THE SEW-WEEKLY TRIBUNE IBA I HAKE, 1'roprlctor. TEUMfl! 11.26 IN ADVANCE). NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. jf .h..::::..m-:":--:xx-:"K-:-- The French sennto adopted tho am nesty bill. Chicago's public debt Is shown to bo $20,332,000. Arbucklc Bros. .iavo reduced tho prlco of coffco 1 cent a pound. Tho population of Mississippi Is 1, BB1.270, an lncroaso of 20.2 per cent. A company for manufacturing outo mobllea has been organized in Mos cow. Tho population of Missouri Is 3.10C, C6C, against 2,575,181 In 1890, an ln creaso of 15.9 per cent. Emporor "William has appointed Prlnco von Lynar to rcpresoat nim at tho funeral of Sir Arthur Sulli van. Tho charge Is mado that tho money sharks of Chicago pay $15,000 annu ally to tho pollco officials for protec tion. Tho Illinois Central has decided to spend ?G,000,000 to eubstituto electric ity for Btcam in its Chicago suburban service Emporor William, In tho name of the Gorman emplro, will present to Parl3' Germany's Imperial building at the' ex position. Mclvlllo E. Stono, managor of tho Associated Press, having lived in Chi cago thirty yoara, moves to Now York Dccombor 1. Dr. J. W. Brock, a noted army sur geon, has died at his homo at Leaven worth, Kan. Ho norvad through tho civil war In tho SIxty-alxth Ohio vol unteers, Mrs, Clay Powell, widow of tho lato Captain Leo Linn of tho Wabash, Ind.f Courier, for many years noted oa a democratic Journalist in northern Indi ana, died. A law has Just gono Into operation In Norway permitting tho conditional discharge of a convict for good be havior after ho had sorved two-thirds of his sentence. Tho British cablnot decided to rec ommend to Queen Victoria that Lord Kltchonor bo mndo a lieutenant gen oral, so as to enable htm to tako over tho supremo command in South Africa when Lord Roberts leaved tho coun try. District Attornoy McAllister of Colo rado Springs has ordered Sheriff Freo man of Lincoln county to proceed against tho momboro of tho mob who burned Proaton Porter, Jr., at tho stake last week. Governor Thomas Insists on prosecution. Joseph Loshor's plan to coin souve nir dollars out of sllvor has appar ently been abandoned, nt Victor, Colo. It is claimed ho has been informed hy government officials that the coin age plan Is contrary to law and his dies will bo selzod, Cattlo fcodlng has boon cut short by tho high prlco of corn, in Kansas. Tho ecarclty of tho product has mado tho grain worth about 10 cents a bushel In tho local market. It hns affected tho prlco of stock cattlo and they bring less than in tho eastern counties, whoro thoro Is a bettor crop for food ing. Many feed yards aro empty for the first tlmo in sovoral yenrs. Colonel Edward MoMurdo, tho Scotchman who built tho railroad from Louronzo Marqucz to Protorla, capital of tho lato South African republic, failod to get his monoy for tho work beforo ho died. Ula heirs, among whom is hlB brother Robert, on attor ney nt Chicago, Ill.,woro awarded 1,000,000 by tho Uonova arbitrators, which tho Portuguese government must .pay. Prof. N, S. Shafor of Harvard uni versity, a southern man who has mado n special scientific study of tho con dition of tho nogroos of the south, gives no;fnvor to tho pessimistic opin ions that como from that soctlon, He thinks that tho moral and intellec tual condition of tho negroes Is im proving, and, so far as social morals are concerned, ho regards tho negro as, on tho whole, less dangerous than whites of a llko social grndo, Baron Farnham died at London. Ho whs born March 7. 1840. Lloutonnnt Faramond, tho French naval attache at Washington, his bcon adviBou that tho training shin Duguay Kuay-Traouln. with a largo number of French cadets on board, will visit American waters next spring. John Hubbard was shot and killed by pollco ofllcors at Mlddlesboro, Ky,, whllo resisting arrest. General Bailor's homo nowspapor, tho North Dovon Horald, says It is understood tho gonoral will bo mudo n peer when tho now yoar's honor list Is issuod, and that ho will nssumo tho tltlo of Lord Duller of LwArsmlth. Tho population of Virginia Is 1,854,' 184, against l.Gnn.OSO In 1890, an In crcaso of 198,204, or 11.9 por cent. Tho population of Kunsns is 1,470,' 495, against 1,427,090 In 1890, an in creaso of 3 per cent; Nuvada, 42,335, ngalnst 45,071 in 1890, a docrpaso of 7(4 por cont. Tho bill submitted to tho rolchstag shows tho Imperial budget for 1901 balances at z,ziu,iH7,30i marks, an in creaso of 174,303,289 over 1900. No Namo, a valuablo trotting horso owned by Louis Holm of Imraboo Wis., was killed In a railroad wrock at Jackson, Mich. Ho had n record of 2:13ft, and was valued at J5.000. Bohn Laweon Johnston, tho noted English, dletoth) export, dlod at Can nes, France, Trinity college, tho nowly founded Catholic institution for tho higher od ucatloti of women, was dedicated nt Washington, D, C, with Imposing cor .cmonlos. Ten plants to manufacture common cotton seed bulla Into papor of differ ent grades will Boon bo erected In tho wouth, Robert Thomas, a New York VPr expert, says the Bchemo is being backed by a corporation with 95,000.' nWK) capital, and that the work of put tins up, the plants will begin in about . uirty days, Ecason for Balicf That tho Porte Is Censoring All American Dispatches, NO WORD f nOM OUR BATTLESHIP Therefore the Situation at the l'ort of Hnijrrim Can Only lie (ItieMcd At Tho l'orte Ht 111 Itofiuon lo Ihjiio Kieqimtur to Oolecitto of United fs 1 1 ten. LONDON. Dec. 1. Nothing In re gard to tho United Status battleship Kentucky Is coming direct from Smyr na. Tho authorities there arc evident ly consoling all tllspntchos. CONSTANTINOI'LIS, Thursday, Nov. 29. Tho opinion is expressed In diplo matic circles, that tho American claims ailslng from the Armenian massacrca may now bo regnrded no practically settled, ns nn irntlo providing for tho building of a crulsor In the United States Is officially promulgated." Tho auostlon of tho consulate at Har- poot remains open, tho porto persist ing in Its refusal to grant an exe quatur to Dr. Thomas II. Norton. Tho moral effect, nowovcr, created by tho presenco of tho United States battle ship Kentucky at Smyrna In support of tho representations of- tho American location, token in conjunction with the settlement of the other claims, leads tho Icgotlon to nopo for nn early ar rangement of nil outstanding differ ences. LONDON. Doc. J. A Router dis patch from Constantinople says U is suggostod that Russia Is prompting tho porto to roftino to grant an exequatur to Dr, Norton. Tho dispatch adds: "It is an open secret that they dlsllko tho forolgn consuls In Asia Minor, cenc- clally the Americans, whom thoy sus pect of aiding tho American mission work in Armenia." WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. No propo sition hns como to tho United States government from Turkoy looking to tho payment of tho missionary claims under tho gulso of an order for a war ship to be built in tho Unltod Stales. Whllo it Is hardly expected that nny formal proposition ot this kind will be forthcoming, It la, of courso, beyond tho power of tho attito department to provont or Intcrfcro with nny arrange ment with American shipbuilders and individual claimants. Tho point is, after all, to havo tho claims paid and the stato department officials are not particular aa to tho form in which tho paymonts nro paid. Perhaps thoy nro indifferent In this rcsncct because of knowledge of tho fact that Uio Turk ish government might bo terribly em barrassed by tho proBsuro of Euro pean creditors woro tho United States government to Insist upon certain forms of proenduro in this case. There aro no developments In tho ne gotiations respecting tho exequatur of Dr. Norton, who would bo United States consul at Httrpoot. Tho matter Is otlll ono ot correspondence and tho authorities hero are confident that tho Turkish government will, In tho end, yicm on uun jnoiut. BOLOMEN TO BE HANGED. (ienctul MoArllnir Conllrins ttoutctico 1'n unci! on Filipino. MANILA. DftP. 1.. fSnnnrnl MnnA ir. thill' has confirmed thn Knnlnnon nf hanging passed upon four natives re cently convicteu oi inurdor at Llngay uon. Tho condemned woro mombors of "Guardla dc Honor," a band of us rmwlns whoso vlctimo woro kidnaped ami bolocd. They will bo hanged on Docomber 21. TllD llllll.Vl Hfntntf Ol-lllani- Nnwnrtf undor order to proceed to Qunm to ItlVoatliriltn the r.Irritmnt disaster to tho United States uuxll iary crulsor Yoaomlto, has .not yet SAllotl. Arthur Fcmunon. finernlnrv nf thn Plllllftnlnn rnminlnnlnn 1 mil trnnn in Hour Kong for a short vocation to rocrtill.lilH henUh. whleh h been poor. TltO United Rtntim tv.llinnnrf ana, which, us announced November 17, went ashore on tho' cant side of tho Ieln do Polillo, oft tho cant coast of Luxon, .was successfully floated and nr- rjveu ai uiuangonun sound snort of coal. It transferrin! n Hin T frill ml States transport Pennsylvania tho con tingent oi uio rwemy-Eocond infantry and tho miimllos destined for rtninr. 'and then pro-coded to Nouva Cacoras, on tho lllola river, province of South uninnnnos. Cuily llmitlnc l'nrtv. KDGEMONT. H. D.. Nn SO A in- hunting party passed through this cuy einoiiio to tno uig norn moun tains. Among tho party wore: Colonel u, uouy nnti u. ii. iiaito of Omaha M. 'R. ItllHSnll nf nnnrlurnrwl T 11 O'lhlnu fff Buffalo. Nf. V. SI fnm,,ln' of Shorldnn, Wyo .John Martin of vouy, wyo ami v, n. Pearson and C II. Momill of Lincoln, Neb.. OmtirKlK Oo n Unit Sigurd. WASHINGTON. Doe l Tho on.,. tract with tliu Cnrnccln furnishing n largo quantity of armor plate, utulor tho ngroomont recently uunounceii, was concuuiod nnd Binned totiay, aim u is oxpccton that tho Both lohwn contract for nnnor will bo sign' od tomorrow, Trutii due Into thn Itlver. REAVI3H. Pa., Nov. 28. UUo to- niBltl a Cleveland & Pittsburg llyor went, into mo unio rivor at this place nree uiovoianu men, langlneor Couch oou r. Flrcmun Allon and Express "Mcs Hengcr Cusoy, wero killed, Nineteen others are reported dead and tho. en- uro train is said to be In tho rivor. Culm Cmnpuny OrRiiiiUvil. SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Dec. 1. Sir William Van Homo, with his party loft' Santiago this evening for Clon guoROB, from which point ho will go to Santa Clarti and Havana. Ho ex pects to return hero In Fobrunry. Tho uuua company Is now rully organized and Sir William's son will remain tn Santiago as assistant superintendent of construction. Sir William expressed hliusell as greatly pierced at tho at tltude ot'busluoss nitm hero toward hlR projects for tho Immediate con structlon ot tho Central railroad, DECLARES POfE IS SERIOUSLY ILL. Iter. Father Lncontbe Snj X.ep XIII I Itnpldlr Approaching III Knit. BUFFALO. N. Y.. Nov. 30. A spc- lal from Montreal says: Tho Rev. Father Lacombo. who returned from Rome a short tlmo ago, Is In tho city on his way to his mission field in tho Canadian northwest. When told by a reporter that alarming news had been received from Roma regarding tho popo's condition, father Lacombc said: "Yes, tho end Is very near. Tho holy father's health was very poor when I saw him a few weeks ago. Ho received mo as usual and questioned mo concerning my mission, In which ho seemed to tako a great interest, but I could not help observing that u great change had taken placo since last I saw him. "Ho appeared thin and emaciated nnd his volco had a hollow ring. He was very feeble, so feeblo In fact that ho could not movo about without as sistance. Tho nudlcnco continued for upwards of n quarter ot an hour and nt Its conclusion tho holy father bless ed mo and those whom I might bless on my return. As no loft tho audience chamber I felt that I had seen tho pope for tho last tlmo." TURKEY WILLING TO SETTLE. Imperial Irado Inueil Ordering n Cruiser In the United rltntri. CONSTANTINOPLE. Nov. 30. Tho arrival of tho Unltod Stntes battleship Kentucky at Smyrna has uo shaken up tho pnlaco that Indications nro ac cumulating ot n dcslro to hasten a settlement to tho satisfaction of tho United States. An lrado has been Is sued calling for tho purchase of a crulsor at Philadelphia, tho prlco for which Is to include tho ?90,000 Arme nian Indemnity. This is regarded as a aubtorfugo designed for local con sumption, In order to savo tho face of tho Porto. Novcrtholess It Is now bellovod that Turkoy will llnd tho monoy nnd order a cruiser in tho hope of propitiating tho United States. De spite tho dlsputo tho relations uotwecn tho Unltd Sacs legation and tho porto continue cordial. Future .ookx Dnrk for China. LONDON. Nov. 30. "Tho represen tations of Prlnco Chlng, LI Hung Chang nnd other to tho Chinese court, that tho powers aro dissatisfied and nro threatening action on tho Yang-Tso-Klang to stop supplies," says tho Pokln correspondent of tho Morning Post, wiring Tuesday, "aro reported to bo having an effect, is said that tho court is likely to have measures to moot tho powers. An Amorican corre spondent reports from Pao-Tlng-Fu that 3,000 Germans under General Ket- tler nnd 2,000 French troops undor General Balllaud concentrated there recently for tho winter, with tho lnten- of making frequent expeditions north to punish lioxor villages. Prince uk- tomskl Is In dally conferonco with LI Hung Chang, nnd occasionally moots Prlnco Chlng. Ho regards the outlook ns dark, ovon If tho powers agroe, for, says ho, China may roject the terms, nnd then will como war, robclllon nnd famine Three Crushed In n Ilor Cur. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 30. A dis astrous wrock occurred at Castlo Rock, n fow miles west of Evanston, on the Union Pacific yesterday. A car In a freight train londed with steel rails umped tho trnck and ditched five other cars. ;n Ogden boy named Thomas F. W.hoolwrlght and two un- Kiiowa tramps occupiou uio car tuai first Jumped tho trnck. They -woro sta tioned nt olthor end and when tho crash came thoy woro pinned down by tho ends of tho rails and horribly In jured. Kit can Is Still Suspended. WASHINGTON. Nov. 30. Officials of tho War department deny positively mat uommiBsnry uenornl Eagan, now undor suspension from tho army, has been reinstated. . It Is further said that Gonoral Eagan has filed no formal application to havo hl3 Bentonco set nsldo. It Is understood that Gonoral Eagan might bo reinstated nt any tlmo on condition that ho would ac cept Immediate retirement, but ho has shown no disposition to accede to such arrangement. Uznr Is aitlnlnft Ground. LIVADIA, European Russia. Nov. 29. Tho following bulletin was is- Biiod today by tho czar'B physicians : Tho omporor passed n good day yos- torday.' Ho slept an hour nnd a half. At 9 in tho evening his tcmporature was 98.2;" pulse, 08. Ho slopt fairly well last night. This morning hla majesty's condition and strength nr satisfactory. His tompornturo this morning was UG.l; pulBe, GS. Mrs. I.enso Wnnts Divorce. WICHITA, Kan.. Nov. 29. Mary Ellon Leaso, tho well known populist orator, who supported tho republican ticket during tho lato campaign, will this weok institute proceedings for dl vorco from her husband. Charles E LonBo. Sho will charg'o incompatibility nnd failure to provide. Tho couplo havo not lived together for thrco years. Mrs, Leaso Is now engaged In nowsp por work In New York. (Irrnuius Trnnsfrf Trmsuro. NEW YORK. Nov. 29. It Is roportod hero from Pokln that tho Germans hnvo boarded a Chinese vo3sol and do manded treasure conslgnod to nn Eng llsh company at Tlon Tsln. As thw boxes of troasuro had been landed, tho Gormnns could not got them. They then hoisted tho German flag on the Yesosl nnd confiscated its cargo. Kiprct Trouble Ht Tunp.-i. TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 30. A commu nication was handed the sheriff Blgnod by tho leading manufacturers of tho city saying thoy had good cnuso to anticipate an nttompt to interfere with their business. Thoy said that tho city was unablo to afford them protection and demanded protection from tho stato authorities for thoir nronorty and tho right to continuo thoir business without molestation, The state mllltla aro now ready to movo here on a moment's notice. MANY DROP TO DEATH1 Sovcnty-Five Porssns Crash Through tho Roof of Glas3 Works. TEN KILLED AND FIFTY INJURED Ulsnbled Victims It out on Furnaces In Sight of 1'rlcnds Itoof Gives Wny Undor Pressure It Was Not llullt to Withstand. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 30. By tho collapso of the roof of tho San Fran cisco and Pacific glass works nt Fif teenth nnd Bryant streets about Blxty persons -wero moro or less Injured, some of them fatally. At 3:15 o'clock tho number of doad was reported ns ton. Tho victims wero watching tho foot ball gamo between the Stanford and University of California tenms when tho roof beneath them gavo way, pre cipitating thom to tho floor of tho fac tory. Some of thom fell upon tho fur naces and ono man of unknown iden tity was burned almost to n crisp. Tho crash of tho falling roof was heard a great dlstanco away and thousands of people hurried to tho scene. Mes sages wero sent to tho city receiving hospital and tho morgue nnd all the avallablo ambulnnces wero hurried to tho spot. At tho Central receiving hospital at 1 o'clock flvo of tho Injured had been received. At tho time of tho accident thoro was but ono doctor on duty at tho hospital and ho was totally unablo to attend tho cases at they camo In. A summons was sent out Immediately calling upon doctors in tho neighbor hood to como and rondor assistance. Owing to tho confusion existing nt that tlmo tho namo of but ono of tho Injured hns been learned. That one was Al Essmann, who wna frightfully cut about tho head and face. The crowd was gathered upon tho roof of a building directly over tho furnaces of the glass works. When tho roof collapsed ovry occupant was precipitated upon the heated top nnd rolled off. Fully forty wero injured, nearly all of thom sorlously. Seven of tho dead aro boys ranging In ngo from ten to fifteen years. They wero found lying In a row nnd most of them were badly mangled. Thoro woro at least 200 peoplo on tho roof when It collapscd,and of these at loast sixty went down. Thoso who woro fortunate enough to bo on a solid section of tho building scurried ddwri and helped remove tho injured. Tho heat around tho furnaces was so great, howovor, thnt to many no assistance could bo rendered and they Blowly roasted to death. Not 200 yards away woro 20,000 peoplo watching tho foot ball gamo and when tho news became known thero was lntonso excitement among them. Tho ushers went through tho crowd calling for doctors nnd many surgeons hurriedly loft the game. Tho living victims from tho disaster woro taken to various hospi tals. Tho Southern Pacific hospital, within two blocks of tho glass works, was soon overcrowded nnd many wounded had to bo turned away. Thoy woro hurried to St. Luke's, the city revolving hospital and nearby drugstores. So scattered nro they among tho various institutions that it is impossible to toll exactly how many wero hurt or how seriously thoy wero Injured. Tho coroner did not havo enough wagons to r.omovo tho dead and they woro takon away In express wagons. Mnny elegant prlvnto carriages woro waiting outsldo tho foot ball grounds and they wero pressed Into sorvlco to tako nwny tho wounded. A high fonce surrounds tho glnss works grounds and thousands of peoplo attempted to got inside Thoy woro restrained with difficulty by a largo force of pollco. Unltod States Further Criticized. BERLIN, Nov. 30. Tho papers this evening resume thoir criticism ot tho courso of tho United States govern ment, based upon tho latest news from Washington. Tho Borllnor Neueste Nnchrlchten says: "Tho United. States, with Russia, Is China's chief defend er." Tho Frclslnnlgo Zoltung lnfors from Ambassador White's visit ao tho foreign offlco nnd Dr. Von Holloben's call upon President McKlnley nnd See retary Hay that serious differences of opinion exist between tho Unltod States and Germany. Ambassador Whlto rc-aasertcd today that in his recent Interview with tho secretary of foreign affairs, Bnron Von Rlchhofon, ho did not preEent tho now Amorican noto, but only mado Informal sugges tions which did not require nn nnswor. Ho doubts that Germany will give an answer to thoso suggestions. His lu- Bructlons from Washington, directing him to seek tho Inervlow with tho for eign secretnry, wero not, ho says, a repetition of tho Congor Instructions. CtuU Vorest I.nndB Withdrawn. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. Commis sioner Hermann of tho gonoral land of flco has ordered the withdrawal from public entry of 250,000, acres of va cant, unappropriated public domnln In Utah, that constitutes tho watershed, from which tho domestic water Bupply of Salt Lako City is derived. Tho ac tlon is takon with a view to reserving land permanently for forestry pur poses. (lold Mluo Trust l'ormod. LONDON, Nov. 30. The Dally Ex press this morning publishes a rumor that u gigantic gold mlno trust hns boon formed, Including Messrs. John I). Rockefollor. Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Belt and Joseph Bonjamln Robinson. l'unernl ot Hemitor Davis. ST. PAUL, Nov. 30. Tho stream of sympathetic messages and callers is uninterrupted today at tho late homo of Cushmnn K. Davis. All arrnngo montfl hnvo been completed for tho fu neral, which will bo a quiet ono nt 11 o'clock Saturday morning at tho fam lly residence. James J. Hill, Judgo waiter II. Sanborn, Judgo Charlos E. Flandrau, former Governor John O, Plllsbury, former Senator W, D. WaBh burn, Hon. Samuel R. Thayer, Minne apolis, E. W. Peet and District At torney Robert G. Evans will act aa pall bearers. THE POPULATION OF NEBRASKA: Itcturns by Counties tlveu Out by"tlie ' . Census Unrein. WASHINGTON, Dec. li The popu- latlon of Nebraska, as officially an nounced, Is 1,009,539, against 1,058,910 hi 1890. Thi3 Is nn Increase slnco 1890 of 9,029, or 9 per cent. Tho pop ulation In 1880 was 452,402, showing an Increase of 000,508. or 134.0 per cent, from 1880 to 1890. The popula tion by counties follows: 1D05. 1SHO. 15S0. AdnttlH 18.810 24.303 10.235 Antclopo 11,314 10,3!9 3,(03 nnnner i,nt 2,435 lllulno , cos 1.1IG ..... llootio 11.GS9 8,683 4,i;0 Hox Uutto ,...T,52 5,491 lloyd 7,332 695 ..... . lirown , 3,470 4,353 UttlTulo 20,25 1 22,162 7,531 Hurt 13,010 11,009 C.;37 JHltlur i 15.703 15.451 9.194 Cuss 21,320 2I.0M) 1H.6S3' Cedar 12,47 7.02S 2,t99 Chaso 2,559 4.S07 70 Cherry , C.C41 ,42S Chcyenno 5,570 5,693 1,558 Clay 15,735 16,310 11,291 Colfax 11,211 10,45.1 0,58 Cuming 1I.5S4 12,205 5,569 Custer 19,758 111,077 2,211 JJilKOlll ,, o,zU Dawes .'. V.21G 9,722 ..... UftWBOn , 12.214 10,129 2,909 Deuel Z.1C3 2,93 Dixon 10,635 fi.CS I 4,177 DodKo 22,298 19,200 11,263 DoilKlns 110.590 158.008 37.CI5 Dundy 2,431 '4,012 ' 37 JMlimoro 15.0S7 16,022 10,204 Franklin , 9.455 7,693 5,405 Frontier 8,781 8,497 931 Furnas 12,373 9,840 6,407 Oano SQ.051 36,344 13,161 Gnrllcld '2.127 i.r.'.n Oosper 5"01 4,810 1,673 urnnt 763 458 Orecley 5.C91 4.S69 1,401 Hall 17,206 16,613 8,5,2 Hamilton 13,310 14,090 8.267 Harlan 9,370 8158 6,080 Hayes 2,708 3,953 119 Hitchcock jt. 1,409 ' 5,799 1,012 Holt (.,....v,.t 12,221 13,672 3.2S7 Hooker , 432 426 Howard lO.rtin 9.4:m 4.s9t JeffCTHon 15,190 14,852 8,(00 Johnson 11.197 10.333 7,595 jvcarnoy i,hG(J 9,061 4,072 Kcltll 1,951 2,556 191 Keya 1'nlm 3,076 3,9.'0 Klmbnll 758 959 Knox 14,313 8,582 3,660 Lancaster 01,835 76,395 28,090 Lincoln ir,4to 10,411 t5,c32 Logan; 960 1,378 Loup 1,305 1,;2 McPherson 617 401 Madison 16,976 13,669 5.5S9 Merrick 9,255 8,758 5,311 Nnnce 8,222 6,773 1,212 Nemaha 14,952" 12,920 10,451 Nuckolls 12,414 11,417 4,235 Otoo , 22.2S8 25,403 15.727 Pawnee .-..i 11,770 10,310 6,920 Perkins- :.; 1,702 4,361 Pliolps 10,772 9,869 2,417 Phelps , 10.772 9,869 2,447 Plntto 17.747 1S.4S7 9.511 I'olk 10,512 10,817 6,810 neu W'lllOW 9,(iU4 8,817 3,014 ItichnrdBon 19.611 17,571 15,031 Hock 2,809 3,083 Snllno 1S.252 20,097 14,191 Sarpy '., 9.0S0 0,875. 4,181 Saunders 22.085 21,577 3 5.S10 Scolts IJluff 2,553 1.8SS Howard 15.CM Hl.140 11.147 Sheridan 0,033 S.68,- Nhormnn r. 0,550 0,343 2,061 Sioux 2,055 2,453 099 Stanton C.959 4,619 1,813 'flmycr 14,325 12.73S 6,113 Thomas 2S 517 Thurston , 8,750 2,170 109 Valley 7,3.59 7,092 2,321 Washington 13,080 n,k69 8,031 Wayno 9,802 0,109 S13 Webster 11,519 11,210 7,104 Whoclcr 1,302 1,683 64 1 orit 18,205 .17,279 11,1. J Nebraska' Groat Hurplua. LINCOLN, Deo, 1. Figures com piled by the Stnto Bureau of Statistics show that the surplus products ex ported from Nebraska during tho last calendar year amounted In value to $173,849,207. Following aro tho fig ures: Kind: Amount. Value. Horses and mules, hd 50,370 t 2.014,800 Cattlo, head 698,181 32,811.507 Hogs, lifod 2,213.912 27,673,900 Sheep, " head 737,357 2,580,750 Mixed stock, head 81.57S 1,713,138 Packing .,. housa pro- 1 ducts, polutds ;70i,620.165 ri2;839,462 Wheat, bushels 21,852.019 1 2.018,650 Corn, bushels 77.774. CS.1 ir,.O70.10r, Oata. bushels 17,690 315 2.814.155 imriey, bushels 450,143 398,376 Ityo, bushels 1.2I9.S15 471,929 Hay, tons 92,905 603,882 Klnx, bushels.. 950,071 975,173 Flour, pounds j, S0,M2,753 1,737,255 Other mill proddctsft i.., 4 . ,f' pounds .l;299,000 ' 531,712 drain, not clnssIflefl,'B , bushels .31.778 . ,0,433 Llvo poultry, coops.... t 211,015. .1,81(1,643 Dressed poultry, lbs... 1.B98.012 137.840 Kgs, teases .."lW,-.i 467,803 1,403,409, llUltcr, pounds ., 20,495,478 3,698,180 Cream,, pounds 4.418,850 J353,508 'Biigar-oeoiH, ,ionB...,T."w 3Z,3uy ' 1S3.4.H, Strawberries, cases .. 3,107 7,08 Orapes, baskets ...... 9,820 - 1,669 Apples, barrels .765 J.912 Peaches, enscs , 480 432 Ulack nnd red rasp- berries, cases , 1,011 1,561 Cherries, enses .., 4,476 . 7,833 I'-ruIt, pounds l. 2,375.033 ' 63,438 'Cooperage, pounds .... 1.750.8S0 .35.137 Onnio, pounds 225,955 22,595 Fur, pounds 12,909 4,647 Potatoes, bushels ...... 271,500 81,450 Honey, pounds ' 3,685 36S Fleh, pounds 2,939 293 Wood, cars 290 18,140 Cold 2,S$;6,F60 Silver 4,731,98 Ice, cars 611 32.050 Ilrlclt, thousands 28.M7 214.177 Hand nnd gravel, cars j2.781 , ' i 20,7f6 Hides, pounds 28,570,833' 2.571,374 Celery , .907,183 36,287 vegetables, pounds .. - 148,793 1,487. uroom corn, ions .... 1.Z7I 8S.970 Hrooms, dozens ,. 44,315 155,102 Stone, cars 6,305 116,612 Hcer, kega 27,343 55,086 Lime, cars 19 2,796 Straw, tons 780 3,020 Millet, tons 30 Hemp, llolfrtds .;..".rr.-?06,8S5 - .-......-jiv Wool, pounds HO.OSTi 14,861 Feathers, pounds 1,714 857 Hread, pounds 20,791 727 Vitriol, pounds 1.785.30O fis.211 Alcohol, pounds 72.SOO 18.750 Syrup, pounds 159,300 2,800 Oil meal, pounds ...... 190,000 5,4iJ Oil. pounds 54,000 2.100 Spirits 12,500 Iron 11.200 Miscellaneous, lbs .... 85,417,480 1,222,320 Totals , $173,810,207 Child Kuts etrychnlnf. NORFOLK, Ncb.Dec; 1. A four-year-old daughter of Fred Lab, living west of town, In searching for some thing to oat got hold of nnd nte some strychnlno which was kept to poison rats. ' THintor AccUl'iilnUy Hliot. ALDION, Nob., Dec, 1, Captain Fred J. Mack, Company M, Nebraska National uuanis, was snot by. a-com rndo whllo skirmishing far quail and rabbits. Part of tho shot took effect in his, neck and hand. His inju ries nro ncv serious, but it was a very narrow escape. , Oniilmd hy Waffon WlixeU. IIUSIIVILLE, Nob., Dec. 1. A man named Jackson waa killed on tho road between this placo and Pino Rldgo. He was engaged in freighting coal to tho agency and fell from his load, tho wheels passing over his body, kill ing him instantly. ft HIE GONGU. 0R;TCXT . 1 A Stato Department Wishes toNKnow What Was Agreed at Pokln. POWERS MAY MODIfY OR REJECT Meanwhile, tho American Consuls Aro Collecting itatnnges for MUalont by Lets Diplomatic, but by Moro Direct Methods, WASHINGTON.' NOV.; 20.:-Ihe stato department cabled Minister Conger ti forward ,thp ttxjt ot ' the agreement reached' by tho ioreign ministers at Pokln. Mcanwhilo ho will wlthhourhls signature until the president has had an opportunity to satisfy himself ns to this Important document and to make such changes as will bring it In accord with our policy. It is safo to predict that this particular ngroomont will not -become effective in its pros ent shape. It appears that upon inquiry directed to tho powers themselves their ministers at Pekin have not correctly reflected their present views as to tho basis of' the peace negotiations. This statement ccrtainlv is tme ns to a ma jority of tho powers.lntorcste'd, and tho fact is regarded aa warranting the pre diction that tho agreement must be modified or abandoned. It Is learned nt tho state depart ment that whilo thoso negotiations aro dragging nlone at Pekin somo of tho American consuls In China aro achiev ing gool results by Individual efforts. Thoy aro Interesting thomsolvcs In cases' appealing directly to tho viceroys of tho 'great provinces, whoro American property and missionaries havo Buffer ed, to procuro Indomnlty and repara tion, and in most cases thoy aro suc ceeding very well. II Is surmised from tho latest Chlneso advices that tho English consuls aro doing likewise, nnd aro collecting many claims, and. tho money&.aro-uelng .turned over tothe mission interests -wfiloh ' suffered. It this movement continues Jt Is entirely possible that nelthor the United States norOreat Britain will bo obliged to concern 'tiremselvcs" with tho prosecu tion of individual claims for Indemnity through tho slow moving agencies, at Pokln. TAKE ALL Of BANK'S MONEY. Robbers lllnd Citizen and Allow lllm to See tho .Job Donu. EMDEN, 111., Nov. 29. Four masked men wrecked tho Farmers' Dank of Em- den early today. It Is stated that thoy socured nil tha funds of tho bank, be tween ?3,090 and $4,000. When tho robbers discharged their first blasts of dynamite in an effort to open tho vault, tho explosion aroused a citizen, John Alberts; four blocks away. Alberts hurried to tho bank. Ono of the robbers wna on guard in tho street. Ho seized , AlbertB, who was bound hand and foot nnd dragged Into tho bank, where ho witnessed the gang drilling Into tho vault door, making ready a second blast, Whon tho fuso was lighted tho robbors stopped outside nnd loft Alberts lying in tho corner when it went off. 'He was not seriously Injured, however. The second blast un hinged the doors and tho: robbers mado off -with all tho cash. Securing a hand car, they pulled In tho direction of tho Delavan. There they were met by Night Patrolman Sanford, who attempted to nrrest them. Ono ot thq robbors fired and Sanford fell, mortally wounded through the body. Outsldo tho town tho men boarded a passenger, train on tho Chlcngo & Alton. All traces of them woro lost. Tho engineer ot tho passen ger train claims that he saw a man Jump from tho first car. near Mlnler, whllo tho train wa3 moving at a high speed, but a search s.of tho locality failed to show anv'traces of tho man. ' TliQ 'bank building was almost p. complete wrecic anu tno vault wub en tirely ruined. H0LD1SESSI0N ON'SUGAR BEET. Foreign Nation to Attempt Another Con ference at HrriMeW. PARIS, Nov. 29. The rocont confer onco between tho powers concerned as- , sure the reassembling of tho sugar beet conferonco at Brussels. Tho last con ference came to naught on. account of the stand taken by Russian and France. It Is believed these difficul ties havo been eliminated, , Tho new conference, tho object of which is the abolition of tho sugar bounties, is likely to hayo deflnlto results. Four Uoy Are Killed. WELLSBURO, W. Va,,, Nov. 29. Four boys woro killed and fifteen or twenty Injured by nn explosion of nl-tro-glycorlne today. A party of boys, gathered to look at tho high river, built a bonflrj of driftwood on tho river bank. Ono of thom caught an unopened tin can floating on tho water and throw It into tho flro. It contained nltro-glycorino and Its explosion killed Herman FIndley, aged 14; Rollns Flndley, 12( nnd William Shrlver, aged 15, and another, namo; unknown. llittlibnnii Ii Optimistic. HAVANA,' Nov. 29. The impression provnlls that ex-Director of Posts Rathbono will: not fnre badly In hla coming trljU,.;ind ho has recently ex pressed his, belief that ho'will bq fully exonerated: Ho has evn intlmatod that In such "an event ho will expect reinstatement. Tho Spanish law, un der which tho trial Is to bo conducted, commands tho reinstatement of officials charged with crlmo against whom tho stnto falls to mako out a caso or con viction. Ito'cri Wot Yet Conquered. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 29, A special to tho Star from Lawrorico, Kan., says: John Williams of Lawrence returned homo after a year's sorvlco In the Boor army, -Williams went from Lawronco with Ernest CrUs, formerly u membor'ot the .Twentieth Kansas regiment; They "were together, during that time and Williams says, thoy en Joyed tho sorvlco, which waa without restraint ot military rule. Ho de clares tho Boers havo plenty of mon oy and provisions stored to last a long time nnd does not boliove the way will end for at least a year. t