The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 18, 1900, Image 4

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TUESDAY. SEPT. 18, 1900.
1RAL B ARE, Editor AWDPnorrmrron
One Tear, cnoh In sdrtnce, 11.25
Six Monthi, caih In adTtnce 75 0nU
Republican Ticket.
For Prosidont,
For Vico-Prcsidont,
For Governor,
For Lioutonant Govornor,
For Soorotnry of Stnto,
For Treasurer.
For Auditor,
For Attornoy Gonoral,
For Lrind Commislonor,
For Sunt. o( Publlo Instruction,
Prosidontial Elootors.
- L. W. HAGUE,
For Congress, Sixth District,
'For County Attornoy. ' ''
Tom Watson, who vraB one of
tlic tails to Bryan's kite four years
ago, wircB a populist paper in
Missouri that be is not supporting
Bryan this year. This telegram
was called forth by a published-report
that Watson was supporting
And riow Germany is looking' to
the United States for the money to
float a loan; further evidence that
this country is, to become the
financial nation of the world.
Never in the history of the world,
says the.Ornalia Bee, has there
been such a financial and industrial
change nJonr years as has been
witnessed in the United State's.
Expecting that Bryan would re
main at home during the campaign
and that great swarms of people
would visit Lincoln,, the hotel
keepers of that city expended con
siderable. money in increasing -their
facilities for accommodating guests.
But Mr.. Bryan is out on a circus
tour for the season, and nary a
visitor goes to Lincoln. The hotel
men are swearing a blue streak
and refuse to be comforted.
TnEBryanitc managers announce
that they hall the coal miner's
strike as a distinct aid to Bryan
and his cause. Is it not remark
able that a candidate for the high
est office in the land should regard
with favor a strike which means
incalculable loss and hardship' to
thousands of people? What a
commentary on the Bryan stock-in-trade
when such a calamity is wel
comed as tending to promote demo
cratic success! Ex.
According to the report of Treas
urer Meserve $200,000 ot the per
manent school fund is held at IiIh
aisposai wuuout investment or
deposit that brlngB interest to the
state This is the same abuse
against which such vigorous com
plaint was registered under Mr.
Mcservc's predecessors and which
lie promiBca 10 remcay. uncrc is
no reason wby money belonging to
the school fund should be used to
accommodate favored banks' or to
put interest into popocratic noli
ticians' pockets at the expense of
the taxpayers. The way to put an
end to this pernicious practice is to
elect the republican candidate for
state treasurer and have a complete
turning over of the office, Bee.
The True PopullHt of Omuha
says that if Bryuu's definition ol
imperialism is tlie correct one, the
democratic party is a more inv
perlalistic party than the republi
can. in explanation it says:
Thousand's of blacks in the south
are disfranchized are governed
without their consent or hopes o
equal rights given them." As i
matter of fact the southern demo
crats give the black man of the
south absolutely no promise, while
the republican party says to the
Filipinos that they shall enjoy self
guTcrumenc as soon at) tliey are
able tp;proT$,thelr ability .to.goveri
uvisii, uu iu paiaujisu ana
flUlttUM law and 6rder,
ii ami
Comparison of Armed Strength
of the Various Countries.
Bryan Carping About MlllUrUm
Iniporlnllain Shown to Do Uowu
right DeinnKogy.
Omahn, Nob., Sept. 17. In a stato
like Nebrnskn, whero the standard of
Intelligence In high, it would sceni
unnecessary that anything should bo
paid to disprove the assertions of
Drynu and other fusion campaigners
concerning "militarism" and "Imper
ialism." In the first place, whero Is thcro n
Republican who favors militarism or
In tho second place, how can this
country havo militarism or Imperial
ism without tho people wanting It?
Tho president could not do anything
to encourago It without an net of
congress, and congress could not do it
without tho pcoplo voting for It
electing men who would vote for It
Tho president and congress could do
no moro toward establishing this as
a fixed policy of tho nation, without
tho consent of a majority of flftoon
millions of votors, than could tho chil
dren of the public schools of Nebraska.
There are fifteen million voters In this
cbuntry. It would rcqulro moro than
seven million five hundred thousand
of them, to favor and vote for militar
ism and Imperialism before such a
policy would be possible. There nro
approximately moro than seven mil
lion 11 vo hundred thousand Republic
ans In .tho United States. Is It not
strnngo that, If such a policy bo con
templated, not ono of theso favors It?
Docs not this of Itself prove that It
Is 'a campaign bugaboo, Intohdod to
frighten and fool tho unsuspecting
voter? No party daro no political
party would bo so foolish ns
to undertnko such a move.
This samo nlarm was sounded whon
Grant was elected. Tho "Copper
heads" proclaimed from tho housotopa
that If Grant was oloctod ho would
call tho army around him and pro
claim himself military dlctutor. Grunt
nt thnt tlmo wns fresh from tho bat-tie-fluid
whero ho had Just finished
disciplining a rebellious confederacy
and, being a soldier, thero wcro somo
who wore duped and frightened, or
wanted to ho and pretended to bo, bc
causo thoy were Domocrats and op
posed to him politically but that gal
lant old horo directed tho dostlny of
tho American peoplo, for eight yenrs
and not n single act of his In any woy
reflected on his sturdy patriotism, no
retired from tho executive chair with
tho principles of self-government more
firmly Inoculated and rooted In tho
minds nnd Jionrts of the American pco-,
pio man tliey Had ever been. The
sapo was "said of Abraham Lincoln.
Bomo of the very men who aro now
pretending to ho alarmed at militarism
and Imperialism wcro tho men who
contended In 18(11 to 1S05 that tho
slavo Btates had a right to withdraw
from tho union, resist tho constitution,
do what would have destroyed tho re
public and sot np n government of
their own Independent of tho regu
larly cstnhllsuotl governmont. Tho
most troosonablo aots wore pointed to
ny them as octs of patriotism. When
tho spirit of secession spread through
out tho south, when Joff Davis estab
lished an lndenondcnt a-ovrrnmnnt.
many of these samo mon said It was
right, It waR patriotic, and when the
flower of tho youth and manhood of
the north wont forth In arms to res-
cuo tho nation from this awful porll
they wero stoned, Insulted, shot nt and
shot down by men of tho samo political
party that now pretonds to seo dungor
of militarism In tho patriotic policy of
Prestdont McKlnloy. Tho Republican
party hns onco savod tho gnlhint old
ship of stato from being driven by u
robollloiiH Democracy against tho rock
of treason. It camo to tho roscuo of
tho nation at n time when Its gunrdlnn-
ship wns sorely needed. It saved tho
nation from destruction. Ia It reasonable-
to nsHiimo thnt It would now turn
arounu anil destroy what It has for 4(1
ycurs contributed Us best genius and
statesmanship to duvclop? Is It rea
sonable to nssunio that Wllllnm Me-
Klnley, who woro tho bluo along with
urant, Shermnn, Sheridan nnd other
equally gallant soldiers, braving dls
onse, sickness nnd death to pruservu
tho nation from destruction, would
now attempt to destroy It?
In tho third place, tho regular army
now is only n mere handful of men.
In 1800 nnd for years prior thereto tho
regular army numbered 113,270. In
181)8, two years after McKlnloy was
elected, tho uriny numbered ouly 25,
700, or was moro than 2,000 less than
when tho Democrats wont out of
power. Exclusive of volunteers, avIio
wero engaged In tho Spanish war and
who are now nutting down Insurrcr
tlon In tho Philippines and murderous
riots In China, tho regular nrmy now
numbers 05.000. Tho numerical
strength of tho regular army Is fixed
by law, and neither tho president nor
congress can lncrcnse or chnugu It In
any way.
It will be seen by this that today the
aVerngo In the United States Is one sol
dlor to every 1,151 Inhabitants.
How ridiculous then becomes the
chnrgo of militarism and Imperialism
In tho light of these fnetR? Ono has
only to compare thoso flguros with tho
figures representing tho armies of im
perial countries and other nations of
tho earth to dotormlno tho ridiculous
pes of It.
Official statistics show that Russia
has a standing army of 858.000 sol
diers, or nine soldiers to every 1,000
Inhabitants; Germany has 630,000 sol
diers, or 13 soldiers to ovory 1,000 In
habitants; Trance bus 612,000 soldiers,
or Ii- soldiers to overy' 1,000 inhabi
tants; Austria-Hungary hns 3J0.000, or
ten soldiers to every 1,000 Inbrbltauts;
Italy has 300,000, or ten soldiers to
every 1,000 Inhabitants; Great llrltnln
has 230,000, or six to cvory J.0C0 inhab
itants; the republic of Switzerland (a
republic, not nn empire) has 135,000,
with only 3,000,000; Bpnln has 100,000,
or nix to every 1,000 inhabitants; Bel
glum hns 31,000, or olght to ovtry 1,000
Inhabitants; tho United States by law
Is entitled to 05,000, with a population
of 75,000,000, or, nt tho greatest, ono
soldier to ovory 1,151 Inhabitants.
Thus It will bo seen that, compared
with absolute monarchies, limited mon
archies nnd republics, tho army of tho
United States dwindles Into Insignifi
cance. The United States, with n pop
ulation 25 tlmos ns grent ns thnt of tho
republic of Switzerland, hns an nrmy
less than half us grent
Another significant fnct Is that whon
tho nrmy wns reorganized n short tlmo
ngo nnd thero wns a cnll for 35,000 vol
unteers tho number thnt volunteered
wns in excess of 1,000,000. This not
nlone attests tho patriotism of the peo
ple, but it should rcmovo nil fenr or
thought of drnft, conscription or com
pulsory mllltnry duty nny cltlzon may
Then, again, why Is It if Bryan rtnd
his party honestly bcllovo that thorc Is
dnngor from militarism or imperialism
that the fuslonlsts or Democrats have
not dlsbnndod tho iullltln In states
whero they nre In control? Have not
the fuslonlsts not only maintained tho
nillltln In Nobrnskn, but hnvo they not
increased tho numerical strougth nnd
expense of It? Havo they riot done tho
samo thing In ninny other states where
thoy aro In power?
The constitution makes the presi
dent tho commnndor-In-chlof of thomll
ltla whon It 13 cnlled into actual serv
ice, nnd It would seem thnt if thero bo
nny sincerity In nil this cnrplujr nbout
"militarism" somo of It nt least would
bo directed against tho nillltln, but
Bryan nnd his party have never hnd a
word to say on that score. Bryan' is
no moro consistent In this than bo wns
In 1800, when ho tried to contaminate
the money of- tho country nnd told the
peoplo thnt unless this was done
sweeping Industrial distress would fol
low. Neither Bryan nor any other person
of ordinary Intelligence bollaves that
this country now or nt nny futnro tlmo
will chnngo Its posltlou from n republic
to an empire. When Brynn talks about
imperialism nnd militarism ho says
what ho does not hlmsolf believe. Ho.
known It Is absolute nonsense. Ho
knows that this sort of talk It likely
to fool somebody nnd porbapn result
In a gain of votes. lie Is afttr votes
nnd Is not above indulging in shameful
demagogy nnd Imposition' to grit them.
Thnt Is the secret of IiIb protendod
'anxiety." It Is such a rldlculo is, silly
proposition that it Is unworthy of con
sideration or serious thought. Thcro
was n tlmo whon Mr. Bryan might
havo pursued this attltudo without foan
of having lib sincerity or Intogrlty Im
peached, but tho peoplo gcnorally. at
this tlmo know enough of Bryan to
know that ho is a man of moro than
ordinary Intelligence and thoy can look
upon ids attitude In this respect In no
other light than that of a political
Thero aro many mon, while differing
with Mr. Bryan In tho past, who havo
never boforo questioned his sincerity,
who will question It now. It Is dlfflpult
for them to hollove they can't bellovc
that n man of his Intelllgenco can act
ually bellovo what he himself Is trying
to Impress upon the credulity of others.
Govornor Poynter hns not as yet
taken any nctlon In tho matter of cor
recting abuses nt tho various stato In
stitutions. It hns been charged that nt Mllford
tho physician nt the Soldiers' hncno has
pnld his house rent nnd otllco rout In
groceries taken from tho home. It has
been chnrgod that tho commandant of,
tho home has bought goods for his rel
atives, had them booked ns groceries
nnd chnrgod to tho state. It has been
chnrgod that ho reserves much space at
tho homo for relatives nnd thnt nenrly
nil of his family aro provided for nt tha
state's expense. It Is charged that he
has an adjutant on tho pay roll at $25,
when tho law explicitly says that he
shnll perform such servico hlmielf or
havo It performed without expense to
the stnto. It Is charged that ao has
sold property belonging to tho stato
without properly nccountlug for the
money received from the sale of Bald
property. It Is charged that ho ban
pastured stook on state grounds, col
looted for tho same nnd nover nc
counted to the stato for tho money thus
At Grand Island tho physician In
chnrgo nt the Soldiers' homo has been
chnrgod with selling liquor to Inmate
from tho state's dispensary without ac
counting for tho money, llo Is e inrgvd
with Inebriety nnd with Inconipoten'ey
He stands charged with having dissi
pated a $1,500 drug fund in ton
months, when tho greatest amount
ever required before was $500 In 12
mouths. Ho Is charged with cruelty In
dealing with tho Inmates am; with
neglect In providing relief for ho af
flicted. At tho Institute for tho Foeblr-Mlnd-ed
at BeatHco wholesale charges of
corruption nro made and thero In every
reason to bcllovo thut tho worst has
yet to bo told,
At South Bend tho fish hatchery has
boon converted into n weed hutchory
nnd tho property Is pruqtleiilly u cqni
pleto itTeclt,
Lnod Olllce nt North Pintle, Neb.
AUKUftOlli. 1DW,
Notice 1 hereby siren thnt Henry Lehr, Well
fleet, Nob., Inn filed notice of Intention to mnko
flnnl proof before reildler anil receiver nt their
ofllco In North I'lntte, Neb., on Friday, tho 21t
ilny of September, liW, on timber culture appli
cation No. 12.AV7, for tho met hnlf nouthwest
qunrter nnd couthwost iunrter eouthenat qunrter
nnd rmithcMt quarter nortliwext nunrtor of Miction
No. 03, In townMilp No. 10 north, rnno No, SO
roftt. He name ns wIimcmch, Godfrey Klelnnw,
Frlte Kotor, Frederick Knifter, of Wollfloot, Neb.
nnd John Folchert, of Echo, Neb.
n7U G kg nor K, FniNCif, lloglstor.
Lnud Ofilce nt North 1'lnttc, Neb.,
AimiiKt 1.1, 1000.
Notice I hereby given thnt tho followlng-nmnod
retllor linn filed notice ot hln Intention to make
Qnnl proof In tuppott of hla clnlm, nnd thnt raid
proof will bo made before llegliter nnd Iteceiver
it North I'lntte, Neb., on September CTIIi, 1000, viz:
nhnuiadn homostend entry No, 10769 for tho
wet half of oorthent nnnrter nnd east hnlf ot
northwoat nunrtvr ot auction SO. tonncblnll norUi,
range 30 went.
llo nninoH tho following wltncixea lo provo hla
continuous residence upon and cultivation of snld
land, viz: K. I.. Onrrlson, Wllllnm Koto, Fred
Heller, IM Donaldson, of North I'latto, Neb.
MT-o. "ISO. K. FltKNUll, llegloter.
Land Omco nt North I'lntte, Nob.
September 10th, 11KX).
Notlco la hereby given thnt Oeoruo II. Blncle
hns filed notice of Intention to mnko flnnl
proof before register and receiver nt their ofllco
in North 1'latK Neb., on Friday the lUth day of
octouer, itw, on umber cuunro nppncntion wo.
11,7(17, for tho northeast qunrter of section No.
20, In township No. VI, north rnngo No, 30 west.
He names n witnesses: Jnmes K. Crow, James
0. Crow, Wllllnm W. Hunter, Oooro E. l'rossor,
nil of North I'lntte, Neb.
slot Geoiioe K. FnEMCit, Register.
The defendants Helen M. HumnhrevF.
(Impleaded with L. II. Jewett, et al.,)wlll
v.t: notice that on the ICtli day of July,
lliuu. the Dlaltitlff. The Countv of Lincoln, a
corporation, lllcd ltn petition In the illntrlct
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the ob
ject and prayer of which In to foreclose cer
tain tax iictiH, uuiy aHfceNRcn ny Hani juainun
aRalnsl the northwest quarter of section
i, in lowimiiipi i, norm oi ranee so, westoi tnc
Sixth principal meridian. Nebraska, for the
vear 1W)3 In the sum of 412.1: for the vear
IWI In the sum of JO.8.1; for the year
1 SUM n the sum of 10.77: for the vear 1890
In the sum of flu. 11; lor the year lt971n the
sum of S13--I; for the year 1R98 in the sum ot
410.20; for the year 18W In the sum of 8 SO;
amounting In the total sum of $100.47:
wiin interest at tnc rate ot ten per cent
per annum from the llrst dav of Mav. 1600.
all of which Is due and unpaid.
lMalntlff prays a decree of foreclosure
of said tax lclt), and a sale of said prcm-
You and each of vou defendants are re
qutred to answer said petition on or before
Monday, the Kith day of October, loeo
A corporation,
nil Ily H. S. Kldelcy, Its Attorney
The defendants llurnham Tulleys JcCo.,
Lydla Hatty and Chloe SIhsou, administra
tors of the estate of Cornelia V. Ketchum.
deceased. W.J. (law and brother, and John
Doe, true name unknown, (impleaded
with John A. LatiKdon, et. nl) will
take notice, that on the tilth dav of July,
1B0O. the plaintiff. The Countv of Lincoln, a
corporation, tiled Its petition In the district
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the
object and prayer of which Is to foreclose
certain tax neus, uuiy assessed uy sain
plaintiff against the west half of northeast
ouarter and east half northwest quarter of
Hcctlon 18. In township II, north of range X0,
west ot me sixm principal meridian, Ne
braska, for the year 180J in thelsum of J17.4I;
for the "ear 1BU3 In the sum of fit) 80; for the
year 1891 In the sum of ittW, for the year 189:
Irt the sum of I17.1W! for the vear 189U In the
junn of $'.-i.r8; for the year 1897 in the sum
or lor tne year ibvw in me sum oi
$17.fll; forthe year 1899 in the sum of $so.til:
a,ny.)uuniK jn uie total sum .or; kwitn
Interest at the rate of ten ter cent per an
num from the llrst day of May, 1900, all of
which Ih due and unpaid,
llalutlff iiravs a decree of foreclosure
of said tax liens, and a sale of said prem
you and each or vou defendants, arc re
quired to answer said petition on or before
Monday the lBtli day of October, 1900.
A Corporation,
lly II. S. Itldgley. Its Attorney.
The defendants Minerva Illood.
Illood her husband, tlrst name unknown,
and Johh Doe,- true name unknown,
will take notice that on the 7th. dav
of August. 1900, the plaintiff The
Ibuntv of Lincoln a corporation, tiled Its
Its petition In the district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which (s to foreclose certain tax liens, duly
assessed by said plaintiff against the south
west quarter of section lr, In township IS,
nor in oi range w, west oi sixin principal
meridian, Nebraska, for the year 1893 in the
uin oi ior tne vear iwi in tne sum
of S8.0'J; for the year 1895 In the Bum of
tH.3l, for the year 1890 in the sum of 8.s;s.
for the ear 1897 in the buiii oti7.05! for the
ear ibwb hi me sum oi .ui; ior tnc year
890 in thu sunt of 7.I3. amounting in the
total sum of- i77,:!7: with Interest at the
rate of ten nor cent Tier annum from thn
3lst day of July, HKiO, all of which Is due and
Plaintiff nravB a decree of foreclosure of
said tax lieu and a sale of said premises.
You ami each of vou defendants arc re
quired to answer said petition on or before
Monday, iinn nay oi uciouer, iuuu.
A Corporation,
si II lly II. S. Kldgley, its Attorney.
The defendants Nathan McGce. Mcdee
wile, llrst name unknown, and
John Doe true name unknown, will take
notice that on the ?7th dav or August, 1900,
the plaintiff, The County of Lincoln, a cor.
iMiratiou, tiled Its petition In thedlstl lct court
of Lincoln county. Nebraska, the object and
iruyer ot wnicn is to foreclose certain tax
lens, duly ashessed by said plaintiff against
the southeast quarter section II, In town
ship 1. north oi range so, west of the Sixth
meridian, jNcnrasKa, ior tnc year
801 In the sumot itS.M.tor the vear lH'.'.Mn the
sum of lU.lll, lor the year I89tl in the sum of
JI0S8, for the year lK71n the sum of J9.0I; for
tliu year 1898 m ttie sum of U.-i; lor the
year 1899 in the sum of to. 01; amounting
the total sum of J.70.30; with liitcrett at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from the
31st day of July, 1900, all of which is due and
l'lalntlff prays a decree of foreclosure
of said tax Heps and a sale of said prcm
Ues. I
You and cacti of vou defendants, are re
quired to answer said petition on or be tore
Monday, tue ivin uay oi uciouer. iwu.
till', UUUfll l Ul- liliM.Uli.-l,
A Corporation,
Mill lly II. S, Hldgley, its attorney.
1 LnmlH mid liuihlings will offer about
7,500 acres ot cchool land for Ioiiko at
nuoliu utiution ai sorm rmtio nt ttio
County Treasurer's olllco, beginning at
.)n. m.. bcplemuer -a, ivw, under tiio
following provisions of thu now suhool
laud law:
''If, nftor urliiK duodlllKence to Iao until lnnd,
nt mi niuiUHl luntnl of nix pur omit upon thu
iqiprnlsvil vriliintlon, the CotumlMouur l unitbtu
to do ml, ho niny oiler the niuo for lunao nt Ip
tlinn thu npprulnuri vnlimtliin and ltnu It to thu
perron or pcron who will pay lx pur vont un thu
(ilKhimt n Uu red vnlutttlou, ru nnuuitl reutnl, It, tu
hla jiulitmout, It U to thu lest inturucta of tho
lulu lo ni'copi aucii uin,"
Persons desiring to oxamino tho lands
to bo lo tsod may soouro lists ot tho samo,
showing tho present nppraisomeut
inuroot, uswuii iih uuy uiuur iiiiuriniuiou,
upon application to th County Trous
uror. or uy adiirossiug inouommiBetotior,
at Lincoln. At tho beginning ot tho
auction, tho Commissioner will glitdly
nnswor (ill inquiries in regard to tho
school land btiBlucffi or tho workings o
Ihb nOw ltlff.
Legal Notice.
Tbo dofontlnntaClnronco li. LaShello,
La Shello his wifo flrat nntuo un
known, nnd John Doo truo nnmo un
known, will tnko notieo Hint on tho 27th
dny of August, 1000, tho plaintiff, Tho
County of Lincoln, n corporation, llletl
its potition in tho district court ot Lin
coln county, Nobrnskn, tho object nnd
prnyor of which Is to forenloeo certnin
tnx Hons, duly assessed by enid plnintiff
ngninst tho northwest qunrter of tection
C, in township 10, north of rnno30, wost
ot tho Sixth principal inoridinn, Ne
braska, for tho year 1895 in tho sum of
$3. 57; for tho yenr 1800 In tho sum ot
1.37; for tho yonr 1897 in tho rum of
'2.17; for tho year 1893 in tho Bum of
2.80; for tho yonr 1899 in tho sum of
188; ntnounting in tho total sum of
$19.42; with intorest nt tho rnto ot ten
per cent por nnnum from tho 31st day of
July. 1900, nil of which is duo nnd
Plaintiff prays n docroo of foreclosure
of snid tnx lion and n snlo of said prom
ises. You and each of you defendants nro
required to nnswor said potition on or
boforo Monday, tho 29th day of October,
1900. '
A Corporntion.
sill I3y II. S. Itidfjloy, its Attorney.
Legal Notlco.
The dofondnnts Dolbert E. Mallotto
and Cnrrlo Mallotto his wife, will tnko
notico that on tho 27th day of August,
1900, tho plaintiff, Tho County of Lin
coln, n corporation, tilod its potition in
tho district court of Lincoln county, No
brufkn, tho object nnd prnyer of which
is to forocloso cortnin tax liens, duly
assessed by Biud plnintiff ngainst tho
oast half of southwest quarter and nest
half of southeast qunrtor ot section 21,
in township 1C, north ot rnngo 30, waat
of tho Sixth prinoipnl meridian, Ne
braska, for tho year 189G in tho sum of
$10.85;- for tho yoar 1897 in tho sum of
7. C2; for tho yoar 1893 in tho sum ot
8. G1; for tho yonr 1899 in tho sum of
fi.32; ntnounting in tho total sum of
S39.G8; with interest nttho rate of ton
per cont nor nnnum from tho 31st day of
Ju .1900. all of which is due nnd
1'laintiff prays a docreo ot forcclosuro
of said tnx Hon nnd a snlo of snid prom
You nnd each of you dofondnnts nro
required to nnswor snid potition on or
boforo Monday, tho 29th day of Octobor,
A Corporntion,
sill . By II. S. Itidgloy, its Attornoy.
Legal Notice.
Tho dofondnnts Franklin E. Johnson,
Johnson, his wlfo, llrst nnmo
unknown nnd John Doo, truo
nnmo unknown, will tnko notico thnt on
tho 27th day of August, 1900, tho plaintiff,
Ttio uounty oi ijincoin, n corporation,
Hied its potition in tho district court ot
Lincoln county, Nobrnskn. tho obieot
nnd prnyor ot which is to foreclose cor
tnin tnx liens duly asossod by said
plaintiff against tho southwest qunrter
of Section 17, in Township 11 north,
of Rnngo 30, west of tho Sixth
principal moridinu, Nobrnskn, for tho
yoar lbUi in tho outn or ?3.12; for tho
year 1895 in tho sum of 88.01; for tho
yi'nr loud in tho sum ot 9.15, for tho
year 1897 in tho Bum of 7.25; for tho yoar
lBua in tno sum or 4.88; tor tho yonr
1899 in tiio sum of 3.93; amounting in
ttio total sum of 550.01, with interest nt
tho rnto of ton por cont por nnnum from
tho 81st day of July, 1900. all ot which
is uuo nnu unpaid,
riauitiff prays n deoroo of fore
closure ot caid tux lien nnd n sale of
sai l premises.
lou nnu oacn of you doreniinnts nro
required to nnswor said notition on or
boforo Monday, tho 15th day of Octobor,
A Corporation,
sll By II. S. IUdgloy, its Atty.
Legal Notico.
Tho dofondnnts A. Ii. Millor. first nnmo
unknown, impleaded with Emma J.Frear
will tako notico thnt on tho 10th day of
July, 1900, tho plaintiff, Tho County of
Liincoln, a corporntion, lilod its potition
In tho district court ot Lincoln county,
Nobrnskn, tho object and prayer of
which is to forocloso certain tnx lions
duly ussessod by said plaintiff against
tho northeast quarter of section 22, in
township 9, north ot rnngo 20, west nt
ttiobixlti principal mortdtnn, iSebrnska,
for tho yoar 1891 in tiio sum of 10.77; for
tho year 1895 in tho sum of 9.51: for tho
yonr 1890 in tho sum of 7.31; for tho yoar
18U7 in tho sum of for tho year 189S
in tho sum or w:m ior tho voar 1899
in tho sum of $7.80; amounting in tho
total sum of 871.57, with intorest nt tho
rato of ton por cont por annum from tho
tlrst day of May, 1900, nil ot which is
duo ttnd unpaid.
Plaintiff prays a docreo of foreclosure
ot said tax lion and n milo of said prom
You nnd onch ot you dofondnnts nro
roquirod to answer said notition on or
Doioro Monday, tho lulu day oi Ucto
bor, 1900.
Till. LUUft'l'V Uf l.lNCUl.N,
A Corporation,
ell By II. S. Itidgloy, its Atty
Legal Notlco.
Tho dofondnnts Ootnvus Bobortson.
ltouertson his wife llrst niinio un
known, nud John Duo truo nnmo un-
Known, win ttiKo nolico that on ttio liitli
day of August, 1900, tho plaintiff, Tho
Uounty of Lincoln, a corporation, tiled
its DOtilton in tho district court ot Ldti
coin county, Nobrnskn, tho object and
nravor of which is to foreclose certain
tax lions duly ussessod by said plaintiff
against tho southo'tst quarter ot suction
30. in township 12, north ot rnngo 30,
west of tho bmu pnucipal inoridinn,
Nobrnnka, for tho year Wm in thn sum
of 810.02; Tor tho yoar 1890 in tho sum
ot 8.15; for tho your 1897 in tho sum
of 0.U8; ror tho year 181)3 in tho sum
of 5.80: for tho year 1899 in tho sum
ot 5.89; ntnounting in tho total sum of
$17.08; with iutorost at tho rato of ton
por ut nt per annum from tho 31st day
of July, 1900, nil of which is duo nud
Plaintiff nrnyB n docreo of foroolosuro
of snid tax lion and a Bale ot said prom
ises. You nnd each of you dofendantH nro
required to nuswor said petition on or
before Monday, tho 29th day ot Octobor,
alii By i!. S, Illtlgftv, RtlSrtloy.
Legal Notico.
Tho dofondnnts Z. J. Ilostottor, first
nnmo unknown, Hostottor, bit
wife, first nnmo unknown, (impleaded
with Jacob Ilostottor, doconsed, ot. nl.,)
tvltt 4ntfA nnl.AA lUnf I V. OKtU ,t. i9
"... fl.C7 UUtlUU W1MU VJLL IUU Ml ,U Unj UL
Juno, 1900, tho plaintiff, Tho County of
Lincoln, n corporntion, filed its petition in
braska, tho objeot nnd prnyor of which
to foroalosn nnrtnln fnr Hnna rltllv
assosod by said nlntntiff nanlnst
tho southeast qunrter of section 8,
in township 13, north of range 33, west
of tho Sixth prinoipnl meridian,
Nobrnskn, for the year 1891 in tho sum
of 111.20, for tho yoar 1895 in tho sum of
11.33; for tho yoar 189G in tho sum ot
11.4fi! fnr t lift Tnr 1R07 In IL. .
" j - - - j - " ' . 1. BUUI JL
11.30; for tho yonr 1898 in tho sum of
oi; ior mo year louy in tho Bum of
18; amounting in the total sum of
71. fK) tvltli infnrnof nf llin rnt nf
nr nnnt nnr nnnum frnm thn flrof 1n
May 1900, all of which is duo nnd unpnid.
T'lfllntttr nrnva n flanrnn nf fnpnnlnaM
of said tax loin nnd n snlo ot said prem
ises. You nnd ench of yon defendants nre
rnlllrfl in nnnuin, nni.l nAltllnn r n M
boforo Mondnv. Ilio 15th dnv nf Onto-
bor, 1900.
A Corporation.
Bll By II. S. Itidgley, Its Atty.
Legal Notice,
Tho dofondants Holon M. Humphreys
(Impleaded with L. H. will
tnko notico thnt on tholGthday of July,
1900. tho plnintiff. The Countr of Un.
coln.n corporntion, filed its potition in
thn. District Court of Lincoln County,
Nobrnskn, the objeot and prnyor of
which is to foreclose certain tnx lienii.
duly assessed by Bnld plnintitT against
tho southwest qunrter of section 1, town
ship li, north of range 30, west of Sixth
principal meridian, Nobrnskn, for the
yonr 1893 in the sum of 8.72; for the
yoar 1891 in tho auni of 8.25; for the
yenr 1895, m tho sum of 8.98; for the
yonrl89G, in tho sum of 12 05; for the
yoar 1897, in tho sum of 11.94; for ihe
yonr 1898, in the sum of 10.20; for the
yonr 1899, in the sum of 7.23;inmounting
in tho total sum ot 188.51; with intorest
nttho rato of ton por cont per nnnum
from tho first day of Mot. 1900. all of
which is duo nnd unpnid.
Plnintiff nrnvs n dncrnn nf fnrAnlntmrn
of snid tax lions nnd n snlo of said prem
You nnd each of you dofondnnts nro
roquirod to nnswor said potition on or
boforo Monday, tho 15th dny of Octo
bor, 1900.
A Corporntion.
sll By H. S. Ridgley, its Atty .
Legal Notice.
Tho dofondants D. E. Chandler.
first name unknown, trustei (Impleaded
with A. B. Minor, will tnke
notico that on tho lGth dny of July,
1900, tho plaintiff, Tho County of
Lincoln, n corporation, filed its petition
in tho district court of Lincoln county.
Nebraska, tho object and prnyer of
which is to foreoloeo certain tnx lions
duly nBsossod by said plaintiff against
tho southoast qunrtor ot section 21, in
township 10, north of rnngo 31,fwest of
Sixth principal meridian. Nebraska, for
the 1897 in tho turn et 13.21; for the year
1898 in tho sum of 4.G0; for the year
tow in tno BUtnorj.ij; amounting in
mo total sum or; with intorest nt
tho rnto of ton percent por nnnum from
tho 1st day of May, 1000, nil of which
is duo and unpn id
Plaintiff prays n docreo of foreclosure
of snid tax loin nnd a snlo ot enid prem
You and oach of you defendants aro
required to answer enid petition on or
boforo Monday, tho 15th day of Octo
bor, 1900.
A Corporation.
Bii By H. 8. Ridgloy, its Atty
Legal Notice.
Tho dofondants Nowburn, flrat
nnmo unknown, (wife, nnd impleaded
with John F. Nowburn, ot. nl.), will take
notico that on the 10th day ot July,
1900, tho plaintiff, Tho County of
Lidcoln, n corporntion, filed its petition
in tho district court of Lincoln county,
Nebrnska, the objoct and prayer of
which is to foreclose certain tax liens
duly assessed by raid plaintiff against
tho oast halt southwest quarter nnd west
hnlf southeast quarter of section 8, in
township 15, north of range 27, west ot
Sixth principal moridian, Nebraska, for
tho year 1891 in the sum of 18. 13; for
tho year 1895 in the sum of 8.78; for the
yonr 1896 in tho sum of 11.30: for the year
1897 in the sum ot 9.08; for the year 1898
in tho sum of 7.81; for tho yoar 1899
in tho sum ot I7.8G; amounting in the
totnl sum of IG9.9G; with interest at tho
rnto of ton por. cent per nnnum from tho
1st dny Jot May, 1900, nil of which is
duo and unpnid.
Plnintiff prays a docroo of foroolosuro
of said tax loin nnd n salo of said prem
ises. You nnd onch of you defendants nre
roquirod to nnswor suid potition on or
boforo Mondny, tho 15th doy of Octo
ber, 1900.
A Corporotion.
sll By H. S. Ridgloy, its Atty
Legal Notice.
Tbo dofondants E. O. Hnnchor, -Hnnchor
his wifo first nnmo unknown,
nnd John Doo truo nnmo unknown, will
tnko notico thut on tbo 27th day of
August, 1900, tho plaintiff, Tho County
ot Lincoln, n corporation, (Hod its poti
tion in tho district court of Liucolu
county, Nobrnska, tho objoct and prnyor
of which is to foreclose certain tax liens,
duly nssessed by said plaintiff against
tho soutli hnlf of tho northwest of tho
northeast quartor of Bootion 32, in town
ship 11, north of rnngo 30, west of tho
Sixth principal inoridinn, Nobrnsko, for
tho year 1891 in tho sum of $15.00; for
tho yonr 1695 in tho sum of 15.08; for
tho yonr 1890 in tho sum of 16.90; for
tho yonr 1897 in the sum of 5.33; for tho
yoar 1893 in tho sum of 1.00; for tho
year 1899 in tho sum of 1.97r ntnounting
in tho total sum ot $78 27; with interest
nt tho rato of ton por cont per nnnum
from tho 31st day ot July, 1900, all of
which is duo and unpnid.
I'laintiti prays n docroo of foroolosuro
ot snid tax lion and a snlo of said prem
ises. You and onoh of you defendants nre
roquirod to answer snid potition on or
boforo Monday, tho 29th doy of Octobor,