The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 14, 1900, Image 4

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    bc Jftcml-WtfMiJ tribune.
FRIDAY. SEPT. 14, 1900.
1RAL B ARB, Editor amd PBorniKTOB
One Your, catb In adrancs, 91.2ft
Sis Monthi, OMb In ftdrtnee 7B 0nU'
Republican Ticket.
For President,
For Vico-Presldont,
For Governor,
For Lioutonant Governor,
For Soorotnry of Stnto,
For Tronsuror.
For Auditor,
For Attornoy Gonornl,
For Lnnd Cotnmiaionor,
For Sunt, of Public Instruction,
Prooldontlnl Eloctorfl.
For CongroBfl, Sixth District,
For County Attornoy.
The republican conventions at
Sidney last Tuesday nominated
two strong and excellent men
for the legislature, and their
election is sure to follow. Sen'
ator E. D. Owens, who was re
nominated, made a clean record
and proved a hard worker in the
senate two years ago, and with
the advantage of the experience
of that term, he will be in a posi
tion to do even more effective
work in the coming session. Mr.
Owens' push and intelligence, to
gether with the spirit of fairness
which he at all times exercised,
made him a favorite in the senate
and he was one of the recognized
leaders of that body. lie goes
before the voters with a good
record and will undoubtedly rc
ceivc a larger majority than he
did two years ago.
John E. Evans, of this city,
who received the nomination for
representative, did not seek the
honor, it came to him unsolicited,
and was bestowed upon him by
reason of his fitness and popular
ity. Mr. Evans has been a rest
dent of Lincoln county for a
quarter of a century and has
ever proven a progressive and
enterprising citizen. In the
politics of western Nebraska he
has always been an important
factor, his stalwartism and stead
fast adherence to republican
principles .being at all times
worthy of emulation, and in
local politics he has always
proven to be a sound advisor.
He has filled several positions
with much credit. In the early
80's he was elected county clerk,
and discharged those duties
faithfully. He occupied the
position of deputy under Secre
tary of State Piper and proved a
valuable man in the position.
Last year he was selected as
state commander of the Grand
Army and as such won many
good words by the earnest work
he performed. Mr. Evans has
a state wide acquaintance and
' this of itself will prove a great
advantage to him in his duties as
a legislator, and the influence
which this acquaintance wil
bring will add to the effective
ness of the work which he can do
for his particular district. We
feel confident that the republi
cans of the district will heartily
support Mr. Evans, and that he
will receive many votes from
populists and democrats.
The legislative ticket is al
right; let all republicans work
,jor us success.
Democrats arc entitled to all
the comfort they can get out of
the result of the Maine election.
The republican majority in that
state does not show as much of
a slump as did the democratic
majority in Arkansas two weeks
.,. . - m - -f-
Gicnkhal Chaiiiji3 has orders
o'removc the troops from China
as soon as they arc no longer
needed for the protection of
American residents from rapine
md slaughter. This is a strong-
way for the govcrmcnt to ex
press itself against the dismcm-
)crmcnt of China.
Tun fusionists arc growing
desperate early in the campaign
over the strength of Dietrich and
the weakness of Poyntcr and
ire resorting to all kinds of vile
insinuations against the charac
ter of the republican nominee.
Butdo what they may, Poyntcr
can not be saved, his defeat is
certain and it will be well de
Aktkk a season of painstaking
figuring Collier's Weekly comes
to the conclusion that Bryan can
not be elected by any combina
tion of states that can be induced
to vote for him. Conceding to
lim everything that is reason
ibly doubtful, enough remain
in the republican column
to settle the election. This view,
which is held so generally over
the country, is vigorously com
bated by the republican national
committee, for the purpose, of
course, of doing away with the
apathy that has thus far pre
vailed in the campaign. The
committee wants to get out the
votes of all the men who prefer
a continuation of present condi
tions to the uncertainties of a
change, and allow reports of a
disquieting character to leak out
of Chicago two or three times a
week, The committee docs not
want the republicans of the na
tion to go to sleep. Lincoln
Always on the Wrong Sldo.
Omaha Ilcc.
In his speech at Youngstown
Ohio, on Friday, Senator For
akcr said that the democratic
party has been on the wronirside
of every great question for more
than fifty years. "Slavery was
auousncu, uic union was pre
scrveu, tnc constitution was
amended, our finances were rc
established, specie payments
were resumed, our credit was
restored and prosperity was
! 1 1... it... " i 1?
uuiiiu uuivurM.u uy uic repuoii
can partv," said the Ohio senator
"not only without the help of the
democratic party but in spite ol
its bitter and determined op
position. " This is unotit-stion-
able. The statesmanship that
U.S.. i! i
ii. ia in. uic whs iiiuiuit great in
material power and in moral in-
llucnce has been republican
statesmanship and every achieve
ment for national progress has
been won against the most deter
mined democratic opposition.
This is familiar to every in
telligent student of our politics!
history for the last half a ecu
tury. There has not been ; question durinir that ner
lod, tilVeetintr the well-beinir o
the goverment and people, as to
which the democrats have not
been on the wrong side. In
1864, in the midst of the civi
war, that party declared that the
effort to put down the rebellion
was a failure. After the war it
opposed every proposition for
tnc reconstruction ot the union
It denounced as unconstttutionn
the issue of paper currency bv
the government to carry on the
war and later opposed the legis
lation that made this currency
as good as gold. The policy o
protection, under which the
United States has attained in
dustrial pre-eminence and Amer
ican labor has reached a hicrher
standard than that of any other
country, has been always fought
.urn is sun opposed by tnc dem
ocratic partv.
During all this period it has
ocen tnc party ol obstruction
and reaction and it is as distinct
ly so now as at any previous
tunc. It is not less unsound now
in regard to the currency than it
was thirty years ago; it is equal
ly hostile to protection; it puts
tself in the path of national pro
gress and with even greater
)oldncss and recklessness man
ever bctorc it maitcs war on
established institutions, even
threatening to take from the
highest judicial tribunal its in
dependence and subject it to the
party will. In all tnese years
the democratic party has taken
no posuion which was juaiiuvu
by events; has made no pro
phecy that was fulfilled.
This is notably true ot tnc last
eightyears. That party came
into power in 1892, when the
country was prosperous. It
gave us a tariff law that brought
with it industrial stagnation and
business depression. In 18 it
assailed the gold standard, de-
f , j. r r ,
manueu tnc irec coinage oi sa
ver and prophesied immeasur
able disaster if that demand was
rejected. The people would
not be again fooled and events
lave shown how false was the
democratic position and prophe
cies. A partv that has been uni-
brmly wrong upon every great
question has no claim upon the
popular confidence. In view of
past events what faith can be
placed in the judgment of the
democratic party regarding
present questions Where is
the wisdom or the statesman
ship in the democracy at this
time which gives it a superior
claim to the support of the Amer
ican people?
Miss Nellie Sullivan, SC
At Mr. James Hart's.
Land Olllco at North l'lnllo. Neb,
Auuust Bill. 1900.
Nntlco Is horobr ulvon Hint Henry Luhr. Well
fleet, Neb., linn tiled nntlco of Intention to ranko
llnnl nrnnf before reulster anil receiver at their
nlllco In North l'lntto. Neb., on Frldny. the '21 ct
ilnv of Hootombnr. 1000. on tlmbor cult iro appli
cation No. 12.0(17, for the east half southwest
qunrtor ami mmthweat qunrtor foutheatt quarter
and Kouthennt quarter northwest quarter ot section
No. 3.1, In township No, IU north, rnn,;e no. au
west, no names as wnnessos, itocirrey lueinow,
Fritz Hosier. Frederick Kruiter. ot Wollltuet. Nob,
and John 1- olehort, ot jicno, Net).
nil) ukoxiuk K, FniNCit, IlcRlster,
Land Ofllco at North l'lnttii. Neb,,
Auuust 15. HtlO.
Nntlco Is hereby nlven llinttliu foltowluir-named
puttier linn filed notice of his Intention to make
flnnl proof In support ot his claim, and that snld
proof will be muds before lleglater aud lteeelver
M North l-inito, noo., ontomemuer.uu, ivuu, viz
(li;UllllK N. BTKWAHT.
who made hmuemend entry No. 10789 tor the
west halt of northeast quarter and el halt ot
northwest quarter or section au, townsnipu norm
rnniro 30 went.
He unmet) the following wltnessos tn prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of snld
lnnd, viz: K, I,. Garrison, William Htuo, Fred
lienor, va uonulitson, or Norm finite, Net).
(1174). OKO. E.FHENOH, IlJulster,
Laud Ofllco at North I'lntlu, Nob.
September 10th. 1JO0.
Notice In hereby ulvon that Oeorue II. Hind
has tiled nntloo of Intention to make flnnl
proof before reulster and recelvor at Hi Ir olllco
In North rlntti, Neb., on Friday the lU.h day of
Octobor, 1000, on limber culture appllaiuon No,
11.707. fnr the northeast quarter of section No,
1!U. In township No. 12, north rnuco No, SO west,
no names an witnesses: jamos iv. urow, jmues
0. Orow, William W. Hunter, Oooruo E. l'romor,
all ot North natto, nod.
100 UKonus K. FitSHCli, It .'ulster.
Legal Notioe.
Tliu defendants E. Q. Ilrinohor, -
Ilatichor his wifo first nnmo unknown
and Johu Doo truo nnmo unknown, wi
tnko notice that ou tho 27th tiny of
August, 1000, tho plnintiir, Tho County
or Lincoln, n corporation, moil lla noti
tlon In tho diotrict court ot Lincoln
county, NobrnHko, tho objoct nnd prnyor
ot which iri to forcoloi-o cortain tux lioiiP,
duly nuucBuod by emit! jilnintilT rigninet
tho south luiir ot tuo nortliwoBt of tl
northonst qunrtor of sootion 32, in town
Hliip ii, norm or rnno nit, wont or tin
Sixth nrlncipnl tnorhlinn, Nebraska, fo
tho yonr 1891 in tho buui of 15,0C: for
tho yonr 1895 in tho Bum of 15.08; for
tho yonr la'ju ui mo Btitti or 1U.9U; to
tho yonr 1897 in the Bum of fi.33: for th
yonr 1893 in tho sum of l.GO; for tho
yonr 1899 in tho sum ot 1.97; nmountinK
in tho totnl sum of U78 27; with httoroat
nt tho ruto or ion nor con t por milium
from tho 3lst dny ot July, 1900, nil of
which is duo nntl unpniil,
IMaintltT nrnya n dooroo of foroclosuro
ot snlu tax lion ntul n snlo of snld prom
You anil onch ot you defondnnta nro
roquirod to nnBwor rmld petition on or
hoforo Monday, tho 29th dny ot Octobor
A Corporal ion,
Hill Ky H. S. Ridgloy, ita Attorney,
1. Lnnda mid Duildinua will oltci about
7,500 ttoren ol sohool lnnd for lonso ut
public miction at North Platte nt tho
County TronBuror'e olllco, boginnlnK nt
n. in.. Sentombor 2tf, lOlK). undor th
following provisions ot tho now school
inntt inw:
"If. after aslnir duadlltueuco to lease snld land
nt an annual rental of six per cent upon tho
appraised valuiitlou, the Commissioner li- unable
tn do so, lie luay ofter the snuio for lease at lean
than tho appraised valuation nnd lento It to the
person or pcmou who will pay six per cent on tho
hluboit ottered valuation, a antiunl renin), If, In
his Judument, It In to the boat tutored) of the
note to nooept euclt bid,"
Porsona dofiirintr to oxnmino tht lund
to bo louBotl mny Roouro llata of th eauio
BiinwliiK tho present itpprattoniont
uioroor, uawoii nanny oihor infon intlon
upon nppiicnuon to mo County 1'rona
uror, or by nddrosalnp; thoCommif ioner,
nt, xjiucoiii. uio uoL'innitiir or mo
miction, tho Commissioner will clndlv
nnawor nil inquiries lu rotrnril to the
Bcnnoi innn DUBtnoss or tho workings of
uio now law,
Skin Diseases
When the excretory ortrnna fail to earrv off the waste material from the system, there is on abnor
mal accumulation of efTctc matter which
inis poison is cameu uirougn tuc Rcncral circulation to an parto ot me oouy, anu upon rencinng
the 6kin surface there is n redness and eruption, and by certain peculiarities we recognize Eczema,
Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, Erysipelas and many other slcln troubles, more or less severe.
While the skin Is the scat of Irritation, the real disease Is In the blood. Medicated lotions and
powders may allay the itching nnd burning, but never cure, no matter how long nnd faithfully
luiumutu, uuu iuc uuuuuioii is oiicn oggravaicu anu skiii pcmianentiy mjurcu uy iuck use.
The disease is more man skin deep; the entire clrcniallM is polswel.
The many preparations of arsenic, mercury, potash, etc
s. s. s
nature's own remedy, made
effectually cures blood and skin troubles, because it goes direct to the root of the disease nnd stimulates and restores normal,
healthy action to the different organs, cleanses and enriches the blood, nnd thus relieves the system of all poisonous secretions.
S. S. fa. cures permanently because it leaves none of the original poison to rc ferment lu the blood nnd cause a fresh nttnek.
S xSiIll Healthy blood is necessary to preserve that clear, smooth skin and beautiful com
B KB plcxion so much desired by nil. S. S. S. can be relied upon with certainty to keep
Br 4K tuc blood in perfect order. It has been curing blood and skin diseases for half a cen
tHw BLLW tury no thcr medicine can show such a record.
Hj kllBL ' ' ' cont(lu,s 110 Piso,tic-us minerals is purely vegetable and harmless.
WH WJjPR ur mc(l'cal departmeqt Is In charge of physicians of Targe experience in treating
WbJS hMMSv blood nnd skin diseases, who will take pleasure in aiding by their advice and direction all
v9Q9r CsRsjr who desire it. Write fully and freely about your case; your letters arc held in strictest
"r'1" confidence. We make no charge whatever for this service. Our book on Blood and
Skin Diseases will be cent free upon application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA, CA.
LKQATj notice.
The (lefcntlantH Helen M. Humphreys,
(Implcatleil with I.. II. Jcvvctt, ct al.,)wlll
take notice that on the lfltli day of July,
lDOO, the plarntirt, The County of Lincoln, a
corporation, tiled Its petition In the dltrlct
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the ob-
ect and prayer 01 wnicn m to ioreciosc cer
aln tax liens, tlulv riHScsHuil bv said plaintiff
against the northwest quarter of section
I, in township 1 1, north of ratifretit), west of the
Sixth principal meridian. Nebraska, for the
year ln3 In the sum of tl'.VJl: for the year
lH9l In the sum of frO.S.V for the year
I wis in tnc sum of 110.77: tor the year ibuo
Itilthe sum of 512.11: for the year ltt71u the
sum of $12.21; for the year 1BU8 In the sum ot
tio.20; lor the year wvv in tne suui 01
amountltiK In the total sum of tl00.47:
with Interest at the rate of ten ncr cent
per annum from the llrst day of Slay, 1000,
an 01 wnicn is tiuc anu unpaid.
l'latntin prays a ttccree 01 lorcciosure
of said tax loin, and a sale of said prem
You and each of vou defendants arc re
quired to answer said petition on or before
Monday, tnc mm nay 01 ucioucr. imu
A Corporation.
ny H, S. ItldKlcy, Its Attorney
The defendants llurnh.itn Tullevs ii Co..
Lvdla Ilattv and Chloc Slsson. administra
tors of the estate of Cornelia W. Kctchum,
deceased. W. J. Gaw and brother, and John
Doe, true name unknown, (Impleaded
with John A. LatiRdon, ct. al.,) will
take notice, that on the 10th day of July,
HKX), the plaintiff, The County of Lincoln, a
corporation, tiled Its petition In the district
court nt Lincoln county, Nebraska, the
objoct and prayer of which is to foreclose
certain tax Hens, duly assessed by said
plaintiff acatnst the west half of northeast
quarter and east half northwest quarter of
section 18, In township II, north of range SO,
west ot me nixin principal meridian, Ne
braska, for the year 1H9-! In the;smn of i!7,4l:
for the vcarlHOJln the sum of ltl 80: for the
year IH9I In the sum of JI7.'-1: for the year ITO
in the sum of JI7.02: for the year 1H0O lu the
sum of $!.r8; for the year 1807 In the sum
of fa 3d; for the year 1808 In the sum of; 1 or uic year lew 111 me sum 01 fc.-u.i'i;
amounting tn the total sum of f.'UtU'a; with
Interest at the rate of ten per cent per an
num irom tne nrst iny ot a:
which is due and unpaid.
1'laliitlff oravs n decree of foreclosure
01 said lax liens, aim a saie ot saui pi em
You and each of vou defendants, arc re
quired to answer said petition on or before
Aionuay tnc unit tiay 01 uciouer, ivuu.
A Corporation,
st I Uy 11. S. JlldKley. Its Attorney.
The defendants Minerva Mood,
Hlood her husband, llrst name unknown,
and Johli IJoe, true name unknown,
will take notice that on the S'ta, day
of August, 1000, the plaintiff The
County of Lincoln a corporation, tiled its
Its petition In the district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which Is to foreclose certain tax liens, duly
assessed by said plaintiff against the south
west quarter of section 15, In township 12,
north of ranee 30, west of Sixth principal
meridian, Nebraska, for the year 1803 In the
sum of $9.30; for the year 1801 In the sum
of (8.C0; for the year Ib05 In the sum of
M.31, for the year IbOO In the sum of
for the year 1807 In the sum of (7.05! for the
year 1808 lu the sum of 17.01; for the year
1800 In the sum of $7.13, amounting in the
total Bum of (77.37: with Interest at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from the
:ilst day of July, 1000, all of which Is due and
IMaintltT prays a decree of foreclosure of
said tax Hen and a sale of said premises.
You and each of vou defendants are re
quired to answer said petition on or before
Monday, 29th day of October. 1000.
A Corporation,
Bl-U Uy 11. S. Uldclcy, Its Attorney.
The defendants Nathan McGcc, McQce
his wife, llrst name unknown, aud
John Do: true name unknown, will take
notice that on the 27th day of August, 1000,
the plaintiff, The Countyof Lincoln, a cor.
poratlon, tiled its petition In the district court
of Lincoln comity, Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which is to foreclose certain tax
Ileus, dulv assessed by said plaintiff against
the Hiiutlieast quarter section II, In town
ship 12, north 01 ranue 30, west of the Sixth
principal meridian. Nebraska, lor the year
lhOl in the huiii otHH W.tor the Itmiuthc
sum of J0.:i5, lor the year I801) in the sum of
)I0.1'8, for the year 1807 In the sum ot tO.OI; for
the yenr 1808 In the sum ot v:M: tor the
year 1800 In the sum of 40. til, amounting
the total sum of $70,:i0; with interest at the
rate of ten per cent per annum troin the
Hist nay of July, 1000, an ui which is uue aud
laintlff nravs a decree of foreclosure
of said tax Hens and a sale of said prem
ises. You and each of you defendants, are re
quired to answer said petition 011 or before
Monday, the 20th day of October, tooo.
i tin vuunn ui-- i.iwui.rt,
A Corporation.
Hy It, S. WdKley, its attorney.
Legal Notlco.
Tho dofondnnts Out ivuu Robertson,
Itobortfon his wifo first utuno un
known, mid John Doo truo nnmo un
known, will tnlco notico thnt ou tho 27th
dny of August, 1900, tho plnlntilT, Tito
County ot Lincoln, u corporation, filed
its potition in tho district court ot Lin
coln county, NobrnflUn, tho obj'oct n-d
prnyor of which is to foreclose cortniti
tnx liens duly nssrFBod by putd plninfllT
nRitlnst tbo southennt quarter of Bortiou
30, in township 12, north ot rnngo 30,
west of tho Sixth priucipni moridimi,
Nobrnskn, for tho yonr ln9."i in tho buui
of 810.02; Tor tho yonr 1690 In tho buui
ot 8.41); for tho your 1897 lu tho buui
ot 0,08; for tho your 1898 In tho buui
of 5.80; for tho your 1899 m tho Bum
ot G.89; nmountinu in tho totnl sum of
817.08; with intoroHt nt tho rnto ot Ion
por cut por nnnutn from tho 31st dny
of July, 1900, nil of which la duo nnd
Plaintiff prnyB u docroo of .Voolosuro
of snid tux lion nnd n ettlo of Biiid prom
ises. You und onch of you dofondnnts nro
ronulrod to nnswor miid potition on or
bof oro Mondny, tho 29th dny of October,
A Corporation,
sill By ii S. Ridtfloy, its Attornoy.
poisons and clogs the blood, and It becomes
not only do not cure
of roots, herbs nnd barks, of crcat purifying and tonical properties, quickly and
Legal Notlco.
Tho dofondnntaClnronco K. ljuShollo,
La Rliolln bin wlfn flraf nnma 1111.
known, nnd John Doo truo nnmo un
known, will tnltn nntlf-n flint. n t)n 07t,
dny ot August, 1900, tho plnlntilT, Tho
ujuuvj ui xjiuuuiu, 11 corporation, iiueu
iiH petition in mo uistrict court ot ljin
coin county, Nobrnsltn, tho obj'oct nnd
prnyor or wnicn is to rorocloso corlnin
tnx Hons, tllllv IIRRPKBimI liv cnirl nliilntllT
ncrninst tho nnrthwnnt nnnrl nr nt nnnt Inn
5, in township 1(5, north of rnngo30, west
01 uio oixiti priucipni moriutnn, no
brnsltn, for tho yenr 1895 in tho sum of
$'1.07; for tho yenr 189G In tho sum of
1.37; for tho yonr 1897 in tho sum of
'2.17; for tho yonr 1893 in tho sum of
2.80; for tho yonr 1899 In tho sum of
188; ntnounting In tho totnl Bum of
119.12; with intorost nt tho rnto of ton
por cent por unnum from tho 31st dnv of
July, 1900, nil of which is duo and
PinintifT prnys n docroo of foreclosure
of enid tnx lion nnd n snle of snld prom
isos. You nnd oncli of you dofondnnta nro
roquirod to nnswor snid petition on or
boforo Mondny, tho 29th tiny of October,
A Corporation.
el44 By II, S. ItidKloy, its Attornoy.
Logal Notice.
Tho dofondnnts Dolbert E. Mnllotto
nnd Cnrrio Mnllotto his wifo, will tnko
notico thnt on tho 27th dny of August,
10K), tho phintilf, Tho Countyof Lin
coln, n corporation, iilod its potition in
tho district court of Lincoln county, No
brafltn, tho objoct nnd pruyor of which
is to forcoloso cortnin tnx lions, duly
nesosBod by Bmd plnlntilT ngainst tho
onst hnlf of southwest qunrtor nnd west
half of eouthonst qunrtor of section 21,
In township 1(5, north of raupro 30, west
of tho Sixth nrincinnl mondinn. No-
I brnskn, for tho yonr 1890 in tho aura of
?amoK. t a i. imt .1 .
i.u.oci, iut inu yuur iovi in itiu buui ui
7. C2; for tho yonr 1898 in tho sum of
8. G1; for tho yonr 1899 in tho Bum of
0.32; nmountinK in tho totnl sum of
839.G8; with intorost nttho rnto .of ton
por cent por nnnutn from tho 3l8t day of
Juy, VJd'J, nil of which is duo nnd
PlnlntilT prnys n docroo of foroclosuro
of Bmd tnx iiou und n snlo ot Buid prom
isoa. You und onch of you dofondnnts nro
ronuired to nnswer snid potition on or
boforo Monday, tho 29th dny of Octobor,
A Corporation,
Bill By II. S. Ridgloy, its Attorney.
Legal Notice.
Tho dofondnnta Franklin E. Johnson,
Johnson, his wifo, llrst nnmo
unknown nnd John Doe, truo
nnmo unknown, will tnko notico thnt on
tho 27th dny of August, 1900, tho plnintifT,
Tho County of Lincoln, n corporation,
filed ita potition in tho diatriot court ot
Lincoln county. Nobrnskn, tho object
nnd prnyor of which is to foreclose cor
tnin tnx lienB duly n8?oesod by snid
plnintifT ngninst tho southwest qunrtor
of Section 17, in Township 11 north,
of Rtngo 30, west of tho Sixth
principal mondinn, Nobinskn, for tho
yonr 1891 in tho Bum of 88.12: for tho
yonr 1895 in tho Bum of 88.01; for tho
yt-ur 189G in tho sum or 9.45, for tho
yonr 1897 in tho aum of 7.25; for tho year
1893 in tho hiiui ot 4.88; for tho yonr
1899 in tho Bum ot 3.93; ntnounting in
tho totnl Bum ot $50.0 1, with intorost nt
tho rnto of ton por cent per nnnum from
tho 31st day of July, 1900, nil of which
is duo und unpaid.
PlnintifT prnya n decroo of foro
closuro ot Bnid tnx lien nnd u sulo ot
Bit it promisoa.
You nnd onch of you dofondnntn nro
roquirod to nnswer snid potition on or
boforo Mondny, tho lfitii dny of Octobor,
A Corporation,
bII By H. S. Ridgloy, its Atty.
Legal Notice.
Tho dofondnnta A.R. Millor, llrst nnmo
unknown, Impleaded with Emmn J.Fronr
will tnko notico thnt on tho lGth dny of
July, 1900, tho plnintifT, Tho County of
Lincoln, a corporation, filed ita potition
In tho district court ot Lincoln county,
Nobrnskn, tho objoct nnd pruyor of
which is to fore-clodo certain tnx liens
duly neseBsed by Bnid plnintifT ngninst
tho northonst qunrtor of Boctiou 22, in
township 9, north of rnngo 26, west of
tho Sixth prinoipul mondinn, Nobrnskn,
for tho yonr 1891 in tho Bum of 10.77; for
tho yonr 1895 in tho buid ot 9.51; for tho
vonr 189(1 in tho sum of 7.31; for tho yonr
'1897 in tho sum of 12.21: for tho yenr 1898
hi tho sum of 10.93; for tho vonr 1899
m the Bum of 87 80; ntnounting in tho
totnl sum of 874.57, with Interest nt tho
rnto of ton por cont por nnnum from tho
llrat tiny of rany, iuuu, nil ot wnion is
duo and unnnid.
PlnintifT prnyB n dooreo of foroclosuro
of stun tnx lion nun u Bit 10 ot sniu prom
Isos. Yon nnd onoh ot you defondnnta tiro
required to nnswor snld petition on or
bororo Momluj, tho lotli uny 01 ucto
bor, 1900.
A Corporation,
ell By II. S. Ridgloy, its Atty
BOUT and ttoid.
skin diseases, but soon ruin the digestion
Legal Notico.
Tho defondnnta Z. J. Hostottor, first
nnmo unknown, Hoatottor, hla
wife, first nnmo unknown, (implendod
with Jnoob Hostottor, deconsod, ot. ui.,)
will tnko notioo thnt on tho 25th dny of
Juno, 1900, tho plnintifT, Tho County ot
Lincoln, n corporation, filed ita potition in
tho district court of Lincoln county, No
brnskn, tho obj'oct nnd prnyor of which
is to forooloso cortnin tnx liens duly
nssosod by Bnid plnintifT ngninst
tho Bouthonst qunrtor ot section 8,
in township 13, north of rnngo 33, west
ot tho Sixth "incipnl meridian,
Nobrnskn, for tho jvlir 1894 in tho buui
ot 811.20, for tho yonr 1895 in tho Bum ot
11.33; for tho yonr 189G in tho sum of
11,10; for tho yonr 1897 in tho Bum of
11. 30; for tho yenr 1893 in tho BUtn of
8.81; for tho yonr 1899 in tho sum of
5.18; nmounting in tho totnl sum ot
871.99; with intorost nt tho rnto of ton
por cont por nnnum from tho first dny of
Mny 1900, nil of which is duo nnd unpntd.
PlnintifT prnyB n docroo of forecloauro
ot snid tnx loin nnd n snlo of Bold prom
ises. You nnd onch of you dofondnnta nro
required to nnswor snid potition ou or
before Mondny, tho 15th dny of Octo
bor, 1900.
A Corporation,
all By II. S. Ridgloy, its Atty.
Legal Notice.
Tho dofondnnts Holon M. Humphreys
(Impleaded with L. II. will
tnlco notico that on tuo loth tiny ot July.
1900, tho plnintifT, Tho Countyof Lin
coln, a corporation, filed ita potition in
tho District Court of Lincoln County,
tNoornaita, tho object anu prnyor ot
which is to forooloso certniu tnx liens,
duly assessed by snld plnintifT nguinst
tho southwest ounrtor of section 1, town
ship 14, north of range 30, west of Sixth
principal meridian. JNournskn, for tne
yonr 1893 in the Bum of 88.72; for tho
yonr 1894 in tho sum of 8.25; for tho
yenr 1895, in tho sum ot 8.98; for tho
yenr lsub, in tho sum ot 1- uo; tor too
yonr 1897, in tho sum of 11.94; for tho
yonr 1898, in tho sum of 10.20; for tho
yonr 1899, in the sum of 7.23;inmounting
in tho total sum ot 888.51; witli intorost
nt tho rnto of ton por cont per nnnum
from tho first day of Mny, 1900, nil ot
which is duo nnd unpaid.
PlnintifT prays a docroo of foroclosuro
of snid tax lions aud a snlo of snld prom
ises. You nnd onch of you dofendnntB nro
roquirod to nnswor onid potition on or
boforo Monduy, tho 15th day of Octo
bor, 1900.
A Corporation,
all By II. S. Ridgloy, Ub Atty.
Legal Notico.
Tho dofondnnts D. E. Chnndler,
first nnmo unknown, trustee (Imploudetl
with A. B. Minor, ot. nl.) will tnko
notico that on tho 10th day of July,
1900, tho plaintiff, Tho County of
Lincoln, a corporation, iilod its petition
in the district court of Lincoln county,
Nobrnskn, tho object nnd prnyor of
which is to forooloso cortuln tnx liens
duly nssoBsod by snid plnintifT ngninst
tho aouthoiiBt quarter of boo tion 21, in
township 10, north of range 31,;wcst ot
Sixth principal moridinn. Nobrnskn, for
tho 1897 in tho Bum of 83.24; for tho yonr
1898 in tho Bum of 4.00. for tho yenr
1899 in tho sum of 3.13; amounting in
tho totnl sum of 812 55; with interest nt
tho rnto ot ton percent por unnum from
tho 1st duy of May, 1900, nil ot which
in duo nnd unpa id
PlnintifT prnys a decree of foroclosuro
of enid tnx loin nnd n snlo of Bnid prom
ises. You nnd onoh of you dofondnnts aro
roquirod to answor snid potition on or
boforo Mondny, tho 15th day of Octo
bor, 1900.
A Corporation.
ei4 By II. S. Ridgloy, its Atty
Legal Notice,
Tho dofendnntB Nowbur, firat
unrnu unknown, (wife, nnd implondod
with John F. Now uurn, ot. nl.), will tnko
notice thnt on the 10th duy of July,
1900, tho plnintifT, Tho County of
Lidcoln, n corporation, Iilod its potition
in tho diatriot court of Lincoln county,
Nobrnskn, tho objoct nnd prnyor of
which is to foreclose cortnin tns Hoob
duly nssessed hy enid plniutiff ngninst
thoonst hull Boutliwost quarter nnd west
hnlf Bouthonst qunrtor of section 8, in
township 15. north of rnngo 27, west of
Sixth principal moridinn, Nobrnskn, f. r
tho yonr 1891 in the Bum of 88. 13; for
tho your 1895 in tho sum of 8.78; for tho
year 1890 in tho sum of 11.30: for tho yonr
1897 in tho aum of 9.08; for the your 1898
in tho sum of 7.81; for tho yonr 1899
in tho Bum of 87.8G; nmounting in tbo
totnl sum of 809.00; with Interest at tho
rato of ton por. cent per nnnum from tho
1st dny of Mny, 1900, nil of whloh is
duo nnd unpnld.
PlnlntilT prnys a decroo of foroclosuro
ot snid tnx loin nnd n buIo of said pretn
ison. You nml onoh of you dofondnntfl aro
required to answer Bnid potition on or
bof oro Monday, tho 15th day of Octo
ber, 1900.
A Corporation
ell By H. S. Ridgloy, its Atty