FRIDAY, OCT. 12. 1900. lilAL BAJIB,Editoi;ahd Pbopiiietok tlmt republicans do not consider the questions you mention, viz: "imperialism, militarism, trusts, foreign alliances, the currency, the national banks, the supre macy of the constitution and the nuritv of the Hair" to be of Blood Troubles: HUDSOniPTION IUTK8. One Year, cashln Bdrnnco 11.25 Hlx Months, cash In mlrnnce 75 Cents' Entered tthNorthrifttte(Nurnika)potofncai seoond-clnismnUer. As the blood contains nil the elements necessary to sustain life, it is impor tant that it be kent free of nil impurities, or it becomes a source of disease, poisoning instead of nourishing the lody, nnd loss of health is sure to follow. Some poisons enter the blood from without, through the skfn by absorption, or inoculation : otlicra lrom wttmn. as wnen waste products accumulate in uie "vital importance.' The above questions as proposed by you being" equivocal and bombastic, iii'iinii'ilmir in I iuivi unrl . lincpt- ? - 'J . . . . . I . . , . . . . .. a . ...... tied and boyiSll minds, OCintr tllC svstcm and lermcnt, allowing disease germs to ucvciop anu ue taiten into me ulnr-lr in 4i-w1f nf vWu nvi i'v i.nlL circulation. While nil blood troubles have one common origin, each has some tttoCK 111 t .Klc ot lsioi .11 t poll liarU to distingui9i, it from the other. Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Republican Ticket. NATIONAL. For President, WILLI AN MfKINLEV. For Vico-Presidont, TllEODOItK ItOOSEVULT. STATU. For Clovornor, CHARLES H. DIETRICH. For Lioutonnnt Governor, E. P. SAVAGE, For Secretary of Stnto, GE0RUE W. MARSH. For TronBiiror. WILLIAM STEUFFEU. For Auditor, CHARLES WESTON. For Attornoy. Oonornl, PRANK N. PROUT. For Land CommlHlonor, FRED I). FOLMEH. For Sunt, ot Publio Instruction, W. K. FOWLER, Prosidontinl ElootorR. JOHN F. NESBITT, It. B. WINDHAM. EDWARD ROYSE, L. W. HAGUE, S. P. DAVIDSON. JACOB L. JACOBSON, .JOHN L. KENNEDY, JOSEPH L. LANOER. ticians whose continued agitation of chimerical questions tend to bring-about dis-salisfaction, sor row, poverty and misery to our people. I'nor to receiving vour letter I had mapped ' out Mr. Evans' itinerarv of this district (which I will not at this time change.) If your letter had been re ceived one week sooner and you had presented questions for de bate in which there was merit, pertaining' to the acts and doings of the legislature, the apportion ing' of the state into proper rep resentative and senatorial dis tricts, the upbuilding1 of the many charitable institutions of the state, the care and education of the unfortunate wards of the state, the governing' of the in mates of the state institutions in a humane and civilized man ner, the'enactmcnt of laws in the interests of the people, and pro viding- some means for the re lief of the congested condition of the supreme court, Mr. Evans would have been glad to have met you in debate. Yours truly, Y. U. liir.DKK Cancer, Scrofula, Old Sore, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Chronic Ulcers, Cancer. Rheumatism, liczema and other blood diseases can be distinguished by n Mrlnlii wrn nMirvl Inn nr i t, flntiittint Inn nnnpnri ntf nti tlio rIa-In . lwrv Lined disease snows sooner or later on tue outsiuc ana on me wcbkcsi pan oi uie notiy, or wuere n nnas uie icast resistance. Many mistake the sore or outward sign for tlie real disease, and attempt a cure by the use of salves, liniments "and other external applications. Valuable time is lost and no permanent benefit derived from ouch treatment. BLOOD TROUBLES REQUIRE BLOOD REMEDIES; the poison must be completely ami perma nently eradicated the blood reinforced, purified and cleansed, or the disease goes deeper and saps the very life. Mercury, potash and arsenic, the treatment usually prescribed in this class of diseases, are violent poisons, even when taken in small doses never cure, but do much harm by adding another poison to the already overburdened, diseased blood. S. s. b., Nature's own remedy, made ot roots anu uerDS, auacus me disease in the blood, nntidotcs and forces out all impurities, makes weak, thin blood rich, strong and healthy, and at the came time builds up the general health. S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known, and the only one that can reach deep-seated blood troubles. A record of 50 years of successful cures proves it to be a reliable, unfailing specific for hll blood nnd skin troubles. Fnrn MndSnal Tnnrttmnnt. Our Medical Dcnartmcnt is in chartrc of skilled physicians, who have made blood and skin diseases a life study, so If you have b2i! Contagious Wood Poison. Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Eczema, an Old Sore or Ulcer, ... - . - . . " a 4 . ' .1 f- i . 17 I or any similar blood trouble, write them fully tor advice aoout your case. All correspondence is conuucicu in strictest, cuuu deuce. We make 110 charge for this service. Book on blood and skin diseases free. SVIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. Legal Notice. The dofondnnts Etta S. Bnkor, Dnkor hor husbnnd, first nnmo unknown, will tnko nntico thnt on tlio 1th dny ot Soptombor, lOOO. tho plainttlT, Tho County of Lincoln, n corporation, filed its potition in tho district court of Lin coln county, Nobrnskn, tho object nnd prnyer of which is to foreclose certain tax lions, duly nsJceeod by Btikl nlaintili ngninst tho southwest qilnrtor of section 20, in township ill, north of rnngo lb, wesbof tho Sixth principal moridinn, No brnskn, for tho )cnr 1891 in tho sum ot 8i3.89, for tho yonr i89." in tho sum of 112 70, for tho yonr 18OO in tho sum of il.OH, for tho yonr 1897 in tho sum of iiJlo, for tho yonr i898 in the sum of ..u, for tho yonr 1809 n tho sum ot 3.85, nmouptinfifi tho totnl sum of sunn, wiui liuorest nt, thorntooften porcont por nnnum from tho Uth dny of August, 1900, nil ot which is duo nnd unpnid. l'lnintili prnys n docrco of force osurn of snid tnx Hon nnd a snlo ot snid nrom- isos. You nnd onch of you dofonduntB nro ronuircd to nnstvor snid petition nn nr boforo Mondny, tho Cth dny of Novom- oor, iuw. THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A (Jorporntion. By II. S. Ridgloy, its Attorney. lished to the world in papers, out side the 54th Representative District, the unfinished corres pondence going1 on between us, relative to debates in this district between yourself and John E. Evans. You were advertised to speak at different points in the district up to the middle of Octo ber and (in my ignorance) sup posed that you would not wish to disappoint the large and enthusiastic audiences who were Chaikman Lindsay ot the repub lican state central committee, re turned from Chicago Tuesday and says the republican national com mittee is jubilant over the success of the republican ticket on election day. He says the committee is counting on Nebraska, and Mr. Lindsay thinks they will not be disappointed. For ConRrofifl, Sixth District, MOSES P. KINK A ID. For State Senator, 10. D. OWENS. demanding scats at everv meet- Ogallala, Neb., Sept. 27, 1900. in.r that vou held, and who Hon. John 10. Evans, North Hocked to all the cross roads to Platte, Neb. My Dear bir: I greet you as you passed bv with For Representative, JNO. 15. EVANS. COUNTY. For County Attornoy. II. S. R1DQLEY. For County Conimipsioner. M. L. McCULLOUGII. Rood-Elder Corroaponaonoo. Below wc publish the cor respondence which has passed between' Orrin Reed, fusion nom inee for 'representative, and W. C. Elder, chairman of the repub lican representative district committee, relative to a joint de bate between Mr. Reed and Mr. Evans. To the Voters of the Fifty- fourth Representative District Consisting of the bounties 01 Banner, Cheyenne, Duel, Kim ball, Keith, Lincoln, McPher son. Perkins, and Scotts Muffs. Gentlemen of the District Ydu have a right to know how vour representative stands on every political, as well as every other question, in wlncn yotuv interests arc ailccted, and 1 therefore made the following challenge to Hon. J. E. Evans of worth Platte, the candidate of the republican party for repre sentativc of said Fifty-fourth district. Oirallala, Neb., Sept. 21, 1900, Hon. J. E. Evans, North Platte, Neb. Dear sir: It is conceded by eycryone that the present campaign is the most momen tous of any in tins state since the close of the civil war. Not only is there a national ticket to be chosen, but there is also a full state ticket to be elected, with two United States senators de pendent upon the result of that election. The national politics depend cnt upon this election, compris ing as thev do the micstions of imperialism, militarism, trusts, foreign alliances, tlio currency, the national oanics, tne suprem acy of the constitution and the purity of the Hag, are all of vital importance 10 uie repuuiiu ami concern its very foundation stones, and are well worthy the consideration of the whole people. To the end therefore that the people of the Fifty-fourth rep resentative district have an in telligent understanding of where you and I stand on the questions to be decided by their votes, I would respectfully request you to meet me in a joint debate in the cities and villages of this district upon dates to he agreed upon between us. The details of the meetings can be arranged, by our respective committees. I am, sir, yours most respectfully, Own Rkicd. North Platte, Neb., Sent. 20, 1900 Hon. Orin Reed, Og;allala. Neb. . Dear Sir: Replying to your favor of September 21, 1900, ad dressed to Hon John 10. IS vans and handed to me as chairman .of the republican committee of the Fifty-fourth representative district bf NebYafckni Vvb'ulU say have just received an answer throuirh W. C. Hitler under date of .September 26 to my letter to you dated September 21. l regret very mucii mat my request to you for a joint canvass of this district in which I offered to meet you in joint debate on the oucstions now at issue be tween the parties which you and I respectively represent was not "received one. week sooner.' I am still more than will'iiir to scuss with you before the v ers of this districtthe "questions pertaining to the acts and doings charge to McKinley oi tne legislature, me apportion- Mr. Uvans retused ing of the state into proper rep resentative and senatorial dis tricts, the unbuilding' of the many charitable institutions or the state, the care and education of the unfortunate wards of the state, the governing of inmates of Uie state institutions in a humane and civilized manner, the enactment of laws in the in tcrest of the people and cspec lally "of laws in the interest ol the people of western Nebraska," and providing means tor tne re- e r . , . - . .i r iiei oi uie congested cuuuuiuu ui LEGAL NOTICES. Tho row, I the supreme court Un all these questions ready to meet vou before voters of the Fifty-fourth trict, and hopinir you will lind it convenient proposition for a meeting for the these oucstions I the Hon. Butler your moutn mil oi tne now stale issues, Militarism, Imperialism and all the other isms that have been used since the formation of our government by people like' youself, who imagine, in their own conceit, that thev are wise beyond others and the ones fitted to properly assist in the manage ment of the affairs of this govern ment. Washington, Jeuerson, Jackson and even Lincoln, whom you pretend is your patron saint, were accused ol the same abuses in former years which you now You say "to do so", I demand that you give the date, time and place where such re fusal was made by Mr. Evans or stand convicted' of falsehood in your statements in the public press. I shall publish in the papers of this district the whole of the correspondence. Had you contained yourself, your anxious- ncss todiscuss questions pertain ing' to the duties ot a legislator would have 'been satisheo, and your desires (except that of Re presentative ot this District) been fully satisfied, Mr. lOvans am the dis- yet to accept my series of joint discussion of refer you to Buchanan, my chairman, for the aVrangfcmcnt of all the preliminaries. 1 am. sir, yours most respectfully, is an Honorable man and Ins campaign of this district is satis factory to me, his chairman. He shall not after you have seen fit to publish in such haste (five days) our unfinished corres pondence, meet you and furnish you audiences to talk to. As you seem to disregard your chairman and he being out of town I ad- l dress this to you. Yours truly W. C. EI.DICK. L opal Notice defendants, Bodwcll & Mor Mend Stnto linnlt, Cam bridge Milling Cotnpnny, nnd John Doe, truo nntno unknown will tnko notico thnt on tho 1th day of Sopt., 1900, tho plnintiir, Tho County ot Lincoln, n corporation, tiled its potition in tho district court ot Lincoln county, Iso bniBUn, tho objoct and prnyor ot which is to torocIOBO certain tnx lions duly nssosed by enld plnintifT iiRninst tho northwest quarter of section 11, in township 10, nortli of rnnuo ICS, went of tho Sixth principal meridian, iSobrnsltn, for tho yonr 1893 in the sum or 812.118; for tho year 1891 in tho sum ot 9.215; for tho yonr 189. in tho sum of 5.12; for tho year 189G in tho sum ot 11.13; for tho yenr 1897 in tho sum of 8.08; for tho yonr 1898 in tho sum of 3.2(i; for tho yonr 1899 In tho sum of 2.812; nmountitiK in tho totnl sum of 853.12; with interest nt tho rnto of ton por cont por nnnum from tho 11th dny ot August 1900, nil of which is duo and unpnid. Plaintiff prnys n decroo ot foreclosure of said tax loin mid a eulo of said prom iSPH. You nnd each ot you dofondnnts nro required to answer Buid potition on or beforo Mondny, tho 12th day ot Nov ember, 1000. TIIK COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A Corporntion. By II. S. Ridgloy, its Atty. IiKOAL NOTICK. The defendant I- H. Gilchrist Lumber Company, and John Doc, true name un known, will take notice that on the 4th day of September, 1000, tho plalntirr, The County of Lincoln, a corporation, Mod Uh petition In the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the ob- lecianu.prayer oi which is to loreciose cer tain tax liens, duly assessed by said plalntirr, against the Northeast nuarfer of Section Twenty-one, In Township Fifteen North of Meridian, KanceThlrty.onc West of the Sixth l'rincl pai jucriuian. iseurasKa. tor tne -car mw in tne sum or iw.w; lor the vear mm in tne sum or H.w. for the vcar IBM in the sum of 10.80: for the vear lPtid In the sum of 1S.03; for the year 1897 In the sum of 5.70; for the year lt8 In the sum of, lor tne year nro in the sum of, amounting in tne total sum ot wun interest at the rate of ten per cent per an num from the 11th day of August, 1900, all or which is tlue anil unpaid. IMalntlrt pravs a decree of foreclosure of said tax liens, and a sale of said prem ises. ou and each of you defendants arc re required to answer said petition on or be ire Monday tne mn uay or November, iwjo TUB COUNTY OF LINCOLN. A Corporation. bS5I lly II. S. Hldgely, Its Attorney. I.KCIAI. NOTICE. Lccral Notico. Tho dofendnnts ID. A. KiBselbunrh Kiesolburgh his wife, first nntno un Known, nnd Kiloy Hrotherp. w ill tnko notico thnt on tlio 1th dny of Soptombor, 1900, tho plnintifT, Tho County of Lin- coin, n corporntion, tiled Us potition in tlio tllBtricl court or Lincoln county, Nebrnsltn, tho objoct nnd prnyor of which is to lorccioso corinin tux lions, duly nsBCBoed by snid plnintiir nRninst tho northwest quarter of soution 20. n town ship 9, north of rnnRo 31. west of tlio blxtti pnncipnl inonilian, Nobrnsltn. for tho year 1891 In tho sum of 815.53. for tho yonr 1895 in tho sum of 13 87, for tho yenr ibliu in ttio sum, of 1-1.51, for tho yonr WJl lu tlio sum or 13.75, for tho year 18.1)8 in tho sum of 13.75. for tho yenrl800 in tho sum ot -1.89. n'mountlm? In tho totnl sum of $75.88, with interest nt tho rnto of ton por cont nor nnnum from tho I3th dny of August, 1900, nil of which is duo and unpaid, Plnintilf nrnys n docroo of foreclosuro of said tax lien and a ealo of said prom isee. You nnd each of you defondnntfl nro required to nnswor snid notltion on or boforo Monday, tlio 5th day of Novem ber, 1900. TUB COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A Corporntion. B'l-l lly II. S. Ride ev. ts Attorney Tlio defendants Milton W. linker. linker liln wile, flrct tmmo unknown, nnd .Tohu Doo true onmo unknown, will tnke notice Hint nn tho 4th dny of September, 1IKX), tlio pliilntlff, Tho County nt Lincoln, n corporntion, tiled Its petition In the district court of Lincoln cnuuty, Nobrnskn, the ob. jeci nnu prnyer oi which is to loreciose certain tnx ileus, uuiy nssestea uysald plnintiir nKnlnst northeast quarter of eoctlon 2, In township II, norm oi rniiNo ill, wosi or uie til meridian, Koiirnskn. for tlie yonr nt till HI tn llm von. 1QQI ti. ....... .. ' - ' . . - . ' . I IMrtl l.n nn. t nn ' - 1 . . I 1 . ine yenr imnin iiie sum; rnr tlio year lblJ ,vn r" " niu uinui court in tho sum of 2o.oos for tho year 1897 in tho sum of Lincoln county, Nobrnskn. tho object ru.: r;ir iwAi?.Kr prnyor or which is to foreeloso cor- tho total sum of 87.17: with Interest at the tnitt tnx lions duly nssOBBcd by Bnid rate oi ten per cenipor annum iroin tne liitn i oi aukusi, ivw, an oi which is duo nnu . ... . ..11 ,... f OI...1. ! I riainuir prnys a decree ol foreclosuro orsald "-ou ul ouwi uimuiimi muriuiun, Lopal Notico. Tho dofoudnuts Eliznboth Newcombo, Nowcombo hor husband, first nnmo unknown, will tnko notice that on tho sixth principal 4th day of Soptombor, 1900, tho plnintiir, .uMte C,ounty .?,f Lico!?. . corporation. , the imu "a iiuiiu uuiy uhosbcu oy sniu day plnintiir mrninst tho northeast qunrer of ,m" section 15, in townBhip 0, north of rnnco 11 ... . r t!..t. ; i ; it tax lien nnd a snlo ot said premlsos. You nnd each of you defendants, are required to nnswor said potition on or before Monday, tho .mi uay oi novonuer. ivuu. Dated September '21. 1900. THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A Corporation. b31I by II S. Iliduley. Its Attorney l'KOHATIi NOTICK, In the matter of the estate of Howard F. Jeffrey, deceased. In Uie County'Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, Sept . 17. 1900. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the adminis tratrix of said estate, before the Countv Judge of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at the countvrourt room In said County, on the 18 dav of October. lPOO and on the 1H dav of aiarcn, ivui. at v o-ciock :t. in . cacn nay, ior the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to pre sent their claims, and one year for the ad ministratrix to settle sum instate, trom tne 18 day of September, IBixi. i o. n. i.iiwiiN, uoiinty jnuge. Okin Ricioi). The voters of this district arc to puss judgment as to sho is willing to fully and fairly state his position on all these matters, that the voters niay know the attitude of each candidate. Mfv vj vans reittses to tio so, l am anxious to discuss all these ques tions with hun before the voters of each of the above named counties, and I take advantage of this opportunity to state that one of the most important qucs- t;u.y of ate 'for two v tions that can come before the the position of Vice 0 nexi .egisiauire, 10 u s section and Commander ot tnestaie, win lie tne reuis tricting of the state into senator ial anil representative districts and I am pleased to state I will use all niv iniluonce, in every honorable way to secure for this district the increased reprosen tation in the senate and house of representatives, of which it is so badlv in need. It will likewise be a pleasure to me to be in close touch with each voter in the dis trict, after I have been elected t,as l ueneve 1 win uc) and con sider all matters pertaining to the district and its welfare. I shall highly appreciate all ellorts in my bchalt on the part of friends tlirought the district. With a sincere desire that all these matters will be carefully considered, I am, with very great respect, yours, Ohin Ruion. Ogalalhi, Neb. North Platte, Neb., October 8, 1901). Hon. Orin Reed. Otral alia, Neb. Dear Sir: My at tention has been called to the fact that you, in your insane de sire to obtain a state reputation, have rushed into print and p'tib- To the Voters of the Fifty-fourth Kepresentative District, Ne braska. The foregoing arc true conies of a correspondence between my self and lion. Orin Reed. Hon. John 15. 15'vans has been a resi dent of Lincoln countv. Ne braska, ever since 1872 has been postmaster of North Platte, Nebraska, County Clerk, of Lin coln county for four years, cashier of North Platte. Nat'l. bank for two.years, deputy sccrc- cars, ullctl mn mander of the state organization of the Grand Army of the Republic, has a bcttci acquaintance in the state than any other man in the district, in fact the voters of the district will make a serious and irrenar able mistake should thev fail to elect Mr. I5vans as representa tive. You will lind in the fore going Mr. Reed's comments; thev show for themselves, comments lrom us are unnecessary. answered everv letter received from Mr. Reed and Mr. Evans had nothing to do with any answer written and Reed's state ments and insinuations to the contrary are untrue. V. C. Kmjrk, Chairman of the Rep. Repre sentative Committee of the Fifty fourth district of Nebr. Attest: FuiiD R. Gink, Sec'v. In Omaha Tuesday ex-Goy. lloyd put up for Montana parties an even bet of one thousand dollars that McKinley will carry the state o Nebraska. It is said that other bets of a similar nature will be , made. TIMIIEU OULTtlltK, FINAL PltOOF-NOTIOK l'Olt l'UULICATION. Lnnd Ofllco nt North rintte. Neb. Septenibor 10th, 1(100. Notice Is hereby idvmi that (lenri-o 11. Slnulo has II I oil initio) of Intention to mako final roof I'vfnro renlstor nnd receiver nt llielr ottlco II North l'latte. Neb., mi Friday tho Kith dny of October, 1V00, on timber culturu application No, ll,7r.t, tor llio unrllii'iist iiunrtor or section No, 'JO, In township No, l'J, north raogo No, 110 wast. Ho nniiiox iih witnesses: James K. Grow. Jnme O. Ornw, William W. lluuter, UeorKO IJ. Trusser, all of North l'latte. Neb. xiu:i UEonoK I:. FniNoit, HeKlster. U. S. CONTK8T NOTICE. Lnnd oniro, NnrUi rtatte. Nob. Septemlier S, llsJO, A sufllclent contest nflblnvlt liuviuir been filed In this olnro by John II. Knowlxs. contestant. nKnlnst llonipstend Kntry No. 17,M(I, niado Mny II. ltU8, for MHith half of nonhcnKt qunrter nnd lots i ami or section !l, township i, rnune :u, by l'i-ter Cnrlsnn, coutesloe. In nhlch it Is nl. leueil Hint reier cnrli-on tins not roi-lded upon or rulllvntuil snid trnct slnco January 1, 1000, but has wholly abandoned tho same; that said dofecU exist to this date, nnd that said iiIIi-kim! nl'sence from the snid lnnd win not duo to u s omrloyiuont In lliu army, navy, or marine corns, of the United Htatos. said linrtli-s ate hereby uotltled lo annenr. resnond and oiTor evi. ilenco timi-liliiff said allexntlou nt 10 o'clock, n. m.. on iMivrmiier i). iirno, oeloro I ue register and re ceiver nt the United Slates laud olllco In North l'lnli, Lincoln county, Nebraikn, Tho snid contestnnt having', In n proper nil. dnvlt, filed Heplember .1, 1HX), set forth facts which show that after due iIIIIkohco pArsounl service of this notice rnn not bo made, It Is hereby ordered nml dlrectnd that such notice bo I'lvon by due and proper publication. tun) (Ji:unui; i: riu;.NCH, iieuuier Notico. Tho dofondnnts II.HmorBon, Minor- t-on his wife, tlrst nnmo unknown ntid Junius L. Pitnl, will tnko notico thnt on tlio 1th dny of Soptombor, il)00,tho jilnin titf, Tin' County of Lincoln, n corpora tion, tllod its potition in tho district court nf Lincoln county, Nebrnskn, tho oojoct nnu prnyor or which is to foro oloro cortnin tnx lions, duly assessed by said plnintilf nRninst tho routhenst ipinrtor of section 20, in township 10, north of rungo Hi, wept of the Sixth prinolpnl moridinn, MobniRkti, for tho yenr iSIM in tho sum of 8n (iO; for tho yonr i89." in tho sum of ilJ.5Tij for'thoyonr iBOG in tho sum of ill til; for tht yonr ity( in uio sum or o.-iu; ior itio yonr iB'JS in tho sum of 8.GU; for tho yonr i699n tho sum of l.uO; nniountins in tho totnl sum of SWlil; with intorest nt tho rnto of ton por cont por nnnum from tho lflth dny of Aufiust, lOOO.nll of whioh is duo uud unpnid. Plnintilf prnys n dooroo of foroolosuro ot snid tax lion nnd n enlo of snid prom isos, Vou nnd onch of you dofondnnts nro roipuroa to nnswor sniu potition on or boforo Mondny, tho nth dny of Noyoin bor. 1900. TUB COUNTV OE LINCOLN. .. A Corporntion. b2U Hy H. S. Ridglfcy, It's AtWrnty, LKQAL NOTICK. Tho defonilnnls II. V. Newport. Nownort, hts wife first name unknown, L. W, Tulleys, Trustee, Anglo American Loan k Trust Com pany, -nnd John Doe, true name unknown, will tnko .notice thnt on tho 1th day of September. ll00. the nlalntlff The County nt Lin coln, a corporntion, filed Its petition In the district court or Lincoln county, Nebraska, tne object and prayer or wnicn is io mreciose cortnin tnx liens, duly nssessed by said plaintiff nenlnst tho north. oast quarter of section 33, in township 0, north nt rnuite tl, west ot Sixth principal moridinn. Nebraska, for tho year 1895 lu tho sum of 1 13.87; tor tlio yoar mini in tno sum of f 15.01; for tho year 1807 in the sum ot M-.67: for the year 1603 In tho sum oX (11.71; for the year 1890 In tho sum of id.lli nmountlr.H In the totnl sum of iCO.27: with Interest nt tho rnto of ten per cent per rnnum from tho l!!th day of August, 1000, nil ot which Is due nnd unpaid. l'latntlll prnys a decree ot foreclosure of said tax lien and n sale nf snid premises. You nnd ench of you defendants, nre required Io answer saiu pennon on or before Mnndav. tlio I . m . " ...w. I oui uay oi novKMiuer, iw. Dated September ZOtti. 1000. THli COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A Cornoratlon, s214 I)y II. S. ltldRley, Its Attorney, noornsKn, ior mo yenr ibM in tno sum of 818.02; for tho yonr 1801 in tho sum of 15,98; for tho yonr 1895 in tho sum of 13 87 for tho yonr 1890 in tho sum of 1G.C5; for tho yenrJ897 in tho sum of 13.73; for tho yonr 1898 in tho sum ot 12-39; for tlio yonr 1899 in tho sum of 5.21; ntnountinpr in tho total sum of 890.15 with intorest nt tho rnto of ton por cont por nnnnum from tho 13th dny of August, 1900, nil of which is duo nnd unpaiu. rinlntilt nrnys n docroo of foreclosuro of snid tax lion nnd n snlo of snid prom ises. Vou nnd oncli of you dofondnnts nro required to nnswor snid potition on or boforo Mondny, tho 5th dny of Novem ber, 1000.' THE COUNTV OF LINCOLN, A Corporntion. s214 By II. S. Ridgloy, its Attornoy. LKQAL NOTICE. The defendants L. W. Tullays. trussteo. Anclo American mortgage K Trust company, J. V. Mi H ,.M A I .. I 1 1 ,.. ...I ... tt 1 Atmun, M.ukunc,,, urn Yiun lirBl 11IIU1U tlu. known, Fred J Tomkins. Catherine M, Tomkins his wire, and Jonu Uoe, true name tin known (Impleaded with Wllllnin Smith, ot Legal Notice. Tho dofondnnts Cnthorino.M. Tomkins, Tomkins hor htiBbnnd. llrst nnmo unknown, Frnnk B. Lumb nnd John Doo truo nnmo unknown, will tnko not un thnt on tho 1th dny of Septem ber, 1000, tho plnintiir, Tho County ot Liincoln, n corporntion, filed its petition in tho district court of Lincoln county, Nobrnskn, tho objoct nnd prnyor of Winch IS to foreloso cortnin tnx Hpnn. duly nssossod by snid plnintiir ngninst tho south hnlf ot northonst uunrter of ni.,) win lose nouco msi on luo lum dny ot Hei- section lOWIlSlllp V, nortlj or rnngo tomber, lOOO, tho plnintifT, the County of Lincoln, -tl lVnBt nf Rivth nrlnninnl mnri.Li.V. a corporation 2led Its petltlou in the district nt 'i i , A prlnoipnl monUinn, court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, the object nnd NobrnBkn, for the yenr 180o in tho sum of S7.04; for tho yenr 1890 in tho sum of i.ui; ior tlio yonr itiMi in tho sum ot 5.89; for tho yonr 1808 in tho sum of 5.02; for tho yonr 1800 in tho sum of 2.75; nniounting in tho totnl sum ot WH.J1; with interest nt thorntooften por cent por nnnum from tho 13th dny of August, 1000, nil of which is duo nnd unpnid, l'lnintiir prnys n docroo of foreclosuro of snid tnx lion nnd n snlo of snid prom ises. You nnd onch of vou dofondnnis nr.. you defendants, are rnnnlml ... i i . .... to answer snid petition on or beforo Mondny tbe T . M A.ln. V r i Vl,U.0DTOn r Mh day of November, 1000. beforo Mondny, tho 5th dny of Novum- uor, luiw. THE COUNTY prayer of which Is to foreclose certain tux Hens, duly assessed by said plaintiff against tho north half northwest and southeast qunrter of northwest quarter ot section 27, in township 0, north of range ni. west or me mini nnnc nnl morld an. Nebrnskn, for the year 1802 In the sum of if 1.1.1 ; for tho year 1MB In Iho sum of 19 41; for Iho yeur 1891 In the sum of 110.20: for the year 180.1 In tho sura of if 10. 111! for the yenr lb'.t! In the sum of J10. 10; ior me yenr ibvi in uio sum oi ta 7a; ror tne yenr 18'JS In the sum of f H. a I : for Iho yenr 1H0U in Iho sum ot Jl.flls nmounllng In tho total sum of t77.II; wun inieresi ni ino rnto nr mn per cent per nnnum from tbei.lth day ot August, 1000, nil oi wnicn is uuo anu unpaiu. I'lnlntllT prays n decree of foreclosure of said tax lion und a sale of said premises. iou anu earn ni you uetenuants, are renuired T11K COUNTY OF LINCOLN. A Cnrnnntlon. Hy II. S. llldgley; Its Attorney. 2fl By If OF LINCOLN. A Corporntion. S, Bidgloy, its Attorney. in iiiivnwnin i" nnrth nt pnntn in ...An4 nv nt I mar Minn n i: i' -i inuu in. cot ui m in t Znt ?.!!!h.. nr'W.'"W'. tor in tho sum ot ..oJ.". 11,0 HU,n .r ? -.'7! :.. i. iiiu jmir louu in iiih nil in o H."U: fnr with interest nt tho rnto of ten por cent por nnnum from tho ilth dny ot August, itw, nn oi wnion is uuo nnu unpaid. Plnintilf prnys a dooroo of foreclosure ot snid tnx lion nnd u snlo of snid prom i- i , . . i on nnu onon of you tiorenunnts nro rooulrod to nnswor snid potition on or uerore Mondny, tho nth dny of Novom uor, iuuu. THE COUNTV OF LINCOLN. 2U By II. S. RldglVi nttlfey. logal Notice. Tho dofondnnts A. And dorson his wifo, llrst nnmo unknown, nnd John Doo truo nnmo unknown, will uiuu iiuuuo lllia O l l III 4tll ilnv nf Snn. niifirtAi nnil north hnlf BoiithwoRtqunrtornf pcotion30 Iiognl Notice, Tho dofondnnts Lovi O. Bnkor. Bnkor his wifo. llrst nnmo unknown nnd John Doo, truo nnmo unknown will tnke notico thnt on tho Uh dny ot Soptombor, iyuu, tno piniiuui, mo uounty or Lin- i-uiu. ii curi:uruuuii, uiuu ItHpoilllOll in ,,,... i,Vin il,n ,.1 ,iiir r ' n ' tho district court of Lincoln county, No- Lin nnl, 7 n , 1 ,ti'Vill',0-FOU,,ty uitiDiui, uju uujt'ui) uuii ir nur ul wniuii ih i i .1 1. . . : to foreeloso cortnin tax Houb. dulv ns- " . .W'V. ' 18U'0t c.()!,rt of Lincoln sessod by said plnintiir ngninst tho of whf nnriiiniIi nni,rinr nnriici . i which is o foreeloso cortnin tnx llOUB. Hoh lmlPnor hwcn Z '.' " PlmntiiT, ngninst Lin. kii 1 1 1 1 1 nnir nr nn.thn.r.n. IVOSr, nlinrlnr unlit Imi'aoI nlinrlnr nf . "uimnuui tion 31, in towushin 12. north of rnnio tii, west oi Htxm pnnoir brnskn, for tho yoar 18 8i3 89; for tho yenr i895 l7ft. tnr ll.r. ..n .Q(t U03: for the vear i897 in Mm sum nf 10 "r '"."' m of 10.81; for H.35; for tho yenr i893 hi tho sum of 7 78; 'n0Vi Vl , Ir'Snf ' for. 1,0 for the year i899 in tho sum of 3.85 riJ."!,1;" V'Sw,005 ""'ountlnif nmountimr in tlm tntnl nnm nffsiu nn! In tho total sum of S18.80; with interest ...tti. n .i... f : ni vno rnto or ton nor cunt nnr nnnnm from tho 11th dny of August, 1900, nil of which is duo nnd unpnid. Plnintiir prnys n deoreo of foreclosuro of said tnx liens nnd n snlo of said prom ises, 1 Vou nnd onch of you dofondnnts nro rontiirod to answer snid potition on or bofro Moiitkyi tlio full dny of Novom bor, 1000. . THE COUNTV OF LINCOLN, s2i i By ii, s. r rdsiy? rrTOtfepy. .X t 1 J