The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 02, 1900, Image 8

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    Local News in 'Brief,
Mr. and Mrs. Den Redmond, of
Omaha, are visiting relatives in
Henry Brown went to Sidney
yesterday to visit friends for a
week or two.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foster re
turned Saturday from a visit in the
eafit part of the state.
Dr. F. W. Miller, DcntiBt, over
Strietss's drug store.
Manager Lloyd lias book6d Her
mann the great magician for the
evening of October 12th.
15berly Woodinanscc came up
trom Kearney Saturday and spent
Sunday with his parents.
F. J. Brockcr has removed his
tailor shop to the room lately
vacated by the Dlak Flag.
James M. Hay, Lawyer.
Arthur Hoagland has purchased
the Hartman stock of confectionery
and is moving it to his store.
Charley Kitzmillcr returned from
Denver Saturday and after remain
ing here a couple of weeks will re
turn to that place.
In the county court yesterday
Harrington & Tobin sued Frank
Chambers to recover 132 .22 due on
goods purchased by li .m.
Barb wire and staples for sale by
Mrs. W. H. C. Woodhurst and
children returned Saturday night
from Denver, where they had been
spending several weeks.
Fredrick Walteinath has filed a
petition in the district court pray
ing for a divorce irom his wife on
the grounds of unfaithfulness.
Will "Woodhurst returned Friday
night from Chicago where he at
tended a meeting of the state agents
of the North British Insurance Co.
Mrs. N. Klcui has received word
that her brother, Jacob Fine living
at Galveston, had lost his house in
the storm but managed by hard
work to save his family.
Wanted Ohiokens, tur
keys, ducks, geese and
McOullough & Carter.
15. D. Snyder has secured work
in Omaha and the family will go
there as soon as Mr. Snyder secures
a house, which will probably be
next week.
Iaac Foulk was up from GaBlin
a few days ago and openly declared
that though he supported Bryan
lour years ago he is supporting
McKinley this year.
Mrs. Annie Catchall and children
came down from Denver Saturday
and are visiting the former's
parents, Mr. and Mr. Jno. Kin, qf Osgood precinct.
A hunting party headed by Roy
Shaffer returned Sunday from a
week's shooting in the lake country.
They found chicken and grouse
plentiful and had excellent Bpott.
Laud Commissioner Wolfe suc
ceeded in selling leases on 5,480
acrcB of school land in tilts county
last Friday at prices ranging from
twenty-five cents to $1.40 per acre.
Judge Kinkade, republican candi
date for congress in this district,
spent yesterday in town mealing
our people. He' went east as far as
Kearpey on the Roosevelt special
this morning.
Jake Wolf' has gone to Kansas
City to visit fricndB for a week or
two. It is understood that the
magnet which draws Jake to that
city at frequent intervals is a very
charming young lady.
Isaac Dillon and son Sidney were
out chicken hunting a couple of
days last week, and upon their re
turp presented a brace of birdn to
this writer as evidence that when
they go out they get them.
Bulging bosotUH on a dress t-hirt
would tax the patience of a Baint.
Our shirts will keep you sweet
tempered. One dollar; the, fancy
kind 50 cents and $1.00.
Stak Clothini; Housi:.
The Eureka Stock Food company
reports, excellent ihibiiicbh and is
receiving many testimonials from
those who have given the food
thorough trial. The manufacture
and sale ot this food gives employ
ment to several men, and is there
fore' a benefit to North Platte.
MrH. S. II. Donehowcr, of Peoria,
III,, and Mrs. G. II. Hirst late of
Omaha, arrived in town Saturday
and are visiting their parents Mr,
and Mrs. M. McNamara. Mr.
Hirst has recentlv irone to 131 Paso
Texas, and after a visit here Mrs,
Hirst will join him at that place.
W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor.
You will find here
all that is newest and
best, direct from the
amous makers. And
W you will find Every
Article marked at a
lower price than you
run find tho :inu mini-
goods at the lowest
prices at which it is
safe to buy, and at the
highest which it is
worth while. A strong
line of school suits for
boys cged 3 to 16 years
$1.CIC3, $X.G0 $13, $13. CO
and your money hack if you want it.
Ot?e Price aijcl Plait? Fixtures.
Opposite old location.
L W. Milncr was down from
Sidney Saturday.
Lucicn Stcbbins spent several
days at Gering last week attending
the fair and talking politics trom a
mid-road populist point of view.
For Sale Cheap Horse and
buggy. Horse perfectly gentle,
very suitable for family driving.
Inquire of J. I Clabaugh,
The local Y. M. C. A. under the
supervision ot Secretary Sheppard
is making considerable advance
ment and there seems to be a re
newed interest in the work. The
rooms present a scrupulously tidy
and inviting appearance, and with
the. advent of cool weather there is
a noticeable increase in the evening
attendance at the rooms. Recent
additions to the library have been
made' and members now have four
teen hundred volumes from which
to select their reading matter. The
present membership is 245, but
considering the advantages which
a member receives, the enrollment
should be double that number.
for Boys' Wear is
made from the best
solo o tod upper
slock tested for ser
vice. The s o 1 e s
and heels, which
are the best leather
will produce aro
filled w
which protect the
bottom and assure
the wearer double
the servico of, any
shoo made for boys.
Sizes 2 1-2 to 51-2
Yellow Front
Shoe Store
Goo, W, Graham, Mgr.
3 doori south of P. 0. No. Plotto. Neb.
it i 2
Mothers of Boys
Arc invited to examine our
exhibit of clothes, hats and
furnishings for boys aged 3 to
20 years in the
New Fall and
Winter Styles
Whether you want a suit for
the little chap about the house;
or for the bigger boys who are
on the verge of long- trousers;
or for the youth on the thres
hold of manhood; or hats, tin-'(lcrclothing-,
shirts, neckwear,
nightshirts, shoes, etc.
This jaaimcnT fiaa
prdlfcclcd accms..
double Knees.,
(-M rlhoJt A
and $3
A. 1 Streitz and family returned
yesterday from a week's visit in
Quite a number trom Brady came
up on No. 5 this morning to see and
hear Governor Koosevelt.
Geo. A. Walker of Osgood pre
cinct had his right wrist fractured
Saturday by a colt kicking him.
Clarence Kedmond and Everett
15vans went to Lincoln yesterday
morning to visit friends for a few
Mrs. L. II. Woodmausee visited
her son lOberly at Kearney Satur
day, where he is attending the mil
itary academy.
The Delia Pringlc Ca. came in
from the east Sunday night and
last evening opened a tour-night
engagement at the opera house to
a lair sized audience. "
J. P. McG ovcrn went to Lexing
ton Sunday to open the safe in the
car which broke down at that
place, the messenger on the car not
having the combination to the safe.
Drs. Lucas and Longley removed
a fatty tumor yesterday from under
an arm of a nine year old son of
Mr, and Mrs. David Scctt. The
boy stood the operation very well.
For Rent Eight room house,
city water and all modern improve
ment. Inquire of N. H. Olds.
John E. Evans returned Sunday
from a short trip to Gering and
other points in the west part of the
state. The political conditions in
. I . A . A
mat Kocumi are very encouraging
for the republican nominees.
Arrangements have been made
for a bitr republican rally at Lex
ington today. Roosevelt will talk
lor titirty minutes, and will be
followed by Senator Dollivcr, who
will also speak In the evening.
The social given Saturday even
ing by the V. R. C. at the K. P
hall was largely attended, and
proved a very enjoyable event. A
nice lunch was served followed by
t , .. 3
u i iifi i .i in ui uiuHictiiiu recitations
Want, tlie cattleman, who had
been pasturing 1,200 head of steers
at Pawnee ranch sold 600 head pf
two and three year olds to E. Burke
of Omaha today. Thev were de
livered to the purchaner at the
stock yards in this city.
Over three thousand dollars worth
of baled hav was shipped from this
station last week, and probably as
much more was shipped from other
points in the county. It will thus
be Been that the hay crop of Lincoln
county is an important commercial
Republican Priu...s.
The republican primaries for the
selection of delegates to the com
missioner convention will be held
next Friday afternoon from four to
scyen o'clock at the respective hose
louses in the city and in Ilinman
precinct at the usual yoting place,
Orantod a Pardon.
Forrest Libby, who was sen
tenced to two years imprisonment
n the Colorado penitentiary on the
charge of horse stealing received a
pardon last week, having only
served about ninety days of the
Mr. Libby expects lo return to
North Platte this week.
102 Miles in 80 Minutes.
Engineer McGuirc made a phe
nomenal run on the Fourth district
Saturday, pulling No. 2 with eight
cars from Cheyenne to Sidney, a
distance of 102 miles in eighty-nine
minutes. This is a record-break-
ng run, and it is probably as fast
time as it is possible to make with
an eight-car train.
Notice to Republicans.
All republicans and all others
who endorse the administration of
President McKinley, are requested
to meet at the court house Satur
day evening, October 6th, to assist
in the organization of a McKinley
and Roosevelt club. Arrangements
have been made for short addresses
by local speakers.
A Meeting That Failed.
Tim T. Kelihcr issued a cull a
couple of weeks ago for a meeting
of the populist county central com
mittee last Saturday, but for some
reason the committeemen tailed to
materialize and the 'important
business" for which the meeting
was called went by default.
We presume this can be taken as
evidence that the populist party in
Lincoln county has gone over body
and soul to the democrats, and had
Mr. Kelihcr made the call read
"democrat" instead of ''populist"
he might have secured a fair
representation trom the country
John Bratt went to Omaha Sun
day night.
Frank Bacoti made his periodical
vibit to Gothenburg Sunday.
J. E. Fuller and M. B. Arbogast,
of Myrtle, came down yesterday
and remained over to hear Governor
Roosevelt 6pcak.
We haye received another supply
of McKinley and Roosevelt pictures
which will be given to those who
call at this office. We also have a
number of McKinley and Roosevelt
buttons for distribution.
Train No. 102, with Engineer
Druglas had a narrow escape from
a serious accident Sunday at Lex
ington. A journal on- the mail car
next to the engine broke just as the
train was pulling into Lexington
The car was set out and the safes
transferred to a car on train No. 2
Kansas Oity Lightning Hay
Presses now on hand and for
sale. Also repairs for the
same. Also bale ties.
Joseph Hershey, Locust St.,
North Platte.
The annual meeting of the stock-
Holders of the North Platte Cream
cry Co. will be held at the court
house in North Platte on Tuesday,
the day ot October. 1900, at
2 o clock P. M. By order of
Wanted 500 tons hay for
immediate delivory, high
prices. Harrington & Tobin.
Tailor-Made Suits
are to bo worn very extensively
this fall. To look right and to
wear right they must be made of
goods woven for that purpose
Our stock is complete in every
thing- that is best and newest
in the market.
Wilco Department;
Tlio Now
Cako Flour
Cake flour.
Mnkrft Dnllrloun
Angel Food unil
Other Cftkei.
You cannot fall to make good caVes with
this flour. Not n self-rising flour, but good
nil the year round. Endorsed by best
Teachers of Cookery. . ..
Package contains flour for 13 cakes. 'Bold by
the best grocers everywhere.
We Introduced
To the people of this city
and. other high class luxuries,
We now take pleasure in calling-
your attention to the Swans
Down Cake Flour by the use of
which you can reach the zenith
of perfection in the culinary art.
utner stores will lollow in get
ting- it tor sale.
Harrington & Tobin.
Legal Notioo.
Tho defondunts E. G. Ilnnchor,
FTnnnhor hin wifn HrRt ntimn iinUnmon
and John Doo truo namo unknown, will
tuKo notico that on tlio '21th unv of
Aucust. 1000. tho DlnintilF. Tho finnnt v
of Lincoln, n corporation, (Hod ila poti
tion in tho district court of Lincoln
county, NobrnBkn, tho object nnd prnyor
of which is to foreclose cortnin tax llonB,
duly assessed by said plaintiff neatest
mo Buuui iiiiu ui uiu norinwoBi or tno
northeast qunrtor of section 32, in town
ship 14, north of rango :i0, west ot tho
Sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, for
tho year 1891 in tho sum of 815.00; for
tho yoar 1803 in tho sum of 1(5.08; for
tho year 180G in tho sum of 10.90; for
tho yoar 1897 in the sum of 5.33; for tho
year 1898 in tho sum ot l.CG; for tho
yoar 1899 in tho sum of 1.97; amounting
in tho total sum of $78 27; with intorost
at tho rate of ten por cont por annum
from tho 31st day of July, 1000, all ot
which is duo and .unpaid.
Plaintiff prays a dooreo of foreclosure
of eaid tax lion nnd a salo of said prem
ises. You and each of you defendants aro
required to nnswor said petition on or
boforo Monday, tho 29th day of Ootober,
A Corporation,
sl44 Dy H. 3. Ridkley. its Attorney.
Legal Notice.
Tho dofonihintsClarenco K. LaShello,
La Shollo his wifo lirst namo un
known, nnd John Doo truo namo un
known, will tako notico that on tho 27th
day ot August, 1900, tho plaintiff, Tho
County of Lincoln, a corporation, tiled
its petition in tho district court of Lin
coln county, Nobrabkn, tho object and
prayor of which is to foreclose certain
tax lionp, duly nBsoesed by Baid pluintiff
against tho northwest quarter of taction
5. in township 10, north of range 30, wost
of tho Sixth principal moridlan, Ne
braska, for tho year 1895 in tho sum of
63.57; for tho year 1800 In tho sum of
1.37; for tho yonr 1897 in tho sum of
2.17; for tho yonr 1898 in the sum of
2.80; for tho yoar 1899 in the sum of
183; amounting iu tho total sum of
$19.42; with intorost at tho rato of ton
por cont por annum from tho 31st dav of
July. 1900, all of which is duo "and
Plaintiff prnys n dooroo of foreclosure
of said tax lion and n sale of said prom
ises. You nnd oocli of you defendants aro
required to answor said petition on or
boforo Monday, tlio 20th day of October,
A Corporation.
sl41 By U.S. Itiilgloy, ib Attorney.
In the malter of the t-Htate of Howard F.
Jeflrej, duccaacd.
hi the Oounty Court of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, Sept., IT, 1W,
Notice la hereby Riven that the creditors
of said deceased will meet the adminis
tratrix of HaUl estate, before the County
Judge of Lincoln County. Nebraska, at the
county court room lusald County, on the 18
day of October. IWW and on the 18 day of
March. HK)I, at 0 o'clock a, m. each day, for
the purpose of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for creditors to pre.
dent their claims, and one year for the ad
ministratrix to settle said Kstate, from the
18 day of September. Ittw.
A. S. DAI.DWIN, County Jndge.
m m
In abundance. We have them at
all prices and you cannot help being
suited with our line. Do not hesi
tate to come in and look at them
even if you are not certain of buy
ing, as we are always ready and
willing to show them off and you
will be pleased at the prices.
Do not forget we are selling WALL
PAPER at Bottom Prices. Bargains in
FURNITURE. Large stock of Win
dow Shades,
Notico to Hunters.
All persons are warned afraint-t
hunting on my premises in Hinmnn
precinct. Trespassers will be dealt
with according to la w. ,
A. M. Stoddard.
Notico to Hunters.
Hunters are strictly forbidden
against tresspassing on the lands
controlled by tne adjoining city on
the east. Trespassers will be
dealt with according to law.
N. B, OI.D9.
The defendants Milton W. Unher. linker hl
wife, flrft nnmo unknown, nnd John Doe truo
namo unknown, will Inko notice Hint on tho 4th
dny of September, lltiHI, the plnlntltr, Tho Connty
ot Lincoln, a corporation, tiled II petition In the
district court of Lincoln couuly, Nclirnskn, the ob
Ject nnd prayer of which In to foreclnoe cortnin
tnx Hens, duly niweased by nld plntutlft ngnlnt
nortuenut quarter of section 2, In township 11,
north of rnnKO ill, west of the Sixth prlnclpai
merldlnn, Nebrnokn, for the year 1SU3 In the sum
of H0.84; for the yenr letll In the um of 18.35i for
tho yonr 1895 In the sum of $15.05; for the year 18W1
In the nurn of 120.00; for the yenr 18(17 In the mm
of$0.1l for the yenr 1808 In the num of 5 73j for
tho yenrlHOU In the Ptim of tl.OOj amounting In
tho totnl sum of 87.17; with Intered at the
rnte of ten per cent per nnnum from the 18th dny
ot August, 1V00, nil of which Is duo nnd un
paid, FlnlntllT prnys n decree of foreclosure of said
tax Hen and n salo ot said premises.
You and onch of you defendnnts, nro required to
nnswer snld petition on or boforo Monday, the
Rth dny ot Noveiulor. 1000.
Dated September 21, ltKX).
A Corporation,
fSU Dy II 8. Wflley. Its Attorney
Legal Notice.
Tho defendants, John Mattson,
Aintuon tils wuo, llrst namo
known O. II. Jacobson. nnd
Jolin will
Doo, truo namo unknown
tako notico that on tho 4th day of Sept.,
1900, tho plaintiff, The County of Lin
coin, a corporation, filed its petition in
tho District Court of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, tho objoct nnd prayor of
which is to forocloso certain tnx liens,
duly assosBod by said plaintiff against
tho northeast quartor of section 9, town
ship 10, north of range 33. wost of Sixth
principal moridinn, Nebraska, for tho
yoar 1893 in tho sum of 814.24; for tho
yoar 1894 in tho sum of 9.72; for tho
year 1895, in tho sum of 8.17; for the
year 1890, In tlio sum of 1084; for tho
voar 1897. in tlio sum nf fiS? fnr tha
yonr 1898, in tho sum of 4. 02; for tho
year 1899, in the Bum or 3.05; amounting
In tho total sum of 859.92; with interest
at tho rato of ton por cont per nnnum
from tho 14th day.of August 1900, all of
wnicn iireuueanu unpaid.
Plnint.ilf nrnvn n rlnnrnn nf fnpanlnon.n
of snid tnx liens nnd n snlo of said prom-
You and onch of you dofendnnts nro
roquirod to answor snid potition on or
before Monday, tho 12th day of Nov
ember, 1900.
A Corporation.
By H. S. Ritlgloy, its Atty.
Legal Notice.
Tho defendants Levi O. Baker,
Bakor his wifo, first namo unknown and
John Doo, truo namo unknown will tnkt
notice that on tho 4th day of Septombor,
i900, tho plnmtiff, Tho County of Lin
coln, n corporation, filed its potition in
tho district court of Lincoln county, No
braska, tho object nnd prnyor of which Is
to forecloeo cortnin tax lions, duly as
sessed by said plaintiff against tho
northonst quartor northwest quarter nnd
south hnlf northwest quarter nnd north
west qunrter southwest quarter of sec
tion 31. in townnhin 19
3i, wost of Sixth .principal meridian, No
urnsitn, ior .me yonr itttH in the Bum or
8i3.89; for tho yenr i895 in tho sum of
i2.7(i; for tho yonr i89G in tho sum of
14.93; for tho yonr i897 in tho Bum of
n.35; for tho yenr i898in tho sum of 7.78;
for tho yenr i899 in tho sum of 3.85;
nmounting in tho totnl sum ot 804.50;
with interest at tho rato of ton por cent
por annum from tho ilth day.of August,
i900, all of which is duo nnd unpnid.
Plaintiff prays a decroo of foreclosure
pf said tnx lion nnd n salo of said prom
ises. You nnd onch of you dofendnnts nro
ronuiretl to nnswor snid .potition on or
boforo Mondny, tho 6th dny of Novom
bor, i900.
. ri . A Corporation.
2rt S. Ridgley, its Attorney.
m, , . ,LeBal Notice.
Iho dofondants II. Emerson, Emor-
con his wife, first nnmo unknown lind
Jnmos L. Pitnl, will tnko notice thnt on
Hi? ml1 diJy September, 1900, tho plnin
t ff, Iho County of Lincoln, n corporu
tion, tilod its potition in tho district
court of Lincoln county, Nebrnskn, tlio
object nnd prnyor of which is to foro
oloso cortnin tnx hens, duly assessed bv
said plaintiff ngninst tlio' southern
quartor of section 20, in township 10,
north of rango 3t, west of tho Sixth
priucipal moridinu, Nobrnska, for .tho
yoar i894 tho sum of 8n.00; for tl o
y"f I.89- i tho sum of 12.05; forftho year
i9 ,m tho sum of i3.23; for thenar
1897 in the Bum of 5.18; for tho yonr i898
in tho sum of 8.P0; for tho yonr 1899 in
tho sum of 4.50; nmounting in tho total
sum of 850 i4; with interest nt the rnto
of ton por cont por nnnum from tho i3th
day ot August, i900,all of whioli is duo
and unpnid.
Plnintiff prays n dooreo of foreclosure
of said tax lion nnd a snlo of snid prom
ises, You and onch of you defendants nro
required to nnswor snid petition on or
before Mondny, tho 5th dny of Noyom
l)or i900
.0 i 1, tt n J. , A Corporation.
62i4 By II. S. Ridgley, Hb Attorney.