The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 04, 1900, Image 4

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    TUESDAY, DEC. 4, 1900.
IRA L BARE, Editor akd Pbopbiitob
tcrs come from clergymen and a large portion of tlic message.
missionaries, who advocate a The president treats not only
campaign of fire and blood, some of the present troubles, but the
what after thc fashion of Empcr- causes which have produced
or William's snccch when he them. These arc slated to be
such action as
deem advisable.
T.Pfriulntinn for tho armv is re- n V. BEDELL
J ).
1 . i w -
viewcu aim a luuiimuuiiuaiiuu iUYS!OIAN AND SURGEON,
made for an armv of 60.000. with Offices: North Plntto Notional Bank
------- .r . Tl.
William 1. Potter. Kmmn B. Pottor. J. I. Can to
Threshing Machine Companx, Corporation will
take notice that ou tho 3d day of November, "lPOO
Kpnrlnm II. HcrHher, plalnufl herein, mod hla
on tetr, cahin adranca, j N6 lived in China and have had
flli Month, eah In adraooe
Thu official canvass of the Ne
braska vote gives McKinlcy a
tilnralitv of 7.882. It will be
well to remember these figures
until 1904i
It IU an ill-wind that blows
nobody good. London is com
plaining that the Boer war has
. . .1 Sri 4tin nrirp nf
. ... . ....... a mnr-m I savatrc, out
uiLauniuuai ... i
heard of the murder of his min
ister. Merchants who have
tensive dealings with the Chi
nese also write freely, but in a
more pacific tone. They believe
that the trouble should be set
tled as speedily as possible on
terms that China will not find
impossible of fulfillment. This
has been the desire of the gov
ernment of the United States
the antipathy of the Chinese to authority to recruit and maintain
innovations upon their long- it at 100,000, so long as conditions
established customs and the in the Philippines shall render it
centuries-old desire for cKclu- ncceesary.
sivencss. The opening up of The president commends to
the ports and the gradual spread congress the recommendations
of trade with foreigners to the of the secretary of the navy for
interior, the establishment of an increase in the officers and
industries and innovations all men in that service.
over llic empire lias caused a
tito.-ulv irrowth of the fuclimr of
resentment. This has been as- QldCSt Mi BeSt.
sidulously cultivated by design
BuUditiK, North Plntte, Neb.
Jjl P. DENNIS, M. D.,
petition In tho district court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, atralnat s&ld defendant, tho oboct and
prayer or which are to foreclowi n certain tnort-
ffatto nxccutMl br William I. Potter, nnd Kmma II,
rotter, to ino pialnufr, upon ton northeast
quarter of section 10, in township 15. north of'
range sa worn, uncoin county, Netraka, to
cure the payment of a certain promluaory notm
Orer First National Bank.
from the beginning. Revenge
may be sweet, especially to the ing politicians who surround the J- rX"c
in this case - indul- court. The efforts of the var- and when taken into the circulat
Office over Yellow Front Shoe Store
jyt.G. B. DENT
Ofllce over Streitz's Drug Store.
Telephone 115.
North Platto, - - Nobraakn.
farmer shares in the advance.
Abouti the usual number of
scats will be contested in the
coming state legislature, The
honors of a legislator arc so
great that if there is a possibility
to secure a scat through a con
test, the contest is made.
gencc may result in a disaster to
civilization. Lincoln Journal.
woxx tor txx coming x-jeqis-
The Nebraska legislature that
will convene on New Year's day
has a task and responsibility
irroatcr than anv that Have
S. S. S. 13 n combination of roots
e powers,
.. . .... Al n ,1 rntimirnd nil ttlnntinr
ions powers in years past, .", "7 IT" i ":T
. , I OI pOlSOnS 1IUIU UIC U1UUU, niiuuuw
uirougn reason inu suiucuiuua the least shock or Jianuioincsysicin.
by means of a display of force, On the contrary, the general health
J . , . . begins to improve from the first dose,
to keep down an uprising are fors.S.S. is not only a blood purifier,
f the but an excellent tonic, and strength-
, . ' . . .... . ens and builds up the constitution
present troubles is detailed and , mirelnfl txc blood of ininuri-
it is pointed out that the United ties. S. S. S. cures nil diseases of a
n, . . , , . i, blood poison origin, Cancer, Scrofula,
States has kept constantly in ,,,, nfo, riirnn,v 'SnrM nml
view, ho far as circumstances Ulcers. Eczema. Psoriasis, Salt
,vnn1,l wirrmt the tmrlttinml Rheum, Herpes and similar troubles,
would warrant, tnc traditional , .. . f .... . , t ,
i uitu iw mi - ----- r
desire of this country to maintain antidote for that most horrible disease,
i ,1 t-.: ,..ui, Contamous Blood roison.
pcatc aim yuuu .
China, and the same idea would successful cures is a record to be proud
of. S. S. S. is more popular today
than ever. It numbers it3 iriends by
A. II. DlTId.
L. E. ItOlCH
Hoagland So Hoagland,
devolved on any body of law
Tub official vote of the state, makers in this state. Quite
which waf made public yester- apart from the far reaching
day, shows that Hanniblc the jgsuc involved in the election of
prohibition candidate for con- hwo men to represent Nebraska
: 1iu Alair'ir.t fer.ei ved I l iUr, TTnUmt Qlfilnu antviti. tlin
BLtna in lint. - - iiit mi. uw...., -i ,
.1 I .1 !..!.. it.,. .,,.11 nmnnt nf DI
662 votes, Holliday, the mid-road comimr lcirislaturc will be called " "
the same
209, Under the constitution it be- were the instigators of the up- has done them, while others are seek-
nnKTvdession comes the sworn duty of the Vising must be insisted upon, lT cS&
ww w t I i : . . i a - ..v i . .- , i .
arnonn vefiterdav. and the im- cominff ff'u w " s" however. - attention. Our p lysicians myenaao
... j- , ... ll,n inin fnf nnn-rnuu nnn nni . .. r ... Tt . . .1 n llfp-lntlrf StJlCl VOI HlOOU anU OKin UlS
Tlic relations 01 tnc uiuicur""39rT. '..., .011(,,1MCW
it . e a tt. .:i i i
received 457 votes for .,non to wrestle w th nroblcms tc trouoics, so lar as me united thc thousands. Our medical corres
. mi . ..... .. .. ... D...J... 1.1 API, I nr.r1ntln id Inrirpr tlintl PVPf lrt tllC
omcc. inc omciai that will tax tnc Capacity 01 tnc ouuea uiuiu wuuw. x m. r, 4i. ,, ,..,;(
. . .1 I. - . . i IIIKII I V 111 lilt: allllll a v.
gives Neville a plurality of ablest minds in its membership, ishmentof thc real culprits wno . for the rcatCOod S.S.S
. i t - ; 1 .i
K..:uo ,lirli ul UBSU"B ll wu8n.M.u..a. ....
Ilk uunilivna nu'v" """I. .... i i 1
.fnr h.nau5nn will be legislative representation, and
measures to receive ssuui mv - . . . . .
. I mnllnr -F lilulnfu t tint, ine lnirm.
made thc apportionment under
the census of 1890, failed to dis-
zation, oleomargarine and ship
ping subsidy.
States with other powers are than thc ordinary practitioner who
most cordial. tuakcs specialty of no one disease
I w UU UUlll Kum
The president calls attention good to suffering
i bss. a. aV i :
to the new laws in Germany L our consulUngX
which affect the meat trade with "P partment, and invite
,ni,. ,.f ufn4ou ff iu or vou to write us if vou have any blood
w . ..... v.....-. .
with coupoiu attnebcel, dated December (bo UlMt.
1K01, for tho snm of VX dne and pajablo In flro
jkht i r inn inu iinio inureot, iue imprcRi con.
prtiiH blnn (cn la nambor.cacli fornitoen dollars,
I oil falllnir dne every nix mnntha after the data
of the note; and that plaintiff han paid the taxe
on tno abiTe dosorlbed premlaoa to protect hla
title for the years from 1MU to lKW inctutdve
That there Is duo upon eald noto and mortgaRO
ana tor uxea paia inu sum 01 w.w, ror which
rum with Intoroet from tho lnt day of January,
11101, plaintiff prays for a decree! that defendanla
I'ottcr'H be required to pay tho Ramo, ot that ukl
promtsea nay uo aom to eausry tno amount duo.
and that the protended judgment Hen held by do
lenaani J. y, uano inreaiiiiiR macnino uompaiiy
may be decreed to bo Junior nd inferior to plain
jii h moriKage uen.
You are rtxiulred to answer nnld petition on or
before the nth day of December 10UO.
Dated November 2, 19Q0.
o. Ertiiuiu 11. iixnsitKT, riaiiiiin.
Kollco Is hereby clven that on Wednesday, tho-
ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. InU 5 and ft In block ni. Intho cltr of Niirth
NORTH PliATTE,, - - NEBRASKA Malta. Nebraska, at thQ barn known an tho Whlto
rirn.1v ' T?imo 1 . O Elephant Darn, thcro will bo sold to the hlghcut
UrnUy lilobk ltooms 1 & i. h.Atr toT ,h' ono tjHi,tnlnB liar Press. Bald
sain Is mado by virtue of a chattel mortuiiKo dated
September 2-nd. lHlfl, signed by O. H, Huffman,
and Riven to tho Kanmi City Hay l'rom and
Machinery Company, to hecuro two notes of
Ul- w cacn or even uavo merowttn. ono or wmcn
notes wasduo March 1st, 11KX), and ono due Jan.
nary 1st, 1901, and there Is now duo on aald notes
and mortHBHO tbo sum of f 122. Bald mortcase U
on file In the oOlco of tho ceunty clerk o( Keith
county. JNCDranns.
n27- Uy Wllco k Ualllgan, Its Attornoys:
James M. I'lerce and Mrs. Emmettln riorce.
defendants, will take notleo that on the 2ml day
ot novcmuer. nw, tno piaintm ocreiii, uovlrt
Masters, filed his petition In tbo dletrlot court of
Uncoln county, Nebraska, against aaid defend,
ants Impleaded wllh John It. Tlorce, Robecca
I'lerco and MuRcatlne Mortgngo tt Trunt Com.
pauy, the object and prayor of which are to fore
close a certain mortgage executed by the defend
ants James M. Pierce, Ktntncttlo I'iercr,
John It. I'lerco and ltcbeccn I'lerce. to
Mntcatlno Mortgage and Trust Company and by
said company assigned to tbo plaintiff heroin,
upon tbo southwest quarlor' of seetlon-&34owH
I ship u, norm or range aun, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, to secure the psyWWBt of six .promissory
s. dated Marcn 1st. IHH. lor uio sum of il.W
each and duo and payable, one March 1, 18W,
ono March 1, 1HW, one March 1, 1000, ono March
nm U...1. f irmi AnA , ,,iaq
Tlni'f.V-tlirPn llPnd Of IiIhrIc that thWe Isnow due upon said noicfl.,
X 1111 by Ull CU IICUU Ul UlUIV and for taxes paid on said propeWtlSesnaot
p 1... l. l I, i. $1,412.14, for which sum with Interost from MarcU
mCC DUCKS. Lan be Seen at l.lOOl at ten percent. pUlntlffplays forn decree
eases, and better understand such cases my ranch Seven lllileS east of 1 5",d rr?m,w maJ b0 oii tq aufy the amount
n.- n,l!.rtr tirnrti'Unnpr vulio J found duo. ...
You ore required to answer said netltlton on or
before January 7th, 1001.
DAVID MASTERS, i'laintltr,
nM- Wilcox U Halllgnn, bla Attorneys.
Offlce over
McDonald's Bank.
Offlce over North PlaCte National Dank.
Offico in Tinman Block, Dewey street.
Sheep for Sale.
town; three miles north of
It is now quite certain that a charge that duty. The" consti- early to say j ust what their effect wi,atqvcr for this service
considerable number of Bocra Kution cxprcHslv forbids the
will immirrate to this country in making of legislative apportioh-
thc spring. They are a frugal, ment except by that immediately
industrious class of people and following thc taking of a national
several thousand of them added I or state census. As no state
to the nopuiatton ot weorasKa census was taken in wjb, we
would be good for thc state and j still remain tinder the apportion-
good for the Boers.
Dukino his incumbency as
governor Mr. Poyntcr has in
vested his surplus salary in
mining property and is now in
Colorado looking after his in
vestments. The emoluments of
political office has given a num-
ment made thirteen years ago
based on thc state census of
Next in importance will be thc
revision ol thc revenue laws
cither directly or through a com
mission such as has been resort
ed to in Iowa and other stales.
Our cxistimr revenue system is a
1. n. rf nla1nfi(iltj ufntoumon an
uvt Ul -VISI. none . w . i , i 1 r
opportunity to get a fresh start T.11.01 inc 1 . l' . y
in business life. For instance IVC ,n important
ti.-.- :u o-, xr Vom uirs.
a ne icgisiaiuru wn uu cauuu
will be.
Concerning thc Alaskan
boundary, thc president states
there is a necessity for delimitat
ing the line and that steps have
been taken to secure In per
mancnt settlement- of tWediffeil-
ences. By a special ''arrange
ment this question had been
separated from other matters
and would be settled indepen
dently and as rapidly as" the
difficulties surrounding it could
be overcome.
Thc Nicaragua canal question
ma. r
is reviewed, out no specuic
recommendations arc made.
The fact is pointed out that
the surplus revenues for thc year
were $79,527,060 and that this
had enabled thc setting asjdg
of $56,544,555 for the sinking
fund. Thc treasury situation is
h. Stitch in Time
Saves Nine
. 4 Is' a trite old saying, aiid is
T particularly true when applied
to Shoes. Our business is to
mend Shoes, and people give
us the credit of knowing our
business from a to z. If your
Shoes need mending, bring
them here.
George Tefeuhie.
Anticipating the wants
Land Offlce at North Platte, Neb.,
November 22. 1900.
Notice is hereby a-tvon that the following-named
settler has filed notice ot hor intention to make
final Droof In sunDOrt of her claim, and that said
proof will be made before Register and Receiver .
it North Platto, Neb., on December Sjtb, 1000, vie:
who made homestead entrr No. lfififtl 'for the
weit half of northeast ooartar and west half ot
southeast quarter of section 10. township 10 north,
range 9U west. (
"She names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation, of said
I . I i "1 CI.Y. ,
. I inuu, .1.. uwKU miU(tiwu(U3H i, uuiwau l nil
Ot Brooklln, Ocorge Cooper, of Echo, Nob:; Joseph-
I U-ulllfar nf KnHh PUtln. Nh.
inen who wear good clothes n-o- Eo.E.niENcu, uegiter.
.1 i 1 J 1 I : 1 rr-. rrrrrz ii
goou raatoriai, gupu workman- , N0TICE FOB PUBUOATIO.
ship and good fit we Bave
Laud.Qroce at North Plattp, Npb., )
nnl npnnf In annnn.t nf htN filatm. and that Kald
Winter Suitings and Pants .S
Goods, arid solicityour orders. . .ft lfll(Ji forNho
We can satFsfy you in fit and k,auDwr"lor 'B!cUoI, 10" To,f" ;0'"or-f
lie' names the rollowlnn wltno'ies to prove his
contiguous resldenoa upon and cultivation of said
land vlx: Oeorge Rchrocongoat. 3. Herman Van
llrocilln, Ooorgn Cooper, tf Echo, Nob. Jo-fph
woilivor, or norm r laiiu, nourossa.
laid 1U a nice line Of Fall and settler h filed notice of his Intention to make
final Droof In lunnort of bis claim, and that said
Sicna'i'OK Allen of Nebraska on also to provide for constitu
says Bryan will be nominated in J clonal revision either by amend
1904. Allen, aa a populiat, I mcnts or a convention. All
naturally clings to Bryan. The parties agree that the constitu
.latter personage belongs to thc I tion of 1875 is a straight jacket
popuiistic end of the democracy that hampers the development of strong and warrants some reduc
and this is the reason why there the stateand prevents an.efiicicnt tion in the revenues, Lcgisla
"is a revolt againBthim at picscntUnd economic administration of tion to render certain the parity
ftniUIME M Hl IT o waanw fMiv VIIW TttllUUn II I tltVIIVa1 Wl 3 11V k.
element. Nebraska, however, j government.
is a bad place to start a boom for The management of thc differ-
Bryan in 1904 . Nebraska has cnt state institutions and thc
just turned Bryan down by a care and keeping of their inmates
good-sized majority. Globe will take up their share of legis
m Owapi
in Witttrn
Theke arc a good many people
in Nebraska who will endorse
the following from J. Sterling
Morton's Conservative: The
charitable and educational insti
tutions of Nebraska must cease
to be the playthings of practical
politics. The laws should be
revised and so amended that
each establishment may be gov
erned by a board of trustees,
who shall be named to thc senate
and confirmed by that body.
lative attention. Ay the direct
consequence of the new census
will come thc reconstruction of
thc laws providing for thc gov
ernment of counties and cities.
And last, but not least, the patch
ing up of holes that have been
knocked into various important
pieces of legislation by supreme
court decisions, including irriga
tion, insurance, corporate regu
lation and labor, reform.
It is safe to predict that the
coming Nebraska legislature will
have its hands full of work affect-
fl!... iHiiiilnAii ul.m.l.l tin n ,Mr
ii usvvve niiuuiu uu iiuii-imi -1 . 11 i , .
... . . ... . V .liner all Classes, sinel its session
4,uoti 'In r ,r ulmiil.1 lir cmniMOM I 0 '
. r t i - 1 1 . I Will UK WUMillKU Willi IIIIUI cat,
uccause 01 uiiaratvci turn uuui-i, . T)
it. j. 11 iu 1 from start to hnish. Bee.
lion lO iiiv uuiicb ui iuu giiitvA:.
They should have irec power to txm TMiiDBifTS msssaoe
a 41 I w. as . a
employ ana 10 aiscuargc aji cm- jrcsuicnt mcivimcy'k mess-
ployes. With such a system, a,rC was delivered to Congress
scandals, extravagances and in- vestcrdav. the nriiicinal noints
I r '
efficiency would Boon disappear.
Thk government at Washing
ton is receiving a large number
of communications containing
advice as to thc best method of
of which arc as follows:
The president congratulates
the country on the prosperous
condition of thc people engaged
in all industries and thc cxis
AASn -v C nAtiilSiiAi-.'i etilttnilt saanaa
.wttlmg the Chinese troub c. lo Lant tho bclief tlwthc proapijr.
wentitkcjDOst blood-tbirsty let- The troublcyin China occupy
Ittnttu, faruicm' nm and farmers
burdi'iird wltli tasrs, liipilcaires, linpurr
crlilu d null and erui fallnn-s'inax rct'liie
fr' lioiuvstt'iiiU of let) orriM In (lio
16? ?L Whtat. tl lo bushels to the ocii', I,ow
tilP r-t rnllrcoJ latent .xtuI nilvantaevi to
IkV pioriKK-tura. The hrrt ixmlil and rattlo
i-arv roMiiliy 111 the world, (loud water, low
t&xc, aimnasni iui-i. ijn.- ,tinneM,ia r(ii
torn, who riTcntly mado thu tvc-lcrii ton
ltla trlp.'iK-sk of It as tliu homo for small fsrintrs.
While It serina alontr way nottli, thu Canadian I'arinc
ttallway lino l isr snuiniH nnnuiirRii, ine cinnou
that nf Nnrthrrti Mlnnrxnta. and thu Isttd ll,f nli 11
hid anil urnol." for inl and full Infoiniatlon
ttiljr in mipi. ot imuiisraiion,
Ottawa. Canada, or tu
of the two current metals is
Thc necessity of legislation to
restore thc merchant marine'' is
called to thc attention of on-
Legislation for thc effective
control of trusts is recommended
and the ValUC Of Uniform lCglSla- TlioollleUlr.K.rtajr ro tho nnall funiirr n-Un8
v I a nawliome ut'Ktem Canada uiren Runt
tion on this subject by thc
various states is pointed out.
Concerning the Philippines
the president renews his state
ment that any definite scheme of
government cannot be brought
forth consistently so long as the
authority of the United States is
disputed by armed men, - The
settlement of the diflicuHles,
however, has made material pro
gress and there is promise that
order will soon be restored. Thc
appointment of the commission
is reviewed, together with he
instructions given it.
It is recommended that he
government of Porto Rico be
turned over to thc Interior department.
The situation in Cuba is gone
over and congress is informed
that so soon as the constitutional
convention shall have completed
its. labors a copy of that docu
ment will be transmitted ,"jfor
Canndlun (lovt-rnmoiii Annul,
Wl Mow York 1.1 to llulldlnir.
Umuhii, Neb.
Witch Hazel Oil
One Application Gives Relief,
It cures l'llrs or Hemorrhoid- Kiternalor Inter,
nat, Illlnd or Bleeding, Itching or llurulng.r'jMurcs
and yiilulas. Relief Immediate-cure certain.
It cures Hums, bcaldt and Ulceration. and Con
tractions from Burps. The Ileltef Inttant-hcallna-,
It cure Torn, Cut or Lacerated Wound- and
It euros Itolls, Carbuncles, Felons, " nuurouudi,"
incurs, Old Soros, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or
Scald lloud.
It cures Inflamed or Caked lire oils and Bore
Nipples. Invaluable.
It cures Bolt Ilheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions,
Chapped Hands, Vever Dusters, Bora Us or
Nostrils, Corns, llunloni, Sore and Chafed i'eot,
Stings of lusocts, Mosquito Bites and Sunburns.
Throo BIzob, 25o., BOo. and $1.00
Sold by Druggists, or tent pre-paid on receiptor price,
First Door North Wilcox Store.
Notice to Bidders
for Stationery.
Nflrth Platte, Neb.,
ispv. 27, yjw.
The fnllowinir list ot books,
blanks and statjpnery, v,th the
probable gross ampujjt Of Pf9Pi
will be needed by the county Pf
Lincoln, fpr thc year jyoj.
4 blank records,
2 printed records,
2,000 whole sheet legal blanks.
10,000 half sheet letral blanks,
10,000 quarter sheet legal
20,000 (lA printed envelopes,
10,000 f inch printed envelopes,
50 sets poll books,
20 reams lpgal cap,
10 reams type writer paper,
10 gross blotters,
400 court wrapper!-,
S gross lead pencils,
2 gross pen holders,
15 gross pens,
10 gross McGill fasteners,
3 dozen quarts Sanford
J. P. FILL10N,
Plumber, Tinworker.
General Repairer.
Special attention given to
10,000 note heads,
10,000 letter heads,
1 dozen road record and re
fun. d0 pages,
3 tipzen road record and rc-
thrn 20 pages,
.luf.v.iiy((un.1,VFU1iiilv.illll 1( ,
4D,lrps , , Tie Pacific Epre,?
The above trnods p be in- r r" f w
creased or diminished at sapip
All work, material, etc., to be
first class and accented before
paid for, Successful bidder to
enter into contract with upproved
The County Commissioners
reserve the right to reject any
or all bids.
"The Obicagor-Portlaritj
NORTH PLATTE 12:50, a. m.
NORTH PLATTE 3;20 p. m.
Once a
All bids J.o be filed in tho
County Clerk's office on or before Personally Conducted
January 1, lyoi. wecit.
jW. M. Holtry, County Clerk. I Jas, B. Scanlan, Agent.