THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE IKA I.. 1IAIIK, Proprietor. TnnMS: ti.25 in advance. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. I THE NEWS IN BRIEF. At Lcxlngtdn, Va ex-Postmaster General William L. Wilson died sud denly. Lord Roberts has been gazetted hon orary colonel ot the new regiment of. Irish Guards. Queen Wllhclmlna has proclaimed her betrothal to Duko Henry of Mcck-lcnburg-Schwcrln. President Krugor has postponed his departure for Europe until October 20. He will land nt Marsolllos. John Hughes, postmaster at Cam bria, Pa., shot anti billed an unidenti fied burglar who broke Into the of fice. Whllo A. W. Stevenson, a council man of Sallna, Kan., was sitting near n horsp, the animal bit a portion of ono of his cars off. Tho Fond du Lac, Wis., postofnee was entered by burglars and n largo amount of stamps, money and regis tered letters taken. Tho comptroller of tho currency has authorized tho First National bank of Balllsaw, I. T., to begin business with a capital of f 25,000. The San Domingo uprising Is onded, tho rebels scattered, tho troops pursu ing them, confidence re-established and business reviving. At Wolfe City, Tex., tho seed houso of tho Hunt county oil mill, was de stroyed by fire with about $10,000 worth of seed. It was Insured for $23, 000. Hon. John Llttlo, ex-mombor of con gress, former president of tho United StatcB commission on tho Venezuelan claims died of heart falluro at his homo In Xetilu, O. At Colfax, Wash., Judgo William Mc Donald of tho suporlor court of that county was placed under arrest on two warrants, charging him with attempt ed subornation of perjury. Uy a vote of 410 to 325 tho Chicago board ot trade defeated an nmond mont calling for tho abolishment of tho rulo recently ndoptod limiting trading In grain futures to Blxty days. Two hundred 'Uintah Indians from Utah havo Invaded northwostorn Col orado on tholr annunl hunting expe dition, and as usual on such occasions tho Bottlers nro groatly alarmed. At OshkoBh. Wis., flro burned 13. 000,000 feet of lumber, portions of tho Holllstcr-Amo3 company's mill, and tho plant of Challnor & Sons. Loss estimated at $300,000. At Gladstone Mlch.,Mho mill of W. H. Johnson burned. Tno origin ot the flro 1b unknown. This mill wan mov od from Metropolitan last winter. Tho loss la $45,000, with $20,000 Insur ance Tho Sons of tho Amorlcan Revolu tion eolobnated at Boston ono of tho greatest ovontn In tho history of tho United States. Yorktown day, tho sur render of Lord Cornwallls and the foundation of tho Amorlcan ropubllc, 119 years ago. Tho report of tho Illinois Daptlst association shows that thoro nro nearly 800 churches in tho state which pay tho pastor less than $350 por year and a number of towns ot 1.000 or moro population with no Baptist churches. Michigan's rocord of now factories during tho last four years, as shown by a canvnss Just mado by state- ofh clals, Is 1,005, not ono of which was In exlstcnco prjor to January 1, 1897. At tho tlmo of tho canvnss .those In Btltutioiis wero employing n total ot 23,000 persons and their pay rolls ng grcgntod $33,000 a day, or approxl matoly $1,500,000 a year. Captain Goorgo Wellington Streotor and bovoii co-defendants whoso at tompt to hold filled In land on Lnke front, nt Chicago, last Bummor resulted in tho mobilization ot tho wholo po Ilea forco of tho city, wero declared "not guilty" of conspiracy to commit murder. Tho ehargo of unlawful as semblage still remains against tho "squatters" on tho crlmlnnl calondar. as well a3 a numbor of civil Bults. Tho stato department has rocolvcd a dlspntch from Vlco Consul Carroll at Montoroy, Mox., Baying that Hun tor E, Goldln, an Amorlcan cltlzon, who was rocontly sontonccd to a term oi eigm years imprisonment in a Mexican penitentiary, has been re leased from custody. Tho Spanish govornmont will tnko an active part in tho Spanlsh-Amorl can congress and nn exceptional wol como will bo given tho dologntcs. tiio manuiaciurors 01 ueet sugar started In tho great roflnory at Rocky ford, Colo., with a capacity of 750 tons of boots por day. Tho plant employs ouu persons. The Ohio supremo court hold tlio Ohio tramp act constitutional. Tho United States ralsos GG per cont ot tho world's supply ot hogs. Tho govornmont statistical bureau Hhows 122,000.000 hogs in tho world, with 09,000,000 of them in Undo Sam's do main. The Spanish cabinet has decided to postpones tho opening ot tho cortos until November 20 on account ot tho Spanish-American congress. Tho San Francisco, Cnl Examiner says that Edwin Hnwloy, of Now York, has been offered r.nd has do cllncd tho presidency of tho Southoru Pacific company. A caso of III11088 suspected to bo bu bonic plague Is reported at Stopheny, a parish and suburb of London. Among tne alterations soon to occur In London nro tho widening of London brldgo and tho building of a tunnel from Rothorhltho to Shndwoyy, nt n coat or jiu.uuu.uuu. Kansas City packorB Inst wcok klllo.l 40,125 cattlo, tho heaviest slaughter 0:1 rocord for n weok. Of those Armour killed 10,752, Omaha Packing conipanv CC3, Fowler 110, Schwarzschlld & Sulz berger 7.901. Swift 10,000, Cudahv 3.702. Ruddy Brothers 405. local butch- -, era 385. A year ago tho corresponding 'Week 33,719 were KUieu. irni Tin First National of Now York is Out a Fabulous Eutn, A TRUSTED OfflClAL O0ES WRONG Note Teller Alvoril It CharRcd Willi Crookekncts on n I.nrco Scale How He Covered Denclls Nothing Suspi cious Win Noticed. NEW YORK, Oct. 24. Charles L. Al- vord, noto tellor ot tho First National bank of this city, Is a fugltlvo and de faulter to tho. extent of $700,000. Tho discovery of tho defalcation, which was mado this afternoon, cre ated tho utmost cxcltomont, but the well known stability ot the First Na tional bank and a statement Issued by tho bank had a quieting effect. This Btatcmcnt was ns follows: "Tho noto toller, who has been In tho employ of tho First National bank for many years, 1b a doraulter to n largo amount. His operations havo continued for a considerable ucrioJ and havo been skillfully concealed through a manipulation of his bal- nnco book. Tho discovery was mado by ono of tho bank's employes a few days after tho completion of an ex amination of tho bank by tho United States oxamlhcrs. During tho contlnu- nnco of his peculations periodical ex aminations havo been mndo by Boveral distinct sets of examiners representing Uiu comptroller s department, all ex pert accountants, and tho bank hn3 also had frequent independent exam inations, none of which hns dovolopcl any Irregularity. Tho aggregato In tho falso entries, nmountitig to $7uu.- 000, has been charged off on tho books of tho bank out of tho rcservo fund without diminishing tho surplus nnd profits of tho bank ub ronortcd In Its last published stntemont. It is cx pectod that tho shortage will bo mate rially reduced by a substantial Bum, of which thero Is fair prospect of ro covcry." Alvord had been with tho bank for twenty years and was 0110 of the most trusted men In tho Institution. Ills stealings oxtonded over a long period, but no suspicion of tho truth was known until ten dnys ago, wncn no sent word that ho was 111 nt his home Aftor ho had boon away for n day or two tho bank put experts at work and some irregularities wero round. As tho oxports dolvcd dcopor una deeper Into Alvord's books the extent ot tho defalcation began to dawn upon them, when It wns found It reached tho enor mous flguro of $700,000. Whether that sum Is all that 110 took Is not yet known. It hns not yot dovolopcd how tho noto teller was able to put his lunula on so much monoy. But ono of tho dlroctora la re ported to havo said that Alvord was nblo to take such a largo sum becauso bb noto toller Uo was In charge of tho mall. This ho opened ovory morning nnd had amplo opportunity to abstract noton, drafts, checks and monoy. or courso ho had to bo especially 'skill ful to mako his accounts balance This director admitted that he was at n loss to account for tho falluro of tho bunk oxaminors to discover Alvord's lrrogularltlos at tholr last examina tion. rarest Raynor IB In ennrgo 01 tno national' bank examiners horo. What Alvord did with tho cash la a mys torv ns yet. oxcopt that as usual In bucIi cases it is said a largo amount ot It wont in Btock speculation. Tho Btory Is that ho had lost $75,000 In ono deal, but what deal It was has not boon stated. It has been discovered that during tho Bummmor Alvord vU lted Saratoga, whoro no cut n great flguro, Bpondlng monoy UKo a prince BELIEVE END IS IN SIGHT. Jll iior Only Wiiltlnit for All Cnnipinlso to l'ont Notice of Ailvtinett. IIAZELTON. Pa., Oct. 22. Around tho national hcadqunrters of tho United Mlno Workers today tho bplier wa.i unanimous that tho end of tho Btrlko will como within n vory short tlmo. Prc&ldont Mltcholl notwithstanding contrary roportB, has EOt no uato ror cnlllng off tho Btrlko. ab soon ns an tho onorators signify tholr willingness to nay a 10 nor cent, auvanco in wugo.i until April tho national oxecutlvo board will bo callod In Besslon to vote on ontling tno coiuesi. rresiueiu Mltcholl appeara to bo moro nnxlous about tho Dolawnro, Incltawwanna & Hudson and tho Delawaro & Hudson Coal companies thnn any of tho others. Thcso companies havo taken such a prominent part In tho Btrugglo that It lB,,boHovcd that na sooon as they post supplemental notices tho othor opor atora will fall into lino, BRINGING III' ME VOLUNTEERS. First to Leave tho 1'lilllpnlnra Some Time In November, SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 24. At mlll- tarv hcadauartoiB horo It Is Btated that tho first Installment of tno volunteer nrmy now In tho Philippines will loavo Mnnlala ovomber 1. From mat time until noxt Jimo tho transports will bring homo about 25.D0O men at tho rato of from 4.000 to b.uuu a monin. Tho Blck will, It possible bo shipped on earner tranBDons. Unit tnoy may travel without crowding. Tho various regiments will bo mustered out and irnid aa soon aa posslblo alter incy nrrlvo horo. By this arrangement tho enmns now nt tho Presidio will uo bui- flclont to nccommodato tho ontlro army. I'toplo Welcoino the KolieU. HONK KONG, Oct. 24. Tho situa tion nt Canton la comparatively qulou it 1b roportcd that tho consuls have ro colvcd letters warning thorn of dnu- ' eors. RofugooB from Hul Chow say xho robolB nro welcomed ovorywhoro, Thoy tnko nothing without payment and nro treated as gueBts instead or. onomios. Their loaders nro supposed to numbor ten. oach commanding a Boparato band. .Tho ono oporatlng In tho How Lung hinterland is a moro stripuug, uut is ovorywhoro successful. IS STRUCK FOR $700,000 ll; United States Studying Over Agrrcm Jletwnen Kicl:int nnd Uerinnny. WASHINGTON, Oct. 21. It lo not tho purposo of tho Stato department to net upon tho suggestion contained In tho HrltlBh-Gcrmun agreement re specting China, and glVo It its r.d horencc for several days at least. Tho subject Is one ot sufllclcnt Importanco to warrant careful consideration, nnd especially Is It desirable that some fur ther light bo shed upon tho third clnuso of tho agreement beforo tho I United States acts, though It 1 not doubted that at least a qualified ad- horonco will bo given. Tho department is In correspondence by cablo with Mr, Conger, who Id nd. vising it freely of tho various proposi tions that arise before tho body ot ministers resident nt Pckln, who nro now, in conformity with tho terms of tho French note consulting with this object of beginning negotiations with tho Chinese government. It cannot be gathered, however, that nny marked progress has been achieved up to thl3 moment. Ohio Honors Slicrinnn. COLUM11US. O., Oct. 21. Tho stato officials held a meeting nt tho capltol touny, Judgo Shuuck of tho supremo court presiding, and took action on tho death of Hon. John Shormnn. It wob decided that a Bpeclal train should bo chartered und all state officials at tend tho funoral. The stato officers will all bo closed on the afternoon of tho funoral. A committee was ay- pointed to draft Bultablo resolutions Governor Nosh Issued a proclamation announcing tho death, and Chairman Dick of tho republican Btato executive committee lssuod a proclamation bus- ponumg all work of campaigning by republicans Thursday, tho day of tho innerm. Rob 1'oor llox of Church. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Oct. 24. Father Q. Andre of tho Church of No- tro Dnmo des Lourdes. noting that tho poor box In tho church was being robbed, hnd It flttod with a burnlar alarm. When this rang todav ho dashed into tho church and out Into tho street In pursuit of tho robbor. The priest finally overtook tho thief nnd handed him over to tho doIIco. Ills namo was M. Landrv and ho was a cigar maker ot rcspoctnblo antece dents. About an hour nftor being locked up Landry was found hanging In 11 Ih cell, doad. He hnd commlttod suicide American Mlaslonnry Association, SPRINGFIELD, Mass., Oct. 24. The fifty-fourth annual meeting of the American Missionary association open ed horo today with over 400 delegates In nttondnnco and will contlnuo until Thursday morning with morning, aft ernoon and evening sosslons. Mnyor W. P. Hnycs gavo tho address of wcl- como from tlio city nnd llov. r. b. Moxom, D. D., the address of wolcomo from tho churches, to which Pro3leut F. A. Noblo ot Illinois mado response. New Cabinet Tnko tlio Oath. MADRID, Oct, 24. Tho new Spanish cabinet took the oath today. Senor Sll- vela, bellovca a great mistakes was rondo lu not giving tho nnvnl portfo lio to Senor Sanchez Toca and that it was an equal mlBtako to roialn General Linares ob mlnlotor of war. Tho prosB polntB out that five of the ministers are generals. Tho official or gan of tho nrmy declares tho tlmo '.ir.s arrived to undortako energetically tho reorganization of tho army. Territories Want Statehood. VORT WORTH, Tex.. Oct. 24. Tho cltizons of Oklahoma nnd the Indian Territory want slnglo atntehood lor tho two torrltorlos. Tho formation of leagues to promote this end hns com menced. Tho first loiguo was organ ized at Wagonor, I. T. Determined ef forts in thlB direction are being mndo by tho loading people of those tcrrrl- tones. Revolution In Suppressed. SAN DOMINGO. Oct. 21. Tho com plete Biipprcsslon ot the rovolutlon Is ofllclnlly announced. Gonoral Garcia has surrendered unconditionally. aenor Biota nnn boon nrro3tod on tlio chnrgo of complicity In tho move ment, Senor Desprndel hns boon ap pointed minister ot agriculture In suc cession to Sonor Vnsquez. Kettle Indlnnn Htrlko LINTON, Intl., Oct. 24. Tho strlko at Island City mlno No. 1 has bcoit settled, tho coal comnnnv nfirreelnir to 'glvo employment to tho man who was objoctlonnblo to It, but resorvlng tho right to employ or not employ nny union minor in tho future Over C00 minors wero out. l'leaned vrlth Itiisslnn Circular. ST, PETERSDURG. Oct. 24. Gcn ornl G. B. Williams, tho forolgn rep resentative of tho Cramps of Philadel phia, has arrived horo. Tho officials of tho Russian ndmlralty havo In formed Gonornl Williams that thov aro highly ploasod with tho trial perform ance of tho Russian crulsor Varlac. Not Counterfeit lllll. WASHINGTON, Oct. 21. Tho sccrot 8orvlco bureau of tho treasury depart ment hns discovered n now Indian head $5 counterfeit. Tho noto Is of the sorleo 1899, chock letter D, fnco pl.uo No. 20, back plato No. 23, J. W. Lyons register nnd Ellis II. Roberts treas urer. Morn Troops Leave l'ekln. PEKIN, Oct. 20. (Via Tlon Tsln. Oct. 21, and Shanghai, Oct. 23.) Tho Fifteenth Unltod States Infantry has dopartcd from tho city. It wna escort ed boyond tho walls by tho othor Amor lcan troops. Tho d:tfo ot tho mooting ot tho foreign ministers with Prlnco Chlng and LI Hung Chang has not yet been definitely fixed. Some of the mlnlfttors hnvo not yet received in structions from their governments: two nro nbsent from tho capital and pno Is HI CONSIDER THE LATEST PHASE SPAIN BADLY TORN UP Military and Oivio Elomonts Struggling to Control Government. ARMY HOLDS POWER AT PRESENT Appointment of Wcyler u Cttptnlu Gen eral of Madrid In Nature of Dell Tlio llutcher of Innocent Cuban Assumes Duties of III No r OflU-e. MADRID. Oct. 23. General Azcnr- rngiThas succeeded In forming a cabi net with tho following distribution of portfolios: President of tho Council General Azcarruga. Minister of Foreign A ffalrB Marquis Agullar Campo. Minister of War General Linares. Minister of Finance Senor Aller do Salajaro. Minister of tho InteriorHonor Ugarte. Minister of Justice Marquis Vadlllo. Minister of Public Instruction Se nor Garcia Allx. Minister of Agrlculturo nnd Public Works Senor Sanchez, Toca. Tho post of tho minister of marine has not, yet been filled. General Az carrnga presented the list to tho queen regent this evening and tho ministers will tnko tho oath tomorrow. Tho under secretary of tho interior, tho prefect ot Madrid und tho mayor of Madrid, ns well ns several prefects of departments, havo resigned. In spite of the ministerial crisis, of which no Is tho cause, General Wcyler has taken up his duties ns captain general of Madrid. He Is accused of antl-parllamentary Intentions and his appointment which was mado by tho nunistor or war, General Linares, un known to the othor ministers, la re garded by them as tantamount to the abdication of power by Senor Sllvola, who tnus "throws himself into tho arms of militarism.''. Tho present crisis Is nn outcomo of tho conflict between tho civil and mili tary elomonts. Since their roturn from Cuba Generals Wcyler and Linares havo gatheied around them a group In defense of the Interests of tho army and, in splto of tho budget's economics wiiich havo been universally demand- fd, they aim to reconstruct' tho nrmy and navy. Tho flrat stop In the direc tion of this plan waa to proclaim the independence of tho minister of wnr ugalnst tho members of tho cabinet nnd General Linares annointcd Gen eral Wcyler to bo captain general of Madrid, as part of this policy. General wcyler, who recently ndhered to tho liberal party, which he hoped evont- aauy would enablo him to get tho port folio of war, announced that ho accent ed tho post as a military man and not nn a politician. Nevertheless It Is thought hln present notion will cause him to bo abandoned by tho llbcrnls. In tho meantime General Wcyler re tains his post, saying ho waa nomi nated oy the government ot tho queen regent and apparently he bellovcs no one dares remove him. Vlco Admiral Churrora will prob ably bo appointed minister of marine. Senor Agnsta, who was Interviewed today on tho cnblnot crisis, snld If Gen eral Azcnrraga succeeded In forming a ministry ho would bo ephomcral. STRIKE MAY BE NEAR ITS END. President Mitchell Kxprcsse Optimistic View "f Mining Situation, IIAZLETON, Pa., Oct. 23. President Mitchell In nn Intervlow tonight prac tically admitted tho anthracite coal minora' strlko would end as soon ns tho operators nil posted a notlco guaran teeing tho ndvanco of 10 por cent until Apru 1. rrosiuent juiicneu sum: The prospect of an early settle ment of tho coal Btrlko Is becoming brighter. Some of tho operators havo not yot posted a nbtlco signifying tholr willingness to fall In lino with cither tho Reading company or with the proposition mado by tho Lehigh Val ley company in tho Ilnzlcton recion If nil of them notify tholr minors by posting notices or otorwlso that an actual advanco of 10 per cent will bo paid each mlno employe and guaranty Its continuance until April 1, togothor with the abolition of tho sliding scnlo, 1 boiiove tno terms would bo accented Tlio reduction in powder from $2,75 to si.DU 11ns confused tho miners, lint aomo of tho operators havo explained how contract minors would receive tho full advance of 10 per cent as well n3 all othor employes and I bollcve this obstacle can bo overcome" Funeral of John Hheruuin. WASHINGTON. Oct. 23 Tho fun oral arrangements ot John Shorman so far as they pertain to tho services in Washington, wero completed this nfternoon. Thoy will tnko nlaco at tho inio resmonco of Mr.,.Snerman on Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock Rov. Maekoy Smith of St. John's Epls copal church will bo tho officiating ciorgymnn. Immediately after tho runorni Borvfcoa tho body will bo tak en to .Mansfield. O.. whoro tho nr rangomonts for tho Inst sad rites havo been loft In tho hands of Roprcscnta tivo w. a. Kerr and othor friends ot tho family. l'ult'.lo Appeitl for Aid. SIIAMOKIN, Pa.. Oct. 23. For tho first time ninco tho nnthrnclto cool Btrlko began a public appeal for aid was mado this after.noon by n com mlttoo cnluug on business men and collecting monoy and provisions for impoverished fnmllles of strikers. Depend Upon the Election, NEW YORK, Oct. ?3. Whlchover way tho presidential election goes may docldo who Is to bo tho noxt president gnoral or tho Daughters of tho Amer ican Rovolutlon, says a special from Washington to tho Herald, It has boon doclded by many of tho lending mombors to usk olthcr Mrs. Roosevelt or Mrs. Bryan to fill thts position. Neither is nt present n member of tho organization, but both nro eligible, and ono ot tho board ot managers mado tho statement that papers havo boon mado nut for tho admission ot both to tho rnnks ot tho Daughters, EX-SENATOR SHERMAN DEAD. Urilii ExhanUlon tho Immediate Onut of Ills Taklns Off. WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. Hon. John Sherman, former roprcncntatlvo in tho houso, for a long time a momber of tho Benato and twlco holding cabinet positions, died at' his rcsldcnco in this city shortly boforo 7 o'clock this morn ing In tho 78th yenr ot hU age His death had been expected for days and loving friends gavo him their unre mitting caro and nttontlon to tho end. Tho Immediate couso of death waB de scribed as brain exhaustion incident to oxtromo weakness, due to old ago and to sovoral attacks of sickness, from which ho hnd suffered for tho past yoar and a half. Slnco Saturday afternoon Mr. Sherman has been most of tho tlmo unconsclo8, rallying par tially nt Intervals, when plight nour ishment wns given him. Ycstcrdny afternoon evidences of tho approach ing end were manifest and ho fnlled to regain consciousness nftcr 3 o'clock, passing away peacefully Just aftor dawn broke About 1 o'clock this morning ho rnlllod somewhat from tho Btupor and turned himself over In bed, but nftcr that ho gradually sank until the end came During tho day and evening a num ber of Inquiries wero mndo nt tho house concerning tho condition of tho Blck man, President McKInley bolng nmong tlioso who sent to ask about him. Several days ago, realizing tho critical condition of Mr. Sherman, tho members of tho household and rela tives horo. sent telegrams to a largo numbor of tho family connections throughout tho country notifying them of his cxtrcmo Illness, and soma wero nble to reach horo boforo he did. Most of those who arrived wero at tho bedside when tho end came, tho number Including Mr. and Mrs. Colgate Hoyt of Now York, Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Wlborg of Cincinnati, Mrs. William K. Otis ot Now York City, P. Tecumsoh Sherman, a son of tho Into Gcnornl Sherman; Charles M. Sherman of Chicago and Miss Llz- zlo Sherman. Others who wero nt the bedside wero Mrs. Jamos McCnllum, tlio adopted daughter, who had been ins constant attendant, and nor nus band. Gonoral and Mrs. Miles, tho latter a niece of Secretary Sherman, wero at tho houso tho greater portion of tho day and evening, but left for tnoir nome shortly nftor midnight Thoy wero summoned when It wns ap parent tnat tno end wa3 near and reached the houso a few minutes after tho venorable statesman had passed away. Secrotnry Sherman's death occurred In tho handsome homo on K street, watch ho Had eroded eight years ago it is a largo doublo houso with white stono front and with tho hall running through the middle Tho houso facci on Franklin Squaro, tho 'prettiest res orvatlon and park In tho capital cltv bomo weeks ago tho secretary deeded tula vaiuablo proporty to Mrs. Mc Callum. Tho secrotnry was a largo noiuor or real estate in this city. having lnvo3ted oxtonslvoly In that line from tlmo to tlmo durlntr his resiacnco here. Conservative estimates of his woalth place !L at a round $1,- uuu.uuu, most or which Is believed to consist or wasnington real estate Othor Investments consist of securi ties and if is stated that tho old fam ily homo at Mansfield, O., romaincd in nis possession, notwithstanding re ports that ho had disposed of it prior to his return to Washington last month. COUNTESS IS AFTER DIVORCE. Carl IlusscUs Mutrliuoulnl Troubles Mny Soon End. LONDON, Oct. 23. Tho matrimonial troubles of tho Earl and Couute3s Russell mny vory shortly bo brought to a final conclusion. According to tho official causo list Just lssuod tho countess petitions for divorce It Is on tho undefended list, tho carl not en tering any appearance Kngllsh Comment mi Klierimui. LONDON, Oct. 23. All tho morning papers puuusn long ouuunries and ap preciations of tho distinguished career of John Sherman. ino iimoa says: "Uo was a man who, with llttlo help from fortune and nono from genius, exorcised for many years a commanding lnfluenco on tho government of his country and enmo wnnin a stop of tho presidential cnair. " Henry Miller Dend. NEW YORK, Oct. 23. llonry Mil ler, a neighbor of lloraco Greoloy, Is. dead at Uliappaquo, N. Y., In his SOtli year. Ho was tho Inventor of tho steam air brake, his patient having been Issued January 8, 18G5, and all railroad brakes now In uso, It Is said aro patterned aftor his invention. Cholera In Jnpun. ST. PETERSDURG, Oct. 23. A dis patch received from Vladlvlstock says cholera Is Increasing to such an ox tent In Japan that steamers thenco havo been quarantined. Tho dispatch adds thero havo been a numbor of deaths on board of steamers coming from iiugasalfi. lloom Silver BInrket. , LONDON, Oct. 23. It developed to day that purchases of sllvor for India havo been resumed and today thero was buying nlso for Both Germany and China. This led to a boom In tho silver market today. Thero Is not an overabundance ot tho metal hero, Itonsts KnUcr's I'et roller. BERLIN, Oct. 23. Tho Frclsslnnlg Volkshnrtel, whoso loader la Horr Eu gono Rlchtor, la convention nt Gorllbo today adopted a resolution against Emperor William's Chlueso policy particularly condemning tho unduo prominence assumed by Germany which tho resolution declares to bo In no way Justified by Gormany'a ac tual Interests. Tho convention also donounced tho recently proclalmo doctrlno ot world omplro ns "loading to ccasoloss interference ovorywnoro endangering Germany's International position. D MBS Mitchell Holds Operators Bcsponsiblo f .r for Ocmtinuanco of Goal Strike ;ri N STRIKERS NOT TREATED FAIRLY No Disposition to Meet Minors In,. Their Own Conciliatory Spirit 0..1r tSUty Vivo Par Cent of tlio Owners Unve 'So 1'ur Aoeedod to Iteiiuest of MlnoriT",. IIAZLETON, Pa., Oct. 22. Who. Prosldent Mitchell of tho United Mlno WorkorB wag askod today what ho had to say in regard to tho settlement of tho minors' strlko ho said: "As thero appears to bo some dis position on tho part of tho public to place tho responsibility of tho. prolong ation of tho strlko on tho shoulders of tho Mlno Workers, spoaklng for them I want to Bay that when tho Scranton convention accepted tho 10 per cent advanco In wages, providing tho oporntora abolished tho sliding Bcalo and guaranteed tho payment pf tno nuvanco until April l, tho minors had met tho operators moro than half way. Thoy hnd shown a conciliatory spirit and I know of no good reason why tho proposition should not havo been accepted by the operators. As a consequence, tho responsibility for tho continuanco ot tho strlko rests on tho falluro of tho oporatora to treat tho proposition of their workora consider ately. "The public should undorstnnd thnt unsatisfactory as Is tho proposition of tho oporatora who mako tho reduction In tho prlco of powdor a part ot tho ndvanco of 10 per cent, that even this proposition has not been offered by a very largo numbor of tho coal-pro- ducing companies In tho anthruclto region and until all companies guaran tee tho payment of 10 per cont ndvanco nbovo tho rato of wages paid In Sep tember until April 1, according to tho decision of tho Scranton convention. tho miners arc powerless to act. I want to ropeat again thnt thero can bo no partial sectional settlement of tho strike" Tho largo companies In tho Lehigh region that havo refused to move at all slnco tho Scranton convention was held nro Coxo Bros. & Co., tho largest coal producers In tho Lehigh region: G. D. Mnrklo & Co.. tho Lehigh & Wilkt-sbaroa company, tho Lehigh Coal and Navigation company and a largo number of smaller companies. ThcrG is also a considerable number of coal companies In tho Lackawanna and Wyoming regions that have not guar; antccd tho payment ot tho 10 por cent advance until April. Tho only dis trict that has accepted tho terms o the Scranton convention in full Is No. 9, better known as tho Schuylkill dis trict. Companies which produce G5 por cent of a total production of tho an thracite coal fields havo guaranteed tho payment of tho 10 por cent ad vanco and havo abolished tho sliding Bcalo. When Mr. Mltcholl waa asked what ho would do If all tho companies wero to post notices, ho said: "When all tho companies havo posted notices then I will havo some thing to say." When It was suggested to him that thero might bo a break In tho ranks of tho strtkors If the contest wus to contlnuo longer, ho said no men will go back to tho mines until they aro notified officially to return. The Btrlkors hero believe thnt tho companies which havo fallod to com ply with tho agreement of Thursday 8 conferenco to post nn amendment to tho original offer continuing its ap plication until April 1 are Influenced by a dcslro to hold up tho sottlomont and seo If It la not posslblo to caus a break In tho Schuylkill region. Cntnlnt; to the Unltud States. . PITTSBURG, Pa., Oct. 22. Tho Commercial Gazotto tomorrow will cay: Seybold and Dlckstod of Shef field, England, tho largest manufac turers of cruclblo steel in Great Brlt- nln, contemplnto moving their plunt to tho United States. A slto providing oxccllcnt water and rail shipping fa cilities hns been optioned near Wheel ing, W. Va., and it Is proposed to erect thereon n modern plant costing up ward of $3,000,000, which from tho first will employ nbout'3,500 mon. Tho ob ject of tho movomcut Is to get Into tho American market. Constantly In creasing cost of coal In England Is a promlnont factor acting as an Impetus to tho movement. Second Successful Test. FREDERICSHAVEN, Germany, Oct. 22. Another trial of Count Zeppelin's airship was mado today, resulting In a sorlcs of successful evolutions. Tho airship, with Count Zeppelin nnd Herr Eugcn Wolff on board, as cended nt C p. m, to an altltudo of flvo-elghths of a mile, whoro various manouvors ere executed. It then do Bccnded slowly to tho wator, which It .reached noar tho point of departuro at 5:25. Tho king nnd queen of Wurtom burg wltnosaod tho trial. Indians Mny Canto Trouble DENISON, Oct. 22. Tho Creek full blood council has been Joined by tho ChoctawB, Chlckasaws and emlnolos. Thoy nro armed with rifles. All de clare thoy will stand by tho treaty of 18CC and will not tako allotment of landB. Colonel Sheenefelo, agent of tho Flvo Civilized tribes, is confident that ho can handle tho situation. Immigrants "Held Up." NEW YORK, Oct. 22. Tho entlro list of ateonago passengers of tho La Bretngno, 716 in numbor, wero held up on tho registry floor of the bargo of fice today, b-cause It was claimed that a majority ot tho names wero Improp erly mnnlfested. No such hold-up of immigrants ns this has occurred lu yoars. If over boforo. The Immigrants would havo Icon sont back to tho ship had not tho agent of tho French lino nppoarcd in tho afternoon and sup plied a bond of $5,000 that tho flues for nil immigrants Improperly manl fostcd would bo paid. ' rrl t , slK.