Win Mmtx & SIXTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1900. NO. 71. JOHN DRATT. ...JOHN BRATT & CO.,... Real Estate, Loans Insurance X NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X CZ"H.oforonoo:-AjQ.v IOixxxIk. in. KTotoi-aeslxci. BET Five Cent Cigar to GET OUR PRICES ON PRESCRIPTIONS. FRESH DRUGS AlVIU&'YS. iTe-w Collet .articles. The North Platte Pharmacy. O. F. IDDINGS 1 a.23cL Crra-In Yards and Elevators at North Platto, Neb., Sutherland, Nob., Julesburg, Colorado. NORTH PLATTE MILLS, (O. P. IDDINGS,) Manufacturer of HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND OHOP FEED. Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. I PAINTS. A FULL LINE OF Joim W. Masury's Celebrated Paint ON SALE AT, Davis9 Hardware Store. 7. When juu yet ready to paint; your house, 3 rail on us and let us sili you first-class sS SZI . Id s Paint at reasonable prices. THE QUESTION is often asked, What Paint shall we use? THE ANSWER If you are looking (or covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money's worth, you must buy The Sherwin-Wiluams Paint. QOMIt libit, LOO) Det, Wears longest, Most Economical, Full Mcasuru, Our prices are the time. We rushes. s- w' P- stays COLORS IN OIL. HOUSE & USACH VARNISHES, A. F. STBBITZ, AUTUMN FOOTWEAR might just as well be attractive and stylish as comfortable and durable, don't you think? Well, we have all three excellences combined in our Ladies' Shoes, which are just as remarkable for their price. Every shoe we have in stock was made by a reliable house, employing reliable workmen and using reliable mate rials. Shoes arc reliable, too. Wilco Department 0tore. E. R. GOODMAN. J. II. STONE, Mgr. for "best goods' first, last and all arc in the business to stay and widi us. DRUGGIST. Fauit, The Delia Pringle Co., which be his a four-night engagement at the opera house next Monday even ing, will present among' other plays the noted "FatiBt.'1 In speaking of the play as presented by the Pringle Co. the Little Rock (Ark. Gazette says: It was not S. R. O. Verv near it, however. A few more could have obtained standing room. The Delia Pringle Co. presented "Faust." It was a production sur passing in some particulars that ol Lewis Mormon. In a'1 others it fully equipped Morrison's prcscnta tton. The scenery was gorgeous; the electrical and calcium effects superb. Miss Pringle was an ideal Marguerite. G. Faith Adams waB capital devil; ''Mephisto" was handled as only an artiste and an actor can conceive. The electrical gardeu was a grand sight: the Bracken scene the embodiment of perect stage cratt, It was, taken all in all, a production of merit and deserves to be classed among t he best on the road. Y. M. C. A. Notes. Rev. George A. Deecher gave a very helpful talk on how to win young men, in the rooms last Sun day. louuif men oi innn I'Miie should not mins hearing the ad' dress next Sunday on "God's call. to a nobler life." by Rev. Pulis. 15 minute song service beginning at 3 o'clock. The rooms are well filled even- iiigs with young' men. Fifty-seven visits were made to the rooms ves terday. Cost of membership less than one cent a day. BETWEEN THE RIVERS. Carpenters have Chris Pearson's new residence about enclosed. W. T. Miller is entertaining his sister Mrs, Kate Morrison of Baird, The Ware boys, are finj8hiny,un, the threshing in the vicinity of 'Nichol this week Several hundred bushels of alfal fa seed will be' hulled between the rivers between now and Christmas. John Avcline returned from New York City jiibt a few days previous to the sale of the Avelinc farm near Nichols. The Nichols creamery is doing a fine but-inet-s and has already es- tablished a.good local market lor its products. 5J. M. Zook and, bride are now nicely domiciled in their new home in Ilinman precinct. D. Congdon and D. A. Brown of North Platte were up in the valley on business last Tuesday. Louis Toillion is recovering from a severe attack of boils and erup tions, on the body. He was laid up for several days but is able to be out again. There has been several parties from abroad inquiring for and look ing after real estate for sale up this way lately. James demons is fixing up res-idence over on his farm near the Nichols school house so that he can move his family there the first of the coining month. The Tift hay outfit U loading baled hay from the south hide at Nichols. The potato crop in the vMlev thi season will not biipply the' home demand. A few hogs are slid dying j the country from the prevailing disease. Coyotes are becoming1 quite plentiful in the vallev this fall. They have done no damage to speak of as yet to htock but if they ueep increasing fears are enter tained that they will. W. 10. Miller purchased a bill of lumber and hardware of W, II. Hill at Ilershey this week with to erect an addition to his farm residence over on the south side. R. W. Calhoun is fenciiiir his farm at Nichols on the north and east, the U. P. having fenced it on the south. H. W. Brown of Sidney was in the valley on business Wednesday. Mrs. V. M. Loder of Ilershey ex pects to visit her husband, who is foreman of the section crew at Sumner this week. G. W. Brown of Ilershey is erecting' a new sod ice house and cellar combined. 10. Spitsnoglc, who has resided in the valley for several years sold his personal effects at public auction on Thursday of this week and will with his family take the train the first of the coming week for tne state of Washington to make their future home. Many fricndB regret their departure. DICKENS DOINGS. The farmers are nearly all through haying1 and are planning to harvest the watermelon crop In a lew days. There is a large acre age of watermelons in this vicinity and will take several days to seed them. J. II., Jolliff who had been visit ing in Somerset for about two weeks has returned to his home in Dickens, Mr. Albright of Lancaster. Pa., was in town Thursday and Friday looking at his land in this vicinity. This is the first time Mr. Albright was ever in Nebraska, He says this country is better than he thought it was and he also says that he believes it will be all settled up in a few years, Misses Li I a and Delia Dowcll were visiting their Msternear IOcho Friday and Saturday. Votaw and Fristo bought up eighty-eight cattle last week which they drove t Welllleet Friday. They bought all classes of cattle and paid all the way from fifteen to forty dollars each, The B. & M. has made quite 2 chauge in its time card. The east- bound train which formerly left at 2:02 a. m. now leaves at 7:18 a. in. The westbound train which form erly left at 10:08 p. m. now leaves at 4 p. m. This giyes us daylight trains both ways, which is jutt what the people have been want ing. " PoMlbliuV and Probability . The election of William Jennings Bryan to the presidency of the United States is a possibility, but not a probability. The electoral college will have 447 votes of which 221 constitute the majority neces sary to a choice. It is claimed for Mr. Bryan that he will carry every southern state and if that claim were well founded he would receive the following- electoral votes: labama 11 Arkansas 8 Delaware 3 Florida 4 Georgia 13 Kentucky 13 Louisiana 8 Maryland 8 Mississippi 9 Missouri 17 North Carolina 11 South Carolina 9 renncssee 12 Texas 13 Virginia 12 Vet Virginia 6 ,.157 Conceding to Mr. Bryan five mountain states his vote would be increased as lollowt-: Solid south 157 Colorado. Idaho. . . . .Montana , Nevada . . Utah.. .. Total 173 Conceding to him the two debat- ible states Nebraska 8 and In diana 15 Bryan would have a total vote of 190, leaving McKinley 251, or 27 votes to spare. If Bryan should carry the 24 votes ot Illinois, in addition to these states he would still be short 3 votes. But Illinois is as safe for McKinley as Ohio or Massa chusetts. If it were possible for Bryan to carry New York and Indiana, he still could not win it he should lose Maryland and Delaware, or Ne braska and Nevada, or West Vir ginia and Delaware, With these figures before ub we cannot see how Bryan's chances for election are any better than they were four years ago, it as good, Bee. Co nimlsslonor District Convention The republican clcctora of the First Commissioner District, of Lin coln County, Nebraska, will meet in convention at the court house in North Platte on Saturday, Oct. 6th, 1900, at one o'clock in. in. for the purpose of placing1 In nomination a candidate for County Com nussiouer of said district. The several precincts forming1 said district are entitled to representa tion in said convention as follows: North Platte No, 1 6 North Platte No. 2 13 North Platte No. 3 6 Ilinman 3 It is recommended that the dele gatce present cast the full vote of their respectiye precincts, and that tho precinct primaries be held on Friday evening, Oct. 5th, from 4 to 7 o'clock at the usual voting place Ira L. Baku, Co. Chrrnn. A. II. Davis, Com. 1st wd. D. W. Bakkr, Com. 2d wd. W. C. Klukk, Com. 3d wd. C. L. Bowr.N. Com. Ilinman Precinct. Pretty " We have three children. Before the birth of the last one my wife used four bot. tics of MOTHER'S FRIEND. If yon had the pictures of our children, tob could see it a fiance mat me last one is healthiest, prettiest and finest-looking: of them all. My wife thinks Mother's Friend Is the greatest and grandest remedy in the World for expect- ant mothers." Written bra Ken- lucky Attorney-at taw. 1TM HEHn treTents nine-tenths of the 1 IflLlllf satkrla Incident to chlld- ' oiriu. luccoming: mother's disposition and temper remain unruffled throughout the ordeal, because this relax- luc, penetrating liniment relieves the u&uai uistrcss. a gooa-naiurea motner Is pretty sure to have a rood-natured child. the patient Is kept in a strong, healthy condition, which the child also Inherit. Mother's Friend takes a wife through the crisis aulcklr and almost nalnlessiv. n assists In her rapid recovery, and wards - A I M - - . on me aangers mat so orten follow de livery. Sold by drunltU for SI botU. THE BRADFIELD REQULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. xpreitly for expectant ni.thera. Legal ZTotioo. Tho defendants, Dodwcll & 'Mor row, Monti Btnto Bunk, Cnm brido Milling Company, and John Dou. truo name unknown will toko notice that on tho 4th dnv of Sept., 1900, tho plaintiff, Tho County of T 1 I .1 jh-.l li . .... . . uiucuiii, n uijri'unuiun, men no peuuon in ilin iliHt Tint nnnrt. nf llnnnln nnnntw "PC hriiRkn, tho objoot and prayer of which ! ... . 1 ...f It ib iu lurouiuuH curium mi jient uuiy iippurcd by eaid plnmtifT against tlio northwoRt minrtor nf Honllnn 14. iii townnhip 10, north of rnne 33, weBt n' tho Sixth tirinolmil uiorldinn. iihi:ml(!t. for tlm vnr IN'l.'t In llin nnm ol Al'J'Jft: fnr tint vnur IH'H in 1 1, nan... nf n.'JIJ; for tho year 180."i in tho mini of 0.42: Kir mo ywir io-.n in iiie piiiii or 11.13: for tho jour 1807 in the eum of 8.08; for tho yonr 1808 in tho mim of 3.'.'(5; for tho year 1809 lp tho nuin of 2.R'2; amounting in the total Finn of .). .12; with iutorPFt nt tho rntn nf ten lr edit pr nnnuni from the 14th day i f August 1900, ull of which iu duo and unp'dd. I'lnintiir prnyH ft deeroo af forculotiuto nf en ill tux luin and u Halo of miid prum lev h. You and eauh of you dufendantn art n piir'd to nnawor wild petition on or bforo Monday, tho 12th day ot Nov ember, 1000. Tilt! COUNTY Or LINCOLN, A Corporation. Ily II. S. Hidgley, its Atty. I.KOAL NOTIOK. Tim ilofonilnuts I., I., nuker, llnkir III N!fi, tlrnt nutno uukniiwii, aud John Dor, truo nnmo unknown, will tnko notlcu tlmt on Dig 4th dnj o( Hi'plumber, 11)00, llin i.lnlullrt. Thn County nf Lincoln. cnrp'irntlnn, filed ltd petition In thfe district oniirt nf Llnrnln wiiinlj, Nelirnnkn, tho object mid of ulilcli In to fnruoloas OHrtntn tax lleoo, duty nHKHMoil liy anltl philntlfT nKlnat tho north. wi-t ipiurttir of nocltnn 2, towiililp 11, n 'rth ot rtovn ui, wrKi oi in kiiiii principal uienilliin, NmIii:h-I.h, for tlicljeur IbUI In tho nuniof tit ll... ..... ... .t.i. a.n A. . f I .11. . ior urn yt'Hi mvj hi imp "nut ii, fi.tvvj lur u0 yunr ii. iu nin buiu im ii uu, iur imu jvur ioui in Uih Kitn of id HO; for tlin yoar IHW In tlio mm of 13,73! for tho yonr lhWI In tho mint of fl., lUiimintlnR Iu the tntnl uin of 1(17, iHj with in, inrnm lli mn rm.i iii idii inr uum mr HlinUll rrom tun ism our ui auuui, ivw, an oi wuic lit nun nun uiimiiii nun uiiii uii'iii. lMnlnllff nr.fl n itAnrAII nf fn.A iIii.iifm nt alil . ii... 1 . . . i . . . .. , . i . . inx lien nun n khiii hi hiii I'rruiiswii, You and och of you ilefondautii aro reijulroil Ic (iimwur Kiild putlllon on or before Holiday, thi Mh ilny of November. ltflO, Dutud Heptumber, iO, 1WJ0. THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN. A Corporation. f2H lly II, fl. RlilKley, Hi Attorney YOU 8AW that railroad man with THAT nice looking SUIT OF OVERALLS, special make just to suit his work UNION MADE. Thro styles pained in stock. WE SOLD THEM. Wilcox Department Store. & We are I Kept Busy Repairing shoes for ( people who appreciate I, neat, substantial work the onlv kind we do. If not already a custo- i mcr vre olicit your r work. I GEO. TEKULVE, lcllow Front Shoe Store. FOR SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUQGIES, And all kinds of Farm Machinery. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK 8 SALISBURY, NORTH, .PLATfTE, A MAN who takes pride in his per sonal appearance a good "dresser" does not buy his dress suits from ready made stocks he gets a tai lor to make his clothes and thus secures a perfect fit. We make suits and guar antee them to fit at prices from .... $25.00 Up. We have a fine line of Fall and Winter Suitings. F. J. BROEKER Merchant Tnilor Ovor Morsoh's Barber Shop. AGED IN THE WOOD whiskies, wines and brandies ac quire the richest flavor and that mellow, go-down-easy quality. We sell no other sort, and so can assure you satisfaction with each purchase. Some especially fine O. C. T. Taylor brand, is the fin est on the market. It will gain in value mid therefore in price as the 1 V(urS T years roll 'round; but it is first grnilL t even now. HENRY WALTEMATH, Notice. All persoiiB are warned againBt hunting or trespassing on the lands owned and controlled by the eatatt of M. C. Keith. W. B. Millard, Executor,