The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 04, 1900, Image 1

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JMr flat te
' ' if
NO. 90
Iiicreasitig Business, Have
You Noticed That
It lias and it's our low prices that docs it. We arc
giving1 the public prices on our line of goods that
can't be equaled in western Nebraska. We arc at
present over stocked on
Bed Room Suits,
That we arc letting go at 20 per cent oft" the regular
price. That means 40 per cent less than you can
buy any place else. We have a beautiful line of1
Combination Book Cases and
Ladies Writing Desks
that we are selling at prices within reach of all. A
swell line of couches at reduced prices. Now is the
time to have your pictures framed. Remember we
save vou at least SO per cent on your frames. Our
1 nc of furniture is the most complete in North
Platte. Come in and get our prices.
A fine line of undertaking goods. A good
hearse in connection. Mail and telegraph
orders promptly attended to.
,rLcL O-xaira.
Yards and Elevators at
North Platto, Neb., ,
Sutherland, Neb., "
Julesburg, Colorado. .
(0. F. IDDINQS.)
Manufacturer of
-Order bjrs telephone from Newton's Book Store.
Allen's Talcum Powder
Regular Price "250,
Our Price this week
"Pasteur Vaccine"
Wmi1v2 000 000 successfully treated in II. S. and, Canada during the laat 5 years.
iJlSV with full particular., official endorsement.
and testimonials sent fUBn on appiicauon.
Pasteur Vaccine Co., cnicaao.
SELLlNO AGENTS i Live Stock Vaealne & Medkin Co., Denver, Cole.
For Sale by A. F. Streitfc.
THE Viva fW f lOttf
rrT 'tv v;v TOW I
is the
on which is
built the
fame of the
rcilllllglUll Typewriter
Wyckoff, Seamans
1019 FAItNAM
& Weingand.
-, Coal
& Benedict, 327 Broadway, N.Y. J
Oahaa Itch at Oraad Xaland.
A special from Grand Island to
the Dee dated Dec 2d says: As a
result of a mcctingof the phjstc!ana
of the city in conjunction with the
Doard of Health the physicians
visited the Occidental hotel, a$l-a-
day house in this city, and ex
amined the cases of what is
commonly termed an itch. The
physicians, or rather ten of them,
over their signatures reported to
the mayor "that we find the
patients suffering slightly from a
contagious eruptive disease which
simulates small-pox in some degree,
but in our opinion the symptoms
arc not characteristic of this
disease. At the present time we
do not believe it dangerous to life
and it is not of bo serious a nature
as to confine many patieutB to
their rooms. Yet on account of Kb
contagious nature and a possibility
of a more serious condition develop.
ing in the future we recommend a
careful isolation of all cases that
may hereafter be discovered. Dut
we do not believe an absolute quar
antine necessary." One physician
makes a minority report to the
effect that the disease is simply the
A Warm, Dry Tear.
The year 1900, eleven months of
which hive now passed, has been a
particularly warm and dry one.
The records of the local weather
bureau shows that the accumulated
excess of temperature since Jan
uary 1st has been 1,147 degrees, aB
compared with the average for
twenty-seyeti years past. The
precipitation during the eleven
months has been very light, the de
ficiency since January 1st being
4,78 inches as compared with the
average for the period above given.
Last month the precipitation was
but nine one-hundredthB of ad inch
which -with , the, exception of 1894 J
ana oot, is me ugnicsi or any ,
November siuce tne cstaonsiiment
uf the station in 1874.
Tie Deadly Cora Stalks.
Cattle in the vicinity of Callaway '
are reported as dying in great ,
numbers from the effectstof eating
cornstalks, A ranchman a few
miles cast of that place hauled two
loads ot bbock fodder to his cattle
and in less than an hour twenty
five of them were lying dead in the
corral. Paul Syerson, a prosperous
farmer living a few miles wett of
Callaway, lost fourteen head in one
day by turning them into a Btalk
field. Others report losses of from
three to seven head from the same
cause. A few horses have died.
There appears to be nothing that
A'lll cure the animals when they
ire once taken with the disease.
Two Antelope Witk one Shot.
Ed Brott, of Trognitz precinct,
was out, hunting antelope the
latter part of last week and broke
the record in Cheyenne county by
killing two antelope with one shot.
The two animals were running
side by side and the rifle bullet
which was 38-calibre, struck the
first one in the neck, going clear
through and striking its companion
in such a way that it cut its throat,
Both animals fell within a short
distance of each other. If there
are any sportsmen in the county
that ran beat this we would like to
hear from them, Sidney Tele
graph. Mortgage Record.
The mortgage record in the
.'ounty clerk's office show the fol
lowing transactions tor the month
if November:
Farm mortgages filed $3,404.13,
satisfied $8,963,11.
City mortgages filed $5,924.15,
atisfied $11,738.45.
Chattel mortgages filed $84,695.01,
satisfied $13,165 28.
During the month ten of the
battel mortgages filed represented
$53,000 and were given to secure
noncy joancd on cattle.
K. A. Calling, a well known real
tent of Brady, was married last
Wednesday to Agnes C, Sholuud
I Gothenburg, the ceremony
raking place in Omaha.
o .... w4 DpmI,. 1.11 i.:nrjvWxi
-mdly squeezed last week by get -
ling It caught In a hay press.
The country schools up this way
have all resumed after a few days
lay-off for Thanksgiving.
J. L, Stricklcr recently shipped a
car load ot various articles from
Hershey to his new location in
Adams county.
A gentleman by the name of Ire
land, from Moorcflcld, was purchas
ing horses up this way last week
when he could get them cheap.
W. L. DrowuHcld lost n line
work horse the other day from
J. V. Robinson has been creeling
new Btablcs for his stock lately.
J. D. Toilliou, Jr., is attending
to the Nichols creamery during Mr.
Gygcr's absence.
W. R. Drooks lost a fine brood
mare with inflamalionof.thc bowels
one day last week.
Steve Albro who has rented the
Ferguson farm for the coming year
will take possession ol the same
March 1st.
Al Deckclt shelled several hun
dred bushclt. of corn for J. 13. Toil-
lion, jr., last week.
A new street lamp now adorns the
south side ot the Hershey depot.
W. T. Wilcox of the county seat,
was a Hershey visitor on business
last Friday evening.
Miss Jennie Ware returned to
North Platte Sunday where she re
sumed her duties as teacher.
Oscar Goodwin left Saturday
night for a visit with friends in
Grand Island.
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler HollingB-
worth arc rejoicing over the advent
of a new daughter at their home at
Rev. 'Evans of Hershey, is hav
ing a siege of the grip at this time
Al. Tift and crew are loading
hay from the south side at Nichols.
A,. A. Leister is slowly recovering
from his recent accident.
i .Mrs4 Emma Ross, baa returned
to ncr nome in winterBet, Iowa,
after a short visit with relatives
the vnllpr
Merchant G. W. Drown of Her-
shev, ate Thanksgiving dinner
with his son Walter and family at
me section crews up this way
have been reduced to one man in
addition to the foreman.
At a special meeting of the Loyal
Mystic Legion, held -at Hershey
last Friday night, fouiteen partien
were elected to join that order at
the next regular meeting, which
will make seventeen new members
to join at that time.
Everett Ware was initiated into
the secrets of the M, W. A. order
at Hershey Saturday evening,
beeberger & Co. have been
putting Home much needed rcpaiit-
on their stables at Hershey,
Mrs. E. C. McCord and daughter
Mabel went over to Elsie the last
of the week with a load of onions
J. C. Gyger, of the NIcIioIb cream
ery, and H. E, Lindstrom went to
Julesburg Saturday. They will
return this week with a herd ol
cows belonging to Mr. Gyger.
Another change has been mad
in night operators at Hershey.
Congressman Win. Neville', who
is in high Bpirits bee nine, by the
skin of his teeth, he barely escaped
being politically buticd by the ava
lanche of republican votes in the
Sixth district, seeks to console his
fusion friends by assuring them
that next year all the western
counties that went republican t'
year will slide buck into the fusion
camp, and give them all the county
offices, as they have been doing the
past ten years. Such truck may
have the desired effect upon the
drooping spirits of the ItiaionUts
for the time being, but if. we do
not miss our guess, they will learn
to tneir sorrow, atler llic voles are
counted next November, that Ne
ville is no better prophet tlun was
their William Jennings Bryan
whose prophecies helped to any
meut their defeat in nearly tvery
county and state In the union north
of Mason ami Dixon h Hue. 'J lu
facts arc the part of the people who
haye been fooled ho long by pro
fessionf 1 reformers have regained
their senves, and will not soon be
aM8Ul b aJ "orcnot ,,clr, i:falti'
jf pretenses, -Custer Co. Republican
inuu DntTT jo. nr
I Real Estate, Loans m Insurance
tVIt-otox'oxxooi-Jkjarw HhhIi, lax 3VoTox-h1k...
A Stove
it is always
cold weather. When, you are up against a
blizzard, it is not always easy to hayo a 3
stove set up. They are cheap if you "vbuy p
2 Acorn Stoves and Ranges ' "
The Genuine Round Oak. " Vv g
The finest line of
s T IO
While going over a high grade
with a traction engine last week
near Sargent. Phil Sargent got too
near the edge of a canyon, and the
earth slipped from under the wheels
and sent the engine headfirst to
the bottom. The engineer and
conductor lumped olf, but the
machine was badly wrecked.
Callaway Courier.
The story of the two Omaha
people .who have discovered that
they arc heirs' to 'some millions 'of
dollars now lied up t die English
royal treasury has a very familiar
sound, Indeed, it is so familiar
that one may reasonably doubt if
they would be able to negotiate a
$2 loan on the Btrength of their ex
pectations, -Chicago Post,
Although the picsent high value
of covcrnmcht bonds is due to the
demand for them to be used as
security for bank. circulation, it is,
nevertheless, a circumstance that
stirs the pride of American citizens
to see their national securities sell
lar t lift awiiy above those of any
oilier nation. A 2 per cent United
Stales bond is worth 105 j cents on
the dollar, while a British con bo!
Hint nays 24 percent annaul inter
est, may tie bought for lc6s than
par. The credit ot the United
States before the world stands so
high today that no other nation
tan be mentioned in the same
class. Kansas City Star,
If a Woman l
wants to put out a fire sho doesn't
heap on oil and wood. She throws
on water.knowlngthat waterquenches
fire. When a woman wants lo get
well from diseases peculiar to her sex,
she should not add fuel to the (Ire
already burning her life away. She
should not take worthless drugs and
potions composed of harmful narcot
ics and opiates. They do not check
the disease- they do not curelt they
simply add fuel to the (Ire.
tsraaiieid's female
Regulator should be
taken by every woman
or girl who has the
slightest suspicion of
any ot tne nil.
menu which af
flict women.
They will simply
be wasting time X
nn.ll .h.iu ,a1r f W
The Regulator Is
n puriCyinK,
strong theninK
.tunic, which fets
'at the roots of the
disease and cures
tliocautc, Itdoesnotdrujf
the pain, It eradicates it.
HfttopsfnlllnKof the womb,
leucorrhca. Inflammation
and periodical suffering, lr
rcKiilar, scanty or painful
menstruations and by doing
nil this drives away tho
hundred and ono aches and
pains which drain health
and beauty, happiness and
Kood temper from many a
womnn's life. It in tho ono
remedy above all others
which every woman should
know about and use.
1.00 per bottle
ut unjr (true star,
Srml for our free
Uluitrutt'd book.
The Wradfietd
Regulator Co,
Atlanta, Gd.
T' r-
well to bo nronardd for
Heaters in the city. 3
The Hardware man that
no - onoowes. 5t
October's commercial. record out.
shines that of any month in com
pleted calanders, reachinn an ex
port total of over $1G3,000,000. If
mai rate were kept 'up for the
year it would aggregate' nrettv
nearly $2,000,000,009, and it affords
one among many other reasons
why Bryan's tale of woe about, the
calamities pf tlc coutry produced
so little effect on his. .harcrs.
New York Tribune. ''
It Is reported 'that (hn I?ofthern
racmc road will substitute tho tel.
phone for the teleirranh in.titr
operation of Its business. ."The.'
rekult of this.changc.will . nrobabl.v:
t.-i -i , . . . . .-
uo 'ocjy waiciica oy; other roads;
St. Iiqke's fflilitapy -Academy
This school has rccentlv 1111!"!!
reorganized and placed in cbame
of Arch den
. iiiwi v. W IIUOU
scholastic attainments are well and
favorably known in manv nortirina
of the United States. ,Ilerc. S the
oppprtuoity fpr parents, to'prpcurq
ior uitr children a good, whole
some, sound and nil
7 ..Ul VM(U WU"
ucation." '
Terms reasonable. "'The nr-xt
term commences Jahuj?rv 17th,
1901, and arranuetneiitn rhn ir
mand by which pupils may enter
at; once, or at any time, For fur
ther information address
Archdeacon Atmoue,
Principal, .
iicaniey, Nebraska.
References: Rev. G. A. Deed er,
North Platte; Hon JbhVi I. RedidC
Kearney, Nebraska.
Get in line with the host
judges of cigarH by making- your
purchancs at Henry Waltc
niatirs. We have a great va
riety of Cigars Key West, Clear
Havana and DoineHtic but no
poor ones. For a good smoke we
recommend any of our many