried ou tho Chicago street cars, tho particular vlr tuo of which Is its nolsclessncss. Tho secret of tho abscuco ot noise Ilea In a lnyor ot papor which la placed be tween tho tiro nnd the whocl proper. A description ot tho experiment says that tho wheels aro qulto doad ami that thcro is no metallic ring from them, oven whon rounding curves. Pooplo who got on tho car equipped with thesa wheals would start talking In tho usual loud tones, but soon tho unwonted ol loiico would bo observed, and the effect was tno sama as that uotlcod whon tho orchestra in a theater unexpectedly ceases playing. Mountaineers far the Mills Tho domestic offorlnga ot labor hav ing becomo Insufficient, tho South Car ollna cotton mills nro now compelled to draw from other states. A fow days ago a special train reached Co lumbla with nearly 300 cast Tennessee mountaineers to work In tho Olympla cotton mill In that city. It Is said that tho Spartanburg and Greenville mills havo beon getting, labor from thq mountains of North Carolina for sov oral years. Now Columbia goos farth er and gets sturdy Tennossoo nioun SAYINGS and DOINGS Hatvcits "Delegate. Robert W. Wilcox, Hawaii's dolegato to congress, has been prominent in tho politics of tho Islands slnco 1880. His father, who Is Btlll a resident of Maul, tho inland upon which Mr. Wilcox was born, used to bo a eoa captain of Now port, R. I. His mother, who Is dead, was a native Hawaiian named Kahia. As a young man tho delegatclect was sent to Italy by the lato King Kala kaua to attend tho schools of that country. He became a student in a ROBERT W. WILCOX, .military academy at Turin, and whllo there mot and married tho Princoas Victoria Colonnn dl Stlgllana. Ho re mained In Europo and America until 1889, whon ho returned to Honolulu. Mr. Wilcox was ono of tho leaders lit tho revolution of 1889. In 1893 ho took tho part of tho royalists, and In 1895 ho was also a leader of tho ntterapt to relnstnto tho queen. Ho was Impris oned, but was liberated by President Dole. English Beauty Coming. Mrs. Oeorgo Koppel, tho noted Eng lish beauty, who is coming to America with hor husband, Is tho daughter of Sir William Edmonstono and tho wlf of a younger brother of the Earl of Albemarle. Mrs. Koppol first attracted widespread attention In 1899 when tha Prlnco of Wales snowed ins cspo clal admiration for her benuty whllo tho Keppols wero visiting tho Rlvlo. ra. The Countos3 of Warwick was rolegated to roar in tho Prince's favor, and tho new &2 social star was shining brllllantlyMrs.aeorgo Keppol when a snub from tho Duke of Richmond Bomowhat dimmed hor light. The duko positive ly refused to allow her (o bo a guest at his house. Tho Prlnco at once put Richmond on his blncklist and refused to make his tlme-honorod annual visit to tho duko's homo. Mr. Koppel, tho husband of tho beauty, is a wine mer chant with a limited Incomo. Onc-Lcggcd "Brigade Among tho usual spectacles witness ed on tho transport Shorman when that vessol recently landed In San Francisco was tho march of tho "one legged brlgade,"aa It was called aboard ship, Tho "brigade" consisted ot flvo soldlors, each of whom had lost a leg: They raossod togothor and slopt to gether, nnd whon tho troops landed they marched down thp gangplank to gether. Held in "Papa's tOife.'' "Papa's Wlfo," with Anna Held as the star, Is touring tho western cities. Tho medium ot MIbs Held's appear anco is n combination ot two French vaudevilles skilfully welded by Harry D. Smith with music by Reginald Da Koven. Miss Held Is credited with possessing not only tho charm ot boauty, but has attalnod no llttlo prnlso as an actress ot real powor. Hor costumes aro described as wonders In ANNA HELD. their way and her choral contingent Is said to bo tho most attractlvo bevy ot girls on tho road this season. Cjc "Red Man's Prosperity Whether or not tho prosperity ilssuo had anythlug to do with It, a jWlnno bogo bravo, moekly followed by his fawn-eyed squaw, stalked Intcj a largo dry goods store yesterday afternoon, and said: "Heap good times; wantlo buy; have much monoy." The flrat nurchaso was eight yards of red silk und tho second a sot of Sovresvch!oa. , UfvV .VV-flt -yftiBSpS IJSrTEHESTItfG GO "REMOVE London's Marble Arch is to be razed t& tho ground beioro Jan. 1. Mo3t "British Iron and JTtccl. Tho severity of American competi tion in iron nnd steel has led to tho breaking of tho British pool In those Industries. In Great Britain, as In the United States, thoro was an agreement to maintain prices, that of steel rails bolng held nt from 7 to 7 5s per ton. As soon as the manufacturers were allowed a free hand open competition ensued, a drop In tho prlco of nearly 1 a ton following. In Groat Brltnln, as In tho United States, many orders had been held up becauso of the un natural prices, nnd theso were released when prices reached a normal basis. As a result the Ironmonger declares that the manufacturers will be real gainers. There la a hint In this inci dent for thejnembers of tho Amorlcan pool, who must know that many or ders aro being hold In anticipation of lower prices. There Is coming to be a well defined belief that the plan of the Iron and steel men Is to make succes sive reductions nnd tako orders at each rato until they can get no more at that price, when they will make a still lower rate. This, however, but leads to tho holding of more orders for tho lower prices. Fear Causes Death, Tho death of John R. Beart In Chi cago tho other day, illustrates a point that has been dwelt upon for yoar3 by physlclanB and Burgeons. Mr. Beart In August last had a struggle with a dog and was bitten in thrco places. The strugglo In itself wan of a charac ter to produce, nervous exhaustion, to say nothing of tho mutilation by the dog. Upon examination It was shown that tho dog was not aflllcted with rabcs. Mr. Boart recovered from tho Immedlato effects of the strugglo and returned to his work. But a week bo foro his death he was taken ill and ho grow steadily worso to tho end. Those In attendance believe ho died of fear of hydrophobia. There Is no dispute as to tho main facts In tho case. The dog that attacked Mr. Beart did not havo any disease. Mr. Beart had no symptoms of hydrophobia, but he lived for months in horror of the most dreaded of dlseasos, and this resulted In conditions that caused his death. If tho dog that made tho, attack on Mr. Beart had been killed, as is usual in such cases, the case would undoubted ly havo been catalogued in tho hydro phobia list. As tho case stands, it gives strength to tho theory that a great many of the so-called cases ot rabies are produced ! solely , by .fear. The "Rummage Tale. Tho latest lad of society Is tho "rum mage 8alo," It began In Now England and Is rapidly milking Its way all over tho country. In a certnlu sense tho "rummage- oulo" Is n sort ot house cleaning on n largo scale, Tho house koopor takes an account of stock, with tho result of finding numerous thlugs which aro too good to glvo away or throw awny and yet aro hardly boqU enough to keep. Such nrtlcles havo usually found their way to tho second hand stores or tho cart of tho peddler, but as tho owners get llttlo or nothing for them tho Now England spirit ot thrift hns devised tho "rummago Bale," which, oo long cs It remains n fad, will Insure profitable returns. Co "ulh-Oan's Men. Joseph W. Stickler of Orange, N. J., will cicct a monument In Athens, Pa., In commomorntion of tho soldiers and callorn of Bradford county. It will stand In the center of the old academy lawn, on the spot whoro Gen, Sullivan of revolutionary fame camped on his march agHu3t tho Six Nations of New York in 1779, Tho pedestal la to be of pink Stony Creek granite. Surmount ing tho pedestnl thoro will bo a brouzo group of heroic bIzo, entitled "The De fense ot the Flag." Tho entire struc ture will bo 20 feet high. General Juan Luis Buoron of Gttate mala, who Is now in San Francisco on a visit, was a nontenant colonel on the staff of General John C. Fremont wheu tho pathfinder mado his second trip across tho Rockies. Ho wont to Guatemala in 1879 and has a conccs slon for n lino ot road over tho Chuc- pacho Mountains, around tho great volcano of Santa Maria, which Is 14,000 foot ulgu. LOJVDOff'S MAHteLE ARCH Londoners and most provincial peoplo who como to London know tho Mar- To "Discuss Sunday' Cars It Is rather remark:blo that Edin burgh is Btlll discussing tho question whether It shall havo Sunday street cars. This will bo ono of tho burning aide questions of tho, municipal elec tion. Thoro has recently been Intro duced Into Edinburgh a splendid In stallation of cablo cars, which Is en tirely shut down at present oh Sunday, and many peoplo do not seo why it should not bo utilized on Sundays ris well as on week days, especially to on oble tho working classes to get out Into the country to breatho tho fresh air. One candidate, a lawyer, has como to grief In an amusing way over this question. When asked if ho was In favor of running Sunday cars ho an swered in tho negative, and followed it up by an expression of his venera tion for tho qulotudo of tho "dear old Scottish Subbath.". A newspaper re porter, however, found out that tho gentleman In question spent most of his Sundays at ono of the golf links In tho neighborhood of Edinburgh, which covered tho defender of tho Sabbath with confusion. M. E. Gilbert In Chi cago Record. "Russia's "Royal "Palace, Little Palaco at Llvadia whero tho ruler of tho Russlus has his private apartments. Sunday Fishing JVot Sinful. Rev. I. N. Marx Is rector of tho Protestant Episcopal church at Lake Gcnovn, tho Wisconsin summer and piscatorial resort. He has delighted tho hearts of summer rcsorters and sportsmen by declaring in a recent Bormon that Sunday fishing is not sin ful if tbo fisherman Is too busy to fol low his sport on week days and if there Is "no neglect of duty or relig ious responsibility." Rov. James Gray, formerly Presby terian minister in Pretoria, has been appointed by Lord Roberts acting li brarian of tho library thero. Tho reverend gentleman a few weeks be fore the outbreak of hostilities pub licly denounced Krugerlsm from tho pulpit and had to flee to Durbln In consequence. From December 31 to March 4 The odoro Roosevelt will play what Is for htm tho unaccustomed rolo of a pri vate citizen. i mil Uhe Bcrt1lejhip Illinois Tho first-class battleship Illinois, which Is rapidly nearing completion at tho yard of tho Nowport News Ship building and Dry Dock company in Newport News, Is expected to go out on her builders' trial somo tlmo during tho first week In December. At that tlmo tho splendid fighter will bo prac tically complote, and, it necessary, could ongago a hostllo ship "while out ITEMS. bio Aroh, but notf oho In a thousand la ncquaintod with Its history. Tho gsn fcral Impression id that it is a memorial of somo kind. Tho, Marblo Arch, how ever, Is nothing of tho kind, for It was built .by King Goorgo IV. as an en trance to Buckingham palaco, whero It illd duty In that capacity for many years But as tho gateway to Buckingham palaco the nrch;wos a failure. It had tho effect of dwarfing tho royal resi dence, and visitors who went to view the royal homo from tho exterior saw "plenty of gate," to qttoto an old de scription, "nnd llttlo palace." Accordingly it was,, in 1850, removed to its present situation in Hydo Park. Eighty thousand pounds was tho orig inal cost of tho arch. Unlike tho majority ot such edifices, tho Murblc Arch is not solid. Tho "man in tho street" bellovcs It is, for he has forgotten tho circumstance that In tho tlmo of tho Hydo Park riots a largo forco of pollcowcro hid In tho arch and wero nblo to dfsperso tho riot ers at tho specified moment Tho Inci dent at tho tlmo excited some attention for tho police scorned to rlso from tho ground, "and tho most knowing of tho rioters' never anticipated that tho arch hid so many policemen. Monument to Gtntcr. A number df prominent coal mon of Pennsylvania have decided to erect a monument of coal to Philip Glnter, tho discoverer of that fuel, at Summit Hill, near Mnuch 'Chunk. Ono hundred nnd nine years ago Glntor lived in a rough cabin in tho forests on tho Mauch Chunk Mountain. Whllo fa quest of gamo for his family, whom ho had left at homo without food of any kind, his foot struck a black stone. By tho roadside, not far from tho town of Summit Hill, ho built a fire of wood, and threw pieces of tho supposed stone about It, so that tho embers might last longer whllo ho was roasting a fowl. Ho wa3 surprised, after a llttlo while, to seo tho stones glow and retain their boat for a long tlmo. He enrried a lot of tho coal homo and burned Jt there. Tho few neighbors soon learned of tho discovery, but there was no mining to any extent in Carbon county until after tho war of 1812 had begun. Icttx)c WorK.for fh?p Canal. Tho exocutlvo committee of the Il linois Valley association met In Chi cago last week, and appointed a sub committee which will go to Washing ton this t. inter and urge upon Con gress its project for tho building of a fourtcen-fpot deep water ship canal between Chicago and St. Louis. Among those present at tho meeting wa3 Con gressman Walter Reeves, who told tho qommittco that in his opinion Con gress would be inclined to listen with more favor to a proposition to build a channel with an average depth of eight Instead of fourteen feet In this opinion Mr, Reeves had tho backing ot his colleague, Congressman Graff. Tho two congressman wero overruled, however, by tho almost unanimous Bcnso of tho committee, which was strongly' in favor of tho deeper chan nel. Has Held the Title Longest. Tho Prince of Wales, who has Just celebrated his 59th birthday, has now hold his title the longest in English history. Previously tho distinction be longed to Gcorgo IV., who was Prlnco of Wales for 58 years. Within a month ot .his birth the prlnco was croated Duko of Cornwall and. Rothesay, Earl of Carrlck, Baron Renfrew, lord ot the Isles, Princo of Wales and Earl ot Chester, whllo in 1850 ho was mado Earl of Dublin. When ho wishes to travel on tho quiet the Prlnco goes as Lord Renfrew and sometimes as the Earl of Chester. In tho interest of reform Mme. Pras covlc Arian publishes, every year in Russia a woman's rights calendar, In cluding tho laws passed relating to women and various women's societies. on her trial. Tho four thirteen inch guns, which compose her formidable main battery, will bo mounte'd In tho turrets foro nnd aft, EoVen six-Inch guns will protrude from each side ot tho vessol, and even tho smaller guns will bo In placo, whllo all armor will bo riveted ou. The Illinois was launch ed Oct. 4, 1898, and was christened by Miss Daisy Loiter of Chicago, Ofe. PiilkdelphU Record. talncer. Sioux City Journal,