The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 30, 1900, Image 5

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    J8 CS A Ur
Line of
Goods .
g LAUlDo
A; Pocket Books,
Finger Purses,
X Change Purses,
X Card Cases,
X Pass Holders,
X Vallette,
X Combination Pocket
X Book and Glove
X Holder and other
he $tm Wftltty Sribuor.
TUESDAY. OCT. 30. 1900.
Mrs. H. M. Grimes went to Fre
mont this morning to visit her
Mrs. William Burroughs has re
turned from an extended visit in
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Williams of
Gandy are the gucts of Mr. and
Mrs. P. M. SorenBou.
Rev. Beecuer returned yesterday
from Sidney where he held
Episcopal services Sunday.
Judge Baldwin expects to go to
Omaha tomorrow to meet Mrs.
Baldwin who has been visiting in
Dr.. P. W. Miller, Dentist, over
Strietz's drug store.
The A. o. U. w. held services
last uight appropriate to the anni
versary ot the death of the founder
of the order.
Mrs. M. II. Douglas and Miss
Dora Wright go to Omaha tonight,
where the latter will remain and
attend a business college.
The Ladies of the Maccabees will
hold their annual fair, supper and
dance at the opera house November
We have some bargains in build
ing lots. Call and sec our list.
John Bkatt & Co.
Mrs. M. J. Newman, who has
been visiting her daughter in
Albany, Oregon, writes that Bhe
will soon return to North Platte.
Money spent for Eureka Stock
Food is money well invested in the
way of having your stock in better
condition. Try a package and be
convinced. .
November 16th has been selected
as the date for holding the annual
ball of the city fire department. It
will as usual prove a pleasant
affair and should be largely patron
ized by our citizens,
James M. Uay, Lawyer.
The fuBiouists held a meeting at
the opera house last erebing, the
speeches being delivered by ex-Sen
ator Stewart, of Banner county
and Deputy Attorney.General
Oldham. The audience was a lair
sized one.
For Rent, the Ella Dillon house
in Third ward. Good barn and
outhouses. Inquire of N. B. Old
Chairman Bratt of the street fair
committee has received the cash
rebate of 5301.99 from the railroad
company on account of the special
train guarantee. This will enable
the committee to make a fifteen per
cent dividend to those who nub
scribed to the fair tund.
Persons desiring board and jodg
ing1 can secure such by applying to
Mrs. M. E. Lytic, first house west
of Baptist church.
Chicago weather forecast ft
North Plutte and vicinity: Fair to
night and Wednesday. Cooler to
uight. The maximum temperature
yesterday was 5S; one year ago it
was 70. The minimum temperature
this morning was 14, one year ago
it was 32 The precipitation his
niiht was .24 of an inch.
Seasonable Underwear.
Don't suffer the unspeakabl
misery of rheumatism, coughs or
colds for the want of warm under
garmenib Here you will t-ee a
the best iouds; the medium and
the lowest, Ask to see our specia
lines ot Combination Union Under
wear. They fit like a kid glove,
Prices from one to four dollars per
suit. A uood Shirt or Drawers
wool fleeced, at forty cents a gar
ment, seventy-five cents a suit.
Better grades ai 50c, 75c, and $1.00.
Star Clothing House,
X Railroad Notes. g
Conductor Joe Mooncy is off duty
on account of an abscess on his
Engine No, 6GG came out of the
shops Saturday resplendent in a
new coat of paint and was broken
in Sunday.
Switch engine No. 995. which' re
cently met with an accident in the
Sidney yards, was brought down
terc last week for an overhauling.
W. R. Sopcr, who has been sta
tioned here as the agent of the
fruit express companies, will leave
in a few days tor Chicago where he
will spend the winter.
The number of cars being iced
at this station now is rather small
compared with the number iced
during the busy season, and during
the slack times the ice gang works
on the rip" track and in other
partB of the yards. As soon as the
building of the new ice house begins
these men will probably be trans
ferred to that work.
Supt. Park ot the Wyoming di
vision came down baturuay input
and spent Sunday with his family.
Mr. Park's work since taking the
supcrintendcncy of that division
has been extremely vexatious and
hard owing to the fact that the im
provements being made on the
mountain districts has greatly im
peded the movement of trains, and
he has found little time to spend
at his headquarters office in Chey
enne, ins long ami constant uourn
of labor lias somewhat reduced his
Republican Mooting.
The republican meeting at the
court house last evening, which
was addressed by Johti'N. Baldwin
ot Council Bluffs, was attended by
nearly three hundred citizens,
many extra chairs being- placed in
the room to accommodate tlu crowd.
The meeting was opened by a
selection by the Gothenburg glee
club, and so loudly were thev ap
plauded that they responded with
two other selections. This organi
zation is an excellent one, and
materially assisted in making1 the
meeting a success.
Mr. Baldwin, whr, was a class
mate of Judge Grimes, wan intro
duccd by the latter, and b-,o1;c for
about two hours. His address was
a masterly one, absolutely ireo from
abuse, and replete with log'c. many
saying that it was nne of ihc best,
if not the best speech they bad tyer
heard in North Platte.
The speaker compared the
prophecies made by by Bryan and
his followers four years uiro with
the actual facts as they exint to
day. showing how absolutely
fallacious were those prophecies
In his1 argument Mr. Baldwin give
uncontroyerted facts and figures; if
they wercnot true he challenged
any one in the audiencc'to disprove
Mr. Baldwin discussed all the
issues oetore the people, and
handled each subject in si way that
made the truth .clear ti each
auditor. His references to the flag
and to President McKinlcv and his
work were outburst of pivti iotism
and oratory seldom beard. The
address was throughout one which
stirred republicans to the core and
set the fusiouists present to con
sidcrinL'- the issues before the
people in the true light.
The meeting closed with a song
by the Gothenburg glee club.
If you want fire insurance written
ui old reliable companies at the
lowest possible rate call ami see n
John Bkatt & Co.
EoudcI and Half .Round
Sbock Tanks, all sicea, lor
ualo by Jos. Horahcy.
Turn mmvmszss
. , ,.,
Iiuiro null v
I lie liurnumi In the
blnation. 42?.
Harness Oil
nnt nnlv make tho linrnpiM nml the
IMJrV" It" l-.l. IIU. ..1MB! 1
irulber unit nibble, nut It In con.
. 7.., I. I.Alla. mnl.(M .hi.
i . ,1111011 10 inn iwicu n lung
Horse a
1 1 In
iniii. t
17, lis II uroiiinruy wunm, toyl
lull BM ?!, 111 etui 411 lit, ijb
If. I . ill.,, Husky Mwk
Republican Rally
Opera House,
November 3rd.
Evorybody Turn Out.
.Electric Light Proposition.
Gilbert Wilkes, ot Denver, an
electrical engineer, was in town
yesterday and at a special meeting
of the council submitted a
proposition to erect and maintain
an electric niriit system. air.
Wilkes a-ks for a twelve year fran
chisc and agrees to put in a plant
capable of supplying at least
twenty arc lights and 1500 incan
descent lights. The schedule of
prices to the city, based on the
Philadelphia moonlight schedule,
would be ninety dollars per vcar
for a 2,000 candle power arc light
and $2.25 per month for thirty-two
candle power incandescent lights
To private parties the prices would
be fifteen dollars per month for all
night arc lights and ten dollars il
burned only to midnight. The
incandescent lights are based on
the metre system at the rate of
nine-tenths of a cent per hour for
:i sixteen candle power light. Ten
per cent discount will be made if
bills arc paid before the 10th of each
This is the best proposition that
has yet been submitted to the city,
and it will be considered by the
council at its meeting next Tuesday
Is quite a difference in price
4 . -XT 11
on a staple article, xou win
find that difference on our price
on coffee from what many of you
pay. You will also find as much
difference and more on many j
othcr.articles. That is the differ-
ence DCtween casn ami a pass
Arbuckle's Coffee. ...13c, 2 pkgs 2ot
Lion Coffee 13c, 2 pkt,'Q 25
X X X X Coffee .... 13c, 2 pkgs. .25
Dee Coffee perpkg 14
Bogota Coffee 18c,2 pkgs .35
On Time Yeast, 2 pkgs 05
Yeast Foam, 2 pkgs 05
Diamond C. Soap. 9 bars . .2a
Santa Clausi Soap, 8 bars 25
5c size Paddle, Blue 01
10c size Paddle, Blue 07
Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour per
Table Salt, 2 sacks 05
Kerosene Oil, per gal 15
Sewing Machine Oil, per bottle .05
4-lb. package Gold Dust 18
Pearlinc. per pkg ,04
Vinegar, per gallon 2(1
White Wine Vincsrar, per iral.. .25
Corn Starch, per pkg
Argo Gloss Starch, per pkg. .
Kiugsfords Com Starch...
Kingsfords Silver Gloss Starch .OS
Sage, per pkg 04
Hops, per pkg 04
Search Light Matches, per box. .04
31b Pail Lard 30
5 lb Pail Lard 50
Oat Meal per lb 03
Best Full Cream Cheese, per lb. .15
Klb Can Chipped Dried Beef. . . .1.)
Oil Sardines per can 05
Mubtard Sardines per can 05
Walter Bakers Cocoa, lb. tin .25
Walter B.ikcrtt Chocolate 18c 2
cakcH 3
Army A vie Grease 2 boxes 15
Frazier's Axle Grease, 2 boxes .15
ICatfle Brand Condensed Milk
18c 2 cans
ICvaporated Cream 13c 2 cans for
Battle Ax Tobacco, per plug. . .
Horse Shoe- Tobacco, per
Star Tobacco, ver lb
J, T. Tobacco, per plug .......
We pay you as much as we can
for your produce and charge you no
more lor goorth exchanged lor pro
duce than you pay in cash.
Wilcox Department Store.
America and the
A...: 4i ..44
.v...v..v.i.10 B ""
consutncfs of collcc in the
world, for tea and other table
beverages arc only of secondary
importance with this. It there
fore behooves every conscicn-
tiotiK iriwnr in innlf tn h. wtnrlH
collcc. Wc arc prepared to
Hatisfy all tastes, and have sev-
eral excellent, "blends," mixed in
excellent proportion. A good
colTce of line 11a vor arc our Java
Blend at 25c, Boston Combina
tion at 30c, Royal Moca, Java and
Richelieu at 35c per pound.
a v-
Ofllces: North Plotto Nationnl Bank
Building, North Plotto, Nob.
p P. DENNIS, M. D.,
Over Tirol Nnllnaal linnk.
Office over Streitz's Drug Store.
Telephone 115.
North Platte. - - - Nebraska.
Ollleo ovor Yellow Front Shoe Store
A. II. David.
II, E. IIoacii
Grady Iilouk
Rooms 1 & 2.
Hoagland& Hoagland,
Onion over
MoDoimld'R llnnk.
Office ovor North I'IaUa Nntlonnl llnnk.
Olllco in Hinmiin Block, Dewoy stroot.
II. H. Lnii.l ODIcu .North l'lntlo, Nob.
ucionoru, iwm.
A Kiilllclnnt contest nfllilnvjt hnvllitf iHirn 11 led
iiKiiiHt iKimrHtomi entry No. w,Kvt. nm.Ui Novoml
Drai, iw-', ror nmt, nair or nortnwoftt fpiartor
nml tlionnttli lmlf of Htiutliwost nimrlcr of Kcctlnu
II. lownshln II nnrlli, rmwi went. l,jr Davlil
l'lUTit.contoHtoo, inwliiniiti, lHnik'Kod timt Duviii
Hllnwnlilmsnlf illthnl.nMlbnrl.oo.l for, Ihni.
inrri.v nun llll.lll., mn imiiiii 1111 nniti iruui imr
llvo yi'ftrrt Inst wiHt. tlmt tlicro aro no linnrovo-
Su,.,;krr,,d.11,nr,.cttn!h,,o AlKStiSS
pnlil nlloKOil nbsolicn from nnU land wan not iluu
u mn t'luiiiiijriuiiiiiiii mi, nriuj or imvy ur innriun
wniinrttin Hnltiii HtAtPH HMil nnrtlOH. nrn linrol.v
noiltiiHi to opponr. rrhponii nml nffor ovidonco
touclilnir Hiilil nlli-Kutlon at 10 o'clock, k. in. on
I),iciMiil,ir4. 1WKI. Iiufnrn tin, roolntor m.,1 nilni,
Mt tiio uniti'd HiaicM bind oiiioo iii North I'lfttto,
that allorUuoillllnmico, imrwinal Horvlcn ol thlM
iiotlco can not bo mado. It Is heroby ordorod and
niri'ni.'ii umi much nouco lo fi'Vim by duo and
liroiiiT puDiicanoti. .. ....
... i itANic iucon. itniriNtKr.
niiiiur. i im I'ljiiiiiuAiiun. .
Lanu umce nt North Platte. Nub., f
Octobor filh. 1UK). t
kottlBr lina filed notice of hi. Intention tb mk
iiuuiu ib nroiy niveii nun inu loiiowmu-nanien
oiifti proof in Huptiort of bin riaim, mid timt fnid
''""''""'"K'N'IWWII.I Mm
ut North Plutte, Neb., on Nov cmbor 2Dd, 11KJ0, vlis
HAillANIl.1. J.Al'l'.
of Wnllaco. Neb., who nindt) IIomfKtond Entrr No.
10SI-, for lh northwest quarter Suction 1U, Town
II, north, ltiuiKo X we,t.
lie nnniM tint following wIIiki.bbh to prove hid
contlillioim roHldencu noon nnd onltlvntlon nf unld
IiiiiiI lz: Wllllun I.iikln, Jniui'HT. OoatH, Itobort
l , nymw, in, j-, untor nil or wniumo, Nubrnska,
W OKOItOK K. I'ltKNOn, ltKlter,
plalnllll liorcln, IUikI hur petition In the dlhtrlct
court of Lincoln county, Ntdinukn, iiK"ltist mid
defendant, Iho object nnd prnyur of which am
Unit hliH may buillvorcud from Iho Hiild Wllllnin K.
Molilnlny, on tin) xriMindH that ho Iiiim Imkiii
Knllly of ii.vtirinc cruelly townriln thlx plalntllT,
nun i'ii nm lunniT Krnniiii.N, iiihi nn, uniciiiiaill
ix'inu oi Niiinciunt ntuiilr to iirovldo Nultabb
inaliilonillico and Biipport for plnlntll! nnd hur
ciiiiiircii, KroHHiy, wuntoniy nnu oriicnv ikiuhou
tn do hi, l'liilnllll furlhtir prnyn for the ciiNtody
of Wimnllii McKlnloy mid Wllllo McKllllay,
iil 1.1 r tn of iilniniirr mid dcfinidunt.
Von nro ritilml to niiBwor UiIh iHilltlon on or
boforo ino iuiii nay of Novombor. Itujtl.
i:ilMl N. MultlMI.KY.
ll lly Wllco. h IlidllKnn, iter AttornojH
To .lAiniw I'. Rtroud, nou resident dcfeiidiind.
il nro lnnby uolind Hint on Iho -Ttli dur of
Octlitx'r, IKK), Junulo it, Htrouil (Hod a petition
uunlnxt you In tbu district court of Lincoln
munty, Nnlrmka, tlr'nlijuct mid prnyar of which
are to obtain u dl voice from you on the ground
unit you iihto iiui'n KUinr or KXiromii cruelty in.
warn nor, unu wint ior ino piou uiriii yuarn you
hsvii wantonly and crnully fftllod and iickIooUmI to
nrovliln Iior with the comiiiou noccrearleit of life.
ion bcluir nf MitllclMit ni'lllty to HUltablr main
tain her, vnd for the euro and custody of thu
ciitiiiron, tin) imnoot Haiumirriae,
You nro ruiiiiirod to mnwur n.ild netllloa nn or
lndoioMoUduy thu tenth day of lJeccinbor. 11KX)
UiiU'd Korlh I'latte.Nobrutkn. OoloburUTlh. 11KMI
jicnnik ii, nruouo, riaiiiuii
30-1 Iiy T, O, VMvmou, Uor Altornuy-
4s mi Exterminator of Moqalto nn&
Now that tho greater part ot ttio
medical profession has agreed on tho
high probability, It not tho practical
certainty, that tho germs of malaria
cannot find tholr way Into tho human
system without tho aid ot ono ot tho
numerous families ot mosquitoes, tho
Anopholos, dovlccs for warding oft tho
nttacks ot tho always hated insects
havo becomo matters ot tho doopcut
Interest Evon If, as was formerly sup
posed, tho creatures wero moro sum
mer nutsancos, relentless destroyers ot
comfort and temper, means ot escap
ing from their persistent attentions
would bo hailed with tho stneorest Joy
In most parts of tho world, but ulnco
they lmvo been accused and almost
convicted ot bolng tho solo carriers ot
no infection to which
no small frac
tion ot tho mini total ot human Illness
iiul death is duo. tho announcement
.hut tholr extermination ovor connld-
?rnhlo areas Is notthor expensive nor
llRlcult can hardly fail to rccelvo
nner nttantton. Just thin nnnnnnen-
.iient la mado by two Italian doctors
vho havo been conducting prolonged
I ivnni'tniAnla In Mm 4 n . onnnnw I
rilclr work conBiBtcd ln nscortalnlng
ho tllfTcrent places In and around tho
awn urnins, cisiorns, puuuies ,anu
ho like whero mosquKocs passod tlm Inrvnl ntnin nml Minn liw
ho uso of petroleum, applied twlo a
nonth, rendering such ot these places
is could not bo abolished uninhabit
able for tho Insects. Tho products' ot
ivorlookcd breeding places wero next
lestroyed In shops with chlorine and
n dwelling houses with any ot tho
veil known culllcldcsv, From tho hlgh-
y successful results attained It was
'(included that the town was not ln
ixccptlonally unfavorable surrouud-
ngs, not ln tho midst ot oxtonslva
nvnnips, that Is, can ulways bo freed
.'rom mosquitoes. Tho estimated cost
.'or town of 50,000 Inhabitants is from
$200 to $300 a year, including tho
wages of tho staff nocdod to carry out
ho measures prescribed. Now York
Clubs for
Farmora' Wives
a No-
Tho farmers' wives of a Mown in
Michigan seemed to havo solved tho
problem ot obtaining tho social and
mental relaxation which Is usually so
restricted by tho isolation Of farm life.
Tho women got pormtBslon to uso two
vacant rooms In the county courthouse
as club rooms. They furnished them
by tho slmplo plan of each woman
paying for ono yard of carpet, and glv
Ing ono chair, ono cup and Baucer, ono
knife, fork and opoon.
Here, overy
Saturday those who wish to coino for
I reading or rest or sociability, and In
tho afternoon or evening thoro Ib ubu-
ally a literary and musical program.
Onco a month there Is a meeting with
refreshments. Such little clubs ol
.. . t ...I . ... . . . t .1 1. I H . 1. 1
uiiiuviB wivva nuuiu uriiiK u wiiuic
somo variety Into tho Hfo of many a
hard-working woman whoso presoht
opportunities nro in no way common
Biirata with her needs or sacrlfloe.
They would at least make It lmposslblo
for such a pathetic- case to exist any'
whero ln tho country as that rocontly
reported ln tho newspapers of n farmer
wno remarked, when iiib who wont In
sane, mat no counin t imagino mo roa
son, for sho hadn't stopped outsldo tho
kitchen for thirty years. Ono cannot
holn wondorlnir if a club
ot somo sort
would not also havo
boon a good
thing for that farmer.
Iloll Milk nnd Water.
Milk Is nn ndtnlrablo food, contaln-
Inir nil tho olnmontH of nntrltlnn In n
01 m capablo of ready assimilation.
contrary to tno univorsai opinion,
i,rl,,.rt- i t ,.
"" "'""J" oi
adapted to tho uso of the' sick, A very
1 M . .... .111 At. .,1 11
call 3 is ronuirca ior tno nro tin r rnnvnr.
on of milk, and tho digestive nulds ol
UlO alck do not COmo lip to til la atnil-
in,.,! Mnronvnr thn nnllMv .l,l.
M'"" MOrOOVOr, lOO inCHItV Willi
vhlch milk absorbs gases and develops
, ninnnim nlnmnlnfn ,nna lin luin.. In
I DlSUnOUS piomttinCB milBl UO Uomo In
oilnd. It 1b in this way a ready sourco
I f Infnnflnn nvnn whnrt ilttii.n ,.nn.
... m 1. itwu 141MOTM Al Villi
icalthy cow. and thoro Is llttlu
I loillit. tlint much of flm mlllr In nn la
10"ul "ml mucn Ol UUO mint in UBO IS
"i uuuiiueu uiwuya irum uoaiiny am-
mnls. Heat is tho most KutlHfiintnrv nf
111 Btoniizors, ana wnon miiK is uolleU
iu i,n,., onn rrh liit ,
-..w uuninb umu
rnnilnrH If mnrn illtrnntlliln Tlin Aral
uu ul Bunmo juif" uyou raw IllllK
., 1..1 .......
's similar to that producod by heat, but
II minima n vnrv nnHvn anlvnt
It rpqulrcs a very actlvo solvent. Wa
ter Is nlso n familiar sourco of disease,
inu all that 1b used for potablo pur
poses should bo previously boiled.
Magnet IteuioVDA n Drill,
In "boring a deep well In Germany
tho hardened end of a steel drill broko
off at a depth of 1,000 teot. Aa It was
cl0''irly IsiposBiblo to drill out tho hard
steel, it was noceosary oitnor to ro
movo It or abandon tho boring, it was
removed in a highly Ingenious way, A
soft Iron bar, llvo feet long and two
nntl one-half Inches In diameter, wits
wrapped with a slnglo luyor of India
rubber covered wire, thus making It an
electromagnet. Tho bar, with wires
lOTdlng to It, was lowered Into thu holo,
and current from n small dynamo
turned on. This magnotlzod tho bar,
which was then carofully drawn up to
tho surface, bringing tho steel drill.
point with it.
Ijirc" Output nt Mutclivtf.
Ono firm ln Austria uses ten tana ot
nhoHphorous a year, and turns out
over 25,000,000,000 matcllCB. AllOtllor I
company, an English one, uses 100,000
pounds of sulphur, 700,000 feet of
cholco white plno timber, and 10 tons
of Btrawboard for boxes ln tho samo
Offers Adinutncrs Not l'oncmeil by "lif
vlilblo" Mno Method.
Somo fishermen dlsllko a heavy
inc." says nn old fisherman, "bollov-
Ing that it is moro easily scon, and
consequently alarming to tho fish. I
am convinced that this is an erroneous
impression, howov,er, as If a propor
longth ot lender ho used and tho fly
correctly handled it is lmposslblo for
tho fish to seo tho line, not to men
tion tho enormous advantago ln accu
racy and dlstanco obtalnablo ln tho
cast, particularly ln a wind. A lino
which has novor to my knowlcdgo been
uaed locally Is 'known as tho blow lino.
I should havo tried It long stneo for
lako fishing woro It not for tho diffi
culty In obtaining ono and my falling
to remember this fact until too lato
each year. Tho lino Is constructed of
very loosely woven silk, and is very
light and porous. Tho fisherman pro
ceeds to that shoro of tho lhko from
which tho wind blows, armed with a
very lpng, stiff polo (not rod), somo
llvo grasshoppers, willow or May flies
a small hook attached to n long
EOSBamor leader. Hio bait Is Impalod
fltl Ml o hfnr nrifl Hin nnlft clvon n nil I fir
Jork upward, throwing tho lino dl-
rcctly overhead, whero tho wind catches
nuu uiavs unu, uuu aim an wuu oiu
Into the lake, whero tho bait struggles
In an ontjclng manner. I bellovo tho
method to bo n deadly ono, and hope
to try it somo day, if my momory Im
OrcatMt Maker of Violins.
Antonlus Strqdlvarl was considered
to bo tho moat fnmoiiB maker of vlollni
that over lived, llo was descended
from an old family at Cromona, whorn
he was born ln 1GU. During his cntlra
carcor ho mado between COO and 70Q
violins, for nono of which did ho ovei
recclvo(iiiQro than $25. Now a gouulna
Strad will soil for $10,900, and ono Ir
In possosslqn of tho city of Genoa (pre
sented to tho city by Paganlnl, one ot
tho moat famouB violin playors oir rec
ord), for which tho city nuthorltlci
havo bcon offered as much as $150,001),
but they refuso to soil. A violin It
snld to havo been mudo by him when
ho was 02 years of age, but his best in
struments woro mado from about 1701
to 1725. Otradlvarl died at Cremona Id
1737, aged 9' London Answers.
Lutlior 'Autograph MunuiorlpU.
Somo Luther autograph manuscripts
havo boon discovered In tho Vatican
library by Professor Flkcr, ot Stras-
burg. Thoro nro two commentaries on
tho Eplstlo to tho Romans, ono on tho
text and tho othor on tho sense, and
two commentaries on tho Eplstlo to
thn TTnVintva Thv worn wrlttnn In
1f-1ft 1R17 0t,,i.. tmfnrn tho nntl-
,nR of th(J nIn'oty.flvo tUoBC8 at Wltftn-
Niy Time in Wurrcn.
Ocorgo Docrsam, our neighbor block-
smith on tho next lot, makes merry
I ..,.!.. .1 ... -
inuaiu ouuiunini'a wuuii iiu eiiuuu il iuu
tlous horHo. With Neighbor Haofty
hopping hamburger steak on ono slda
and Neighbor Doorsam pounding an
anvil on tho other, with good old Post
master Kl In tho alloy Blnglng a good
old Klohadlst hymn, wo nro not lack
ing for- nmusomont wlion tired from
Betting typcWarron (111.) Sontlnol-
Too rnmprrotw.
A crerk In a lirooklyn odlco named
William E. Farren ban becomo so proB
porous that his father has asked that
ho be discharged, The lad gots 975 a
month and has hold tho position thir
teen weeks, The father says, howovor,
that the boy novor brings a cent homo
with Ifm and Is ruining his health by
sporting about Uath lloach, whero thoy
llvo. "Ho drinks to excess," eayB tho
older Farren, "and I nm afraid ho will
dtsgraco himself.
Fun Vnotril Farmer,.
In tho OVympIc mountains, ln tho
state ot Washington, lives u small, boa-
vor-llko animal known locally is th
"farmor." It makes burrows In tho
banks of small Btroms, nnd Win them
with tho lcavos nntl stoma of wnter
plants, which- It first cures for tho pur
pose by cutting them down and spread
ing them out ln tho buh to dry. Tho
vcBombhinco of the drlod stoma to hay
is tno origin of tho namo popularly
given to tho Industrious animal. Tha
scientific name of this rodent la Ilnp
lodon! nought lloana for Clear.
Dr. Uudge, tho EgyptologlBt ot tho
British museum, has just had an un
pleasant experience. Whllo In Egypt
recently ho purchased a quantity ol
natlvo cigars. Tho casa was duly do
Ilvorod at tho British museum, but
when opened It was found that no
fower than seven of tho boxes had
boon cloverly emptied ot tho cigars and
their placeB filled with tho beans of
caEtor oil plants.
tin fort unuto Homo Cnt,
Now that tho period Is at hand for
long summer vacations, friends of do
mestic unlmal3 aro making n cry for
mercy to tho houso cnt. Tho cat will
ctay about homo and Btarvo, whllo tho
dog will tako caro ot himself ln somo
way or other, If ho Is not taken along
with tho family or loft with somo
friend who can't r"t away from town.
Pittsburg D!
Refuted to Tell Tholr Afrr.
Homo mulden ladles In Newark ro
fused to tell tho census enumerator
tholr ages, or oven their munus, bo
cuiibo thoy bellovo tho taking of tho
census is for tho purposo of getting
tho names ot all slnglo women in tho
country mid fining thorn $100 for not
having husbauds.