yTs . ... CHRISTMAS GOODS. I r a; NICE CARVING SET t is one of the useful presents for a Wedding or Uhristnias gilt. We $ have a good assortment ,fX to choose from. WHEN.SELECTING A PRESENT - 8 . . for a Gentleman you would like, something. S useful a good Fpun- k tain Pen is just the ar- g g tide. We hauc the eel- & r cr "cbratcd Parta' (Luckv 8 vurve pen guaruuiuvu g satisfaction or your g moneyr back.r Call and- X see our big line of Hon- day "Goods CLINTON, The Jeweler, FRIDAY, NOV. 30, 1900. On the Half Shell. Owing" to the nuliiication of the Union- Pacific local 'yesterday, Qunpatcnt sheets failed to reach" us today and we arc compelled to go- to press with but four pagesi' 'This we regret, but it is unavoidable, and the loss of read ing matte fjn this issue will be fully made up in future issues, ' ' Ward Schools Will Open Monday. The health, cpndtyions, in the dty;arc now sucli that danger of exposure has passed, no lurther . , .spread of the disease is anticipa ted. The board of education has therefore concluded to rq-open the schools and Ward requested to annouVice" that all the schools with the exception of the high 'school ;deharthient 'oil Front street will resume ncxtMonday ! tinpniirig at thcius.uaVhdur. Par ents? and pupils ,(yy) govern ' themselves accordingly. "Will Vdllmcr spent yesterday in Heshey-ias he guest of E, F. Secberger.Q ' . . ,, James Dowd .has been off duty for several days owing to' a severe attack of quinsy. Perry Heath, R. C. Kerens ' i iand rjthcrwell known nublic mon and capitalists, were passengers on no. iui 'weunesuay cnrouic to Salt. Lake, to arrange prelim inaries in the new railroad to be built from that point to Los 7j Angeles. We learn frpm the Sutherland Free Lance" that John.Keith and ,V J. H. Absliirc unloaded 1,500 . sheen at that olacc last Satui dav and will range them south of the river. They av e buildincr sh'cds and will nrobablv iro into the . sliegp jusines,s, permanently. 1 ., jcprge Mcjdichelj whq had . been attending the Northwestern University at Chicago and was Htricken with typhoid fever, re- : turned home Wednesday to '.. recunorate. He lost about thirtv pounds during his sickness and therefore Jooks "peaked," but he . will undoubtedly soon; regain his . usual weiifni uimcr nomc care and this fine Nebraska climate. , mortality among stock thin last year that has proved a source of considgVftljLle dangecto the stock raisers'. ' The: hog disease lias been ravaging the farmers pens. The pink-eye has caused the death- of numerous horscfi and uhbof and mouth" disease has .A debilitated cattle and now the i" '.A 11 1 .1 II coin siaut iias proven ueauiy. This must be an "off" year. Sutherland Free Lance, Sjdneyhaf, a case of small-pox and .cp.njijderable' alar in is felt hy hp inhahitants. 'A tramp driftoil' Ulto the town from the nprth last Wednesday with the disease- well broken out, He hung around town for awhile subjecting a number of people to exposure and vas finally corralled. . An cf fortrwas:made to sliip hih but of town but the station agent re fused to sell a ticket for his transportation. Royal ABSOJLUIEfY'PURE Mokes the food more ovt hbw Wm. 3. Fatterion Deal. ( William J. Patterson died at his home iti tills citynjt 8:55 this morn ing, after a protracted illness due to kidney trouble and rhciimatism. For a week or ten days he had been in a critical condition, and his death was not unexpected. , W. J. Patterson was born In Paisley, Scotland, October 10th, 182(j. was married m thatcountry and two sonp, Thomas and Robert, born there. In 1852 the family came to this country, locating at Patterson, N. J1., thence moving to Chicago and later to Joliet. In 1867 the family came tb North Platte. Upon his arrival here Mr. Pattemoti went to work 'in the Union Pacific black, smith shop, and for some time was foreman of the shoo. Later he quit the employ of the company and built a shop ot , the site now occut pied by the Hotel NevUle, and afterwards conducted a shop in the rear of his premises. Eight or ten years ago he retired from active work. , The deceased was a charter mem ber of Platte Valley lodge of Masons which was originally or ganized at Ft, McPhecson in the early days and later removed its Lheadquarterst to this city. .He was also a communicant of the Episco pal church, Mr. Patterson is survived by a w.ife and six, sous, all of whom w.ere, present at the, time of death. He was conscious to the last and his passing away was peaceful. Mr. Patterson was a good citizen and ever held in the highest esteem by all acquaintances. The passing away of "Uncle Billy" Patterson, as be was familiarly called, is deiply regretted by all and to the family the sympathy of our people go forth. The fuueral will be held from the Episcopal church Sunday afternoon at two o'clock, the Masons to have charge ot the services at the ceme tery. T.M. O.A.XTOTBS Membership committee thanks the gentlemen renewing their inetn bership and others joining duripg the mouth of November, making it possibla lot the payment of all bills. There were twenty-four persons whose membership expired during the month and twenty-four others expiring during December. Should they renew, proniptly they would put the North Platte asso ciation in fine condition. The paraphanalia for the gym nasium will soon be here. As soon as the croquet balls are secured, the table will be finished, adding to the social room another fine game. A11 these privileges are en joyed by the payment ot three dollars per year. . . ,' "L'lre, is me topic tor our thought SundayV3:30 p. m. AU men cordially invited to thjs service. Free .reading room 'open Sunday from 2 to p. m, S, The toQtball game at Lincoln yesterday between the' university learn ana me Minnesota team re sulted in a score of 20 to 12 in fa vor of the MinneBOtans, The uni versity team put up a harder fight and accomplibhed -better results than eitherChicago, Wisconsin, Northwestern or any of the other team that played Minnesota thi year. Nebraska made a brilliant but hopeless fight. It was science alone against a combination of 6cieiice an d beef and the combin ation won. Wanted A girl. Inquire at the ladings residence. Chicago forecast for North Platte and vicinity; Fair tonight nnd Saturday with moderate tem perature. The maximum temper ature yesterday., was ft one year ago, GQ-y Tle,mlininum temper iiune mi murmur vva, ' ; one y ar ;6 it was SS3 , Uarb wire and staples for sale by Jos. Huusiibv. Several ' North Plutte people at tended a dance at the home Harley jHoweu in flnnt precinct Wednes day ninht. The affair waB, well attended by the young people of tuai secuon una a very pleasant 1 1 rue reBiincu. Baking Powder delicious and wholesome Mwoti co., Hi veiwt. gCftCte(fctttettttC:tf: Sn Railroad Notes. : An order has been issued reduc ing the working time at the Chey enne shops to five days of nine hours each. This order will prob ably be etTcctive until next spring. J As cold weather approaches the . trial of the engine crews on thct pahscngcr runs increase. With 1 the present fast schedule it is al-, most impossible to make the time , durihg cold weathen j Supt. Baxter of the Union Pacific has issued an order to the effect that employes who have been ex - posed to small-pox must absent themselves from the road or shops for a period of twelve days. President Burt haB been re- elected president of the Union Pacific, and this sets at rest all rumors concerning the reported differences between Mr. Burt and the directors nnd stock holders ol 1 the road j The Union Pacific officials be lieve that they have so perfected the frhit cars that thev will be I able to haul oranges during the1 Sewing Machine Oil, per bottle .05 ep without danger of H-,b- package Gold Dust 18 coldest, weather without dang freezing. The ofliciala arc highly pleasod over the results which at tended the transportation of four teen cars ot bananas over the road last week, No New Cases, iiow been over It has a week xince a new case of small-pox has occurred, and there is every reason I i t 1 . .. . , it . i , ' to believe that the disease has had its run. The scare has subsided and business affairs arc settling down to the usual basis. Two patients have recovered and were discharged yesterday and the others are rapidly convalescing. BOY'S CLOTHING. Vestee suitB, sizes 3 to 8, $1,50 to $5, Double breasted suits, sizes 8 to 16, $1.50 to $s; Three piece suits, sizes 9 to '16, $3. 50. to $0, Warm reefers,. ;sizes 3 to 8, $1.75 to $5, . Star. Cwthinc House. Mr. and Mrs. H, M, Grimes went to Omaha last night, Joseph Mink is critically ill at his home in the Third ward. Dr. Sexton, of Seward, will oc cupy the pulpit in the Prcsbytcriau church Sunday. Jos. Schatz came down from. Cheyetine yesterday morning and spent the day with his family, re turning in the evening,. Judge Baldwin on Wednesday issued n marriage licence to Al bert Burton of Wellfleet and Mios Viola Beightel of this city, The wife of II. Schlesinger, who is engaged in business in this city, died at Gothenburc Wednesday. Mr. Schlesinger has the sympathy of our people in his bereavement. A fire, which originated from a defective flue, did some damage to the kitchen ot the Bare residence early this morning. The prompt assistance of neighbors and the timely arrival of the hre depart ment saved the house from serious damage. The managers of the labor agencies report a dearth of men for the situations they have to offer, says the Omaha Bee. One agency this week sent out twenty-four men, the largest number whiclnhas left Omaha in a body for several weeks, The work offered is in Wyoming, where tho Union Pacific dud other railroads and construction companies are making exten sions, improvements and repairs. Wages in the west have advanced beyond the expectation, of all of the agents and good workmen lorunsKUiea labor are receiving from $2 to $2.50 a day. All Squander Monej. In his principles ot economics Prof, Marshall says that perhaps J500.000.000 annually is spent by the working classes unri 2,000,000,(t0 hy tho rest ot the population of England In ways that do little or nothing toward making their lives nobler or truly happier. Emnrtcit Mnjr lrnll Vlrtlnwij "Nobody could steal $700,000 from our bank without uolng caught. Wo should mlaa the money." These re marks bring to mind the story of the man who rejoiced that ho had no .watch for any one to ateal,, and who, pu his way home was relieved ot vim mirtc 20 Per Gent Is quite a difference in price on a staple article. You will that difference on our price on colfcc from what many of you pay ou will also una as much difference and more on many other articles. That is the differ- ence between cash and a pass book. jArbucklc's Coffee.... 13c, 2 pkgs 25 1 Lion Coffee 13c. 2 nkirs 25 X X X X Coffee.. ..13c, 2 pkgs. .25 Bee Coffee per pkg 14 Bogota Coffee I8c,2 pkgs .35 On Time YcaBt, 2 pkgs 05 YcaBt Foam, 2 pkgs 05 Diamond C. Soap. 9 bars 25 Santa Claiis Soap, 8 bars 25 ,5c size Paddle, Blue 04 10c size Paddle, Blue 07 Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour per pkg 10 Table Salt, 2 sacks 05 kerosene vsu, per paii 10 Tr . -v 1 1 t ip t'carunc. per pig. u-t Vinegar, per gallon , 20 White Wine Vinegar, per gal.. .25 Corn Starch, per pkg -OS Argo Gloss Starch, per pkg 05 Kiugsfords Corn Starch 08 Kingsfords Silver GIobs Starch .08 Sage, per pkg ,04 Hops, per pkg , 04 Search Light Matches, per box. .04 IL Tl II r I r .),iu i-au uava ou 5 lb Pail Lard 50 Oat Meal per lb 03 Best Full Cream Cheese, per lb. .15 ib Can Chipped Dried Beef... .10 Oil Sardines per can 05 Mustard Sardines per can. .. .05 Walter Bakers Cocoa, lb. tin .25 Walter Bakers Chocolate 18c 2 cakes 35 Army Avle Grease 2 boxes 15 Frazier s Axle Grease, 2 boxes .15 Eagle Brand Condensed Milk 18c 2 cans 35 Evaporated Cream 13c 2 cans for .25 Battle Ax Tobacco, per plucr.. . .35 Horse Shoe Tobacco, per plug 45 Star Tobacco, per lb ,. .45 J. T.'Tobacco, perpluir 20 We pay you as much as we can for your produce and charge you no more lor goods cxcliungeu lor pro ducc than you pay m cash. Wilcox Department Store. Notice to Bidders for Stationary. North Platte, Neb., Nov. 27, 1900. The following list of books, blanks and stationery, with the probable gross amount of each, will be needed by the county of Lincoln, for the year 1901. 4 blank records, 2 printed records, 2,000 whole sheet legal blanks, 10,000 half sheet legal blanks, 10,00.0 quarter sheet legal blanks, 20,000 6 printed envelopes, 10,000 6 inch printed envelopes, 50 sets poll books, 20 reams legal cap, 10 reams type writer paper, 10 gross blotters, 400 court wrappers, 5 gross lead pencils, ' 2 gross pen holders, 15 gross pens, 10 gross McGill fasteners, 3 dozen quarts San ford or ink, The above goods to be in creased or diminished at same price. All Work', material, etc., to be first class and accepted before paid for. Successful bidder to enter into contract with approved bond. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. W. M . Holtry, County Clerk. Clillly Car for Smokar. The Union Traction 'mspany of Philadelphia promises t. rim open cars, one in five, ull wmtor long, with no restrictions as to smoking. In the summer smoking Is permitted there on only tho three last seats of tho open cars. AnU Vowtell thv Wenllmr- Ants aro credited with an instinct for the weather of a whole Boason. When "ar aro observed at raldsum mer enlarging and building up their icings jyL4! .vte0' 'owl? andTBRr wRler. For the Holidays. Have you an adequate supply of cooking utensils roasting pans, cake tins, pots, pans and kettles generally, ready for cul inary operations incident to hol iday feasting? Make an inventory of your needs in this line and bring it to us. Sec what quantity and quality you'll get here at small expense. WILCOX DEFT. STORE. II' Always in the 1 i ri.i-.. . . ii,n i.UUtV) WJ ill M III tUU r,nco I LaniDS. Bronzes, liiiiu, w f i Ever seen in North Platte. y Wc cordially invite you to Itjf UUC O Ranging in price from S2.50 entirely rrcw and novel ornaments. Fancy Parlor liamps, t Hanging lrom va cents to wc nave me uesi pneus -ip on Lamps ever shown in this city for the reason that they tf in the United States. Hf PUIM A I We take pride in saying that wc have i m VflllllAl the lowest i auic set, ayrups, oaiaus, uups ana saucers, x-jaies,cn-., j L ever displayed in North Platte. ji f UUP DIM AT AM G TAR1M iTf DI'Mflvantiicmi or n lllf Crop. A mm whn awns r ncach farm In Delaware says ho raado more money oft a crop of 250 baskets last year than ho did oft a crop of 2,500 baskets this year. Ho had to send these last to a cannery for sovon cents a basket, ou of which ho paid throe cents a basket for nlcktnir and two cents for frelgni, taking the chanco that his baskets would not all bo returned. Hecrvt of Oenlm. , The secret of gonitis Ib to suffer no Action to exist for us; to rcallzo all that wo know; In tho high refinement of modern life, In arts, In sciences, in books, In men, to exact good faith, roallty ,and a purposo; and first, last, midst, and without end, to honor ev ery truth by uno. Representative .Men. llottenlam Kcllpito Aroiterdaoa; Rotterdam, from Us favorablo situa tion, has Gradually pulled ahead ot Amsterdam and is now tho most pros perous harbor In Holland. It has cap tiired most of tho German trade, and does an immonso business with th United Statoa. Opal At 1'opuUr, Tho old superstition against opals Is elowiy but surely passing away, and tho beautiful gems with their ever changing colors and opalescent effects aro now In the front rank among fash ionable women," says a wholesale dealer In precious stones. , Intllitni nil tho FmncliUe. An Indian may not vote so long as he remains a member of a tribe; but If he gives up his tribal relationship and becomes a cltlien, ho may vote under the same conditions as any other cltlzon, Opponent of VlvUii'tlon. The lato Lord Dute was ono of the most ardent opponents ot vivisection, and at ono timo consented to sign a transfer of an-Infirmary to University college at Cardiff aB a trustee only on tho condition that tho collego should never practice vivisection. JenloiiKT of Country Orocer Wo had been led to supposo that opora singers wore tho moat Jealous hrolhren In the world. Itccent ovonts imvp fiiiiaed us to abandon tho bui position. It Is doubtful whether conn try grocers aro not tho moat Jealous brethren. llullnt In llli llraln. An Australian volunteer is carryl a bullet in bis brain, embedded too deeply to allow ot extraction, and he declares that but for tho Knowledge of tho fact ho novcr felt better in bis life. VrfuvlaiT CrHtcr It IUtitroua, Tho eruption ot csuvliiu Is gradual ly increasing In Intensity, and tho au thorities are taking tho usual precau tions to prevent Imprudent tourists from upproachlnc too near tho crater. Bliermun on 1'crional Duty. Tho lato John fiherman thought it MiftHufvnfuvorv miblic man torecoivo whonovcr posslblo all who wished to seo him. Only a short while beforo hlu ho said: "If people want to sua .ma. they cuall MO so us- toug ae i nave tno bircngia w uto. Lead! 11 Vlli' 1 Ull iv it ft" - rtij ttMt m i tin i nnur a . i inspect our lCl. MLC4JL J to $18.00. This is something and make elegant parlor price on the finest line of n MiviYiiMi i wn a uu n. Uunrdetl ly Mice. A vlllago constablo, patrollng hla beat, was ono day surprised to seo tho front gate of a cottage tenanted by an old lady flanked on each sldo by u mouse Imprisoned In a penny trap. BeelBg the old lady peering cautiously from an upper window, tho constablo oailed her attention to tho mouse trap. "Yea. I know," sho ropllcd. "I got Blobb'e boy to put 'cm thoro. The elephant 'as oscapod, from tho menagerie In tho town an' I'm mortal ftltard o the monster comln about ray 'OUe. I 'd tho mico put more tc fi)sjtiii 'lm off, 'cos I'vo hoercd that ipnw are onui ingnieneu oi ."London Anawora. Nnsro'i Rcmnrknblo Career. The African Methodist ohurch of Sy racuse has a pastor, Rev. Dr, .1. A. D. Dlolco, who hOB had a remarkable ca rr for n nnero. Bom 111 tho West Indies, ho has travoled much, and In Manchester, England, met nnd mar- rUil . whltn woman. Ho litis nau n. complete university education ami holds throo degroos, bolng a proncioni teacher In Latin, Hobrow and French. riih horo on DatK Night. Yesterday wos Friday, says tho Ha waiian Star, and a groat many had uo fish that day for tho reason that tho price had gone up. The causo for thu Tlse in prlco Is tho falling off of tho supply. Tho flah never aro plontlful on dark nights, It is Bald, and now that there is no moon tho fishermen uro experiencing poor returns. H KnglOh KwlrraHnis to AuitratU. Nearly BOO omigruntB a day aro be ing shipped by agents of tho govern ment of Queensland from England to Australia. For oYcry adult shipped an agent gets ?2.50 and for ovory child he Is fcsld 11.25. Wtvl Daervmu lit France. According to olllcla) Btatlstlc3, wolves in Franco nro stoadlly dooreas lng. In 1890 thoro were 207 killed, of which 107 wore destroyed In tho Gor onde department. In 1883 1,816 woIvcb wero killed. Archllttioi Versa Divided SNIrl. Paris Is greatly dlaturhod over t'o action of tho Archbishop of Rouci . i denouncing tho wearing of tljo dlvi ' 1 skirt by women. Tho Archbishop 1. sent letters expressing his vIowb to tho clorgymon of his dtoccsn and h declared that no woman "In unwoman ly clothing" will bo admitted to tho cathedral. Amorlcu l'roiluuc flluiiy iJoeoinullvoi. Tho locomotive worlts of tho United States last year turned out !J,1C9 loco motives, valued at nbout $23,000,000. Of tho total number -ISO wero sent abroad. BliBtdon'd I.onc Hunduy Wnllt. The Rev. Mr. Sheldon docs not be lieve In patronizing Sunday atroet cars, and walked 12 miles to fill his engagements in New York last Sun day. i Honored l'rcilrtont Vrltchott. Tho closing featuro of tho Inaugura tion of Prosldont Konry Smith Prlt chott of tho Massachuaotta Inatltuto ot Technology wad a purado by tho stu (lonta through tho strcota of Boston. There wco 1,200 boya In lino, and they paraded through nearly every street In IM faehlonnhlo DacliTJay.