The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 30, 1900, Image 2

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    FRIDAY, NOV. 30, 1900.
IUAXj BARE, Editor and Proprietor
One Tor, cash In advance, $1.2
Blx Months, cash In advance. 75 Dents
McKinluy's plurality, unoffi
cially named at 850,000, ia the
largest over given to a presiden
tial candidate. . The American
voter still knows a good . thing
when he sees it.
This 1900 census gives Ne
braska's congressional districts
the following population: First
district 165,986, Second 162,756,
Third 214,019; Fourth 188,466,
Fifth 165,148, Sixth 164,365.
Tim Washington Post calls at
tention to the fact that f Mr.
Bryan traveled ail the vay from
Lincoln to Chicago to confcfwUli
two former republicans, concern?
ing the futnrc.o'f the democratic
party. Poor old democracy. ,
Nkjwaska may break into
President McKinlcy's cabinet.
There is an impending vacancy
in the attorney-generalship and
John L. Webster has a chance of
being asked to accept the posi
tion. The state is certainly en
titled to some recognition for" the
result on November 6th.
. Emiistkn has "laid down"
the proposition to contest the
right of Governor-elect Dietrich,
to take his Heat. Edmistcn's
desperate and disreputable acts
during the past half dozen years
has disgusted cvcn his party fol
lowers and tbc, refused to assist
him in his antt-Dietnch fight.
Tub good people of New York
city arc startjng out bravely and"
firmly in their fight against Crok
crism and Tammanyism, and if
they keep it up until the munici
pal, election next springy Tam
many will und6ubtedly ibe shorn
of its power an'dlnfluchce. There
seems to be no question but
Crokcrjust now1 is up against
the fight of hisjifc.
m m '' ip.Yil mm.
AccoKDiNG 'tb' figures compiled
by the .state bureau of statistics
the value of Nebraska farm pro
ducts sold outride of the, state
during the past year aggregated
$173,849,207. This state is again
getting in mighty good, shape,
and with a continuation of the
prosperity of the paHt four years
will largely increase its popula
tion and wealth In the next tc
cade. iNcurasKans nave no
reason to losefaith in their state.
i "mt'i m ii,'.
' Doubtless ninny capitalists and
uuiineaa men are asking tliem
nelves this question. A prominent
eaitcrri financier said a levy duys
ago that the jrenult of the national
election has given everybody con
lideucc to go . ahead and lie ex
pressed the opinion that the
country la going to have enlarging
prosperity. He pointed to the fact
At... a. a 1 a i V
mai iuc uainuce ot irnae in( tayor
of the United, States for ten
months of this yqar has becu$500,-
000.000 and that on ton of au cciun
amount in each of the preceding
two years. The money in ci renin
tlon Ih now above $2,000,000,00q, al
made secure beyond question by
the election, The increase in ex
ports, the great increase in rail
road earnings and the maintenance
of Industrial profits have gone be
yond the calculations of everybody
"This is evidence," said the
financier,' 'of a force which must
be recognized. It look to ine like
a gigantic Impulse, the eiTectB o
which no man can forsce."
The indications favorable to an
increased prosperity are abundant
AU industries have awakened to
gether. The demand for labor u
the anthracite coal regions exceeds
the supply, There 1b lack of labor
in the iron industry ot western
.Pennsylvania. Building lias re
Vived in Chicago. New England
woolqn and cotton mills interrupted
in, oepicmoer ana uctooer, are
again running on full time. New
enterprises are being started and
projected. ' Capital and labor are
occupied as they have not boen-.for
' ijvvcr a year. The first two wveks
of the second series of 'McKinlcy
jroBperity," remarks the Phila
delphia Press, points to records In
business, product and profits, in
employment for labor and rctufn
for capital, which Will out-do the
past three and one-half years.
What arc the grounds for this
confidence7 In the first place the
assurance of the absolute security
of the currency for at least five
years, Whatever monetary legis-
ation may be enacted within that
time, the gold standard Is safe. In
the second place the certainty that
the pollcy of protection will not be
ruthlessly -assailed. The next
congress' may deem It expedient to
modify the tariff and we think it
altogether probable that this will
be done, but it is uccdlcHs to say
that a republican congress will not
sacrifice protection, Thus the
capital that is -going into new in
dustrial plants and enlarging
those already established is
assured that for at least five years
the policy under which our vast
ndilstrial system has been built up
win not uc auanuoneci, in the
third place there is an abundant
supply of; money vand it Is steadily
ucrea'Bing. Finally, there is open
ng before us the possibilities of a
foreign trade with indefinite limits
of expansion, which will enable us
0 pour the surplus products of our
enterprise and industry Into world
wide markets, preventing- over
production nnd the rcactoin which
that is iabc to occasion.
" iCxIsting' conditions, therefore,
arc as favorable ah'd promising for
an increase of prosperity ascouId
be desired and there appears no
l'soii 46" think that it will not
il I. I .'...
nave a :ongcontinunncc Omaha
Bee. i ."." .'
- Tor One Senator,
The BJatr Courier makes the
following endorsement of a Nc-
braskan who is well known by
many North Platte people:
Tho narrow marcin by wliioh tho ro-
publicans havo clootod tholr statu tlukot
and won tbo legislature shnuld bo no
eopted no n wnrning to tho republican
party uini ii is not yot snroiy out or tho
political woods. It was onlv thomlmir
nolo administration ot Preaidon.t McKin-
loy, and tho prosperous times which
havd attended it, that pnllod iho statu
ticket through. For tho nxtfow years
tho ronublloan nartv of Nournakn muni
Btand by its own strength, nnd it it
nopos to couunuo in power tho newly
oleotod ofllcors must uivo us a clean nnd
economical conduct ot stato ntTnirs and
tho loglBlnturo . must show caro nnd
wiedonv not only in tho laws it make.
out in mo so eeiion ot uio two un tnd
St'ttos sonntors it liao to ohooao.
or ono or tho. latter tho Courior pub
nuts tho nnmo of Wnohlriwtou cmintv'H
jdiBtinguiHlied citixon, ox Govornor
Urouueq. No notip stands higher nnd
no unu nun mo oonuuonco or uio people
ot tho stnto mora thoroughly Hum La
M Hi t D ll'll a AutrlAHftarl tn 1 a ........... T .
1802 when tho ronublicunn imrtv wnu
tottering, having for tho first timo in tho
nistory or tho state lost tho govornor mid
the louislaturo. and wna lookini? for n
etnudard boaror who could plnco it
on its foot, with ono nccord turned to
JlldffO Crounso. Airnlnnt li!n u-lnh
at tho command of his pnrty, ho loft his
omoo or nssisiant Bocroinry or tho United
wisies treasury to take Uio nomination
Iho canvas ho mado, was a momornbtn
ono, pitted against ono of tho strong
oat nnd most popular mon ot thostoto,
Generul O, H. yunWyok, whochnlloncpd
him to joint ilobato. Judgo Crouneo by.
uiu iiuwuruu mo stump, nna mo noicl no
hnrt on tho oomldenco of tho noon n. nn.
tabliBhod bj b(x years on tho supromo
boneh nnd his two tornia in congress,
von byBomo lO.OOl) mnioritv. In n vonr
whon but fow stales woro saved by tho
Ills administration as govornor, ills
conceded by nil parties nllliu. wna the
oleunest nnd most burlncsa Ilkotho stato
has over had. A rcforonco to tho audit
or's roports will show that leas money
.wna nnnronrlatod In fmn InRljuu-nn w
sevornl hundreds ot thouimuda of dollars
bythelvgislnturodurlnchis term than
wnB the cnoo for many preceding torniH
or uy any siuco. iius was duo largely
to tho domnnd contained m his lmuirrnrnl
ttddroBS that tho appropriation Miould bo
cut cinwn a run inroo-iiuartors or a mil
lion, dollars from what had boon np
proprlntvd tlo precocding eoesion. Nor
will It bo forgotten that whon tho h'gis
turo voted him two thousand dollars for
liouso rent ho votoed tlio nnnronriation:
profornng to deny himeelf that amount
rathor than violate tho constitution ho
had taken nn oath to maintain.
Tho Courior Is for ox dovornor CroUiico
for United Stntca ponntor, U ngo, IiIh
varied exporlonco in publiu life, lim
groat Borvlqo to tho state, his hold on
pubbo entoom, all point to him, and If
tho ronublionn nartv ot tho stnto wiyhnn
to continue in power it can do no wlsor
tmng Minn to oleot htm,
I'kstot Cluck on llroail.
A Wnshlugton man complained bit
terly to the District commissioners of
tho pasting of advertising labels on
loaves ot bread, and wanted thorn to
stop tbo practice, but the commission
era assured him Unit tho otllclal chem
iat's opinion was Hint the uuo ot tlicso
labels on bread Is in no way detritucn
tal to health.
DUtrlbutlmi or tlio Irlili,
III 1891 thoro woro 4,701,700 pooplo
in Iro'land. Thoro are, no llgurcB show
ing the number of Irish in Great Brit
ain, lu pcaco, About l&jjer cont of tho
Brith-h army is compoHod of Irish, In
1800 there wore 1,871,509 natives of Iro
hnil in tho United tSatco. , ,
At Twelve Month nn Oyster Wit Cover
ts llntr Dollar '
Thn ovBtor at the commencement of
its career la so small that two millions
wntilil nnlv occunv a nnuaro Inoh. In
six months each Individual oyalcr is
largo enough to cover a quarter, anu
In twolvo months a hair aoiiar. ino
nvntAr In Hh own nrchitcct. and tbo
" - - F
shell grows as the fish inside grows,
being never too small. It also bears
its nee unon its back, nnd it Is easy
to toll too ago of nn oyster by look
ing at its shell, as that of horses by
tnoklnf nt tholr teeth. Every ono who
has handled an oyster shell must havo
nrrtlreil fhn Buccesslvo layers OVOTlaD-
ping each other. Those are technically
termed "shots," and each ono marKS a
year'B growth, bo that by counting
thorn the ago or tho oyster can no ae-
termined. Up to tho timo of its ma
turitythat is, when four years of ago
tho shots arc regular and successive,
hut After that tlmo thev" bocomo irreg
ular, nnd arc piled ono upon another,
so that tho shell grows nuiKy nna
thickened. Fossil rysters have been
seen of which cai'i shell was nino
Inches thick, whence they may be
guessed to bo mora than u.J" hundred
years old. Ono million to two million
oysters aro produced by a single par
ent, and tholr scarcity may bo account
ed for tho fact that man is not tho
only oystw-cating animal. The star-
flsh loves tho oyjter and preys upon
it unceasingly. A vnrloty ot whelk
in nino vorv fond of young oystora. to
cnt nt which it bores right throUKh tho
shell nnd sucks tho fish up through the
hole thus mado.
KsoplnB llouao tu I'nrls.
rinml butter can bo bought in Paris
at from 40 cents to n dollar a pound;
t rnn hn boimht from 28 to 40 cents
outside tho city limits. Bear in mind
that butter in Franco Is nlwnys fresii,
unsaltod and Is 'finest when right from
Mm churn. In Now York or BOBton
such bvtter can scarcely bo bought for
less than a dollar a pound. Regarding
meat, tho expense will dopend upon
tho markoting skill. In Paris meat is
mimlntillv dear: but If Madamo Fran-
calac has a roputntlon for economy, It
hnB boon fairly won, not by her sum
in cooking, but by her skill in buying.
Rhn runs everything on a small scale
ono chop for each person, butter onco
n day, a small gateau for aessort, coi-
o nnd broad for urcauraat, a small
pleco of meat nnd ono vegotablo for
dinner -that is all. Good Housekeep
ing for October,
Ketr Zcnlnnri'a l'oor JloatU.
Cyclists in Now Zealand aro stren
uously agitating to havccycjlng paths
laid down along the principal thor
oughfares in the colony,Mspcclally In
the vicinity of cities. Many ot tho
roads of tho colony aro roughly made,
and in Eomo instances pnly partially
formed, and tho majority of them arc
indlffcrtnt roads for cycling. Tho
scheme of tho cyclists is that all cy
cles and cycle owners shbuld bo taxed.
tho proceed to bo utilized in laying
lowu cinder tracks.
Mnnvy In New Flower.
Now floml varlotioH, especially of
roses, says tho Westminster uarette
are nlwava wnnted for1 royal nnd
princely tables, great woddlngs and tho
like, largo nrlcca boing paid for n
gouulno Invention. Tho subject sug
gests curious sDcculatlon. It a blue
carnation would bo worth a fortuno to
tho discoverer, how many fortunes
would fall to tho patentee of a patriotic
buttonhole a floral Unioa JacK i
riltr Operator nnl Planner.
Hero is n lato appreciation of Joseph
Chamberlain, written by an American
abroad: "Ho Is tho master ot English
men ot today, tho big operator, the
great grasping planner of vast works,
and ho has tho coolness and nerve or
Jay Gould, tho alert brain of James
Hill of tho Great Northern railroad,
with Uio charm and case and suavity
ot William O. Whitney."
Oiiimui Kniimomtnin Wor Irnornni.
In many of tho consus returns from
mo rural districts ot the south a largo
number of children undor ton years of
ago aro recordud as farm laborers, nnd
unuer tno proper Headings it is siatoa
hat they aro so omployed eight
months nnd attend school but two
months In each year. Tho sonthoru
housewives appear In tho occupation
column as "does housework" and
"minds bnby,"
KngrUitU Copy (lur SletHoiM.
Inqulrieu havo lom rocolYOd from
the British government concerning tho
mothods of taking tho Amoiican con
bus, bccauBQ it has no'or boon nblo to
secure such coiuprelicnBlvo data, or
even us complete a count of 'popula
tion, In ton years of continuous work
as tho American system has accureu
lu twolvo months.
Kntperur Truvrla Incocnlto.
Thoro la a story current in Paris that
Emperor William has twico visited tho
Paris exposition incognito and has so
successfully disguised hlmsolf that no
ono recognized aim. Parisians aro
tickled by tho thought that the pleas
uro ot their exposition drew tho cm
peror from hls excessive dignity,
Himietlilnir to Talk 'About.
Tho late Lord Itusaoll onco nroslded
at n dinner given for Sir Henry Irving
on his return from Amerlon. Whilo
tho dinnor was in progress Lord Hub
sell suggested to Oomyns Oarr that he
propose sjr Henry's health. "I can't
mako spcoches, you know." he said
Sir Henry gently replied: "I heard you
make a tlno speech boforo tho Parnoll
commission." To which tho pungont
Irishman answered; "Oh, yes, but then
I had something to talk about."
Sufferers from this horrible malady
nearly always Inherit it -not necessarily
from the parents, but may be from some
remote ancestor, for Cancer often runs
through several generations. This deadly
poison may lay dormant in the blood for
Scars, or until you reach middle life, then
ic first little sore or ulcer makes its ap
pearanceor a swollen gland In the
breast, or some other part .of the body,
gives the first warning.
To cure Cancer thoroughly and perma
nently all the poisonous viru9 must be
eliminated from the blood every vestage
of it driven out. Till S. S. S. does, and
Is the only medicine that can reach deep
jcatcd, obstinate blood troubles like tkfs.
When all the poison has been forced out
of the system the Cancer heals, and the
disease never returns.
Cancer beginsof ten in a small way, ns the
following letter from Mrs. Shircr shows :
A irniAll pimple came on my law about an Inch
below the ear on the left aide ot my face. It gavt
tile no pain or inconven
clnce, and I should hare
forgotten about it had It
not begun to Inflame and
Itch ; it would bleed a
little, thenicnbovcr, but
rould not heal. This
continued for aome lime,
when my Jaw began to
well, becoming very
painful. The Cancer be
can to eat and apread.
until it was as large aim J
half dollar.whenl heard i
of 8. 8. 8. and determln!
edlotrlve It a fair trial.
ind it wa temarkabte V
nhat a wonderful effect
It bad from the very beginning ; theaore began to
heal and after talcinir a few bottle dltaDDeared
entirely. Thlswai two yeari ago ; the! e are atill
no signs or ine vancer, ana my general ncaiin
xmtlnuca good. Mi, R. 8nxa.BR, Ia Flata, Mo.
-tm -a Ibe greatest of all
blood purifiers, and the
only one guaranteed
AJ purely vegetable. Send
for our free book on
Cancer, containing valuable and interest
ing information about this diseaie, and
write our physicians about your case. We
make no charge for medical advice.
A. Stitch in Timo
Saves Nine
Is a trite old saying, and is
particularly true when applied
to Shoes. Our business is to
mend Shoes, and people give
us the credit of knowing our
business from a to z. If your
Shoes need mending, bring
them here.
&org Tekulve.
Anticipating the wants of
men who wear good clothes-
good material, good workman
ship "and good fit we have
laid in a nice line of Fall and
Winter Suitings and Pauls
- Goods, and solicityour orders.
We can satisfy you in fit and
First Door North Wilcox Store.
Sheep for Sale.
Thirty-three head of black
face bucks. Can be seen at
my ranch seven miles east of
town; three miles north of
Baldness and
Gray Hair
lias ceased by the proper use of
German Hair and
Scalp Producer.
Alter which uaturc will grow hai
where the hair follicle ia not en
tlrely destroyed. Ludjes or gentle
men is your scalp diseased by
which the hair follicle is destroyed?
Then you are sure of a bald head
and gray hair. Ro purchase a
bottle of my antiseptic remedy at
once, thereby retaining your hair
and pride. Parents should ubc
German Hair Producer on their
children's ncalp as a tonic and pre
ventative. If conditions oi the scalp
has not improved by the proper
tiBe of half a bottle, return the
bottle nnd money will be refunded,
If not for sale in your town send to
my address. Manufactured by
Kearney, Keh.
For sale in North Platte by
barbers and by A. P. Streitz, drug
gist. Price $.100.
Office:, North Platte .Notional Bank
puljarniTNorUi PialUl, N6D.
Oriir Flrtt National Sank,
OlHee over Yellow Front Shoe Store
Offlce over Streitz's Drug Store.
Telephone 115.
North Platte, - - - Nebraska.
A. It, Daym. L, E. Roach
Grady Block Rooms 1 & 2.
J, S. Hoaoland.
Hoagldnd A Hoagland.
OfHco orer
HeOonald'i Bank. NOUTII rtATTE, NEB.
Office over North Flntt NaUoaal Bank,
Onion in fTInmiin Ulnnlr. Dowov nfrnnt.
Get in line yith the best
judges of cigars by making your
purchases at Henry Wrflte-
matn's. wc nave a great va
riety of Cigars Key West, Clear
Havana and Domestic but no
poor ones. For a good smoke we
recommend any of our many
"The Pacific Express"
"The Chicago-Portland
NORTH PLATTE 12:50, a. m.
WORTH PLATTE 3:20 p. m.
Personally Conducted Uncc a
Jus. B. Scanlan, Agent.
Btate of Ki-brka, Lincoln pountjr, s.
In tbe Count Court.
Notice U ticmby glren that ThCM. T. Marcntl,
las ned bl petition In itld court nraxlna thnt be
bo appointed gunnllnu for tho minor cblltlriin qf
Uuat Johiinoi).
tuld mutter will bo heard In thn county court
of nald x)unty. Novembor SO, 1D0O, at 0 o'clock, a. w.
Sated Nor. i, 1000.
01 A. 8. DALDwm, County Judge,
Jamea M. Pierce and Mm. Eniiuettle Pierce,
defendant". Mill take noUco that on tbe Suit day
of November. UXJ0. tbo plalnUft borelD, Dnrld
MattcrH, nied his pvtltlon In tbo illttrlct court nf
Lincoln county, Nebraska, agtlniit mid defend
ant Impleaded Tfllb John It. plerru, Itebecca
Pierre and Muscatine MortKSRO & Trut Com
pony, tbe object and prayer of which nre tn fore
close a certain morltiaxo eiic,ulih by Ibe detend
anta Jaraea M, fierce. Kminclllo I'lerre.
John It. Pierce and notcc Pion, to
Mii'caUuo Mortgage and Trnat Coniiwnr and by
Bald comiMtiy uslgned tn the vlalutlff berln,
upon tbasemthweat quarter of eoctlon L!.town
ablpO. north of range Win Lincoln county, Ne
braska, to recur tbe pnjiuent of lx promissory
nott8, doliHl March itt. 1MH, for the aura otilSO
each and duo anil payable, one March 1, IbtK
ono March 1, 1MXI, ono March 1, 11-30, one March
1.1001, one March 1, M)i and one March 1, M03,
(bat there Is now due upon said notes and rnort.
gage aud tor taie paid on said property tbe sum ot
(1,4(1111, for vrklch sum with Interest from March
I. 1WJ1 at ten por cent, plaintiff pla for a decree
that dot endanfs be required tn puy tbo aamo or that
said promise way bo ruId to attafy the amount
found duo.
jwi&?r'wor,wM on or
William I. Potter. Brama II. Potter. J. I. Ca.n?
Thrcahlnsr Maeblno Company, a Corporation, will',
take node tbat on the 'M day ot Noyember, WM, i
tpuriam ii. nenmey, piainHn noroin, filed liitr
petition In the district court ot Lincoln coontr.l
Ncbraaks, against Btid dofendanU, tho oboct and
prncr ui rmcu are iu lorecioao a certain mori
gago executed by William I. Potter, and Emma II.
Potter, to tho plaintiff, upon tbo northern!
quarter ot suction 10, Itt township 15, north nf
range S3 west, Lincoln county, Nebraska, to re
cure the payment of a certain promissory nolo
with coupons attached, dated December the Hint,
1891, for tho Hum of (000. tlno and payable in nro
years from tho date thereof.. The interest con.
pons belnf ton in number, each for fifteen dollars,
one falling due every Mx months after the dsto
ot the notri and that plaintiff has paid the taxes
on the aboro described premises to protect his
l'e, for the years from 1 to im inclusive
That there Is duo npon said note and mortgago
and for taxes paid iho sum of (097.00, for which
!?JS with Inlorert from the 1st day of January,
M01, plalnUff prays for a decreet that defendan'e
Potter's be roqalred'topay tbo same ot lhat ssld
premises msy bo sold to satisfy tho amount dnc.
and that the pretended judgment lion hold by do
fendant J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company
may do necreon 10 uo junior and inferior to plain.
iinm TnM(rraak llati '
Yon are required to answer said pcllUon on or
before the 17th day of December lfOO
vnicu novumuerz, ltaai.
0- Erexim ii. ntnsnicr, rialnllff.
NoUco is hereby given th't I on Wednesday, tho
IBtlldarof Drcombor. 11X10. at Sn'lnrk. m ....
lots Sand C In block 171. In fha All nf w.t.ti.
Platte, Nebraska, at tho barn known as tho Wlillo
Klonhant Daru, thore will bo sold to the highest
bidder for cash, one Lightning Hay Press. Haid
sale Is mado by, virtue of a chattel mortgnge dated
ficptcmber 22nd. 1899, signed byO.rl. Huffman,
and stven to the Raima-, nilr ir.r 1
Machinery Company, to feecuro two notes of
en-ox eacn oi even aaie inerewltn, ono of which
notoawasduo March laL- lBOO. mdnnnilm Jan.
nary lsU 1901. and there Is now dnrt on ualit iinli
and inortgago tho eum of 122. Bald tnortgage !
on file in theofflco of tho county clork of Keith A
UAHSAS UIXT IIAr Pnxss k MarfiiHvnv noniir.
iv.f uy Wilcox ii Ual aati. Its Attornevs.
Slate of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ea
aii me uuumy unurt.
In the matter nf tba imlnl.i nf .!.. n vn...
On readlngand filing tho petition of Mary Jane
VVIIsoni praying that the Instrument filed on the
M day of November, 1PC0, end purporting to bo
tbo last Will and Tostaiuentof thssnld deceased.
may bo proved, approved probated, al
lowed and iccordod as Iho last Will and
Testamont of tho said Jomna D.
Wilson, dicasod, and that tbo execution of said
Instrument may be committed aud the adrnlntstra
tlonyof said esutp may be grantod to Mary Jane
Wilson as executrix.
Ordered. That Docember S. lflfltf. nf 0 nvwv-
m., Is assigned for'hearlng said ' petlUon. when
all persons Interested In said matter may appear
n m wuiuj wuib ii, uu ueiu in anu lor eaiu
connty, and show cause why tho prayer of pctl.
tloner should hot be granted,- ,,
vaiea jMovemuer n, ivuu.
01 A'. B. BAUiwiw, County Judge.
willing v xrnrl1A. in ,, ...
the 1th day of October. 1P00. Emma N, McKlnloy.
plalnUff heroin, filed her poUtion In tho district
court ot Lincoln county, Nebraska, against said
defendant, tho object and prayer of which are
that she may bo divorced from tho sold William V.
McKlnloy, on tho grounds that bo has been
guilty of oxtremo cruolty towards this plalntlff,
and on tho further grounds, that tho dofendant
uuuiK m nuujcieni BDiuiy to proviuo suiuolo
maintenance and support for plaintiff and bcr
children, grossly, wantonly andcrucllr lefused
, n mn 111 a I n 1 1 ... -I I . . . 1 i . .
. ... v u. wui urns lur luu cusHKiy
nf Wnntiltil Mi.irtntn nnA nrllliA irnvi,.i :
children ot plaintiff and dofendant.
iuu re ipqiiireti 10 answer wis petition oil or
boforo the lilih day ot November, 1900.
0- Bjr Wiloo k IlalUgan. Oor Attornoys.
To James r. Stroud, nou-resldont defeudaad.
You aro hereby notified that on the -Tth day of
October, 1900, Jennie M. Stroud filed a petlUon
against you In tho district court or Lincoln
county, Nebraska, the object end prayer of which
are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground
that you havo been guilty otextrcmo cruelty to
wards her, and that for tho past threo years yon
have wantonly and oruolly failed and neglected to
provide hor with the common necessaries of life,
you being ot sufflclent ahillty to suitably main
tain her; and for the caro and custody of tho
children, the issue of said marriage
You aro required to answer said petition on or
boforo Monday tbo tenth day of Jjeccmbor, 19011
Dated North Platte,Nebraaka, October 27th, 1900
, Jxhmiis M. Bxnouu, Plaintiff.
00-4 By T. C, Patterson, Her Attorney.
U. B. Laud Ofllco North Flatlu, Nub.
October 9, 1900.
A Sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
In this ofllco by Mahlon E, Pearson contestant,
against homestead entry No. 16,833, made Novem
ber 20, 169li, for east halt of northwest quarter
and the north half ot southwest quarter of section
14, township 9 north, rango ST West, by David
Parrlt, contosteo, in which it is alleged that David
Parrltt haa not mado his borne on said tract nor
shown himself In tbo neighborhood for more than
five years last past, that thoro aro uo Improve
ments on said tract and tho same is unoccupied
wild pralrlo land at tbo present tlmo, and that
said alleged absenco from said land was not duo
to his employment In the army ortoary or marlnb
corps of the United States said parties, are hereby
hoUficd to' appear, respond and offer evidence
touching said' allegation at 10 o'clock, a. tn. on
December 4, 1900. before the register and rpcblvpr
at tbo United States land office in North Piatt,
Neb" '
fbp said contestant having, in a proper affidavit,
filed October V. 1000, apt forth fapU which show
that after due, diligence, personal service nl this
noUco can not be mado. It Is hereby ordered and
directed that such noUco be given by due ind
proper publication.
W TiuvK -Hook. Register.
' Land Office at North Platte, Neb.,
November 22, 1000.
Notice is hereby given tbat the following-named
-settler has filed notice of her IntenUon to make
final proof in support of bor claim, and that said
proof will bo made before Ileglster and lteceiver,
it North Platto,Neb on December ith, 1900, vlx:
ALICE L, 1) All I) Kit,
who made homestead entry No. 16884 for the
west halt of northeast quarter and west half nf
southeast quarter of section 10, township 10 north,
range 90 west.
Hue names the following witnesses to proe her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, vlii George Bchrecongost, J, Herman Van
Urocklln, George Cooper, ot Echo, Neb.; Joseph
Welllver, of North Platte, Neb.
UU-6. OEO. K. rilENCH, .Beglster.
Land Office at North Platte, Neb., )
November 22nd, 1900. f
NoUco Is hereby given tbat the followlng-namon
settler has filed notice of his IntenUon to make
final proof In support ot his claim, and that said
proof will be madebefore Register (.nil lteceiver
at North Platte, Neb., on Docember JStb, 11 OS), vlst
wba lundl) Ifommtead Entry No. 1U0OI for lii
southwest quarter Hectlon 10, Town 10, niirljl,
Range 3(1 west. v 1 e
He names tho following wltuesaos to prnye his
continuous residence npon and culUyatlou qf tafd
land vlxi George Bchrecongost, J. Herman V!l
limekiln, George Onopnr, of Echo, Neb.t Joseph
Welllver, of North Plalto. Nebraska. '
11239 GECKOS E, FIIKNCII, lleglsler,
j.f. filliom;
General Repairer.
Special attention given to